practice exam analysis

Practice Exam Analysis This lesson will focus on: An analysis of section one An analysis and feedback of section 2 , speech.

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Practice Exam Analysis. This lesson will focus on: An analysis of section one An analysis and feedback of section 2 , speech. Explain how the image portrays control. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Practice Exam Analysis

Practice Exam Analysis

This lesson will focus on:• An analysis of section one• An analysis and feedback of section 2 ,


Page 2: Practice Exam Analysis

Explain how the image portrays control.

Motif of eyes. Shows constant surveillance, hypnosis of content through media.Layout shows

society fed information through propaganda of media. Also the fact that the tv screens are above the sheep reinforce the power they hold.

Colour purple to represent royalty. Reinforced through a purple background for Hillary Clinton.

Use of exaggeration to exaggerate the power media has over society. Also the layout of the sheep at the bottom alluding to the idea of no power.

The fact they are sheep symbolizes an animal that is trained and used for the benefit of the master. The contrast of the sheep being faceless entities through their hidden faces.

Neologism through the use of the word ‘sheeple’. The connotations associated with this word are emphasised through the next line ‘take your chip’

Salient image of the sheep standing out from the crowd. Facial expression show surprise and the response is the caption on the tv monitor reinforcing control.

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MuseUprising lyrics(Verse One)Paranoia is in bloom, The PR transmissions will resume, They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down, And hope that we will never see the truth around(So come on)Another promise, another scene, Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed, And all the green belts wrapped around our minds, And endless red tape to keep the truth confined(So come on)

(Chorus)They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us, We will be victorious(So come on)[ Lyrics from: ]

(Verse Two)Interchanging mind control, Come let the revolution take it's toll, If you could flick a switch and open your third eye, You'd see thatWe should never be afraid to die(So come on)

(Verse Three)Rise up and take the power back, It's time the fat cats had a heart attack, You know that their time's coming to an end, We have to unify and watch our flag ascend

(Chorus)They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us, We will be victoriousSo come on

They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us, We will be victorious

Identify TWO techniques and explain how these techniques display rebellion.Explain how the song can be seen as a call to action against control.

Title ‘Uprising’ shows rebellion and a fight against control.

Metaphor to show paranoia is flourishing.

Identifying the ‘us against them’ through a conversational, colloquial tone.

Use of culmination to show what the effects of the power have resulted in.

The use of colour ‘green’ to symbolise money.The use of ‘red’ to symbolise danger.

Repetition of ‘they will not / stop’ reinforces the sense of rebellion

Repetiton of the term ‘we’ to create an inclusive quality of rebellion.

Allusion to the ‘all seeing eye’ which sees what our normal sight does not. Being related to everybody; the super-id, being tuned in as a collective.

The use of imperatives to bring about a call to action.

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Explain the effect of the detail offered in regards to the buildings and structures of the city.

Quote Technique / effect

“dilapidated…world” Repetition emphasizing the fact that the buildings are as run-down as the city and the world around them

“There were great walls….animals from the inside would get out.”

The use of imagery through the concept of enclosure to represent the feeling the ‘Knew City’ has created.

“Death’s rank odor has become as much a part of the building as the foundation upon which it stood”

Showing the building is metaphorically built with death and fear and that of its foundation. The use of emotive language can also be used to describe the comparison.

“Do Not Leave The City Walls’ People thrashed against the recently constructed walls. Like encaged apes, their screams of pain and anger…”

The use violent imagery to show the encaging of the people in the city. Furthermore, the simile of apes howling in pain and ager also uses the repetition of animal imagery to reinforce the effects of the enclosure.

Page 5: Practice Exam Analysis

How does the writer create a mood of hopelessness?

Quote Technique / Effect

“The thunder of gunfire in the defining dark hauled him from his sleep.”

Violent imagery. Alliterated ‘d’ sound reiterating the sound of a gun.

“...light from the fire lay around danced demonic shadows across their gaunt faces...”

Reference to hell, therefore, difficult environment, hopeless. Gaunt faces use figurative language to show thin, malnourished people starved in their environment. Starved could be used as a metaphor (not literal)

“..gargantuan beast, overpowering the distant horizon.”

Meaning huge, great mass but used through a negative tone. Therefore, hopelessness is seen through the idea of something as beautiful as nature which becomes a ‘gargantuan, overpowering beast’ rather than a spectacle to be admired.

“ Ever since the event, and the rise of the Knew World Order, the city was lost to the dogs and the filth that contaminated the streets”

Relating to hopelessness through mentioning the cause and using dirty figurative language to emphasis the effect of the new power.

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Quote Technique / Effect

“ ...and the people around them, were all that was left.”

Displaying a tone of minimisation in terms of society. ‘all that was left’ creating a tone of this all we have and it isn’t much.

“There’s no point son,’ he said. ‘Humanity is wasted on humans.”

The use of conversational tone to show the theme of hopelessness. Furthermore, the very essence of mortality, to be alive, humanity is wasted. This shows there is no hope for humans.

“ The event had extracted all the goodness from the world and left a venomous hollow casket.”

Motif of death. Poisonous death.

“Fear constricted life from the city....Death led to fear.”

Repetition and a cyclic effect of the cause and effects. The fact is the cycle (fear > death) reinforces the theme of no hope.

‘Silent.’ The effect of the word silent standing alone reflects the mood and tone of the text. To stand out = attention from unwanted gangs. To try and escape = death. Therefore, reinforcing the theme of hopelessness

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Speech Notes and Feedback

Main objectives:• Show the transformation of the text• Showing why/how the text has been

transformed (changed).• Do this by demonstrating how the elements of

the texts have changed.

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How have they changed? Why have they changed? Has anything remained the same? What are the reasons?

Katherine vs. Kat

Petruchio vs. Patrick

Baptista vs. Walter

Bianca vs. Bianca

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Finding examples to support the change / transformation of these elements.

Patriarchal society vs. choice

Identity / standing out vs. conformity

Role of women vs. Freedom of choice

Palace / house vs. school.

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Why have they changed? Linking your ideas

throughout your analysis:• Different medium of entertainment• Different values• Society has changed

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