powerpoint q6

Q6. What have you learned about techniques from the process of constructing this product? By Charlie Smith, Joey Carabini and Tom Glasgow

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Q6. What have you learned about techniques from the process of constructing this


By Charlie Smith, Joey Carabini and Tom Glasgow


Technologies• Artofthetitle

• Blogger

• Microsoft Powerpoint

• Final cut Pro

• iMovie

• Flixpress

• Photoshop

• Media Magazine

• Youtube

• Quicktime

• Prezi

• Emaze

• Slides

• Powtoon

• Apple Mac

• Screencast

• Freeplay music2

RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIESResearch Use for and benefit?

Artofthetitle.com Researching real opening title sequences.Easy to access the clips.

Youtube.com Researching other AS Media opening title sequences.Easy to see the timings of the clips.

englishandmedia.co.uk Researching similar opening title sequences to our specific subgenre. Provided us with a realistic idea of what standard we should aim for.

Blogspot.co.uk Uploading all of our work, i.e. assignments, OTS drafts, etc. This allowed us to present our work in one organised place. We could organise our work by date to improve clarity of our research tasks.

Dailymotion Researching various opening title sequences as there is more available clips than youtube.

Netflix For watching more opening title sequences to get an understanding of what we want to create.

PLANNING TECHNOLOGIESPlanning Use for and benefit?

Microsoft PowerPoint Showing the planning of our Opening title sequence through aspects such as our pitch, storyboards, script and etc. Gave us a head start so when we began to film we knew exactly what we wanted to do.

iMovie To show one of our assignments had been done. We had to do a video questionnaire and edit it on iMovie with text showing the questions which had been asked. This helped us gain an experience of using a different editing software in comparison to Final Cut Pro.

Microsoft Edexcel Planning our production schedules. Helped us clearly lay out our schedules to have a more organised production plan.

Final Cut Pro sound tool Minimising the sound of wind in our OTS. Prevented the sound of wind from distracting from our video and

overshadowing the non-diegetic sound.

Free play music Giving as an idea of what sort of music we would want to insert into our drafts also to add suspense and tension.


Construction Use for and benefit?

Final Cut Pro Cutting Tool To cut down specific shots that didn’t suit our film and needed to be changed to improve our film to the highest level possible. It was beneficial as it helped us improve our editing skills to the highest level possible.

Flixpress.com To produce our production company as an animation. It was beneficial as it helped us produce a production company i-dent for our film which is crucial on the mark scheme.

QuickTime Player Uploading our videos to Youtube. Useful as we couldn’t have uploaded our videos to Youtube without it and, in turn, couldn’t have embedded them to the blog.

Youtube.com We uploaded our videos to Youtube for two reasons; to make them available to the public and to gain and embedding code for the blog. Uploading our OTS to Youtube makes it available to more people, therefore improving our distribution.

Final Cut Pro Modify Speed Tool To either slow or speed up the pace of the action on the screen. We reduced all the scenes from the start of the chase to 65.00% to create more tension. This was beneficial as it helped us improve our Final Cut Pro skills as well as improving our use of special effects.

Photoshop To create our BBFC rating screen at the beginning of our media product to create a sense of realism and to identify that anyone under the age of 15 cannot watch this content.

EVALUATION TECHNOLOGIESEvaluation Use for and benefit?

Prezi.com This was used for question 1 to discuss the conventions of our opening title sequence. It was beneficial as it helped us learn a new method of technology.

Emaze.com This was used for question 2 to discuss the social groups represented in our opening title sequence. It was beneficial as it helped us learn a new method of technology to gain extra marks for use of technology.

Slides.com Used for question four to explain the audience for our OTS and the psychographics we have considered. Provided a professional look for our presentation with organised slides and clear font.

PowToon Used for question two when explaining the distribution company of our choice and our research into distribution companies. Added fun images along with the text to maintain the audience’s interest.

Keynote We have used keynote for this very part of the evaluation. It is beneficial as it is very similar to microsoft powerpoint and very easy to learn how to use.

Youtube Annotations We used annotations within youtube by using their editing software to let the audience know what was going through our minds when making the choices that we did. This is very beneficial as while you are watching the clip and if you wonder why we have made some of these choices you can find out exactly why in a quick speech bubble which will appear somewhere on the screen and within a few seconds it will be gone.


Examples of Technology