pps unidad didactica ana la comida en ingles final


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Didactic unit 1 - What should I eat?


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• TITLE: What should I eat?• FORM: 2• LEVEL OF PRIMARY EDUCATION CYCLE: First cycle • TERM: 2• TEMPORALISATION: 6 Sessions

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The election of the topic of food for the second level of Primary Education is the result of a process of reflection.

These are the conclusions we have come up with:

Our pupils in the second level of Primary Education are still developing their own personality, including their likes and dislikes. They are still

discovering the world and deciding which experiences they like and which they do not. This is

exemplified in the case of food: children are still experiencing a variety of flavours, but at the same time they are starting to make clear what they

have a taste for or not. Our students are still fond of talking about themselves and

their preferences without inhibitions, which will facilitate our job throughout this


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Such reflections and the subtopic “healthy diet” can be placed in one of the transverse

themes connected with this unit: Health Education. Education for Peace (the value of

giving and sharing) .As we will see in the development of the activities, this unit is linked to

other core areas: Spanish language (oral knowledge and use of the

vocabulary and structures), Knowledge of the Natural and Social and Cultural

Environment (types of food, healthy habits) and maths ( we will practice the price of the food

with a little market). We will work on this topic at for five sessions of 60 minutes each,

which will allow our pupils to get familiar with the vocabulary related with food, as well as

the way to express and ask about likes and dislikes. The contents will be worked

orally and writing.

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3-DIDACTIC OBJECTIVES• To identify and name some food items.

• To ask and answer about likes and dislikes. • To know the pyramide food.• To identify Aliments in the food chain.• To sequence and act out differents stories about the market (

to buy, to pay…) • To make materials to play with them in the classroom

(market).• To practises exercises with money and different coins.• To use ICT to practice the purchases.• To fill in a self-evaluation sheet of the unit.

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Basic competences

Linguistics and audiovisual (communicative)

Artistic and cultural (Communicative)

Information-processing and digital competence (Methodological)

Learning to learn (methodological)

Autonomy and personal initiative (personal)

Social and citizenship (live and inhabit the world)

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4- PROCEDURESA-Oral communication:

-Taking active part in classroom routines.

- Identifying and using the language related to food.- Acting out a market story and dramatising short story.- Asking about other people’s likes and dislikes..

B- Attitudes: - Active participation and enjoyment in the classroom activities and routines. - Accept the likes and dislakes of other students - Cooperating with others in group activities. - Interest in the importance of keeping a balanced diet.

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C- Sociocultural aspects:

- Respect towards people - Appraisal of the value and use of basic polite expressions in social


D-Transverse themes:

- Health education: a healthy diet makes us feel better.

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-Use multiple senses: Dramas, stories, Games, Use multiple senses: Dramas, stories, Games, activities. activities.- Action-oriented (not theoretical).- Action-oriented (not theoretical).-Frequent changes of activities.Frequent changes of activities.-Asking questions.Asking questions.-Involving the children in all the activities.Involving the children in all the activities.-Using the computer.Using the computer.


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Types of activities• 1. Motivation/routines • 2. Checking of previous knowledge • 3. Development• 4. Evaluation • 5. Reinforcement • 6. Extension

Types of grouping• BG: big group IW: individual work PW: Pair

work SW: Small group

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Session 1 out of 6 Length: 55 min.


• Presentacion of the unit - 5mn

• Asking question to the pupils about food and a healthy feeding to know their previous knowledge Brain storm- 15mn

• Asking question to the pupils to know theirs eating habits- 10 min

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. To show the pyramid food in the class – 15 mn

. Activity sheet – individually work - 10mn and to finish at home.

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• Session 2 out of 6• Length: 55 min.


-We start again with the pyramide food, to review the contains of the previous sessions – 10 or 15 mn.

-Activities sheets: . Make a menu – Small group (40mn) . To fill the pyramide food – Pair work

. To enumerate the story- Pair work

-Pick up the activities from this session and the previous one.

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• Session 3 out of 6 • Length: 55 min.


- We make a small review of the previous contents- 5mn- We made a new brain storm, asking the pupils about the

differents types of food and what they know about their prices- 10mn

- Then we show them some photographs of food with his prices-10mn

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- I explain that it is very important to know the prices of the differents products and to have a purchase list before going to the market – 15 mn.

- Activity sheet: First to make a purchase list 15 mn –Small group.

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La compra saludable

Elabora una lista de alimentos necesarios para una semana aproximadamente.


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• Session 4 out of 6 • Length: 55 min.


-To make a dramatisation: We have created a market in the classroom. Some pupils going to make the purchase and other they will be the cashier- Big group – Time: 30mn

-We make a reflection about what we have learn. Big group – 10 or 15 mn.

-One pupil of each group will read the purchase list.- (10 or 15 mn).

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• Session 5 out of 6


- The pupils in this session will go to the Aula Medusa (ICT) to do exercices in the computer. Time: during all the session.

These are some of the page that we have used:

http://www.skoool.es/content/science/healthy_eating/index.html http://roble.pntic.mec.es/arum0010/temas/alimentos.htm


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• Session 6 out of 6


-Evaluation of the unit:

•Activity sheet: different types of food – individually – 15 mn

•Activity sheet: Fill in the pyramide food- Small Group -15 mn

•How we do the purchase food – Small group -15 mn

•Group work evaluation 10mn

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Hay diferentes tipos de alimentos,vamos a escribir y dibujar tresejemplos de cada uno:

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Ejercicio:ordene las siguientes frases de manera que tengan una secuencia lógica:

• — Entrar en el supermercado.• — Coger el monedero y las llaves de casa.• — Revisar la lista de la compra por si me he dejado algo• por comprar.• — Volver a casa. • — Pagar.• — Devolver el carro de la compra.• — Coger el carro de la compra.• — Hacer la lista de la compra.• — Poner la compra en bolsas.• — Bajar a la calle.• — Sacar la lista de la compra e ir buscando las cosas para• comprar.

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Group Work Evaluations: Simple questionnaires used to collect feedback on students’ reactions to group work.  

• 1. Overall, how effective did your group work together on this assignment? (Check the appropriate 

• response) Poorly Adequately Well Extremely well � � � �• 2. How many of the four? group members participated actively

most of the time? (Check the  appropriate response) 0 1 2 3 � � � � �4 5 �

• 3. How many of you were fully prepared for the group work most of the time? (Check the  appropriate response) 0 1 � � �2 3 4 5 � � �

• 4. Give one specific example of something you learned from the group that you probably wouldn’t  have learned working alone. 

• 5. Give one specific example of something the other group members learned from you that they  probably wouldn’t have learned otherwise. 

• 6. Give one specific change that the group could make to improve its performance.

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7-EVALUATION• Quizzes: Essay questions to measure knowledge of

basic concepts - - Where the fruit and vegetables grow.- To know the pyramide food.- To make a purchase (maths exercices)

• Self-Evaluation :honest look at their work and determine how well they think they did.

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• To identify and name some food items.

• To ask and answer about likes and dislikes.

• To know the pyramide food.• To identify Aliments in the food chain.• To sequence and act out differents

stories about the market ( to buy, to pay…)

• To make materials to play with them in the classroom (market).

• To use ICT to practice the purchases.• To fill in a self-evaluation sheet of the



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