ppt cspm markus heiniger

SDCs strategies in fragile and conflict affected situations 1. Context 2. Definitions 3. New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States 4. SDC fragility evaluation 5. SDCs policies 6. Implementation Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Network Conflict and Human Rights SDC F2f e+i, Thun, 13 th May 2013 SDC - Focal Point Conflict and Human Rights

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SDCs strategies in fragile and conflict affected situations 1. Context 2. Definitions 3. New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States 4. SDC fragility evaluation 5. SDCs policies 6. Implementation

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Network Conflict and Human Rights

SDC F2f e+i, Thun, 13th May 2013 SDC - Focal Point Conflict and Human Rights

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1. Context: Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations FCS

  1.5 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected situations, in about 45 countries

  No low-income or conflict-affected country has yet achieved MDG. Poverty rates are in average 20% higher in countries where violence is protracted.

  Transiting out-of-fragility takes 20-40 years.

  30% of ODA is spent in such contexts, but very inequitably (country-wise/sector-wise).

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2. Definitions

OECD: Fragility: 3 key features for development: basic state functions; legitimacy; political processes

 OEDCD-DAC: „State fragility is defined as a lack

of capacity to perform basic state functions, where “capacity” encompasses

  (a) organizational, institutional and financial capacity to carry out basic functions of governing a population and territory

  and (b) the state’s ability to develop mutually constructive and reinforcing relations with society. (…)

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 State capacity is achieved through:  political processes of constructive state-

society bargaining, which in turn require legitimacy;

 capacity and legitimacy can then become mutually reinforcing, and contribute to state building

 The dynamic can also be negative if a lack of capacity undermines legitimacy and vice versa, contributing to state fragility.”

 Don‘t forget: Global drivers of conflict and fragility

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A Basic Definition

  State’s missing ability to develop mutually construc-tive, reinforcing relations with society (legitimacy failure)

  There is a fragility spectrum

A mixture of normative, state centred definitions of functions with people centred perceptions and security aspects:

  L a c k o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , ins t i tu t iona l and f inanc ia l capacity to carry out basic functions of protecting (authority failures) and governing (service failure) a population and territory;

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3. The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States… from Paris to Busan


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a)Five Peace and Statebuilding Goals


  Foster inclusive political settements and conflict resolution

  Establish and strengthen people’s security.

  Address injustices and increase people’s access to justice.

  Generate employment and improve livelihoods.

  Manage revenues and build capacity for accountable and fair service delivery.

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b)FOCUS - Engagement to support country owned and led pathways out of fragility   Fragility assessments: Features of fragility and sources of

resilience; fragility spectrum to be elaborated by the G7+.

  One vision, one plan: Country led and country owned in consultation with civil society. Setting priorities.

  Compact: A country level between national & international stakeholders: ensure harmonization, coordination and alignment.

  Use PSGs to monitor progress.

  Support political dialogue and leadership: Build capacity in government and civil society to lead peace and statebuilding efforts.


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c)TRUST - Commitments for Results   Transparency: Transparent use of domestic resources and

aid (ODA and non-ODA) allocated against the PSGs.

  Risk-sharing: Risk of non-engagement can outweigh risks of engagement. Joint risk assessment and management.

  Use and strengthen country systems: Jointly identify oversight and accountability mechanisms.

  Strengthen capacities: increase % of funding for national capacity building (through pooled funding and facilitate south-south exchanges).

  Timely and predictable aid: simplified emergency or fast track financial management and procurement; new modalities.


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Who signed up?   Afghanistan   Australia   Austria   Belgium   Burundi   Canada   Central African Republic   Chad   Democratic Republic of Congo   Denmark   Finland   France   Germany   Guinea Bissau   Guinea   Haiti   Ireland   Japan   Liberia   Luxembourg   Netherlands

  New Zealand   Norway   Portugal   Sierra Leone   Solomon Islands   Somalia   South Sudan   Spain*   Sweden   Switzerland   Timor-Leste   Togo   United Kingdom   United States   African Development Bank   Asian Development Bank   European Union   Organisation for Economic Co-operation

and Development   UN Development Group   World Bank


Signatories to the New Deal

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a)Five Peace and Statebuilding Goals


  Foster inclusive political settements and conflict resolution

  Establish and strengthen people’s security.

  Address injustices and increase people’s access to justice.

  Generate employment and improve livelihoods.

  Manage revenues and build capacity for accountable and fair service delivery.

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PSG 4 and 5 - Indicators   Indicators for PSG 4 (interim list, April 2013, ID)

  1.Productive resources and prospects for growth   -Population with access to useable and serviceable transport

networks, communication, water and energy (in% of population)   -Income inequalities among regions     2. Employment and Livelihoods   -%of labour force under- and unemployed   Theory of change : unemployment and underemployment,

particularly among youth, can be a key factor for conflict, especially where there are significant employment differentials among social groups

  -change of foold prices over last 3 months     3.Natural resource management   -Existence and enforcement of regulatory framework for NRM   -Perception of fair use of benefits from natural resources 13

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PSG 4 and 5 - Indicators

  Indicators for PSG 5   1.Revenue Management   -Ability of he state to monopolise tax and customs collection …   -Ability of the state to generate official tax payments as a

source of development finance and service delivery     2.Public administration   -Quality of public financial management and internal oversight

meachanisms   -% of population that reports paying a bribe when obtaining a

public service or when interacting with a public official     3. Service delivery   Wether key basic services are distributed equitably between

regions and social groups   Public satisfaction with standard, performance and frianess of

basic social delivery services 14

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PSG 4 and 5 Indicators

  SDC had advocated for

  PSG 4 Economic Foundations: % of increase of social inclusive employment and other income generation opportunities as means for sustaining livelihoods;

  PSG 5 Revenue and Services: % of increased state functions, covered by governmental ability to raise, priorities and manage own financial resources;


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New Deal: Implementation


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New Deal: Implementation


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International Finance Corporation, WB Group: Ease of Doing business ranking in the g7+


  92. Solomon Islands   104. Papua New Guinea   140. Sierra Leone   149. Liberia   169. Timor-Leste   174. Haiti   177. Cote d’Ivoire   178. Guinea   156. Togo   158. Comoros   159. Burundi   168. Afghanistan   179. Guinea-Bissau   181. Congo, Dem. Rep.   184. Chad   185. Central African republic

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International Finance Corporation, WB Group: Ease of Doing business ranking in the g7+


  A hypothetical “best of the g7+” country - based on a synthetic ranking of the best score among the g7+ economies (for each of the 31 subindicators) - would be ranked 10 globally, 82 places higher than the top-ranked g7+ economy (the Solomon Islands, at 92), and 150 places above the current g7+ average (160)

  In this hypothetical g7+ economy:   Starting a business would take just 6 days as it does in

Liberia   Registering the transfer of a property for commercial

use would cost 3.3% of the property value just as in Burundi

  Exporting would require 6 documents as in Timor-Leste   And legal framework for secured transactions would be

similar to that of the Solomon Islands

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SDC fragility evaluation 2011/2012: Recommendations

  Directorate to develop clear and coherent vision   Concentrate and focus: comparative advantage, credible

resource levels, innovative approaches   Start with context analysis and put in place coherent strategy

of how to achieve transformational change   Heads of Divisions to ensure that CS in FS focus on outcomes

that address causes of fragility, address state- and peace-building objectives, including human rights

  Align with priorities of G7+ / New Deal, use their tools (indicators)   Develop a better mixture of modalities and instruments and

use CSPM   Establish truly joint strategies with shared goals and outcomes   Put in place new staffing policy for fragile states   Address security management: clarify roles and

responsibilities   Communicate rationale for engagement and risks in FS


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4. SDC Policies – Message 13-16

  To work more in fragile situations – to stay engaged

  Impact goal 1 (humanitarian aid and reconstruction)Relevant contribution to reduction of human suffering and the protection of civilians)

  Impact Goal 5 (poverty reduction) : “SDC makes until 2016 relevant contributions to the improvement of life conditions, the reduction of causes of conflicts and the improvement of crisis resistance in fragile contexts, so that the concerned countries can better overcome crisis.

  Impact Goal 8 (support to transition): „SDC and seco support sustainable transition to democratic and market systems [...] In the CIS countries Switzerland, contributes to the stabilisation of fragile contexts, to the solution of conflicts and to the building up of the institutions. 21

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4. SDC – Change and Implementation plan 2013-2016 (board of directors, 2012)

1. Country strategy and programming Country strategies in fragile states include clear outcomes that address

the causes of fragility and conflict, and they address state building and peace building objectives (5 PSGs).

  Conflict Sensitive Program Management is inbuilt.   Conflict analyis / Hypothesis of change – „vision/scenarios Risk

assessment / Risk management   Strategic outcome CSPM in result framework 2. Working together The Swiss government as a whole to establish genuine joint strategies

in-country with shared goals and outcomes (“whole of government”)

  SDC increases its strategic engagement with other donors and the multilateral system, and to Swiss civil society.

  Development/ implementation of shared cooperation strategies in fragile and conflict-affected states is done with an assigned lead.


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3. Human Resources SDCs staffing rules and conditions allow for SDC to have

enough and available competent staff (local and expat) at any time for assignments in fragile contexts.

  Objective: well trained staff are available in sufficent numbers

  Outcomes: better preparation and support; human resource marketing, support in non-family and non-children duty stations

4. Security, safety New security guidelines approved; roles and responsibi-lities

on security across the FDFA, in country contexts, clarified.

5. Communication SDC communicates the rationale and goals for engaging in

fragile states how we work with internal and external stakeholders, including with successes and problems


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5. Implementation

  Conflict / fragility analysis

  Hypothesis of change

  Scenario building


  Portfolio mix

  Risk management


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5. Implementation

 Conflict analysis /fragility analysis/ Sharesd Analysis

  Social and political analysis   Conflict dynamics - drivers of conflict   Fragility assessment

  COOF + Division + (HSD, seco, VBS) + local experts + (like minded) other donors

  With consultant   Include existing conflict analysis

  Root causes of conflict and core issues (effects of root causes) to be analyzed. This includes social and political conflict. Joint and/or country led Fragility assessments to be used. 25

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5. Implementation

 Hypothesis of change   Key question : How do we address fragility and

conflict   How can development interventions contribute to a

reduction of conflict and fragility? To peace and state building goals?

  How should social conflicts and political conflicts be addressed? How can Switzerland contribute to this?

  Vision of how the country could / should develop re social/politcal dynamics

  Not (primarily) related to sectors/themes   Relation to „One plan“ / „Compact“


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5. Implementation

 Scenario building

  A most likely, a worst and a best scenario to be identified.

  Annually: validate working scenario. Update local security plan

  Adaptation to scenarios: What does it mean to work under different scenarios in terms of results to be achieved, portfolio mix and approaches/modalities?

  Projection of analysis into the future   Prepardness   Link to operational consequences


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5. Implementation

 MERV   The objective of a MERV (Monitoring System for

Development-Relevant Changes) context analysis is to regularly and systematically register the medium and long-term changes and trends in relevant fields of observations like politics, the economy, social affairs, security issues, the environment, and culture

  so that the changes and trends thus observed can be analyzed and allow for an early assessment to be made of the possible influence these changes and trends might exert on the programmes conducted by the organization and its partners in the field.

  and measures can be taken to adapt operations   Half yearly or quarterly (if more difficult situation)   With the whole team of COOF! 28

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5. Implementation

 Portfolio mix   in view of achievement of strategic outcomes and

risk mitigation   What is the adequate portfolio mix e.g. in terms of

regional presence in the country or modalities of intervention or results to be perceived on population and on organizational level?


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5. Implementation

 Risk management

  The acceptance approach is based upon developing relationships with all stakeholders and gaining consent for programmes and operations as means of minimising or removing threats. Acceptance can be fostered - through the quality assurance of work, community involvement (community contributions to your project, community mobilisation, etc.), accountability, transparency and inclusion regarding groups and layers of society.


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6. Now comes the sector

  What do other donors do (mapping)

  Definition of themes and domains of intervention

  Result Framework (for most likely scenario)

  Including with an outcome (implementation modality outcome) on fragility / CSPM (e.g. how to contribute to New Deal implementation…, )


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  Some more elements of Conflict Sensitive Program Management CSPM


  Work force diversity

  Geographical clustering

  Choice of partners


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Take home messages


•  There is a problem. Some 45 countries particularly affected. Fragility and violence-conflict dimensions as main obstacles for development. -„Fragility“ spectrum.

•  There is a plan: Approaches and tools to enable SDC to stay engaged in difficult situations: SDC fragility implementation plan 13-16. In line with international community (New Deal)

•  Employment and Income programs very important to help prevent and overcome fragility.

•  Mother of all questions: How do we address fragility and violent conflict?

•  .

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Take home messages


•  Swiss country strategies must build upon a comprehensive context analysis addressing the political and social dimensions of fragility. Root causes and core issues. They must include civil society actors and private sector

•  „Do no harm“ and Conflict Sensitive Program Management CSPM. Human Rights and Gender