practical tips for writing successful letters of recommendation

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Practical Tips for Writing Successful Letters of Recommendation. Presented by Central Park Campus Faculty: Patti Valella, Professor of Biology & Audra Heaslip, Professor of English. Faculty Development Conference. January 11, 2013 Collin Higher Education Center McKinney, TX. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Practical Tips for Writing Successful Letters of Recommendation

Practical Tips for Writing Successful Letters of RecommendationPresented by Central Park Campus Faculty:

Patti Valella, Professor of Biology &Audra Heaslip, Professor of English

1Faculty Development ConferenceJanuary 11, 2013Collin Higher Education CenterMcKinney, TX

2Sometimes, we get this:Dear Prof. Winfield,

I am writing to inquire if you would write a letter of recommendation for my transfer application to UT-Arlington. I plan to enroll in the early childhood education program and feel that my work in your Developmental Psychology class (Spring 2012) is strong evidence of my skill and commitment to the field.

Attached is a brief portfolio of the work I completed in your class and contact information for the UTA admissions advisor. The due date for the letter is March 1, so I hope to work with you at your convenience sometime before mid-February. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely,Juliana Marie Ortega3And sometimes, we get this:Dear Proffessor,

I was in you English class in fall 2010 and am applying to A&M for business management. I never got the chance to tell you but I loved ur class! will you pls. write me a letter of recommendation? I can pick it up Monday. & btw I hope you had a great holiday!!!!

Missy T.

How do you begin?4First, decide if you can write the letter (HHMI)Write only if you can honestly write a supportive letter If you dont know the candidate well enough to write a strong letter, let him/her know.If you have reservations, let the student know about your concernsLet him or her decide whether you should still write the letter

Just because a student asks you for a letter of recommendation, it does not mean you have to write one!Writing a letter for someone you dont know well does not help the student achieve his or her goal5Gather necessary information The student should be responsible for investing in the process and providing whatever information you need.

Overview of information you will need:Due date of letterExact purpose of letterAudience Recipient contact infoStudent goalsFurther information as needed (transcripts, student work, student c.v., etc.)6Gather necessary informationWhen is the letter due?Ideally students will give you two weeks or so your decision whether to write the letter may depend on time availability.

What is the purpose of the letter?Academic Program or Transfer applicationWhat specific field or specialty?Scholarship applicationJob application

Who is the audience?A named individualA group or committeeUnspecified (cc: admissions department, for example)Request names, titles, addresses

7Gather necessary informationIf there is an application form, the student should provide a printed copy or a link to the application.

The letter should be customized to the that applicationForm letters are easy to spot, so do not use an online template!

8Gather necessary informationWhat are the requirements for the letter?Is there a ranking/rating form to fill out?Should the letter answer a specific prompt?Does it have to be mailed, or is online submission preferred?

Other useful documentsStudent resume or c.v.Academic recordsStudent work produced in your course

Interview the student if you need additional informationWhat is the students goal?Why did he or she apply to this program/scholarship/job?

9Length of the letter (Ernst)One page is idealThree to four paragraphs should be enough Up to two pages is acceptable, but who wants to read a two-page letter?

If the letter is too long, it will not be read

If the letter is too short, it could leave a negative impression for the readerA very short letter is the kiss of death

10Length of the letterPut yourself in the shoes of the committee memberThey may have hundreds of letters to readThey may be reading them late at nightWrite the letter so the candidate stands out

11Bad Letters of RecommendationBad letter of recommendation, handout 1Review as a whole group

Bad letter of recommendation, handout 2Review in small groupsWhat is the message this letter sends to the reader?


Who is this person?General Tips for the Letter (Ernst)Be specificGeneralities do not paint a picture for the readerCreate a 3D picture of the student

DifferentiateSay how the student is unlike other students, give specific strengths

Compare (appropriate for sciences, maybe not humanities)How does the student compare to others (and in what way)?You decide on the rankingIn your current classIn all of your classes that semesterIn all of the classes you ever taught

13General Tips for the LetterBe candid and honest

Only write about what you have witnessedGive specific examples to support what you say

14Format of the letter: greetingTo whom it may concern is appropriate if the application is online and you dont know exactly to whom the letter is going

If you know the name of the recipient, address the letter to that person

Make the student find this information for you

15Format of the letter: first paragraphStart off with something to this effect:

It is my great pleasure to recommend Julia Mercedes for the National Association of Extraordinary Students Scholarship program.

I am delighted to recommend Tina Garcia for admission to your Culinary Arts program at the School of Gastronomic Science.

I welcome this opportunity to recommend Vincent Jackson for a place in the College of Human Ecology program at Humble State University.

16Format of the letter: first paragraphDescribe how you know the individualIn what situation have you known this studentFor how longHow closelyState your qualifications as wellWhat makes you suited to write a letter for this person?

17Format of the letter: second to third paragraphsPresent the individuals qualities relevant to the positionInclude two detailed examplesUse vivid details to make the recommendation more effective

Provide specific examples to illustrate qualities such as:For a scholarship or academic applicationthe student's intellectual abilitycapacity for independent, original thoughtknowledge of the fieldattitude and motivationFor a job applicationwhy they are qualified what they can contribute

18Format of the letter: closing paragraph (Nordquist)In the closing paragraph, reiterate your enthusiasm for recommending this student

The short conclusion highlights the student's sense of commitment and determination

In the final sentence, clearly and firmly deliver your overall recommendation

End with an offer to provide additional information.Be sure to include your contact information!

19Next: Attributes and words that paint a great picture and words that dont20List of Attributes to Consider (Barkdull)FlexibilityDirectionInitiativeLeadershipEnergy levelImagination

IntelligenceSelf-confidenceSelf knowledgeCompetitivenessGoal achievementInterpersonal skills

21List of Attributes to Consider (Barkdull)Ability to communicateAbility to handle conflictAbility to accept criticismConsistency of effortCooperation with othersOpen-mindednessAppropriate vocational skillsWillingness to accept responsibility


Use Positive and Specific Adjectives (Barkdull)HonestArticulateEffectiveSophisticatedIntelligentObservantSignificantExpressiveSeriousDedicatedThoughtfulEnthusiastic

23Use Positive and Specific Adjectives (Barkdull)EfficientCooperativeImaginativeDependableReliableMatureInnovativeCreativeDeterminedRespectfulDiligentInsightful


Avoid Vague Adjectives & Adverbs (Barkdull)NiceGoodFairFairlyAdequateReasonableDecentSatisfactory


Pitfalls to avoid in your letterGender Bias (HHMI)Write a letter of recommendation for any candidate, male or female, and then reverse all the pronouns.Read the letter over: Does it sound odd? If it does, you should probably re-examine the language.


Pitfalls to avoid in your letterExamples of gender bias:Portraying all men as leaders and women as dependentsAssociating men with seriousness and rationality, women with emotion and intuitionAssuming (if unknown) that the reader of the letter is maleCalling attention to gender-specific details (such references to bachelorhood, motherhood, pregnancy, etc.)Reinforcing gender stereotypes (Even though he is male, James will make a great dental assistant or Cheri proves that women can also be capable engineers)27Other forms of bias:Age-relatedNot: For a teenager, Randy has a good head on his shoulders.Instead: Randy has a good head on his shoulders.

Not: Sandras remaining years will be well spent finishing her long-awaited degree at your institution.Instead: Sandra will be an excellent addition to your institution.

PoliticalNot: A right-winger by nature, Lacey is also the student president of the College Republicans.Instead: A dedicated conservative, Lacey is also the student president of the College Republicans.


Avoid portraying the person as perfect (Ernst)Be plausibleIf a letter seems too perfect, it may lose credibilityThe student doesnt have to be the best or the brightest in the class just focus on strengths of that individual

Also29Do not copy the same letter for different students write a unique letter each time

Do not write your institution in the letter; write the specific name of the institution


After writing the letterKeep an electronic or hard copy of the letterLet the student know the letter has been sentEncourage student to waive right to see the letter give the letter to student if you wish

31Good Letters of RecommendationGood letter of recommendation, handout 1Good letter of recommendation, handout 2

32For your studentsA handout for your students with regard to asking you to write a letter of recommendation

Any questions?

33SourcesHHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute):

Michael Ernst:

Larry Barkdull:

Richard Nordquist:

Vanderbilt University: