practical protection of kernel integrity for commodity os …...instrumentation or page protection),...

Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS from Untrusted Extensions Xi Xiong The Pennsylvania State University [email protected] Donghai Tian The Pennsylvania State University Beijing Institute of Technology [email protected] Peng Liu The Pennsylvania State University [email protected] Abstract Kernel extensions are widely used by attackers to com- promise the operating system kernel. With the presence of various untrusted extensions, it remains a challenging prob- lem to comprehensively preserve the integrity of OS kernels in a practical and generic way. In this paper, we present HUKO, a hypervisor-based integrity protection system de- signed to protect commodity OS kernels from untrusted ex- tensions. In HUKO system, untrusted kernel extensions can safely run to provide desired functionalities. The behaviors of untrusted extensions, however, are conned by manda- tory access control policies, which signicantly limit the attacker’s ability to compromise the integrity of the ker- nel. To guarantee multi-aspect protection and enforcement, HUKO leverages hardware assisted paging to transparently isolate untrusted extensions from the OS kernel. Moreover, HUKO overcomes the challenge of mediation overhead by introducing a novel design named subject-aware protection state transition to eliminate unnecessary privilege transi- tions caused by mediating allowed accesses. Our approach is practical because it requires little change for either OS kernel or extensions, and it can inherently support multiple commodity operating systems and legacy extensions. We have implemented a prototype of HUKO based on the open source Xen hypervisor. The evaluation results show that HUKO can comprehensively protect the integrity for both Linux and Windows kernel from various kinds of malicious extensions with an acceptable performance cost. 1 Introduction Kernel-level extensions are widely supported in com- modity operating systems to extend the kernel’s function- ality. However, the extension interface could also be lever- aged by attackers to tamper the integrity of the OS kernel. For example, attackers can install malicious extensions such as kernel rootkits to hide their activities in the system. On the other hand, the existence of buggy third-party device drivers exposes many vulnerabilities which can be exploited by attackers to inject their malicious code into the kernel space. These untrusted extensions threaten the kernel in- tegrity greatly, yet unfortunately in many cases users have to let them run in order to provide the desired functional- ities and availability. Therefore, preserving the OS kernel integrity from the presence of untrusted extensions remains a challenging problem. Previous research efforts on protecting the OS kernel pri- marily target at one aspect of kernel integrity protection, such as code integrity [27, 25], data integrity [10, 31] and control ow/data integrity [33, 23, 35]. While these ap- proaches are effective against certain categories of attacks, the lack of multi-aspect protection renders the system’s in- capability to deal with multiple types of malicious activi- ties. For example, systems that only guarantee the integrity of kernel code and hooks are vulnerable to DKOM (Direct Kernel Object Manipulation) attacks. Similarly, protecting kernel code and data is not enough for defeating new con- trol ow attacks such as return-oriented rootkits [28, 24]. Moreover, current approaches are also limited in countering advanced attacks such as direct kernel stack manipulation in commodity systems, in which the attacker manipulates con- trol and/or non-control data in the kernel stack shared by all code entities in the OS kernel. Another difculty is about making the protection scheme practical and generic. Several proposals [27, 25, 22] pre- serve kernel code integrity by preventing untrusted code from executing in the kernel space to defeat code injection and malwares. However, they also eliminate all the benign functionalities and availability provided by untrusted exten- sions. Quite a few security approaches [23, 10, 26, 11, 14] utilize the knowledge of kernel data structures to achieve ne-grained auditing and intrusion detection. However,

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Page 1: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS from UntrustedExtensions

Xi XiongThe Pennsylvania State

[email protected]

Donghai TianThe Pennsylvania State

UniversityBeijing Institute of Technology

[email protected]

Peng LiuThe Pennsylvania State

[email protected]


Kernel extensions are widely used by attackers to com-promise the operating system kernel. With the presence ofvarious untrusted extensions, it remains a challenging prob-lem to comprehensively preserve the integrity of OS kernelsin a practical and generic way. In this paper, we presentHUKO, a hypervisor-based integrity protection system de-signed to protect commodity OS kernels from untrusted ex-tensions. In HUKO system, untrusted kernel extensions cansafely run to provide desired functionalities. The behaviorsof untrusted extensions, however, are confined by manda-tory access control policies, which significantly limit theattacker’s ability to compromise the integrity of the ker-nel. To guarantee multi-aspect protection and enforcement,HUKO leverages hardware assisted paging to transparentlyisolate untrusted extensions from the OS kernel. Moreover,HUKO overcomes the challenge of mediation overhead byintroducing a novel design named subject-aware protectionstate transition to eliminate unnecessary privilege transi-tions caused by mediating allowed accesses. Our approachis practical because it requires little change for either OSkernel or extensions, and it can inherently support multiplecommodity operating systems and legacy extensions. Wehave implemented a prototype of HUKO based on the opensource Xen hypervisor. The evaluation results show thatHUKO can comprehensively protect the integrity for bothLinux and Windows kernel from various kinds of maliciousextensions with an acceptable performance cost.

1 Introduction

Kernel-level extensions are widely supported in com-modity operating systems to extend the kernel’s function-ality. However, the extension interface could also be lever-aged by attackers to tamper the integrity of the OS kernel.

For example, attackers can install malicious extensions suchas kernel rootkits to hide their activities in the system. Onthe other hand, the existence of buggy third-party devicedrivers exposes many vulnerabilities which can be exploitedby attackers to inject their malicious code into the kernelspace. These untrusted extensions threaten the kernel in-tegrity greatly, yet unfortunately in many cases users haveto let them run in order to provide the desired functional-ities and availability. Therefore, preserving the OS kernelintegrity from the presence of untrusted extensions remainsa challenging problem.

Previous research efforts on protecting the OS kernel pri-marily target at one aspect of kernel integrity protection,such as code integrity [27, 25], data integrity [10, 31] andcontrol flow/data integrity [33, 23, 35]. While these ap-proaches are effective against certain categories of attacks,the lack of multi-aspect protection renders the system’s in-capability to deal with multiple types of malicious activi-ties. For example, systems that only guarantee the integrityof kernel code and hooks are vulnerable to DKOM (DirectKernel Object Manipulation) attacks. Similarly, protectingkernel code and data is not enough for defeating new con-trol flow attacks such as return-oriented rootkits [28, 24].Moreover, current approaches are also limited in counteringadvanced attacks such as direct kernel stack manipulation incommodity systems, in which the attacker manipulates con-trol and/or non-control data in the kernel stack shared by allcode entities in the OS kernel.

Another difficulty is about making the protection schemepractical and generic. Several proposals [27, 25, 22] pre-serve kernel code integrity by preventing untrusted codefrom executing in the kernel space to defeat code injectionand malwares. However, they also eliminate all the benignfunctionalities and availability provided by untrusted exten-sions. Quite a few security approaches [23, 10, 26, 11, 14]utilize the knowledge of kernel data structures to achievefine-grained auditing and intrusion detection. However,

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these approaches are dependent upon data structure seman-tics of a specific kernel, making them difficult to adaptdifferent OS kernels with another version or from othervenders. Moreover, the performance overhead induced bydynamically reconstructing and tracking fine-grained ker-nel objects makes these approaches not that suitable for anonline protection system.

To achieve tamperproof and transparency in a systemthat protects the OS kernel, a common approach is to lever-age the virtual machine monitor (VMM), which providesanother layer of indirection. In such systems, to protecta security sensitive-kernel object, the VMM intercepts allthe events that access this object and validates each eventbased on the protection policy. This approach is effectivefor protecting a small number of crucial objects in the ker-nel. However, severe performance problem arises once thequantity of protected objects becomes large, say, the entirekernel code and data area. The reason is that, no matterhow VMMs are trapping these events (e.g., via instructioninstrumentation or page protection), performing mediationfor each event will always cause control transfers betweenthe VMM and the guest, which will need multiple time-consuming privilege transitions (e.g., ring faults or VMEX-ITs). Researchers have proposed techniques such as hookindirection [33] to mitigate the performance problems forhook protection. However, this approach is only useful forprotecting objects that are scattered across page boundaries,yet still cannot be applied to the entire kernel code and data.

This paper presents HUKO, a hypervisor-based integrityprotection system designed to protect commodity operatingsystem kernels from untrusted extensions. HUKO allowsusers to execute untrusted extensions in the kernel spaceto provide desired functionalities. The behaviors of un-trusted extensions, however, are confined by mandatory ac-cess control policies, which significantly limit the attacker’sability to compromise the integrity of the kernel. In orderto achieve multi-aspect protection, HUKO leverages hard-ware assisted paging to transparently isolate untrusted ex-tensions from the OS kernel so that it could mediate all in-teractions (including memory modification, control trans-fers and DMA) between extensions and the kernel. Re-garding kernel stack integrity, HUKO’s approach includesa VMM-level private stack with lazy synchronization to of-fer a transparent and efficient stack separation and permis-sion management for unmodified OS kernels. To addressthe challenge of mediation performance, HUKO introducesa design named subject-aware protection state transition toeliminate unnecessary privilege transitions caused by medi-ating benign accesses. HUKO is a practical approach be-cause it requires little change for either OS kernel or exten-sions. Also it does not depend on semantic knowledge ofkernel data structures so that it can inherently support mul-tiple commodity operating systems and legacy extensions.

We have implemented HUKO prototype based on theopen source Xen hypervisor. To facilitate HUKO’s de-sign, we leverage contemporary hardware virtualizationtechniques such as Intel’s EPT, VPID and VT-d1 [4, 5].We evaluated HUKO’s protection effectiveness by runningmalicious kernel extensions in both Linux and Windwos.Our experiments show that HUKO can protect the ker-nel integrity in the presence of various kinds of maliciousextensions, including DKOM and return-oriented rootkits.In terms of mediation performance, the evaluation resultsshow that the average performance overhead in applicationlevel benchmarks is ranged from less than 1% to 21%. Evenfor extreme cases when HUKO isolates the entire ext3 filesystem (the largest module in our Linux OS) from the ker-nel, the mediation overhead for extracting a Linux kerneltarball is about 21%, with the protection state transfer rateat 390,000 per second.We believe that HUKO provides a generic and trans-

parent framework for running untrusted code in OS kernelwith enhanced integrity protection for commodity systems.Also, this framework could be used to enforce mandatoryaccess control policies inside commodity OS kernels withan acceptable impact on performance.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We

first describe the threat model, the integrity properties thatHUKO enforces and our assumptions in Section 2. Section3 provides an overview of the design of HUKO. Section 4details the design and implementation of the entire archi-tecture. Our evaluation experiments for both the protectioneffectiveness and performance of HUKO are shown in Sec-tion 5. We discuss limitations and future work of our systemin Section 6. Finally, Section 7 introduces related work andSection 8 is the conclusion.

2 Kernel Integrity Threat Model

In this paper, we focus on attacks that the adversaryutilizes the kernel extension interface to compromise thekernel integrity, which is the most common method to at-tack a commodity OS kernel. To specifically illustrate thethreats, we present three different attack scenarios as fol-lows: (1) The attacker gains the root privilege of the entiresystem, then he loads malicious extensions such as kernel-level rootkits into the OS kernel. (2) The attacker exploitsa vulnerability existed in a benign kernel extension (e.g.,a buggy device driver) to inject malicious code and there-fore changes the extension’s behavior. (3) A careless nor-mal user loads an unverified kernel extension (e.g., a third-party device driver), which contains malicious code. Thereare various ways in which these malicious code could dam-age the control flow integrity and data integrity of the ker-

1AMD also has similar techniques with different names.

Page 3: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

nel, for example, direct modification of kernel code, mod-ifying control data (e.g., system call table, IDT and func-tion pointers), modifying non-control data (e.g., process de-scriptors and file system metadata), writing to the kernelspace via malicious DMA requests, and stack manipulation(e.g., return-oriented attacks).We classify subjects in an operating system kernel into

three categories. The first category is the OS kernel, whichHUKO aims to protect. The second category consistsof trusted kernel extensions, which are kernel extensionstrusted by the system administrator. Generally their codeneed to be attested and verified to guarantee security. Thethird category is untrusted extensions, which are extensionsthat may be compromised or inherently malicious. Rootkitsand unverified device drivers belong to this category.HUKO protects the integrity of the OS kernel by enforc-

ing the following properties in a mandatory protection sys-tem:

• Kernel code/data integrity: code, static data and dy-namic data of the OS kernel are protected from beingmodified by untrusted extensions via direct memoryaccess or DMA access.

• Architectural state integrity: architectural environ-ment describing the execution state of the OS kernelsuch as segment registers, control registers and certainflag registers cannot be altered by untrusted extensions.

• Control flow integrity: (1) control transfers from un-trusted extensions to the OS kernel, including functioncalls, jumps and preemptions, are restricted to a setof kernel service functions named trusted entry points(TEPs) specified by the OS provider or the administra-tor; (2) function call consistencies such as call-returnconsistency are strictly enforced.

• Stack integrity: (1) malicious code cannot be in-jected into stack frames belonging to the OS kernel;(2) For an untrusted extension, manipulating controldata (i.e., function pointers, return addresses) in itsown stack frames cannot subvert control flow integritystated above; (3) non-control data (i.e., saved registers,parameters and variables) and control data in stackframes owned by OS kernel or other extensions can-not be corrupted by an untrusted extension.

For practical and usability reasons, the default manda-tory access control policy of HUKO does not prohibit theOS kernel from reading information from untrusted exten-sions, which is different from classic integrity models suchas Biba. However, if there is a need to satisfy this strict in-tegrity requirement, the flexible mediation and enforcement

mechanism in HUKO can still support system administra-tors to write policies with appropriate exceptions to enforcethe “no read down” property.HUKO is designed to be an added-on layer which pro-

vides an enhanced integrity protection for various operatingsystem kernels with an affordable performance cost. As adesign principle, HUKO relies on as little semantics of anyspecific kernel as possible. On the other side, HUKO is notthe elixir for every kernel security threats. For example,HUKO is limited in verifying the correctness of functionparameters and general data passed between the OS kerneland extensions, which could open certain avenues that im-pact kernel integrity in indirect ways. Also our system doesnot prevent the untrusted extension from abusing the privi-lege granted by the OS kernel in current stage. We discussthese limitations and possible solutions in Section 6.This paper is focused on protecting the integrity of OS

kernels. Other security issues, such as attacks on secrecy(e.g., information leakage) and availability (e.g., interruptflooding, abuse of resource) of OS kernels are not in thescope of this paper. Also, this work concentrates on dealingwith threats from the kernel extension interface, and we as-sume that the hardware is trusted for the OS kernel. Regard-ing attacks to the kernel directly from the userspace, HUKOprevents untrusted kernel extensions from executing user-level content and prohibits user programs to write kernelmemory. Previous work such as Secvisor [27] provides in-depth research on protecting the OS kernel from userspaceintrusions using a hypervisor, and we believe that its methodcan be effectively integrated with HUKO to achieve a morecomprehensive protection. At last, in HUKO system, thehypervisor is the trusted computing base which we assumeits integrity is preserved.

3 HUKO Overview

3.1 Design Principles

The following paragraphs describe three major princi-ples which motivated our research and guided our designprocess of the HUKO system.

• Multi-aspect Protection. The architecture must guar-antee that the kernel integrity properties stated inSection 2 are enforced with mandatory protection.Security-sensitive operations that involve interactionsbetween untrusted extensions and the OS kernel, in-cluding memory reference, DMA, control transfersand stack modification, must be mediated and vali-dated upon mandatory integrity policies.

• Performance. The architecture must not have high

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performance impact due to mediation, object recon-struction/tracking or enforcing protection.

• Ease-of-Adoption. The architecture should supportmultiple commodity operating systems and any un-modified legacy kernel extension. The architectureshould not change the semantics of either OS or theextensions. Also, the architecture should be a layeredapproach which requires little deployment efforts.

3.2 Design Overview

HUKO provides a transparent protection environmentfor commodity OS kernels in which untrusted kernel ex-tensions can run with an enhanced protection. In HUKOsystem, we name all the kernel objects that are supposed tobe protected by our mechanism security-sensitive objects.These objects are labeled and tracked by the labeling com-ponent in HUKO’s hypervisor. Depending on the variouspurposes of deploying HUKO integrity protection, security-sensitive objects can be labeled as 1) the entire kernel codeand data region, or 2) a given set of kernel objects that maybe tampered by attackers to achieve specific goals, for ex-ample, hiding a malicious process by manipulating hooksand process descriptors. To guarantee multi-aspect protec-tion and generality, in our design, by default we label andtrack the entire kernel code and data region as security-sensitive objects.The following paragraphs abstractly explain various

challenges we faced in designing the system as well as keyfeatures of HUKO.

Mediation Overhead. Regarding how to achieve themandatory access control mechanism, an intuitive way isto intercept every access to security-sensitive objects, thento validate whether the access is permitted by the policy ornot. This approach is straightforward and convenient forout-of-boxed monitoring, however, it is not practical be-cause the mediation overhead is considerable even if thenumber of objects to be monitored is relatively small. Weobserved that many security-sensitive objects in the kernelare highly frequently accessed by operating system kernelitself. For example, in Linux, task struct is a typicalsecurity-sensitive data object because it can be manipulatedby rootkits to perform process hiding and privilege esca-lation. On the other hand, task struct is also a cru-cial accounting and scheduling data structure which wouldbe modified several times by the scheduler during eachcontext switch. Posing mediation on these legal accessesthrough an external reference monitor (i.e., VMM) causesenormous amount of unnecessary privilege transitions (e.g.,page faults, ring faults and VMEXIT), which result in seri-ous impact on performance.

1 2

34 5









Figure 1. The protection state transition dia-gram.

To overcome this limitation, HUKO adopts a designnamed subject-aware state transitionwhich divides the sys-tem workflow into multiple protection states. The behaviorof the protection mechanism is determined by the currentprotection state, which is further determined by preciselydistinguishing the type of current subject in the guest sys-tem context. Specifically, if the current subject is an un-trusted extension, HUKO does complete mediation on allaccesses to security-sensitive objects in order to protect thekernel integrity. By contrast, in the case when the OS ker-nel is executing, HUKO poses minimal interposition on ob-ject accesses. It only needs to audit control transfer eventsthat cause a protection state transition. In this way, the to-tal number of privilege transitions caused by mediation issignificantly reduced, which grants HUKO much better me-diation performance. Table 1 illustrates an example of dif-ferent protection behaviors that are associated with differentprotection states. From it we could see that the number ofevents that lead to privilege transitions (presented in greycells) is minimized due to the subject-aware state transitionmechanism in HUKO.

Figure 1 is the state diagram which shows the variousprotection states of HUKO system as well as the state tran-sition events. Currently HUKO has four protection states,which correspond to the OS kernel, trusted extensions, un-trusted extensions, and the user space, respectively. Thestate transition events include inter-subject function calls,various types of jump, interrupt handling, preemptions, sys-tem calls and associated returns from these routines. Medi-ating these events is essential to guarantee comprehensivecontrol flow integrity, which we further discuss in Section4.5. Tracking the state transition is mainly achieved by the

Page 5: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

Object LabelSubject Category / Protection State

OS Kernel Trusted Extensions Untrusted ExtensionsRead Write Execute Read Write Execute Read Write Execute

Trusted Entry Points allow allow allow allow allow audit allow allow deny audit allow

Other OS Code allow allow allow allow allow audit allow allow deny deny

OS Data allow allow allow allow allow audit allow allow deny deny

Trusted Extension allow allow audit allow allow allow allow allow deny deny

Untrusted Extension allow allow audit allow allow allow audit allow allow allow allow

Private Stack Frames allow allow deny allow allow deny allow allow deny

Other Stack Frames allow allow deny allow allow deny allow deny deny

Trusted DMA allow allow allow allow allow audit allow allow deny deny

Shared DMA allow allow allow allow allow allow allow allow allow

User Space Content allow allow audit allow allow allow audit allow allow allow deny

Table 1. A sample MAC policy for preventing extensions from writing to kernel or executing unau-thorized kernel code. The shaded cells indicate the corresponding events are mediated by the VMMand involve privilege transitions. Other events do not cause privilege transitions in HUKO. The writeoperation includes both normal write and DMA write. The not-listed “user" protection state is simplyconfigured to deny any write to the kernel space.

isolation mechanism in HUKO, which we describe in Sec-tion 4.3.

Transparent Isolation. As we stated above, HUKOshould have the ability to (1) distinguish the current subjectin the guest context, (2) track all state transition events, (3)support different access control policies for different subjectcategories, and (4) mediate data modification flows and con-trol flows between subject categories. Achieving these isnon-trivial for commodity monolithic-kernel operating sys-tems (e.g., Linux and Windows) since the OS kernel and itsextensions reside within the same address space, and it iseven more challenging especially considering our two de-sign principles: external approach and good performance.To tackle this challenge, we design an isolation compo-

nent in HUKO’s VMM to transparently isolate the exten-sions from the OS kernel. The isolation mechanism lever-ages hardware-assisted paging (HAP), which is a hardware-based virtualization technique supported by many modernprocessors. In our scheme, the enhanced memory virtu-alization component in HUKO’s VMM maintains separatesets of HAP tables for each protection state in the system.These sets of HAP tables are synchronized with each otherso that their corresponding entries are mapped to the samemachine frame. Moreover, regarding security-sensitive ob-jects, different HAP tables are reflecting different accessrights according to the subject category and mandatory ac-cess control policies. Switching between these HAP tablesis swift because it only involves a change to the HAP basepointer. In addition, HUKO significantly reduces the num-ber of TLB flushes involved in each HAP table switch by

utilizing Intel’s Virtual-Processor Identifiers (VPIDs) tech-nology. The multiple HAP table design renders efficientand practical isolation between the OS kernel and exten-sions, and it enforces separate access control policies foreach type of subject accessing various kernel objects suchas dynamic data structures, I/O buffers and kernel functions.Regarding kernel stack integrity, HUKO leverages the mul-tiple HAP tables to achieve a VMM-level private stack withlazy synchronization mechanism to offer a transparent andefficient stack separation, which we discuss in Section 4.4.

Object Labeling. In mandatory protection systems, ob-jects are labeled indicating their security properties to fa-cilitate mediation. HUKO does object labeling in order tolet the VMM identify security sensitive objects in the ker-nel. The labeling procedure is at the page granularity inthe way that the labeling component assigns labels to thespecific physical pages that contain security sensitive ob-jects. There are two reasons for this. First, according toour design principles, HUKO is intended to rely on as littlesemantic knowledge of operating system as possible. Sec-ond, for a hypervisor-based approach, fine-grained dynamicobject tracking in kernel often introduces too much recon-struction and tracking overhead, which is not practical foran online protection system. On the other hand, to ame-liorate problems caused by the protection granularity gap,HUKO has mixed page labeling mechanism for handlingpages that contain mixed code and data, as well as pagesthat are shared by both kernel and extensions.Another issue is about how to track dynamic data for

both kernel and extensions. To address this, HUKO inserts

Page 6: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

a trusted driver (labeled as a trusted extension) into the op-erating system to notify the hypervisor about the allocationand reclamation of the kernel memory. The driver is alsoaware of the owner subject of each page and reports updatesto the hypervisor during runtime. We further discuss mixedpage handling and dynamic content tracking in Section 4.2.

Protection Workflow. Table 1 shows a sample protectionpolicy that regulates the data accesses as well as code ex-ecutions of untrusted extensions. In this policy, the pol-icy maker needs to specify a set of kernel functions as thetrusted entry points. In practice, trusted entry points canbe exported functions in the kernel symbol table or pickedspecifically by the system administrator. To preserve con-trol flow integrity, besides kernel function calls, kernel pre-emption and return instructions should also be considered,which we will discuss in Section 4.5. In addition, this policyalso prevents untrusted extensions from directly writing tothe OS kernel or any trusted extensions, no matter the writeis performed via memory instructions or DMA transfers.HUKO enforces mandatory access control over the en-

tire life period of any untrusted extension. To achieve this,HUKO tracks the lifetime of an extension by hooking theextension allocation, loading and unlinking routine of thekernel. These events will be trapped to the hypervisor andthe labeling component will manipulate the correspondingpage labels to perform dynamic tracking. Unless speci-fied by the administrator, HUKO labels all newly loadedextensions as untrusted. During the protection process, ifany event that violates the access control policy happens,HUKO will trigger a protection alarm from the hypervisorand provide essential information (e.g., type of policy viola-tion and the execution context) to the system administratorfor making proper security decisions.

4 Architecture Design and Implementation

Figure 2 provides the overview of the HUKO Architec-ture. There are four major components corresponding toprinciple functionalities in HUKO’s design: object label-ing, transparent isolation, stack integrity protection, as wellas mediation and enforcement. In the following subsectionswe first provide a brief background on Hardware-AssistedPaging (HAP) technology used in our prototype. Then wediscuss each major component in detail. In Section 4.6, webriefly describe the implementation of HUKO prototype onthe Xen hypervisor.

4.1 Hardware-Assisted Paging Overview

To achieve memory virtualization, a common design forVMMs is to load shadow page tables (SPT) into the hard-ware MMU, which translate from guest linear addresses

(GLA) to machine-physical addresses (MPA). However,to maintain this indirect mapping, the hypervisor mustintercept and do SPT synchronization upon guest CR3switches and each update of the guest page table (GPT). Thehardware-assisted paging (HAP) technology is introducedto avoid the software overhead incurred under shadow pag-ing. One implementation of HAP is Intel’s Extended pagetables (EPT) technology [4]. When this feature is turned on,the ordinary IA-32 page tables (referenced by control reg-ister CR3) translate from GLA to guest-physical addresses(GPA). In addition, the hardware MMU maintains a sepa-rate set of page tables (the EPT tables) which translate fromguest-physical addresses (GPA) to the machine-physical ad-dresses (MPA) that are used to access machine memory. Asa result, guest OS can be allowed to modify its own IA-32page tables and directly handle page faults. This allows aVMM to avoid the VMEXITs associated with shadow pag-ing, which are a major source of virtualization overhead.The reason why HUKO is built atop hardware assisted

paging rather than the software-based shadow paging mech-anism is two fold. The first reason is for better performance,which we just stated. Secondly, in SPT, access rights in SPTentries are synchronized with the corresponding GPT en-tries. Hence, changing the access rights in SPT entries forour protection purpose may potentially affect the correct-ness of guest OS for handling its own access rights. By con-trast, in HAP, access rights in HAP entries and access rightsin GPT entries are two completely different sets. Moreover,the HAP violation handling is transparently separated fromthe page fault handling mechanism of the guest OS, whichmakes it more flexible and easier to guarantee correctness.

4.2 Object Labeling

As shown in Table 1, in order to enforce the MAC policy,HUKO assigns various kinds of security labels to differentkernel objects. The object labeling component is responsi-ble for identifying kernel objects from the physical mem-ory and managing security properties of these objects. Asstated in Section 3.2, based on our design principles, HUKOdirectly associates object labels to the corresponding HAPentries. In specific, the labeling component makes use of aset of reserved bits in EPT entries. These reserved bits arenever utilized by default so that changing these bits does notaffect the hypervisor’s functionalities. By encoding labelsusing these bits, HUKO currently can support 32 differentpotential object labels, providing flexibility and extendabil-ity to the protection scheme. This mechanism also reducesthe time and memory space involved in every mediation andauthorization action.

Handling Mixed Pages. In a commodity operating sys-tem kernel such as Linux, memory regions for kernel code,

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Labeling Component


Mediation and EnforcementComponent

return addr.stack




Kernel Space



User Space



savedenv. / regs

Figure 2. Overview of the HUKO Architecture.

kernel data and extensions are usually page aligned, whichfacilitates the labeling procedure in HUKO. However, thereare still existences of mixed pages in which different objectsco-exist together. To ensure comprehensiveness and cor-rectness of the protection, the labeling component must beable to track objects within two categories of mixed pages:(1) pages containing both kernel code and kernel data, and(2) pages containing both the kernel and extensions.

A major type of mixed pages in the kernel is large sizedpage (e.g., 2MB superpage). In most cases, different ob-jects reside in the same superpage, yet their boundaries arestill aligned to the 4KB address regions. Based on this ob-servation, given a large mixed page, HUKO splits the cor-responding EPT superpage entry into multiple subpage en-tries (e.g., 2MB page entry to 512 4KB sub-entries) andassigns individual object labels to each subpage. SplittingEPT superpage entries improves the granularity of labelingand eliminates a majority of mixed page problems withoutchanging the guest page table (GPT) entries. On the otherhand, regarding mixed pages of 4KB size, HUKO assignseach of them with a mixed label. For example, consideringa mixed page that has a mixed label of both kernel data andextension code, the hypervisor would trap all events thatmodify this page regardless of the current protection state.Then HUKO examines the physical address to see if it is inthe range of extension text area and finally determines theobject identity.

Tracking Dynamic Contents. Associating kernel objectsto HAP page frames requires dynamically tracking of theseobjects. For static objects such as kernel code, static kerneldata (including global variables), and trusted entry points,HUKO tracks them by leveraging the kernel symbol table(e.g., Systemmap file in Linux). On the other hand, fordynamic contents such as dynamic kernel data, stack andheap region, and loadable extensions, it is difficult and timeconsuming to track them at the hypervisor layer because ofthe semantic gap. HUKO tackles this problem by loading atrusted extension named labeling helper into the guest ker-nel. The labeling helper is responsible for letting the hyper-visor be aware of the allocation and deallocation of kerneldynamic pages as well as the owner subject of each kernelpage. This component is the only OS-dependent part in oursystem and we implemented a prototype in Linux. Specifi-cally, dynamic data owned by an extension come from twomajor sources in Linux: (1) the page frame allocator forallocating bulk of pages, and (2) the SLAB allocator for al-locating fixed sized of registered cache objects. For bothcases, the labeling helper hooks the allocation and deallo-cation events and gathers information from the SLAB allo-cator (i.e., kmem cache alloc), the free page allocator,and the load module routine. This information includesowner subject of the page (e.g., OS kernel or extension), thecontent type (e.g., kernel data or extension code), the guestpage frame number, the virtual address range (for handlingmixed pages), and the timestamp of each event. Then thelabeling helper passes these information to HUKO via thehypercall interface, and the labeling component labels thecorresponding EPT entries accordingly. To guarantee tam-perproof, the labeling helper itself is labeled as a trustedextension at the load time so that it is protected by HUKO.Furthermore, HUKO prohibits read accesses to the labelinghelper to prevent the leakage of protection information.

4.3 Isolation Component

The isolation component in HUKO is responsible forachieving complete mediation by establishing separate ad-dress spaces for different categories of subjects (i.e., the OSkernel, trusted extensions and untrusted extensions) to re-side in. Subjects can freely access code and data in theirown address spaces without interposition from the hyper-visor. However, inter-address-space activities such as datawriting and control transfer must be mediated and con-trolled by the VMM.

Multi-HAP Construction. The isolation component isbuilt upon our enhanced memory virtualization mechanismnamed multi-HAP. Multi-HAP enables extensions and thekernel to share the same virtual-to-physical mapping of theentire kernel space, while it also enables the hypervisor to

Page 8: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

set different object access rights for different subject cate-gories. In this scheme, the hypervisor maintains separatesets of HAP tables for each protection state (refer to Fig-ure 1) in the system.2 Figure 3 illustrates the architecture ofthe multi-HAP mechanism. For simplicity, only two setsof HAP tables are shown here, corresponding to the OSkernel state and the untrusted extension state, respectively.There is a HAP base pointer which points to the root levelof a HAP table. During a protection state switch, HUKOchanges the value of the HAP base pointer to another HAPtable root, which represents another set of access rights. Theaccess rights in HAP table entries are determined by the ob-ject label of the entry as well as the access control policy,and are updated when any object label changes.To intercept control transfer events between different

subject categories, for each protection state, HUKO manip-ulates the execution bit of its HAP table entries so that allthe pages that do not belong to the subject category (cor-responding to the protection state) are not executable. At-tempts to execute content on these pages would cause HAPviolations and are handled by the hypervisor. Section 4.5describes this procedure in detail.

Synchronization. An important difference betweenmulti-HAP and user-level page tables managed by thekernel is that, each HAP table in multi-HAP must maintainthe entire mapping of the whole kernel space, rather thanthe address space associated with the protection state. Thisis because HUKO should allow the OS kernel and exten-sions to read each other’s address space freely without anyinterposition. Therefore, the isolation component shouldalways synchronize the entire kernel address mappingsamong HAP tables. We modify the hypervisor code sothat changes to one HAP table (including allocating a newentry, changing an entry and removing an entry) alwayspropagate to other HAP tables.

Optimize TLB Flushes. Considering the enormous func-tion calls and returns between the OS kernel and extensions,the protection state transition rate in HUKO is very high(see Section 5.3). If the hypervisor flushes TLB on everypage table switch during a state transition, the performancedegradation due to the TLB misses caused by flushing issubstantial. To mitigate this problem, HUKO takes advan-tage of Intel’s Virtual-processor identifiers (VPIDs) tech-nology, which enables a logical processor of the hypervi-sor to manage cache information for multiple linear-addressspaces. In HUKO’s VMM, we associate each protectionstate with a 16-bit VPID so that mappings and access rightsare tagged according to the VPID in the address translatingcache. During the state transition time, the EPT table switch

2It can be extended to support separate HAP tables for each subject, ifneeded.


R 1W 1X 1

R 1W 1X 1

R 1W 1X 0

R 1W 0X 0

R 1W 0X 0

R 1W 1X 1

Label:kernel code(superpage)


Label:kernel data

Label:extension data


OS Kernel Untrusted Extensions


Pointer Protection StateSwitch

Figure 3. The multiple HAP tables for achiev-ing isolation and mediation.

does not cause flush of the entire translating cache - it onlyflushes entries with specific VPIDs, which significantly re-duces the TLB misses and improves the performance.

Preserving Architectural State. Sometimes malicious orcompromised extensions could subvert certain invariants ofthe architectural state to fulfil their attacks. For example,a malicious extension could change the GS segment selec-tor to point to its own version of processor data area (pda),which provides the kernel with incorrect information aboutthe kernel stack, MMU state and IRQ processing. There-fore, HUKOmust enforcing the integrity of system environ-ment by preserving these invariants of architectural state.Our approach takes advantage of the fact that, during a

privilege transition, the architectural state is saved in the vir-tual machine descriptor (i.e., VMCS for Intel VT) and a vir-tual CPU struct (i.e., vcpu for Xen) of the VMM for futurereloading. Hence we could straightforwardly integrate thearchitectural state protection with our subject-aware protec-tion state design. In specific, at the time when the kernelenters untrusted extension protection state, HUKO savesthe architectural state from the VMCS and vcpu to its ownmemory space. When the kernel is switching from un-trusted extension state back to the OS kernel state, HUKOrestores all the architectural state invariants by writing thesaved values to the virtual machine descriptor and the vir-tual CPU struct.

4.4 Kernel Stack Integrity

Besides code, static and heap data, there is another im-portant avenue which malicious extensions could exploit tosubvert OS kernel integrity: the kernel stack. In specific,adversaries could perform the following actions to compro-mise the property of stack integrity stated in Section 2: (1)

Page 9: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

Stack Reference: Guest Linear Address

Guest Page Table

Guest Physical Address

Protection State Switch

OS HAP Table

Untrusted ExtensionHAP Table

MachinePhysical Address



return addr.


return addr.

old EBP

local variablesEBP


dynamic area

return addr. ESPstate_current_limit

older frames older frames

Kernel Stack: OS Kernel Protection State

Private Stack: Untrusted Extension Protection State




Figure 4. The transparent separated stack design supported by multi-HAP. The figure illustrates thetwo stacks at the time of protection state transfer in case an untrusted extension is making a callto the OS kernel. The shaded indicates the active stack frames (owned by the untrusted extension)which are going to propagate to the OS kernel stack.

injecting malicious code into the stack; (2) manipulatingcontrol data (i.e., function pointers, return addresses) in itsown stack frames to subvert control flow integrity of theOS kernel. For instance, return-oriented and jump-orientedattacks belong to this category; (3) corrupting non-controland control data (i.e., saved registers, parameters and vari-ables) in stack frames owned by OS kernel or other exten-sions. For example, a malicious extension could change thelocal variables and function parameters on the stack frameto let a certain kernel function return a false data value, or itmay manipulate kernel IRQ and exception stack frames tochange the behavior that OS kernel handles interrupts andexceptions.For case (1), by setting the NX bit of corresponding HAP

entries of kernel stack frames, HUKO ensures that codeon kernel stack frames could never be executed. Regard-ing case (2), HUKO mediates the protection state transfersand maintains a dedicated return address stack to guaranteethe control flow integrity, which we will describe in Section4.5. To defend against attacks in category (3), HUKO grantsuntrusted extensions read permission to the entire kernelstack, but only gives them write permission to its own stackframes.To efficiently manage kernel stack permissions in an un-

modified commodity OS (e.g, Linux) is a non-trivial job,because of the following reasons: first, in such system, thereis only one kernel stack for all kernel control paths associ-ated with each user thread. Moreover, the stack frames arenot page-aligned, making it difficult to set permissions forindividual stack frames using current architecture. On theother hand, in terms of performance, it is not affordable tovalidate each stack modification made by untrusted exten-sions because stack modifications are too frequent.

The stack protection design of HUKO overcomes theabove limitations. In order to preserves single kernel stacksemantic and support unmodified commodity OSes, duringthe protection state of untrusted extensions, HUKO createsand maintains a private copy of the current kernel stack atthe VMM layer, which is transparent and not observablefrom the guest OS. By manipulating GPA to MPA map-pings in the Multi-HAP table, HUKO casts the same lin-ear address range of the kernel stack to different machineframes for OS kernel and untrusted extensions. In this way,an untrusted extension is given a “faked” view that it sharesthe same kernel stack with other code entities in the ker-nel, however, its stack operations are automatically redi-rected to the private kernel stack copy placed on shadowmachine frames reserved by HUKO. On the other hand, toprotect stack integrity in an efficient manner, HUKO adoptsa “lazy synchronization” design: instead of checking per-missions each time the stack is accessed, HUKO only per-forms stack synchronization when current protection stateis switching between untrusted extensions and the OS ker-nel. During synchronization, HUKO propagates stack mod-ifications from the private stack to the real kernel stack withthe following rule enforced: only changes made to its ownstack frames are propagated to the real kernel stack, whileupdates outside its own stack frames are discarded.

In the following we use Linux as an example to illus-trate the private stack design achieved by multi-HAP ta-bles, which is shown in Figure 4. In Linux, each userprocess is associated with a two-page sized kernel stack.The scope of the current kernel stack can be determined bythe ESP register and the per-CPU data structure pointed bythe GS segment selector. HUKO maintains two data val-ues for each protection state: state frame base and

Page 10: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

state current limit, respectively. These two valuesdesignate the active stack frames associated with each pro-tection state, and only in these stack frames modificationsare propagated to the other stack. During each protectionstate transfer, HUKO updates state frame base andstate current limit based on the values of EBP andESP registers at that time point.

4.5 Mediation and Enforcement

The goal of the mediation and enforcement componentis to audit all the write flow and control transfer events be-tween untrusted extensions and the kernel. Also it is respon-sible for validating these events to enforce integrity protec-tion according to mandatory access control policies.

EPT Violation Handling. HUKO relies on the EPT vio-lation mechanism to achieve mediation and protection en-forcement. Figure 5 depicts the work flow of how HUKOhandles various kinds of EPT violations. When an EPT vi-olation occurs, HUKO first checks if the physical frame islabeled as a valid kernel object. If yes, then it checks ifthe violation is caused by our protection mechanism or byemulated MMIO and log-dirty events. An EPT violationcaused by HUKO’s protection mechanism indicates a sen-sitive control transfer event or a sensitive data access. Toproperly handle it, HUKO first examines the following in-formation: (1) the qualification bits which reveal the actualtype of the violation, (2) the current state, and (3) the labelof the faulting frame. Then it determines whether to allowthe operation or to trigger a protection alarm based on in-formation collected and the access control policies.As we stated in Section 3.2, subjects in HUKO can

freely read and write their own code and data. Also, inter-subject read accesses are always allowed in our default pol-icy. These allowed events do not cause any EPT violationso that they cannot be logged by the hypervisor. However,for forensics purposes, the system administrator may wantto audit some types of crucial events yet still allow theseevents to happen. Hence, HUKO adds another action namedaudit allow to enable logging of these specific data accesses.To implement the audit allow mechanism, HUKO sets theaccess rights in the corresponding EPT entries so that audit-allowed events would cause EPT violations and be auditedby the hypervisor. Then HUKO emulates the offending in-structions without changing the previously set access rights.In this way, the audit allow operation is completed and theEPT entries can still be used to trap further events of thesame kind.

Protecting Control Flow Integrity. As previously stated,HUKO sets the execution bits of multi-HAP entries so that

only untrusted extension code can be executed in the un-trusted extension protection state. When an execution vi-olation indicating a control transfer from an untrusted ex-tension to the OS kernel occurs, HUKO enforces the con-trol flow integrity rules under the following conditions: (1)the untrusted extension is calling the kernel via call andjmp instructions. In this case, HUKO allows the opera-tion only when the violating address belongs to a trustedentry point. This prevents untrusted extensions from ac-cessing unauthorized kernel functions or jumping to arbi-trary positions in the kernel. (2) The kernel preempts theuntrusted extension for higher priority interrupts. In thiscase, HUKO ensures that the violating address belongs toan interrupt handler routine in the IDT table. (3) The exten-sion returns to the kernel from a previous call. This couldbe leveraged by return-oriented rootkits to divert the con-trol flow to a sequence of return-oriented instructions in thekernel. To tackle this problem, HUKO maintains a sepa-rate return address stack to keep track of the call/return se-quences between the OS kernel and untrusted extensions.In this way, we guarantee the return address to the kernelmust correspond to the address of the kernel code that madethe call. Also, the sequence of return addresses must sat-isfy the last-in-first-out property. Considering the fact thatmost return-oriented attacks need an initial return to the firstreturn-oriented instruction sequence, our approach providesan effective counter method.

Handling DMA writes. Besides memory writes per-formed by CPU instructions, DMA is another way for ex-tensions to write data into the kernel memory. Previousproposals [32] have limited capability of handling DMAbecause the data transfer is not controlled by the proces-sor or memory controller. Fortunately, the introduction ofhardware IOMMUs (Intel’s VT-d and AMD’s IOMMU)brings the possibility to efficiently mediate and controlDMA memory access. When used in virtualization, theIOMMU can enable pass-through device models which sup-port independent address translations using IOMMU pagetables for DMA activities.In HUKO prototype, we leverage the DMA remapping

mechanism provided by Intel’s VT-d technology [5] to pro-tect the kernel integrity from DMAwrites. Currently we ex-plicitly set the IOMMU page tables so that pages labeled asOS kernel and trusted extensions cannot be used in DMA.On the other hand, HUKO allows DMA activities on thepages that are labeled as untrusted extensions. Our ongo-ing work employs multiple IOMMU page tables and switchfacilities for different protection states, which is very sim-ilar to the multi-HAP mechanism. This scheme introducesnew DMA object labels shown in Table 1 and allows thekernel and all extensions to do DMA in a protected man-ner. Another more flexible optimization is to integrate the

Page 11: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

checkvalid label

causedby HUKO


No (User Pages)

No (MMIO or logdirty case)

check violation qualification



check state and label for code


Yes(code execution)

check for trusted entry point or valid

return address


allow access, perform state transition, Multi-

HAP switch, and return

trigger protection alarm: illegal

control transfer


No (illegal executionof data) make authorization

decisions according to state

and label

Log the event, emulate the

access instruction, and return

trigger protection alarm: illegal code/

data access

write other

allow auditallow

allowed operationsnever cause EPT



Xen’s default EPTviolation handling


Figure 5. The EPT violation handling diagramof HUKO.

IOMMU page tables with the multi-HAP page tables so thatIOMMU can utilize the guest-to-machine physical addresstranslation as well as access control enforcement providedby the multi-HAP mechanism.

Supporting Exceptions. Given the complexity of com-modity operating system kernels and the variety of enor-mous extensions in the wild, it is necessary for HUKO tosupport exceptions for access control enforcement. Thereare three types of exceptions in HUKO. The first type of-fers an untrusted extension the privilege to write into spe-cific objects in the kernel. The second type allows an un-trusted extension to make certain calls to the kernel, butnot through trusted entry points. The third type of excep-tion is about exporting write permissions in kernel stackframes. These exceptions are provided by the administra-tor to achieve specific needs on flexibility and performance,and they are stored and protected in the VMM memoryspace. Section 5.1 provides a further discussion in LinuxOS.In our current prototype implementation HUKO uses

mixed page labels to handle exceptions. Pages that con-tain exception objects are labeled as “mixed exception”, andthe hypervisor will check the virtual address upon each vio-lation to determine whether the event is an exception. Thisapproach has bad performance in case the number of excep-

tions is large or exceptions occur frequently. We have anoptimized design for handling exceptions and mixed pages.In that scheme, HUKO copies all the exception objects ontoa set of allocated exception pages. By dynamic patching ofinstructions, HUKO redirects all the operations accessingexception objects to the corresponding copy on the excep-tion pages at the run time. This method reduces the totalnumber of EPT violations on exception pages and mixedpages. We plan to implement this optimization in our futurework.

4.6 Modifications to Xen

We implemented HUKO by modifying the Xen hyper-visor (version 3.4.2 x86-64 HVM Guest), which is a full-fledged open source hypervisor commonly used in variousenterprise systems. The HAP mechanism used in the iso-lation and labeling component is based on Intel’s EPT, yetit does not require much effort to adapt AMD’s NPT. Thetotal amount of code added to the Xen hypervisor is approx-imately 3,300 lines. And the Linux implementation of thelabeling helper trusted extension consists of about 450 linesof code.A major effort of our prototype implementation is to

extend the memory virtualization sub-system of Xen tosupport the multi-HAP mechanism. In HUKO prototype,each HAP table is essentially a four-level EPT pagingstructure. The root-level index of each paging structureis stored in an array named huko phys table index,which is placed in the architecture-specific per-domainstructure arch domain. To construct multi-HAP tables,HUKO first traverses all the existing physical-to-machine(p2m) mappings from the domain’s page list. Thenit allocates EPT entries using free pages maintained byp2m freelist, which are Xen’s reserved pages for stor-ing p2mmappings. The security label of each GFN is storedin bits 61:57 of the corresponding EPT entry and man-aged by the labeling component. HUKO then decides theaccess rights of an EPT entry from its security label, theMAC policy as well as the protection state which it belongsto. HUKO keeps this allocation process until all HAP ta-bles are established. During each state transition, HUKOswitches among multiple EPT paging structures by chang-ing the EPTP pointer and associated VPID in the VMCSfields.For each protection state, we introduced a security con-

trol block (SCB) which is linked to the domain structure.The SCB stores essential information for tracking a pro-tection state, such as the identity of the current subject,the virtual address range of the subject’s code and data,the previous protection state, the address of the last en-try point, a copy of stack pointers, and a link to its returnaddress stack. To achieve mediation and policy enforce-

Page 12: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

ment, we added additional routines to the paging viola-tion handler of EPT and the Vt-d pass-through (IOMMU)driver, which are ept handle violation() andiommu page fault(), respectively. We exported twonew hypercalls to the labeling helper for delivering run-timeinformation to the labeling component.

5 Evaluation

In this section, we describe the deployment and experi-mental evaluation of the HUKO prototype. There are twogoals of our evaluation. The first is to evaluate HUKO’seffectiveness for defending against various real-world mali-cious extensions that damage the OS kernel integrity in dif-ferent ways. The second goal is to measure the performancecost introduced by HUKO using both application-level andmicro benchmarks.All experiments were conducted on a Dell PowerEdge

T310 Server with a 2.4GHz Intel Xeon X3430 and 4GBmemory. The Xen hypervisor version is 3.4.2. The dom0system is fedora 12 with kernel version 2.6. We used a64bit Ubuntu Linux (8.04.4) with kernel version 2.6.24 asour guest OS. All Linux partitions were configured to usethe ext3 file system. For Windows experiment, we choseWindows XP SP2 as our guest system.

5.1 Deploying HUKO

As stated in Section 3.1, HUKO is intended to mini-mize the required effort for deploying the protection sys-tem. Instead of establishing protection domains at the OSlayer [32] or at the hardware architecture layer [37], theimplementation of almost all the functionalities (i.e., mem-ory protection and access control) in HUKO is at the vir-tualization layer, which makes the protection mechanismguest-independent, adaptive, and easy-to-undeploy. More-over, HUKO does not enforce access control for specifickernel objects, and it only has several generic types for ob-ject labeling. While this approach sacrifices the benefitsof semantic-rich access control at finer granularity, it doesoffer a much easier configuration compared to rich-typedprotection system such as SELinux [7]. In the followingparagraphs we use the Linux OS as an example to brieflydescribe the deployment of HUKO.The first step is to set up the basic information about ker-

nel layout, objects and TEPs. In Linux, most of these in-formation could be acquired from the kernel symbol tableassociated with the specific kernel. For example, the ad-dress range of Linux kernel code is determined by kernelsymbol text and etext. Similarly, the boundaries ofinitialized and uninitialized kernel static data can be identi-fied by symbol edata and end. At runtime, the labelinghelper is responsible for collecting dynamic information for

object labeling. For instance, the code and data range foran extension could be retrieved from the accounting datastructure module when the extension is being loaded intothe kernel.

In Linux, most kernel APIs and global data are exportedto the kernel symbol tables using the EXPORT SYMBOLmacro. The address of kernel symbols can also be retrievedin the file. In this way we could collect allthe entry addresses for exported kernel functions. In ourcurrent prototype, we treat all the exported kernel APIs asthe Trusted Entry Points (TEPs). In our future work, we areexpecting to extend HUKO to achieve the least privilegeproperty, by which we infer and enforce the set of kernelAPIs that a specific extension can call. We do a further dis-cussion on this issue in Section 6.

Besides common settings, administrators sometimes alsoneed to provide extension-specific exceptions to make anextension run correctly. There are mainly three types of ex-ceptions in a HUKO system. The first type of exceptionsconsists of non-exported functions. In Linux, certain kernelfunctions are not explicitly exported, instead, they are ac-cessed by direct address reference or address assigning tofunction pointers. Fortunately, these cases are not recom-mended nowadays and getting rare in recent Linux kernels.To deal with them, the administrator should manually spe-cific the entry address of these kernel APIs as TEPs. Thesecond category of exceptions consists of OS kernel dataof which the kernel intentionally grants write permissionto extensions. In many cases, the shared data are used asvarious kinds of buffers and caches in the kernel, and theyare usually still page-aligned. The labeling helper notifiesthe hypervisor when these data are allocated, and HUKOassigns Shared Data type to these pages in the multi-HAP table to allow write access for both OS kernel anduntrusted extension protection states. Shared data that arenot page-aligned with non-shared kernel data are requiredto set up exceptions using mixed pages. Regarding write-sharing for kernel global variables, the administrator couldspecify their address in the exceptions according to the ker-nel symbol table. The third category of exceptions belongsto stack permission which OS kernel needs to grant exten-sions write permission to its local variables on the stack. Forexample, OS kernel could pass the address of a local vari-able to an extension in parameters during a function call.To address these situations, the administrator should spec-ify the addresses of functions that require stack exceptionsand how many previous frames need to be modified by eachfunction. Then at the time that control returns to these func-tions, instead of synchronizing only its own stack frames ofthe extension, HUKO synchronizes all the necessary previ-ous stack frames specified by the given exception.

Page 13: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between

Untrusted Extension Behavior Violation Triggered Violating Object Label

EnyeLKM add binary code to kernel Illegal code access OTHER OS CODE

all-rootDKOM (modify task struct)

Illegal data access OS DATAmodify control data (sys call table)

adore-ng modify function pointers Illegal data access OS DATAhp DKOM (modify task struct linked list) Illegal data access OS DATAlvtes call unauthorized function (module free) Invalid code execution OTHER OS CODE

return-oriented extension modify return addr. on the stack Invalid return address Return addr. stackFUTo (Windows) DKOM (modify PspCidTable) Illegal data access OS DATATCPIRP (Windows) modify function pointers Illegal data access OS DATAbasic int (Windows) add binary code to kernel Illegal code access OTHER OS CODE

Table 2. Protection effectiveness of HUKO against a collection of malicious extensions.

5.2 Protection Effectiveness

We evaluated the effectiveness of HUKO for kernel in-tegrity protection with a collection of malicious extensionson both Windows and Linux. These extensions include 8real-world rootkits and one self-implemented malicious ex-tension for return-oriented attacks, which are shown in Ta-ble 2. As a result, all of these malicious extensions triggeredprotection alarms once they attempted to damage the kernelintegrity. In the following paragraphs we describe three rep-resentative experiments in detail.

Code Integrity. EnyeLKM [3] is a Linux kernel rootkitwhich modifies the kernel text by putting “salts” in-side system call and sysenter entry handlers.With HUKO protection, an illegal code modificationalarm was triggered when either set idt handler orset sysenter handler was called. Both functionswere trying to add binary text to kernel object labeled asOTHER OS CODE.

Data Integrity. The all-root [1] rootkit is a simpleDKOM Linux kernel rootkit that modifies both control andnon-control data to achieve privilege escalation. In its ini-tialization routine init module, this rootkit replaces thesys getuid entry of the sys call tablewith its ownfunction give root, which changes the uid, gid, euid andegid field of the current task struct to 0 (root). In thisattack, the first modified data belongs to static control datawhile the latter belongs to dynamic non-control data. Whenwe launched this attack in a system protected by HUKO,it immediately triggered a protection alarm indicating anillegal data access (caused by the first modification) fromuntrusted extensions to an object labeled as OS DATA. Inorder to test the second data modification, we deliberatelymade decisions to allow the first modification and let thesystem continue to run. Then we executed a getuid sys-tem call from the user space to trigger the malicious replace-

ment function. Again, HUKO triggered an illegal data ac-cess alarm, which was also caused by directly modifyingdynamic non-control kernel data (labeled as OS DATA) atthe “untrusted extension” protection state.

Control Flow Integrity. Besides malicious extensionsthat modify control-data (e.g., function pointers) or makeillegal call/jump to the kernel, the return-oriented attack isanother way of tampering control flows in the kernel. Toevaluate HUKO’s effectiveness in countering such attacks,we implemented a return-oriented malicious extension inour experiment. Upon called, this extension modifies its re-turn address on the stack to an arbitrary point in the kerneltext area, which is recognized as a return-instruction gadget.We loaded this extension to a Linux system protected byHUKO. As a result, HUKO successfully prevented the con-trol flow diversion caused by the modified return address,since the LIFO property of the return address stack was nolonger kept.

5.3 Performance Overhead

To measure the performance cost introduced by HUKO,we ran a set of benchmarks to compare the performanceof a guest system protected by HUKO with one that doesnot. For each benchmark, we labeled one or several rele-vant kernel extensions as untrusted so that they were iso-lated from the kernel. For all workloads we enforced thesample policy showed in Table 1. To fully test HUKO’sperformance overhead under stressed conditions, we chosetwo largest and most active kernel extensions in our Linuxsystem: 8139too and ext3. The 8139too is the net-work interface card driver and the ext3 extension is thefile system module. These extensions are invoked multipletimes for each network I/O requests or file system opera-tions so that they have the highest control transfer rates withthe OS kernel. Hence, marking them as untrusted generallyrepresents the worst-case performance of HUKO when the

Page 14: Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS …...instrumentation or page protection), performing mediation for each event will always cause control transfers between


Number ofProtection StateTransitions




Dhrystone 2 8139too + ext3 N/A 10, 855, 484 lps 10, 176, 782 lps 0.94Whetstone 8139too + ext3 N/A 2, 270 MWIPS 2, 265 MWIPS 1.00Lmbench(pipe bandwidth)

8139too + ext3 N/A 2, 535 MB/s 2, 213 MB/s 0.87

Apache Bench(throughput)

8139too 56, 037 2, 261 KB/s 1, 955 KB/s 0.86


ext3 17, 471, 989 35, 271 ms 44, 803 ms 0.79

Kernel Build ext3 148, 823, 045 2, 804 s 3, 106 s 0.90

Table 3. Performance results of application-level benchmarks.

system is performing I/O intensive tasks.

The application benchmarks and their configuration arepresented as follows: (1) Dhrystone 2 of the Unix Benchsuite [8] using register variables. (2) Double-PrecisionWhetstone of the Unix Bench. (3) LmBench [6] pipe band-width measuring the performance of IPC interface providedby the kernel. (4) Kernel Decompression by extracting aLinux 2.6.24 kernel gzipped tarball using tar -xzf com-mand. (5) Building a 2.6.24 Linux kernel using default con-figurations. (6) Apache Bench configured to have 5 con-current clients issuing 20 http requests (16KB HTML) perclient.

Table 3 presents the results of these application levelbenchmarks. The second column indicates which extensionis labeled as untrusted, while the third column shows the to-tal number of protection state transitions in each workload.Some numbers are not available because the correspondingworkload is part of a continuous benchmark suite. From theresults, we can see that the performance of HUKO systemis from 0.79 to 1.00 of the baseline. We also found that theperformance overhead added-on by HUKO largely dependson the frequency of control transfers between untrusted ex-tensions and the kernel. Hence, if the workload is CPU-bound, the performance cost is minimal. The overhead getshigher only when an untrusted extension is responsible forhighly frequent operations such as disk I/O. In the kerneldecompression experiment, the protection state transfer ratereaches about 39,0000 per second, which renders HUKOthe worst case of performance: 0.79 of the baseline.

Besides application level benchmarks, we also per-formed several micro-benchmark tests on process creationwith Lmbench. We labeled ext3 and 8139too as un-trusted extensions in our system protected by HUKO. Re-garding the test item process fork + exit, it tookHUKO system 100.31 µs to complete the operation whilethe native system took 92.87 µs. For process fork+ execve, HUKO system spent 377.47 µs compared to

the native time of 296.47 µs. For process fork +/bin/sh -c, it took HUKO system 884.57 µs comparedto the native time of 697.38 µs.

6 Limitations and Future Work

We believe that HUKO provides a transparent securitylayer which greatly enhances the integrity protection forcommodity operating system kernels. Nonetheless, it alsohas limitations in defending against certain security threats.In the following, we discuss these limitations and possiblesolutions as our future direction.

Kernel APIs. In HUKO system, controls from untrustedextensions to the OS kernel are restricted to a set of trustedentry points, which are essentially legitimate kernel APIsthat exported to kernel extensions. However, in commod-ity operating systems, the kernel is usually not designed totolerate or defend against malicious extensions, which mayresults in the lack of robustness and security of kernel APIs.Moreover, programming languages used to build commod-ity OS kernels security do not support features like type en-forcement. For these reason, it is possible that attackerscan exploit the “legitimate” kernel interface to subvert theintegrity of kernel. Examples of such attacks include: (1)calling legitimate kernel APIs with undesired object refer-ence to compromise kernel objects, (2) abuse of privileges,(e.g., video cam driver accesses kernel APIs for the net-working stack), and (3) exploiting memory and type bugsof the kernel API functions. Comprehensively addressingthese issues would require major design improvements onspecific kernel (e.g., [29, 16, 20]), such as kernel objectmodel, access control model, type enforcement, verificationand privilege separation. In addition, these approaches canbe layered atop HUKO, which serves as a VMM-level refer-ence monitor for mediating kernel object access, checkingAPI calls and their parameters.

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To obtain a better mandatory security policy, we arelooking for a deeper understanding of the behavior of theOS kernel. In specific, we are interested in figuring outsecurity-sensitive kernel data along the execution path ofeach TEP. This could be achieved by static program analy-sis with security annotations. Based on the properties suchas privilege, availability level and resource category of thesekernel data, we could achieve a good classification of TEPsin terms of resource manipulation and privilege. In thisway, the security and resource semantics of TEPs are furtherrevealed, which could help improve the security of TEPswhose privileges are originally unified in commodity OSes.

Information flow. Another category of possible attacksis through explicit and implicit information flow. For in-stance, OS kernel may explicitly grant write access to ex-tensions on its own data objects (e.g., via shared memory,API or messages), on the other hand, extensions may writelow integrity data to some places where kernel may readafterwards. Both situations violate the traditional integritymodel. It is known that there is no existing informationflow control inside commodity OS kernels since trackingfine-grained information flow is costly in regard to currentprogramming language and architecture. Alternatively, weplan to investigate applying end points such as input filtersand verifiers between OS kernel and extensions to regulatethe function parameters and information passed to the OSkernel.

7 Related Work

The idea and design of HUKO draw inspiration from avariety of topics of past research work, which include kernelintegrity protection, kernel malware analysis, device driverisolation and mandatory access control models.

Kernel integrity protection. There are a number of pre-vious research efforts aiming at protecting the integrity ofthe operating system kernel, such as code integrity protec-tion [27, 25, 22], data integrity protection [10, 31] and con-trol data/flow integrity protection [33, 23, 35]. Secvisor[27] is a hypervisor based protection system which guar-antees the life-time code integrity of the kernel. It leveragesadvanced features from AMD processors, which are anal-ogous to those used in HUKO. HUKO differs from Secvi-sor in the following aspects: Firstly, Secvisor is intended toprohibit any untrusted code executing in the kernel space,while HUKO does allow untrusted kernel extensions run-ning securely to provide functionality and availability. ThusHUKO needs to enforce additional protection such as dataintegrity and control flow integrity to restrict the behavior ofuntrusted extensions. Secondly, Secvisor’s tiny hypervisor

design renders the system a very small TCB, which grantsthe system a more secure foundation which is easier to beverified. In comparison, HUKO is based on Xen hypervisorwith a larger TCB, yet it saves deployment and configura-tion effort for existing Xen virtual machines.

Kernel malware analysis. Several recent projects such asPanorama [39], K-Tracer [9], HookFinder [18], HookMap[34], and Poker [26] focus on analyzing the behavior ofkernel-level malwares. These research work are comple-mentary to HUKO protection system because they provideextensive knowledge of how malwares damage the integrityof the kernel. These knowledge would further help HUKOto enforce more effective access control policies on variouskinds of kernel objects to offer comprehensive protection.

Device driver isolation. Another major category of re-lated research work is on isolating buggy device driversto improve the reliability of operating systems. Examplesof these systems include Nooks [32], MINIX 3 [19], andSafeDrive [41]. Such systems are mainly targeted for faultresistance and dependability, and they could effectively pre-vent system crashes caused by design defects and program-ming mistakes of device drivers. These approaches arecomplementary to HUKO in enhancing the robustness andavailability of OS kernels. Our system resembles Nookssince both approaches establish hardware-enforced protec-tion domains to isolate kernel components. However, by thetime Nooks was designed, there was no supporting hard-ware features such like NX bits, EPT, VPID, IOMMU, etc.By leveraging these advanced features, HUKO significantlyreduces the amount of OS modifications and has a betterperformance. Also, HUKO offers more protection fromma-licious extensions, e.g., it preserves architectural state frombeing modified by untrusted extensions. As a VMM-basedapproach, HUKO has a smaller TCB and attack surfacecompared with OS-based approaches. Language-based ap-proaches such like SafeDrive provide type enforcement andprevent memory errors, though they often require the sourcecode of extension for recompilation, which limits their ap-plicability for binary drivers. In contrast, HUKO can sup-port unmodified legacy extensions.

Mandatory access control. HUKO enforces mandatoryaccess control policies over subjects and objects in the OSkernel. There are many systems that are designed for im-proving operating system security by adding mandatoryaccess control, e.g., LOMAC [17], SELinux [7], AppAr-mor [2], UMIP [21] and Loki [40]. These systems pro-vide flexible, powerful and fine-grained protection to pre-serve system-level integrity. However, they are all enforc-ing MAC at the OS abstraction level and cannot be appliedto mediate the activities of kernel-level objects.

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Address space separation. As part of our design, HUKOisolates untrusted extensions from the OS kernel usingthe memory virtualization mechanism provided by VMMs.There are also a number of systems achieving different re-search goals using various techniques that isolate two en-tities which previously belong to the same address space.MMP [36, 37] achieves address space isolation and fine-grained permission mapping by extending the hardwarearchitecture. XFI [15] provides permission managementwithin system address spaces using binary rewriting. Na-tiveClient [38] offers sandboxing and isolation to native x86modules by leveraging x86 segmentation and code valida-tion. SIM [30] proposes a secure In-VM monitoring ap-proach which places the kernel-level monitor in a protectedaddress space using shadow paging. Overshadow [13] andBastion [12] leverages multiple shadow tables to protectapplication data from the rest of the system. In compari-son, HUKO focuses on protecting the integrity of the OSkernel. Also HUKO is based on hardware-assisted pagingrather than software-based shadow paging mechanism to re-duce the number of VMEXITs and improve the TLB perfor-mance.

8 Conclusion

We have presented the design, implementation and eval-uation of HUKO, a hypervisor-based layered system thatcomprehensively protects the integrity of commodity OSkernels from untrusted extensions. HUKO leverages severalcontemporary hardware virtualization techniques as well asits novel software design to achieve its design principles:multi-aspect protection, acceptable performance and ease-of-adoption. Our experiments show that HUKO can ef-fectively protect the kernel integrity from various kinds ofmalicious extensions with an acceptable performance over-head. We believe that HUKO provides a practical frame-work for running untrusted extensions in OS kernel withenhanced integrity protection for commodity systems.


We would like to thank our paper shepherd MihaiChristodorescu and the anonymous reviewers, for theirhelpful comments on earlier versions of this paper.This work was supported by AFOSR FA9550-07-1-0527

(MURI), NSF CNS-0905131, ARO W911NF-09-1-0525(MURI), and AFRL FA8750-08-C-0137.


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