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Describe major sources of energy used throughout history By: Michael McCord

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Describe major sources of energy used throughout history

By: Michael McCord

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Wood EnergyHistory: * Burning wood for energy was said to be the first form of energy.

Facts: * This process was started during the colonial times and is still a common technique used today.

Advantages: *Wood is a renewable natural resource.

* Burning wood releases 90% less CO2 in the air compared to fossil fuels.

Weaknesses: * Wood burning is much slower and releases less energy then other fuels.

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CoalHistory: Coal was widely used in the middle ages, right after “wood burning”

Facts: *1885 through 1951 coal was the leading source of energy used in the U.S, and now coal makes up 1/3 of our nations energy.

Advantages: * America currently has the worlds largest coal reserve.

*This can be an alternative then to be reliant on the Middle East for petroleum.

Weaknesses: *Coal is a non-renewable resource.

*Coal releases both harmful gases and smoke into our air that we breath.

-Those harmful gases create problems such as acid rain, hazardous waste and many others.

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PetroleumFacts: *We import majority of our petroleum due to the fact that we consume so much

History: *Petroleum was started to be used, to replace coal.

*It’s the United states most used energy source.

Advantages: *Majority of our energy comes from petroleum.

*Clothes, toys, and other various items come from petroleum.

Weaknesses: *We have to rely on the Middle East to export that product to us.

Barrel of petroleum

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Hydroelectric Power

Advantages: *Safe, efficient source of energy.

*Renewable source of energy.

Weaknesses: There must be a large source of water to power it.

Facts: It’s a source of energy, which is entirely powered by the current of water.

History: It’s the new more recent form of energy.

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This is a graph, of all the resources over the many years.

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Solar Power- Solar power is rarely used in the United states. It only makes up about 1% of the total electricity used in the U.S.

*Coal makes up about 60% of our Nations Electricity, while natural gas and nuclear power make up the other 40%.

Wind Power- Wind power is rapidly growing in the United states.

*Over the past five years it has grown about 32% annually.

*As of 2005 the total generating capacity is about 9,149 megawatts, that is enough to power 2.3 million homes.

Ethanol- Fermented and distilled from forms of sugar and starch crops including corn, barley, and wheat.

*some areas of the country mandate vehicles to use E10 fuel to improve air quality.

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Hydroelectric Power- Hydroelectric power supplies about 19% of the worlds electricity.

*Produces no harmful emissions unlike fossil fuels.

*It is less expensive than using fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Hydrogen- Hydrogen produces electricity by reacting with oxygen in the air and water.

* The only by-product is heat and water.

Liquid Coal- Coal is the largest domestic energy source in the U.S. and is easily obtained

*Generates about half of the electricity in the U.S.

*Increases global warming emissions.

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Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be used in diesel engines with fueling infrastructure.

Biodiesel is made by reacting alcohol with vegetable oils, animal fats and greases.

Its most often used in blends of 2% or 20%

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Bio diesel exhaust is potently harmful to your health due to bad chemicals.

One of the many current uses of bio diesel is in school

buses.Biodiesel was created before there were any fully functional diesel engines. The alternative fuel found its first use in vehicles in World War II.

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Alternative-Fuel VehiclesHybrid Car

*Much more fuel-efficient then the leading diesel cars.

*They don’t release harmful chemicals in to the air like the other diesel cars.

*Many people are making the switch to Hybrid cars to save money on gas.

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Electric Car

• Electric cars, can get over 100 miles to the gallon.

• Easy as plugging them into a electrical outlet.

• The catch, is some electric cars are way more expensive compared to diesel cars.

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• America’s favorite cars run mostly on diesel.

• Diesel cars let off harmful fumes into the air which causes air pollution.

• More particulate pollution, then regular cars.