powerpoint general knowledge

General Knowledge Fausto A. Orlando r.

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General KnowledgeFausto A. Orlando r.

Page 2: Powerpoint general knowledge

1: Russia: total area: 17,098,242. Northern Asia. Capital: Moscow

2: Canada: 9,984,670, Northern North America, Capital: Ottawa

3: United States: 9,826,675, North America, Capital: Washington

4: China: 9,596,961, Eastern Asia, Capital: Beijing

5: Brazil: 8,514,877, Eastern South America, Capital: Brazilia

Largest Countries

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1: Nile: Length in Miles: 4,135, North/East Africa

2. Amazon: Length in Miles: 3,980 South America

3. Chang Jiang: Length in Miles: 3,917, China

4. Mississippi-Missouri: Length in Miles: 3,870, USA.

5. Yenisey: Length in Miles: 3,434, Russia

Longest Rivers in the World

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Superior: 82,414 km2

Victoria: 69,485 km2

Huron: 69,485 km2

Michigan: 69,485 km2

Baikal: 31,500 km2

Malawi: 30,044 km2

The Great Lakes

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Artic ocean: The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world's five oceans, Europe, Asia, and North America, mostly north of the Arctic Circle

Pacific ocean: The Pacific Ocean is by far the world's largest ocean at 60,060,700 square miles (155,557,000 sq km).

Indian Ocean: The Indian Ocean is the world's third-largest ocean and it has an area of 26,469,900 square miles (68,566,000 sq km).

Oceans in the World

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Southen ocean: The Southern Ocean is the world's newest and fourth-largest ocean. In the spring of 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization decided to delimit a fifth ocean.

Artic Ocean: The Arctic Ocean is the world's smallest with an area of 5,427,000 square miles (14,056,000 sq km). 

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1. Antarctic Desert: Type: polar, Area: 13,829,430, Location: Antartica

2. Artic: Type: polar, Area: 13,726,937. Alaska , Canada, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia and Sweden.

3. Shara: Type: Subtropical, 9,100,000, Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Mali,Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia and Western Sahara

Largest Deserts

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4. Arabian desert: Type: Subtropical, Area: 2,330,000 Iraq, Jordán, Kuwait, Omán, Qatar, Saudí Arabia,United Arab Emirates and Yemen

5. Gobi Desert: Type: Cold Winter, Area:1,300,000[3]. China and Mongolia

Largest Desert

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1. Antartic Desert: Antartic Krill: Small crustaceans that are eaten by many animals.

Artic Tern: A small bird that flies from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again each year.

Blue Whale: A baleen whale that is the largest animal that ever lived on Earth.

Penguin: Penguins are birds that swim very well but cannot fly. Many penguins live in Antarctica.

Desert Animals

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Weddell Seal: The Weddell seal is a large, nocturnal pinniped from Antarctica.

Squid: The squid is a fast-swimming invertebrate with ten arms.

Shara desert animals: Addax Antelope: is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. They are flat-footed antelopes that can easily traverse the sandy landscape of the Sahara

Desert Animals

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Dromedary Camels: There are two major types of camels found in the world, Bactrian and Dromedary camels. The Dromedary camel, which is said to be of Arabian Origin, is the main Saharan camel. Dorcas Gazelle: The Dorcas Gazelle is another exceptionally beautiful animal found in the Sahara. It is the most common species of gazelle and stands up to 65 cm tall and weighs around 25 kg.

Desert Animals

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1. Mount Vesuvius: Situated near the famous city of Naples in Italy, vesuvius is a name most people have heard. Situated on the bay of Naples, it is the only volcano in Europe to have erupted in the last century. Its height is approximately 1,281 meters.

Mountains of the World

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Mount Sinai: Located in Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula, this mountain is roughly 2,285 meters in height.

It is a mountain that holds a great religious significance for many religious in the world.

Mount Everest: Everyone has heard of the Mount Everest. The tallest mountain in the world, it stands a staggering 8,848 meters above the sea level. Situated in Nepal it is a great attraction for people of all types who want to scale its heights.

Mountains Of The Word

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Mount Fuji: Among the most beautiful mountains in the world, Mount Fuji is notable for its beautifully symmetrical shape.

Mount Kilimanjaro: Considered the tallest free-standing mountain in this world this mountain is located in Tanzania and is 5,893 meters above sea-level. It is also the highest mountain in Africa.

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Mount Vesuvius, Italy: What makes Mount Vesuvius one of the most famous volcanoes of the world, is that the ash preserved the remains of entire city of Pompeii and its inhabitants as well as their pets as it is.

Cotopaxi, Ecuador: Cotopaxi is also one of the volcanoes of the Pacific Ring of Fire. With 86 recorded eruptions

Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii: This is one of the most famous volcanoes in Hawaii. It lies in the southeast part of the Hawaii, and a major portion of the volcano remains underwater.

Volcanoes of the World

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Continents of the World

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Colombia- Bogota Venezuela- Caracas Ecuador- Quito Peru- Lima Brasil- Brasilia Chile- Santiago De Chile Uruguay- Montevideo Paraguay- Asuncion Bolivis- La paz or Sucre Argentina- Buenos Aires

South America – Countries / Capitals

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rank Country Population

Date World Population


 1. China[8]


December 31, 2012 19.14% Official est


2  India 1,210,193,422

March 1, 2011 17.11% Preliminar

y 2011 census result

3  United States


March 20, 2013 4.46% Official po

pulation clock

4  Indonesia 237,641,326

May 1, 2010 3.36% 2010 cens

us result

5  Brazil 193,946,886

July 1, 2012 2.74% Official


Most populous Countries

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Country Currency Sub Currency

Afghanistan afghani 100 puls

Algeria dinar 100 centimes

Andorra euro 100 cents

Argentina austral 100 centavos

Australia dollar 100 cents

Austria euro 100 cents

Bahamas dollar 100 cents

Countries and Currencies