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Packaging is the most important factor of consideration as per other elements in cigarette products. Cigarettes are very closely putted with its consumer and always handy to hold consistently, dissimilarly like other product package is being disposed off after using or opening up the product. Hence packet of cigarettes are mostly being taken out and than unwrap, not just this but also being left on open places after their utilization. John Digianni who give the shape to cigarettes packaging state that the buyers who take the packet of cigarettes whole the time with their self because of that persons they shape the design of cigarettes totally different from other products and also whenever buyer of cigarettes go anywhere like parties or gathering the packaging of cigarettes they show the standard of their character.(Wakefield,et al;2002). According to his opinion (Prendergast& pitt,1996) packaging plays very important role in the mind of buyers , good packaging protect the product from factory (where product produce) to market (where it sales) , because of packaging buyers became aware about the product what was the message of the product. (Herrington and capella,1995) said that packaging of product shows the value of the product in front of the competitors and buyers because when buyer buy the product packaging facilitate them in their decision making that which product they have to purchase of which company. Product packaging is very important because of packaging product became always safe and protected from the dust. On account of smokes, packaging is still more huge for a few different grounds. Firstly, smokers normally keep the smoke pack anticipating the cigarettes are utilized and bear on the pack close without anyone else's input or on their individual, dissimilar to bunches of different items where the packaging is disposed of in the wake of opening of the item. In this manner, cigarette packs are much of the time being taken out and opened this as well as being left on open places all around utilization. By thusly, cigarette packaging can go about as

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Packaging is the most important factor of consideration as per other elements in cigarette products. Cigarettes are very closely putted with its consumer and always handy to hold consistently, dissimilarly like other product package is being disposed off after using or opening up the product. Hence packet of cigarettes are mostly being taken out and than unwrap, not just this but also being left on open places after their utilization. John Digianni who give the shape to cigarettes packaging state that the buyers who take the packet of cigarettes whole the time with their self because of that persons they shape the design of cigarettes totally different from other products and also whenever buyer of cigarettes go anywhere like parties or gathering the packaging of cigarettes they show the standard of their character.(Wakefield,et al;2002). According to his opinion (Prendergast& pitt,1996) packaging plays very important role in the mind of buyers , good packaging protect the product from factory (where product produce) to market (where it sales) , because of packaging buyers became aware about the product what was the message of the product.

(Herrington and capella,1995) said that packaging of product shows the value of the product in front of the competitors and buyers because when buyer buy the product packaging facilitate them in their decision making that which product they have to purchase of which company. Product packaging is very important because of packaging product became always safe and protected from the dust. On account of smokes, packaging is still more huge for a few different grounds. Firstly, smokers normally keep the smoke pack anticipating the cigarettes are utilized and bear on the pack close without anyone else's input or on their individual, dissimilar to bunches of different items where the packaging is disposed of in the wake of opening of the item. In this manner, cigarette packs are much of the time being taken out and opened this as well as being left on open places all around utilization. By thusly, cigarette packaging can go about as special action like a notice. The writing additionally accentuates the criticalness of cigarette packs as promotions for itself especially in the period of promoting limits. This enormous social perceivability demonstrates the approaches to cigarettes to be distinguished as brooch/badge items. The use of symbol item connects the client by giving him/her a portion of the character and identity of the brand picture with the brand picture. (Wakefield, et al., 2002). Smoke packaging creator, John Digianni, Says that "cigarette packaging is interesting from other packaging on the grounds that the purchaser convey the smoke pack all the day with him, and when purchasers go to a bar and put down the smokes pack, he tries to make an impression in regards to his identity (Wakefield, et al., 2002).

Packaging essentially ensures the item throughout developments through dissemination channels, packaging draw in and pass on the message to the buyer at the purpose of offer (Prendergast & Pitt, 1996).

The present FMCG business is high intense business sector and numerous organizations presenting new item consistently. These new items propelled yearly, very nearly 30% come up short and vanishes from the business inside the year and 70% inside the initial three year. So organizations are hunting down other zone of good fortunes. Since '90s, more organizations see

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the chances the item packaging can convey to the buyer a the first thing client see in the store is the item packaging. For the most part buy i chose at the racks in the store (Connolly & Davidson, 1996). Packaging pulls in th shoppers at the purpose of offer and helps them to settle on choice rapidly in-stor, packaging separate the item from the contenders and additionally indicates the quality the item (Herrington & Capella, 1995).

The fundamental capacity of the packaging is securing the item against earth and harm. Packaging likewise used as a showcasing instrument to push and expansion the perceivability of the item on the rack and give data to the buyers (O'shaughnessy. 1995). Nowadays forceful environment packaging part has changed due to the quick change in organization toward oneself and shoppers' lifestyle (Deliya & Parmar, 2012). They accept that the deals advancement might be guaranteed by bundle as its in enthusiasm of today's organizations. It is the bundle that is the birthplace of offering recommendation in invigorating spontaneous purchasing conduct, augmenting piece of the pie and expense cutting in limited time exercises.

Quality of Packagaing:

Whenever companies invent any product they have to be aware about the packaging quality because of good quality packaging buyers became always committed with the company because packaging attract them packaging influence them to purchase the product and also quality packaging minimizes the overall expenses specifically in advertisement and promotion in this way advertisement help to achieve them the first hand business motive which is no other then profit. Many companies do promotion of their product and because of that they have to waste their money but the companies that focus on the quality packaging they save their time and also save their cost quality packaging is a part of advertisement. Quality of a product packaging attract the buyers and change the perception of theirs and shows that how much buyers come back and want to purchase same product.(Lifu 2012).

Final step of a manufacturing the product is the packaging therefore manufacturing company have to give their focus on packaging more. Mostly companies do not give their attention upon the quality of the packaging because they think that packing is not more important and because of bad packaging or simple packaging they go down on the perception of the buyers. It is very difficult for those who sale their product in the market because when they go with simple packaging in the market buyer do not give their intention on that product because they do not getting their interest on that product and that product does not attract them and seller face lots of difficulties on selling the product (lifu2012). The first work of the packaging of product is to hold and save the product physically (Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007).

The great quality packaging and great quality item that matches the value much of the time calls for steady backing from shoppers which permit the firm to stay in business. Fantastic and eye-discovering packaging of items makes the interest for the item and for the firm and may help to abatement the publicizing expense (Lifu, 2012). The genuine truth is that client recognition and

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inclination to the worth of items is one of the vital variables that empower the association to succeed in a focused nature's turf (Topoyan & Bulut, 2008).

The great packaging makes worth by helping clients to settle on choice effectively. The association which does not impact client purchasing choice through item packaging, then that association is truly squandering a great deal of cash. Numerous firms use a considerable measure of cash on advancement exercises as opposed to on packaging, as stated by extraordinary advertising researchers that packaging assumes an imperative part on the grounds that it is likewise a medium of publicizing an item and it additionally diminish the limited time cost. Item packaging has some impact on purchasers that in the wake of utilizing the item shopper comes back again for that item or not (Lifu, 2012). Hygienic packaging of an item is exceptionally critical on the grounds that it were joined with the close manifestation of the packaging, if item is not conveniently stuffed then it impact client recognition that this item is not hygienic (Tse, 1999).

The item packaging is a last venture of preparation; so it is a vital a piece of processing exercises. A few associations don't concentrate on packaging on the grounds that they believe that great quality item draw in the clients to purchase an item. The organizations which are doing these sorts of exercises they are disheartening the clients through poor packaging, on the grounds that item quality does not match with item packaging, the poor packaging likewise make a huge issue for a sales representative on the grounds that clients ask such a variety of inquiry and its make trouble for businessperson to deal the item (Lifu, 2012). The primary capacity of packaging is to secure the item from harming while transporting, putting away and offering (Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007).

2.1.1 Packaging design

(Belch and belch 2007) buyers are being attracted because of the design of the product and design show the difference of the products of different companies. Mostly buyers being attracted towards the graphic of the packaging graphics also called as a way of advertisement because of good art buyers give interest toward the product and want to try it, good designing and art of the product attract buyers to purchase the product and also win the market by enhancing the sale. (Asadollahi; 2011) Designing make the buyers perception towards the product.

(Ampuiero and villa, 2006) companies have to be more focused towards the design of the packaging because it makes the perception of buyers. (silayoi and speece : 2007) buyers feel secure when companies provide them designing of packaging and it convey message to buyers about the product and this thing make them safe towards the product.

(Sioutis :2011) design of packaging is the final touch of product that influence the buyer to purchase the product and companies have to be more attentive over the design of packaging , it is the way to make buyer more attractive towards their product and in sale growth will increase day by day.(Rundh : 2005) buyers became more satisfy with their companies because of innovative

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packaging and different packaging to others and buyers became more loyal towards the company , it set the image of buyers mind

The shape of packaging pulls in the client and separates the item from different items (Belch & Belch 2007). Visual communication on packaging is additionally a promoting methodology, graphite fashioner can present holding inside the bundle with his specialty and fitting arranging draw in the consideration of the clients to buy the products, effective packaging with legitimate picture and shape can expand the deal and beat the contenders. Picture is a need and magnificence of the packaging which requests the consideration of the clients (Asadollahi, 2011).

On the off chance that makers can comprehend recognition of customers' when uncovered deal packaging, they can utilize the impact of the packaging shape further bolstering their good fortune (Silayoi & Speece, 2004). Organization need to comprehend the observation of client so as to rightly plan item packaging (Ampuero & Estate, 2006). The shape of any item packaging ought to pass on constitution and security, as opposed to fervor (Silayoi & Speece, 2007). Organizations utilize an extent of packaging properties, consolidating, shade, plan, shape and images. Packaging pulls in the consideration of the customers (Nancarrow et al., 1998).

Packaging has distinguished as a salesperson, packaging shape assumed a significant part in offering the item, it gives last opportunity to organization to the purchaser to purchase the item (Sioutis, 2011). New and magnetic packaging expands the deals and it plays with brains of client and change their observation about the item (Shimp, 2003). New packaging and enhancement in the packaging can expand the quality of the item by impacting buyer experience, shape of packaging get the consideration of the shoppers and expansion the fulfillment level and at last build the brand unwaveringness of buyers (Rundh, 2005).

2.1.2 Packaging shape

Product shape is given by good cover of the product. That is the core reason that, packaging style of product is always makes the customer attentive towards the product (Terblanche, 2006). Packaging of product hold some of the characteristics of reflecting the brand name of the organization, brand image and often it also communicates the image with high quality and some reasonable prices (Ulrich et at., 2010).

In opinion of Scott (2008) product value can be created through the eye catching packaging. Good deal is always desired by the customers that’s why packaging shape and size contribute in sales of product (Meyers, 1998). Package of product is the attention grabber of customers purchasing decision towards products, its associated elements and their influence on the buying decision totted up a same matter like that was showed through reviewing the literature upon questioning on examination that classification of packaging got no consent and also the influence of packaging on customer perception research approaches

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The great item blanket offers shape to an item. The principle reason is that, clients continually giving careful consideration towards packaging style of an item (Terblanche, 2006). as stated by Best (2002), Item packaging has a significant trademark to anticipating the association brand name brand picture, here and there which is intended to impart a top notch picture, in the meantime other indicating sensible cost (Ulrich et al. 2010). In the perspective of Scott (2008) that great and eye-finding packaging may make esteem for the item and draw in the clients for trial of that item.

Packaging shape and size additionally assume a significant part to deal the item in light of the fact that purchasers continually searching for a great arrangement (Meyers, 1998). Advertisers have additionally a solid apparatus they can utilize exertion to pass their item as a sound one that device is packaging, packaging distinguished as quiet sales representative. Packaging attributes like color, shape and picture convey a message about the item (Bone & France, 2001).

As stated by Deliya & Parmar (2012), it is the bundle that causes in snatching consideration of shopper's purchasing example to particular brand, the components connected with it and the effect of those on buyer's purchasing example considered a comparable matter it is demonstrated by dissecting of writing on question under examination that there is no assent to grouping of bundle components and additionally on exploration techniques for bundle affect on customer's buy choice (Deliya & Parmar, 2012).

Some of specialists attempt to discover terrifically vital components of packaging and their effect on shoppers purchasing choice (Silayoi & Speece, 2004), while others scientists concentrating on distinct components of packaging and their effect on shoppers buy choice (Vila & Ampuero, 2007; Goad, Hewett & Roth, 2000; Underwood et al., 2001; Bloch, 1995).

A portion of the specialists have researched the effect of packaging and its segment on shopper's general purchasing choice (Underwood et al., 2001), while different scientists on every venture of purchasers' buyer choice making procedure (Butkeviciene et al., 2008). Notwithstanding this, the methodical writing contend that; whether the informed issue could address expansive measure of issues about the testing of effect of bundle components on purchaser's purchasing example, the exploration setting regarding developed examination models and techniques being utilized ought to likewise be assumed board in addition the began results from The study. This far reaching exertion for blanket each one a piece of the study will give affirmation of all necessities to be examined in much of subtle element. Being exhaustive to investigating these unreliable attributes, emulating inquiry can help in forming exploration issues: Whereupon variables of a packaging a definitive impact come over buy choice methodology for any shopper? On the off chance that the customer decision is based upon to pick diverse items then the object of such contention must be based upon its hypothetical schema and applicable examination of packaging components having an effect upon purchaser's buy choice process that basically unhide the components.

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2.1.3 Packaging color

Buyers are being more focused on color of the packaging, color of packaging attracts them toward the product, it reflect their emotion and tempers (Morarity, 1991). The color of packaging is most significant due to its attention grabbing of customer to the product (Dantas et al., 2004). Customer perception and their buying perception is always congruent with the most essential color and shape, color represent the flavor along with that shape represent the optimism ( Ares & Deliza, 2010). The packaging attracts the customer and arouses him to buy the product and it helps get competitive advantage by making the product different from other competitive products and creative logo, color, shape and size fascinate the customer (Badrie & Texeria, 2005).

By standardizing name of product and eliminating the colorful visualizing images form the packaging can decrease the smoking rate in the country, thinks United Kingdom and Australia and numerous other countries of the world (Mizerski, 2011). The dubious to be the important treatment for decreasing the purchase of cigarettes is removing the color and art but homogenizing from the package of cigarette (beede & Lawson 1992).

In packaging, color assumes a significant part on the grounds that this component of packaging pulls in the client and gets the eyes of client and likewise separates the item from others, it makes state of mind and feeling (Morarity, 1991). Packaging color is a paramount component in light of the fact that shade of packaging immediate pulls in the client, when client first time see the item then the color of packaging draw in them and get their consideration (Dantas et al., 2004). Both color and shape are essential variable in packaging they are associated with client eagerness to buy the item, shade is connected with taste and shape is principally with trust (Ares & Deliza, 2010). Packaging makes advantage for the organization on the grounds that engaging packaging change the observation of the client and separate the item from other and imaginative packaging awes the customers with its color, logo, picture, and design (Texeria & Badrie, 2005). Packaging hold, store and ensure item, packaging likewise assume an imperative part in drawing in purchaser consideration and impacting shopper buy choice and all the components of packaging like shape, shade, size and picture joined together draw in the customer when buyer obtaining the item ( Ares & Deliza, 2010).

The primary center of the study was to analyze that; how disparate packs having distinctive shades from one another are observed by the United States smokers to match up the different analogies. In this respect the respondents given a chance where they were uncovered a run of smoke packs of that brand to which the United States smokers were well mindful in light of the fact that those brands were advertised in high volume in United States, the brands were; Marlboro and Philip Morris USA. The United States smokers were additionally given those brands with which they were untried like: Peter Jackson. Philip Morris Worldwide that was not sold in U.s however in Australia. Twofold test was designed dependent upon brands, Subside

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Jackson. From the get go of the review candidates were not fit to distinguish that which descriptor stipulations matched to which pack. In this way, the present study tried the contender's capacity to match the descriptor terms with packs and colors which were unusual to them in aggregate.

Next, the current study conjectured that hopefuls might be further anticipated that in sanction way will match descriptor for a brand of smoke with which they are well-known and they are uncovered and hard fit in connection to that brand. This speculation tests the quality of taking without end the descriptor terms, for example, light and ultra-light from packs those contenders are well-referred to with and can distinguish accordingly, lost of term unmistakably detectable on the pack.

Numerous nations like, United kingdom and Australia surmise that uprooting of logos and visuals from the packaging and put institutionalize name of the brand so item decreases the consideration of the smokers and the reasons bringing down smoke smoking conduct (Mizerski, 2011). The disposal of all logos and visuals however an institutionalized brand name in little font on a smoke pack is debated to be a noteworthy solution for bringing down cigarette smoking conduct (Beede & Lawson 1992). Analysts like these differ that the present marked smoke bundle backings reviewing of advancement and notice by cigarette organizations. Large portions of these nations appear to be to obliging plain packaging have formerly confined assorted types of offers advancement, publicizing and any "retail purpose of offer" (POS) show of cigarette brands. At the time of such consistence, laws banning "retail purpose of offer" (POS) have been executed in Canada, Iceland, Australia, UK and Thailand (Paynter & Edwards 2009).

There is inquiry emerging that how does the examination writing give great explanation behind evacuating all marking on cigarette bundles when there is no support of brands in those businesses. Different nations' fugitives have been set up for more than thirty years.

2.2 Communication

The main goal of product pack is to communicate with the consumer and make them well inform about product thus influencing purchase decision (Silayoi & Speece, 2007). Product package is very essential, it communicates with consumer by providing them information of product (Belch & Belch 2007). Packaging as well communicates customers also by influence him to buy the product, it always perceived as advertising tool (Vignali, Vranesevic & Vrontis, 2004). Successful brand is build by successful packaging, it also distinguishes the brand from of competitors, it gain attention of customer and also it is mean to connects to the customer. The brand image is also be shape by the packaging in the mind of customers (Underwood, Klein & Robert L., 2000).

Packaging is most essential due to it attracts the consumer and communicates with it, desire to buy and sale of product is shaped by it (Griffin et al., 1985). Packaging is significant tool except holding the product but also for customer as it communicates with potential buyer and

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manipulates their mind, Customer sense good with attractive pack of product, and customer to be forced by the package to buy the product, good pack always helps reduce cost of advertising (Scott, 2008).The security and quality of product is judged and perceived through the package of product by the customer (Asadollahi, 2011).

The essential object of the packaging is to speak with the clients and mindful them about the item impact customers' buy choice (Silayoi & Speece, 2007). Packaging of item is exceptionally significant, packaging speaks with the client and likewise pass data to the client about item (Belch & Belch 2007). Packaging convey and fit for draw in buyers consideration. Packaging likewise impact purchaser recognition, packaging additionally acknowledged as a limited time apparatus (Vranesevic, Vignali & Vrontis, 2004). Effective packaging forms a fruitful brand. packaging separate the brand from contenders and packaging get the consideration of the shoppers' and packaging is the vehicle through which item speaks with clients. Packaging corresponds with the purchaser as well as enhance the brand picture in purchasers' psyche (Underwood, Robert L. & Klein 2001). The item packaging additionally corresponds with client and gives data to the client and separates your item from different items (Rettie & Brewer, 2000).

Packaging pulls in the consideration of the buyers, conveys the brand name and picture, separate the brand from the contenders and improve the item purpose, helping in brand deals and gainfulness (Cf. inclined, 1993). One of the paramount components of the packaging is item data, which aids the buyer in settling on their choice painstakingly on the grounds that this component educates the customers about the quality and profits of the item (Coulson, 2000).

Packaging is exceptionally critical for any item on the grounds that packaging pull in the purchaser, convey message to the buyer, make wish for the item and offer the item (Griffin et al., 1985). Packaging is an essential instrument for any item on the grounds that packaging ensures the item as well as speaks with the customers and plays with the psyches of purchasers. Great packaging helps the shoppers feel good with new item and pull in the customers and impact them to purchase the item, magnetic packaging additionally diminish the publicizing expense (Scott, 2008).

The effective packaging pulls in and corresponds with the client and packaging likewise separate the item with others, through packaging shopper know the nature of item and understand that what amount of this item is secure (Asadollahi, 2011). Packaging assumes a fundamental part to deal the item on the grounds that the item packaging is the first which pull in the buyers, packaging illuminate the shopper about item quality and profits and packaging turn into a striking businessperson (Arnpuero & Manor, 2006). Packaging is a key component of advertising the item, packaging change the client recognition about the item on the grounds that it corresponds with purchasers' and expansion the picture of item or brand, packaging offer body to the item (Vitrac & Entryway, 1993).

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In the event that packaging is not drawing in the shoppers mind then the fabricates hatchet not giving careful consideration on the item quality, packaging is communicator of item data which help the purchaser to settle on right choice (Silayoi & Speece, 2007). Packaging assumes paramount part in promoting communications and impact purchasers' purchasing choice (Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007).

As stated by Travers, Connor, Fix, and Cummings (2011), packaging of item performs a crucial part in corresponding with client. Since logo, color and design are magnet for the client towards certain item. Tobacco producers' have decently utilized smoke pack color, design and reminiscent terms in imparting the idea of more level tar or milder smoker while securing the taste. Smoker's convictions for a given item are feasible to be twisted in parts by clarify color and picture delineated on the pack. Vicinity of brand name on the packaging expands the customers' reaction and impacts their buy inclination (Laforet & Saunders, 2005). The principle motivation behind packaging is to separate the item from contenders and speaks and draws in customers' with the assistance of packaging (Ostil, 2009). Packaging gets the consideration of buyers' for specific brand and expansions its picture, impact customers' discernment about the item. Packaging additionally builds the quality of the item. More than 50 percent of purchasing choice is made at the stores or at the purpose of procurement. Packaging separates the item and gives surprising character to the item (Rita, 2009). Packaging likewise impacts the purchasing conduct of customers' through three basic viewpoints: communication, environment and usefulness. The communication viewpoint incorporate protest, for example, visual computerization, brand publicizing and data. Practicality demonstrates how to utilize the item, quality, stockpiling and profits. The third one is environment illustrate transfer of packaging after utilization of the item (Hansen 1986). Packaging design imparts the items' trademark and general impression displayed through design components, for example, shape, size and color (Masten, 1988). Packaging is an extension between maker and shopper whose item is to impart the quality and profits of the item and get the consideration of the buyers and impact the customer's observation to purchase an item (Meroni, 2000).

packaging is a critical some piece of each item its secures and saves the item as well as corresponds with the customers about item data and profits, packaging draw in and impact the purchasers to purchase the item (Brassington & Pettit, 1997). A standout amongst the most significant medium of communication is utilizing the picture on the packaging; it is the effective instrument which steer play with the feelings of the customers and impact their recognition about the item (Meyers, 1981).

Packaging shape, color, size, material and data together these components conveys the promoting message to the buyers. Packaging components help the shoppers to effortlessly comprehend the quality and helpfulness of the item and pull in their consideration regarding purchase an item (Draskovic, Temperley & Vignali, 2011). Packaging components likewise demonstrates the nature of the item which generally impacts the shoppers in the brand inclination. Engaging packaging shows that brand is of brilliant and helps the purchasers in

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choice making (Underwood, 2003). Packaging turns into a vital reason for the buyer's choice to purchase any item in light of the fact that packaging is the first thing which present the item and which corresponds with the customers that whether an item satisfy their prerequisites (Kupiec & Revell, 2001). Packaging is a source through which organization give data to the purchasers about the item and give guidelines how to utilize the item (Gardner, 1967).

Packaging draws in the buyers towards the item. Packaging is utilized as a communication and administers the brand (Rettie & Brewer, 2000). Packaging turns into a discriminating variable in the shopper choice making on the grounds that it corresponds with tilt customer when client is in the store and settling on choice to buy item and that time packaging pulls in the purchaser around the item and assumes the part of sales representative( (Kupiec & Revell, 2001). Packaging store and secure the item as well as build the quality of the item, packaging speaks with the buyers and stand out just enough to be noticed and impact the shoppers to purchase the item (Meyers, 1981).