practical spiritual first aid-finished

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  • 8/2/2019 Practical Spiritual First Aid-finished



    Dear fellow TI's,

    This article is meant to help those who are subjected to and suffering from the methods used bygang stalking groups, and mind control in general.

    I am a human being who has, like most of you TI's out there, been attacked by evil forces since

    this all started about ten years ago. I managed to survive, I am proud to say. I am, with this

    article, trying to help and stimulate you to take action and to use your life and powers to their

    fullest extent. Don't be a victim! You could, rather than passively undergoing the various tactics

    they are using to slowly destroy human society and our lives, take action and resist. You might

    be able to discover qualities of yourself you were previously unaware of. You will at least, by

    sending light into the world, make a positive contribution, add more global consciousness and

    finally alter the state of our planet. The world is changing, our circumstances are changing, and

    this offers new possibilities for those who are willing to change.

    I will start with a few tips or advice of a practical nature: there are things you can do to get the

    pressure off you while constantly being harassed and intimidated. Firstly, read about

    psychopathy, narcissism and sociopathy, in order to understand the kind of persons we are

    dealing with. Inform yourself on the tactics and electronic devices they are using. You can then

    step-by-step, progress into resisting and fighting them.

    One of their tactics is to condition you using various methods such as: microwave weapons

    (causing sleep deprivation), laser beams, noise disturbance, street-theatre, subliminal messages,

    mind reading, isolation etc. This is done in order to manipulate you and finally force you to

    become one of them, or commit suicide.

    You can use tin foil and wet paper to cover your head for protection against microwave-

    weapons (Directed Enery Weapens) or make panels/shields from lead-sheets nailed on wood to

    block microwaves, radar and x-rays. You are not insane. Projecting voices and/or images into

    your head (voice-to-skull) even dream-manipulation is part of the technological possibilities

    they have.

    You could make pics/videos of the perps, they don't like that; it makes them afraid because the

    sadistic game they are playing is supposed to be secretive. Gather as much evidence as possible.

    Be aware that your mind/thoughts are likely to be manipulated and they will try to encourage

    you to destroy or lose those documents, pictures etc. Through the use of electronics they can

    indeed influence your short-term memory. Use a notebook for all the important appointmentsand a diary to make notations of the various abusive experiences that you are subjected to. This

    can be proof and help support you in case of memory-loss due to sleep deprivation.

    Do not become a recluse; don't let them isolate you from your friends or family that would

    make you even more vulnerable to their tactics. If you want to talk to people about what is

    happening to you, then try to explain it with videos or documents on gangstalking/electronic

    harassment as proof.

    You could go into your neighbourhood and spread folders about gangstalking, call on people

    door-to-door and tell them about it, and go to schools and tell the principals about it. Even if

    they are reacting reluctantly or refusing to cooperate, the message is out. Put a poster on your

    window that says "HELP gangstalking in progress", "MIND CONTROL is real", or whateverslogan is appropriate in your situation. Spontaneous actions (safety first) are good, because they


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    need some time to get organised. I do inform the police; they are in many cases ignorant of

    what is going on. Mind you, some of them could be involved. Many people that collaborate in

    gangstalking are themselves not even aware of what they are doing, and by confronting them

    you might awaken them. At least they are warned about you taking action, and further more,

    you'll meet good people that are indeed concerned.

    Once they become aware of your resistance they will try to force you to submit to their tactics,

    which they do on a daily basis anyway. Use your free will and mind power to resist. Say NO to

    this terror with all of your might. What I do is: every sting, electrical shock or disturbance in

    general becomes a prayer, every negative thought I replace by a loving thought, every kind of

    pain is accepted with love in my heart and thus, brings me closer to God, Heavenly Father,

    Yahweh, the Creator, Brahman, One Love etc. This is the most effective way to counter evil

    and mind control. In this manner you retaliate by replacing every negative experience with a

    positive one and the proper action. I even communicate to them by means of thought. I try to

    discourage them by telling them that they are brainwashed/programmed and that they should be

    aware of that. Since every thought of yours is most likely being monitored they therefore, notice

    all your thoughts. By doing so, you are letting them know that their methods are ineffective andresulting in resistance, which is the opposite of submission. You could, for example, send a

    prayer out every time they hurt you, and by doing so letting them know that after hurting you,

    you will resist. Then, for example, go out on the street and talk to people or put flyers in

    mailboxes. It is their punishment! By doing so, you will condition their behaviour. Just like they

    do to you!

    By properly reacting to this harassment and not giving in, you are turning this psychological

    game around. In general, you have to use your imagination. Mind you, safety first.

    My situation has much improved since I started properly reacting to my enemies. Although the

    harassment is never totally gone, this gives me the motivation to continue in this manner.

    The purpose of all this GS is to disturb the potential harmony in our society. Harmony will

    bring us, eventually, into the new inter-dimensional future. This is the reason why they don't

    want you to pray or meditate, because it will connect you with your higher self and the

    Universal Source (Love). This is the one thing they fear most and have no control over. Just

    close the mental doorway to the lower dimensions and open the gates to unconditional Love.

    Easier said then done? It is not that hard. You want to live happily, don't you? You don't believe

    in love anymore? Well, you've seen what hate can do. There is no doubt, is there? Meditate this

    hell out of your life. The majority of the earth's inhabitants want to live in peace, and pray/wish

    for it. So tune in to that vibe and become One Love! I mean, when you focus on Love and all

    that is good in this life, you will notice that the weight becomes lighter and you will attractloving beings. It (the harassment) might not disappear totally, because the dark forces are

    fighting for their existence too. And they are losing, which makes them even more ferocious.

    Keep resisting that evil by taking action, keep praying/meditating with Love in your heart,

    because that is the only sure way to fight them.

    Some people, seemingly, have to carry the burden for others. Since you have come this far, you

    have proven to be able to withstand them. That means you are strong! I can confirm that it is a

    traumatic experience, but if you take the right steps, it will heal you eventually and you will

    become a more conscious and complete/whole person. That is what really matters.

    In my opinion and many others this world and mankind, is going through a series of dramaticchanges. This is in short, due to the astronomical shift from Pisces to Aquarius. Mankind will in


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    general be raised to a higher spiritual level. This brings along lots of tribulations and chaos, in

    the midst of which we are right now. We are all on our way into the future. A future in which

    we will be conscious of our oneness. This transformation being a natural part of the

    evolutionary path of mankind, affects consciously or unconsciously, each of our individual


    Many of us are indeed evolving; this goes in phases and you will need patience to complete the

    process. This will give us eventually, the opportunity to release ourselves of old patterns, habits,

    traumas etc. Even karma is different these days, almost instant. This means that all mistakes

    made will return instantly. This gives us a perfect chance to get cleared of fears, guilt, anger or

    doubtfulness. These are the kind of low vibration emotions which the stalking groups will try to

    use on their behalf, if you let them. Actually they (the perps, satanists) are feeding on them.

    You have to overcome these emotions. Break free, adjust to the circumstances, but at your own

    pace. Show some courage and fight for the right cause; you are blessed while doing so. Yes,

    you/we suffer, and the reason is because we are not like them, of this you can be proud. You are

    a spiritual being and we need you here to accomplish peace on earth. There is no time for

    modesty. You are a light being, a multi-dimensional creature.

    Most of the persons, like myself, who are suffering from and are subject to gangstalking are

    ascending/transforming into the 5th dimension and thus developing psychic abilities(a higher

    conciousness). Which brings its own physical and mental discomforts and problems along with

    it. I am referring to the ascension/transformation symptoms. In the 3rd dimension there are a lot

    of powerful, scared and evil people who want to keep their power. Since they themselves have

    inferior, or no psychic abilities, they make use of electronic devices such as psychotropic,

    electromagnetic and microwave weapons, laser etc. with the intention to control or destroy us. I

    presume that is why they want us mis-labelled with psychiatric diagnoses and on

    drugs/sedatives in order to suppress our psychic gifts.

    From the moment I became aware of being targeted, I also came across info about Ascension

    Transformation symptoms. I then noticed that symptoms like: changing sleep patterns, sudden

    waves of emotion, vivid dreams, emotional and mental confusion and so on, can actually be

    compared with the effects created by the many forms of harassment they force upon us. Please

    compare the transformation symptoms with all the possibilities the electronic devices offer

    them. In my opinion they are close to mimicking these symptoms. The perpetrators are doing

    their best to confuse us, and by doing so, restrain us from completing this transformation-cycle.

    They are, for example, using microwave weapons for heat inducement, psychotronics for

    dream-manipulation and mind reading technology to be one step ahead of you. All of this in

    order to make you more confused. It is possible through the use of psychotronic devices toenhance your feelings. Since your negative feelings/emotions can be intensified through the use

    of psychotronica and then in return be projected onto you, it is all the more important, even in a

    dire situation like yours, to keep a positive attitude. Eventually, after more experiences, you will

    be able to make distinctions between truly supernatural experiences and electronic


    Red Elk says: "dont believe me" and Jesus said, "be your own master". The reason is that we

    should learn to stand on our own feet. Always continue to be critical about what info you get

    from me or other sources. You know very well there is always a third party present, which will

    try to confuse us.


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    It took me a few years to learn about what I know now, and I am not by any means an

    experienced medium. But I am, with Love in my heart, willing to share all my knowledge with

    those who are able to listen and learn. If you are psychic, it is destined to be part of your nature;

    it is all about Ascension. Everyone has abilities, be it your intuition. Start there, by developing

    it. Why not use whatever means you've got to counteract your tormentors?

    I am, as above-mentioned, fully aware of the possibilities the perps have to mimic various

    phenomena that originally belonged to the supernatural realms. In spite of this, I did see an

    angel in its full glory, departed people, elementals, visions of the future, and the face of Jesus

    appeared before me, I've been on astral journeys and more phenomena of the kind. This, I did

    see and experience for real. I did, however, have a poltergeist in my house. It was frightening at

    first, but not anymore. It was part of my life-lessons. The angels coordinated it all of the time. I

    am hence, on a daily basis, provided with valuable information from various sources. A truly

    wonderful world has opened up to me: I am glad.

    Please don't be afraid of my angel-talk. I also couldnt believe it when I started doing this, but

    now I am happy I did. I am for example, guided by a departed loved one of mine; that wasindeed a heart-warming surprise for me.

    This is what Archangel Uriel tells us about angels:

    Welcome beloved. I am so glad you are here. You are reading this by no mistake, for indeed I

    am writing these words with you in mind. You are a member of the family of light; you my dear

    one are divine. I am here now, to speak with you about angels and I am quite happy to do so for

    it is a subject which you may imagine I am quite fond of, and it is true.

    I am Archangel Uriel and I am so pleased to be of service to you, and to your race. I love

    humanity and am committed to your success and to your ascension. I will begin with a brief

    introduction on angels, and who we are. Angels are beings that exist in a realm that is not

    above, but more so within your realm. How is this so, you may say, for you cannot see us, so

    some will doubt our presence. But know we are indeed among you, and if you will ask of us, we

    will begin to make ourselves known to you. We are non-physical beings, but although we do

    not have a physical body this does not mean we are not real. We are simply a consciousness, we

    are still connected to the Source Energy, the Creator, and for this reason we are happy to act as

    messengers bringing you messages from Source Energy, from the Universal Source, or from

    God depending on your phraseology.

    Angels are always among you beloved, and we are more than happy to help and assist you in allareas of your life. We are not physical as was stated earlier, so we are not limited to being in

    one place or even one time, we are everywhere so do not hesitate to call upon us. Your

    questions are never too silly or your requests too small or too big. We will not however interfere

    in your life; you have free will and we will always respect this entirely. For this reason, it is

    important that when you do want our help, you ask. Call upon us often, and for any reason. Ask

    us to shield your car when you are driving and we will ensure that you arrive safely at your

    destination. Ask us to bless your dreams and we will sit with you while you sleep protecting

    you, radiating love and increasing your frequency. We can bring you into alignment with your

    desires, provide guidance when you are lost, and help you to see areas of your life that you are

    ready to change.


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    How can you connect with us? This is actually quite easy; it is only your mind that tries to

    overcomplicate it. The reality is, whenever you think of an angel, an angel is with you and when

    you ask of us we will always answer.

    You do not need to use a formal ritual or a specific ceremony or tool to invoke us. Simply think

    of an angel and know that you have called an angel to you. You may also call on an angel byspeaking aloud, by writing a question or a task you wish for us to complete. Are you worried, or

    stressing about matters of your life? Hand over your worry, give us your stress and we will

    gladly take it from you. We are always pleased to raise your vibration if you are feeling low,

    simply say or think or write Angels please raise my frequency now, help me to choose

    happiness and to open my heart to love. Know that the manner in which you notice the

    presence of angels is completely unique to you. Some may feel our nearness, a warm or cool

    feeling, chills, or just a lovely feeling may accompany an angel. Some of you will see us, you

    may see lights flicker, colours, or our actual shapes, we do not use wings to fly but we will

    appear with wings since this is familiar to you. You may hear us; a ringing in your ear is a

    message from an angel. If this sound is too loud ask us to turn it down and we will gladly

    oblige. You may hear a piece of angelic music, or you may hear nothing at all. Do not dwell onexpectation but rather trust that when you call upon us we are there with you, and allow

    whatever you experience to be perfect, for it is. The more you call the more you will begin to

    notice our presence, we never want to scare or startle you, so we will begin to show ourselves to

    you as you are ready. We love you; know that when you ask us to be we are with you.

    Some of you who are very sensitive to energies would benefit greatly from shielding each

    morning and cleansing each evening. Angels can help you to do this; you may ask me, Uriel, to

    intercede to your guardian angels (each of you do have guardian angels) or any angel to

    surround you with white angelic light throughout your day, protecting you from lower

    vibrations and assisting you in choosing love and in staying in a positive state. Ask for

    protection from angels for your mind, body and spirit and know that you are safe. Then, at the

    end of your day call upon your angels once more, to cleanse any impurities that may have clung

    on to your energy throughout the day, let the angelic light wash over your body and leave you

    shining brightly.

    Remember, the more you call upon us, trust us, and believe in us, the more we will make

    ourselves known to you.

    We love you so much, and since we can see your past, present and future all at once, we are

    able to assist you in making subtle shifts that will greatly enhance your life. We are always

    happy to assist you because we love you.

    Call on us often, it is our greatest joy to be of service.

    Archangel Uriel

    I would like to add this: there are angels all around us. They are willing to help you but you

    have to ask for it. Do your meditation and connect to the higher realms by adapting your

    vibrations accordingly. Anger and fear are lower vibrations; happiness and loving feelings are

    of the highest sort. Remember when you were in Love and you were able to attract lucky

    circumstances easily. It's true, that's how it works. Mind you, do your grounding as often aspossible and keep your shielding/energetic protection up while contacting the angels. Visualize


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    heavenly white light surrounding/covering you like a coat over your aura. Even in the astral

    realms there are psychos. The ones that had a life as a bad human will continue to be evil

    afterwards and try to influence you. No fear, with love in your heart and the use of will-power

    (Universal Free Will) you can simply order them to go back to where they came from, or tell

    them to look up into the light and follow the angels. Your will is Holy. Be insistent. You could

    read more about the Universal Free Will, energetic protection, contacting spirit guides andangels etc. on the Internet. This way you can compare and confirm my advice and use the

    various methods available to your benefit.

    Prayer/meditation and visualizing a peaceful future is in my opinion the best thing to do. It's

    even better to combine this with proper action. I mean, put safety first and then let the world

    know of your/our situation. Modesty is, in this time were living in, not necessarily a desired

    state of mind. I've been letting those perps bother me for too long and I went through all the

    phases before coming to the conclusion that one can close the mind to it I do this by means of

    meditation and also during my daily occupations. I imagine myself on a mountaintop, looking

    down on all the world and its illusions. I try to extract my mind from negativity as much as

    possible. This saves energy for other constructive things to do. Please don't let them bother youas much as they want to, but shield yourself to prevent negativity from coming through and stay

    centred (breathing through the stomach). Think of how you used to be before the stalking

    started, what your reactions and thoughts were in certain circumstances and compare those to

    your present state of mind. Become again conscious of who you basically are. Find the true,

    loving, self-inherent within your being and correct yourself accordingly.

    Protection: before asking for angelic help you can use this prayer for protection (silently or

    aloud), as often as you think is necessary. Be sure you are calm and peaceful, do the grounding,

    then say it from the heart: "only those that have come out of pure love can remain, those that

    have not come out of pure love have to go back to where they came from, or look up into the

    light, and follow the angels". This is to protect you and will send earth-bound spirits on their

    way. Or when you suspect you are under psychic attack: "my soul is filled with the love of God,

    I release all that is obscure/dark, I let go of all that is obscure/dark". To enhance the

    effectiveness of these prayers, you can ask your guardian angel or archangel Michael and the

    Legions Of Light to assist you.

    Meditation: sit in a comfortable way with your spine straight. Breathe slowly and deeply, close

    your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for a while, then visualize a flexible cord/root from

    your base chakra going down, all the way into the centre of the earth and fix it there. With this

    you connect your consciousness with the earth (grounding). After establishing that, visualize

    (that you are) a tube of light that ascends from your base chakra up to your crown chakra andstretching out into the heavens. If you sense a tickling sensation on your head, this means your

    crown chakra is opening. From this point on you will extract energy from both sides (below and

    up), to connect them in your heart chakra. Focus on your heart chakra for a while (to actually

    contact the angels your heart chakra is of importance) and feel it becoming warm and soft. Then

    say mentally: I connect myself with the spiritual light world, and ask your guardian angel or

    archangel Michael to protect you while meditating. Ask (in your own words) the angels to help

    and teach you during your evolutionary life-process or any other question. To conclude, ask the

    angels to cover your mind, body and spirit in white angel-light (shielding). Afterwards, you

    could give thanks and find peace in the Love your angels have for you. Try to enjoy this

    intimate experience. Do the grounding afterwards.


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    Every thought (vibration) that you send out is understood by the angels.You will see results in

    due time, keep trying, even for ten minutes at a time. If you however, don't feel like meditating

    then don't. Just try to relax or sleep as much as possible, no need to force it. Love yourself and

    take good care of yourself.

    One could use stones to help with protection; they work on the energetic field. Ask your angelto help you select one or more. Stones like Jaspis or Labradorite for example, are well known

    for their grounding faculties and protection. There are stones/crystals that can help you in

    contacting angels, spirit guides, or clearing your house.

    Here are some of the ways that angels can communicate with us:

    * Through special songs that you suddenly tune into on the radio.

    * With surprising shapes or rainbows in the clouds.

    * In little sparkles of golden, silvery, or purple light that you might see at the edges of your

    physical vision.

    * Through special dreams, you'll know the difference!

    * Through animals that put in a sudden appearance.* With moments of synchronicity or cosmic coincidences where something or someone

    comes your way in a strange but wonderful fashion, providing a message that you alone

    need to hear. Pay attention to what is coming towards you, because synchronicities

    are everywhere.

    * Questions can be answered through information in articles or magazines etc.

    The angelic responses you may feel (involving one/more senses):

    Touch - you may feel one or more of the following:

    * Tingling or tickling around fingers or palms, particularly in the left hand.

    * You could find yourself aware of energy flowing within the body.

    * Warmth on palms, in heart, or gently flooding your whole being.

    * Coolness on fingers, palms, wrists or along arms.

    * Soft and gentle, yet strong pressure on the hands, arms or fingers.

    Sight - Depending on whether your eyes are open or closed:

    * A brief, bright flash of light in your mind.

    * A glimpse of the angel or a symbolic creature (angelic symbols).

    * A sparkling in the air, or swirling mist, on the edge/periphery of vision.

    * A subtle change in the quality of how the air looks and feels around you.

    Smell - A sudden fragrance that comes and goes. You wonder if you really smelled this

    scent or imagined it! Then it comes again.

    Sound - Tones, ringing, faint booming, or drumming sounds within ear(s).

    About your fears, doubts, problems: once you have a stable contact with the Love Source, you

    can just leave them to God and the angels. They will carry a lot of your burdens for you. It will

    surely release you of some pressure. If you have any trouble in connecting to the Source, I

    would suggest that you think of the love you feel for your children or parents, or think of any

    event that gives you warm, peaceful feelings. In that feeling is God. Unconditional Love! It is

    all around us, just tune in to the source of Lovelight. I know, and the angels/spirit-guides do,

    that it's at times hard to fill your battered heart with warmth. Trust me, you will succeed if youpersist. Please give it a try.


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    You can also improve your situation through the use of prayers (in general) and affirmations.

    (For example: I am what I am, to remind you of, and confirm your true nature). You can use

    your own words by saying these prayers/affirmations; this will add to their effectiveness. One

    visualisation to imagine is a bright future for yourself and your beloved ones (mind power).

    Jana Haas says in her book Heilung mit der Kraft der Engel (angels, loving healers), that

    there are three things of importance:

    * To daily send light on your life path (blessings), visualise a lying lemniscat (made of

    light) on your path, then go and stand in the middle of it and ask the angelic realm to guide

    and protect you on your life path.

    * Daily contact with your guardian angel, ask for the right mental attitude for that day.

    * Contact with the Archangels of the day (for the specific daily blessings).

    You can connect with your angels/spirit guides in a calm/peaceful state of mind; they are

    always there, especially in these hard times. Use your imagination; it's a subtle experience.

    Hearing the messages of spiritual guides is just like hearing your own voice while thinking, soit's important to put your mind off for that moment (meditation). The angels give signs if you

    are ready to evolve and when to make the next step, nothing will happen against your will.

    Signs can come in dreams, in clouds or in little things, like music on the radio etc. It is always

    very personal and beautiful, like deja vu.

    You could buy a set of angel cards to get the answers to your questions confirmed. Once you

    are aware that you are not alone and that the spirit realms are fighting this evil as much as we

    do, you will be comforted with this thought, and able to raise your consciousness to a higher

    level. Mind you, this will not happen overnight but takes some time. However, you will see

    results instantly. Please give it a try.

    To help open yourself up to connecting with the angelic realm, if you are willing to spend

    money on it, it could be very helpful to have an Angel reader/medium/channel give you a

    reading, where you can begin to understand what it is like to work with the angelic realm. Let

    your intuition tell you whom to trust. For some brothers and sisters it is, sadly enough, just big


    The next exercise is to regain your chakra-energy. It is important to keep your chakras in

    balance, especially in a stressful situation. You can do this with or without the assistance of


    Chakra-healing: do your grounding and start with the root-chakra. Visualise your chakra,

    standing in front of yourself. See its shape and colour(red) and see it spinning round(male:

    clockwise, female: counter-clockwise). Focus your inner attention on the chakra and make a

    statement (your intention) to demand all your stolen chakra-grid back, demand all your stolen

    chakra-information back, demand all your stolen Chi back. You can imagine the chakra

    spinning more easily. Feel the Love for yourself and smile at your root-chakra. Continue going

    up to the next chakra and repeat this process until all are done (sacral chakra-orange, solar

    plexus chakra-yellow, heart chakra-green, throat chakra-blue, the third eye chakra-indigo,

    crown chakra-white). You can also retrieve all the stolen parts of your etheric body, by silently

    demanding it and trying to feel/visualize it. Finish with a loving feeling for yourself. After that

    you can continue meditating or finish by slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. Youcould do the grounding/shielding afterwards again.


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    You will have to find a method that works for you; it's very personal which method works best

    for you. You could even improvise, taking in regard the main guidelines. I suggest that you do

    some reading about this topic (just search around using the keywords: chakra healing, chakra-

    cleansing, chakra-balancing, stolen chakra-information, energetic protection etc) or the various

    topics mentioned in this "first aid" in general, to verify what I wrote. Please do!

    Be very careful about complying or converting to any religious groups or organized religion.

    This is not in conformity with the spirit and developments of our time. By doing so you'll give

    away your spiritual uniqueness and your own free will to a religious leader. Light workers

    speak in terms of astral cords/threads. Cords show up in the etheric, they are the underlying

    nature of how relationships connect people. When you grow an awareness of these threads, it

    becomes very easy to manage these cords with the tools of imagination. Even without intuition,

    one can do the ritual. Guardian angels will act on your requests. There are several ways to

    disconnect cords. It is best to be clear in your intention, so that you don't cut cords which

    represent win/win relationships that serve your highest good. Search for an effective cord

    cutting ritual or ask archangel Michael to do it for you.Cord cutting ritual (in short): grounding, connecting to the spiritual light world, then ask

    Michael and the Legions Of Light to cut all cords that are of no use, to remove all energetic

    implants and connections with spirits, and finish with the grounding.

    The world is changing rapidly, when you are ready for this you will evolve and so will your

    consciousness. All will become clear and bearable. Help yourself, you can do it!

    One more thing...Jesus, Yeshua, Sananda, Esu was a living human being of flesh and blood, just

    like you and I. He was/is psychic and a healer, a visionary and a prophet. What he, in my

    opinion, tried to tell us is that we are not too different from him at all. He accomplished for

    mankind a way to follow and learn about our own abilities. He is always in the presence of

    angels...and so are you!

