powerpoint notes galileo powerpoint notes this powerpoint is intended for training purposes for...


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PowerPoint Notes• Galileo PowerPoint Notes

• This PowerPoint is intended for training purposes for students as well as teachers.

• I will use this PowerPoint with fourth grade students to teach them as well as teachers how to use Galileo to research about explorers.

• We have SmartBoards at my school, so most of the PowerPoints are done in Smart Notebooks.

• I have included mostly screenshots with each slide. I believe this is a great visual for students as teachers to see how to maneuver around GALILEO.

• Slide 1:• I would go over the website address and how to login using the school's password. I would also discuss how the password changes every few months and that I would

keep them and the teachers updated with any password changes.

• Slide 4:• I would introduce the five search links that they are able to use while searching for explorers and any other topic they want to know about.

• Slide 5:• I would go over the highlights of SIRS Discoverer. I would show them how I typed in "explorers" in the search bar.

• Slide 6:• I would show them all of the articles that comes up about explorers.

• Slide 7: • This slide shows an actual article after you click on the link to open up the article about explorers.

• Slide 8:• This slide takes them to the next search link, Kids Search. I would go over the homepage and the features on this page.

• Slide 9:• This slide shows when you type in "explorers" in the search bar and then click on the photos box which I have circled what comes up. This allows the students and

teachers to see pictures about explorers.

• Slide 10:• This slide shows teacher resources. I have circled this button for teachers to see where to go for resources.

PowerPoint Notes• Slide 11:• This slide shows teachers where to type in "explorers" in the search bar and click go to get more information.

• Slide 12:• This slide shows Britannica Online. I would go over the highlights with the students and teachers. I have typed in "Lewis and Clark" to show where• to type to search for more information.

• Slide 13:• This slide shows elementary encyclopedia information about Lewis and Clark.

• Slide 14:• This slide shows teachers where to go for teacher resources. I would go over what resources teachers can find on this page.

• Slide 15:• This is the homepage for Digital Library for Georgia. I would go over and discuss the highlights of the homepage.

• Slide 16:• This slide shows the students and teachers where to type in for example "Christopher Columbus" in the search and then click go.

• Slide 17:• This slide shows all the information about Christopher Columbus that you can find in Digital Library for Georgia. I have highlighted a statue that they can click on and then

show them the next slide #18 so they can see the actual statue.

• Slide 19:• I would introduce Kids.gov's homepage and it's features on this slide.

• Slide 20:• I would show them this slide so they can see that since they are in 4th grade they click on the "K-5" button and since they are learning about explorers then they would

need to click on the "Social Studies" button.

• Slide 21:• Then I would show them after I type in "explorers" all the information they can click on that is highlighted in blue.

• Slide 22:• This is a comparison chart that I would share with the students and teachers to show which websites offer what and what they do not offer as well.