practice for speking+ new setting 14 6-2016(1)(1)

1 CONTENT SECTION - I SOUNDS - INTRODUCTION 1.0 Speech - Concepts 2.0 Production of English Sounds 2.1 Vowels : (Specch Organs and Place) 2.2 Vowels : (Figures) 2.3 Vowels : (Production) 2.4 Vowels : Diphthongs (Producution) 3.1 Consonants 3.2 Consonants Classification (Table) 3.3 Consonants Articulation (Figures) 3.4 Consonants place, Manner and Symbols (Table) SECTION - II SOUNDS PRACTICE 1.0 Vowels 1.1 Pure / Monothongs 1.2 Dipthongs 2.0 Consonants 2.1 Plausive 2.2 Africate 2.3 Fricative 2.4 Nasal 2.5 Lateral 2.6 Frictionless Continuant / r / 2.7 Semi-vowels 2.8 Clusters 3.0 Stress 3.1 Weak Forms 3.2 Contracted Forms 3.3 Rhythem Patterns 3.4 Word Stress 3.5 Stress in Phrases 3.6 Stress in Sentence 3.7 Stress in Poetry 3.8 Stress in Conver 3.9 Stress in Formal Speech 4.0 Intonation 4.1 Concept and Symballs 4.2 Functions 5.0 Tone Groups and Pauses SECTION - III TESTING PART - A Listeming PART - B Speaking PART - C Marking

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1.0 Speech - Concepts2.0 Production of English Sounds

2.1 Vowels : (Specch Organs and Place)2.2 Vowels : (Figures)2.3 Vowels : (Production)2.4 Vowels : Diphthongs (Producution)3.1 Consonants3.2 Consonants Classification (Table)3.3 Consonants Articulation (Figures)3.4 Consonants place, Manner and Symbols (Table)


1.1 Pure / Monothongs1.2 Dipthongs

2.0 Consonants2.1 Plausive2.2 Africate2.3 Fricative2.4 Nasal2.5 Lateral2.6 Frictionless Continuant / r /2.7 Semi-vowels2.8 Clusters

3.0 Stress3.1 Weak Forms3.2 Contracted Forms3.3 Rhythem Patterns3.4 Word Stress3.5 Stress in Phrases3.6 Stress in Sentence3.7 Stress in Poetry3.8 Stress in Conver3.9 Stress in Formal Speech

4.0 Intonation4.1 Concept and Symballs4.2 Functions

5.0 Tone Groups and Pauses

SECTION - III TESTINGPART - A ListemingPART - B SpeakingPART - C Marking

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1.0 SPEECH - CONCEPTS1.1 Aritculation :

• Speech (The human voice) works on the same priniciple as any musical wind instrumentdoes.

• A column of air is forced over a ‘reed’, the vocal coards, which are caused to vibrate.• This vibration is amplified in a hollow space, primarily the mouth, and a sound is produced.• The vocal cords can be tightened or slackened and this alters the musical pitch of the

sound produced.• The tone we produce is the raw material of speech. In order to speak, we have to shape

it and cut it into small segments to construct the speech sounds or phonemes which builda word.

• The whole process is called articulation, and the parts of the body we use for it are calledthe organs of articulation.

1.2 • Vowel sound is shaped by the organs of ‘articulation’ to make speech. They are speechsounds produced with an open mouth.

1.3 • Consonant involve blocking the flow of breath in the mouth.1.4 • Clarity of speech requires clear articulation, especially of consonants.1.5 • Phoneme is a distinctive sound unit in each language.1.6 • Syllable is one or more phonemes from the next highter unit.1.7 • Transcriptions : is written expression of English sound using a phonemic symbols.1.8 • Accents is a special way of pronouncing the word. They come from different country

regions and social class.1.9 • Received Pronunciation (RP) a social rather than a regional accent, is the socially

dominant accent in Britain.1.10 • Word Strees : is an important feature of English. It is a greater breath force, greater

muscular effort and a greater amplitude of vibration of the vocal cords in the case ofvoiced sounds.

1.11 • Intonation is the ‘tune’ of sentences and carries an important port of the meaning.symbols [ ] falling, [ ] rising, [ ] rising-falling, [ ] falling-rising are used.

2.0 PRODUCTION :2.1 Vowels : (Specch Organs and Place)

Postion of Mouth and Sources of Pure Vowels

1-2 : Lips, 3-4 : Teeth, 5 : Tip, 6 : Blade, 7 : Front, 8 : Back, 9 : Alvelor ridge,10 : Hard palate, 11 : Soft palate, 12 : Uvula, 13 : Pharynx, 14 : Larynz, 15 : Trachea



5 6 7 89

10 1112








ccccc :




• • •• •




• •


half close

half open




half close

half open



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/ ei /

/ u /


/ au /

2.2 Vowels : (Figures)

Fig 3 : Position of the Tongue Fig 4 : Gliding toward / i /

Fig 5 : Position of the Middle part Fig 6 : Gliding toward / u /

Fig 7 : Position of the Back part Fig 8 : Gliding toward / ccccc /2.3 Vowels : (Activities)

• A vowel is a continous sound that is produced without friction or contact between any ofthe parts of the mouth.

• Most words we utter have at least one vowel sound.

/ c /

/ εc

| ic | / uc

/ i /

/ ai /

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2.3 Vowels - Production :

Production Activity sou Practicend Initial Mid Final variety

(1) • Raise the tongue to a / i: / easy week tree • i →→→→→ initialheight just below the eagle vehicle free – improveclose position. eil genious flee – import

• Spread lips. even reason flea – into• Keep the tongue tense east decent trainee • ie and ei

in the word– deceive– receive

(2) • Raise hinder (back) / l / ink fit busy e unstressedpart of the front of the inn fill coffee 'carelesstongue to a position in fish money ef'fectbetween close and a list guilty neg'lecthalf-close rich 'useless

forein 'wanted

(3) • Raise the front of the / e / any rest ready • slight longer whentongue in the direction anyone nest head followed by voicelessof the hard palate to anybody wet lead consonant. e.g.height between half anything set weather – bed than betclose and half open left measure – Led than let

• Spread the lips losely • other spellings• Keep the tongue tense – bury

than it is in | I | – friend– leisure– said

(4) • Raise the front of the / ccccc / at bat – –tongue in the direction of an bandthe hard palate just below sadthe half open position hat

• open lips naturally

(5) • Keep the tongue / a: / ask card car • ar / as / an / at / a /between the centre and arm farm + consonant...the back (the fully part is pronouncedopen position). large / a: / e.g.

• Keep the jaws wides fast – art• Keep the lips naturally – last

open. A back open – answerunrounded vowel – calm




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(6) • Keep the mouth more / / all horse • Other spellingsopen when already ball – cornpronouncing / / author call – nor (final)

• Keep the lips more fall – beforerounded wall – bought

– door– law– cause– chalk (al + k)– warm (w +ar)– board

– caught (augh +t)(7) • Keep the back of the / / ore box – • / / followed by Vol

tongue just above the dog – cold (slight longerfully open position god then cot

• Keep the jaws wide hot • Other spellingsopen, and lock – 'moral

• Keep the lips slightly solve – mant (w + a + con.)rounded – because

– cough– gone– shone

(8) • Raise the tongue to a / u / – book fulll • Other spellingspostion between close cook pull – womanand half-close. foot push – could

• Keep the lips closely good bush – wouldbut lossely rounded. room sugar – should

• Keep the tongue lax

(9) • Raise the tongue in the / u: / oo boot two • Spellingsdirection of the soft food blue oo / o / ou / ui /palate to a height very duty eaunear the close position pupil – moon

• Keep thetongue tense. music – m'ove• Keep the lips closely – group wound

rounded – fruit juice– new– beauty

(10) • Raise the tongue between / / utter fun • Spellingsthe hard and soft palate us would – cup, sunto a height just above the ugly could – come, monthopen position. submit cup – country, young

• Keep the jaws wide open – double, rough• Keep the lips naturally open – blood

– does




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(11) • Raise the back of the / c: / earn bird • Spellings

tongue in the direction of turn • er / ir / ur / wor /

the soft palate between sir ear / our + consonant

the half- open and half – term

close position. – circle

• Keep the lips rounded – nurse

(neutral) – word

– rarly

– journey

(12) • Keep the back of the / c / a her to • back ward

tongue just above the an for drama • sentence

fully open about human beggar • otherwise

position. again pleasure elder • terrible

• Keep the jaws wide policeman doctor • condition

open. ago colour • effort

• Keep the lips slightly tailor enough • famous

rounded. According to centre • succeed

No.10 • surprise

2.4 Vowel : - Diphthongs (Production)• A vowel glide is a sound that begins at one vowel position and moves to another. It is

called diphthong because it is a combination of two vowel sounds.• The glide should take place within on syllable.

• The starting point is refered as the first element and the goal point is called its secondelement.

• Do this :Activity Sym Practice

boll Initial Mid Final Variety

(13) • Begin at the psition / ei / eight age pain play • Spellings

for the vowel sound ape main day / ai /

|e|. Then move ancient fail way aim

towards the short / I / alien wait they aided

page grey ailment

lame stray failure

range tailor



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(14) • Begin at the position / ai / ire five cry • Spellingsfor the vowell sound ice nine fly • it con...+ mute e / a: / and then moves tired my – bite, mine, timetowards the short higher reply • Y, Generally acce-vowel | i | in a curve. flier die nted in Y + con +

mice mute e– type• y / ie / igh / ei– cycle– either– die– child– light– island

(15) • Have from the open, / i / oil boil toy • Spellingsrounded, short / / ointment choice enjoy oi / oyposition to the voice employ – pointposition for the vowel noise – boilsound | i | with the – boylips spread. – toy

– annoy(16) • Move from the / cu / open tone go

position for the vowel own phone bow| c | to the position only coach so –toward / u / with the owl goat knowlips getting rounded out cold flow

(17) • Begin at the position / au / out loud cow • Spellingsfor the vowel sound owl town bow ou | ow/ a: / and then moves to down row – aboutthe rounded / u / fowl now – doubt

shout – loudround – mouthdoubt – cowsound – nowmouth – allow

– town(18) • Beging in the front of / ic / ear tears – • Spellings

the mouth with the berier weary ee / ea / ear /lips spread as for the near ere / ier /the short / i / sound tear – cheer, deerand then moves hear – dear, earinwards to the position real – here, mereof the short vowel / c / clear – fieral

fear – idea, real– theatre

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(19) • Begin at rounded / uc / poor tenure • Spellings/ u / position and then moor inure oo / urg / ou / ue /moves towards the tour sure eur /position of the short pure – poorvowel / c / – sure

– tour– virtuous– influence– nearon

(20) • Begin at the position / ec / – pear – • Spellingsfor the vowel sound tear air / ar / ear / ei/ e / and then moves wear – air, fairtoward that of / c / bear – bare, care

– wear, tear– their, heir

3.2 Consonants Classification :

Place Bilabial Labio Dental Alveolar Post Palato Patatal Velar Glottalaveolar

Manner Voiced (vd) vl. vd vl. vd vl vd vd. vl. vd vd vl. vd vl.Voicedless(vi)

Plosive p b t d k g

Affricate t∫ d3

Frocative f v θ s z ∫ � h

Nasal m n

Lateral I

FrictionalesContinuantor Glide

(Semi-vowel) w r j (w)

• Practic the above consonant following the figures given below for the sound mentionedunder each figure :

3.3 Consonants Articulation (Figures) :

Fig.1 /p,b/ Fig.2 /t,d/ Fig.3 /k,g/ Fig.4 /t∫∫∫∫∫,d3 / Fig.5 /f,v/

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3.4 Consonants - Place Articulation and Symbols (Table) :• Study this :

Place Articulation Symbols


(1) Bilabial • articulated by the two lips, / p,b,m,w /

(2) Labio-dental • articulated by the lower lip aginst the upper teeth, / f, v /

(3) Dental • articulated by the tip of the tongue / θ, /

against the upper teeth,

(4) Alveolar • articulated by the blade of the tongue / t, d, s, z, n, l /

against the teeth-ridge,

(5) Post-alveolar • articulated by the tip of the tongue / r /

against the back of the teeth-ridge,

(6) Retroflex • articulated by the tip of the tongue culed back –against the front of the hard palate,

(7) Palato-alveolar • articulated by the blade of the tongue / t∫, d3, ∫, � /against the teeth-ridge, with the front of the

tongue raised towards the hard palate,

(8) Palatal • articulated by the front of the tongue / j /

against the hard palate,

(9) Velar • articulated by the back of the tongue / k, g, /

against the soft palate,

(10) Glottal • produced by obstruction or / h /

narrowing between the vocal cords,

Fig.6 / θθθθθ, / Fig.7 / s, z / Fig.8 / ∫ � / Fig.9 / m / Fig.10 / n /

Fig.11 / / Fig.12 /l/ Fig.13 /t/ Fig.14 /r/(colour) (dark)

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(ii) Consonant Manner and Articulation of Production

Manner Articulation Symbol


(1) Plosive • Complelely close the air-passage. / p,b,t,d,k,g /

• Then release the air with explosion

(2) Affricatte • Close the air passage complety. / t∫, d3 /

• Then seperate the organs slowly so

that friction is heard.

(3) Fricative • Keep a narrow passage for the air / f, v, θ, , s,

between two organs. z, ∫, 3, h

• Then pass air through it and friction is produced.

(4) Nasal • Complelely cose the mouth. / m, n, /

• Then lower the soft palate;

• The air will excape through the nost.

(5) Lateral • Keep the mouth in the middle close, / l /

but the air escape throught the sides.

(6) Frictionless • There no closure or friction, but the / r /

Continuant sound has a consonantal function

(7) Semi-vowel • A vowel glide with a consonantal function. / j, w /

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1.0 Vowels1.1 Pure Monothongs

/ I: / (long) :(1) each (2) feel (3) field (4) evening

teach feed piece these.(5) i. 'Breath 'deeps before you `speak.

ii. The train 'leaves at `three.iii. The 'fields get 'greener in the `rainy 'season.

/ I / (short) :(1) ink (2) rich (3) biggest (4) 'ticket

it ditch 'tallest bu'cket(5) i. Fill it and then post it.

ii. Sixty rupees for this bucket.iii. Hindi and English are our offical languages.

|e|(1) head (2) any (3) bed (4) said

dead many led friend(5) i. Ram's my best friend.

ii. It gets cooler in November and December.iii. Her dress was a delicate shade of yellow.

/ /(1) bad (2) hat (3) rank (4) mass

lad bat bank lass(5) i. The shepherd counted the cattle.

ii. He has black bats in his bag.iii. I'll catch you if I can.

/ a: / long (1) arm (2) fast (3) bath (4) cart (5) garden

farm last path art parden(6) i. Father needs spare parts for his car.

ii. The armies marched on.iii. We were rather alarmed when the plaster fell.

/ D / short(1) god (2) not (3) coat (4) fond (5) lock

dog pot bought bond mock(6) i. The cost of cloth has gone up.

ii. Salt dissolves in water.iii. Put your socks on.

/ / long(1) all (2) corn (3) four (4) saw (5) door

fall morn pour law floor(6) i. I saw him and his sister also.

ii. They fought in the cause of freedom.iii. I have bought all the law books I used.

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/ u / short(1) book (2) good (3) wool (4) could (5) look

cook wood pull would took(6) i. You've put your foot on it.

ii. Good cooks cook on wood, not on gas.iii. By hook or crook I'll get through this book.

/ u: / long(1) rude (2) food (3) do (4) you (5) fruit 6) shoe

rule mood who few suit two(7) i. You're a foolish and stupid youth.

ii. Did you choose the music ?iii. She is the most beautiful pupil in the group.

/ /(1) gun (2) son (3) double (4) blood (5) sun

run ton trouble cud dozen(6) i. Get me a bun and a cup of tea.

ii. He hasn't enough money.iii. His troubles are yet to come.

/ ccccc: /(1) burn (2) bird (3) girl (4) earl (5) serve

turn word curl pearl journey(6) i. There's a girl behind the tabel.

ii. It is a perfect work of art of the earl.iii. Try to learn many new words.

/ a /(1) son (2) about (3) human (4) policeman (5) other

sun above woman gentleman mother(6) i. My elder brother is a doctor.

ii. My father was formerly a minister.iii. I returned at about three o'clock.

1.2 DiphongsThere are 8 dipthongs in R. P. They are1. / ei / as in rain 5. / au / as in now2. / ai / as in time 6. / iccccc / as in dear3. / ccccci / as in boy 7. / eccccc / as in air4. / cccccu / as in home 8. / uccccc / as in poor/ ei /(1) main (2) day (3) they (4) date (5) eight

pain way hey gate weight(6) i. Play the same game again.

ii. The main train is late.iii. He came on the same day.

/ ai /(1) bite (2) cry (3) die (4) heigh (5) eihter

kite dry tie light neither(6) i. You must sign five times.

ii. He sighed, cried out and then died.iii. Buy me some ice cream or I'll cry.

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/ i /(1) oil (2) soil (3) coin (4) point (5) toy

boll coil join voice joy(6) i. He is a noisy boy.

ii. It was spoilt by moisture.iii. Jagdish joined an oil company.

/cccccu/(1) go (2) bold (3) bone (4) house (5) bost

no gold cope mouse cost(6) i. This toast is cold.

ii. We unloaded the boats today.iii. Load the truck with coat.

/au/(1) cow (2) loud (3) now (4) owl

town doutbt allow bow(5) i. The crowd cried loudly.

ii. He frowned at my doubts.iii. Can you pronounce this sound ?

/eccccc/(1) ear (2) deer (3) here (4) real

fear peer mere idea(5) i. Wipe away your tears, dear.

ii. We fear the tiger.iii. Yours is a queer career.

/uccccc/(1) fair (2) care (3) bear (4) there

chair rare wear where(5) i. Where's the rare bear ?

ii. There's a chair below the stairs.

/uccccc/(1) poor (2) tour (3) fuel (4) influence

moor sure duel virtuous(5) i. Actually he was very poor.

ii. It's purely a business tour.iii. We'll have 'lectures to'day as usual.

2.0 Consonant

2.1 Plosive (Aspirated) / ph /, / th /, / kh

(1) (i) The aspirated [Ph] at the begiming

1. pen 2. peace 3. pick 4. ‘patience 5. ‘pencil6. a‘pology 7. ap‘point 8. de‘pend 9. sup‘port 10. ap‘prove

(ii) The aspirated [th] at the beginning

1. take 2. teace 3. Ten 4. ‘table 5. ‘telephone6. ‘terrible 7. at‘tend 8. con‘tain 9. re‘turn 10. be‘tween

(iii) Tha aspirated [kh] at the beginning

1. cat 2. cup 3 keep 4. ac‘count 5. be‘come6. re‘cord 7. class 8. clean 9. de‘clare 10. a‘cross

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• The voiceless plosive / p /, / t / & / k / when they occur at the beginning of unaccentedsyllables.

(2) (i) The unspirated / p /1. spend 2. spare 3. speak 4. ‘special 5. spill6. spoil 7. ‘splendid 8. split 9. sperad 10. ‘spring11. ‘happy 12. ‘import 13. ‘open 14. ‘rapid 15. ‘simple

(ii) The unaspirated /t/

1. stand 2. speak 3. ‘stomach 4. stream 5. ‘stupid6. ‘artricle 7. ‘better 8. ‘matter 9. ‘hospital 10 to‘gether

(iii) The unaspirated /k/

1. scale 2. skill 3. sky 4. screen 5. square6. col‘lect 7. ‘handkerchief 8. ‘lucky 9. ‘maker 10. Second

(3) (i) The voiced plosive /b/

1. bill 2. boy 3. blade 4. bread 5. a‘bout6. be‘have 7. be‘hind 8. be‘low 9. ‘husband 10. ‘rubber

(ii) The voiced plosive /d/ in monosyllabi.

1. dark 2. does 3. down 4. ‘dozen 5. ‘duty

(iii) / d /at the begining of untressed syllables.

1. de‘cide 2. di‘sease 3. de‘feat 4. de‘sire 5. de‘serve6. de‘velop 7. de‘lay 8. ‘modest 9. ‘shadow 10. ‘hinder

(iv) The voiced plosive /g/

1. gatc 2. God 3. grow 4. glad 5. for‘get

(v) / g / at the beginning of unaccented syllables

1. ‘anger 2. ‘hunger 3. ‘longer 4. ‘finger 5. ‘sugar

(vi) When two plosive consonants come togather, The first consonant is not released

1. ‘captain 2. ‘top‘corner 3. ‘first ‘class 4. ‘output 5. act6. ‘clack ‘clouds 7. ‘practice 8. ‘head ‘ clerk 9. ‘good bye 10. a ‘big ‘box

(vii) The final plosive may or may not be released

1. hope 2. lip 4. tap 3. shop 5. shirt6. joke 7. lake 8. speak 9. bed 10. road

(viii)When a plosive is followed by a nosal consonant with the same place of articulation,the oral closer is restrained and the compressed air is released throungh the noselowering the soft palate.

1. ‘topmost 2. ‘rotten 3. ‘button 4. ‘fatten 5. ‘what ‘nonsensc6. ‘garden 7. ‘midnight 8. ‘good ‘nature 9. Good night 10. a’lovd noise

(ix) A plosive is followed by a nosal with a different place of articulation.

1. ‘halfpenny 2. a quiet ‘mind 3. ack‘nowledge 4. ‘gold-mine5. ‘road-mender 6. ‘bed ‘manners 7. a ‘dead ‘ man 8. a ‘big ‘man

(x) When /t/, /d/ are followed by / l /, the plosive / t /, / d / are released by laterallyretaining the alvelor contact in the middle and lowering the side of the tongue.

1. ‘bottle 2. ‘metal 3. ‘outline 4. ‘spotless 5. ‘let ‘loose6. ‘bundle 7. ‘model 8. ‘saddle 9. a‘dead ‘man 10. a‘big ‘man

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(4) (i) Voicless and voiced plasives in words :

1. The ‘president ‘spoke to, people / and ‘asked them to pre‘serve ‘peace and ‘harmony.2. ‘Polly put ‘butter into the cup / and ‘covered it with a ‘lid.3. The ‘boys were ‘told to fly ‘kites inside the ‘compund / and ‘ not in the ‘street.4. The ‘gates are ‘definitely closed /, after ‘ten o‘ clock.5. ‘Tom and, Dick /, tried to better each, time.6. Girls ‘like pretty ‘trinkets for gifts.7. lt‘s better to be careful in the be ginning / than to re'pent later.8. The king governed his country with ‘courage and grace and grace.9. The ‘parcel of 'glasses / was ‘damaged in 'transit.10. ‘People depend ‘more and ‘more on, gadgets / to ‘do their dor-ing, work.

2.2 Africative [ t∫∫∫∫∫, d3]1. Affricate |t∫∫∫∫∫|-initial mid final position

(i) 1. chain 2. cheap 3. chicken 4. chose 5. church(ii) 1. Fixture 2. manu'facture 3. nature 4 'picture 5. question(iii) 1. catch 2. reach 3. such 4. teach 5. watch

6. branch 7. lunch

2. Palato-alveolar affricate / d3 / initial, mid, final position.(i) 1. jaw 2. 'general, 3. 'jealous, 4. join, 5. judge(ii) 1. 'agent, 2. 'danger, 3. 'rejoice, 4. 'soldier, 5. sug'gest,(iii) 1. bridge, 2. edge, 3. judge, 4. 'mar'rage, 5. wave

• In Phrases :

(v) 1. 'large 'largetrees, 2. 'safe journey 3. 'stop 'jokinh

2.3 Fricative [ f, v, θθθθθ, , s, ∫∫∫∫∫, � , h]1. (i) / f / Initial Position :

1. face 2. fear 3. field 4. fight 5. food6. full 7. fly 8. free 9. friend 10. fruit

(ii) / f / Medival Position :

1. affair 2. be'fore 3. con'fess 4. de'feat 5. 'influejjce6.of'fend 7. 'office 8. pre'fer 9. re'fuse 10.'suffer

(iii) / f / End Position :

1. deaf 2. knife 3. laugh 4. rough 5. wife

2. (i) / v / Initial Position

1. vain 2. ‘Valley 3. ‘Various 4. veil 5. verse6. ‘Very 7. ‘Victory 8. ‘Virtue 9. voice 10. vote

(ii) / v / Medial Position

1. a'void 2. 'cover 3. e'vent 4. 'favour 5. 'living6. movment 7. never 8. over 9. river 10 'silver

(iii) / v / Final position.

1. brave 2. cave 3. give 4. have 5. leave6. move 7. prove 4. relieve 5. save 10. wave

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3. (i) Distinction between / ph / and / f /

/ ph / / f / / ph / / f /1. pafe fail 6 . pan fan2. packed fact 7. past fast3. paid fade 8. pool fool4. paint faint 9. put foot5. pair fair 10. pull full

(ii) Distinction bwtween /f/ and /v//f/ /v/ /f/ /v/

1. fail veil 6. ferry Very2. fan van 7. leaf leave3. fast vast 8. proof prove4. fine vine 9. safe save5. few view 10. be'lief believe

(iii) / v / in phrases and sentences

1. A ‘vain at‘tempt. 6. ‘various ‘people have ‘various o’pinion.2. A visit to the ‘seaside. 7. She has a ‘good ‘singing voice.3. ‘Have it ‘valued. 8. He has a’ great va’riety of ‘ties.4. ‘Take a ‘vote. 9. This is ‘my view of the matter.5. She wore a ‘veil. 10. The ‘value of the, house/is twenty ‘thousand rupees.

(iv) Distinction between / b / and / v /.

• / b / / v / / b / / v /1. bale veir 4. be we2. ’berry ’very 5. bow vow3. boat vote

(iv) / f / and / v / in sentences.

1. ‘Very’ few 6. 'Give me a few flower - vases.2. My ‘first va'cation 7. They 'served him faithfully for ‘thirty’ years.3. The’ fall of the 'river. 8. Oh the e’leventh day, / our ‘water, failed.4. The ‘view from the veanda' 9. It's a fairy 'good 'book, /’ not Very 'good.5. I ‘found a ‘fan in the ‘van 10. A’ fair 'piece of good work, / but 'not very 'good.

4. (i) ///// θθθθθ ///// Initial position :

1. thank 2. 'theatre 3. thick 4. thief 5. think6. thorn 7. thought 8. thumb 9. thread 10. throw

(ii) ///// θθθθθ ///// Medial position

1. 'author 2. method 3. 'sympathy 4. 'truthful 5. 'worthless

(iii) ///// θθθθθ ///// Final position.

1. bath 2. birth 3. death 4. earth 5. fourth6. length 7. mouth 8. path 9. south 10. death

(iv) ///// θθθθθ ///// In phrases and sentence.

1. the 'theatre of war. 9. He died of 'thirst.2. 'thick glass. 10. He has a 'thorough 'knowl edge of the subject.3. 'thin paper. 11. He 'shook his,fist / and ‘threatened me.4. a 'thread of silk. 12. The 'collar is rather 'tight round my,throat.6. ‘Thanks very’ much. 13. Throw the ball to me.5. 'thunder and lightning. 14. He is 'under the 'thumb of his wife.7. ‘Things have 'changed. 15. He 'thinks 'nothing of cheating.8. Man is a 'thinking animal

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5. (i) / / Initial Position :1. that 2. their 3. then 4. there 5. these6. they 7. this 8. those 9. though 10. thus

(ii) / / Medial position :1. al'though 2. 'breathing 3. 'brother 4. 'either 5. 'father6. 'leather 7. 'mother 8. 'rather 9. 'rather 10. 'southern

(iii) / / Final Position :1. bathe 2. breathe 3. smooth 4. with

(iv) / / In Phrases and sentences :1 . ‘Then and ‘there 6. ‘There they ‘are2. ‘Neither ‘here nor 'there 7. ‘This is ‘theirs.3. ‘That's ‘Father 8. ‘Now then, ‘what's all this ‘noise ?4. ‘Take ‘these then. 9. Do you ' know the 'man 'stading there ?5. ‘I’ve ‘lost them. 10. I shall’ see him next week / and will ‘tell him then.

Voiceless alveolar Fricative / s /6. (i) /s/ - Front Position :

1. 'centre 2. 'circle 3. 'sacred 4. 'sample 5. 'science6. seat 7. sick 8. soap 9. soon 10. sound11. 'subject 12. scale 13. skill 14. scale 15. small

(ii) /s/ Mid Position :

1. 'absent 2. a'side 3. 'bicycle 4. con'cern 5. con'sider6. de'ceive 7. 'delicacy 8. 'duster 9. 'insect 10. 'master11. 'message 12. 'passage 13. 'pencil 14. 'question 15. Vessel

(iii) /s/ Final Posoition

1. brass 2. course 3. face 4. race 5. ice6. nice 7. pass 8. po'sess 9. 'promise 10. re'ligious11. re'place 12. 'absence 13. axe 14. 'balance 15. de’fence

(iv) /s/ - Final Consonant cluster /-st/

1. burst 2. 'conquest 3. forced 4. guest 5. haste6. list 7. most 8. request 9. test 10. waste

(iv) /s/ - in phrases and sentences :

1. A 'useless pencil.2. She's 'stained her ‘sari.3. Some 'sailors were ‘asking for you.4. 'Come and’ see me, sometime.5. Mr. 'Smith want 'supper at ‘seven.6. 'Say the 'next 'sentence 'slowly and ‘clearly.7. 'Send the 'stamps as 'soon as ‘possible.8. She 'sat up 'straight for 'sixty ‘minutes.9. There's a 'registered 'parcel for 'Sita at the ‘post office.

7. (i) / z / Initial Position :

1. zeal 2. 'zealous 3. zone 4. zoo

(ii) / z / Medial Position :

1. 'busy 2. di'sease 3. ‘easy 4. ex'act 5. 'hesitate6. 'lazy 7. 'music 8. pos’sess 9. reserve 10. 'wisdom

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(iii) / z / Final Position :

1. advertise 2. a'rise 3. ease 4. freeze5. his 6. noise 7. realize 8. seize

(iv) / z / In sentences :

1. ‘Take things ‘eazy. 6. 'Have you visited the zoo'logical, ,park.2. My ‘legs are ‘aching. 7. He was ac’cused of 'theft.3. It ‘does him ‘credit 8. We a'mused ourselves by ‘singing.4. It ‘pays to ‘advertise. 9. ‘Choose one of ‘these please.5. He is ‘always ‘kind. 10. We had to ‘close down our ‘business.

8. (i) / s / infectional suffixes (after voiceless / p /, / t /, / k /, / f /, / θθθθθ /, / h /)

1. admits 2. asks 3. books 4. bricks 5. cats6. cuts 7. drops 8. eats 9. facts 10. gaps11. greets 12. 'habits 13. heaps 14. jokes 15. laughs16. makes 17. months 18. parks 19. waits 20. weeks

(ii) The inflection suffixes / s / is pronounced / z / after vovels and voiced consonants / b /,/ d /, / g /, / v /, / /, / m /, / n /, / /, / l /, / r /, / w /.

1. bags 2. birds 3. calls 4. 'cousing 5. dams6. 'dozens 7. ears 8. fans 9. girls 10. goods11. halls 12. heads 13. joins 14. keys 15. 'ladies16. ma'chines 17. nouns 18. o'beys 19. pairs 20. pulls21. rays 22. sings 23. 'stories 24. 'tables 25. tells

(iii) The infectional suffix is pronounced / iz / after / tf /, / d3/, / s /, / z /, / ∫∫∫∫∫ / and / /

1. 'buses 2. 'catches 3. com'poses 4. 'crosses 5. 'faces6. 'garages 7. 'horses 8. in'crease 9. 'judges 10. 'languages11. 'messages 12. 'noises 13. 'offices 14. 'teaches 15. Villages

(iv) Difference between / s / and / z /

/ s / / z / / s / / z /1. bus buzz 6. loose lose2. cease seize 7. nice knees3. false falls 8. peace peas4. fierce fears 9. place plays5. ice eyes 10. race rays

9. The voiceless palato-alvestar fricative / ∫∫∫∫∫ /

(i) / ∫∫∫∫∫ / Initial position.1. shade 2. sheep 3. shell 4. short 5. shoes6. shot 7. shore 8. short 9. show 10. shut

(ii) / ∫∫∫∫∫ / Medial position :1. 'ancient 2. con'dition3. 'cushion 4. 'dictionary 5. edu'cation6. 'fashion 7. ma'chine 8. 'nation 9. of'ficial 10. permission11. position 12. 'pressure 13. 'special 14. 'station 15. 'worship

(iii) / ∫∫∫∫∫ / End position :

1. ash 2. bush 3. crush 4. dish 5. fish6. polish 7. push 8. rush 9. s'plash 10. wash

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(iv) / ∫∫∫∫∫ /– in sentences :

1. 'shut the window, please 4. The 'shopkeeper 'showed me some 'nice dresses.2. What a 'beautiful shirt ! 5. He 'death was a great shock to me3. We shall 'share the expenses. 6. 'Ram has bought a 'new 'pair of shoes.

(v) difference between / s / and / ∫∫∫∫∫ /

1. same shame 6. sel shell2. save shave 7. sew show3. sea she 8. sore shore4. seat sheet 9. sort short5. self shelf 10. sign shine

10. (i) / z / Medial and Final Position :

1. de'cision 2. di'vision 3. ex'plasion 4. 'leisure 5. 'measure6. 'oc'casion 7. 'pleasure 8. 'treasure 9. 'usual 10. 'garage

(ii) / z / In Senstences :

1. He has 'recently got his 'garage 'painted.2. She has a 'treasure of 'gold and 'precious 'jewels.3. Its' usually a 'pleasure to 'listen to his lecture.4. A 'good leader / should 'have the 'power of per'suasion.5. You can use this cup / as a measure for the flour.

11. (i) / h / Initial position :

1. 'habit 2. hair 3. hard 4. haste 5. hat6. head 7. heal 8. heap 9. hill 10. home11. house 12. hut 13. who 14. whole 15. whose

(ii) / h / Medial position :

1. a'head 2. be'have 3. be'hind 4. per'haps

(iii) / h / In sentences :

1. 'Hurry up, please. 4. Per'haps I'll come on 'Friday.2. He 'hurt my 'arm. 5. He 'tookoff his 'hat to her.3. They 'walked 'hand in hand.

2.4 Bilabial Nasal / m / and Alveolar / n /

(1) (i) / m / – Initial position.

1. ma'chine 2. mail 3. 'matter 4. meat 5. me'chanic6. milk 7. 'minute(n) 8. 'movement 9. 'murder 10. 'music

(ii) / m / Medial position.1. ad'mire 2. 'ceremony 3. 'comfort 4. de'mand 5. 'humble6. jump 7. lamp 8. 'number 9. permission 10. re'main

(iii) / m / Final position :

1. aim 2. beam 3. be'come 4. blame 5. charm6. comb 7. cream 8. dam 9. dream 10. firm11. game 12. home 13. name 14. same 15. tame

(iv) / m / In sentences :

1. 'Mend your 'manners. 4. You must 'meet the 'manager.2. 'Send him a re'minder. 5. It's been a 'hot 'summer.3. It's an im'portant 'matter. 6. Could you 'lend me some, 'money ?

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(2) (i) / n / Intial position

1. knee 2. knock 3. nail 4. next 5. new6. night 7. noise 8. north 9. 'number 10. nut

(ii) / n / Medical position :

1. 'animal 2. ca'nal 3. 'corner 4. 'dinner 5. 'enermy6. e'nough 7. 'fancy 8. 'general 9. 'manage 10. 'pencil11. 'tender 12. 'under 13. un'til 14. 'window 15. 'winter

(iii) / n / Final position :

1. chain 2. corn 3. fun 4. join 5. learn6. none 7. noun 8. ma'chine 9. gain 10. 'aeroplane

(iv) / n / Final consonant clusters :

1. ex'tend 2. hunt 3. inch 4. kind 5. land6. lunch 7. month 8. once 9. paint 10. 'science

(v) The syllsbic / n / :

1. 'brighten 2. 'certain 3. 'cotton 4. 'frighten 5. 'hasten6. 'listen 7. 'pardon 8. 'quieten 9. 'rotten 10. 'sudden

(vi) / n / In sentences :

1. 'Don't 'change your 'plans. 5. 'Answer 'nine 'questions out of fifteen.2. I 'need another 'pen. 6. He 'threw his 'money on the 'table.3. These 'window 'curtains are 'new.7. He's 'done a 'neat 'job of it.4. 'Where's the 'new 'tennis-ball? 8. There's a 'train to that 'town at 'noon.

Velar nasal / /For the production of the alveolar nassal /n/, the tip or blade of the tongue touches theteeth ridge and the air comes out through the nose.

3. (i) / / Medical position :

1. 'angry 2. bank 3. drink 4. 'finger 5. ink6. 'monkey 7. pink 8. rank 9. thanks 10. 'uncle

(ii) / / Final position :

1. a'mong 2. belong 3. bring 4. 'evening 5. hang6. long 7. sing 8. tongue 9. wrong 10. young

(iii) / / In sentences :

1. 'Bring me some 'new books.2. He's 'thinking of leaving soon.3. The 'baby is crying for food.4. This 'constant 'shouting is Very annoying.5. I 'think he'll 'sing a 'comic song.6. The 'hungry 'people have been 'asking for food.

2.5 Lateral / l /

For the production of the sound / l /, the tip of the tongue makes a contact with the teethridge, but the air comes out freely along the sides of the tongues.

1. (i) Lateral / l / Initial position :

1. 'lady 2. large 3. laugh 4. learn 5. 'leather6. 'liberty 7. light 8. loss 9. loud 10. lung

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(ii) / l / Medial position :

1. allow 2. be'long 3. 'calculate 4. 'children 5. delay6. 'early 7. 'follow 8. 'miller 9. po'lice 10. re'ligion

(iii) / l / Final position

1. ar'rival 2. boil 3. call 4. dull 5. fool6. girl 7. ma'terial 8. 'national 9. oil 10. still

(iv) / l / Syllabic :

1. 'able 2. 'angle 3. 'apple 4. 'battle 5. 'bicycle6. 'devil 7. 'handle 8. 'pencil 9. 'sample 10. 'title

(v) / l / In sentences :1. I'll try my `luck2. 'Please 'swith on the `light.3. It 'looks like a `bird.4. She 'called on me last `Sunday.5. Let's 'leave him a`lone.6. He's 'played a 'clever `trick on me.7. 'Here are some ' samples of the `lamps I make.

2.6 Frictionless Continuant / r /1. (i) / r / Initial position

1. 'radio 2. raise 3. reach 4. re'ceive 5. relief6. 'remedy 7. re'port 8. re'quest 9. rice 10. ripe11. 'rival 12. read 13. room 14. rough 15. round

(ii) / r / Intervocalic position :

1. 'aeroplane 2. 'barrel 3. 'borrow 4. 'courage 5. 'current6. 'hurry 7. 'married 8. 'merry 9. 'numerous 10. 'operate

(iii) / r / In syllable - initial consonant cluster :

1. a'fraid 2. a'gree 3. bread 4. friend5. patri'otic 6. 'secret 7. straight 8. the'atrical

(iv) Linking / r / Before a wovel or in Final position :

1. 'send her a re`minder2. 'Are they a.wake / or a`sleep ?3. There 'aren't any` taxis here.4. The `tape-recorder is 'not `working.5. The 'Registrar 'isn't in his `office.6. It's becoming 'more and more `difficult.7. Let's 'go to the `hills for a change.8. We were held 'up for 'over an `hour.

(v) / r / is used after / d / :

1. drag 2. draw 3. dream 4. dress 5. drink6. drive 7. drop 8. drown 9. drum 10. dry

(vi) / r / is used after aspirated plosive / p, t, k / :

1. 'practice 2. 'precious 3. 'president 4. prize 5. 'problem6. 'profit 7. 'programme 8. 'promise 9. train 10. travel11. tree 12. trick 13. trouble 14. true 15. trust16. try 17. crash 18. cream 19. crop 20. cross

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(vii) / r / In Sentences :

1. D'you 'sell, greeting `cards ?2. I 'usually travel by `train.3. You must 'reach the 'airport at three.4. Have you pro'duced any re'corded materials ?5. Stand by for an im'portant b`oadcast.6. They 'know the 'tricks of the `trade.7. You must 'reach the 'airpot at 'three.8. The 'carpenter is 'working round the `clock.

2.7 Frictionless Continuant (Semi-vovel) / j / and / w /1. (i) / j / Initial position :

1. 'union 2. 'unit 3. 'universe 4. 'use 5. 'usual6. yard 7. year 8. 'yellow 9. yield 10. young

(ii) / j / in syllable -intial consonant clusters

1. 'ac'cuse 2. 'beauty 3. con'fuse 4. due 5. 'duty6. edu'cation 7. ex'cuse(o.) 8. few 9. 'future 10. 'human11. 'music 12. new 13. 'popular 14. tune 15. Virtue

(iii) / j / in word of sentences

1. He' is playing a 'new `tune.2. He continued to 'work ̀ regu'arty.3. 'Young people pre'fer, light, music.4. This is a popular 'radio `programme.5. 'Cant you reduce the, price a, little ?6. He was ac'cused of ne'glecting his `duty.7. Youth won't get a 'better opport'unity in future.

2. (i) / w / Initial position :

1. wake 2. 'wander 3. 'water 4. weak 5. wealth6. 'weather 7. 'welcome 8. wheat 9. wheel 10. 'whistle11. white 12. 'widow 13. 'winter 14. 'woman 15. 'wonder

(ii) /w/ in the medical position

1. a'wake 2. between 3. 'equal 4. 'quality 5. 'quarrel6. 'question 7. quiet 8. re'ward 9. square 10. swear11. sweep 12. sweet 13. 'swimming 14. swing 15. 'upward

(iii) /w/ in sentences :

1. 'Where shall we `meet ?2. She's a 'willing `worker.3. 'Don't ask 'awkward `questions.4. The 'wind is a`gainst us.5. Would you 'like to 'listen to some `western, music ?6. We've had 'wet 'weather for the 'whole of this 'week.

3. (i) The fricative /v/

1. value 2. va'riety 3. verb 4. very 5. vessel6. view 7. virtue 8. visit 9. voice 10. vote

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(ii) The africative / w /

1. walk 2. wash 3. went 4. west 5. wine6. wild 7. will 8. wise 9. wood 10. world

(iii) / v / and / w / in sentences

1. The 'novelty 'soon wore `off.2. He 'visits us 'once a `week.3. I 'wish I could `have it.4. We 'work 'five `days a week.5. Everyone must 'wear 'white to'morrow.6. The 'waterfall was 'visible from a distance.7. We'll 'go for a 'walk in the `evening.8. Shall we in'vite him to tea on Wednesday.9. My 'baggage was 'just 'twenty 'kilograms in `weight.10. The 'handloom 'silk woven this, village / is 'very `durable.

2.7 ClustersBegin with / sp /, / st /, / sk /, / sl /, / str /

1. (i) / sp / In words :

1. spare 2. speak 3. 'special 4. speed 5. spend6. spill 7. spin 8. spoil 9. spoon 10. sport

(ii) / sp / In sentences :

1. You've 'spoilt `everything.2. He'll 'speak about `space travel.3. I've 'spent all my `money.4. The 'spoilt, child / 'spilt all th `milk.5. He took their 'jokes in the 'right spirit.6. They're 'going to 'set up a `spinning mill, here.7. We're 'organizing our 'annual `sports next week.8. In 'spite-of being busy / he has time to `spare.

2. (i) / st / In intial position :

1. start 2. state 3. 'station 4. 'steady 5. steal6. steam 7. stick 8. stir 9. stop 10. storm

(ii) / st / In sentences :

1. 'Somebody's 'stolen my `watch.2. His 'students are pro'gressing `steadily.3. She 'saw 'blood-stains on the `stairs.4. We 'stopped to 'look at the `stars.5. 'Keep 'still / or the 'bees will `sting you.6. An 'old, man / stepped 'out of the `taxi7. The 'railway, satation / is 'just a 'kilometre from `here.8. I must 'stop at the co-'operative store / on my way `home.

3. (i) / sk / In word :

1. scale 2. scarce 3. 'scatter 4. school 5. scold6. scorn 7. skill 8. skin 9. skirt 10. sky

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(ii) / sk / In sentences :

1. 'Stop `scolding her.2. I 'scarcely ever `smoke.3. They're 'scornful of the 'new `scheme.4. We're 'looking for some 'skilled `workmen.5. 'Some skin dis eases / are in `curable.6. The 'papers were scattered all 'over the `room.7. They're preparing for 'war on a `large scale.8. Our 'School cricket, team / scored 'three hundred `runs.

4. (i) / sl / In words :

1. slave 2. sleep 3. slide 4. slight5. sup 7. slow 6. slope

(ii) / sl / Practice in connected speech :

1. You're 'awfully `slow.2. 'Did you sleep well ?3. He slipped on the `stairs.4. Try to 'slip out `quietly.5. Your 'shirt, sleeves / are 'slightly `short.6. There's a 'slight 'change in the `time-table.7. 'Children 'love to 'slide down this `slope.8. They 'pushed the 'cart 'slowly up `slope.

5. (i) / str / in the words :

1. straight 2. strange 3. straw 4. stream 5. stretch6. strict 7. strike 8. string 9. strong 10. 'struggle

(ii) / str / In sentences :

1. What 'strange be`haviour !2. Le pre'fcls `striped, shirts.3. Go 'straight down the `street.4. Is he a stranger here ?5. Have you 'got a 'strong Leather strap ?6. The 'strikers 'shouted 'slogans the `street7. She 'doesn't have the 'strength to 'struggle any `longer.8. The 'forest stretches out for `miles / on 'both 'sides of it `stream.

Final Consonant clusters / kt /, / t∫∫∫∫∫t /, / nt /, / st /, / nd /, / id /, / zd /, / ks /, / ns /, / dz /

6. (i) / kt / In words

1. act 2. fact 3. con'nect 4. 'district 5. ex'pect6. checked 7. 'insect 8. packed 9. re'flect 10. strict

(ii) / kt / In sentences

1. 'Can she act well ?2. We've 'checked the 'list `carefully.3. Di'rect 'taxes are 'always un`popular.4. The 'doctors sus'pect he has `cancer.5. They ex'pect him to be 'black by `Monday.6. Is 'this the cor'rect 'answer to his question ?7. Even re'peated warnings / had 'no ef'fect on him.8. They 'hope to collect five 'thousand ru'pees for `flood re`lief

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7. (i) / t∫∫∫∫∫t / In words :

1. arched 3. matched 5. reached 7. touched2. marched 3. preached 6. searched 8. watched

(ii) / t∫∫∫∫∫t / In sentences :

1. These teams / are 'well `matched.2. The 'soldiers `marched all the way.3. They `reached the, station / 'just in `time.4. We 'watched the 'cricket match on the T.V. yesterday.5. He 'searched his 'pockets for the 'missing `papers.6. He 'touched the 'glass / to 'see if it was 'still `hot.

8. (i) / nt / In words :

1. a'mount 2. bent 3. disp'point 4. e'vent 5. front6. hunt 7. in'vent 8. 'moment 9. o'bedient 10. paint

(ii) / nt / In sentences :

1. She's con'tent with what she `has.2. I 'hope the experiment 'will suc`ceed.3. A ' violent, storm / `tore up the 'tent.4. You must 'point it `out to him.5. I 'want you to `read it to me.6. 'Have you an ac'count with the `State Bank of India ?7. I have an ap'pointment with my `doctor this evening.

9. (i) / st / In words :

1. ar'rest 2. beast 3. dressed 4. 'forest 5. guest6. Interest 7. pressed 8. re'quest 9. taste 10. worst

(ii) / st / In sentences :

1. Don't you trust me ?2. He'll do his 'best.3. 'Send it by 'post.4. You must be punctual next time.5. The 'host 'welcomed the 'chief 'guest.6. He's been ad'vised com'plete 'rest.7. This is 'just a 'waste of 'time

10. (i) / nd / In words :

1. at'tend 2. be'hind 3. cleaned 4. de'mand 5. ex'tend6. grand 7. kind 8. of'fend 9. owned 10. round

(ii) / nd / In sentences :

1. You 'needn't pre'tend to be `busy.2. Re'mind melo 'post the `letters.3. She found a 'pen on the `road.4. What do you in'tend to do `next ?5. There were 'people 'standing 'all a`round us.6. He's sold 'all the 'land he `owned.7. I'll 'send you the re'port by the '2nd of `March.

11. (i) / ld / In words :

1. bold 2. old 3. sold 4. gold 5. field6. mild 7. called 8. child 9. wild 10. yield

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(ii) / ld / In sentences :

1. He 'failed in the ex'ami`nation.2. I've 'never 'travelled by `air.3. Have you 'filled in this form ?4. The 'child was 'playing in the `field.5. The 'winter this 'year is very `mild.6. I had a 'cold 'bath this `morning.

12. (i) / zd / In words :

1. ad'vised, 2. raised 3. seized 4. op'posed5. used 6. 'pleased 7. re'fused 8. closed

(ii) / zd / In sentences :

1. He's terribly con `fused.2. 'Have you advertised the post ?3. Everybody was 'pleased with the per'formance.4. He's fond of col'lecting 'used 'stamps.5. The enter tainment, programme / was Well 'organized.6. They ac'cused him of 'hiding the facts.

13. (i) / ks / In words :

1. books 2. shocks 3. talks 4. jokes 5. works6. 'politics 7. cheques 8. fix 9. tricks 10. mix

(ii) / ks / In sentences :

1. 'Some 'snakes can be `dangerous.2. He's on 'leave for 'six `weeks.3. Have you ar'ranged the 'books on the shelves ?4. She 'packed the things in a `cardboard box.5. There have been frequent `strikes at this faccory

14. (i) / ns / In words :

1. ad'vance 2. balance 3. chance 4. de'fence 5. ex'pense6. fence 7. im'mense 8. 'violence 9. of'fence 10. 'influence

(ii) / ns / In sentences :

1. He has com'mitted a 'serious of `fence.2. The defence forces 'need our sup`port.3. It was 'all 'just a pre`tence.5. The 'people 'listened to the 'speech in `silence.6. You must 'give him a 'chance to ex'plain everything.

15. (i) / dz / In words :

1. be'sides 3. cards 5. roads 7. weeds2. birds 4. 'records 6. swords 8. words

(ii) / dz / In sentences :

1. We 'pushed our "way through the `crowds.2. Let's 'buy a 'new 'pack of `cards.3. Please 'look after my friends while I'm a`way.4. These 'roads are loo 'narrow for 'heavy `vehicles.5. She 'asked the 'chief guest / to 'say a few forwards / between 'Hyderabad and `Delhi.

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3.1 Usually content words are stressed whereas structural words are not stressed.

Content words (strong) Structural words (weak)

(i) Nouns (i) articles(ii) Verbs (ii) prepositions(iii) Adjectives (iii) Personal and relative pronouns(iv) Adverbs (iv) auxiliary verbs(v) Demonstratives (v) conjunctions

(this, that, etc.)(vi) Interrogative pronouns

(who, whose, etc)

1. Examples : (the underlined words are structural words.)

(1) Come at once. (6) l'll leave soon.(2) I sent it from London. (7) I like bread and butter.(3) Please have an apple. (8) This is my pen.(4) The elephant is the biggest animal. (9) Jaya is clever but Raha is dull.(5) How can I help ? (10) What is your father ?

2. Words with stress on the second syllable :

1. ap'pear 2. be'long 3. ca'reer 4. con'tain 5. de'tective6. de'feat 7. e'vaporate 8. especially 9. ex'pect 10. for'get11. me'morial 12. mes'senger 13. mi'grate 14. mis'take 15. per'haps16. re'flect 17. suc'ceed 18. sup'port 19. to'gether 20. up'set

3. Words with weak prefixes('Weak prefixes are : a-, ab-, an-, be-, de-, en-, are-, re-, un-, up-, etc. are usuallyaccented on the second syllable.)

1. a'back 2. a'bolish 3. a'bridge 4. a'ppoint 5. a'nother`

6. be'fore 7. be'hind 8. be'long 9. de'base 10. de'cease

11. de'cide 12. e'nable 13. en'joy 14. en'sure 15. pre'cede

16. pre'dict 17. pre'fer 18. re'act 19. re'ceive 20. re'move

21 un'able 22. un'clean 23. un'till24 up'hold 25. u'pon

26. up'set

4. Words with stress on the third syllable :

1. disap'point 2. elec'tricity 3. enter'tain 4. recom'mend 5. super'sedi6. volun'teer 7. under'stand

Stress changes according to the function :

• There are a number of words of two syllables.• The placement of word-stress depends on the function of the word in the sentence.• Usallay the stress is on the first syllable when it is used as a noun or as an adjective.• The stress is on the second syllable when it is used as a verb.

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(1) We should in'crease the price of the book, 'increase shouldn't be too high.(2) He will pro'gress very soon. But the 'progress will be slow.

5. Practive these words :

(1) 'object(n) ob'ject (v) (5) 'import(n) im'port(v)(2) 'produce(n) pro'duce (v) (6) 'permit(n) pre'mit(v)(3) 'record(n) re'cord(v) (7) 'perfect(adj) per'fect(v)(4) 'rebel (n) re'bel(v)

6. Devirational suffixes and shift of stress

* Addition of a suffix often results in a shift of stress :

Practive these words

(1) pre'sent(v) presen'tation(n)(2) 'commerce(n) com'mercial(adj)(3) 'photograph(n) pho'tography (n) photo'graphic(Adj)(4) 'diplomat(n) di'plomacy(n) diplo'matic(Adj)(5) 'politics(n) political (Adj) poli'tician (n)(6) a'cademy aca'demic 'a,cade'mician(7) 'politics po'litical poli'tician(8) bac'teria bac,teriblogy bac,terio 'logical

7. Words ending with suffixes -tion' -ic, '-ity' 'ial, have the stress on the syllable beforethe suffix. Now Practice:

(1) exami'nation demons'tration exhi'bition imagi'nation(2) ar'tistic al'lergic e'lectric scientific economical(3) ac'tivity popu'larity e'quality sim'plicity ne'cessity elas'ticity(4) arti'ficial es'sential com'mercial super'ficial in'dustrial re'medial

8. Compund words

• In compound words (words formed by combining two words) stress is usually on the firstsyllable of the first word. sometimes on the second.

• When a compound has three words; however, the stress is usually on the first-syllable ofthe second - bottle.

Now Practise :

(i) 'anything 'classroom 'ice-cream 'earthquake.

(ii) after hour, 'half-hour, long 'lives, 'middle-larged north 'west.

(iii) Waste 'paper basket, hot'water bottle.

9. Stress on the first syllable.

• In the word given below, the first syllable is the content and the second is the grammalicalending -ed, -ing, -less, -ous, -ive, -ment, -ion, -tion, -ty, -ter etc. These grammeticalsyllables are never stressed.

1. 'posted 2. 'studied 3. 'counted 4. 'looking 5. 'specking6. 'turning 7. 'careless 8. 'helpness 9 'baseless 10. 'pious11. 'studeious 12. 'active 13. 'native 14. 'statement 15. 'judgement16. 'mention 17. 'nation 18. 'tasty 19. 'gaiety 20. 'laughter

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3.1 Weak forms1. a / c / a book

2. an / cn / an apple

3. the rc / (before consonante) the moon

4. her / hc (r) / Give it to her

5. him / lm / Send him away

6. Some / scm /, / sm / I want some milk.

7. them / cm / Take them away

8. us / cs / He asked us to see them

9. at / ct / Someone at the door

10. for / fc / Time for tea

11. from / f rcm / A letter from John

12. of / cv / A glass of milk

13. to / tc / (before consonants) I went to the market

/ tu / (before vowels) I want to ask you.

14. and / cnd / (before vowels) in and out / up and down / bread and butter

/ nd / (before consonants)

15. as / cz / as soon as

16. than / cn / It's harder than you think.

17. that / ct / The book that I have you.

18. am / cm / So am I

19. are / c(r) / Why are you late ?

20. was / wcz / What was he doing ?

21. has / hcz / Has he finished ?

22. have / hcv / ~ Have you done it ?/ cv / Where've you been ?/ v / You've been sleeping.

23. had / hcd / / cd / Had he done it ?

/ d / He said he'd lost it.

24. does / dcz / How does it work ?

do / du /, / dc /, / d / How do I know ? Do you agree ?

25. can / kcn When can you com ?

26. could / kcd / I could go tomorrow.

27. Shall / fcl / Shall I see him ?

28. should / fcd / I should like to come.

29. will / cI / You'll be late.

30. would / wcd /, / d / He would come tomorrow. That'd be very kind of you.

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3.2 Contracted Forms :Pratice the following :

1. Sujbect + Helping Verb

(1) I'm / aim / I'm looking for shirts.He's / hiz / He's lost his book.She's / fiz / She's gone to school.It's / Its / It's time for tea.What's / wot's / What's that stange thing ?That's / t / That's a jet plane.

(2) You're / iu: (r) / You're very kind.we're / wiccccc (r) / We're almost here.they're / ccccceccccc / : They're leaving today.

(3) I'll / ail / I'll try to ring up.He'll / hi: I / He'll never agree.She'll / fi:l / Perhaps she'll leave it.It'll / Itl / It'll warm up soon.We'll / wi:l / We'll do the rest.They'll / e'l / They said, they'll wait.

(4) I've / aiv / I've got some tea.You've / juv / We've lost the way.We've / wi : v / You've got to trust me.They've / e'v / They've just returned.There're / er / There're apples in the basket.There're / e: / There're books on the table.

(5) I'd / aid / I'd like to send it.You'd / jud / I thought You' like it.He'd / hi:d / He'd enough of it.She'd / fi:d / She'd like to come with us.We'd / wi:d / We'd buy it, of course.They'd / eid / They'd have said so.

(6) Where's / Weccccc:z / Where's the notebook I gave.There's / eaz / There's someone in there.Who's / huz / Who's that girl ?Let's / lets / Let's not quarrel.

(7) D'you / dju / Do 'you remember John ?Could've / kudcccccv / He could've waited for us.Should've / fudcccccv / 1 should've know better.

2. Helping verb + Main verb :

(1) Isn't /Iznt/ He isn't coming.Aren't /a:nt/ 'Aren't you pleased ?Wasn't /wcccccznt/ He wasn't Listening.weren't /wccccc:nt/ They weren't in.

(2) Haven't /h vnt/ I haven't told him.Hasn't /h znt/ He hasn't any choice left.Hadn't /h zdnt/ They hadn"t seen her.

(3) Don't /dcccccunt/ Don't open that.Doesn't /d^znt/ He doesn't know about it.Didn't /didnt/ She didn't reply.

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(4) Can't /ka:nt/ They can't hear us.Won't /wcccccunt/ He won't help us.Shan't /f :nt/ I shan't bother you again.Couldn't /kudnt/ He couldn't come.Wouldn't /wudnt/ He wouldn't believe me.Shouldn't /∫udnt/ You shouldn't say such things.Mustn't /m^fnt/ You mustn't shout.

(5) Oughtn't /o:tnt/ You ought'n to be so careless.Needn't /ni:dnt/ You needn't wait.Daren't /decccccnt/ He darent say it.

3. Srong and weak forms. (Practice in context)

• Helping Verbs :

(1) • DoA : Where do you live ? Do you live in Bombay ?B : Yes, I do.

(2) • DoesA : Where does Harik live ? Does he live in Bombay ?B : Yes, he does.

(3) • AmA : I'm going home.A : Am I very late ?

(4) • IsA : The sun's very hot.B : It's hotter than yesterday.A : It is, Isn't it ?

(5) • AreA : The boys are at school.B : So are the girls.A : Yes, they are.

(6) • WasA : It was thirty may yesterday.

It was my birthday.B : Was it ?

(7) • WhereA : Who were you talking to ?B : They were friends of mine.A : Were they Marathi ?

(7) • HaveA : Has anyone seen my pencil ?B : It's fallen on the floor.A : Oh, has it ? Thanks.

(8) • HadB : Where had you met him ?A : I'd met him in Ahmedabad.B : I hadn't seen him before.

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(9) • ShallA : When shall I see you again ?B : I shall be here on Monday.A : Shall we talk about it then ?

(10) • ShouldA : When shall I see you again ?B : I should take it with you.A : I shouldn't like to loose it.

(11) • WillA : I'll see you at lunch time.B : Yes, we'll have a chat then.A : Will you keep me a place ?

(12) • WouldB : My father would like to meet you.A : I'd like to meet him too.B : I hoped you would.

(13) • CanA : How can I help you ?B : You can carry this.A : I will if I can.

(14) • CouldB : I think I could do it.A : At least you could try.B : Yes, I could, couldn't I ?

(15) • MustA : We must try to get there early.B : We must leave in good time.A : Yes, we must.

Pronouns(16) • We

A : I'm afraid we shall be late.B : Shall we ?A : We can't help it.

(17) • SheA : Did she go to the station ?B : She told me that Jaya went.A : But did she go ?

(18) • M eA : Will you give me some tea, please ?B : Yes, pass me the milk.A : No, Milk for me, thank you.

(19) • H eA : John said he was coming.B : Is he bringing Marry ?A : He only said he was coming.

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(20) • HimA : I hope Mona comes with him.B : I asked him to bring her.A : Yes, but you know him.

(21) • HerA : I'd like to see her again.B : I met her brother yesterday.A : Did he mention her ?

(22) • HisA : He said his sister was in Delhi.B : Have you got his address ?A : No, I've got hers but not his.

(23) • himselfA : Must be comming by himself then.B : Yes, if he doesn't lose himself.A : He can take cave of himself.

(24) • herselfA : Marry can take care of herself too.B : She prides herself on it.A : She told me that herself.

(25) • ThemA : I like the both.B : Yes, I like them too.A : I'd rather see them than anyone.

(26) • usA : They want us to go and see them.B : Let's ask them to come here.A : That would be easier for us.

(27) • YouA : You can ask them tonight.B : What day would you like ?A : I'll leave it to you.

• Article(28) • The

A : The apples are on the table.B : The oranges are in the kitchen.A : I have a brother and a sister.B : I have an uncle and an aunt.

(29) • SomeA : Will you have some more bread.B : No, but I’d like some more tea, please.A : I think there's still some in the teapot.

(30) • ThatA : Here's the cup that Harik broke.B : He said that Elf did it.A : I don't believe that.

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(31) • ThereA : There's a fly in my tea.B : There 'are two in mine.A : There goes another.

(32) • NotA : I'm sorry you can't stay.B : I'm afraid I haven't time.A : It's not very late.

(33) • WhoA : That is the man who helped me.B : It's the man who lives next door.A : Who's that with him, I wonder.

(34) • TillA : I shall be there till Friday.B : Can't you stay till Saturday.A : Till I get a letter, I don't know.

(35) • AndA : You and I are the same age.B : So are Elf and Mamta.A : Ah, but you spoke too quickly.

(36) • AsA : Elf's as tall as I am.B : She's not as fat though.A : As is that, I don't know.

(37) • ThanA : Mary's taller than me.B : She's thinner than you, too.

• Articles :(38) • At

A : I'll call at the house for you.B : I'll expect you at eight o'clock.A : Yes, at or just after eight.

(39) • ForA : Will you stay for a meal ?B : I shall be toojate for that.A : What's all the hurry for ?

(40) • FromA : I shall be busy from two till six.B : Come strait here from the office.A : It's difficult to get away from.

(41) • OfA : You wan't have a lot of time.B : That's the worst of it.A : I'll see what I can think of.

(42) • ToA : Where would you like to go ?B : Shall we go to London ?A : Yes, I'd like to.

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(43) • IntoA : We might get into a theatre.B : Or into the cinema.A : They're easier to get into.

• Compound Nouns :(44) • Man / mcccccn /

A : A lady and a gentleman are here.B : That man is a posman.A : That other man is a milkman.

(45) • Day / dei /A : What a nince day for a holiday.B : Today is my birthday.

3.3 Rhythmic Patterns• The accented syllables in English occur at regular intervals of time, irrespective of the number

of unaccented syllables coming between them. This is the bases' of the stress timed rhythmof English.

Long takes double time than the short. [x for short , / for Long]

1. x / 6. x / x /in 'bed the 'man He 'bought a 'car. I 'might be 'there.on 'fire a 'dog We 'ought to 'leave. You 'said I ' 'heart at 'last They 'tried a'gain. They 'never ' 'spring of 'courseat 'first at 'school

2. / x 6. x / x / 7. x / x / x'Take them. 'Leave us. You 'ought to 'help me. Per'haps he'll 'tell her.'Help us. 'Bring it. She 'didn't 'ask him. The 'man can 'mend it.'Hold it. 'Do this. I 'want to 'buy some. I'd 'like to 'meet them'Tell him. 'Buy one.'Cut it. 'Come here.

3 x x 8. / x x /'Send for it. 'Write to him. Take what you 'like. 'Ask him to'day.'Look at them. 'Buy me one. 'Wait for the 'rest. 'Look at it 'now.'Talk to him. 'Run for it. 'Say that a'gain. Take it a'way.'Give him some. 'Call for them.'Ask for them. 'Bring me one.

4. x / x 9. x / x x /in 'summer an 'apple He 'bought it to'day. She 'made it her'self.from 'Mary the 'table It 'started to 'rain. I 'promise to 'come.I'm 'under on 'Monday They 'said they for'got. She 'gave him a ' Christmas the 'chimney

5. / x / 10. / x x / x

'Six fifteen. 'Do it 'now 'Bring me a 'pencil. 'What was he 'saying ?'This a'lone. 'Put it 'down. 'Where are you 'going ? 'Ask him to 'find it.'Talk the 'chair. 'Come a'gain. Tell her we're 'leaving.'Leave it 'there. 'Half an 'hour.'Turn it 'off. 'Bring a 'book.

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3.4 Word Stress

(Words with two, three, and, more, syllable)

• Practice the following sentences emphasing the under lined words :

(i) Repeat each sentence three times.(1) The teacher told him the story.(2) The captain asked a 'question.(3) The po'lice are looking for him.(4) The sheik com'manded the man to go first.

(ii) Cut the following words in syllablies.

Succeed important betweencomposition before centenary

(iii) Look at the words and say which syllable is stressed

suc'ceed Im'portant betweencompo'sition be'fore cen'tenary

(iv) Stress on the first syllable.

1. 'almost 2. 'honest 3. 'bandage 4. 'borrow 5. 'butcher6. 'certain 7. 'comfort 8. 'coward 9. 'dentist 10. 'caravan11. 'yellow 12. 'energy 13. 'furnace 14. 'punish 15. 'husband16. 'insect 17. 'kitchen 18. 'language 19. 'moment 20. 'wander

3.5 Stress in Phrases :

(The undertined word is stressed in the followings.)

(1) All for love (6) By hook or by cook(2) War and Peace (7) As you please(3) Give and Take (8) So to speak(4) Live and Let Live (9) At any cost(5) To be or not to be (10) Up to a point

3.6 Stress in Sentence

1. Practice the following sentences / Stressing the content-words and emphathetic words.

(i) The 'Man (iv) 'Take them. (vi) 'Not you.A 'dog 'Hold it: 'Sit 'down.At 'last 'Buy one. 'Down stairs.

(ii) An 'apple (v) 'Take the. (vii) He 'bought it 'today.I m 'certain 'Do it 'now. It started to 'rain.

(iii) He 'bought a 'car.They 'ought to 'leave.

2. Read / listen the following sentences orally putting appropriate stress on the firstsyllable of the content words. The first one is done for you.

1. (1) 'Follow the 'crowd. 2. (1) We went to the market.(2) Leave it behind. (2) I met him on Monday.(3) Ram was at home. (3) He injured his shoulder.(4) Do it yourself. (4) The patient recovered.(5) What have you done ? (5) Return it tomorow.

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3. (1) I want to buy a pen. 4. (1) When are you returning ?(2) He practised every day. (2) What have you forgotten ?(3) I'm going back to work. (3) Do it in the morning.(4) The students went away. (4) Ram has been forgiven.(5) What shall I do now ? (5) Hold on a minute.

3.7 Stress in poetry :

• The rhythm and music of peotry owes a great deal to stress patterns.

• Metre in poetry is described by the order of the syllables stress.

• The basic pattern of English languages is unstressed - stressed, though there are other patternstoo stressed - unstressed; two unstressed- one streassed; two stressed - one unstressed etc.

Now Practice

1. (untressed - stressed)

Twinkle Twinkle Little starHow I wonder, what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the sky.

2. (untressed - stressed)

The woods are lovely dark and deep,But I have promises to keep.And miles to go before I sleep.Ands miles to go before I sleep.

3.8 Stress in Conversation.• Natural speech has its own rise and fall of tone.

• The meaning and the tone that the speaker wishes to convey is expressed through theemphases given to the certain words.

For example :

1. I Like coffee (normal statment)

2. I Like coffee (not tea)

3. I Like coffee (Though you may not

Though the words are the same, the difference in the emphasis can express different shadeof meaning.

Practice in Conversation

1. A : Is it in this room ? B : Yes.A : can I see it ? B : Yes.A : Is it made of mefal ? B : No.A : Is it made of wood ? B : Yes.A : Could I cary it ? B : No.A : Is it useful. B : Yes.A : Has it got legs B : Yes.A : Is it this chair ? B : No.A : Is it the table ? B : Yes.

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2. A : Have we time for another coffee ?M : I think so.A : Shall I give you some ?M : Yes, please.A : Do you take sugar ?M : No, thank sugar ?A : Have you paid the bill ?M : Not yet.A : Shouldn't we be going now ?M : All right.A : Oughtn't we to take a taxi ?M : If you Like.

3. A : Is it going to rain ?M : I hope not.A : I think so.M : Shall we be late ?A : We might be.M : Is the car all right ?M : I expect so.A : Will it break down ?M : I doubt it.A : Have you got enough petrol ?M : I hope I have.

4. A : What a lovely day. isn't it ?M : Yes, it is.A : How blue the sky looks, does it ?M : Yes, it does.A : What a jot of people, aren't there ?M : Yes, there are.A : You're on holiday, arenit you ?M : Yes, I am.A : It's a long one, isn't it ?M : Yes, it is.A : You don't talk very much, do you ?M : Yes, I do.

5. M : You're on holiday, aren't you ?A : No, I'm not.M : You're not working, are you ?A : Yes, I am.M : You work in Delhi, don't you ?A : Yes, I am.M : It's nearly time for tea, isn't it ?A : No, it isn't.M : You are not hungry, are you ?W : Yes, I am.

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M : You'll soon be going home, won’t you ?W : No, I shan't

6. W : What's Your name ?M : My name's John.W : How old are you ?M : I'm thirty five.W : When's your birthday ?M : It's on the tenth of December.W : How many brothers have you ?M : I haven't any brothers at all.W : How many sisters have you ?M : Just one.

7. W : How long will you be out ?M : Not long.W : When will you be back ?M : Soon after ten.W : What are you going to do ?M : Nothing very intersting.W : Where are you going ?M : Just down the rood,W : Who are you going to see ?M : Tomy.W : Why are you going to see him ?M : Just for a little chat.W : What about?M : Nothing in particular.

8. M : Look at this picture.W : How beautifull !M : Now Look at this book.W : What a very big one !M : Look at the sum.W : Isn't it bright!M : Look at me.W : Oh dear!

9. W : I think I'll have a rest now.M : I shan't.W : I feel tired today.M : I don't.W : It's so hot in this room.M : I don't think so.W : My head aches when it's hot.M : Mine doesn't .W : I don't Ike the heat.M : I do.

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W : I'll go for a swim this afternoon.M : I shan't.

10. M : When I went out, it was dark.W : Was it?M : 'Just at first, I couldn't see.W : Couldn't you?M : After a while, I got used to it.W : Did you ?M : I went to Tom's and he wasn't there.W : Wasn't he?M : So I walked around and then came back home.W : Oh?M : And now if you like, we'll go to the pictures.W : Lovely.

11. W : I think I'll go shopping to day.M : I want to buy a T-shirt.W : Why ? You've got a T-shirt already.M : But I can't wear that. It's two years old.W : That's not very old.M : My T-shirt’s nearly three years old.W : Don't be silly. I must have another T-shirt.M : I was only teasing you. I'll come with you if you like.

12. W : Good morning.M : Good Morning, madam. Can I help you ?W : Yes, you can. I'd like to buy a watch please.M : Certainly, madam. It is for youself ?W : Oh, no. It's for my small daughter.M : I see. You don't wan't a very expensive one, I supposeW : No. Fairly cheap, and fairly strong, too.M : I understand. Will you have a look at this one, madam?W : I think that looks too small. I'd rather have a bigger oneM : What about this, madam ?W : That looks fine. How much is it ?M : Let me see. That's five hundred and ten rupees.W : Oh dear. I'am afraid that's too much.M : Here's one that's a little cheaper.W : How much is that ?M : Three hundred and fifteen.W : Yes, I'll take that one.M : Can we send it for you, madam ?W : No, thank you. I'll take it with me. Four hundred and fifteen.

3.9 Stress in the Formal Speeches :

• The speech makers usually make use of their own emphases to drive home a point they wishto make.

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1. Practic the following speech emphasising the dark words / syllables in it :

• Friends; what is the nature of this life of ours ? Let us face it. Our lives are miserable,laborious and short. We are born. We are given just so much food as will keep the breathin our bodies, and those who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of ourstrength; and the very instant that our usefulness comes to an end. We are slaughteredwith hideous cruelty. No animal is India knows the meaning of happiness or leisure afterhe is a year old. No animal in India is free. The Life of an aninal is misery and slavenyand that is the truth.

• (Stress in such speeches is different from stress in ordinany conversation.)

(Extra Practice)

1. We 'went to the 'market. 4. l'm 'going on a'journey.

2. She 'wouldn't be'lieve me. 5. Call a'gain to'morrow.

3. The 'teacher was 'angry. 6. It's 'time to re'turn.

12. (Extra Practice)

1. I 'want to 'buy a 'pen. 6. She 'offered the 'child a 'sweet.

2. The 'students went a'way. 7 . When are you 'going to 'send for it ?

3. We 'couldn't 'find the 'ball. 8. Try to per'suade him to 'look at them.

4. I 'happen to 'know him 'well. 9. 'Nobody 'wanted to 'talk to him.

5. He 'can't re'turn to'night. 10. 'Why did you 'ask me to 'give her some ?

4.0 : Intonation4.1 Concepts & Symbals• Normally we do not speak in a monotone. Frequently our voice is pitched. There is variation

of high and law speech.• The patterns of variation of the pitch of the voice contitute the intonation of a language.• Strees and intonation are linked. They work together to give the effect of 'prominance' or

accent.• A syllable on which a pitch change takes place is usually marked with one of the following

sings, depending upon the type of pitch change :Pitch movement type of tone sign

1. From high to low (Falling) [ ` ]2. From low to high (Rising) [ ]3. Falls from high to low (Falling-Rising) [ ∨ ]

and then from low to high4. Rises from low to high about mid (Rising-Falling) [ ∧ ]

and then fall again to low.For example :

(1) I have, just bought a 'coat. (a high falling)(2) I 'want to 'do it. (rising)(3) 'Maitry and 'Jigna are, ∨ friends. (a falling)(4) 'Malik is a ∧ 'tall, boy. (a rising falling)

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4.2 Functions

Falling Tone

Grammatical Illustration Low Fall [ ` ] ToneFunctionStatement • Thanks. Yes

• (When did you go there `Monday ? uninterested• (Who did it ? `Marik ?) detached• The postman was looking for you matter of fact.• I think you went on `Sunday. uninterested

Wh-Questions • `what ? very curt• When will he come ? weak and uninterested• What can I do for you? blunt and unemotional• 'When do you think he'll come ? Bored, uninterested

Yes/No Questions • Is Radha going ? Do you think so ? curt 'exhibibiting impatience.• Is she going ? uninterested,• Can you come with me? showing no• 'Could you meet him ? involvement

Tag Questions • It's a lovely day. Isn’t it ? expecting• I'm fresh. Aren't we all ? agreement

Gommand/ • Show me. Calm,Requestion • Buy one uninterested

• Go strait and turn to the right neutral• Return and Meet me at ten. expection to be obeyed

without any doubt.

Exclamation, • Pity ! not moved.Greetings etc. Morning. matter of fact

'How sur prising ! mildGood morning. pleasant but routinGood, morning. routin, uninterested

High Fall [ ]

Statement • No. I did. Certainly not standg agreementdisagreement

Wh-Questions • What ? When ? expresses surprise,'Where? Why can't you ? anger, disbelief etc.

Yes/No Question • 'Can you 'drive ? demanding a reply• Did you buy it yesterday ?

Tag Question • We should be. Shouldn't we ? demanding agreementIt is not possible for all; isn’t it ?

Commands • 'Open the door. angry commandRequest, order etc. • 'Go out.

Exclamations, etc. • 'What a pleasant surprise ? strong surprise• 'Good 'morning. hearty greeting

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Low Rice [ ]

Statement • Good. encouraging• Cheer, up. It 'won't 'last long. reassuring, encouraging• 'When she went there, dependent clause following

a main clause• It's not very, good. (bored, resigned)

Wh-Questions • 'When can you come ? Polite inquiry• Why did you do it ? strong insistance on why• 'Why can't you do it ? threatening.

Yes/No Questions • Can she ? doubtful• Is she reading ? insistanc on Is• Can you 'meet me at 'seven then ? uninterested, & board

Tag Questions • Rahul didn't do it ? 'did he ? asking for• They are clever 'aren't they ? information

Command • Sit here. 'Take the chair. gentle command or requestRequests • Shut the 'door. Sit there, Polite request Pleasant

invitation encouraging invitation

'Exclamations • Yes. uninterestedGreetings • 'Good, morning. Cheerful greeting

• 'Best of luck Cheerful good wishes

High Rise [ ]

Questions • 'Piza ? ('Did you say piza ? or Do you want expressing eagerness and(Usually associated some piza ?) enthusisiasmwith questions) • Doimno ? ('I Can't believe you. Did' you really

say Domino ?• Where ? ('I'm surprised to hear what you said.

Did you really mean Delhi ?• 'Nilam (Are you there 'Nilam ?) or Did you say

Nilam ?• 'He 'would ? expressing surprise, disbelief• 'Is Nilam at 'home ? expressing eagerness

Falling - Rising [∨∨∨∨∨ ]

Questions • 'Do you take coffee ? ∨ Sometimes (not doubtfulalways, surely). ∨ Now.

Imperative • Don't be afraid.Statment • I'm not afraid.

Rising - Falling [∧∧∧∧∧]

Yes Statement • '(Do you agree) ∧Yes. enthusiastic agreementQuestion • Are you ∧sure to get the suspicious, mockingExclamtary job ?

• How ∧interesting ! sarcastic

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5.0 Tone group / pauses.

Tone Groups and pauses1. Pausing in reading aloud at the right place is important. Pausing at the right place makes sense

while pausing at the wrong place makes sentences meaningless.

2. The pauses are based on tone-groups or sense - groups. or breath group while reading aloud youhave to

(1) divide the sentences into tone groups.

(2) locate the nucleus in each tone group, and

(3) choose the appropriate tone.

3. It is useful to remember that a pitch change often begins on the syllable of the word which isinformationally most important.

4. Punctuation sometimes gives clues to the division of a sentence into tone groups, though not a sureguide, always. A full stop generally indicates the end of a tone group.

Example : (1) In my view, / they are all good people.

(2) Hallo, Harik! / Nice to meet you.

Pause can be made

(1) before co-ordinate conjuctions like so. but, and etc.

e.g. I would like to may, /but I cant't

(2) Immediately after subordinate clauses.

When I reached the bus station, /the bus had already left.

(3) Qualifying statemetns.

He was right, / nevertheless.

(4) Before quastion tags.

You like icecream, /don't you ?

(5) Immediately after the quotation marks in the direct speech.

"See me in my office," /said the Headmaster.

(6) Immediately after the name of a person, while addressing him.

Rahul, / go to bed.


(7) Don't separate a verb and its complement or object with a pause.

(8) Don't pause after a preposition and a conjuction.

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3.8 (1) Here is a short prose passage in which strees, intonation and tone groups aremarked for you to practise reading, Read it several times until the rhythm and intonationbecome quite natural and spontaneous.

The 'Browns re'cently 'moved to a 'new house. / house. / One Saturday. the 'father 'took his'car out of the garage'. When he was washing it / his neighbour 'came there./ The 'neighbourstopped / and commented./ That’s a nice car. / Is it your ?” Sometimes ?” he said. / What

do you mean ? “ Well” the 'father answered ./ 'When there’s a party, / it be'longs to mydaughter ! 'When there’s a 'cricket match, / it be'longs to my son. 'When I’ve washed it

'looks 'really nice and clean, / it be'longs to my wife. / And 'when it needs petrol it be'longsto me.

• Task

• Select any one prose paragraph from a text-book and mark it with stress, intonation and tone-group in it in a group.

• Read it loud in your group one by one.

• Then read it before the class.

3.8 (3) Here is a funny anecdote for your reading practice marked with the appropriatestress, intonation and tone groups. Remember to sound as natural as you can. Practisereading it several times and don’t forgest to sound the humorous aspects !

Three 'men were in a 'hopital 'waiting room / when a 'nurse 'rushed in / and 'said to the first man / “Sir,/ You're 'father of twins.” / That’s co-incidence.” he said./ I am a 'member of the 'MinnesofaTwins./ Later / the 'nurse re'turned and 'said to the second man./ “Sir, you're 'father of triplet/ An'other co-incidence !” The 'second man 'said, / ”I’m with the '3 M Company./” The Thirdman 'jumped to his feet / grabbed his has / and said “ I’m getting out of here. / I work for 7up !”

• Task :

Select any other small story ? anecdote, and mark stressed intonation and tone group.

Read it aloud in your group one by one and then read it before the class.

3.8 (4) Read the following conversation marked with stress, tone groups and intonations.Then do the task given below it :

Asking the way

Stranger : Excuse me. / will this 'take to the station ?

Resident : Yes, / 'straight on./ 'Turn to the. left. When you 'get to the end, / you will 'see a 'board there./ You, 'can’t 'go wrong.

Stranger : Is it far ?

Resident : A'bout 'three or 'four minutes.

Stranger : ‘Thank you very much.

• Task :

• Select any one small / a part of a conversation / a dialogue for your group. Mark it with stress,tone groups and tone marks.

• Read it before your group members.

• Read it before the class also.

3.8 Strees in Formal Speeches

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[Speech-markers usually make their own emphases to drive home a point they wish to make.]

Dr Naresh Bhutt was the Chief Guest on Sports Day at Abhinav Vidyalay. Here is the speechhe made at the prize distribution function.

“ 'Respected 'Principal Dave, 'member of the staff / and 'dear


First of all. I congratulate the winners of prizes, You hae worked hard. so you have won the prizes./ I am glad about this. / Sports keep us healthy. / Students should par'ticipate in 'sports and other'activities at school. Once again I congratu'late all the participants. I 'thank the principal and the'staff for in'viting me to this function. I am 'really 'happy to talk to all of you. Thank you.”

[Note : Stress in such speeches is different from stress in ordinary conversation.]

Task :

• Select / prepare one short formal speech. Mark it with stress, intonation and tone group.

• Generally we use three tones in English.

4.2 Choice of the tone

Now practice :

Falling Tone

1. It is used in the ordinary statements without any implication.

1. I’m 'going to Delhi

2. 'Glad to meet You.

3. I shall 'see you 'this evening.

4. I haven’t 'seen him for ages.

5. I’m a teacher.

2. Question beginning with a question word such as what, how when which are said in aneutral way.

1. 'What’s your name ?

2. 'How’s your father ?

3. 'Why are they coming ?

4. 'How did you 'do that yesterday ?

3. In commands.

1. 'Come here. 'Sit down.

2. 'Do it tomorrow.

3. 'Go away.

4. Don’t jump to conclusions.

5. 'Go and call him.

4. In exclamations.

1. 'How disgusting !

2. 'How sweet !

3. 'alas ! I am ruined.

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4. What a 'beautiful girl !

5. 'How annoying !

5. Used in incomplete utterances, often the first clause of a sentence.


1. 'When I went there / it was dark.

2. If I go there / I’ll 'see your father.

3. It’s 'nine in the morning / and 'milkman hasn’t come yet.

4. Luckily / 'no one was hurt.

5. I 'want to 'take a loan / and 'buy a car.

6. Practice (mixed)

Exercise Read this. Exercise with weak forms.

'sit down. 'Cut the cake.

'Run fast. 'Drop a line.

'Ask Jack 'Half an inch

That’s true. 'Show me yours.

'Quite right. 'Cant be done.

7. Mis

'Send him away, Can I' bring my friend to tea ?

'Read it aloud, He's 'put it on the floor.

'What have you done. They'll 'not let you go.

It’s all for you. I think it will be fine.

I've locked the door. I think he wants us to go.

I'm glad you have come.

'Switch off the light.

He's nice to hear.

4.3 Placement of nucleus :

The syllable on which pitch movement is initiated is said to be nucleus. It is also called tonic syllable.

8. Division into tone groups :

(a) The division of the utterance into tone groups.

(b) The choice of the tonic nucleus or the tonic syllable in the each group.

(c) The choice of tone.

(1) She came with me. (This sentence has only one group).

(2) If you come / I shall help you. (This sentence has two tone groups.)


(1) Rising tone is used in questions which demand an answer “yes” or “no”

1. 'Will You do it ?

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2. 'Are they coming ?

3. 'Have you 'seen my 'new watch ?

4. 'Is 'father at home ?

5. Can’t you wait a moment ?

(2) Used in Wh-questions which are said in a warm, friendly manner.

1. 'What’s the time ?

2. 'Why did you go there ?

3. 'How do you feel now ?

4. 'Why didn’t you 'come and see me ?

5. What’s the matter ?

(3) In polite requests or encouraging statements and invitations :

1. 'Please 'shut the door.

2. 'Do sit down.

3. 'Come here.

4. 'Would you help me ?

5. 'Should I help you ?

(4) The falling - Rising Tone : (Rise of pitch from low to medium)

• This tone is used with some implications not verbally expressed.

1. I saw you at the cinema. (You said you would be at home.)

2. The coffee was 'good. (but the service was poor)

3. She’s very beautiful. (But she is not educated)

4. I’m waiting. (So hurry up, please)

5. I will 'come. (but I’m not sure of my wife.)

PART - A Listening Test :

1. Listen and answer :

1. It helps a lot. It given us fruit. It gives us shade. Who is it ?

2. It’s round. It’s a planate. You live in it. What’s it ?

3. It has no legs. It travels far off places. We send it to friends.

4. I’m made of paper. I can fly in the sky. I have a tail. What am I ?

5. I’m a wingless bird. I flew high. I land on the moon. What am I ?

6. My name begins with ‘C’. It has three letters in it. I eat mice. What am I ?

7. I have four legs but no feet. I have no arms and no head. I have a seat, but I always stand.What am I ?

8. I have two hands but I can’t hould any thing. I have a face, but I don’t have eyes. What amI ?

9. I have lost my confidence. I am not able to take any action. I feel powerless. I need someencouragement. How am I ?

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10. You always fight against me. You also like to defeat me. We are against each other. I am foryou what you are for me. What am I ?

2. Listen and laugh


Ant-1 : Oh ! You are in hurry. Where are you going ?

Ant-2 : I am going to hospital.

Ant-1 : Why ?

Ant-2 : An elephant has met with an accident. I am going to give him my blood.


Jaimin: I have lost my cat.

Funny : Why don’t you give it in the new-paper ? It would return.

Jaimin: Don’t be silly ! It can’t read.


Tiku : What are you doing ?

Maya : I am writing a letter in Urdu to my friend.

Tiku : But you don’t know how to write in Urdu.

Maya : Don’t worry. He can’t read Urdu.


Chirag : Do you think a person who han’t done his/her home work should be Punished ?

Teacher : Of course, not.

Chirag : Sir, I haven’t done my home work today.


A beggar : Please sir, help this blinds beggar giving some money.

A man : I’m sorry. I don’t have any change.

A beggar : Sir, I’m not asking for one rupee coin in your right hand.

Please give me a hundred rupee note which is in your left hand.

Man : I can’t hear what you are saying.

PART - B Speaking


• Anact the following conversations with a partner :

(1) A : Could you please lend me a pen ?

B : Sorry, I don’t have one to spare.

A : May be. You have a pencil.

B : Sorry. I don’t have a pencil either.

(2) A : Hi, Surali. How are you ?

B : Hi ! I’m fine. And you ?

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A : I’m all right.

B : What are you drinking now ?

(3) Dipa : This is may brother, Raj.

Renu, meet Raj.

Renu : Glad to meet you, Mr. Raj.

Raj : Nice to meet you, Renu.

(4) Kiran : Well, Nandu, I’d better be going or I’ll miss the last bus.

Nandu : Bye, be Kiran, see you tomorrow.

Kiran : Bye.

(5) Friends, let me introduce our chief guest Mr. Trivedi, the Princial of Bharat Highschool, Mehsana.As you know, he is the National Awardee teacher.

(6) 7 up Gujarat Express is now to leave. It will go to Bombay from Platform No.3. Passengers arerequested to board the train.

4. List and do :


@ First write your birthday in figures

Step 1 : Divide last two digits of the year by 4, Forget the balance.

Step 2 : Add result to the year.

Step 3 : Add this number to month value.

Step 4 : Add your birth date to this number.

Step 5 : Divide the total by.7.

Step 6 : See the remainder.

Step 7 : See the DAY in TABLE-2, against the number. (Remainder).


3. Listen and fill in the coloumn : (Exam Time Table) :








5. Listen and mark the pauses :

What do you do /1/ when you are thirsty ? /2/ You simply go to the kitchen /3/ and fill a glass ofwater for yourself. /4/ What animals do /5/ when they are thirsty ? /6/ They go to the lakes /7/ and otherplaces/ where water is available, /8/ Many years age /9/ man lived near water /10/ and build his housethere.

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6. Listen to the play and anser the questions :

Nasruddin and his son Kamal worked hard in the field. They were tired. It was time to go home.Hasrudding walked and Kamal rode the donkey.

Some people : He’s riding a donkey and his poor old father is walking.

Nasruddin : You get off the donkey and I’ll ride it.

Some people : He riding the donkey and his poor son is walking.

Nasruddin : We’ll both ride it.

Some people : Look at those cruel people riding that poor little donkey.

Nasruddin : We’ll carry the donkey, son.

Some people : Ha, ha ! look at them carrying the donkey.


1. Whose story is this ? – Nasruddin’s story

2. Who rode the donkey first time ? – Kamal

3. Who rode the donkey second time ? – Nasruddin

4. Who rode the donkey third time ? – Both / Kamal & Nasruddin

5. Who rode the donkey in the end ? – None