ppt chapter sixteen

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  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Cycle Its meaning

    The upswings ( boom )and downswings( depression )in the levels ofbusiness activity mark the different

    phases of the Trade Cycle.A business cycle is a wave likemovement.

    It is - pervasive.- cumulative process of

    expansion and contraction.

    - self enforcing.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    I starting trough, II to IV expansion phase,

    V peak, VI to VIII contraction phase,

    IX end Trough

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    The Phases of A Trade Cycle

    Phase 1 Prosperity, Phase 2, Recession,

    Phase 3 Depression and Phase 4 Recovery

    Line EE is a position of economic equilibrium.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle

    Depression :

    means a state of affairs in whichreal consumption or volume of

    consumption per head, real productionor volume of production per head andof employment are falling or aresubnormal.

    It is characterized by lowproduction, trade, employment,prices, profits. There is decline incredit, share prices, constructionactivity.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle

    Depression :

    when it reaches trough, pent updemand bursts open, producers take uppostponed replacement of machinery,consumers want capital goods , banks

    are forced to provide credit forthese activities and stage is set forRecovery.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle

    Recovery :

    is characterized by rise in levels of

    employment, income and output,expectations of producers improve,banks expand credit.

    when the wave of recovery isinitiated, it begins to feed uponitself leading to Prosperity.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle

    Prosperity :

    is characterized by large volume of

    production, trade, employment,incomes, etc.

    Profits start to swell, interest

    rates go up, bank credit expands,investments increase and there is afeel of optimism everywhere.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle - Prosperity :

    Why does boom brought about byprosperity, break?

    The period of over- optimism andover-investment signals oncoming ofdepression.

    Though income increases marginalpropensity to consume decreases.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle - Prosperity :

    Why does boom brought about byprosperity, break?

    Most of income generated goes intopockets of businessmen who do notspend.

    Progressive taxation reducesmarginal profit.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle - Prosperity :

    Why does boom brought about byprosperity break?

    As higher levels of employment arereached less & less efficientresources are employed.

    Bottlenecks are developed.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle - Prosperity :

    Why does boom brought about byprosperity, break?

    Higher labour cost has to beincurred as wages rise to keep upwith rising prices.

    Higher funding costs have to beincurred as interest rates increase.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle - Prosperity :

    Why does boom brought about byprosperity break?

    Funds become scarce.

    All types of investments fall

    suddenly, entrepreneurs become lessoptimistic.

    Thus boom contains seeds of its own destruction.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Characteristic Features of Each Phaseof Trade Cycle

    Recession and the Downswing

    Optimism of boom gives way toskepticism.

    Recovery dreams disappear. Projects on hand are also dropped.

    Credit is curtailed.

    Workers are laid off. Unemployment

    spreads. Construction activity slows down.

    Share prices decline.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Policies.

    Managerial decisions in Inflation have toconsider :

    1. Prices are rising.

    2. Value of money falls.

    3. Demand for goods dampens.4. Cost of replacement of assets is high.

    5. Although profits are high, cost offurther production has to be checked withrevenue from it over a long period.

    6. Corporate taxes are high.

    7. Shareholders expect high dividends.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Policies.

    Managerial decisions in Recession have toconsider :

    1. Prices are falling.

    2. Cost saving measures required.

    3. Profits are low.

    4. No scope for further investment.

    The Government has to take measures tocontrol these fluctuations in prices.

    The tools available are Fiscal Policy

    Monetary Policy

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Policies.

    Fiscal Policy

    - is the policy under which theGovernment uses its expenditure andrevenue programmes to produce

    desirable effects and avoidundesirable effects on the NationalIncome, Production and Employment.

    Three constituents of Fiscal policyare Taxation

    Public Expenditure

    Public Debt

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Policies.

    Fiscal PolicyObjectives

    1. resource mobilization

    2. acceleration of economic growth

    3. reduction in inequalities

    4. increase employment

    5. price stability , curbing inflation.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Policies.

    Monetary Policy

    - refers to management of expansion orcontraction of money and credit supply in

    the economy by either changing the costof credit, or the availability of creditwith a view to achieving certain macroeconomic objectives of full employment,

    price stability, economic growth andexchange rate stability.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Business Policies.

    Monetary Policy

    There exists a conflict betweenobjectives of stable prices and full


    If the rate of unemployment is to bereduced certain level of inflation has to

    be tolerated.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Indicators of Business Activity

    Indicators of Business Activity are broadly

    classified into Internal & External Economic


    Internal indicators include National Income and

    output, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Level of

    Employment, Index of Agricultural / Industrial

    production, Price Index, Cost of Living Index,

    Rate of saving, investment, economic growth;

    Modernization, Nationalization, Liberalization,

    Population Growth etc.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Indicators of Business Activity

    Indicators of Business Activity are broadly

    classified into Internal & External Economic


    External indicators include Exports &Imports, balance of Payments, Capital flows,Foreign Exchange Reserves, Rate of Exchange,depreciation, appreciation or devaluation


  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Input Output Analysis

    Input output analysis is used tostudy the supply and demandinterrelationships that exist betweenthe various sectors of economy.

    The matrix prepared under theanalysis shows for each industry forone rupee output produced, how manypaise are spent on itself, how manyon buying materials from other

    industries and the balance spent onlabour.

    The analysis is based on severalassumptions.

  • 8/12/2019 PPT Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Sixteen Managerial Economics

    Glimpses of Macro-Economic Environment & Input

    Output Analysis

    Input Output Analysis

    The analysis is very useful inascertaining effects of change infinal demand on production in varioussectors of industry. It provides animportant mathematical tool for analyzinginter-industry, inter sectoral Input-Outputrelations.

    Compilation of input-output matrix iscomplex, time consuming andexpensive. It fails to recognizedynamic conditions of the economy ingeneral and firms in particular.