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Recipe: Blueberry Almond Green Smoothie Tip to reduce sugar cravings: Put 1 tsp-1 Tb of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar into 8oz water and drink!

Could you be dehydrated? • Cravings are often from dehydration • Thirst can be confused with hunger. If you think you are hungry between meals drink some water and wait 15 minutes. • Dehydration is the primary cause of fatigue and headaches • Muscle and joint pain increase when you are dehydrated • Dehydration affects your concentration, focus and memory .

What is enough water and how do you get it? • You should drink half your weight in ounces of water each day • Drink water every 2 hours during the day so you stay hydrated. You are losing water all day long through urination, sweating and breathing • Drink 16 ounces of water 30-60 minutes before each meal will help flush out the toxins and increase nutrient absorption. • Start your day with 2 glasses of water before food to replenish water lost while sleeping. This gets the pipes moving and the kidneys flushed. Recipe: Goji Berry Tea

Better choice : Sprouted grain bread varieties made by Ezekiel. One slice of sprouted grain and seed bread (requires refrigeration) has 14 grams of carbs, 0 grams of sugar, and a glycemic index of 37.

One Slice of organic whole wheat bread has 28 grams of carbs, 3 grams of sugar, with a glycemic index of 71. White Bread 73 That’s more than table sugar, which has a glycemic index of 59.

Limit Your Grains & Flours

Recipe: Curried Quinoa with Vegetables Recipe: Millet Mash

Low Glycemic Grains

Seed Grains Quinoa Millet Amaranth Buckwheat Brown Rice

Some of the benefits of eating vegetables: Full of vitamins & minerals so it strengthen your immune system Lower blood pressure Cancer prevention Improved circulation Reduces the risk of heart disease & stroke Increased energy Blood purification Balances your blood sugar which keeps your appetite in check Promotes healthy intestinal flora so you have less digestive problems

Easy Strategy for Healthy Eating (cooking time 30 minutes for 3 meals) 1. Breakfast – Begin with a green smoothie with some good fat and

protein You can use a high quality protein powder, hemp or chia seeds.

2. Lunch - Have a large salad for and/or blended soup. Optional: You can add in some antibiotic free chicken or organic canned beans or some canned wild salmon which can be found in most supermarkets. Keep a dressing in refrigerator (prepare soup & dressing in advance for a few days) Easy dressing: apple cider vinegar , olive oil, sea salt

3. Dinner - Make up big pot of quinoa or brown rice if you prefer so you can have it on hand for dinners each evening. This will last 3-4 days. Heat up the grains. Sauté up some greens, lots of them, with some olive oil and garlic add the grains. Roast a chicken once week to have on hand or buy a chicken breast or piece of fish to broil or grill. Alternately, if you don’t want to cook you can add some beans or wild salmon to the quinoa and greens.

4. Snacks - have some kale chips, or a few almonds or blended soup or hummus with celery sticks

Recipe: Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Dill Recipe: Cucumber Avocado Soup Recipe: Tahini Dressing. .

Good fats are necessary for a: *strong immune system *hormone production *strengthening cell walls *joint lubrication *organ protection *a healthy nervous system *proper brain function.

Program your genes to burn fat…with good fats Fat is not the enemy

Program your genes to burn fat…with good fats Fats to AVOID: Seed oils (sunflower, safflower, cottonseed), Vegetable oils peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil Margarines and non-dairy spreads, cooking sprays, shortening commercial mayonnaises

Farm-raised fish (like tilapia, catfish and farmed salmon) Commercially-raised meats. Fats to INCLUDE: Olive oil – heat only on medium heat never high Coconut oil - contains lauric acid the same wonderful substance found in breast milk and boosts immunity Sesame oil cold pressed Avocado Grapeseed oil Ghee Flax oil not to be heated Hemp oil – not to be heated Note: Buy oil in dark colored bottles and keep stored in a cool dark place to prevent them from oxidizing and going rancid

Focus On What You Love (adapted from Carol Look www.attractingabundance.com)

Take 3 long deep breaths. Think of 10 things and/or people you love in your life and the reasons you love them. Feel into this in your heart as much as you can. This pleasure feeling releases the feel good hormones like serotonin and oxytocin into your body. This practice will allow you to reconnect with yourself, feel good,

let go of some stress, digest your food better.

NOURISHING FOODS CLEANSE Summer – Restore Your Liver - July 9-13

5 Days of Easy & Nourishing Foods for Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Do you want to flush toxins and shed some pounds with a supreme LIVER cleanse Do you want to reduce inflammation and so you can move your body freely? Are you ready to improve your digestion so you can feel nourished and satisfied? Do you want remove toxins from your body and RESTORE your LIVER so you feel energized? Are you ready to make a shift physically, mentally and emotionally with foods that are delicious and easy to prepare? Here's your chance to feel leaner, lighter and energized in just 5 days

Sign Up Now $97

Get Moving

Benefits of Exercise •Makes your muscles and cells more insulin sensitive •Balances and lowers blood sugar •Promotes weight loss and loss of belly fat •Regulates your appetite and reduces cravings •Lowers blood pressure •Lowers triglycrides and LDL - bad cholesterol •Raises good - HDL cholesterol •Reduces inflammation •Boosts the number and function of you mitochondria leading to a faster metabolism and longer life •Improves gene expression, turning on genes that improves insulin sensitivity so you have a more balanced blood sugar •Normalizes sex hormone function in men and women •Improves mood and concentration and improves connections between brain cells •Increases energy and helps sleep •Improves peristalsis for better digestion

Seven (7) steps you can take right now to create the environment that will Turn On Your Genes For Good Health 1. Stop the Blood Sugar spike by giving up sweet liquid calories 2. Drink enough water so you carry the nutrients to the cells and toxins away from the cells This will create an environment for you cells to thrive. 3. Choosing low glycemic grains like millet and quinoa and limit breads & other foods made with flour even whole wheat 4. Boost your nutrition by eating 70% of your diet as vegetables. I have given you a strategy to help you make this happen in your life 5. Program Your Genes to Burn Fat by eating enough good fat. Stop eating all processed vegetable oils. 6. Take mini breaks throughout the day to focus on how you are feeling and do something to reduce stress in that moment. Practice Focusing On What You Love 7. Exercise by Interval Training which will lower cholesterol, cortisol and insulin and raise your fountain of youth hormone HGH.

NOURISHING FOODS CLEANSE Summer – Restore Your Liver - July 9-13

5 Days of Easy & Nourishing Foods for Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Do you want to flush toxins and shed some pounds with a supreme LIVER cleanse Do you want to reduce inflammation and so you can move your body freely? Are you ready to improve your digestion so you can feel nourished and satisfied? Do you want remove toxins from your body and RESTORE your LIVER so you feel energized? Are you ready to make a shift physically, mentally and emotionally with foods that are delicious and easy to prepare? Here's your chance to feel leaner, lighter and energized in just 5 days

Sign Up Now $97

References: Mark Hyman, MD ; The Blood Sugar Solution www.bloodsugarsolution.com John Douillard; The 3 Season Diet www.lifespa.com Kris Carr; Crazy Sexy Diet; http://crazysexydiet.com/ Dr Andrew Weil; www.drweil.com Bruce Lipton PhD; The Biology of Belief