practice test[1]

Chapter 01 Globalization and International Linkages Answer Key True / False Questions 1. (p. 4) The process of applying management concepts and techniques in a multinational environment and adapting management practices to different economic, political and cultural environments is called international management. TRUE Difficulty: Medium 2. (p. 4) Multinational corporations can be defined as firms having operations in more than one country, international sales and a nationality mix of managers and owners. TRUE Difficulty: Easy 3. (p. 6) Internationalization is the vision of creating one world unit, a single market entity. FALSE Difficulty: Medium

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Page 1: Practice Test[1]

Chapter 01 Globalization and International Linkages Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 4) The process of applying management concepts and techniques in a multinational environment and adapting management practices to different economic, political and cultural environments is called international management. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

2. (p. 4) Multinational corporations can be defined as firms having operations in more than one country, international sales and a nationality mix of managers and owners. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

3. (p. 6) Internationalization is the vision of creating one world unit, a single market entity. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

4. (p. 8) Nongovernmental organizations believe that everyone benefits from globalization, as evidenced in lower prices, greater availability of goods, better jobs and access to technology. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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5. (p. 10) NAFTA is a free trade agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico that has in essence removed all barriers to trade and investment between the three nations. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

6. (p. 11) NAFTA is better integrated as a single market than the EU or the allied Asian countries. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 12) The countries of the Association of Southeast Asian nations are challenging China's position as destinations for low cost production and export. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

8. (p. 15) Foreign direct investment remained strong and even grew in some regions despite the 2008-2009 global recession. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 19) United States multinationals have more foreign direct investment in Germany than any other country. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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10. (p. 19) In recent years, Canadian firms have begun investing heavily in the United States. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 19) Mexican firms cannot export goods into the European community without paying a tariff. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

12. (p. 19) Mexico believes that the United States is its most important market and that little effort should go into expanding trade with Europe and Asia at least for now. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

13. (p. 24) Like most South American economies, Brazil's economy is faced with grave economic problems. Its GDP through 2009 continued to fall and inflation and unemployment increased. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 20) The ultimate objective of the EU is to eliminate all trade barriers among member countries. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 21) One of the ways that Russia is attempting to get its economy going is by removing many administered prices and subsidies and letting free market forces take over. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

16. (p. 22) As a result of some continuing problems, the international business climate in Poland has not done well. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 20) A keiretsu is a government agency in South Korea. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 20) MITI is a South Korean government agency that identifies and ranks national commercial pursuits and guides the distribution of national resources to meet these goals. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 23) Chaebols are very large, family held Korean conglomerates that have considerable political and economic power. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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20. (p. 21) Emerging markets are developed economies that exhibit sustained economic reform and growth. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 4) The process of applying management concepts and techniques in a multinational environment and adapting management practices to different economic, political and cultural environments is: A. Strategic managementB. InternationalizationC. GlobalizationD. International management


Difficulty: Easy 

22. (p. 4) To qualify as a multinational corporation, a firm must meet all of the following criteria except: A. Operations in more than one countryB. International salesC. A nationality mix of managers and ownersD. Sales of at least one million dollars per year


Difficulty: Medium 

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23. (p. 6) Globalization: A. Is the growth of interstate trade, spurred on by the progress toward free-market policiesB. Is the subcontracting of activities to endogenous organizations that had previously been performed within the firmC. Is the process of social, political, economic, cultural and technological integration among countries around the worldD. Is the process of a business crossing national and cultural borders


Difficulty: Medium 

24. (p. 6) Identify the statement that is false of globalization. A. It can be defined as the process of social, political, economic, cultural and technological integration among countries around the worldB. It is the process of a business crossing national and cultural bordersC. Evidence of globalization can be seen in increased levels of trade, capital flows and migrationD. It has been facilitated by technological advances in transnational communications, transport and travel


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 6) The subcontracting or contracting out of activities to endogenous organizations that had previously been performed by the firm is called: A. HomesourcingB. InsourcingC. OffshoringD. Outsourcing


Difficulty: Medium 

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26. (p. 6) The process by which companies undertake some activities at offshore locations instead of in their countries of origin is: A. HomesourcingB. InsourcingC. OffshoringD. Globalization


Difficulty: Medium 

27. (p. 8) Antiglobalization activists: A. Contend that even within the developing world, it is protectionist policies, not trade and investment liberalization, that result in environmental and social damageB. Believe globalization will force higher-polluting countries such as China and Russia into an integrated global community that takes responsible measures to protect the environmentC. Assert that if corporations are free to locate anywhere in the world, the world's poorest countries will relax or eliminate environmental standards and social services in order to attract first-world investment and the jobs and wealth that come with itD. Believe that industrialization will create wealth that will enable new industries to employ more modern, environmentally friendly technology


Difficulty: Medium 

28. (p. 9) The global organization of countries that oversees rules and regulations for international trade and investment, including agriculture, intellectual property, services, competition and subsidies is the: A. WTOB. NAFTAC. WIPOD. ITO


Difficulty: Easy 

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29. (p. 10) A free-trade agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico that has removed most barriers to trade and investment is: A. AFTAB. CEFTAC. CAFTAD. NAFTA


Difficulty: Easy 

30. (p. 10) The World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Cancun in September of 2003 was led by: A. India and BrazilB. The U.S. and JapanC. The U.K. and FranceD. EU members


Difficulty: Medium 

31. (p. 9) The World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Doha in November of 2001 was referred to as: A. The "Annecy Round"B. The "Development Round"C. The "Tokyo Round"D. The "Torquay Round"


Difficulty: Easy 

32. (p. 10) The United States, Canada and Mexico make up the _____, which in essence has removed all barriers to trade between these countries and created a huge North American market. A. General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeB. North American Common MarketC. North American Free Trade AgreementD. North American Trade Union


Difficulty: Medium 

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33. (p. 11) Agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA: A. Not only reduce barriers to trade but also require additional domestic legal and business reforms in developing nations to protect property rightsB. Do not include supplemental commitments on labor and the environment to encourage countries to upgrade their working conditions and environmental protections like the FTAAC. Rely exclusively on MNCs exporting or setting up operations locally rather than buying out a domestic firmD. Provide firms with enough security so they cannot go out of business, which simply encourages a lack of efficiency or incentive to monitor costs


Difficulty: Medium 

34. (p. 11) The NAFTA agreement and the DR-CAFTA agreement are examples of: A. Defunct bilateral agreementsB. Regional trade agreementsC. Plurilateral agreementsD. Proposed bilateral agreements


Difficulty: Easy 

35. (p. 11) Due to the stalled progress with the WTO and FTAA, the United States has pursued _____ with a range of countries, including, Australia, Bahrain, Chile, Colombia, Israel, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Panama, Peru, Malaysia and Singapore. A. Plurilateral trade agreementsB. Multilateral trade agreementsC. Bilateral trade agreementsD. Regional trade agreements


Difficulty: Medium 

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36. (p. 12) The Asian economic block, made up of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam is referred to as: A. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)B. Southeast Asia Free Trade Agreement (SWAFTA)C. Southeast Asia Common MarketD. Asian Economic Union


Difficulty: Medium 

37. (p. 12) A method which adjusts GDP to account for different prices in countries is called: A. Cumulative distribution functionB. Nominal GDPC. Current currency exchange rateD. Purchasing power parity


Difficulty: Medium 

38. (p. 12) The following are characteristics of the BRIC economies except: A. Demand for higher priced goods is expected to continue to be low in the futureB. The BRIC economies share of world growth is expected to rise to about 40 percent by 2025C. Per capita income in the BRIC countries is risingD. Demand for basic goods will be strong


Difficulty: Medium 

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39. (p. 12) The Goldman Sachs global economics team: A. Estimates that Chile will occupy a dominant role in the global economic system and will surpass the United States in output by 2035B. Reports that the economic potential of Brazil, Russia, India and China is such that they may become among the four most dominant economies by the year 2050C. Estimates that the BRIC economies' share of world growth could rise from 40 percent in 2000 to more than 70 percent in 2025D. Reports that Germany, followed by India a decade later, will overtake the United States as the world's largest car market


Difficulty: Medium 

40. (p. 15) The term used to indicate the amount invested in property, plant and equipment in another country is: A. ExportingB. Foreign direct investmentC. ImportingD. Trade imperfection


Difficulty: Medium 

41. (p. 41) In 2009, global merchandise exports and global commercial services exports: A. Declined for the first time since 1983B. Nearly doubledC. Remained fairly consistentD. Decreased by almost 50 percent


Difficulty: Medium 

42. (p. 15) In 2009, FDI inflows and outflows: A. Nearly doubledB. Nearly tripledC. Fell substantiallyD. Remained fairly constant


Difficulty: Medium 

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43. (p. 15) The emerging global community is becoming increasingly: A. Socially isolatedB. Economically interdependentC. Culturally interdependentD. Financially independent


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 18) A _____ is comparable to a monopoly in the sense that the organization, in this case the government, has explicit control over the price and supply of a good or service. A. Command economyB. Market economyC. Mixed economyD. Socialist economy


Difficulty: Medium 

45. (p. 17) A _____ exists when private enterprise reserves the right to own property and monitor the production and distribution of goods and services while the state simply supports competition and efficient practices. A. Command economyB. Market economyC. Mixed economyD. Socialist economy


Difficulty: Medium 

46. (p. 19) _____ is the United States' largest trading partner, a position it has held for many years. A. EnglandB. CanadaC. JapanD. Mexico


Difficulty: Medium 

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47. (p. 19) Which country receives the most foreign direct investment (FDI) by U.S. companies? A. NetherlandsB. MexicoC. Great BritainD. Canada


Difficulty: Medium 

48. (p. 18) Which of the following statements is false with regard to a mixed economy? A. Regulations concerning minimum wage standards, social security, environmental protection and the advancement of civil rights may raise the standard of livingB. Ownership of organizations seen as imperative to the nation may be transferred to the state to subsidize costs and allow the firm to flourishC. Regulations concerning minimum wage standards, social security, environmental protection and the advancement of civil rights ensure that those who are elderly, sick or have limited skills are taken care ofD. Businesses in this model are owned by the state to ensure that investments and practices are done in the best interest of the nation despite the often opposing outcomes


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 19) The following statements are true about the United States and Canada except: A. The legal and business environments of the two countries are very differentB. Both countries are participants in NAFTAC. Canada is the largest trading partner of the U.SD. In recent years, Canadian firms have begun investing heavily in the U.S


Difficulty: Hard 

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50. (p. 19) Which of the following statements is true of the economic system of North America? A. The free-market-based economy of this region allows for more freedom in decision-making processes of private firmsB. The command economy of this region allows for greater flexibility with decisions and low barriers for other countries to establish businessC. The free-market-based economy of this region results in lowering barriers when attempting to move into other countriesD. The command economy of this region allows competition to strive while the government can extend assistance to individuals or companies


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 19) In the early 1990s, _____ had recovered from its economic problems of the previous decade and become the strongest economy in Latin America. A. BrazilB. ArgentinaC. MexicoD. Chile


Difficulty: Medium 

52. (p. 19) The United States holds a dominant position in all of the following industries except: A. telecommunicationsB. biotechnologyC. mediaD. textiles


Difficulty: Medium 

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53. (p. 19) A factory, located in a Mexican border town, that imports materials and equipment on a duty and tariff-free basis for assembly or manufacturing and re-exports is called a: A. Vertically integrated corporationB. KeiretsusC. MaquiladoraD. Chaebols


Difficulty: Medium 

54. (p. 19) The term "maquiladora" is used to describe a specific kind of _____ industry. A. BrazilianB. MexicanC. South KoreanD. Chinese


Difficulty: Medium 

55. (p. 19) Identify the statement which is not true of Mexico. A. When it joined NAFTA, Mexico was on the verge of becoming the major economic power in Latin AmericaB. Mexico has free-trade agreements with more than 50 countriesC. Mexico's trade with Asia is decliningD. Mexico's government are probusiness


Difficulty: Medium 

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56. (p. 19) Which of the following observations about NAFTA is incorrect? A. Mexican businesses are finding themselves able to take advantage of the U.S. market by replacing goods that were previously purchased from AsiaB. Mexican firms are now able to produce products at highly competitive prices thanks to lower-cost labor and proximity to the American marketC. Mexican firms can now export goods into the European community only by paying a heavy tariffD. Mexico's trade with Asia is on the rise which is important to the country as it wants to reduce its overreliance on the U.S. market


Difficulty: Medium 

57. (p. 24) A major development in South America is: A. Is the implementation of the single currency and the regional central bankB. The growth of inter-country trade, spurred on by the progress toward free-market policiesC. Is the privatization of traditionally nationalized industriesD. Is the elimination of all trade barriers among member countries


Difficulty: Medium 

58. (p. 24) A recent survey (reported in our textbook) of businesspeople from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia and Venezuela found that the _____ market, on average, was more important to their economic well being than any other. A. MexicanB. JapaneseC. U.SD. European Union


Difficulty: Medium 

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59. (p. 20) The ultimate objective of the EU is to: A. Develop separate custom duties for member countriesB. Eliminate all trade barriers among member countriesC. Have a single government that represents all EU countriesD. Increase imports into EU countries


Difficulty: Medium 

60. (p. 20) The European Union: A. Has achieved the reality of a single currency and a regional central bankB. Has eliminated all trade barriers among member countriesC. Subjects member nations to quotas on the manufacture and shipment of high-quality, low-cost goodsD. Imposes duties on member nations for the manufacture and shipment of high-quality, low-cost goods


Difficulty: Medium 

61. (p. 21) The Central and Eastern European republics: A. Have attempted to grow in terms of intercountry trade, spurred on by the progress toward free-market policiesB. Have attempted to decrease inflation by lowering the GDPC. Are attempting to make a shift from centrally planned economies to market based economiesD. Are attempting to make a shift from a centrally planned economy to a mixed economy


Difficulty: Medium 

62. (p. 22) The former communist countries that have become most visible in the international arena include: A. Romania, Poland and BulgariaB. Czech Republic, Bulgaria and PolandC. Hungary, Romania and AlbaniaD. Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic


Difficulty: Medium 

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63. (p. 22) Which of the following statements is true with regard to the economy of Poland? A. The consensus decision making system of Poland turns out to be too time-consuming in the new speed-based economyB. During the 1970s and 1980s, Poland's economic success had been without precedentC. Poland is among the largest of the former communist countries which receives the least media coverageD. Political instability and risk, large external debts, a deteriorating infrastructure and only modest education levels have led to continuing economic problems in Poland


Difficulty: Medium 

64. (p. 22) Which of the following statements is not true of Hungary's economic reform measures? A. In Hungary, state-owned hotels have been privatizedB. Western firms have been entering into joint ventures with local companies in Hungary, attracted by the low cost of highly skilled, professional laborC. Hungary had a head start on the other former communist-bloc countries in terms of adopting economic reform measuresD. MNCs have been making direct investments in Hungary, as in the case of General Electric's purchase of Tungsram


Difficulty: Medium 

65. (p. 20) Which of the following statements is not true of Japan? A. During the 1970s and 1980s, Japan's economic success had been without precedentB. During the 1970s and 1980s, the country had a huge positive trade balance, the yen was strong and they recognized as the world leaders in manufacturing and consumer goodsC. Assumptions about the Japanese workforce have turned out to be more myth than reality and some of the former strengths have become weaknesses in the new economyD. Japan's consensus decision making system turns out to be very efficient and effective in the new speed-based economy


Difficulty: Medium 

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66. (p. 20) An organizational arrangement in Japan in which a large group of vertically integrated companies bound together by cross-ownership, interlocking directorates and social ties provide goods and services to end users is: A. Vertically integrated corporationB. KeiretsusC. MaquiladoraD. Chaebols


Difficulty: Medium 

67. (p. 20) MITI is a _____ government agency that identifies and ranks national commercial pursuits and guides the distribution of national resources to meet these goals. A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. South KoreanD. Philippine


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 20) Despite setbacks, _____ remains a formidable international competitor and is well poised in all three major economic regions: the Pacific Rim, North America and Europe. A. JapanB. ChileC. ChinaD. Argentina


Difficulty: Medium 

69. (p. 23) The four other widely recognized powerhouses in Asia, in addition to Japan and China are: A. South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and TaiwanB. Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and TaiwanC. Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia and Hong KongD. Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia and Thailand


Difficulty: Medium 

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70. (p. 22) Identify the statement false of China's economic condition. A. China's GDP has remained strong, maintaining at 11.5 percent growth in 2009B. In the first quarter of 2010, China's GDP grew at a blistering 11.7 percent causing some concerns that the Chinese government has been unable to tap the breaks on this rapid growthC. Trade relations between China and developed countries and regions, such as the United States and the EU, are laxD. Massive savings glut in the corporate sector, the globalization of manufacturing networks are major challenges faced by China


Difficulty: Medium 

71. (p. 23) Chaebols are large, family-held conglomerates in: A. ThailandB. JapanC. South KoreaD. China


Difficulty: Medium 

72. (p. 24) Which of the following is true of India today? A. It has a relatively small middle classB. Education levels tend to be lowC. It is attractive to MNCsD. There is a distinct lack of government funds for economic development


Difficulty: Medium 

73. (p. 28) Which of the following countries was not amongst the world's 10 most competitive nations in 2010? A. United StatesB. SingaporeC. United KingdomD. Norway


Difficulty: Medium 

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74. (p. 28) Identify the emerging market which is projected to have the largest market size in 2010. A. ChinaB. IndiaC. MexicoD. Argentina


Difficulty: Medium 

75. (p. 28) According to the projections for 2010, which of the following countries has the best commercial infrastructure? A. ChinaB. Hong KongC. India

Chapter 02 The Political, Legal, and Technological Environment Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 36) Many firms try to work collaboratively with governments as new laws, policies, and regulations are introduced. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

2. (p. 36) Government policies toward the dissemination of information that can be viewed as a threat to national security are common. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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3. (p. 36) The domestic and international political environment has a major impact on multinational corporations. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

4. (p. 38) Collectivism emerged in Italy and France as "national socialism". FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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5. (p. 38) Great Britain's Labour Party practices "democratic socialism". TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

6. (p. 38) According to the text, Russia presents the extreme example of how the political environment impacts on international management. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 40) Vietnam and Laos have moved towards a totalitarian environment due to the evolution of modern global business. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

8. (p. 42) Socialist law comes from the Marxist socialist system and continues to influence regulations in former communist countries. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 42) Common law is derived from Roman law and is found in the non-Islamic and non-socialist countries such as France, some countries in Latin America and even Louisiana in the United States. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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10. (p. 42) The territoriality principle holds that governments have the right to rule themselves as they see fit. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 42) The protective principle holds that every nation has the right of jurisdiction within its legal territory. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

12. (p. 42) The doctrine of civility holds that there must be mutual respect for the laws, institutions and government of other countries in the manner of jurisdiction over their own citizens. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

13. (p. 43) Under the act of state doctrine, all acts of other governments are considered to be valid by U.S. courts, even if such acts are inappropriate in the United States. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 43) The FCPA makes it illegal to influence foreign officials through the granting of favorable tariff rates. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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15. (p. 43) The objectives of the FCPA were to stop U.S. MNCs from initiating or perpetuating corruption in foreign governments and to upgrade the image of both the United States and its businesses abroad. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 46) The current move toward privatization by an increasing number of countries is an example of the changing international regulatory environment. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

17. (p. 48) Trade agreements do not require that trade benefits accorded to one nation be extended to other nations' parties to that agreement. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard 

18. (p. 51) Embedded learning technology will allow thinking to occur in machines. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 54) One reason for the rapid increase in telecommunications services is that many countries believe that without an efficient communications system, their economic growth may stall. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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20. (p. 55) Technology does not have the potential to displace employees holding positions traditionally reserved for human thinking. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 36) In a business context, individualism is synonymous with: A. CollectivismB. SocialismC. TotalitarianismD. Capitalism


Difficulty: Easy 

22. (p. 37) Aristotle and David Hume contributed to the principle of: A. SocialismB. CollectivismC. IndividualismD. Communism


Difficulty: Easy 

23. (p. 38) Which of the following are characteristics of fascism? A. AnticollectivismB. AnticommunismC. Opposition only to political liberalismD. Antinationalism


Difficulty: Medium 

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24. (p. 37) Which two countries led the effort to mobilize public and private support for Greece in 2010? A. France and GermanyB. Britain and FranceC. Spain and FranceD. Germany and Britain


Difficulty: Hard 

25. (p. 38) One of the biggest impediments to attracting more foreign investment in Russia is: A. Legal mandatesB. Economic opportunitiesC. Political corruptionD. Religious practices


Difficulty: Hard 

26. (p. 38) Communism as an economic system has failed due to the tendency of common goals to stunt: A. Progression and individual creativityB. Individual productivityC. Individual freedomD. Profit and growth


Difficulty: Medium 

27. (p. 40) Governmental power in a democracy is limited by: A. The accountability of the elected representatives to the general publicB. Individual freedom-such as freedom of expression and assemblyC. The police force which is independent of the stateD. Limiting the number of terms for which a representative may be elected


Difficulty: Hard 

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28. (p. 40) Political repression and denial of rights and civil liberties are dominant ideals of: A. TotalitarianismB. Socialist democracyC. CollectivismD. Monarchy


Difficulty: Medium 

29. (p. 40) The totalitarian form of government is to be seen in: A. Singapore and CambodiaB. Germany and ItalyC. Latin America onlyD. Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea


Difficulty: Medium 

30. (p. 41) The Chinese political environment is very: A. ComplexB. StableC. Straightforward and streamlinedD. Safe and secure


Difficulty: Easy 

31. (p. 41) Multinational corporations in China are faced with a multitude of problems except: A. Government regulationsB. Questionable treatmentC. Market growth opportunitiesD. Understanding what is needed from investors


Difficulty: Medium 

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32. (p. 41) Sentiments regarding the war in Iraq have primarily affected business relationships in: A. The Middle EastB. AsiaC. Asia and the U.SD. Europe and the U.S


Difficulty: Hard 

33. (p. 42) _____ law comes from the Marxist socialist system and continues to influence regulations in former communist countries, especially those from the former Soviet Union, as well as present-day China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba. A. SocialistB. Civil or codeC. CommonD. Islamic


Difficulty: Medium 

34. (p. 42) _____ law comes from English law and is the foundation of the legal system in the United States, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand and others. A. Civil or codeB. IslamicC. SocialistD. Common


Difficulty: Medium 

35. (p. 42) Identify from the following the correct statement on civil law. A. It comes from English law and is found in nonsocialist countriesB. It is to be found in countries of Central AsiaC. It is derived from Roman law and is found in nonsocialist countriesD. It is the foundation of the legal system in the United States, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand and other nations


Difficulty: Medium 

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36. (p. 42) The _____ holds that governments have the right to rule themselves as they see fit. A. Principle of sovereigntyB. Nationality principleC. Territoriality principleD. Protective principle


Difficulty: Medium 

37. (p. 42) International law includes the following types of jurisdictional principles: A. Nationality, territoriality and protectiveB. Territoriality, sovereignty and nationalityC. Good citizenship, territoriality and protectiveD. Protective, comity and sovereignty


Difficulty: Medium 

38. (p. 42) The _____ principle holds that every country has jurisdiction (authority or power) over its citizens no matter where they are located. A. ComityB. NationalityC. TerritorialityD. Sovereignty


Difficulty: Medium 

39. (p. 42) The _____ principle holds that every nation has the right of jurisdiction within its legal territory. A. SovereigntyB. ProtectiveC. TerritorialityD. Nationality


Difficulty: Medium 

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40. (p. 43) The _____ principle holds that every country has jurisdiction over behavior that adversely affects its national security, even if that conduct occurred outside the country. A. TerritorialityB. NationalityC. SovereigntyD. Protective


Difficulty: Medium 

41. (p. 43) The _____ holds that there must be mutual respect for the laws, institutions and government of other countries in the matter of jurisdiction over their own citizens. A. Doctrine of protectionismB. Doctrine of civilityC. Doctrine of mutual understandingD. Doctrine of comity


Difficulty: Medium 

42. (p. 42) U.S. laws require equality in the workplace for all employees, U.S. citizens who take a job in Japan cannot sue their Japanese employer under the provisions of U.S. law for failure to provide equal opportunity for them. This is in line with the: A. Principle of sovereigntyB. Nationality principleC. Doctrine of comityD. Act of state doctrine


Difficulty: Hard 

43. (p. 43) Under the _____, all acts of other governments are considered to be valid by U.S. courts, even if such acts are inappropriate in the United States. A. Act of state doctrineB. Act of international civilityC. Act of judicial sovereigntyD. Act of international understanding


Difficulty: Medium 

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44. (p. 43) Countries have the legal right to refuse admission of foreign citizens and to impose special restrictions on the following except: A. ConductB. Right of travelC. SpendingD. What business they may conduct


Difficulty: Easy 

45. (p. 43) The statute that makes it illegal to influence foreign officials through personal payment of political contributions is referred to as the: A. Fairness in International Affairs ActB. Foreign Corrupt Practices ActC. Global Ethics ActD. Fair Treatment of Foreign Citizens Act


Difficulty: Easy 

46. (p. 45) Critics of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act feared the loss of sales to foreign competitors, especially in those countries where: A. Customs are adhered toB. Political stability existsC. Common law is applicableD. Bribery is an accepted means


Difficulty: Easy 

47. (p. 45) It was reported that since the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA): A. MNCs could not function within the set guidelinesB. Internal politics problems for U.S. Allies increasedC. There was a thirty percent loss of sales to foreign competitorsD. U.S. exports to "bribe prone" countries actually increased


Difficulty: Medium 

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48. (p. 45) One analysis, cited in the text, reported that since the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices act, U.S. exports to "bribe prone" countries: A. IncreasedB. DecreasedC. Stopped completelyD. Remained exactly the same, showing that the law had no effect


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 45) U.S. MNCs always assumed that bribes were required to ensure contracts in: A. IndiaB. The Middle EastC. Asia PacificD. Eastern Europe


Difficulty: Medium 

50. (p. 45) According to the text, _____ is one of the biggest problems facing MNCs. A. Fear of investing abroadB. Loss of sales to foreign competitorsC. Uneven ethical standardsD. Very restrictive foreign bureaucracies


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 46) Japanese companies are aware that their dependency on the world market for many goods and services is negatively impacted by _____, resulting in local consumers paying the price. A. The balance of paymentsB. BureaucratizationC. Trade imbalancesD. Financial exchange


Difficulty: Hard 

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52. (p. 46) Which country does not rank high on the ease-of-doing-business index? A. the PhilippinesB. SingaporeC. JapanD. the United States


Difficulty: Hard 

53. (p. 49) The case with cellular phones and networks and open-source models in software are cited to substantiate the fact that: A. The possibilities of digital and wireless technologies are vastB. Internet allowing easy dissemination of informationC. Global connections do not necessarily level the playing fieldD. Satellites will play a role in learning


Difficulty: Hard 

54. (p. 53) The term "e-cash" stands for: A. Easy cashB. Export cashC. Electronic cashD. Exchange cash


Difficulty: Easy 

55. (p. 52) According to the text, the most popular form of e-business is: A. B2B dealingsB. B2C dealingsC. Financial dealingsD. E-retailing


Difficulty: Medium 

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56. (p. 53) The area of e-business that will most affect global customers is: A. E-marketingB. E-retailing and financial servicesC. RetailingD. Internet sales


Difficulty: Medium 

57. (p. 53) The most obvious dimension of the technological environment facing international managers today is: A. TelecommunicationsB. TransportationC. Agricultural mechanizationD. Improved service technologies


Difficulty: Easy 

58. (p. 53) Identify the correct statement on cellular infrastructure. A. It is expensive to installB. It is quick and relatively inexpensive to installC. It is relatively inexpensive to install but takes timeD. It cannot be installed easily and cheaply in rural areas


Difficulty: Medium 

59. (p. 54) Over the next decade, the merging of the Internet and wireless technology will radically change the ways in which people: A. SpendB. SocializeC. CommunicateD. Invest


Difficulty: Medium 

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60. (p. 54) MNCs are unwilling to put up high investments unless they are assured of: A. Operating control on their investment in telecommunicationsB. Expanding demand for telecommunication serviceC. Complete financial controlD. Monopoly on local services


Difficulty: Medium 

61. (p. 52) Governments are accepting the belief that the only way to attract foreign investment and know-how in telecommunications is to: A. Cede control to private industryB. Get cheaper service providersC. Get cheap and efficient laborD. Get private partners


Difficulty: Medium 

62. (p. 54) According to the text, NYNEX holds a stake in: A. Telecom New ZealandB. Thailand's Telecom AsiaC. Australia's OptusD. Thailand's Globe Telecom


Difficulty: Medium 

63. (p. 54) The Hong Kong office of Salomon Brothers, a U.S. investment bank, estimates that to meet the expanding demand for telecommunication service in Asia, companies will need: A. Cheaper technologyB. Cheap and efficient laborC. Considerable increase in investmentD. Cheaper service providers


Difficulty: Easy 

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64. (p. 54) Some observers have noted that technology already has eliminated much and in the future will eliminate even more of the work now being done by: A. Top level managersB. Middle managers and white-collar staffC. Maintenance workersD. Line employees and service staff


Difficulty: Medium 

65. (p. 54) _____ has placed pressure on MNCs to outsource production. A. Mounting cost pressure and profit expectationsB. Lack of cheap and expert laborC. Global and Internal competitionD. Profit expectation by governments


Difficulty: Medium 

66. (p. 55) Identify the option that would constitute white-collar service industries. A. Steel and autosB. AgricultureC. Insurance onlyD. Insurance and banks


Difficulty: Easy 

67. (p. 55) Emerging information technology has made work: A. More portableB. More riskyC. More tediousD. More complicated


Difficulty: Easy 

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68. (p. 55) MNCs have moved certain production activities overseas to capitalize on: A. Increasing costsB. Cheap laborC. Larger marketsD. Higher purchasing power


Difficulty: Medium 

69. (p. 55) Low-paid workers in India and Asian countries now are being given subcontracted work such as: A. Insurance jobsB. Auto industry jobsC. Labor-intensive hardware developmentD. Code-writing jobs


Difficulty: Medium 

70. (p. 55) According to the text, a positive side of the opportunities that technology offers would be: A. Decline in the cost of doing business worldwideB. Price rise due to cost of equipmentsC. Elimination of higher-priced laborD. Replacement of employees by machines

Chapter 03 Ethics and Social Responsibility Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 63) The study of morality and standards of conduct is referred to as ethics. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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2. (p. 63) Kantian philosophical traditions focus on core, individual behaviors and actions and how they express and form individual character. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

3. (p. 64) Utilitarianism favors the greatest good for the greatest number of people under a given set of constraints. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

4. (p. 65) Despite a heightened sensitivity in recent years, sexual harassment remains a minor social issue in Japan. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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5. (p. 66) Although French women are making strides in the management ranks, they still are underrepresented in corporate management. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

6. (p. 66) One thing that has inhibited the progress of women in French management is that French law does not guarantee equal treatment and equal professional opportunities for men and women. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 76) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for U.S. companies and their managers to attempt to influence foreign officials through personal payments or political contributions. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

8. (p. 71) Corporate social responsibility includes organizational actions that go beyond the requirements of the law and the direct interests of the firm. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

9. (p. 74) Sustainability may be defined as the development that meets humanity's needs at the cost of the future generations. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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10. (p. 71) NGOs are public organizations that monitor the practices of private corporations. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

11. (p. 71) Trust in business is currently at one of the highest levels in history in the United States and Europe. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

12. (p. 71) NGOs have urged MNCs to be more responsive to the range of social needs in developing countries. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

13. (p. 72) Though the force of NGOs have been felt in a range of major public policy debates, NGO activism has been least responsible for major changes in corporate behavior and governance. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 73) MNCs have a very low chance of exporting "best practices" in corporate responsibilities to local firms in developing nations. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 73) MNCs are increasingly engaged in a range of responses to growing pressures to contribute positively to the social and environmental progress of the communities in which they do business. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 75) "Insider" systems of corporate governance are most responsive to shareholders and other stakeholders. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 75) Corporate governance may be defined as the system by which business corporations are directed and controlled. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

18. (p. 76) As pressure for accountability and responsiveness continues to increase, corporate governance will undoubtedly remain high on the agenda of governments, investors, NGOs and corporations in the coming years. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 78) Governments and corporations are increasingly collaborating to provide assistance to communities around the world through global partnerships. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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20. (p. 79) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria constitutes contributions by international organizations to assist developing countries in dealing with these diseases. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 64) Which of the following views the individual as part of rather than separate from nature? A. Aristotelian virtue ethicsB. UtilitarianismC. Kantian philosophical traditionsD. Eastern philosophy


Difficulty: Easy 

22. (p. 64) John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham are associated with which of the following? A. Aristotelian virtue ethicsB. Kantian philosophical traditionsC. UtilitarianismD. Eastern philosophy


Difficulty: Medium 

23. (p. 63) The study of morality and standards of conduct is referred to as: A. Social responsibilityB. LawC. GovernanceD. Ethics


Difficulty: Easy 

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24. (p. 63) All of the following statements about ethics are true except: A. It is the study of morality and standards of conductB. It is the victim of subjectivity as it yields to the will of cultural relativismC. It is the belief that the ethical standard of a country is based on the culture that created it and that moral concepts lack universal applicationD. It is not related to the area of corporate social responsibility


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 63) Which of the following is false about the adage, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do?" A. It is derived from the idea of cultural relativismB. It suggests that businesses and the managers should behave in accordance with the ethical standards they are active inC. It suggests that it is necessary, to some extent, to rely on local teams to execute under local ruleD. It is derived from the idea of cultural materialism


Difficulty: Medium 

26. (p. 65) According to the text, which country has experienced widespread human trafficking in recent years? A. South AfricaB. IndiaC. RussiaD. China


Difficulty: Medium 

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27. (p. 66) According to the World Economic Forum, which country ranked highest in 2009 on economic opportunities and political empowerment of women? A. JapanB. The United StatesC. IcelandD. Great Britain


Difficulty: Easy 

28. (p. 66) Which of the following statements is not true with regard to child labor? A. Child labor continues to climbB. Child labor has declined for girlsC. The ILO has been involved in developing standards regarding child laborD. UNICEF and the World Bank recognize that family survival sometimes depends on children working


Difficulty: Medium 

29. (p. 66) The issue of relatively low wages paid by subcontractors to workers in ______ made headlines in 2010 after a series of suicides by factory workers. A. VietnamB. MalaysiaC. MexicoD. China


Difficulty: Medium 

30. (p. 67) Which of the following companies was accused in 2010 of cutting corners on environmental protection and ethical business practices? A. NikeB. Russell AthleticsC. ChevronD. BP


Difficulty: Easy 

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31. (p. 70) Identify the incorrect statement regarding the transfer of the labor force overseas. A. It creates an interesting dynamic in the scope of ethicsB. It seeks to employ local citizens who tend to identify themselves with the corporation and not the outside environmentC. It creates an interesting dynamic in the scope of corporate responsibilityD. It seeks to move individuals offshore who will identify themselves with the corporation and not the outside environment


Difficulty: Medium 

32. (p. 70) The transfer of the labor force overseas creates A. An interesting dynamic in the scope of ethics and corporate responsibilityB. A general ambiance of nondiscriminatory practicesC. An ideal environment for women to work inD. Equal employment opportunities for both men and women


Difficulty: Medium 

33. (p. 66) One of the major reasons why _____ remains a problem in Japan is that traditionally many male managers regard female employees as mere secretaries and, following a stereotype, feel that women employees will soon marry and leave the firm. A. Sexual harassmentB. Workman's compensationC. Wage parityD. Collective bargaining


Difficulty: Medium 

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34. (p. 65) All of the following are accurate in regard to the issue of sexual harassment in the Japanese workplace except: A. Sexual harassment remains a minor social issue in Japan, despite a heightened sensitivity in recent years.B. Traditionally many male managers regard female employees as secretaries and, feel that women employees will soon marry and leave the firm.C. Sexual harassment is a new concept to many Japanese managers.D. Japanese women face a glass ceiling.


Difficulty: Easy 

35. (p. 65) According to the text, one violation of human rights that resonated with MNCs and made them question whether to move operations into China was: A. The imposition of restrictions on religious practice by foreigners in China in January 1994B. The violent June 1989 crackdown on student protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen SquareC. The dramatic increase in the use of death penalty in ChinaD. The open discrimination against women in China since 1979


Difficulty: Medium 

36. (p. 66) All of the following statements are accurate with regard to the status of women in the French workplace except: A. From a legal standpoint, French law guarantees equal treatment and equal professional opportunities for men and womenB. As in the United States and Japan, French women face many obstacles when trying to break the glass ceilingC. As a result of strong efforts to gain equality, French women are no longer underrepresented in the workplaceD. France has seen an increase in the number of women not only in the workforce but also in management positions


Difficulty: Medium 

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37. (p. 66) Identify the incorrect statement with regard to equal employment opportunity in Germany. A. Unlike some other countries, Germany in the last decade has introduced laws that mandate equal opportunity and the creation of equal opportunity positions throughout the public sectorB. Today, all German states ensure that their legislation provides for equal treatment of men and women in the workplaceC. In the private sector, there has been some progress toward increasing the number of women in upper-level management positions through the introduction of voluntary equal opportunity programsD. Opportunities for female managers in Germany are no longer limited and appear to be improving significantly for the future


Difficulty: Medium 

38. (p. 76) This legislative measure makes it illegal to influence foreign officials through personal payments or political contributions. A. Foreign Corrupt Practices ActB. Global Bribery ActC. International Ethics and Bribery ActD. Export-Import Ethical Standards Act


Difficulty: Easy 

39. (p. 77) According to the latest corruption index of countries around the world specified in the text, the least corrupt country is: A. JapanB. ChileC. United StatesD. New Zealand


Difficulty: Easy 

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40. (p. 77) According to the latest corruption index of countries around the world specified in the text, the most corrupt country is: A. SomaliaB. ChileC. UkraineD. Poland


Difficulty: Easy 

41. (p. 71) This can be defined as the actions of a firm to benefit society beyond the requirements of the law and the direct interests of the firm. A. Corporate social responsibilityB. LawC. GovernanceD. Ethics


Difficulty: Easy 

42. (p. 71) Corporate social responsibility: A. Is not related to ethicsB. Refers to the actions of a firm to benefit society beyond the requirements of the law and the direct interests of the firmC. Involves the study of or the learning process involved in understanding morality, while ethics involves taking actionD. Is not based on voluntary actions


Difficulty: Medium 

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43. (p. 78) Transparent Agents Against Contracting Entities: A. Was created to prevent the shifting of corrupt practices to suppliers and intermediariesB. Entered into force in March 1997 and has more than 25 Western Hemisphere countries as signatoriesC. Outlaws most payments to political party leadersD. Makes it illegal for U.S. companies and their managers to attempt to influence foreign officials through personal payments


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 77) Which of the following statements about the "antibribing" legislation is incorrect? A. It outlaws the practice of bribing foreign government officialsB. It outlaws most payments to political party leadersC. Its provisions are much narrower than U.S. negotiators wantedD. It is a step in the direction of a more ethical and level playing field in global business


Difficulty: Easy 

45. (p. 78) As a way to prevent the shifting of corrupt practices to suppliers and intermediaries, the _____ standard was developed. A. OASB. FCPAC. TRACED. OECD


Difficulty: Easy 

46. (p. 77) Latin American countries have established the _____ Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, which entered into force in March 1997. A. OECDB. FCPAC. OASD. TRACE


Difficulty: Easy 

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47. (p. 78) Which of the following statements with to the Transparent Agents Against Contracting Entities (TRACE) is incorrect? A. It was developed after a review of the practices of 34 companiesB. It applies to business intermediariesC. It was developed as a way to prevent the shifting of corrupt practices to suppliers and intermediariesD. It was established by the Latin American companies


Difficulty: Easy 

48. (p. 73) NGOs that seek to promote ethical and socially responsible business practices are generating substantial changes in all of the following areas except A. Corporate managementB. Business developmentC. StrategyD. Corporate governance


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 74) Development that meets humanity's needs without harming future generations is termed as: A. Corporate responsibilityB. SustainabilityC. Social responsibilityD. Governance


Difficulty: Easy 

50. (p. 74) The United Nations chapter dedicated to the education, promotion, facilitation and advocacy of sustainable practices and environmentally sound concerns is called the: A. UNRWAB. UNIFEMC. UNODCD. UNEP


Difficulty: Easy 

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51. (p. 72) Which of the following MNCs announced in January 2004 that it would no longer finance certain projects in emerging markets identified by the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) as damaging to the environment? A. JPMorgan ChaseB. HSBCC. CitigroupD. Merrill Lynch


Difficulty: Medium 

52. (p. 72) All of the following are examples of NGOs except: A. Save the ChildrenB. CAREC. OECDD. Oxfam


Difficulty: Medium 

53. (p. 72) Identify the statement about NGOs that is false. A. Large global NGOs are active in all parts of the worldB. NGO activism has been responsible for minor changes in corporate behavior and governanceC. NGOs are regarded as a counterweight to business and global capitalismD. The force of NGOs has been felt in a range of major public policy debates


Difficulty: Easy 

54. (p. 72) According to the text, all the following companies have been criticized for actions portraying lack of social responsibility in developing countries except: A. NikeB. Levi'sC. ChiquitaD. Hewlett-Packard


Difficulty: Hard 

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55. (p. 73) Which of the following is likely to present an opportunity for MNCs to make a positive impact in developing countries? A. Low wage ratesB. Lax environmental standardsC. Adoption and exportation of best practicesD. Underdeveloped infrastructure


Difficulty: Hard 

56. (p. 73) Besides fighting unethical practices, another way to meet social responsibilities is to provide assistance to: A. Multinational companiesB. Cartel agreementsC. Top management stockholdersD. Underdeveloped countries


Difficulty: Easy 

57. (p. 73) The elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation is a principle of the Global Compact which applies to: A. Human rightsB. LaborC. EnvironmentD. Anticorruption


Difficulty: Easy 

58. (p. 73) ‘Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining' is a principle of the Global Compact which applies to: A. Human rightsB. AnticorruptionC. EnvironmentD. Labor


Difficulty: Easy 

Page 54: Practice Test[1]

59. (p. 75) The following countries have "outsider" systems of corporate governance except: A. The U.SB. CanadaC. The U.KD. Spain


Difficulty: Medium 

60. (p. 75) Corporate governance: A. Can be defined as the actions of a firm to benefit society beyond the requirements of the law and the direct interests of the firmB. Seeks to serve society's interests by focusing on social, political and economic issues such as poverty, social justice, education, health and the environmentC. Can be defined as the system by which business corporations are directed and controlledD. Can be defined as the development that meets humanity's needs without harming future generations


Difficulty: Easy 

61. (p. 75) The _____ specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs. A. Corporate governance structureB. Nongovernmental organizationsC. Foreign Corrupt Practices ActD. Rainforest Action Network


Difficulty: Easy 

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62. (p. 75) The U.K. and U.S. systems have been termed _____ systems because of dispersed ownership of corporate equity among a large number of external investors. A. "Cascade"B. "Hausbanken"C. "Outsider"D. "Insider"


Difficulty: Easy 

63. (p. 76) "Crony capitalism" describes business practices in countries with: A. Highly developed legal and institutional protectionsB. Market-oriented economic systemsC. Weak, concentrated corporate governanceD. Limited government interference


Difficulty: Medium 

64. (p. 75) The following regions are most associated with "crony capitalism" except: A. AsiaB. EuropeC. Latin AmericaD. Africa


Difficulty: Easy 

65. (p. 79) The eight Millennium Development goals are to be achieved by the year: A. 2010B. 2015C. 2040D. 2050


Difficulty: Easy 

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66. (p. 78) Which of the following is the most urgent need of developing countries? A. Accelerated industrializationB. Malnutrition and disease controlC. Enhanced college educationD. Institutional reform


Difficulty: Easy 

67. (p. 79) The Millennium Development goals constitute an ambitious agenda by the _____ to improve the human condition. A. UNB. WTOC. GATTD. EU


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 79) Which of the following constitutes an ambitious agenda to significantly improve the human condition by 2015? A. Human Right Act 1993B. The eight Millennium Development GoalsC. Foreign Corrupt Practices ActD. NAFTA


Difficulty: Easy 

69. (p. 79) Which of the following is not one of the eight Millennium Development goals? A. Reducing povertyB. Ensuring environmental sustainabilityC. Increasing life expectancyD. Eradicating discrimination against women


Difficulty: Easy 

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70. (p. 79) Which of the following is not one of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals? A. Eradicate extreme poverty and hungerB. Eradicate female infanticide in ChinaC. Reduce child mortalityD. Improve maternal health

Chapter 04 The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 108) The word "culture" comes form the Latin cultural, which is related to cult or worship. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

2. (p. 108) Culture is acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and generate social behavior. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

3. (p. 108) The characteristic transgenerational means that culture has structure and is integrated; a change in one part will bring changes in another. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

4. (p. 109) Although culture is an important variable in understanding international management, it falls well short of affecting how people think and behave. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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5. (p. 109) According to the text, in Japan, the top cultural priority is independence. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

6. (p. 110) Increasingly, individual rewards are an accepted norm in countries across the globe. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 113) A major dimension in the study of culture is values. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

8. (p. 114) In a study of the differences in work values across cultures, it was found that U.S. managers place high value on deference to superiors, on company commitment and on the cautious use of aggressiveness and control. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard 

9. (p. 114) George England found that personal value systems are relatively stable and do not change rapidly. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

Page 59: Practice Test[1]

10. (p. 116) Geert Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, tolerance for ambiguity and masculinity. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 116) Power distance is "the extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally". TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

12. (p. 117) Countries with low uncertainty-avoidance cultures have a great deal of structuring of organizational activities, more written rules, less risk-taking by managers, lower labor turnover and less ambitious employees. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard 

13. (p. 117) Masculinity is defined by Hofstede as "a situation in which the dominant values in society are success, money and things". TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 118) Cultures with a high masculinity index tend to favor earnings, advancement and challenge. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 122) According to the text, the most masculine country is Germany. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 123) Universalism is the belief that ideas and practices can be applied everywhere without modification. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 126) United Kingdom is considered a high-neutral culture. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 126) A specific culture is a culture in which both public and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 127) An achievement culture is a culture in which status is attributed based on who or what a person is. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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20. (p. 131) Results of the GLOBE project indicate that there are leader behaviors, attributes and organizational practices that are universally accepted and effective across cultures. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 107) Japanese firms tend to have a culture of deference which is supported by all of the following except A. the unwillingness of workers to report problems to their superiorsB. the unwillingness of workers to question their superiorsC. the unwillingness of workers to challenge what has been decidedD. the unwillingness of workers to be loyal to the firm


Difficulty: Easy 

22. (p. 18) Culture is: A. IndividualB. AcquiredC. InheritedD. Unstructured


Difficulty: Easy 

23. (p. 108) _____ is acquired knowledge that people use to interpret, experience and generate social behavior. A. EdificationB. CultureC. SymbolD. Cognition


Difficulty: Easy 

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24. (p. 108) All of the following are accurate descriptions of the main characteristics of culture except: A. Culture is inherited or biologically based; it is not acquired by learning and experienceB. People as members of a group, organization or society share culture; it is not specific to a single individualC. Culture is cumulative, passed down from one generation to the nextD. Culture is based on the human capacity to symbolize or use one thing to represent another


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 108) The following definitions accurately match their dimension of culture except: A. People as members of a group, organization or society share cultureB. Culture has structure and is integratedC. Culture is based on the human capacity to change or adaptD. Culture is cumulative, passed down from one generation to another


Difficulty: Medium 

26. (p. 109) Identify the handshake that does not accurately match the culture it is associated. A. Asian-gentleB. French-light and quickC. Latin America-moderate grasp; repeated frequentlyD. United States-soft


Difficulty: Easy 

27. (p. 109) Culturally, a German can be expected to have a _____ handshake. A. GentleB. Light and quickC. Brusk and firmD. Long and involved


Difficulty: Easy 

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28. (p. 109) According to the text, the highest cultural priority (or value) in the U.S. is considered as: A. Family securityB. BelongingC. FreedomD. Cooperation


Difficulty: Medium 

29. (p. 109) According to the text, the highest cultural priority (or value) in Japan is considered as: A. CooperationB. IndividualismC. Family securityD. Belonging


Difficulty: Medium 

30. (p. 110) If a culture encourages stability, it means that it: A. Is averse to formal proceduresB. Encourages innovationC. Is resistant to changeD. Focuses on short-term horizons


Difficulty: Medium 

31. (p. 110) If cultural norms do not give employees bonuses or commissions as a form of recognition, it means that the culture: A. Encourages stabilityB. Is informalC. Is high on organizational loyaltyD. Frowns upon individual rewards


Difficulty: Medium 

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32. (p. 110) In the graphic representation of the model of culture, the center or heart of culture is the: A. Explicit artifacts and products of the societyB. Norms and values that guide the societyC. Implicit, basic assumptions that guide people's behaviorD. History of a nation and the resulting norms of behavior


Difficulty: Hard 

33. (p. 111) Buildings and art are considered to be the _____ of a culture. A. Explicit artifacts and productB. Norms and valuesC. Formal valuesD. Basic assumptions that govern behavior


Difficulty: Medium 

34. (p. 111) All the following are true regarding business customs in South Africa except: A. Most South Africans prefer face-to-face interactionsB. First meetings are less about business and more about establishing a relationshipC. Appointments should be made as far in advance as possibleD. Female representatives may encounter condescending behavior or "tests" that would not be extended to male counterparts


Difficulty: Medium 

35. (p. 113) The U.S. cultural value that suggests that individuals can influence the future is reflected in which management function? A. goal setting and career developmentB. loyalty and commitmentC. career development and marketingD. planning and scheduling


Difficulty: Medium 

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36. (p. 113) _____ are basic convictions that people have regarding what is right and wrong, good and bad, important or unimportant. A. TenetsB. EdictsC. NormsD. Values


Difficulty: Easy 

37. (p. 113) Differences in work values have been found to reflect: A. Culture onlyB. Culture and educationC. Culture and industrializationD. Industrialization only


Difficulty: Easy 

38. (p. 113) Which of the following would be considered a typical U.S. cultural value? A. Competition leads to imbalances and disharmonyB. Withholding information to gain or maintain power is acceptableC. Competition stimulates high performanceD. Symbols and the process are more important than the end points


Difficulty: Medium 

39. (p. 113) Even though there are distinctions among organization cultures, research shows that managers from different countries often have: A. Same organization policiesB. Value similaritiesC. Class similaritiesD. Similar political views


Difficulty: Medium 

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40. (p. 114) According to a cross-cultural study of differences in work values, _____ managers place a high value on deference to superiors, on company commitment and on the cautious use of aggressiveness and control. A. U.SB. GermanC. FrenchD. Japanese


Difficulty: Medium 

41. (p. 114) According to a cross-cultural study of differences in work values, _____ managers place a high value on the tactful acquisition of influence and regard for others. A. ChineseB. GermanC. FrenchD. U.S


Difficulty: Medium 

42. (p. 114) According to a study conducted by England and Lee, all of the following are accurate descriptions of the similarities in cultural values across nations except: A. Although there are country differences in the relationship between values and success, findings across the four countries included in the study are quite similarB. It is evident that value patterns predict managerial success and could be used in selection and placement decisionsC. There is a relatively weak relationship between the level of success achieved by managers and their personal valuesD. The general pattern indicates that more successful managers appear to favor pragmatic, dynamic, achievement-oriented values, while less successful managers prefer more static and passive values


Difficulty: Medium 

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43. (p. 114) George England, a researcher in the area of culture and values, found that personal value systems are: A. Relatively stable and do not change rapidlyB. Relatively stable but change rapidlyC. Relatively unstable and change rapidlyD. Relatively unstable and do not change rapidly


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 115) Which of the following is an accurate values profile of successful U.S. managers? A. High moral orientation, highly individualistic and a strong focus on organization compliance and competenceB. Highly pragmatic, highly individualistic and strong achievement and competence orientationC. Highly pragmatic, high achievement and competence orientation, an emphasis on profit maximization, organizational efficiency and high productivityD. Highly pragmatic, strong emphasis on size and growth and high value on competence and achievement


Difficulty: Hard 

45. (p. 115) Which of the following is an accurate values profile of successful Japanese managers? A. Highly pragmatic, highly individualistic and strong achievement and competence orientationB. Highly pragmatic, strong emphasis on size and growth and high value on competence and achievementC. Highly pragmatic high achievement and competence orientation, an emphasis on profit maximization, organizational efficiency and high productivityD. High moral orientation, high humanistic orientation and low value on achievement, success, competition and risk


Difficulty: Hard 

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46. (p. 115) Identify common characteristics found between Australian and Indian managers. A. Both are highly individualisticB. Both are highly pragmaticC. Both have high moral orientationD. Both strongly lay emphasis on competition and risk


Difficulty: Hard 

47. (p. 114) Paternalism, measured by a manager's involvement in both personal and off-the-job problems of subordinates is very important in: A. The United StatesB. AustraliaC. JapanD. France


Difficulty: Easy 

48. (p. 116) According to Dutch researcher Geert Hofstede, there are four dimensions of culture. These are: A. Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinityB. Tolerance, group orientation, aggressiveness and forwardnessC. Group orientation, uncertainty avoidance, aggressiveness and masculinityD. Tolerance, power distance, individualism and aggressiveness


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 115) Confucianism, associated with China, does not lay emphasis on: A. Respect for authorityB. BalanceC. HarmonyD. Profit


Difficulty: Easy 

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50. (p. 116) _____ is "the extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations power is distributed unequally". A. Uncertainty avoidanceB. Individualism versus collectivismC. Tolerance versus intoleranceD. Power distance


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 116) Countries in which people blindly obey the orders of their superiors have a high: A. Uncertainty avoidanceB. Masculinity indexC. Power distanceD. Individualism index


Difficulty: Hard 

52. (p. 117) _____ is "the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these". A. Power distanceB. Uncertainty avoidanceC. Individualism versus collectivismD. Masculinity versus femininity


Difficulty: Medium 

53. (p. 117) Cultures with low _____ have people who are more willing to accept that risks are associated with the unknown and that life must go on in spite of this. A. Individualism versus collectivismB. Power distanceC. Uncertainty avoidanceD. Masculinity versus femininity


Difficulty: Hard 

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54. (p. 117) Hofstede's _____ dimension focused on the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family rather than the tendency to belong to groups to look after each other in exchange for loyalty. A. Individualism versus collectivismB. Masculinity versus femininityC. Uncertainty avoidanceD. Power distance


Difficulty: Medium 

55. (p. 117) Hofstede's _____ dimension looked at the relationship between gender and work roles. A. Power distanceB. Uncertainty avoidanceC. Masculinity versus femininityD. Individualism versus collectivism


Difficulty: Medium 

56. (p. 117) According to Hofstede, countries with a high _____ index, place great importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge. A. Power distanceB. MasculinityC. Uncertainty avoidanceD. Individualism


Difficulty: Hard 

57. (p. 118) Cultures with a low masculinity place great importance on conservation of the environment and tend to favor: A. Third world countriesB. Less developed countriesC. Underdeveloped countriesD. Small-scale enterprises


Difficulty: Hard 

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58. (p. 119) Countries that have high individualism and relatively low power distance show the following features: A. Prefer others to do things for themB. Are upset when others have more power than they doC. Are not upset when others have more power than they doD. Are collectivist in their approach


Difficulty: Medium 

59. (p. 119) Nations that are collectivist in their approach tend to be characterized by: A. Large power distance and low individualismB. Low power distance and high individualismC. Small power distance and weak uncertainty avoidanceD. Large power distance and weak uncertainty avoidance


Difficulty: Hard 

60. (p. 123) _____ is the belief that ideas and practices can be applied everywhere in the world without modification. A. ParticularismB. UniversalismC. CommunitarianismD. Individualism


Difficulty: Medium 

61. (p. 123) _____ is the belief that circumstances dictate how ideas and practices should be applied. A. UniversalismB. IndividualismC. CommunitarianismD. Particularism


Difficulty: Medium 

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62. (p. 124) In his early research, Trompenaars found that in countries such as the United States, Australia, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, there was high: A. ParticularismB. CommunitarianismC. UniversalismD. Specificism


Difficulty: Hard 

63. (p. 125) According to Trompenaars, _____ refers to people regarding themselves as individuals, while _____ refers to people regarding themselves as part of a group. A. Individualism; communitarianismB. Individualism; specificismC. Universalism; particularismD. Communitarianism; universalism


Difficulty: Easy 

64. (p. 126) A(n) _____ culture is one in which emotions are held in check. A. EmotionalB. BuoyantC. NeutralD. Specific


Difficulty: Medium 

65. (p. 126) A(n) _____ culture is one in which both public and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well. A. DiffuseB. NeutralC. EmotionalD. Specific


Difficulty: Medium 

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66. (p. 126) Austria, the United Kingdom, the United States and Switzerland are all _____ cultures. A. DiffuseB. SpecificC. EmotionalD. Neutral


Difficulty: Medium 

67. (p. 127) A(n) _____ culture is one in which people are accorded status based on how well they perform their functions. A. AchievementB. AscriptionC. DiffuseD. Specific


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 127) A(n) _____ culture is one in which status is attributed based on who or what a person is. A. DiffuseB. AscriptionC. SpecificD. Achievement


Difficulty: Medium 

69. (p. 131) Societal collectivism refers to the degree to which: A. Individuals express pride, loyalty and cohesiveness in their organizations or familiesB. Individuals in organizations or societies encourage and reward individuals for being fairC. Organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective actionD. Individuals in organizations or societies are confrontational


Difficulty: Medium 

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70. (p. 132) Under GLOBE analysis, which of the following countries were the most assertive? A. Spain and U.SB. Egypt and U.SC. Spain and IrelandD. Ireland and Sweden

Chapter 06 Organizational Cultures and Diversity Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 169) Regardless of the external environment or their national culture, managers and employees must understand and follow their organization's culture to be successful. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

2. (p. 169) Organizational culture is complex and cannot be defined as a set of norms regulating the behavior of the employees of a firm. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium

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3. (p. 169) Organizational culture is a pattern of shared basic assumptions that are developed by a group as it learns to cope with problems of external adaptation and internal integration; and it is taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to these problems. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

4. (p. 170) Hofstede's research found that the national cultural values of employees have an insignificant impact on their organizational performance and these values are easily changed by the organization. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

5. (p. 170) Andre Laurent's research found that cultural differences actually are more pronounced among foreign employees working within the same multinational organization than among personnel working for firms in their native lands. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

6. (p. 171) It has been found that when cultural comparisons were made between different subsidiaries of an MNC, nearly identical cultures typically existed within each one. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 174) Organizational cultures of MNCs are shaped by a number of factors, including the cultural preferences of the leaders and employees. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy

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8. (p. 176) Under this Eiffel Tower culture, jobs are well defined, employees know what they are supposed to do and everything is coordinated from the top. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

9. (p. 177) Guided missile organizational cultures generally are made up of cooperative project teams. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

10. (p. 178) Incubator culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the person. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 180) As firms began exporting to foreign clients, they became what Alder called "international corporations". TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

12. (p. 182) Among international firms, which focus on exporting and producing abroad, cultural diversity has a relatively weak impact on their external relationships with potential buyers and foreign employees. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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13. (p. 183) An example of a token group would be a group of male German bankers who are forecasting the economic outlook for a foreign investment. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 183) A bicultural group is a group in which two or more members represent each of two distinct cultures, such as four Mexicans and four Canadians who have formed a team to investigate the possibility of investing in a venture. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

15. (p. 183) As the diversity of a group increases, the likelihood of all members perceiving things in the same way increases sharply. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 183) An example of a token group is a group of three American, three German, three British and three Japanese managers who are looking into oil exploration opportunities in Russia. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 185) One main benefit of diversity is the generation of more and better ideas. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium

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18. (p. 185) A disadvantage of diversity is that it often leads to groupthink, which is social conformity and pressures on individual members of a group to conform and reach consensus. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 185) Multiculturally diverse teams have a great deal of potential to be either very effective or very ineffective. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

20. (p. 186) In the entry stage of group development, the focus is typically on decision making and implementation. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 167) To ensure good communication in global teams, managers should do all of the following except A. Hold an initial meeting in which all members introduce themselves and describe their jobsB. Hold regular meetings throughout the project to ensure everyone is "on the same page"C. Avoid the use of email, and use only video conferencing of telephone communication to avoid misunderstandingsD. Put the details of the project in writing


Difficulty: Medium

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22. (p. 168) To build trust among virtual team members, managers should A. Deep-six the egos and be friendlyB. Build a shared mythologyC. Avoid long lags in responding, unilateral priority shifts, and failure to follow up on commitmentsD. Keep the door open except when on private calls 

Difficulty: Medium 

23. (p. 168) Which of the following is not an advantage of virtual teams? A. They can reduce problems associated with personality conflictsB. They can keep a project moving around the clockC. They provide a competitive advantageD. They force managers to rely on subjective data when assessing team members' work


Difficulty: Medium 

24. (p. 168) When individuals join a multinational corporation they bring their national culture, which greatly affects all the following except: A. Learned beliefsB. EthnicityC. Attitudes and valuesD. Behaviors


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 169) PepsiCo, personnel are expected to be cheerful, positive, enthusiastic and have committed optimism. This is an example of: A. Being influenced by the external environmentB. Trying to "fit-in"C. A top-down form of managementD. Promoting community values


Difficulty: Medium 

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26. (p. 169) _____ is a pattern of basic assumptions that are developed by a group as it learns to cope with problems of external adaptation and internal integration and that are taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to these problems. A. Organizational cultureB. Organizational learningC. Organizational changeD. Organizational structure


Difficulty: Easy 

27. (p. 169) Rules that dictate the dos and don'ts of employee behavior relating to areas such as productivity, customer relations and intergroup cooperation, are characteristics associated with organizational: A. EthicsB. AmbienceC. CultureD. Structure


Difficulty: Medium 

28. (p. 169) Observed behavioral regularities are typified by the following except: A. Common languageB. TerminologyC. Customer relationsD. Rituals


Difficulty: Medium 

29. (p. 169) Organizational climate is reflected by: A. The degree of cooperation between management and employeesB. Common language, terminology and ritualsC. High product and service qualityD. The way participants interact with each other


Difficulty: Medium 

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30. (p. 169) Norms are reflected by things such as: A. Common language, terminology and ritualsB. How employees and customers should be treatedC. The amount of work to be doneD. By the way participants feel about the way they are treated by higher-level management


Difficulty: Easy 

31. (p. 170) A widely held belief that has not been found to be accurate is that organizational culture: A. Tends to erase the impact of national cultureB. Tends to be affected by national cultureC. Cannot easily change the cultural values employees bring to the workplaceD. Is different in different subsidiaries


Difficulty: Hard 

32. (p. 170) When UpJohn Company merged with Pharamcia AB, problems emerged forcing the partners to meet and talk about their cultural differences. This is an example which illustrates that: A. Organizational culture clashes often occur when partners do not fully understand the culture of the new partnerB. There often are substantial differences between the organizational cultures of different subsidiaries and of course, this can cause coordination problemsC. Organizational culture tends to moderate or erase the impact of national cultureD. Companies deliberately maintain distinct business cultures because they do not want one culture influencing the other


Difficulty: Medium

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33. (p. 172) Which of the following shows the identity dimension of corporate culture? A. To put the demands of the job before the needs of the individualB. To put the needs of the individual before the needs of the jobC. To identify with and uphold the expectations of the employing organizationsD. To strive for accuracy and attention to detail


Difficulty: Hard 

34. (p. 172) Which of the following would be associated with the dimension of pragmatic conduct? A. To put the expertise and standards of the employing organization firstB. To put the demands and expectations of the customers firstC. To comply with clear and definite systemsD. To pursue clear aims and objectives


Difficulty: Hard 

35. (p. 173) The United Kingdom shows the following characteristics regarding the corporate dimension: A. AdministrativeB. IndustrialC. PragmaticD. Commercial


Difficulty: Medium 

36. (p. 173) ‘Dirigiste' is used to describe the _____ dimension. A. EconomicsB. PhilosophicalC. CulturalD. Structural


Difficulty: Easy 

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37. (p. 172) Which of the following sets of characteristics is typical of French negotiators? A. Look for a meeting of people, social competence is very important, persuasion through emotional appeal is employedB. Trust is developed on the basis of frequent and warm interpersonal contact and transactionC. A contract is viewed as a long-lasting relationship, socialization always precedes negotiations, which are characterized by an exchange of grand ideas and general principles, social competence is very importantD. Look for a meeting of minds, intellectual competence is very important and a contract is viewed as a well-reasoned transaction


Difficulty: Hard 

38. (p. 175) There are three aspects of organizational functions that seem to be especially important in determining an MNC's organizational culture. These are: A. The general views that employees hold about the MNC's purpose, destiny, goals and their places in them; the age of the organization; and the degree of cultural diversity among the members of the organizationB. The general relationship between the managers and rank-and-file employees in the organization; the degree of cultural diversity among the members of the organization; and the hierarchical system of authority that defines the roles of managers and subordinatesC. The degree of cultural diversity among the members of the organization; the age of the organization; and the strength of the organization's leadershipD. The general relationship between the employees and their organization; the hierarchical system of authority that defines the roles of managers and subordinates; and the general views that employees hold about the MNC's purpose, destiny, goals and their places in them


Difficulty: Hard 

39. (p. 175) The following are the steps outlined by Numeroff and Abrahams used during mergers and acquisitions except: A. Establishing the purpose, goal and focus of the mergerB. Developing mechanisms to identify the least important organizational structures and management rolesC. Determining who has authority over the resources needed for getting things doneD. Identifying the expectations of all involved parties and facilitate communication


Difficulty: Medium 

Page 84: Practice Test[1]

40. (p. 176) _____ culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the person. A. FamilyB. Eiffel TowerC. IncubatorD. Guided missile


Difficulty: Medium 

41. (p. 175) _____ culture is a project-oriented culture. A. FamilyB. Eiffel TowerC. Guided missileD. Incubator


Difficulty: Medium 

42. (p. 176) Trompenaars found that a(n) _____ organizational culture is common in countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela, China, Hong Kong and Singapore. A. Eiffel TowerB. FamilyC. Guided missileD. Incubator


Difficulty: Medium 

43. (p. 176) When it works well, the _____ culture can catalyze and multiply the energies of the personnel and appeal to their deepest feelings and aspirations. A. IncubatorB. Guided missileC. Eiffel TowerD. Family


Difficulty: Medium 

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44. (p. 176) The family culture is foreign to most in: A. ChinaB. United StatesC. VenezuelaD. Turkey


Difficulty: Medium 

45. (p. 176) _____ culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the task. A. IncubatorB. FamilyC. Guided missileD. Eiffel Tower


Difficulty: Medium 

46. (p. 176) Under a(n) _____ culture, jobs are well defined, employees know what they are supposed to do and everything is coordinated from the top. A. Guided missileB. FamilyC. Eiffel TowerD. Incubator


Difficulty: Medium 

47. (p. 177) Eiffel Tower cultures are most commonly found in: A. Northwestern European countries, such as Germany, Denmark and FranceB. Asian countries, such as Taiwan, South Korea and JapanC. South American countries, such as Brazil, Argentina and ChileD. North Atlantic countries, such as England, Ireland and Canada


Difficulty: Hard 

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48. (p. 177) _____ culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on equality in the workplace and orientation to the task. A. Guided missileB. FamilyC. IncubatorD. Eiffel Tower


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 177) The _____ organizational culture is oriented to work, which typically is undertaken by teams or project groups. A. FamilyB. IncubatorC. Guided missileD. Eiffel Tower


Difficulty: Easy 

50. (p. 178) A(n) _____ organizational culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on equality and orientation to the person. A. IncubatorB. Eiffel TowerC. FamilyD. Guided missile


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 178) _____ cultures often create environments where participants thrive in an intense, emotional commitment to the nature of the work. A. Eiffel TowerB. FamilyC. Guided missileD. Incubator


Difficulty: Medium 

Page 87: Practice Test[1]

52. (p. 178) Change in the incubator culture is: A. Slow and calculatedB. Almost non-existentC. Moderate and methodologicalD. Fast and spontaneous


Difficulty: Medium 

53. (p. 179) Which of the following describes the "relationships between employees" in a family corporate culture? A. Diffuse relationships to organic whole to which one is bondedB. Specific role in mechanical system of required interactionC. Specific tasks in cybernetic system targeted on shared objectivesD. Diffuse, spontaneous relationships growing out of shared creative process


Difficulty: Medium 

54. (p. 179) Which of the following describes the "attitude toward authority" in an Eiffel Tower corporate culture? A. Status is achieved by individuals exemplifying creativity and growthB. Status is achieved by project group members who contribute to a targeted goalC. Status is ascribed to superior roles that are distant yet powerfulD. Status is ascribed to parent figures that are close and powerful


Difficulty: Hard 

55. (p. 179) Which of the following describes the "ways of thinking and learning" in a guided missile culture? A. Process oriented, creative, ad hoc, inspirationalB. Problem centered, professional, practical, cross-disciplinaryC. Logical, analytical, vertical and rationally efficientD. Intuitive, holistic, lateral and error-correcting


Difficulty: Hard 

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56. (p. 180) As firms begin exporting to foreign clients and become what Alder calls "international corporations", they must: A. Increase the standardization of products and servicesB. Adapt their products but not their approach to those of the local marketC. Adapt their approach and products to those of the local marketD. Adapt their approach but not their products to those of the local market


Difficulty: Medium 

57. (p. 181) The following deal with largest, global markets: A. International CorporationsB. Domestic CorporationsC. Global CorporationsD. Multinational Corporations


Difficulty: Medium 

58. (p. 181) As companies become what Alder calls "multinational firms", they often find that _____ tends to dominate all other considerations and the direct impact of culture may lessen slightly. A. QualityB. ServiceabilityC. DurabilityD. Price


Difficulty: Medium 

59. (p. 181) According to Adler, the primary orientation of a global firm is: A. StrategyB. PriceC. MarketD. Product or service


Difficulty: Easy 

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60. (p. 182) Global firms need: A. Neither an internal nor an external diversity focusB. Both an internal and an external diversity focusC. An internal but not an external diversity focusD. An external but not an internal diversity focus


Difficulty: Medium 

61. (p. 178) A _____ group is a group that is characterized by members who share similar backgrounds and generally perceive, interpret and evaluate events in similar ways. A. MulticulturalB. BiculturalC. TokenD. Homogeneous


Difficulty: Easy 

62. (p. 183) A _____ group is a group in which all members but one have the same background, such as a group of Japanese retailers and a British attorney. A. TokenB. MulticulturalC. BiculturalD. Homogeneous


Difficulty: Easy 

63. (p. 183) A _____ group is a group in which two or more members represent each of two distinct cultures, such as four Mexicans and four Taiwanese who have formed a team to investigate the possibility of investing in a venture. A. MulticulturalB. BiculturalC. TokenD. Homogeneous


Difficulty: Easy 

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64. (p. 183) A _____ group is a group in which there are individuals from three or more different ethnic backgrounds, such as three U.S., three German, three Uruguayan and three Chinese managers who are looking into mining operations in South America. A. HomogeneousB. TokenC. MulticulturalD. Bicultural


Difficulty: Medium 

65. (p. 183) Which of the following is an example of a multicultural group? A. A group of male German bankers are forecasting the economic outlook for a foreign investmentB. A group of Japanese retailers and a British attorney are looking into the benefits and shortcomings of setting up operations in BermudaC. A group of four Mexicans and four Canadians have formed a team to investigate the possibility of investing in RussiaD. A group of three Americans, three Germans, three Uruguayan and three Chinese managers are looking into mining operations in Chile


Difficulty: Hard 

66. (p. 185) The benefits or advantages of culturally diverse groups include the following except: A. Enhanced creativityB. Improved decision-makingC. Increased effectiveness of organization performanceD. Glass-ceiling protection


Difficulty: Medium 

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67. (p. 185) When _____ occurs, group participants believe that their ideas and actions are correct and that those who disagree with them are either uninformed or deliberately trying to sabotage their efforts. A. Group cognitive inertiaB. Group reverse vigilanceC. GroupthinkD. Static decision-making


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 186) Multicultural teams are most effective when they face tasks requiring: A. Cost-cuttingB. ConfidentialityC. The application of routine technologiesD. Innovativeness


Difficulty: Medium 

69. (p. 186) In the _____ stage of group development, the focus should be on building trust and developing team cohesion. A. EntryB. WorkC. ActionD. Reflection


Difficulty: Medium 

70. (p. 186) In the _____ stage of group development, attention may be directed more toward describing and analyzing the problem or task that has been assigned. A. EntryB. WorkC. ActionD. Reflection

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Chapter 07 Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 195) Communication is the process of transferring meanings from sender to receiver. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

2. (p. 195) The information that surrounds a communication and helps convey the message is termed as context. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

3. (p. 195) In low-context societies, messages are often highly coded and implicit. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

4. (p. 196) The personal communication style is often associated with high power distance, collective, high-context cultures. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

5. (p. 196) In high-context societies, the succinct style of communication is very common. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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6. (p. 196) The exacting communication style focuses on precision and the use of the right amount of words to convey the message. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 197) The affective communication style is characterized by language, which requires the listener to carefully note what is being said and to observe how the sender is presenting the message. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

8. (p. 196) The instrumental style of communication is more commonly found in individualistic, low-context cultures such as the United States. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 199) The primary purpose of downward communication flow is to provide feedback, ask questions or obtain assistance from higher-level management. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

10. (p. 201) Upward communication is the transfer of information from subordinate to superior. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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11. (p. 203) Written communication has been getting increased attention, because poor writing is proving to be a greater barrier than poor talking. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

12. (p. 209) The area of communication that deals with conveying messages through the use of eye contact and gaze is referred to as kinesics. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

13. (p. 209) Timing and pauses within verbal behavior are one of the many common forms of nonverbal communication. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 210) Communicating through the use of written means is referred to as haptics. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

15. (p. 210) Proxemics is the study of communication through body movement and facial expressions. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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16. (p. 212) The personal and impersonal systems of feedback help affiliates keep their home office aware of progress and, in turn, help the home office monitor and control affiliate performance as well as set goals and standards. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

17. (p. 215) Negotiation often follows assessing political risk and can be used as an approach to conflict management. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 216) The interpersonal relationship building phase of the negotiation process is considered by many to be the most important. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 220) Time limits cannot be used tactically if the negotiators meet at a neutral site. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

20. (p. 222) When negotiators make a definitive decision before engaging in discussion, they may soon find out that the terms never even surface. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium  

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Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 195) Communication is the process of: A. Transferring meanings from sender to receiverB. Choosing a course of action among alternativesC. Giving teams the resources they need to develop ideas and effectively implement themD. Using reports and other written forms to control business operations


Difficulty: Easy 

22. (p. 956) _____ is the information that surrounds a communication and helps convey the message. A. ContingencyB. StipulationC. ContextD. Circumstance


Difficulty: Easy 

23. (p. 195) Messages are implicit and often highly coded in: A. Low-context societiesB. Moderate-context societiesC. High-context societiesD. Variable-context societies


Difficulty: Medium 

24. (p. 195) In terms of communication styles, which of the following countries has a low-context society? A. The United StatesB. JapanC. ItalyD. Arab countries


Difficulty: Medium 

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25. (p. 195) In terms of communication styles, which of the following countries has a high-context society? A. GermanyB. ScandinaviaC. CanadaD. Japan


Difficulty: Medium 

26. (p. 196) Researchers have found that the contextual style is often associated with: A. Low-power distance, collective, high-context culturesB. Low-power distance, individualistic, high-context culturesC. High-power distance, individualistic, low-context culturesD. High-power distance, collective, high-context cultures


Difficulty: Medium 

27. (p. 197) The three degrees of communication quantity are: A. Elaborate, exacting and succinctB. Precise, imprecise and elaborateC. Succinct, affective and preciseD. Coarse, precise and elaborate


Difficulty: Medium 

28. (p. 197) In high-context societies, the _____ style of communication is common. A. ExactingB. ElaborateC. SuccinctD. Compact


Difficulty: Medium 

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29. (p. 197) Which style of communication focuses on precision and the use of the right amount of words to convey the message? A. CoarseB. SuccinctC. ElaborateD. Exacting


Difficulty: Medium 

30. (p. 197) This communication style is most common in Asia where people tend to say few words and allow understatements, pauses and silence to convey meaning. A. SuccinctB. ExactingC. CoarseD. Elaborate


Difficulty: Medium 

31. (p. 197) Which style of communication focuses on the speaker and relationship of the parties? A. PersonalB. ContextualC. IndividualD. Indigenous


Difficulty: Medium 

32. (p. 197) This style of communication focuses on the speaker and the reduction of barriers between the parties. A. PersonalB. ContextualC. AffectiveD. Instrumental


Difficulty: Medium 

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33. (p. 197) In contrast to the contextual style, the personal style is more popular in: A. Low-power distance, collective, high-context culturesB. Low-power distance, individualistic, low-context culturesC. High-power distance, individualistic, low-context culturesD. High-power distance, collective, high-context cultures


Difficulty: Medium 

34. (p. 197) Identify the country which has a low-power-distance, individualistic, low-context culture. A. The United StatesB. JapanC. GhanaD. India


Difficulty: Medium 

35. (p. 199) This style of communication is characterized by language, which requires the listener to carefully note what is being said and to observe how the sender is presenting the message. A. InstrumentalB. ConductiveC. AffectiveD. Facilitating


Difficulty: Medium 

36. (p. 199) The transmission of information from manager to subordinate is referred to as: A. Lateral communicationB. Upward communicationC. Downward communicationD. Horizontal communication


Difficulty: Easy 

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37. (p. 201) _____ communication is the transfer of information from subordinate to superior. A. UpwardB. LateralC. DownwardD. Horizontal


Difficulty: Easy 

38. (p. 201) The primary purpose of subordinate-initiated _____ communication is to provide feedback, ask questions or obtain assistance from higher-level management. A. LateralB. HorizontalC. UpwardD. Downward


Difficulty: Easy 

39. (p. 202) Many multinational corporations use _____ as the common language for international communication. A. FrenchB. EnglishC. SpanishD. Japanese


Difficulty: Easy 

40. (p. 209) The nonverbal method of communicating through the use of eye contact and gaze is: A. ProxemicsB. HapticsC. OculesicsD. Chronemics


Difficulty: Medium 

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41. (p. 210) Communicating through the use of bodily contact is known as: A. ProxemicsB. OculesicsC. ChronemicsD. Haptics


Difficulty: Easy 

42. (p. 210) The gesture of putting the thumb and index finger together to form an "O" as the sign for "okay" in the United States is an example of: A. ChromaticsB. HapticsC. ChronemicsD. Proxemics


Difficulty: Medium 

43. (p. 210) This is the study of the way people use physical space to convey messages. A. ProxemicsB. HapticsC. KinesicsD. Chronemics


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 210) Which of the following is used for communicating very confidential communication? A. Social distanceB. Public distanceC. Personal distanceD. Intimate distance


Difficulty: Easy 

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45. (p. 210) Which of the following "distances" is used for talking with family and close friends? A. IntimateB. SocialC. PersonalD. Public


Difficulty: Easy 

46. (p. 210) In communicating on a face-to-face basis, _____ distance is used to handle most business transactions. A. SocialB. PublicC. PersonalD. Intimate


Difficulty: Easy 

47. (p. 210) _____ distance is used when calling across the room or giving a talk to a group. A. PersonalB. PublicC. IntimateD. Social


Difficulty: Easy 

48. (p. 210) Office layout is a good example of: A. ProxemicsB. HapticsC. OculesicsD. Kinesics


Difficulty: Medium 

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49. (p. 211) The way in which time is used in a culture is referred to as: A. OculesicsB. ChronemicsC. ProxemicsD. Kinesics


Difficulty: Medium 

50. (p. 211) A monochronic time schedule is one in which: A. Things are done in a linear fashionB. People tend to do several things at the same time irrespective of the amount of work involvedC. People tend to place higher value on personal involvement than on getting things done on timeD. Things are done in a planar manner


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 211) Chromatics: A. Is the use of sound to communicate messagesB. Is the use of symbols to communicate messagesC. Is the use of gestures to communicate messagesD. Is the use of color to communicate messages


Difficulty: Medium 

52. (p. 211) In the United States, it is common to wear black when one is in mourning, while in some locations in India people wear white when they are in mourning. This is an example of: A. ChronemicsB. ChromaticsC. ProxemicsD. Haptics


Difficulty: Medium 

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53. (p. 215) Which of the following is a persuasion tool generally used by the Japanese during negotiations? A. Time pressureB. Intergroup connectionsC. HospitalityD. Emphasis on family


Difficulty: Hard 

54. (p. 214) In which of the following countries do people like to be greeted by their title? A. GermanyB. JapanC. MexicoD. Arab countries


Difficulty: Medium 

55. (p. 215) The process of bargaining with one or more parties for the purpose of arriving at a solution that is acceptable to all is: A. NegotiationB. ConflictC. CompromiseD. Arbitration


Difficulty: Easy 

56. (p. 215) All of the following are true of negotiation except: A. It is used in creating joint ventures with local firms and in getting the operation off the groundB. It is a learnable skill that is imperative for the international manager but not for the domestic managerC. It often follows assessing political riskD. It can be used as an approach to conflict management


Difficulty: Medium 

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57. (p. 216) Integrative negotiation: A. Occurs when two parties with opposing goals compete over a set valueB. Involves cooperation between the two groups to integrate interests, create value and invest in the agreementC. Focuses on the individual relationships and is based on a short-term interactionD. Is sometimes called a win-lose situation


Difficulty: Medium 

58. (p. 215) Distributive negotiation: A. Occurs when two parties with opposing goals compete over a set valueB. Focuses on the group and is based on long-term interactionC. Is sometimes called a win-win scenarioD. Involves cooperation between the two groups to integrate interests, create value and invest in the agreement


Difficulty: Medium 

59. (p. 216) The first step in the negotiation process is: A. Interpersonal relationship buildingB. PlanningC. Exchanging task-related informationD. Persuasion


Difficulty: Medium 

60. (p. 216) In the context of negotiations, _____ starts with the negotiators identifying those objectives they would like to attain. A. PlanningB. Interpersonal relationship buildingC. Exchanging task-related informationD. Persuasion


Difficulty: Easy 

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61. (p. 217) In which step of the negotiation process does each group set forth its position on critical issues? A. PersuasionB. Exchanging task-related informationC. Interpersonal relationship buildingD. Planning


Difficulty: Medium 

62. (p. 217) Which of the following steps in the negotiation process is considered by many to be the most important? A. Interpersonal relationship buildingB. PlanningC. Exchanging task-related informationD. Persuasion


Difficulty: Medium 

63. (p. 217) The final step in the negotiation process is: A. The persuasion phaseB. Interpersonal relationship buildingC. The agreement phaseD. Exchanging task-related information


Difficulty: Easy 

64. (p. 218) In the context of negotiation, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner have noted that U.S. negotiators: A. Tend to open negotiations with an extreme initial positionB. Tend to use an emotional appeal in their negotiation styleC. Typically have authority to bind their party to an agreementD. Treat deadlines as only general guidelines for wrapping up negotiations


Difficulty: Medium 

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65. (p. 218) Research by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner shows that Arab negotiators: A. Tend to open negotiations with a neutral initial positionB. Analyze things subjectively and treat deadlines as only general guidelines for wrapping up negotiationsC. Do not believe in making concessions and never reciprocate an opponent's concessionsD. Never use an emotional appeal in their negotiation style


Difficulty: Medium 

66. (p. 220) Which of the following places would be the best neutral site for a Chilean firm carrying on negotiations with a German firm? A. SantiagoB. MunichC. BerlinD. New York City


Difficulty: Medium 

67. (p. 221) Which of the following is not a principle advocated by Fisher and Ury, authors of the book Getting to Yes, to help avoid disasters while negotiating for mutual benefit? A. Separate the people from the problemB. Focus on positions rather than interestsC. Generate a variety of options before settling on an agreementD. Insist that the agreement be based on objective criteria


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 223) In the context of negotiations, all of the following is true of a neutral third party except: A. He/she can be bought in to assess the desires of each sideB. He/she can compose an initial proposalC. He/she has the last word in what the true "final draft" isD. He/she has the right to force the parties to the negotiation to accept its proposal


Difficulty: Medium 

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69. (p. 223) All of the following are true of an extreme bargaining position except: A. It shows the other party that the bargainer will not be exploitedB. It extends the negotiation and gives the bargainer a better opportunity to gain information on the opponentC. It lets the bargainer gain less than would probably be possible if a more extreme initial position had been takenD. It modifies the opponent's beliefs about the bargainer's preferences


Difficulty: Hard 

70. (p. 224) Research conducted by John L. Graham shows that during a buyer-seller negotiation simulation: A. Brazilians use a discussion of rewards and commands less than AmericansB. Brazilians use self-disclosures more than the AmericansC. Americans make first offers that have equal profit levels as their opponentsD. Americans make more use of commands than their Japanese counterparts

Chapter 08 Strategy Formulation and Implementation Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 271) Strategic management is required to keep track of increasingly diversified operations in a continuously changing international environment. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

2. (p. 273) There is definitive evidence that strategic planning in the international arena always results in higher profitability. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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3. (p. 273) Many MNCs are convinced that strategic planning is critical to their success and these efforts are being conducted both at the home office and in the subsidiaries. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

4. (p. 273) MNCs that focus on the political imperative employ a worldwide strategy based on cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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5. (p. 273) An economic imperative approach to strategic planning is used when a product is regarded as a generic good and therefore does not have to be sold based on name brand. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

6. (p. 275) TQM covers the full gamut, from strategy formulation to implementation. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

7. (p. 277) A bureaucratic coordination approach to formulation and implementation is one in which the MNC makes strategic decisions based on the merits of the individual situation. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

8. (p. 277) National responsiveness is the need to understand different consumer tastes in segmented regional markets and respond to different national standards and regulations imposed by autonomous agencies. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 277) To a growing extent, the customers of MNCs have heterogeneous tastes and this has helped to spread international consumerism. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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10. (p. 278) When the need for national responsiveness is low and the need for global integration is high, a global strategy is appropriate. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 279) When the need for national responsiveness is high and the need for global integration is high, a multi-domestic strategy is appropriate. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard 

12. (p. 279) International strategies are characterized by increased international standardization of products and services. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

13. (p. 280) Strategy formulation attempts to provide management with accurate forecasts of trends that relate to external changes in geographic areas where the firm is currently doing business. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

14. (p. 282) External resource analysis helps the firm to evaluate its current financial strengths and weaknesses. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 284) Profitability and marketing goals almost always dominate the strategic plans of today's multinational corporations. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 284) Firms that have done well domestically with a product usually have done so because the competition is effective. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 285) In choosing a location, today's MNC has two primary considerations: the country and the specific locale within the chosen country. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 286) In selecting a geographic location to operate, Japanese firms favor heavily unionized areas. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 290) In emerging economies undergoing rapid changes such as privatization, governments have generally been apprehensive and uncooperative with MNCs. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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20. (p. 296) The term "born global" is used for firms that engage in significant international activity a short time after being established. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 271) The process of determining an organization's basic mission and long-term objectives and then implementing a plan of action for attaining these goals is: A. Strategic managementB. Tactical managementC. Contingency managementD. Functional management


Difficulty: Easy 

22. (p. 272) Ford Motor's strategic plan in Thailand is based on: A. Offering the right price and productB. Offering the right combination of price and financing to a carefully identified market segmentC. Offering the right combination of price and financing to all market segmentsD. Offering the right financing only


Difficulty: Medium 

23. (p. 272) Honda and General Motors have both built plants in Thailand to take advantage of A. Demand and low delivery costsB. Strategic pricingC. New technologies and low wagesD. Tax incentives and demand


Difficulty: Medium 

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24. (p. 273) According to the text, strategic planning helps MNCs to do all of the following except: A. Coordinate and monitor its far-flung operationsB. Deal with political risksC. Determine performanceD. Get higher profitability


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 273) A worldwide strategy based on cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation is referred to as the: A. Economic imperativeB. Political imperativeC. Quality imperativeD. Administrative coordination strategy


Difficulty: Easy 

26. (p. 273) These individuals are the key to stimulating profit growth within a company. A. SupervisorsB. Middle managersC. First-line managersD. Top managers


Difficulty: Medium 

27. (p. 273) Companies that pursue this strategy typically sell products for which a large portion of value is added in the upstream activities of the industry's value chain. A. Quality imperativeB. Political imperativeC. Economic imperativeD. Administrative coordination


Difficulty: Medium 

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28. (p. 274) MNCs using the _____ approach to strategic planning are country-responsive; their approach is designed to protect local market niches. A. Administrative coordination strategyB. Economic imperativeC. Quality imperativeD. Political imperative


Difficulty: Easy 

29. (p. 274) The products sold by MNCs pursuing this approach often have a large portion of their value added in the downstream activities of the value chain. A. Political imperativeB. Cost imperativeC. Quality imperativeD. Economic imperative


Difficulty: Medium 

30. (p. 274) Typically, MNCs utilizing this approach to strategic planning use a country-centered or multi-domestic strategy. A. Quality imperativeB. Administrative coordinationC. Political imperativeD. Economic imperative


Difficulty: Medium 

31. (p. 275) The approach to strategic formulation and implementation utilizing strategies of TQM to meet or exceed customers' expectations and continuously improve products and/or services is referred to as the: A. Value-added imperativeB. Quality imperativeC. Political imperativeD. Economic imperative


Difficulty: Easy 

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32. (p. 275-276) All of the following are characteristics of TQM except: A. Quality is operationalized by meeting or exceeding customer expectationsB. The quality strategy is formulated by the front-line employees and is diffused throughout the organizationC. Everyone from top executives to hourly employees operates under a TQM strategy of delivering quality products/services to internal and external customersD. TQM techniques range from traditional inspection and statistical quality control to cutting-edge human resource management techniques


Difficulty: Hard 

33. (p. 277) This approach to formulation and implementation is one in which the MNC makes strategic decisions based on the merits of the individual situation rather than using a predetermined economic or political strategy. A. Administrative coordinationB. Bureaucratic coordinationC. Value-addedD. Functional


Difficulty: Easy 

34. (p. 277) _____ is the production and distribution of products and services of a homogeneous type and quality on a worldwide basis. A. Global integrationB. NationalismC. Cross-border integrationD. Market standardization


Difficulty: Easy 

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35. (p. 277) The need to understand the different consumer tastes in segmented regional markets and respond to different national standards and regulations imposed by autonomous governments and agencies is: A. Global integrationB. International entrepreneurshipC. National responsivenessD. Statutory compliance


Difficulty: Easy 

36. (p. 279) This strategy is appropriate when the need for national responsiveness is low and the need for globalization integration is high. A. InternationalB. Multi-domesticC. GlobalD. Transnational


Difficulty: Medium 

37. (p. 279) When the need for national responsiveness is high and the need for global integration is also high, this strategy is appropriate. A. TransnationalB. GlobalizationC. InternationalD. Multi-domestic


Difficulty: Medium 

38. (p. 279) When the need for national responsiveness is high and the need for global integration is low, a(n) _____ strategy is appropriate. A. TransnationalB. Multi-domesticC. InternationalD. Globalization


Difficulty: Medium 

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39. (p. 279) When the need for national responsiveness is low and the need for global integration is also low, which of the following strategies would be appropriate? A. GlobalizationB. TransnationalC. InternationalD. Multi-domestic


Difficulty: Medium 

40. (p. 279) Which foreign marketing strategy is characterized by niche companies that adapt their products to satisfy the high demands of differentiation and ignore economies of scale because integration is not very important? A. Multi-domesticB. InternationalC. GlobalizationD. Transnational


Difficulty: Hard 

41. (p. 279) Which of the following strategies has the highest need for integration and differentiation? A. National responsivenessB. GlobalizationC. InternationalD. Transnational


Difficulty: Medium 

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42. (p. 281) _____ attempts to provide management with accurate forecasts of trends that relate to external changes in geographic areas where the firm is currently doing business or considering setting up operations. A. Environmental scanningB. Functional scanningC. Tactical scanningD. Operational scanning


Difficulty: Easy 

43. (p. 281) One of the most important foci in _____ is the market and includes the role of all potential competitors and the relationships surrounding those competitors, such as affiliation with one another or the connection between the company and its customers and suppliers. A. Strategy implementationB. Goal formulationC. Environmental scanningD. Internal resource analysis


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 282) The strategic planning process that helps a firm evaluate its current managerial, technical, material and financial strengths and weaknesses is: A. Environmental scanningB. Operational analysisC. Internal resource analysisD. Tactical analysis


Difficulty: Medium 

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45. (p. 282) This analysis identifies the key factors for success that will dictate how well the firm is likely to do. A. ExternalB. InternalC. CompetitiveD. Market


Difficulty: Medium 

46. (p. 282) A key success factor is a factor that is necessary for a firm to compete effectively in a(n): A. International marketB. Highly-restricted marketC. Market nicheD. Broad market domain


Difficulty: Medium 

47. (p. 284) According to the text, which of the following sets of goals almost always dominate the strategic plans of today's MNCs? A. Quality and cost controlB. Finance and operationsC. Accounting and R&DD. Profitability and marketing


Difficulty: Medium 

48. (p. 284) Once strategic goals are set, an MNC will develop specific _____ goals and controls, usually through a two-way process at the subsidiary or affiliate level. A. BureaucraticB. OperationalC. StrategicD. Contingency


Difficulty: Medium 

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49. (p. 284) The process of providing goods and services in accord with a plan of action is: A. Strategy implementationB. Strategy formulationC. Strategy controlD. Strategy contingency


Difficulty: Easy 

50. (p. 284) An MNC must consider all of the following general areas in strategy implementation except: A. Management must implement functional strategies in areas such as marketingB. It should consider investing only in advanced nationsC. It must carry out entry and ownership strategiesD. It must decide where to locate operations


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 285) A primary consideration for an MNC in investing in a foreign country would be a decision based on: A. Corporate cultureB. Business ethicsC. Specific localeD. Operating norms


Difficulty: Medium 

52. (p. 285) Opportunities to increase market share through increased sales of goods and services result in MNCs investing into: A. Advanced industrialized countriesB. Bribes and kickbacksC. Corporate culturesD. Syndicate operations


Difficulty: Easy 

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53. (p. 286) All of the following act as disincentives for MNCs except: A. Restrictions on profit repatriationB. Controls on the transfer of technologyC. Export maximums for generating foreign currencyD. Limits on local market growth


Difficulty: Medium 

54. (p. 286) A multinational firm's choice of a locale is affected by all of the following factors except: A. Desirability of the location for employeesB. The number of market shares invested in their home countryC. Proximity to competitorsD. Nature of the workforce


Difficulty: Medium 

55. (p. 288) For products like computers, Japanese firms: A. Move from their home market directly into fully developed countries and then on to the newly developing nationsB. Move from their home market directly into developing nations and then on to developed marketsC. Go only to developed countries to market productsD. Go only to developing countries to market products


Difficulty: Medium 

56. (p. 288) The implementation of a marketing strategy in international areas is built around the well-known "four Ps". These are: A. Place of origin, price, productive life and productB. Promotion, price, production method and productive lifeC. Product, price, promotion and placeD. Place of origin, production method, price and people


Difficulty: Easy 

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57. (p. 289) If a firm operates production plants in different countries but makes no attempt to integrate its overall operations, the company is known as a: A. Multi-domesticB. GlobalC. TransnationalD. International


Difficulty: Easy 

58. (p. 288) MNCs have found that whether they are exporting or producing the goods locally in the host country, consideration of worldwide production is important. All of the following are factors to be taken into consideration except: A. Goods may be produced in foreign countries for export to other nationsB. A plant will specialize in a particular product and export it to all the MNC's marketsC. A plant will produce goods for many localesD. A plant will produce one or more components that are shipped to a larger network of assembly plants


Difficulty: Hard 

59. (p. 290) To respond to risks in emerging markets, MNCs must do all of the following except: A. Limiting equity investmentsB. Avoiding joint venturesC. Collaborating with a local partnerD. Encouraging shared ownership structures


Difficulty: Medium 

60. (p. 290) When market liberalization is delayed: A. It gives first movers a significant advantage over later entrantsB. First movers get clear, significant advantages in transitional marketsC. It gives later entrants a significant advantage over first moversD. Substantial risks to premature entry are removed


Difficulty: Medium 

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61. (p. 290) Which of the following is not an advantage of first-mover strategies? A. Capturing learning effects important for increasing market shareB. Achieving scale economiesC. Development of alliances with the most attractive local partnersD. Capitalizing on well-established legal, institutional and political frameworks


Difficulty: Medium 

62. (p. 291) Within the context of international management, the "base of the pyramid" refers to: A. Front-line employees at the bottom of the organizational hierarchyB. Younger generations of the population pyramidC. Understanding the foundational issues in international managementD. Potential low-income customers at the bottom of the economic pyramid


Difficulty: Medium 

63. (p. 291) Which of the following is likely to be the most effective strategic approach for the "base of the pyramid"? A. Incremental adaptation of existing technologies and productsB. Establishing partnerships with central governments of emerging economiesC. Leapfrog technologies including disruptive technologiesD. Large-scale strategies


Difficulty: Hard 

64. (p. 292) Which of the following findings regarding BOP strategy has significant implications for the globalization-national responsiveness framework? A. Building relationships directly and at the local level contributes to the reputation and fosters the trust necessary to overcome the lack of formal institutions such as the rule of lawB. The BOP may be an ideal environment for incubating new, leapfrog technologiesC. These business models may travel profitably to higher-income markets because adding features to a low-cost model may be easier than removing features from high-cost modelsD. It brings focus to those who are too poor to be viable customers for multinational companies


Difficulty: Hard 

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65. (p. 292) All of the following are challenges firms could face in the implementation of a BOP strategy except: A. Offering affordable goodsB. Generating awareness regarding the productC. Nonexistent distribution channelsD. Coordinating administrative functions


Difficulty: Hard 

66. (p. 295) International management activities of entrepreneurial and new-venture firms have been made possible by all of the following except: A. Customized, old access channelsB. Advances in telecommunicationC. Greater efficiencies and lower costs in shippingD. Allowing firms to access international customers


Difficulty: Easy 

67. (p. 296) Firms that internationalize after being domestically established have to overcome all of the following barriers except: A. Their domestic orientationB. Their internal domestic political tiesC. Their domestic decision-making inertiaD. Their anti-risk seeking behavior


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 296) The technological learning gained from varied international environments: A. Enhances efforts to integrate knowledge throughout a firmB. Shows a fall in venture performanceC. Leads to minimal diversity of national environmentsD. Has no effect on cross-functional teams


Difficulty: Hard 

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69. (p. 296) Firms that engage in significant international activity a short time after being established are called: A. Greenfield venturesB. Born globalsC. Brownfield firmsD. Traditional exporters


Difficulty: Easy 

70. (p. 296) All of the following are features of a "born-global" firm except: A. They export products to close marketsB. They employ strategies like unique-products developmentC. They indulge in significant international activity a short time after being establishedD. They seek joint ventures or acquisitions as a method to expand internationally

Chapter 09 Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 305) An overseas operation that is totally owned and controlled by an MNC is a wholly owned subsidiary. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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2. (p. 305) The primary reason for the use of licensing agreements is a desire by the MNC for total control over its products in overseas markets. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

3. (p. 310) A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more partners own and control an overseas business. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

4. (p. 312) A license is a structural arrangement in which domestic divisions are given worldwide responsibility for product groups. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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5. (p. 312) A franchise is an agreement that allows one party to use an industrial property right in exchange for payment to the other party. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

6. (p. 315) Franchising provides the franchisor with a new stream of income and the franchisee with a time-proven concept and products that can be quickly brought to market. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

7. (p. 317) Companies in the mature stage of international business involvement are the most likely to adopt an international division structure. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

8. (p. 318) A disadvantage of the international division structure is that it separates a firm's domestic and international managers, which can result in two different camps with divergent objectives. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 318) A structural arrangement in which domestic divisions are given worldwide responsibility for product groups is referred to as a global area division structure. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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10. (p. 319) Firms that pursue a global product division structure typically have products that are in the maturity stage of the product life cycle. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 319) One disadvantage of the global product division structure is the necessity of duplicating facilities and staff personnel within each division. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

12. (p. 320) A structure under which global operations are organized on a geographic rather than a product orientation is referred to as a global area structure. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

13. (p. 320) Companies that are in growing businesses and have broad product lines most often use a global area division structure. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 320) An advantage of the global area division structure is that it allows the division manager to cater to the tastes of the local market and make rapid decisions to accommodate environmental changes. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 321) An advantage of the global functional division structure is that only the CEO can be held accountable for the profits. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 325) One of the main objectives in developing the structure for joint ventures is to help the partners address and effectively meld their different values and organizational preferences. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 327) In most companies, mutual adjustment is achieved by assigning people to a specific project and having them meet face-to-face and work out a plan of action of designing the new product. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 328) Formalization is an organizational characteristic that assigns individuals to specific, well-defined tasks. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

19. (p. 329) Specialization is the use of defined structures and systems in decision-making, communicating and controlling. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

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20. (p. 330) Centralization is a management system in which important decisions are made at the top. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 305) The primary reason for the use of _____ is a desire by the MNC for total control and the belief that managerial efficiency will be better without outside partners. A. Licensing agreementsB. FranchisingC. Wholly owned subsidiariesD. Joint ventures


Difficulty: Medium 

22. (p. 310) This is an agreement in which two or more partners own and control an overseas business. A. FranchiseB. Wholly owned subsidiaryC. Licensing agreementD. Joint venture


Difficulty: Easy 

23. (p. 310) The equity joint venture: A. Is characterized by one group merely providing a service for anotherB. Involves a financial investment by the MNC in a business enterprise with a local partnerC. Organizes worldwide operations based primarily on function and secondarily on productD. Provides the most benefits when the need for product specification or differentiation is high


Difficulty: Medium 

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24. (p. 310) The nonequity venture: A. Is characterized by one group merely providing a service for anotherB. Provides the most benefits when the need for product specification or differentiation is highC. Involves a financial investment by the MNC in a business enterprise with a local partnerD. Organizes worldwide operations based primarily on function and secondarily on product


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 310) The two types of joint ventures are: A. Equity and non-equity venturesB. Proprietary and public venturesC. Statutory and unofficial venturesD. External and internal ventures


Difficulty: Medium 

26. (p. 312) This is an agreement that allows one party to use an industrial property right in exchange for payment to the other party. A. FranchiseB. Joint ventureC. LicenseD. Certificate of proprietary usage


Difficulty: Easy 

27. (p. 313) A _____ is a business arrangement under which one party allows another to operate an enterprise using its trademark, logo, product line and methods of operation in return for a fee. A. LicenseB. FranchiseC. Certificate of proprietary usageD. Joint venture


Difficulty: Easy 

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28. (p. 313) These agreements typically require payment of a fee upfront and then a percentage of the revenues. A. FranchiseB. Wholly owned subsidiaryC. ExportD. Joint venture


Difficulty: Medium 

29. (p. 316) Aircraft manufacturing fits which of the following globalization versus local responsiveness combination? A. High pressure for globalization, high pressure for local responsivenessB. High pressure for globalization, low pressure for local responsivenessC. Low pressure for globalization, low pressure for local responsivenessD. Low pressure for globalization, high pressure for local responsiveness


Difficulty: Hard 

30. (p. 316) Clothing manufacturing fits which of the following globalization versus local responsiveness combination? A. Low pressure for globalization, low pressure for local responsivenessB. Low pressure for globalization, high pressure for local responsivenessC. High pressure for globalization, low pressure for local responsivenessD. High pressure for globalization, high pressure for local responsiveness


Difficulty: Hard 

31. (p. 316) A common first choice among manufacturing firms, especially those with technologically advanced products, would be to develop a(n): A. Domestic policyB. Export arrangementC. Cartel arrangementD. Import quota


Difficulty: Easy 

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32. (p. 317) In a company that has a narrow product line, the export manager usually reports directly to the head of: A. PurchasingB. PersonnelC. ProductionD. Marketing


Difficulty: Medium 

33. (p. 318) The structural arrangement that allows a company to develop an overall, unified approach to international operations and helps the firm develop a cadre of internationally experienced managers is an advantage of a(n): A. Mixed organization structureB. Global area division structureC. Global product division structureD. International division structure


Difficulty: Easy 

34. (p. 317) Pressure by local foreign government for continued growth of international sales encourage on-site: A. MaintenanceB. Supply and distribution operationsC. Manufacturing operationsD. Safety operations


Difficulty: Medium 

35. (p. 317) A structural arrangement that handles all international operations out of a division created for this purpose is referred to as a(n): A. Worldwide organizational structureB. Global matrix structureC. International division structureD. Overseas network structure


Difficulty: Easy 

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36. (p. 317) Companies still in the development stages of international business involvement are most likely to adopt the: A. International division structureB. Global product division structureC. Global area division structureD. Global functional division structure


Difficulty: Easy 

37. (p. 317) According to the text, all of the following types of companies are likely to adopt the international division structure except: A. Companies with limited geographic diversityB. Companies with a large number of executives with international expertiseC. Companies still in the developmental stage of international businessD. Companies with small international sales


Difficulty: Medium 

38. (p. 318) A structural arrangement in which domestic divisions are given worldwide responsibility for product groups is referred to as a(n): A. International division structureB. Global product division structureC. Global area division structureD. Global functional division structure


Difficulty: Easy 

39. (p. 319) The products sold by firms that adopt a global product division structure are generally in the _____ stage of the product life cycle. A. IntroductionB. GrowthC. MaturityD. Decline


Difficulty: Medium 

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40. (p. 319) Which of the following provides the most benefits when the need for product specification or differentiation is high? A. International divisionB. Global product divisionC. Global area divisionD. Global functional division


Difficulty: Easy 

41. (p. 320) A structure under which global operations are organized on a geographic rather than a product basis is referred to as a(n): A. Global area division structureB. Global product division structureC. International division structureD. Global functional division structure


Difficulty: Easy 

42. (p. 321) That division managers may pursue currently attractive geographic prospects for their products and neglect other areas with better long-term potential is a major drawback of the: A. International division structureB. Global product division structureC. Global area division structureD. Global functional division structure


Difficulty: Medium 

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43. (p. 320) Which of the following is an advantage of a global area division structure? A. The structural arrangement helps a firm manage a diverse product lineB. The structural arrangement helps a firm cater to local needs in foreign marketsC. The marketing, production and finance divisions of the firm can be coordinated on a product-by-product global basisD. The structural arrangement helps a firm develop an overall, unified approach to international markets


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 320) A global area division structure most often is used by companies that are in _____ businesses and have _____ product lines. A. Growing; broadB. Mature; narrowC. Growing; narrowD. Mature; broad


Difficulty: Medium 

45. (p. 321) The difficulty encountered in reconciling a product emphasis with a geographic orientation is the primary disadvantage of a(n): A. International division structureB. Global product division structureC. Global area division structureD. Global functional division structure


Difficulty: Medium 

46. (p. 321) Which of the following organizes worldwide operations based primarily on function and secondarily on product? A. International division structureB. Global product division structureC. Global area division structureD. Global functional division structure


Difficulty: Easy

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47. (p. 321) A global functional division structure is used primarily by: A. Service companiesB. Extractive companiesC. Light manufacturing companiesD. Heavy manufacturing companies


Difficulty: Medium 

48. (p. 321) All of the following are advantages of the global functional division structure except: A. An emphasis on functional expertiseB. A tight centralized controlC. A relatively lean managerial staffD. The chief executive officer is held accountable for the profits


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 321) A structure that is a combination of a global product, an area or a functional arrangement is referred to as a(n) _____ organizational structure. A. AssimilatedB. TransnationalC. MixedD. Team-based


Difficulty: Easy 

50. (p. 322) A multinational structural arrangement that combines elements of function, product and geographic designs, while relying on a network arrangement to link worldwide subsidiaries is referred to as a: A. Transnational network structureB. Cross-cultural matrix structureC. Transnational divisional structureD. Cross-cultural network structure


Difficulty: Easy 

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51. (p. 322) A _____ is designed to help MNCs take advantage of global economies of scale while also being responsive to local customer demands. A. Global matrix structureB. Transnational network structureC. Worldwide divisional structureD. Cross-cultural matrix structure


Difficulty: Medium 

52. (p. 322) At the center of the _____ are nodes, which are units charged with coordinating product, functional and geographic information. A. Cross-cultural matrix structureB. Worldwide divisional structureC. Transnational network structureD. Global product division structure


Difficulty: Medium 

53. (p. 323) Subsidiaries that are located anywhere in the world where they can benefit the organization are called: A. ChaebolsB. KeiretsusC. Specialized subunitsD. Dispersed subunits


Difficulty: Medium 

54. (p. 323) Specialized operations are: A. Designed to tap specialized expertise or other resources in the company's worldwide subsidiariesB. Subsidiaries that are located anywhere in the world where they can benefit the organizationC. Designed to take advantage of low factor costs, while others are responsible for providing information on new technologies or consumer trendsD. Used to share information and resources throughout dispersed and specialized subunits


Difficulty: Medium 

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55. (p. 323) Interdependent relationships are: A. Designed to tap specialized expertise or other resources in the company's worldwide subsidiariesB. Subsidiaries that are located anywhere in the world where they can benefit the organizationC. Used to share information and resources throughout the dispersed and specialized subunitsD. Designed to take advantage of low factor costs, while others are responsible for providing information on new technologies or consumer trends


Difficulty: Medium 

56. (p. 324) In terms of cultural control in a global area division: A. It is treated like all other MNC structural divisionsB. Local subsidiary culture is often the most importantC. It is possible for some companies, but not always necessaryD. Culture must support the shared decision making


Difficulty: Hard 

57. (p. 324) In which of the following MNC structures are tight process bureaucratic controls used to maintain product quality and consistency? A. Transnational network structureB. Global area divisionC. Matrix structureD. Global product division


Difficulty: Medium 

58. (p. 324) The decision-making control in which local units are given autonomy is characteristic of a(n): A. Global area division structureB. International division structureC. Global product division structureD. Transnational network structure


Difficulty: Medium 

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59. (p. 324) The output control in which profit responsibility is shared with product and geographic units is characteristic of a(n): A. Global area division structureB. International division structureC. Matrix structureD. Transnational network structure


Difficulty: Medium 

60. (p. 324) Bureaucratic control is not very important in which type of multinational structure? A. Global product division structureB. Global area division structureC. Matrix structureD. International division structure


Difficulty: Easy 

61. (p. 326) Which basic value is not common in Asian firms? A. GroupB. TrustC. ConfrontationD. Fluid


Difficulty: Medium 

62. (p. 326) Individuals who work for a company, usually via the Internet and move on to other employment when their assignment is done are known as: A. Purchasing agentsB. Marketing managersC. International outsourcersD. Electronic freelancers


Difficulty: Medium 

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63. (p. 328) _____ is the use of defined structures and systems in decision-making, communicating and controlling. A. FormalizationB. SpecializationC. ConcentrationD. Interpretation


Difficulty: Easy 

64. (p. 328) In a study of U.S. and Japanese firms in Taiwan, objective formalization was measured by: A. Use of informal controlsB. The extent to which goals were vague and unspecifiedC. The number of different documents given to employeesD. Use of culturally induced values in getting things done


Difficulty: Medium 

65. (p. 329) As an organizational characteristic, _____ is the assigning of individuals to specific, well-defined tasks. A. InterpretationB. ConcentrationC. FormalizationD. Specialization


Difficulty: Easy 

66. (p. 329) Specialization in an international context can be classified into: A. Diagonal and vertical specializationB. Vertical and parallel specializationC. Horizontal and vertical specializationD. Diagonal and parallel specialization


Difficulty: Easy 

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67. (p. 330) The assignment of jobs so that individuals are given a particular function to perform and tend to stay within the confines of this area is referred to as: A. Diagonal specializationB. Parallel specializationC. Vertical specializationD. Horizontal specialization


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 330) The assignment of work to groups of departments where individuals are collectively responsible for performance is referred to as: A. Horizontal specializationB. Vertical specializationC. Lateral specializationD. Parallel specialization


Difficulty: Medium 

69. (p. 330) _____ is a management system in which important decisions are made at the top. A. CentralizationB. DecentralizationC. Horizontal specializationD. Vertical specialization


Difficulty: Easy 

70. (p. 330) Pushing decision making down the line and getting the lower-level personnel involved is referred to as: A. CentralizationB. DecentralizationC. Horizontal specializationD. Vertical specialization

Chapter 10 Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances Answer

Page 144: Practice Test[1]



True / False Questions 

1. (p. 338) Political risk is the likelihood that a multinational corporation's foreign investment will be constrained by a host government's policies. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

2. (p. 338) Over the past decade and with the recent terrorist attacks on the U.S., political risk assessment has become less vital to MNCs. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

3. (p. 338) China's decision regarding restrictions on foreign exchange transactions is a micro political risk because it affects all MNCs. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard 

4. (p. 340) Micro political risk analysis is directed toward government policies and actions that influence selected sectors of the economy or specific foreign businesses. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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5. (p. 339) China's decision regarding restrictions on foreign exchange transactions represents a macro political risk because it affects all MNCs. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

6. (p. 342) Macro risk issues often take forms such as industry regulations, taxes of specific types of business activity and various restrictive local laws. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

7. (p. 344) Firms that are at the greatest risk in regard to expropriation are in extractive, agricultural or infrastructural industries such as utilities and transportation because of the importance of these industries to the country. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

8. (p. 345) Examples of ownership-control risks include tariffs on export and imports and well as restrictions on exports. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 345) Operational risks result from government policies and procedures that directly constrain the management and performance of local operations. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

Page 146: Practice Test[1]

10. (p. 345) In a conglomerate investment, the goods or services produced are not similar to those produced at home. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

11. (p. 345) Conglomerate investments usually are rated as low risk, because foreign governments see them as providing fewer benefits to the MNC and greater benefits to the country than other investments. FALSE


Difficulty: Hard 

12. (p. 345) Vertical investments run the risk of being taken over by government because they are export-oriented and governments like a business that helps it to generate foreign capital. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

13. (p. 345) There are three sectors of economic activity: the primary sector, the secondary sector and the service sector. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 347) Some MNCs attempt to manage political risk through a quantification process in which a range of variables are simultaneously analyzed to derive an overall rating of the degree of political risk in a given jurisdiction. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 349) Protective and defensive techniques are designed to encourage the host government to actively participate in the management of the MNC. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 350) Comprehensive political strategies are most important in stable policy environments. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

17. (p. 352) Local knowledge can be internalized primarily as a result of an MNC operating in that market. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 352) In the context of international strategic alliances, value-claiming activities are competitive and distributive. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

19. (p. 352) The most difficult cultural differences to manage in international strategic alliances are power distance and uncertainty avoidance. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

Page 148: Practice Test[1]

20. (p. 353) Host government mandates that require foreign investors to partner with local state-owned firms or follow local-content rules may still have a positive impact on MNCs. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 338) Which of the following is not a challenge of doing business in Russia? A. CorruptionB. Red tapeC. Strong faith in government policiesD. Security concerns


Difficulty: Medium 

22. (p. 338) Not all MNCs are confident about international investment in countries with: A. Low labor costsB. Political unrestC. Emerging economiesD. Cultural differences


Difficulty: Easy 

23. (p. 338) The following is not an example of risk factors for an MNC: A. Freezing the movement of assets out of the host countryB. Limits on the remittance of profits or capitalC. Devaluing the currencyD. Complying with contractual terms of agreements


Difficulty: Medium 

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24. (p. 338) _____ risk is the likelihood that a multinational corporation's foreign investment will be constrained by a host government's policies. A. SocialB. DevelopmentC. LegalD. Political


Difficulty: Medium 

25. (p. 338) Over the past decade political risk has become: A. An area closely watched by developing countries, but virtually ignored by developed countriesB. A vital area for MNCs to assess and manageC. A much less pervasive and minor threat facing international managementD. Virtually obsolete for international firms as a result of controls imposed by the UNO


Difficulty: Medium 

26. (p. 339) The following actions raise the political risk of doing business in China except: A. Interpretation of rules and regulations by officialsB. Industrial piracyC. Pressure on the MNCs to do things in a particular wayD. Concerns on safety and reliability of product quality


Difficulty: Easy 

27. (p. 339) _____ reviews major political decisions that are likely to affect all business conducted in a particular country. A. Macro political risk analysisB. Micro political risk analysisC. Standard political risk analysisD. Multidimensional political risk analysis


Difficulty: Easy 

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28. (p. 339) China's decision regarding restrictions on foreign exchange transactions is a _____ political risk because it affects all MNCs. A. MicroB. StandardC. MacroD. Multidimensional


Difficulty: Medium 

29. (p. 340) In recent years _____ risk analysis has become of increasing concern to MNCs because of the growing number of countries that are finding their economies in trouble as in Southeast Asia or even worse, unable to make the transition to a market-driven economy. A. MicroB. BasicC. MacroD. Complex


Difficulty: Medium 

30. (p. 340) China's government policies regarding investment in the telecommunications industry fall into the _____ political risk category. A. MacroB. MicroC. IntegrativeD. Relative


Difficulty: Easy 

31. (p. 340) The economies of China, Russia, India and Vietnam present _____ political risk for MNCs. A. MacroB. MicroC. ProactiveD. Relative


Difficulty: Easy 

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32. (p. 342) _____ risk issues often take forms such as industry regulation, taxes on specific types of business activity and various restrictive local laws. A. MacroB. StandardC. DirectD. Micro


Difficulty: Medium 

33. (p. 341) According to the 2009 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, which of the following is the least corrupt nation? A. IndiaB. United StatesC. SpainD. New Zealand


Difficulty: Easy 

34. (p. 341) According to the 2009 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, which of the following is the most corrupt nation? A. El SalvadorB. ColumbiaC. LebanonD. Somalia


Difficulty: Easy 

35. (p. 343) The following are internal factors which MNCs may use to evaluate political risk except: A. Power struggles among elitesB. Ethnic confrontationsC. Regional strugglesD. Regional instabilities


Difficulty: Medium 

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36. (p. 343) The following is not an external factor used by MNCs for evaluating political risks: A. Alliances with major and regional powersB. Anti-establishment movementsC. Internal groupingsD. Sources of key raw materials


Difficulty: Medium 

37. (p. 344) Laws that require that nations hold a majority interest in the operation are known as: A. Commercial lawsB. Appropriation lawsC. Indigenization lawsD. Expropriation laws


Difficulty: Medium 

38. (p. 344) The seizure of businesses by a host country with little, if any, compensation to the owners is referred to as: A. NationalizationB. ExpropriationC. DispossessionD. Removal


Difficulty: Easy 

39. (p. 344) Expropriation is more likely to occur in: A. Non-Western governments that are poor, relatively unstable and suspicious of foreign multinationalsB. Western governments that are rich, relatively stable and are experienced in dealing with foreign multinationalsC. Non-Western governments that are neither rich nor poor, relatively stable and are unsure about the presence of foreign multinationalsD. Western governments that are moderately wealthy, relatively stable and are new at dealing with foreign multinationals


Difficulty: Hard 

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40. (p. 343) According to the text, the following are all forms of terrorism except: A. Classic terrorismB. Amateur terrorismC. Religious motivated terrorismD. Political terrorism


Difficulty: Medium 

41. (p. 343) When terrorism entails a specific, well-defined objective pursued by well-trained, professional, underground members, it is called A. traditional terrorismB. amateur terrorismC. religiously motivated terrorismD. classic terrorism


Difficulty: Medium 

42. (p. 344) Political risks can be broken down into three basic categories. These are: A. Transfer risks, ownership risks and labor risksB. Ownership risks, operational risks and economic risksC. Operational risks, bureaucratic risks and transfer risksD. Transfer risks, operational risks and ownership-control risks


Difficulty: Medium 

43. (p. 344) _____ risks stem from government policies that limit the transfer of capital, payments, production, people and technology in or out of a country. A. OperationalB. BureaucraticC. TransferD. Expropriation


Difficulty: Easy 

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44. (p. 345) Tariffs on exports and imports, restrictions on exports, dividend remittance and capital repatriation are examples of: A. Transfer risksB. Expropriation risksC. Operational risksD. Exchange risks


Difficulty: Medium 

45. (p. 345) _____ risks result from government policies and procedures that directly constrain the management and performance of local operations. A. TransferB. OperationalC. Ownership-controlD. Exchange


Difficulty: Easy 

46. (p. 345) Price controls, financing restrictions, export commitments, taxes and local-sourcing requirements are examples of: A. Ownership-control risksB. Operational risksC. Transfer risksD. Functional risks


Difficulty: Medium 

47. (p. 345) _____ risks are brought about by government policies or actions that inhibit ownership or control of local operations. A. TransferB. FunctionalC. OperationalD. Ownership-control


Difficulty: Easy 

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48. (p. 345) Foreign ownership limitations, pressure for local participation, confiscation, expropriation and abrogation of property rights are examples of: A. Transfer risksB. Functional risksC. Ownership-control risksD. Tactical risks


Difficulty: Medium 

49. (p. 345) In a _____ investment, the goods or services produced are not similar to those produced at home. A. HorizontalB. VerticalC. NetworkD. Conglomerate


Difficulty: Medium 

50. (p. 345) _____ investments include the production of raw materials or intermediate goods that are to be processed into final products. A. VerticalB. MatrixC. ConglomerateD. Horizontal


Difficulty: Easy 

51. (p. 345) _____ investments run the risk of being taken over by the host-country government because they are export-oriented and governments like a business that helps it to generate foreign capital. A. ConglomerateB. VerticalC. HorizontalD. Lateral


Difficulty: Medium 

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52. (p. 345) _____ investments involve the production of goods or services that are the same as those produced at home. A. ConglomerateB. LateralC. HorizontalD. Vertical


Difficulty: Easy 

53. (p. 345) _____ investments typically are made with an eye toward satisfying the host country's market demands. As a result, they are not very likely to be takeover targets. A. VerticalB. HorizontalC. ConglomerateD. Hierarchical


Difficulty: Medium 

54. (p. 345) The special nature of foreign direct investment is not related to: A. SectorB. TechnologyC. OwnershipD. Operations


Difficulty: Medium 

55. (p. 347) Some multinational corporations attempt to manage political risk through simultaneously analyzing a range of variables to derive an overall rating of the degree of political risk in a given jurisdiction. This is referred to as a: A. Quantification processB. Quantification circleC. Quantity risk analysisD. Quantity management


Difficulty: Hard 

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56. (p. 347) MNCs attempt to manage political risk through a quantification process, to derive an overall rating of the degree of political risk in a given jurisdiction. The factors that are quantified reflect all of the following except: A. Political and economic environmentB. Domestic economic conditionsC. Social conditionsD. External economic conditions


Difficulty: Easy 

57. (p. 347) Which of the following criteria involves maximum political risk? A. International financial standingB. Economic growth during previous 5 yearsC. Restrictions imposed on importsD. Effectiveness of public administration


Difficulty: Medium 

58. (p. 348) The following are listed as techniques for responding to political risks except: A. Relative bargaining power analysisB. Realistic bargaining power analysisC. Integrative techniquesD. Proactive political strategies


Difficulty: Medium 

59. (p. 348) The theory behind _____ is quite simple. The MNC works to maintain a stronger bargaining power position than that of the host country. A. Analogous negotiating powerB. Pertinent bargaining powerC. Proportionate negotiating powerD. Relative bargaining power


Difficulty: Medium 

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60. (p. 348) _____ techniques are designed to help the overseas operation become part of the host country's infrastructure. A. ProtectiveB. DefensiveC. IntegrativeD. Statutory


Difficulty: Easy 

61. (p. 349) All of the following are examples of integrative techniques except: A. Developing good relations with the host government and other local political partiesB. Doing as little local manufacturing as possible and conducting all research and development outside the countryC. Producing as much of the product locally as possible with the use of in-country suppliers and subcontractors, thus making it a "domestic" productD. Developing effective labor-management relations


Difficulty: Hard 

62. (p. 349) _____ techniques are designed to discourage the host government from interfering in operations. A. Integrative and unifyingB. Consolidating and defensiveC. Protective and unifyingD. Protective and defensive


Difficulty: Easy 

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63. (p. 349) Examples of protective and defensive techniques include all of the following except: A. Limiting the responsibility of local personnel and hiring only those who are vital to the operationsB. Raising capital from local banks and the host government as well as outside forcesC. Diversifying production of the product among a number of countriesD. Producing as much of the product locally as possible with the use of in-country suppliers and subcontractors, thus making it a "domestic" product


Difficulty: Hard 

64. (p. 350) Benefits of proactive political strategies include all of the following except: A. Enhancing government relations in unstable and transitional policy environmentsB. Mitigating risk before it becomes unmanageableC. Providing support for national and sub-central governments in transitional economiesD. Counteracting competitors' efforts to influence government policy


Difficulty: Hard 

65. (p. 350) Examples of proactive political strategies include all of the following except: A. Formal lobbyingB. Campaign financingC. Seeking advocacy through embassies and consulates of the home countryD. Downsizing and transferring business elsewhere


Difficulty: Hard 

66. (p. 352) All the following are motivations for firms to enter into international strategic alliances except: A. Faster entry and paybackB. Economies of scaleC. Co-opting or blocking competitionD. Stronger control over technologies and patents


Difficulty: Medium 

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67. (p. 352) Which of the following cultural differences tend to more disruptive for international joint ventures than the others? A. Power distanceB. Uncertainty avoidanceC. IndividualismD. Masculinity


Difficulty: Medium 

68. (p. 353) Which of the following is not a critical legal issue for successful termination of international alliances? A. Conditions of terminationB. Disposition of assets and liabilitiesC. Distributorship arrangementsD. People-related issues


Difficulty: Medium 

69. (p. 353) Which of the following is not a critical business issue for successful termination of international alliances? A. The basic decision to exitB. People-related issuesC. Rights over sales territories and obligations to customersD. Relations with the host government


Difficulty: Medium 

70. (p. 353) When host governments do not require alliances as a condition for entry many MNCs: A. Are advised not to voluntarily pursue alliances as they tend to be problematicB. Are usually indifferent about establishing alliancesC. Find that having an alliance is advantageous to their entry and expansionD. Are likely to consider alliances, except in emerging markets and highly regulated industries

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Chapter 14 Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures Answer Key 


True / False Questions 

1. (p. 498) Home-country nationals are managers who are citizens of the country where the MNC is headquartered. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

2. (p. 498) Historically, MNCs have staffed key positions in their foreign affiliates with host-country nationals. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

3. (p. 498) Home-country nationals are local managers who are hired by the MNC. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

4. (p. 498) Managers who live and work outside their home country are called expatriates. TRUE


Difficulty: Hard 

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5. (p. 498) An individual from a host-country who is assigned to work in the host-country is referred to as a multipatriate. FALSE


Difficulty: Easy 

6. (p. 503) Factors used to choose personnel for international assignments are referred to as international selection criteria. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

7. (p. 505) Most MNCs strive for a balance between age and experience in their expatriate employees. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

8. (p. 511) The most common recruiting and selection procedures for international assignments would be background and reference checks. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

9. (p. 510) Anticipatory and in-country factors will influence the expatriate's mode and degree of adjustment to an overseas assignment. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

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10. (p. 512) One of the reasons why there has been a decline in the number of expats in recent years is that MNCs have found that the expense can be prohibitive. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

11. (p. 513) Base salary is the amount of money that an expatriate normally receives in the home country plus a cost-of-living adjustment. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

12. (p. 514) Allowances are an expensive feature of expatriate compensation packages. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

13. (p. 515) An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that is based on ensuring the expat is "made whole" and does not lose money by taking the assignment is referred to as the balance-sheet approach. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

14. (p. 515) An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves giving the expat a predetermined amount of money and letting the individual make his/her own decisions regarding how to spend it is referred to as localization. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

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15. (p. 518) For most overseas managers, repatriation occurs within five years of the time they leave. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium 

16. (p. 519) Repatriation agreements typically promise an expatriate a specific position and salary when he/she returns to the home office. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

17. (p. 520) The hardest training, in terms of preparation time is to place a cultural integrator in each foreign operation. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

18. (p. 522) An ethnocentric MNC puts host-office people in charge of key international management positions. FALSE


Difficulty: Medium 

19. (p. 523) Learning is the acquisition of skills, knowledge and abilities that results in a relatively permanent change in behavior. TRUE


Difficulty: Easy 

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20. (p. 525) The primary reason for training overseas managers is to improve their ability to interact effectively with local people in general and their personnel in particular. TRUE


Difficulty: Medium  

Multiple Choice Questions 

21. (p. 498) There are four basic sources that MNCs can tap for positions. These are: A. Host-country nationals, third-country nationals, United Nations placements and IMF placementsB. Home-country nationals, IMF placements, inpatriates and multipatriatesC. Home-country nationals, host-country nationals, IMF placements and multipatriatesD. Home-country nationals, host-country nationals, third-country nationals and inpatriates


Difficulty: Medium 

22. (p. 498) Expatriate managers who are citizens of the country where the multinational corporate is headquartered are referred to as: A. Host-country nationalsB. Home-country nationalsC. InpatriatesD. Third-country nationals


Difficulty: Easy 

23. (p. 498) Headquarters nationals is another term used for: A. Third-country nationalsB. Home-country nationalsC. InpatriatesD. Host-country nationals


Difficulty: Easy 

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24. (p. 498) Home-country nationals are frequently called _____, which refers to those who live and work away from their home country. A. InpatriatesB. Third-country nationalsC. ExpatriatesD. Multipatriates


Difficulty: Easy 

25. (p. 498) Historically, MNCs have staffed key positions in their foreign affiliates with: A. Home-country nationalsB. Host-country nationalsC. InpatriatesD. Third-country nationals


Difficulty: Medium 

26. (p. 498) _____ are local managers who are hired by the MNC. A. InpatriatesB. Indigenous-nationalsC. Host-country nationalsD. Home-country nationals


Difficulty: Easy 

27. (p. 500) Which of the following statements about third-country nationals is false? A. TCN managers can often achieve corporate objectives more effectively than do expatriatesB. During periods of rapid expansion, TCNs can substitute for expatriates in well-established operationsC. During rapid expansion, TCNs can offer different perspectives that can expand on the narrowly focused viewpoints of local nationalsD. In joint ventures, TCNs can demonstrate a global image and bring unique cross-cultural skills to the relationship


Difficulty: Medium 

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28. (p. 499) These are managers who are citizens of countries other than the one in which the MNC is headquartered or the one in which they are assigned to work by the MNC. A. MultipatriatesB. Home-country nationalsC. InpatriatesD. Third-country nationals


Difficulty: Easy 

29. (p. 500) An individual from a host-country or a third-country national who is assigned to work in the home country is a(n): A. ExpatriateB. MultipatriateC. InpatriateD. Quasi-patriate


Difficulty: Easy 

30. (p. 503) Factors used to choose personnel for international assignments are referred to as: A. Global placement criteriaB. International selection criteriaC. Global selection heuristicsD. International recruitment and selection heuristics


Difficulty: Easy 

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31. (p. 505) All of the following are correct with regard to the impact of age, experience and education on expatriate managers except: A. There is universal agreement that degrees in marketing or engineering are the most desirable for expatriate managersB. Most MNCs strive for a balance between age and experienceC. Many companies consider an academic degree, preferably a graduate degree, to be of critical importance to an international executiveD. There is evidence that younger managers are more eager for international assignments than older managers


Difficulty: Medium 

32. (p. 506) This is the primary language of international business and most expatriates from all countries can converse in it. A. FrenchB. GermanC. SpanishD. English


Difficulty: Easy 

33. (p. 507) Borstorff and her associates examined the factors associated with employee willingness to work overseas and concluded that: A. Married couples with teenage children are probably the most willing to moveB. Prior international experience appears associated with willingness to work as an expatriateC. Unmarried employees are least willing, compared to any other group, to accept expat assignmentsD. Careers and attitudes of spouses have an insignificant impact on employee willingness to move overseas


Difficulty: Medium 

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34. (p. 507) The process of evaluating how well a family is likely to stand up to the stress of overseas life is referred to as: A. Suitability assessmentB. Selection fitnessC. Adaptability screeningD. Expatriate fitness


Difficulty: Medium 

35. (p. 510) The two most common selection procedures used by MNCs are: A. Assessment centers and testsB. References and interviewsC. Application forms and assessment centersD. Tests and interviews


Difficulty: Medium 

36. (p. 510) In general, some evidence suggests that testing is: A. Extremely popular among MNCsB. Not extremely popular among MNCsC. Used more in the selection of overseas managers than domestic managersD. Used by a high percentage of MNCs in selecting expatriate managers


Difficulty: Medium 

37. (p. 510) In recent years, international human resources management scholars have developed theoretical models that help to explain the factors involved in effectively adjusting to overseas assignments. These models are called: A. Adjustment modelsB. Adaptation theoremsC. Alignment modelsD. Congruence theorems


Difficulty: Easy 

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38. (p. 510) There are two major types of adjustments that an expatriate must make when going on an overseas assignment. These are: A. Pre-deployment adjustment and post-deployment adjustmentB. Direct adjustment and indirect adjustmentC. Anticipatory adjustment and in-country adjustmentD. Iterative adjustment and continuous adjustment


Difficulty: Medium 

39. (p. 510) The adjustment model of the selection procedure for international assignments would include: A. Training and previous experienceB. Education and modificationC. Work experience and exposureD. Abilities and behavior


Difficulty: Medium 

40. (p. 510) The organizational input into anticipatory adjustment is most directly related and concerned with the: A. Motivation processB. Selection processC. Compensation planD. Quality of leadership


Difficulty: Hard 

41. (p. 510) Traditionally, what was the only selection criterion MNCs relied on for overseas assignments? A. TrainingB. EducationC. Previous experienceD. Technical competence


Difficulty: Medium 

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42. (p. 513) The most common elements in the typical expatriate compensation package include: A. Base salary, benefits, allowances, incentives and taxesB. Base salary, bonuses, stock options and free housingC. Base salary, benefits, free housing and free education for the expatriate's childrenD. Base salary, benefits, free travel, free housing and taxes


Difficulty: Medium 

43. (p. 513) Expatriate salaries typically are set according to the base pay of: A. An index of 13 firms maintained by the United NationsB. The home countryC. The host-countryD. A neutral third-country determined by the expatriate and his/her company


Difficulty: Medium 

44. (p. 514) These are an expensive feature of expatriate compensation packages. A. Base salariesB. AllowancesC. IncentivesD. Taxes


Difficulty: Easy 

45. (p. 514) The benefits of a lump-sum incentive system would include all of the following except: A. One-time payment retaining its value as an incentiveB. Cost containment of firm due to one-time paymentC. Separate payment distinguishable from regular payD. Employees being encouraged to be motivated by financial incentives


Difficulty: Hard 

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46. (p. 515) An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that is based on ensuring that the expat is "made whole" and does not lose money by taking the assignment is referred to as the: A. Balance-sheet approachB. Lump-sum methodC. Localization approachD. Cafeteria approach


Difficulty: Medium 

47. (p. 515) An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves paying the expat a salary comparable to that of local nationals is referred to as: A. The cafeteria approachB. The balance-sheet approachC. LocalizationD. The lump-sum method


Difficulty: Medium 

48. (p. 515) An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves giving the expat a predetermined amount of money and letting the individual make his/her own decisions regarding how to spend it is referred to as the: A. Localization approachB. Cafeteria approachC. Lump-sum methodD. Balance-sheet approach


Difficulty: Medium 

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49. (p. 516) This approach to developing an expatriate compensation package entails giving the individual a series of options and letting the person decide how to spend the available funds. A. Lump-sum methodB. Cafeteria approachC. Localization approachD. Balance-sheet approach


Difficulty: Medium 

50. (p. 516) Which of the following approaches is used to develop an expatriate compensation package that involves setting a compensation system for all expats who are assigned to a particular region and paying everyone in accord with that system? A. Regional systemB. Balance-sheet approachC. Cafeteria approachD. Lump-sum method


Difficulty: Medium 

51. (p. 518) The return to one's home country from an overseas management assignment is referred to as: A. RepatriationB. ReintroductionC. RecruitingD. Reentry


Difficulty: Medium 

52. (p. 519) Strategies used to help smooth the adjustment from an overseas to a stateside assignment are: A. Readjustment strategiesB. Transition strategiesC. Changeover strategiesD. Progression strategies


Difficulty: Medium 

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53. (p. 519) An agreement whereby the firm tells the individual how long she/he will be posted overseas and promises to give the individual, on return, a job that is mutually acceptable is a: A. Strategic planB. Human resource planC. Labor-contract agreementD. Repatriation agreement


Difficulty: Medium 

54. (p. 520) This is the process of altering employee behavior and attitudes in a way that increases the probability of goal attainment. A. OrganizingB. PlanningC. TrainingD. Controlling


Difficulty: Easy 

55. (p. 520) An individual who is responsible for ensuring that a firm's business systems are in accord with those of the local culture is a(n): A. Cultural integratorB. Global facilitatorC. International transition specialistD. Global socialization specialist


Difficulty: Medium 

56. (p. 522) The four basic philosophical positions that multinationals can assume and influence a company's training program are: A. Polycentric, geocentric, multicentric and ultracentricB. Ethnocentric, globalcentric, regiocentric and unicentricC. Multicentric, globalcentric, geocentric and unicentricD. Ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and geocentric


Difficulty: Medium 

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57. (p. 522) A(n) _____ MNC puts home-office people in charge of key international management positions. A. EthnocentricB. PolycentricC. RegiocentricD. Geocentric


Difficulty: Medium 

58. (p. 523) Which of the following MNCs places local nationals in key positions and allows these managers to appoint and develop their own people? A. GeocentricB. PolycentricC. RegiocentricD. Ethnocentric


Difficulty: Medium 

59. (p. 523) This type of MNC relies on local managers from a particular geographic region to handle operations in and around that area. A. EthnocentricB. GeocentricC. PolycentricD. Regiocentric


Difficulty: Medium 

60. (p. 523) This type of MNC seeks to integrate diverse regions of the world through a global approach to decision making. A. PolycentricB. EthnocentricC. GeocentricD. Regiocentric


Difficulty: Medium 

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61. (p. 523) These MNCs do all of their training at their headquarters. A. GeocentricB. RegiocentricC. PolycentricD. Ethnocentric


Difficulty: Medium 

62. (p. 523) This is the acquisition of skills, knowledge and abilities that results in a relatively permanent change in behavior. A. LearningB. DevelopmentC. MotivationD. Controlling


Difficulty: Easy 

63. (p. 523) "Learning organizations" continually focus on activities such as: A. Planning and developmentB. Organizing and controllingC. Training and developmentD. Planning and organizing


Difficulty: Medium 

64. (p. 524) Training programs are useful in preparing people for overseas assignments for many reasons. These reasons can be put into two general categories which are: A. Organizational and personalB. Economic and philosophicalC. Personal and impersonalD. Financial and psychological


Difficulty: Medium 

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65. (p. 524) The belief that one's own way of doing things is superior to that of others is: A. PolycentrismB. GeocentrismC. EthnocentrismD. Regiocentrism


Difficulty: Easy 

66. (p. 524) This is common in many large MNCs where managers believe that the home office's approach to doing business can be exported intact to all other countries, because this approach is superior to anything at the local level. A. RegiocentrismB. EthnocentrismC. GeocentrismD. Polycentrism


Difficulty: Medium 

67. (p. 526) Research shows that small firms undertaking international business generally rely on: A. Standard training programsB. Strategic alliancesC. Trade zonesD. Uniform commercial codes


Difficulty: Hard 

68. (p. 526) Which of the following training programs are created for the specific needs of the participants? A. GenericB. StandardizedC. Tailor-madeD. Universal


Difficulty: Easy 

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69. (p. 529) A(n) _____ is a programmed learning technique that is designed to expose members of one culture to some of the basic concepts, attitudes, role perceptions, customs and values of another. A. Cultural assimilatorB. Ethnocentric regulatorC. Educational regulatorD. Developmental assimilator


Difficulty: Medium 

70. (p. 529) Which of the following terms refer to the quality of being effective and producing the desired results? A. CapacityB. ValidityC. ReliabilityD. Stability