pr and integrated comm

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  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Stuart M. Levy has more that twenty years of

    experience in the field of public relations. He is

    founder and president of SML Communication,

    Inc., a Texas based training and public relations

    firm. As a well-know professor of public relations,

    he has been associated with various educational

    institutions, where he teaches courses in publicrelations. He also serves as a honorary member

    in the advisory committees of various professional


  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR Public Relations means an industry that

    influences public opinion towards an

    organization and its products and services.

    The first PR firm , The Publicity Bureau wasestablished in 1900 by forms newspaper men

    with Harvard university

    PR Profession Eduward Bernays clul Byloer

    Iny lee was first produlioner of PR

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR Includes:

    Communication, Psychology, sociology, political

    economics & Principles of management and


    It conducts it duties press conferees politics &

    civil society entertainment & celebrityHow PR function on effective communication

    target audience key issues selection criteria

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    In this chapter the author has just started with

    the PR in brief. It has given the most basic of PR

    principles in very simple and understandable

    manner. There is detailed introduction about

    each topic. It is explained in very simple mannerwithout leaving any doubts in mind of the

    reader. It has covered all the important points in

    the chapter.


    They made the introductory chapter very lengthy

    Some part of the paragraph is not require as it

    has the repeated explanation

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR multicultural

    Cultural theory scholars labeled these differentrationalities as cultural biases which supportsthe particular as cultural voice primes of cultural

    biases cultural tribe. Cultural theory proposes that each couple of life

    is incomplete the five way cultural theory in PRincludes fatalist Voice

    Fatalist voiceHierarchical voice

    AI voice

    CI voice

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    The chapter itself indicates that the pr ismulticulture. Each culture has been presented inin a very intellectual manner. Every culture andvoice is cleverly written and easy to understand.

    The writer has given the brief detail of eachtheory and smartly related to it in PR


    In this chapter the writer has diverted from thetopic to some extent.

    Because of which the chapter becomes misguidinand confusing eg confusion between the culturevoice and theory

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Securing the best PR services must be theagenda of an organization

    PRCA ( public relation consultant association)is produce to clarify queries in two partsconcentration on technical aspects

    Role of PRCA Responsibility,crisismanagement etc, communication is givenmajor importance.

    Consultancy depends upon the hour and days.Value of PCR

    Good consultancy, accurate and experience,design elastically.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    In this chapter the author has described about howthe purchasing power reflects the shares and otherorganization. There are various consultancies thatwork in functioning of the PR smoothly. Consultancieshave their own criteria according to which theyfunction and even charge their fees depending upontheir status. The chapter has provided with detailexplanation about the smooth functioning of theconsultancies.


    in this chapter the writer has presented it in such a waythat it indicates that the consultancies of PRbecomes an profit making organization , which is nottrue. There is the description about fees of theconsultancies often.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    The main motive of PR is reputation and relationship leadsto profit.


    Business school practice real world competition and thereis little scope for reputation and relations.

    Profit oriented Lack communication skills.

    PR Real success depends upon the public satisfaction.


    Truth, action, listen to customers

    Manage for tomorrow Good conduct of PR

    Calmed ,patient & good humored

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    The main motive of PR organization is makereputation and maintain the relationship withthe people which leads to their profit. theirmain aim is to satisfy their customers unlike the

    other profit making organization. The chapterhas very interestingly written differentiating theB -school and PR organizations it has alsomentioned about the different PAGE principles.


    While through the chapter the b- schools hasbeen very strongly explained compared to the PRorganizations . It has been given the morehighlighted.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR can be examined from a variety of framework such as critical and rhetorical perspective.


    There are seven framing models

    -Framing models

    -Framing situation

    -Framing attributes

    -Framing of risk choices

    -Framing of action

    -Framing of issues

    -Framing of responsibility

    -Framing of news

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR can be examined from a variety of frame

    works. In this chapter the writer has given

    the brief detail of each framing model . Its

    written in a very straight format. Eachtheory has its own significance.


    Every theory of framing could have been

    explained with good n current exampleswhich would have been more impactful to

    the readers.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR is difficult to practice related toorganizational behavior

    Goal dimensions of PR

    Quest for positive image

    Quest for substantial behavioral relationship ofan organization & PR

    PR Behavior

    Integrated PR organization

    Promotional PR organization Technical PR organization

    Restricted PR organization

    Typology of power

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    In this chapter the writer has explained aboutdifficulties involved in practicing PR in theorganizational behavior. It is gaol oriented. Forwhich it PR functions as strategies and managers

    to generate valuable outcome of has also mentioned about thevarious aspects of PR strategies such astechnical PR, Restricted PR, Promotional PR etc,each strategies of PR is intellectually executed

    in the writing. demerits

    There is a lack of interrelation in each and everytopic

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Organizations are goal oriented

    Confidence & Ability to speak

    Provide accurate and quick information

    Scientific and technical information

    Scientific uncertainty Factors affecting risk perception

    Building trust and credibility

    Avoiding pitfalls managing hostile situation

    Communication with media Interview & guidelines

    Planning and preparations

    Presentation in public meeting

    Able to answer question

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Communication is most important factor for anyorganization in achieving the goal. in this chapter thewriter has very briefly describe about the how one issupposed to behave and maintain the posture duringthe conferences and interview. The writer has

    explained it in depth. It has mentioned all thepossible points about the interview and maintainingrelationship with the media and also given variousadvice regarding handling of media to tackle difficultinterviews. Its a very simple and easy chapter.


    In this chapter the writer has mentioned same pointstwice or sometimes even thrice. There is repetitionof same explanation. The chapter could have beenshort but there is too much explanation of simpletopic in a lengthy manner.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Online communication is strongly influencing people

    PR practioners have found that technology can supplementtask such as maintenance media list analyzing media clipsand obtaining immediate feedback.

    Customer satisfaction primary goal

    Maintain trust loyalty of people web site design

    Information satisfaction

    Significance of electronic commerce

    Effective web site design

    Influence web relationship Online community building

    E-commerce web site design model

    Public relation strategy dimensions

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    In this chapter the author has mentioned aboutthe various aspect of the online communication.Every Paragraph of the chapter is well describe.As online has become the new trend. it mostlyfocuses on the trust, loyalty and satisfaction of

    the customers. It also mentions about variousterms such has graphics animation navigation e-commerce.


    Though the chapter has all he good points about

    the online & e-commerce but fails to explain thedrawbacks of online in PR. The writer must havealso suggested about the remedy to overcomesuch problems

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Community information cultural, financial


    Providing information since 1970 & refer as I&R

    Community networking providing people withamazing nonstop services

    Electronic world

    Use of network CI system

    Barriers to using CI system Public online information behavior

    Individual & builds community

    Sense making

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Internet use has reverse effect by isolatingindividuals and decreasing interpersonalinteractions. In this chapter the writer has givenbrief discussion about the communityinformation ,so that there is interaction among

    the masses. There is detail and minuteexplanation about the CI. The chapter has mostlycovered all important aspects of CI linking to allpossible fields.


    There are irrelevant information in this chapterwhich is actually not require

    Too many information may also leads toconfusion.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    Ethics are concerned with what people should doas opposed to what we are obliged to do.

    It includes-


    Religious cultural

    Decision making about actions

    Way of ism

    Different stages

    Pre conventional


    Post conventional level

    Professional and organizational ethics

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    This is the very short chapter as compared to

    others. The chapter explains about the

    importance of ethics and value in PR. The

    writer has smartly written the chapter short

    and precise.


    There should be more practical examples

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm




    Sect oral level

    Civil society

    Organizational level

    Mainstreaming ISP

    Inter- sect oral partnering IYF &ISP

    Global alliance for workers and community

    Global partnership for youth development



    IYF Partnership & ISP

    Cisco system

    Rural youth development programmed

    Culture communication and compatibility

    Intermediary organization

    Power relation

    Globalization and ISP

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    This is one of the most important chapter as itcovers all the vital points. It is mostly youthoriented chapter. it also mention about thevarious foundations and organization such has

    IYF,ISI,CSO,CSR,USAID,NPI,CDF,UNDAF etc. Eachtopic covers the various aspects and there is lotto learn from it . The writer through its writinghas easily made the chapter much simpler andeasy to understand

    Demerits Lack of examples

    Repeation of topic which has the sameexplanation

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    PR is recognized discipline .It is an industry

    with millions of professionals.

    Two way symmetrical model

    PR close to universal Excellency in PR

    Formation of attitudes and opinion


    Persuasion changing perception and onion

    changing behavior

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm


    In this chapter the writer has given thesimple and basic explanation about thevarious PR strategies, Programmers andtechnique. The writer has describe about the

    how PR its goal without losing its reputationand relations. Its is the vast firm under whichmany professionals work. Since it I the lastchapter the writer has written it veryskillfully to conclude its book.


    Necessity of more examples about the currentaffairs would have enhanced the chapter.

  • 8/2/2019 Pr and Integrated Comm
