ppp seed production

Public Private Partenership in Seed Production & Distribution Guest Lecture in the ICAR Winter School on “Recent Developments in Seed Trade Production, Export Regulations and Treaties” at AC, Vijayapura,Karnataka,India Dr.Vijendra Sangam DGM & Head Varietal Research & Development Center (VRDC) Karnataka State Seeds Corporation , Dharwad 12/26/2021 Varietal Research and Development Centre, Dharwad 1

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Page 1: Ppp seed production

Public Private Partenership in Seed Production & Distribution

Guest Lecture in the ICAR Winter School on “Recent Developments in Seed Trade Production, Export Regulations and Treaties” at AC,


Dr.Vijendra SangamDGM & Head

Varietal Research & Development Center (VRDC)Karnataka State Seeds Corporation ,

Dharwad05/03/2023Varietal Research and Development Centre, Dharwad 1

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• Indian Seed scenario

• Periodic Trends in Seed sector

• Seed systems & Seed Industry

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• What is PPP• PPP in Seed sector &


• Govt Efforts• Case Study

• Conclusion

Presentation breakup

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• The Indian agriculture sector accounts for 13.9 per cent of India's gross domestic product (GDP) and employs just a little less than 54.6 per cent of the country's workforce.

• The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation under the Ministry of Agriculture is the nodal organisation responsible for the development of the agriculture sector in India.

• The Immediate challenge to the Ministry of Agriculture, is to sustain the increasing agricultural output of the country. This can be addressed by developing Technology transfer and seed Innovation systems.

• Indian seed sector is characterized by diverse crops & vegetables with both public and pvt sector playing pivotal role .

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India seed Scenario

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Worlds biggest Research System India has a mega public sector in agricultural research.

There are 60 agriculture universies, 4 deemed universies and 4 central universities having agricultural faculty. There are 45 central institutes,17 national research centers, 25 project directorates, and 630 Krishi Vikas Kendra More than 35000 agricultural scientists are working in this public sector


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Of the various technological interventions seed is considered as critical basic input for aiming sustained long term growth in agricultural production

Without good seed, investment like fertilizer, water, pesticides and other input will not pay the desired dividends

Agriculture is backbone of our nation while seed is the backbone of Agriculture

Seed Production System

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Seed firms – an important agent in the innovation system - major concern is in making profit out of investment on technology development.

Establishing an innovative seed system for transfer of technology is need of the hour to enhance productivity and food security of the nation. PPP is an effort in that direction.

In this regard, the role of policy in catering to the interest of various stakeholders as well as facilitating the overall growth of the sector becomes crucial.

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Periodic trends in seed industry growth

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Year Favours Domination Key Growth drivers1963-1983

Establishment of NSC marking a beginning of formal seed sector in India (1963),Seeds

Act 1966

Public Sector Green Revolution ,launch of govt schemes like National Seed Project


The liberalisation of seed policy in the form of New

Policy on Seed Development (NPSD) in 1988

Entry of private domestic and

multinational seed companies & investment in research and

development, 50-60% pvt contribution

The rapid growth of innovations (improved varieties, hybrids and

proprietary technologies) and seed markets


Strengthening of IPRs coupled with liberalised seed policies

Private Sector (80-90%)

Bt cotton, single-cross maize hybrids, hybrid

rice, vegetables , strengthening of IPRs

coupled with liberalised seed policies


2015- Favorable regulatory environs ,Government policies

to promote investment in seed R&D and infrastructure. Access to international Markets. Improvement in SRR

Private/Public Technological breakthroughs,

Collaborations,Breeding for climate change,New

Biotech traits

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Seed systems are generally considered to be either formal (commercial) or informal (farmer led).‐

Formal seed systems usually consist of public and private sector research (plant breeding)

institutions, public and private sector agencies bulking up seed, mostly private sector companies distributing and marketing seed, and mostly public sector organisations responsible for seed certification and quality control. In formal seed systems, all parts of the seed production, processing and marketing chain are subject to regulation, inspection and certification.

Informal seed systems comprise large numbers of farmers who produce both traditional(landrace) and modern (improved) varieties with no regulatory oversight. They save, process and store seed for their own use as well as sharing it with their relations, neighbours and other local community members through exchange, barter, gifts and sales. Help in conservation of biodiversity. Mainly farmers & NGOs are involved.

Seed systems in India

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Indian Seed Industry Value

The private sector is playing a vital role. The number of companies engaged in seed production or seed trade is of the order of 400 or 500. 

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Quality seed availability

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As per available data, the availability of quality seed is sufficient to meet our requirement

Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI

Seeds of new improved varieties are not available to the farmers at right time and place

Production of certified seed by following an efficient chain of BS-FS-CS is still a major concern.

2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12





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Seed Production/Distribution/Marketing

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Institute No ActivitiesNational seed corporation

1 Apex public sectoral central agencies

State Seed Corporation

15 Region specific

State Seed farm Corporation

1 Under NSC

Seed Companies > 400 Research,Production & Marketing

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Channels of Seed Production

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Seed replacement rates (SRR) in different crops and states

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Farmers use crop produce

as a seed resulted in

low demand for quality


Lack of Transfer of knowledge

form R&D to farmers.

Companies are not in

favor of their demand for neglected

crop/orphan crop seeds.

Need State policy

implementation efforts for tech transfer

Farmers are generally not aware of the

correct package of

practices and replacement schedule of


Reasons for Low SRR

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Fake & Spurious seeds

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Seed Multiplication Rate

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Crop Typical multiplication


Crop Typical multiplication

ratePearlmillet 200 Sunflower 50

Sorghum 100 Cowpeas 40

Rice 80 Wheat 20

Pigeon pea 100 Soyabean 16

Maize 80 Ground nut 8

Cotton 50 Beans 8

Crops with high seeding rates and low multiplication rates, especially when the crop has a low market value, are mostly unattractive to Private seed companies

The main focus of private seed companies is on the high value low volume seeds (Maize,Sunflower,Cotton,Bajra)

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Number of Hybrids in Major Field Crops Developed by Private and Public Sector in India 2002-2010 Private Public Private sector Hybrids

in total hybrids

Cotton 193 25 88.5Maize 103 28 78.6Paddy 23 19 54.8

Pearl millet 82 13 86.3Sorghum 53 13 80.3Pigeon 1 2 33.3Sunflower 48 16 75Castor 4 9 30.8Mustard 11 1 91.7

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A public-private partnership is a contractual agreement

between a public agency (federal, state or local) and a

private sector entity. Through this agreement, skills and

assets of each sector (public and private) are shared in

delivering a service or a facility for the use of the general

public. In addition to the sharing of the resources, each

party shares risks and rewards potential in the delivery of

the service and/or the facility.

What is PPP

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Reduces public capital investment·     Improves efficiency due to strong profit incentive·        Private entity is more accountable than government·        Expedited project completion by grouping multiple

responsibilities into  a single contract·        Specialized expertise·        Relieves government from staffing issues·        Shares risk/responsibility·        Government can still step in when private entities are



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Strengths of P & P

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Public sector Private Sector1 Social responsibility Profit oriented2 Investment in infrastructure tax payer3 Has extensive infrastructure,

Institutions of higher learning that can generate knowledge through basic research, A vast pool of both trainers and trained human resource

The private sector is known to have better marketing skills, operational efficiencies, efficient product ,delivery system, quality service providing capability, and better up-scaling technologies

4 Research is separate from Production & Marketing

Research ,Production and marketing are integrated

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General Model for PPP Implementation

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Identifying and negotiating the common interest

Financing the Solution Regulatory/contractual and legal issues

Choosing an organizational design/scope based on the above

Operating partnerships

Evaluating and terminating partnerships (if applicable)

Source: Hartwich, F. J.-A. (2007)

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PPPs require TRUST and relationships. We need to grow this pool as a resource. Understand and respect each other’s motivations

and limitations. Keep your eye on the end goal, don’t get lost in the


Some Key Elements of Successful PPPs

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Adoption of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) helps to create a sustainable structure for adoption of hybrid seeds, improve crop management practices, thus creating market linkages towards a better price discovery

PPP in Seed Production

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In India many farmers lack awareness and benefits of improved seeds and crop management practices.

Innovative approaches were required to researching the fields, practicing Parent Seed Multiplication, developing infrastructure and training growers for field production, processing the results and create acceptance among very large numbers of small farmers spread across large geography.

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•IP protection is difficult, -but can often be overcome.

–On paper easier than within human resources. –Critical to understand as clearly as possible the fine line between competitive and pre-competitive space, between what can and should be shared and what can not.

–Confidentiality and stewardship are often larger concerns.

–Availability of experts as resources often a larger concern.

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There is as much diversity between institutions as between regions

—and this needs to be respected. –Difficult to do when organizations do not fully

understand each other. –Difficult to do when organizations do not fully

understand themselves - their own capabilities and limitations.

–Communication—within partnership and with external stakeholders—is essential.

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Tech breakthroughs (maize)

The major share of investments in agriculture by the private sector pertains to Seed and Biotechnology Research, which is about 33% of the total budget.

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Complexity in seed production Precision in crop management under seed

production Maintaining timelines Understanding the basic difference from

normal seed production Requires training on regulatory, environment

& seed handling & quality aspects. Institutional financing (poly house prdoduction

of vegetables) & subsidies for inputs

New Technologies (Eg.Bt ,Mechanisation)

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Indian farmer is poor needs financing to support seed production

- Govt support (subsidy on inputs)- Bank loans (Banks shy away from making such loans)-Flexibility with ensuring an integrated value chain

approach, covering all aspects from production to marketing.

-Organize and market specialized training courses in input supply, seed production, crop management and extension methods, on a cost recovery basis, for private organizations in the seed, crop and agro-input sectors.

Finance/ Credit facility

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EFFORTS towards PPP in Seed production

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ICAR-Industry Meet Agricultural Transformationthrough Public-Private Partnership: An Interface (March 2007)

To enable an optimal policy approach to promote social and economic development, bringing together efficiency, flexibility and competence of the private sector with the accountability, long-term perspective and social interest of the public sector. Both the partners have mutual gains from such arrangements

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The outcome of the workshop is expected to result in a strong national network linking seed scientists, seed enterprises and other stake holders to address the following:

To Develop and promote a shared vision and consensus for action on seed science and Technology & food security.

To develop network projects on frontier areas of seed science and Technology encompassing: 1. Documenting knowledge generated so far across NARS in seed Research; 2. Seed production and protection; and  3. Seed quality assessment and enhancement Generation of information to encourage and debate to influence action by SAUs, NSP, and AICRPs to serve the cause of seed science and Technology

To usher in an environment to create India as a hub of excellence in seed research, production and international seed trade

The Consultation Meeting on "Preparing Road Map for Seed Research in India“ (1st August, 2011) 

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Main objective is Augmenting the government efforts in agricultural development by leveraging the capabilities of the private sector

Projects can be proposed by corporates to State Governments through Small Farmers’ Agri-business Consortium (SFAC). This institution has been designated as a National Level Agency for this purpose by Dept. of Agriculture and Cooperation.

Implementing Agencies1. Small Farmers Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC).2. State Government (Agriculture Department)/State level agencies.3. Private sector partner

Covers farmer related services 50 % subsidy ondrip/ sprinkler irrigation/mechanization/grading/shade nets etc (max 50,000), 100%

subsidy on community based projects like ware housing, Rural godowns. Financing Performance based overhead costs to companies (2-8%) Sgovt. closely tracks the performance through NABARD/qualified consultancy firm.

RKVY Initiatives for PPP for integrated Agri Development-PPPIAD (2011-12)

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Agriculture Production Commissioner or Principal Secretary, Agriculture – Chair

(b) Commissioner/Director, Agriculture – Member Secretary (c) Representative of Private Sector Implementing Partner –

Member (d) Representative of independent monitoring agency –


Dispute redressal

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Program ActivitiesAssistance for Boosting Seed Production in Private Sector

(The DAC is implementing a Central Sector Scheme known as ‘Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds’ since 2005-06)

Under this component, credit linked back-ended capital subsidy is provided @ 25% of the project cost subject to a maximum limit of Rs.25.00 lakh per unit on seed infrastructure development. Private companies, individual entrepreneurs, self help groups, seed cooperatives, partnership firms are eligible for subsidy. The component is implemented through nationalised/scheduled commercial banks. The assistance is for creation of infrastructure facilities relating to seed cleaning, grading, processing, seed treating, packaging and storage units as well as for seed testing facilities. This assistance is primarily for high volume low value seeds. National Seeds Corporation is the nodal agency for implementation and monitoring of this component

DAC through ATMA (Agriculture Technology Management Agency)

Hybrid Seed Production of chilly and tomato. Production of cotton Technology Dissemination and Soil Health at Sangrur (Punjab) under PPP model

DAC initiatives

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It is beyond doubt that public-private- partnership in seed sector is critical for future growth of Indian agriculture

Now a time has come where the private sector will have to join hands with the public sector to cater to the resource poor farmers.

Public institution bred hybrids and OPVs of field crops have beencommercialized by the private sector through nonexclusive licensing.

The success of licensing PRH-10 by IARI to 18 seed companies paved way to several replications of the P-P-P model.

Hybrids and parental lines of vegetables developed by Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR), Varanasi, Indian Institute of Horticulture Research (IIHR), Bangalore and Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi

shared with the private seed sector for commercialization and breeding purposes through non-exclusive licensing.

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Examples of Successful PPPs

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Improving productivity of Soybean in Maharashtra byArcher Daniels Midland Company (ADM)

andDepartment of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra

Supported byPublic Private Partnership for Integrated Agriculture Development


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Evaluation of PPPIAD project on Soybean

PPPIAD gudielines - http://www.nhm.nic.in/Archive/PPPIAD-Brochure.pdf

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India has the fifth largest vegetable oil economy in the world. After cereals, oilseeds are the second largest agricultural commodity, accounting for the 14% of the gross cropped area in the country

Production of soybean in India is dominated by Maharashtra(50lakhMT) and Madhya Pradesh (60 lakhMT)which contribute 89 per cent of the total production

Vidarbha constitutes 15.6 percent of Maharashtra’s GDP. However despite its inherent strengths and a rich resource base, it is felt that Vidarbha has not been able to attain its full potential. Government of Maharashtra is keen to improve the standard of living of farmers in Vidarbha and have taken several initiatives in this regard. The two flagship programmes launched by State Government are (a) PPPIAD programme and (b) CAIM (Convergence of Agriculture Intervention Management


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1. To increase the net income to the farmer per acre of crop by – providing better quality, High-Yielding varieties of seed, seed production programs, technology transfer and customized agri-extension services.

2. To increase net income to farmer by providing him with an alternative marketing channel by way of direct procurement from the farmer

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Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM)

Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra

Soybean growers of Vidharbha region

FICCI, which has been involved in the formulation of the PPPIAD guidelines with the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India was therefore entrusted the task of evaluating the pilot project on increasing productivity of Soybean in Maharashtra and also for dissemination and advocacy

Agencies Involved in implementation

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Initiatives undertaken in two years project period of PPPIAD

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Sl No Intervention 2012-14 2013-14

1 Soil Testing √ √

2 Distribution of Certified Seed √ √

3 Seed Product ion (Breeder to Foundation) √

4 Seed Production (Foundation to Certified) √

5 Front Line Demonstration √

6 Training (Seed Production Training √ √

7 Training on Value Chain Awareness √

8 Farmer Linkage with commodity exchange √

9 Farm Mechanization √

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ADM (Project designer Maharashtra Govt. FarmersFICCI

& project lead) (Project partner) (Project partners) (Evaluating partners)Increasing productivity of Soybean Improving income of Soybean farmers in Maharashtra

ADM (Project

designer & project lead)

Govt.Maharashtra (Project


Farmers (Project


FICCI (evaluating


Improving income of Soybean farmers in


Increasing productivity of Soybean

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Seed production activity under PPPIAD

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Target Achievem


Component Unit quantity No Farmers Hacters QuantityNo

farmers Hacters 1 Breeder to

Foundation Ha 80 80 80 51.2 65 51.2

2Foundation to

certified Ha 800 800 800 367.6 326 367.6

• ADM played a major role in identifying and selecting lead farmers

• Department of Agriculture assisted in registering of farmers for seed production and timely release of subsidies as per achievement

Farmers were trained about all aspects of seed production such as plant spacing efficiency , Good Agriculture Practices etc. The farmers were regularly visited by ADM Extension team for supervision and advice.

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Intervention ADM responsibilities1. Soil Testing and soil nutrientmanagement

Ensures that farmers are educated on the proper soil sampling methodology .Ensures that the soil test results are provided to farmers in a timely fashionCoordinates the samples and test results for the farmers

2. Seed Production •Selection of Seed Production Farmers.•Training selected farmers on seed production, plot registration for certification etc.

•Processing the harvested seeds, grading, bagging, tagging and sending samples for lab test and certification.

•Obtaining release orders

•Facilitate warehousing, processing, bagging, labelling andcertification process of the seeds

3. Distribution of certified seeds

(DS-228, MAUS-71 & JS-97520

Distribution of certified seeds produced to farmers at subsidized rates

4. Procurements & marketing support

Incur the infrastructure expenses to buy approximately 1,15,000 MT of Soybeans• Procure soybeans directly from farmers under direct marketing license. • Train the farmers on all aspects of Direct procurement through awareness meetings

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Intervention ADM Responsibilities5. Linkage of farmers with Commodity exchange

•Organized farmers into informal group•Training farmers for warehousing beans so as to sell at the best price at a future date through NCDEX-NSPOT•Provide buying support as buyer in the Spot Exchange whenever farmerwants to sell on the Exchange

6. Front line demonstrations (FLD) •Farmer's selection for FLD•Distribution of subsidized inputs as per government guidelines

7. Farm Mechanization Formation of FPOs•Assist FPOs in registering as a legal entity,•Assist FPOs in preparation of project report for obtaining financialassistance from Banks. • Explain benefits of mechanization to user farmers.

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NCDX-National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd . NSPOT- NCDX Spot Exchange Ltd.

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Introduction of new farm implements in Soybean cultivation which led to end to end mechanized solutions led to net saving of 30% in Soybean cultivation, 25% increase in yield and saving of Rs 640 per acre in cost of seed.

The financial support provided by ADM and State Govt of Maharashtra was very instrumental in success of this pilot on farm mechanization in Soybean.

Creation of market linkages by Direct procurement programme by way of creating ADM kissan cards for each farmer. Farmers saves 2% cost by selling directly to ADM

The project has been able to enhance the productivity of Soybean by (a) distributing certified varieties of high yielding varieties of Soybean such as DS 228 and MAUS 71 which gave incremental yield of 20-30%. (806 qtl of certified seed distributed in year 2013-14)

(b) training and skill development of farmers and FPOs (Farmer Producer Organisations) for seed production programme (total 418 ha of area is covered under seed production programme in year 2013-14)

(c) providing end to end mechanized solutions for soybean cultivation which led to 25% increase in yield for Soybean crop


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Top three suggestions for strengthening seed production programme

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Two major seed related problems as informed by farmers

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It was felt that the project has further scope of strengthening Soybean value chain by

(a) creation of more FPOs (b) incentivizing FPOs to undertake activities such as custom

hiring centre and seed production programme (c) Convergence among State Govt of Mahrashtra, Universities,

industry and FPOs regarding supply of breeder seed and building strategies for conversion of breeder to foundation and certified seeds.

Connecting farmers to Commodity exchange, scientific storage under Maharashtra state warehousing corporation and linking farmers to banks.

All farmers who transact with ADM now hold bank account and have improved marketability of Soybean under PPPIAD project.

This should be promoted in big way and include other crops.

Scope to Improve

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Supply of High quality pure seed with Agri inputs for seed production

Regular advise on extension services by ADM officials at each ADM Extension centres known as KVKs (Krishi Vigyan Kendras) has contributed to the adoption of best practices in Soybean cultivation.

Financial support to farmers in subsidy form , bank loans etc. Conducting FLDs. ADM has facilitated SMS service to more than

3000 lead farmers. Training farmers on seed production was one of the major initiatives under extension programme

New technologies new challenges There is a well-defined institutional mechanism created both at the

Government and at the company level to oversee the implementation and monitoring the progress of the project with periodic reporting and assessment across all levels.

Supporting of the development of the back end supply chain along with providing the market linkage opportunities to the Soybean growing farmers

Lessons learnt

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Maharashtra government has initiated a Private-Public Partnership (PPP) for Integrated Agriculture Development (PPP-IAD) project under the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “New Agriculture Initiative (2012)

WEF has chosen Maharashtra as the only region along with four countries Tanzania, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico.

The idea is to create a value-chain in agriculture by involving corporates that will work with farmers’ groups or associations from production to marketing stage.

Twenty-two companies, 12 of them private sugar mills, have been selected and have agreed to partner with such group in everything — from inputs and processing to marketing.

They will be working in seven categories of produces — sugar, cotton, oilseed, pulses, fruits, vegetables and poultry.

The companies and the farmers will draw benefit of subsidies and financial support for 38 state and Central government schemes

for these categories of produces.

Other Initiatives

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A partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India, initiated a two year project in 150 blocks of 26 rice growing districts of Uttar Pradesh,

To deliver hybrid rice and mustard to small and marginal farmers, to help optimize farmer inputs and improve net income.

The objective of this alliance is to adopt "Farm School Models", where farmers are trained on seed sampling, provided agronomic and technical training along with crop advisory services, during the critical stages of development.  The model is scalable year over year based on the performance.

A technical committee comprising of research and extension officers from the Department of Agriculture and DuPont Pioneer will formulate the right practices suitable to the specific growing conditions. 

Operation Subhiksha -Subsistence to surplus-Uttar Pradesh Extension Partnership: Dupont Pioneer,India

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Through a PPP initiative, DuPont Pioneer, in India engaged with the Government of Orissa to introduce high yielding corn hybrid seeds.

For maize, Orissa has been prevalent in the open pollinated variety (OPV).

A shift to hybrid seeds has encouraged farmers to achieve high productivity and profitability. With the adoption of PPPs, 2500 farmers from eight (8) districts Ganjam, Mayurbhanj, Gajapati, Rayagada, Sambalpur Bargada, Balasore and Bhadrak.

Farmers have been continuously receiving agronomic support coupled advancement in technology practices to help increase productivity and enhance the livelihood of farmers.

This is also an opportunity for the government to an approach towards addressing the food security challenge by 2050.

Project Krushak Uthaan-Engagement with Government of Orissa (Dupont)

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The usage of farm saved seed is to be reduced and farmers are to be encouraged to use quality seed to increase productivity levels

The rising vital role of Pvt industry in seed sector has lead to emergence of Scientific seed supply chain management.

Ensuring Seed quality is utmost important in BS-FS-CS chain. Quality assurance system should be best organized with modern tools of QMS with tracking facility.

Public sector should work towards creating awareness about new innovations of R & D among stake holders and Collaborate with private sector in tech- transfer.

Assuring Credit facility & remunerative prices to the seed producer. Training of farmers is essential for scientific seed production wherein SMEs

of both Public and Private sector should work together .

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The public sector research organisations, Viz., ICAR/SAUs to provide the seeds of latest varieties/hybrids of rice to public and private sector seed companies on liberalised terms of MOA.

Creating facilities for commodity exchange and storage facilities. At the time of risks and lesser opportunities P & P should help the farmer

to mitigate the risks and help him to earn the lively hood. While production and price risks are the most obvious areas of attention, partnerships between farmers’ groups and market players can lead to better links with input suppliers, financial institutions and research bodies

Benefit schemes to pvt industries by Govt like tax exemptions, duty frees, subsidy supports to encourage their participation in orphaned crops which are major part of food security system of the country.

Incentives and award system for the farmer,program.participating agencies

Encouragement for proper feedback and documentation and advocacy


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This PPP convergence can lead to better targeting of government agricultural subsidies and better outcome for public policy.,

A collaborative effort between the government, farmers and corporates in agriculture is likely to raise the rate of agricultural GDP growth, thereby directly impacting rural poverty.

Page 56: Ppp seed production

05/03/2023Varietal Research and Development Centre, Dharwad 56