pp cultura inglesa


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presentacion de los temas de censura, teatro y television de la clase de cultura inglesa, maestra cin


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Television is one of the most important media that has existed and this is because thanks to its free as well as its easy access

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Television remains a globally accessible media and whose importance lies in its ability to know news, entertaining and accessible languages used for thousands of people everywhere.

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In 1939, the TV in the United States made its

formal debut to transmit the first

televised presidential address: the President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

It was so successful that televisions

manufactured en masse.

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Major television united state.

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PrincipaleEl United Kingdom, is the country where most development has taken public television and, in particular, educational television, such as the experience of Channel 4 Learning (CH4L) television 1s united states.

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CH4L is based on edutainment, which uses television as a support tool to stimulate and enrich the teaching-learning process in the classroom and in school settings

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The entertainment-education strategy includes several media-television, website and printed materials (tutorials) - to support the process of educating students, teachers and parents

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Interestingly initially CHL4 devoted to achieving basic education programs for children, and today is focused on youth programs, particularly on issues of values and coexistence.

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CH4L is a public channel, with a mandate to open to experimental and innovative processes and generating educational programs

CH4L does not directly; defined projects and programs contracted with independent producers and technical staff define, in agreement with the education sector, programs (areas) that would be useful as reinforcement to classroom education

Rasgos del canal

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CH4L design projects and analyzes the contents with resource teachers

The teaching methodology includes, in addition to audiovisual material for teacher preparation and production of guides and support for these students

Rasgos del canal

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In the definition of the issues, see the materials production needs with central and regional authorities

Each year, six months before the start of the school year, the Canal sent to educational institutions a catalog with all programs produced / available and the schedule of open television broadcasting.

La recepción de los programas

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Open Issue: aired every program in the morning to be greeted in the classroom, on information content

Nocturnal emission, so that schools and teachers the record and can be generating your own library

Sales of products to educational institutions, on request, via email or the Internet, based on the catalog and schedule for the following year

Las instituciones educativas tienen varias opciones para acceder a los programas:

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Television in México

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The television in Mexico is characterized primarily as the visual medium of information, education and entertainment of the majority of Mexicans

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Currently, there are two private consortia powerful governing television, manipulate, and compete with each other: Televisa and TV Azteca

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The history of Mexican television can be defined as the history of? Televisa. Against the U.S. television models that were based on a television production and expansive, like the European model

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It was established in January of 1955, the first Mexican Telesistema ie "the first incarnation of what would become the modern empire Televisa and Azcarraga". Moreover, from its founding and throughout the years sequent Mexican television had an expansion, enrichment, and unique configuration

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There is now a fundamental reality that forces most Mexicans to be imposed on television: the lack of literary reading habit. This fact implies that the lack of literary habit among Mexicans, has forced them to perceive television as the only means of information, education and entertainment

Aspectos negativos de la televisión mexicana

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However, the Mexican Telesistema is dedicated to creating programs? Mediocre and lowest for the demands of culture, further impoverishing them and trapping them in their poor reality.

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Among the low-demand programs cultural, educational and intellectual novels are melodramatic, the absurd and false? "Talk shows", and repetitive or football matches national team, which apparently have become major problems social challenges facing the country.

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On the subject of politics, both Televisa and TV Azteca, have had a fundamental effect with regard to political parties and presidential elections

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That is, its political history is a story of political submission. The two companies supremistas such as Televisa and TV Azteca, have always remained popular culture uninformed about the political reality facing the country.

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Although it has been criticized at present, and in the course of the history of Mexican television, is paramount to mention that Televisa also has benefited and contributed to educational and historical novels Mexican society.

Aspectos positivos de la televisión mexicana

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A well cataloged performance was the production of educational novels between 1975 and 1982. En Indeed, these novels were great impact on popular culture as it fell? Birth rate was then too high, and the spread of literacy among adults, etc.

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Television of Mexico is the perfect dictatorship has played the role of sedation in order to cloud the minds and preserve ignorance, because that way you have created a Mexico passive a disenfranchised Mexico, a Mexico of fucking entertained

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The theater in UK

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The theater was introduced in England from Europe, in the romans era, there were built theaters for all the country with this end.

The theater is an outstanding gender inside the English literature. Its maxim figure is precisely William Shakespeare.

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Middle Age• Mummers Plays (San Jorge and the Dragon and

Robin Hood)

• Mysteries & Miracles (The Noe Arc, The Creation, The Flood)

• Moralities o Morality plays (The sin, the ambition, the humanity)

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Revival Age

• Mystery (Everyman)

• Tragedies and Dramas (William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson, John Webster.)

• Comedies and Historical (Dream of a summer night, Enrique IV)

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• Heroic Drama (All for love, Aureng-Zebe (John Dryen))

• Pathetic Drama or she-tragedy (The orphan (Thomas Otway))

• Comedy of Restoration (The man of mode (George Etherege))

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XVIII Century

• Sentimental comedy (The London Merchant (George Lillo) and Conscious lovers (Richard Steele))

• Opera (She Stoops to conquer (Oliver Goldsmith))

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Theater in US

Como en el resto de las disciplinas artísticas, el teatro creado en los Estados Unidos nació en un principio como imitación de la tradición dramática europea, especialmente la inglesa. Sin embargo, rápidamente adquirió un tono propio que llegaría a su punto álgido en el siglo XX.

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En 1809, en Philadelphia, se funda el teatro más antiguo de los Estados Unidos, The Walnut. En este edificio se representa la producción teatral “The Rivals”, estrenada en 1812 con una audiencia tan selecta como Thomas Jefferson o el marqués de Lafayette. Proliferan a inicios de siglo los teatros en los territorios que se van expandiendo hacia el Oeste. en ellos se representan melodramas, obras clásicas de Shakespeare y un éxito de la época, la adaptación de “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” adaptada del libro de Harriet Beecher Stowe por el dramaturgo H.J. Conway.

El siglo XIX

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En estos años, el vodevil nunca dejó de tener éxito, y con la llegada de la radio y el cine el teatro se va adaptando al nuevo siglo. El cine mudo de aquellos años propicia de hecho la proliferación del género musical, que arrasa en el Broadway de los años 20. Se crean numerosas compañías de teatro aficionado, y surgen las primeras obras de vanguardia, experimentándose con nuevas formas y técnicas dramáticas paralelas al teatro europeo.

Beginings of XX century

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Tras la victoria aliada, el teatro de los Estados Unidos se hace hueco en el panorama internacional. Los musicales llegan a su madurez, y alcanzan notables cotas de calidad y éxito internacional que mantienen hasta la actualidad. En el drama, aparecen figuras clave que apuntalarán el prestigio del teatro americano, como Tennessee Williams o Arthur Miller. Los dramas de Williams retratan los paisajes físicos y mentales sureños, y a menudo utiliza como protagonistas a mujeres sensibles prisioneras en ambientes salvajes. Obras como “Un tranvía llamado deseo” o “La gata sobre el tejado de cinc caliente” fueron rápidamente adaptadas al cine con igual o mayor éxito.

Theater behind the WWII

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Theatre in Mexico

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• The Aztecs were known to have a theatre that included music and dance, as witnessed by the Spanish invaders. Its direct documentation has been lost, but it's known that early missionaries witnessed it.

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17th and 18th Centuries

• After the Spanish invasion, a secular theatre developed quickly, and it reflected the traditions and the taste of Spain.

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19th Century

• The early part of the 19th century exhibited a decline in Mexican theatre, due partly to war. Styles reflected Spanish classicism. Later, however, European romanticism arrived. At the same time, a nationalistic consciousness arose and was reflected in Mexican theatre. New world legends began to arise in Mexican plays in the works of Rodriguez Galvan.

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20th Century

• Spanish influence remained dominant until the end of the Mexican Revolution, when playwrights began to write in Mexician Spanish. Experimental theatre began to flourish. During the 1950s realism was dominant, and from the 1960s playwrights again began to write daring work.

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• Theatre is healthy, varied, and widespread throughout Mexico. It reflects the national culture and often its history. Its many forms include street theatre, international theatre, and theatre in the Aztec and Mayan languages.

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Censorship in UK, USA and Mexico

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What is the censorship?

Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.

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Types of censorship

Political State secrets Religion Education Copy, picture, and writer approval Maps

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Censorship in United Kingdom

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Books generally enjoy lesser censorship than other mediums in the UK.

• "Obscene" books, for example Ulysses, were often censored in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, obscenity laws are much more lax, and focused on public displays of pornography.

• "Lord Horror" by David Britton was banned for 'obsenity' in 1991.

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Internet is hightly (actually) moderately censored with reguards to porn, and virtually uncensored in other aspects.

• 95% of UK ISPs use software called Cleanfeed to block images deemed to be potentially child pornography.

• In datey-datey-date, BT blocked 4chan.org, the second largest BBS on the internet, due to it's frequent child-porn content.

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The British Board of Film Classification censor films, mainly due to swearing, sex, and violence, but also due to 'glorification' of certain acts (drug taking, for example). usually, this censorship takes the form of restricting viewing to:

• anyone (Uc, U, PG)• anyone accoumpanied by an adult or >12 (12A)• >11 (12)• >14 (15)• >17 (18)• >17, and further has to be limited to a specialist 'sex

shop/cinema' (r18)

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Video Games

UK has inherited America's censorship as they translated games from Japanese into English, and England couldn't be arsed to re-translate just so we'd get our own censorship.

Computer games have been the most extremely censored medium with regards to sex and religion, but the most laxly censored children's medium with regards to alcohol (due to the fact that Nintendo of America usually censors 'beer' to 'cider' which means 'non-alcoholic apple juice' in American, but 'strange-tasting beer' in English (what Americans call 'hard-cider')), so there you go.

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TV is censored heavily before the (9:00pm) watershead, and still quite heavily after that (it's illegal, for example, to show an erect cock on TV at all).

The BBC channels are subject to pressure from the governement, who have to periodically renew the public-funded body's permission to raise tax (the TV licence)

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Censorship in United States of America

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War reporting was censored during World War II; for example, citizens could not report on German U-boats off the coast of New England.

Obscenity: Up until roughly 1950, books, plays, and so forth were regularly banned by local government for obscenity.

It is also legal to express certain forms of hate speech so long as one does not engage in the acts being discussed, or urge others to commit illegal acts.

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Censorship in Mexico

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Freedom of the Press Report

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Internet censorship

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Muy sonados son los casos de pederastia por parte de miembros de la iglesia católica. Tal es el caso de la periodista mexicana Sanjuana Martínez quien declaró sufrir de la censura en México, sobretodo cuando publicó sus dos títulos Prueba de Fe. Las redes de cardenales y obispos en la pederastia clerical (Editorial Planeta) y Manto púrpura. Pederastia clerical en tiempos del cardenal Norberto Rivera Carrera (Editorial Grijalbo).

La periodista otorgó esta entrevista durante su participación en los premios ‘Libertad de Expresión 2009, ganadora del Premio Ortega y Gasset 2008, en la categoría de ‘Mejor Trabajo de Investigación’, sus trabajos y libros han sido ignorados por sus compañeros connacionales y periodistas “…es que nosotros contra la Iglesia no podemos publicar nada. Sencillamente lo tenemos prohibido”.