ppt summarizing saving water

Students will analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.

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Students will analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.

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Organizational Patterns

and Summarizing


“Saving Water: Why Save Something That Covers Two-Thirds of the Earth?”

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Today we will:

Summarize main ideas, supporting details, and relationships among ideas in Majorie Lamb’s “Saving Water” essay in a concise way that maintains meaning and logical order.

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Summarizing ?

This process is one in which you highlight or state the key points of a text in a brief or succinct way.

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Summarizing ?

"Summarizing condenses in your own words the main points in a text, section, or passage.Reread it, jotting down a few keywords. State the main point in your own words (only

what the author wrote not your reactions).Check your summary against the original,

making sure that you use quotation marks around any exact phrases that you borrow.“

Randall VanderMey, et al., The College Writer, Houghton, 2007)

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Characteristics of a SummaryTypically, a summary will do the following:

Cite the author and title of the text.

Indicate the main ideas of the text. Accurately representing the main ideas (while omitting the less important details) is the major goal of the summary.

Use direct quotations of key words, phrases, or

sentences. Quote the text directly for a few key ideas; paraphrase the other important ideas (that is, express the ideas in your own words.)

(Stephen Reid, The Prentice Hall Guide for Writers, 2003)

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Characteristics of a Summary

Include author tags. ("According to Lamb" or "as Lamb asserts") to remind the reader that you are summarizing the author and the text, not giving your own ideas. . . .

Avoid summarizing specific examples or data unless they help illustrate the thesis or main idea of the text.

Report the main ideas as objectively as possible. . . . Do not include your reactions; save them for your response.

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Main Idea ?

A main idea is important information that tells more about the overall idea of a paragraph or section of a text.

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Supporting Details ?

Supporting details are statements which support the topic. You support the main idea by explaining it, describing it, defining it, or otherwise giving information about it.

It = the main idea

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Remember, to summarize nonfiction, we need to look at HOW the author organizes an article. This is known as organizational patterns in a text.

Look at the following list of text structures, and try to decide how “Saving Water” is organized OVERALL.

-Chronological order



-Main idea/detail




We will look at each structure on the next couple of slides.

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Chronological order Cause/effect

Is the information in this text told in order of events?

No. The first part does show some of the steps involved in getting clean water, but the second part is definitely not told in chronological order.

Does this essay explain how one thing happens as a result of another and how that causes something else?

The first section definitely uses cause and effect relationships (we need water, so we have to do pump it in from sources, some of which are filthy; that means we have to clean it which means…), but the second part does not. I can still use those cause/effect relationships to help me write the first part of my summary.

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Compare/contrast Main idea/detail

Does this essay show how two or more things are alike and different?


Does this essay talk about a specific thing and then describe it, give examples of it, etc.?

At times it does, but that is not the best structure to describe it.

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Question/answer Classification

Does this essay pose a question and then answer the who, what, when, where, why, how about it?

No. The 5 W’s are not being answered. The title does pose a question, but it is a rhetorical one which is used as a device in argumentative writing for the purpose of stimulating thought. It is a leading question.

Does this essay break a topic down into subtopics and explain each one?

No. The last section does divide into parts, but not the first half.

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Does this article present a problem and then show possible ways to deal with the problem?

Yes. The article presents the problem we have with water in the first half. In the second half it offers solutions for dealing with the problem.

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This article definitely has two parts:

Part I provides information about water.

Part 2 shows ways we can conserve water.Chronological order



Maid idea/detail




Problem/solution is the best way to describe the structure of this article. However, as I work on my summary, I can use the cause/effect relationships and main idea/detail parts to help form my summary of the problem and the solution.

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Remember, when we summarize, we want to concentrate on only the main ideas.

Don’t include all the interesting

minor details—just the main points!

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Problem and Solution

Problem Solution

? ?

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Problem and Solution

Problem Solution

We misuse the %1 of water that we have

available for our use, and we can’t create

new water.?

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Problem and Solution

Problem Solution

We misuse the %1 of water that we have

available for our use, and we can’t create

new water.

Take steps to change our personal daily habits of wasting

water and begin to do: A, B, C, and D.

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Summarizing “Saving Water” Look at Part 2 (“What to do” section on

page 2. This section (about ways to conserve water) should be fairly easy to summarize because it contains subheadings that deal with the solution to the problem.

With your group, write a summary of the second section starting with the sentence,

“There are many ways to conserve water at home.”

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What is the main idea of the paragraph? 

The answer must match the main WHO/WHAT 

Has What?

Does What?

Is What?

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