prasna marga part 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2





    Editor, The Astrological Magazie


    [Chapters XVII-XXXII]

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    The !irst editio "as #$%lished i &'()* The de+ad "as so great that it "et o$t o! #rit

    "ithi a short #eriod*

    The !irst editio carried ol the Eglish traslatio "ith + critical otes ad

    ill$stratios "itho$t the origial Sas-rit te.t i De/aagari* This "as %eca$se, the te.t o "hich

    + traslatio "as %ased, sec$red !ro+ the Orietal Li%rar, Madras, "as i 0aada scri#t*

    Ho"e/er, a!ter the #$%licatio o! the !irst editio, it "as #ossi%le to get the te.t o! the

    1art II co#ied i De/aagari scri#t !ro+ the Orietal Li%rar, Msore* B$t this te.t did ot

    cotai +a i+#ortat slo-as gi/e i the earlier te.t i 0aada scri#t*

    There!ore it i/ol/ed +$ch ti+e to co+#are %oth the +a$scri#ts ad +a-e it co+#lete*

    Beca$se o! dela i gettig read the origial te.t ad %eca$se o! + !or+er #$%lishersha/ig s$s#eded their #$%licatio %$siess, the secod editio co$ld ot %e %ro$ght o$t earlier*

    I a+ ha## that this editio has %ee +ade co+#lete % the additio o! the Sas-rit te.t*

    I a+ tha-!$l to Mr* 2*1* 2ai o! Messrs Motilal Baarsidass !or co+ig !or"ard to

    #$%lish the e" editios o! %oth the #arts o! this great classic o astrolog i a attracti/e !or+*


    &3454&''6 B* 7* RAMAN

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    O! late iterest i the st$d o! astrolog has %ee icreasig ot ol i Idia %$t all o/er

    the "orld* Stragel, a certai sectio o! the ed$cated #$%lic i the a+e o! 8Scieti!ic o$tloo-8

    coti$e to si#e at astrolog d$%%ig it as s$#erstitio* B$t o serio$s atte+#t has e/er %ee

    +ade % these critics to e.a+ie scieti!icall the clai+s o! astrolog*

    9rores o! r$#ees e.#eded o the so4called scieti!ic e/al$atio o! the co+#ositio o! the

    stars ad their li!e ccles etc* are sheer "aste o! #$%lic +oe, $less the astroo+ers ad

    astro#hsicists egage the+sel/es i a itesi/e st$d o! the correlatios %et"ee #laets, the

    celestial %odies ad li!e o earth* O$r aciets did ot st$d astroo+ as a /eal occ$#atio* To

    the+ a logical corollar "as to li- the st$d o! astroo+ "ith o$r a!!airs* The greatest

    astroo+ers o! ore li-e 7araha+ihira "ere also great astrologers* The did ot "aste the-o"ledge o! the celestial s#here o sheer scholastic #$rs$its* I! Idia astroo+ers, #ro!iciet

    i "ester astroo+, shed their #re:$dices ad #redilectios ad ta-e a e" a##roach to

    astrolog, highl de/elo#ed % aciet sa/ats, the "ill !id tr$ths !$ll o! sigi!icace to h$+a

    li!e ad rele/at to +oder ti+es*

    1rasa Marga is #erha#s oe o! the +ost i+#ortat treatises o #redicti/e astrolog,

    re/ealig +ethods #ec$liar to the gei$s o! 0erala*

    The !irst #art ;9ha#ters I to

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    &434&'() B* 7* RAMAN

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    M Eglish traslatio o! the secod 1art o! 1rasa Marga #reseted here"ith is ot

    literal i the sese o! "ord !or "ord traslatio %$t li%eral* It gi/es the s$++ar o! each staza

    as +ade o$t % +e* It is there!ore li-el that i regard to so+e stazas I +a ot ha/e %ee @$ite

    s$ccess!$l i co/eig the iteded +eaigs o! the origial a$thor*

    Oe great di!!ic$lt I had to !ace i traslatig 1art II ito Eglish "as the a%sece o! a

    a$thetic origial te.t, #rited or "ritte, i De/aagari scri#t*

    T"o /ersios o! the origial te.t o! 1art II "ere o%taied, oe !ro+ the Orietal Li%rar,

    Madras, trascri%ed i Tel$g$ scri#t ad the other, co#ied i 0aada scri#t !ro+ the Orietal

    Li%rar, Msore, each di!!erig !ro+ the other i regard to the "ordig o! so+e slo-as ad the

    $+%er o! slo-as i a cha#ter* No co++etaries "ere a/aila%le ad I had to !all %ac- o + o"h$+%le $derstadig ad the assistace redered % so+e 0erala !rieds "ell /ersed i 1rasa


    With regard to #art I, I had o s$ch di!!ic$lt %eca$se o! the a/aila%ilit o! a a$thetic

    #rited editio "ith co++etaries % the great scholar 1$asseri Neela-ata Sar+a* There!ore

    !or a traslatioal errors, the res#osi%ilit is solel +ie tho$gh the traslatio has %ee doe

    as !aith!$ll to the origial as #ossi%le, -ee#ig i /ie" that i s$ch a "or- it is the s#irit o! the

    a$thor that +atters*

    I a "a, the secod 1art is +ore i+#ortat tha the !irst, as it deals "ith so+e o! the

    +ost sigi!icat e/ets %earig o h$+a li!e, s$ch as +arriage, childre, occ$#atio etc* The

    #ec$liarit is that it thro"s light ot ol o the 1rasa chart %$t also e+%odies i+#ortat ad

    rare co+%iatios %earig o the %irth horosco#e also*

    No e.tat classical "or- o astrolog a##ears to ha/e goe so dee#l ito the s$%:ects o!

    +arriage ad +arriage co+#ati%ilitC %irth ad death o! iss$es, childlessess, etc*, as 1rasa


    So+e o! the +ethods gi/e !or ti+ig e/ets %earig o these +atters are #ractical ad

    o/el o!!erig "ide sco#e !or research*

    The cha#ters o #redictig rai!all, locatig $der4gro$d "ater ad the e.istece o!

    s$%+erged "ells etc*, o#e a e"4/ista o! astrological -o"ledge "hich is rele/at to +oder

    ti+es ad coditios i! ol o$r so4called +e o! sciece co$ld shed their #re:$dices ad a/ail

    the+sel/es o! this -o"ledge*

    The other e@$all i+#ortat s$%:ects dealt "ith #ertai to #olitical astrolog, istallatio

    o! Deities i te+#les ad disco/erig !la"s a!ter the istallatio*

    Trasits %ased +ostl o 7araha+ihira?s Brihat Sa+hita "ill %e o! +ore tha cas$al

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    iterest* The cha#ter o Nashta 2ata-a e.#o$ds r$les !or castig horosco#es "he %irth details

    are ot a/aila%le*

    1rasa Marga a##ears to %e the ol classical te.t co/erig thoro$ghl e/er as#ect o!

    h$+a e.istece ad thro"ig light o re+edial +eas$res to %e ado#ted to e$tralise a!!lictios

    ca$sig di!!eret t#es o! diseases, etc*

    No" a S$++ar o! the Boo- 9ha#ter Se/etee deals "ith the @$estio o! +arriage*

    The loge/ities o! either #art to a +atch are o! the $t+ost i+#ortace* Therea!ter, the 7i/aha

    1rasa +$st %e care!$ll read* The a$thor re!ers to /ario$s a$thorities s$ch as 1rasa Sagraha,

    Madha/eea+, 1rasa Rata ad, o! co$rse, Brihat 2ata-a o /ario$s co+%iatios !or ha##

    +arriages, $ha## $ios, th"arted +atches, earl or delaed +arriages etc* 9ertai

    co+%iatios gi/e also s$ggest earl death o! h$s%ad or "i!e or %oth* All these co+%iatios

    are o the chart !or the ti+e o! @$er*9ha#ter Eightee ta-es $# the to#ic o! childre, their %irth ad loge/it* A Sathathi

    1rasa or @$er %earig o childre is a##lica%le to %oth h$s%ad ad "i!e* The )th ho$se is

    i+#ortat i the case o! a +a ad the 'th, !or a "o+a* 9o+%iatios !or the %irth o! li+ited or

    +a iss$es, childlessess ad !or ado#tio o! a child are gi/e* Re!ereces are +ade to

    cele%rated treatises s$ch as Madha/a?s M$h$rta, Sataa Dee#i-a, 1rasa Sagraha, Gaa

    1radee#i-a Brihat 2ata-a, Shat#achasi-a ad 7id"a::aa 7alla%ha to e+#hasize certai

    co+%iatios* I so+e istaces, S"ara Sastra is also e+#loed to di/ie "hether oe "ill ha/e

    iss$es or ot* 9ertai #eriods de#edig o the Moo?s #ositio i relatio to the "o+a?s atal

    Moo ad the %ee!ic as#ects it recei/es are sho" as good !or se.$al $io to %e !r$it!$l*

    Se/eral $+erical +ethods to deter+ie the @$estio o! childre are also gi/e*

    Di!!eret -ids o! Yogas#h$tas, Ya+a-ata-a, Ar$dha4laga, the at$re o! sig o! certai

    ogas#h$tas %eig 1r$shtodaa or rdh"odaa all i!l$ece the %irth as "ell as the se. o! the

    desired child* The +ethod to !i. $# the ti+e !or se.$al $io to res$lt i coce#tio $sig the

    #ositios o! #laets at @$estio ti+e is also o$tlied* Whe a ado#tio is s$ccess!$l, "he ot,

    ad "hat ha##es to the !ather or +other i certai cases are also detailed* der certai

    co+%iatios, the child +a also die d$e to c$rses or a%hichara ;s#ells cast % ee+ies=* Sigs

    ;la-shaas= ad co+%iatios to deter+ie "hether a "o+a is #regat or ot, her health, i!

    there "ill %e a a%ortio, se. o! the $%or child, %irth o! t"is ad ti+e o! deli/er, re+edial

    +eas$res !or #laets $!a/o$ra%l #laced are all descri%ed*

    9ha#ter Nietee coti$es "ith the s$%:ect o! #roge F their $+%er, their ti+es o!

    %irth, etc* Reasos !or childlessess are also disc$ssed* Bee:a ad 0shetra s#h$tas are to %e $sed

    i deter+iig the /irilit o! a +a ad the !ertilit o! a "o+a res#ecti/el* Di!!eret +ethods

    to calc$late these !actors are e.#laied* The s$%:ect o! #roge, sas the a$thor, is /er i+#ortat

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    %eca$se ol a so ca redee+ the de%ts o! his !ore!athers*

    I 9ha#ter T"et the a$thor delieates ho" the li!e ad career o! oe?s s#o$se +a %e

    e.a+ied !ro+ the horosco#e* Marriage is a%sol$tel ecessar i! oe is to %e etitled to #er!or+

    ordaied 0ar+as* Si+ilarl, the 3th ho$se ad 7e$s i a "o+a?s chart re/eals all a%o$t her

    h$s%ad* Ho" the ti+e o! +arriage +a %e deter+ied is also dealt "ith here*

    9ha#ter T"et oe relates to +arriage co+#ati%ilit* $otig se/eral a$thorities s$ch as

    Sar/asiddhi, Madha/achara, Brihas#ati, M$h$rta Sagraha, Madha/eea, M$h$rta Rata ad

    M$h$rta A%haraa, the a$thor sas ho" the co$t is to %e +ade !or +atchig charts* riedshi#s

    o! #laets are also gi/e*

    9ha#ter T"et t"o deals "ith the res$lts o! the trasits o! /ario$s #laets* It also gi/es

    details o! #recio$s stoes ad articles go/ered % the di!!eret #laets ad cere+oies

    associated "ith the+ to %e resorted to as re+edial +eas$res $der ad/erse trasits* 7edha ad7i#areeta /edha, essetial to iter#retig trasit res$lts, are also descri%ed*

    9ha#ter T"et three, dra"ig !ro+ the classical treatise 0ar+a 7i#a-a, deals "ith the

    #ri+ar ca$ses o! disease ad re+edial +eas$res a##ro#riate to the+* These ca$ses are %asicall

    related to acts o! o+issio ad co++issio*

    9ha#ter T"et !o$r is a co+#rehesi/e oe ad co/ers +atters relatig to the Deities

    ;De/a 1rasa=, r$ler ;Ra:a 1rasa=, "ar ;Y$ddha 1rasa=, ad h$tig ;Mrigaa 1rasa=* Ho"

    the Deit is to %e istalled ad +eas$res to set right !la"s i the i+ages or #er!or+ace o!

    traditioal rit$als are e.#laied* Meas$res to es$re geeral #ros#erit are also gi/e* Whether a

    +archig ar+ "ill i/ade or retreat ad "hether o attac- "ill %e s$ccess!$l or ot are dealt

    "ith $der Ra:a 1rasa* Sigs i at$re ad o+es #oitig to "ar ad also at$ral cala+ities

    are also listed*

    Ti#s o "he to tra/el ad "he to a/oid certai directios !ollo" e.t* H$tig ad the

    -id o! ga+e oe "ill !id $der di!!eret #laetar dis#ositios are dealt "ith i Mrigaa


    9ha#ter T"et !i/e deals "ith the s$%:ect o! rai!all* What #laetar co+%iatios

    ca$se hea/ rai!all, ho" rais i the !irst &) ghati-as o! certai l$ar das gi/e a idicatio o!

    the rai!all !or the etire !ortight i @$estio, o+es idicati/e o! rai!all, ho" the !irst letter o!

    a @$estio %earig o rai!all, rai%o"s, asteris+s, etc*, +a%e $sed to deter+ie i! there "ill %e

    rais, stor+s ad ccloes, are dealt "ith* These are %ased #ri+aril o the Brihat Sa+hita o!

    7araha+ihira* These cl$es ca also %e $sed to as"er 0oo#a 1rasa or @$estios o diggig


    9ha#ter T"et si. details 0oo#a 1rasa e.#laiig "hether "ater ca %e !o$d or ot

    !or diggig a "ell at a #artic$lar s#ot* Ho" to !id "hether the "ater is s"eet, %itter, isi#id, etc*,

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    is also dealt "ith*

    9ha#ter T"et se/e ta-es $# the s$%:ect o! Bho:aa 1rasa* Ho" the dier, the !ood

    oe eats, rest a!ter +eals ad the at$re o! co/ersatio "hile eatig ca %e gleaed !ro+ the

    Bho:aa 1rasa are e.#laied* 1roshithoga+aa 1rasa "hich is stragel icl$ded i this

    cha#ter deals "ith the ret$r o! a #erso "ho is i e.ile*

    9ha#ter T"et eight deals "ith se.$al $io ad its at$re ad the #lace "here it too-


    9ha#ter T"etie sho"s ho" @$estios ca %e as"ered "he the @$eret #$ts his

    @$er i /ag$e ter+s* O+es are also to %e care!$ll oted i as"erig s$ch @$estios*

    $estios o loge/it ad stole goods are the +ost co++ol eco$tered oes i s$ch

    circ$+staces* B a care!$l st$d o! the Ar$dha or Laga, "hiche/er is stroger, ad the sigs

    ad #laets i/ol/ed, ot ol ca the at$re o! the stole articles %e deter+ied %$t also detailsa%o$t the thie!, his "herea%o$ts, his a+e ad "hether he is a relati/e or a strager, etc*, ca all

    %e -o"*

    9ha#ter Thirt disc$sses +ethods to dra" the horosco#e o! a #erso "ho does ot -o"

    his %irth ti+e ad is titled Nashta 2ata-a or $-o" horosco#e*

    The at$re o! drea+s ad their i+#licatios o the %asis o! the ti+e o! @$estio are

    detailed i 9ha#ter Thirt oe* 9ertai drea+s idicate the osla$ght o! di!!eret -ids o!

    disease ad cose@$et death* The di!!eret #arts o! ight i "hich drea+s a##ear ca %e $sed to

    !orecast the ti+e "he the #ortets o! the drea+ "ill occ$r* The iter#retatio o! drea+s is @$ite


    9ha#ter Thirt t"o deals "ith the Ashta-a/arga Sste+ o! 1redictio, o$tliig the

    techi@$es o! dra"ig a Ashta-a/arga chart !or the di!!eret #laets ad the Laga* The res$lts

    o! each #laet trasitig sigs i its o" Ashta-a/arga cotaiig /arig $+%ers o! %id$s are

    descri%ed* Ho" trasits o! certai #laets i the di!!eret Ashta-a/arga charts +a %e $sed !or

    #laig oe?s sec$lar acti/it !or a$g+etig #ositi/e res$lts ad !or +ii+isig ad/erse

    idicatios are e$+erated*

    Dra"ig the Sa+$daa or collecti/e Ashta-a/arga ad classi!ig the sigs "ith

    di!!eret $+%ers o! %id$s as sreshta ;%est=, +adha+a ;+iddlig= ad -aishta ;least= "ith

    res$lts ascri%ed to the+ %eig res#ecti/el #ro#ortioal i @$alit ad @$atit are ela%orated*

    B addig $# the %id$s i the di!!eret ho$ses i di!!eret #rescri%ed "as 4 oe?s !iacial

    #ros#erit, #eriods o! !ort$e ad +is!ort$e, cala+ito$s #eriods, etc*, ca %e !oresee*

    A iterestig +ethod % "hich the Ashta-a/arga chart ca %e a##lied to Dasa res$lts is

    also gi/e* Tri-oa ad E-adhi#ata red$ctios are e.t disc$ssed "ith +ethods o$tlied to

    sho" ho" these res$lts +a %e $sed to delieate ha##eigs*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    The last cha#ter o! this treatise co+es to a ed "ith the a$thor reca#it$latig "hat he

    has descri%ed i the etire te.t #receded % a %rie! acco$t o! hi+sel!* It is iterestig to ote

    that the a$thor also re!ers to so+e o! his ri/als "ho had tried to $derrate his "ritigs*

    Th$s the t"o #arts o! 1rasa Marga e.tedig o/er 6)>> stazas co/er the etire ga+$t

    o! %oth horar ad horosco# ad ca there!ore %e o! i++ese %ee!it to all those serio$sl

    iterested i the st$d ad $derstadig o! the sciece o! astrolog*


    &434&'() B* 7* RAMAN

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    CHAPTER XVII !V"#aha Pras$a%

    1$ttig the @$estio F 6

    A%o$t the girl?s #arets F 5

    1ossi%ilit o! +arriage F '

    Death o! the co$#le F &6

    Idicati/e sigs F &5

    gl loo-ig "i!e F 6>

    CHAPTER XVIII !Sa$tha$a Pras$a%

    9a$ses !or a%sece o! iss$es F 6)

    Ado#tio F 6(Loss o! childre F 6'

    Birth o! childre F >

    Barreess i "o+a F 3

    Gar%ha #rasa F 5)

    A!!lictio to #arets F 5J

    Ascertaiig a "o+a?s #regac F )3

    Miscarriage F )'

    Se. o! the child F J>

    Ti+e o! deli/er F J3

    Re+edial +eas$res F 3J

    Sathaa thithi F (5

    Ho" Ado#tio is deied F '6

    CHAPTER XIX !Iss&es A''(r)"$* t( B"rth H(r(s'(pe%

    9o+%iatios !or #roge F ')

    Bi:a ad -shetra s#h$tas F 'J

    Death o! childre F &>6

    a+il e.tictio F &>

    9hildlessess F &>)

    ather?s death %e!ore so?s %irth F &&&

    Ado#tio F &&

    N$+%er o! iss$es F &66

    1laetar ras F &6)

    Whe childre are %or F &6'

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    CHAPTER XX !Se#e$th H(&se Thr(&*h H(r(s'(pe%

    actors to %e cosidered F &5

    Yogas !or "i!e?s death F &)

    9haracter o! "i!e F &J

    Role o! 7e$s F &3

    N$+%er o! "i/es F &56

    Birth star o! "i!e F &5J

    1eriod o! +arriage F &)>

    CHAPTER XXI !Marr"a*e C(+pat",""t.%

    Rasi agree+et F &)

    Di!!eret /ie"s F &)5

    Se.$al co+#ati%ilit F &))1laetar !riedshi#s F &)(

    Di!!eret -ootas F &)'

    Gotra /ichara F &J)

    7ihaga$-oola F &JJ

    Bhoota$-$la F &J'

    Ashta-a/arga agree+et F &3&

    Metal co+#ati%ilit F &36

    I+#ortat ite+s o! cocordace F &3)

    CHAPTER XXII !E//e'ts (/ Tra$s"ts%

    Trasit o! the S$ F &33

    The Moo?s trasits F &3(

    Trasit o! Mars F &3'

    Trasit o! Merc$r F &(>

    Trasit o! 2$#iter F &(>

    Trasit o! 7e$s F &(6

    Trasit o! Sat$r F &(

    1ro#itiatio o! #laets F &(5

    7edha ad 7i#areeta 7edha F &(J

    7edha sigs F &('

    CHAPTER XXIII !D"seases0 Ca&ses a$) Re+e)"es%

    Re+edies as #er 0ar+a 7i#a-a F &'6

    9os$+#tio F &'6

    Le#ros F &'

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Ser#is F &'5

    Le$coder+a F &'5

    Dseter F &'5

    1iles F &')

    Diseases o! the ee F &')

    Ear de!ects F &')

    Lig$al diseases F &')

    Rhe$+atis+ F &'J

    9olic tro$%le F &'J

    S#lee diseases F &'J

    e+ale diseases F &'3

    Dro#s F &'3riar tro$%les F &'3

    ist$la F &'(

    Throat diseases F &'(

    Headache F &''

    E#ile#s F &''

    D$+%ess ad isait F &''

    e/ers F &''

    Thirst F &''

    lcers F 6>>

    Ds#e#sia F 6>>

    Iteral tro$%les F 6>&

    Gi!t o! health F 6>6

    CHAPTER XXIV !De"t"es1 R&ers et'2%

    Istallatio o! the hol Idol F 6>

    Di/ie #resece F 6>5

    I+#airig o! di/ie #resece F 6>)

    De/a 1rasa F 6>J

    Di!!erig /ie"s F 6>3

    Wrath o! the Deit F 6&6

    $estios %earig o r$lers F 6&

    1laets ad #ort!olios F 6&J

    $estios o "ar ad i/asio F 6&(

    Idicati/e sigs F 6&'

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    I/asio o! the co$tr F 66>

    Retreat o! the ee+ F 66&

    Ti+e o! i/asio F 665

    1eace %et"ee #arties F 66J

    De!eat ad /ictor F 66(

    Whe to declare "ar F 6>

    E/il o+es F 6&

    R$i o! the r$ler F 65

    Whe to +o/e the ar+ F 6)

    1arigha F 65>

    E!!ects o! "ee-das o tra/el F 65

    2o$re % "ater F 655Ad/ice to r$lers F 6)6

    H$tig F 6)3

    9lassi!icatio o! ai+als F 6)(

    CHAPTER XXV !Ra"$/a%

    9o+%iatios !or hea/ rai!all F 6J>

    A##earace o! +oc- S$ F 6J6

    Whe does rai occ$r K F 6J

    Sigi!icace o! l$ar +oth Ashadha F 63J

    7e$s ad rai!all F 63(

    Madalas or ccles F 63(

    Sha#es o! clo$ds ad rai!all F 6(>

    Ai+al 1rogosticates F 6(>

    Other hel#!$l hits !or #redictig rai!all F 6(

    I+#ortace o! Solar igress F 6(5

    0araas ad rai!all F 6(J

    As"erig @$eries o rai!all F 6'>

    1redictig !loods F 6'6

    Ad/erse "ids F 6'5

    CHAPTER XXVI !K((pa Pras$a%

    Hits !or disco/erig "ater laers F 6')

    Idicati/e sigs F 6'J

    Dearth o! "ater F 6'3

    G$#ti cha-ra F 6'(

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    E.istece o! s$%+erged "ells F >

    Taste o! the "ater F >)

    7ast$ 1$r$sha F >J

    9l$es !ro+ #lats F >J

    De#th o! the "ater laer F >3

    CHAPTER XXVII !Bh(3a$a Pras$a%

    Me$ at +eals F &>

    T#e o! dri-s ser/ed F &6

    $alit o! !ood F &

    9o/ersatio at +eals F &5

    1laets ad tastes F &)

    Nat$re o! !ood cos$+ed F &JThe diig hall F &'

    Ret$r ho+e o! a tra/eller F 6>

    CHAPTER XXVIII !S&ratha Pras$a%

    O co4ha%itatio F 6

    Descri#tio o! the #arter F 6)

    Nat$re o! iti+ac F 6'

    1lace o! co4ha%itatio F >

    CHAPTER XXIX !Nashta Pras$a%

    Re/ealig the at$re o! @$estio F )

    $estios relatig to +issig articles F J

    Details a%o$t the!t ad the thie! F J

    The locatio o! the article F 3

    1laetar idicatios o! the!t F '

    N$+%er o! #ersos i/ol/ed F 56

    Nat$re o! the +issig article F 5

    Sig sigi!icatios F 53

    1laets sigi!ig the thie! F 5'

    The thie!?s a##earace etc* F )&

    Reco/er o! the article F )3

    CHAPTER XXX !Nashta 4ata5a%

    Birth star !ro+ 1rasa chart F )(

    Ni+ittas ad the Moo?s #ositio at %irth F J6

    Moth o! %irth F JJ

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Risig sig at %irth F 3>

    2$#iter at %irth F 3&

    CHAPTER XXXI !Drea+s%

    idig the at$re o! a drea+ F 35

    Res$lts o! drea+s F 3J

    Di!!eret -ids o! drea+s F 3'

    9a$ses o! drea+s F (>

    Ti+e o! e.#eriecig the e!!ects o! drea+s F (&

    Bharata?s drea+ F (6


    Bee!ic dots cotri%$ted % #laets F ()

    Adha+a, Madha+a ad So%haa F ((1laets trasitig their Ashta-a/arga sigs F ((

    The S$?s Ashta-a/arga F '5

    The Moo?s Ashta-a/arga F ')

    Mars Ashta-a/arga F 'J

    Merc$r?s Ashta-a/arga F '3

    2$#iter?s Ashta-a/arga F 5>>

    7e$s Ashta-a/arga F 5>>

    Sat$r?s Ashta-a/arga F 5>&

    Sa+$daa Ashta-a/arga F 5>6

    Ma.i+$+ ad +ii+$+ #oits F 5>6

    Bhad$-a, Se/a-a, 1osha-a ad Gr$ta-a F 5>5

    irst, secod ad third #arts o! li!e F 5>)

    Ashta-a/arga ad Dasa res$lts F 5>(

    Tri-oa sodhaa F 5>'

    E-adhi#ata sodhaa F 5&>

    odiacal ad #laetar !actors F 5&&

    ather?s death F 5&6

    Mother?s death F 5&

    Death o! %rothers F 5&

    N$+%er o! childre F 5&5

    Ti+ig the %irth o! iss$e F 5&J

    More tha oe "i!e F 56>

    1eriod o! Marriage F 56&

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Death o! the #erso F 566

    S$++ar o! the Boo- F 56

    9ocl$sio F 56J

    Origial Sas-rit Te.t F 9ha#ters

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    V"#aha Pras$a !Marr"a*e%

    Sta$6a 72 I sha $(8 )ea 8"th the 9&est"($ (/ +arr"a*e a/ter )es'r","$* +atters

    '($$e'te) 8"th ($*e#"t.2 Th"s "s the (r)er t( ,e /((8e)2


    I the !irst #art o! this %oo- the di!!eret +ethods o! esti+atig loge/it ha/e %ee

    detailed* The a$thor o" ta-es $# the @$estio o! +arriage ad deals "ith it @$ite e.ha$sti/el*

    Sta$6a :2 A$ astr((*er +&st /"rst e;a+"$e the ($*e#"t"es (/ the '(&pe t( ,e

    +arr"e) ,ase) ($ the"r respe't"#e h(r(s'(pes2 The$ the (ther )eta"s (/ the"r /&t&re "/e

    s&'h as 'h")re$1 et'21 sh(&) ,e 8e st&)"e)2 O$. a/ter th"s1 V"#aha Pras$a 'a$ ,e ta5e$

    &p2 A/ter sat"s/."$* h"+se/ that there "s per/e't a*ree+e$t1 he 'a$ re'(++e$) the+arr"a*e a"a$'e 8h"'h "s +a"$. +a)e /(r pr(*e$. 8h"'h a($e sat"s/"es the P"tr"s2 Th"s "s

    the #"e8 (/ Pras$a Sa$*raha2


    It "as the %elie! a+ogst the aciets that the +ai o%:ect o! +arriage "as to %eget

    childre, so that the so$ls o! the de#arted co$ld rest i #eace* O! co$rse +oder ideas are

    di!!eret, %$t the %irth o! childre is a i+#ortat as#ect o! +arriage*

    Sta$6a > ears ago $der the #atroage o! the 7i:aaagar 0ig B$--a*

    Sta$6a >2 The 9&er"st +&st /"rst appr(a'h the astr((*er 8"th re#ere$'e a$) the$

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    pr($(&$'e *e$t. 8"th(&t repet"t"($ the $a+es a$) aster"s+s (/ the "$te$)e) ,r")e a$)


    Sta$6a ?2 The astr((*er +&st the$ e;a+"$e the /&t&re (/ the '(&pe ($ the ,as"s (/

    the Pras$a 'hart2 The prese$'e (/ ,e$e/"'s "$ the @th h(&se "s *(()2


    It is to %e oted that o #laets sho$ld occ$# the 3th ho$se at the ti+e o! +arriage "hile

    %ee!ics i the 3th are idicators o! good i a horar chart %earig o +arriage*

    Sta$6a 2 S&pp(se a +a$ 8"shes t( +a5e a 9&er. re*ar)"$* +arr"a*e2 The '(rre't

    pr('e)&re "s t( ,e th&s0

    Sta$6a @2 Ca$ th"s *"r !$a+e a$) $a5shatra t( ,e *"#e$% h(pe t( ,e pr(sper(&s

    8"th a*reea,e a$) ($* '($$&,"a reat"($s a$) 'h")re$1 "/ she "s .(5e) t( th"s pers($

    !$a+e a$) $a5shatra a))e)% Th"s "s the /(r+ "$ 8h"'h the 9&er. "s t( ,e '(the)2Sta$6a 2 Sa*e Br"haspat" "s (/ the (p"$"($ that the $a+es a$) aster"s+s (/ ,(th

    ,r")e a$) ,r")e*r((+ sh(&) ,e state)2 O/ these1 the +(re "+p(rta$t "s that (/ the ,r")e2 A

    'are/& rea)"$* (/ La*$a re#eas the "/e (/ the ,r")e1 8h"e that (/ the @th h(&se *"#es

    )eta"s a,(&t the ,r")e*r((+2

    Sta$6a 2 I$ th"s 8a.1 the te+pera+e$t1 "/e h"st(r.1 et'21 (/ the ,r")e 'a$ ,e

    &$)erst(() /r(+ the as'e$)a$t a$) the st(r. (/ the ,r")e*r((+ 'a$ ,e ha) /r(+ the @th2

    Sta$6a 72 I/ the S&$ "s )e,""tate) (r (''&p"es a$ &$/r"e$). s"*$ a$) )(es $(t

    aspe't e"ther the as'e$)a$t (r Ar&)ha La*$a the ,r")e 8" ha#e $( /ather2 L"5e8"se she "s

    +(theress "/ the M(($ "s s"+"ar. s"t&ate)2


    Here the stregth o! the S$ is to %e oted* I! he is strog ad does ot as#ect the

    ascedat, the girl?s !ather does ot loo- a!ter her* Both Ar$dha ad Laga sho$ld %e de/oid o!

    his as#ect* I this "a oe ca ascertai the state o! the %rothers !ro+ MarsC o! the $cles !ro+

    Merc$r, etc* The a$thor has gi/e the a%o/e details as stated i the A$shtaa 1addhati*

    Sta$6a 772 I/ the @th h(&se /r(+ the La*$a (r Ar&)ha "s $(t aspe'te) ,. the S&$1

    8h( sh(&) ,e )e,""tate) (r (''&p. a$ "$"+"'a h(&se1 the /ather (/ the ,r")e*r((+ 8"

    $(t ,e a"#e2 The M(($ s"+"ar. pa'e) "$)"'ates the +(ther 8" $(t ,e a"#e2 S"+"ar. the

    state (/ the ,r(thers 'a$ ,e rea) /r(+ Mars1 et'2


    Let $s ta-e a ill$stratio ;9hart &= "here the #ro#osed +atch is %ro$ght to a astrologer

    at &6 I*S*T* o 434&'(6 at & N, 33 E )* The chart !or the @$er ti+e "o$ld %e as !ollo"s

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Venus 17-02Merc. 28-12

    Sun18-51Rahu 21-20

    Sun Rahu Lagna Venus

    Chart 1 RASI NAVAMSA



    Ketu 21-20Arudha

    Moon 15-8 !u"#ter 8-1$Lagna 1%-7Mars 21-$Sat. 2%-%0

    !u"#t. Moon Ketu Mercur&

    The a$thor sas the Laga or Ar$dha +$st %e ta-e ito acco$t* Ho" is Ar$dha

    deter+iedK This sho$ld, strictl s#ea-ig, %e deter+ied accordig to the +ethod o$tlied i

    9ha#ter 6, Stazas 3 to && ;1art &= "hich "e shall reca#it$late %rie!l here*

    8Ar$dha is a /er i+#ortat !actor i 1rasa or Horar Astrolog***8 The &6 sigs are

    assiged to the ( directios ad accordig to the directio "hich the @$eret !aces at the ti+e o!

    cos$ltatio, the Ar$dha is deter+ied*

    I +oder ti+es, there is a see+ig hitch i this +ethod* The #reset4da astrologer has

    his !$rit$re, #artic$larl his "ritig des-, arraged i a #artic$lar +aer, "hich re+ais the

    sa+e da a!ter da* Nat$rall a @$eret o a da +$st !ace the astrologer i the sa+e

    directio* This +eas the sig re#reseted % this directio is al"as the Ar$dha, o +atter "ho

    the @$eret, ad "hee/er that %e* O! co$rse i s#ite o! it, the +ethod is @$ite e!!ecti/e %eca$se

    the #ositios o! the #laets relati/e to the Ar$dha -ee# coti$all chagig* Ol

    e.#eri+etig "ith a large $+%er o! @$eries ca co!ir+ the +ethod*

    Aother +ethod s$ggested see+s +ore !easi%le i that a circle is dra" ad di/ided ito

    ( #arts "here each cardial #oit gets 5)*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    The co++o sigs each get 5) "hile the other sigs get ol 66 &6* The @$eret is

    as-ed to #lace a #iece o! gold o a #oit "hich is called the Ar$dha* or istace i diagra+ &,i! the @$eret #laces the coi %et"ee east ad so$th4east, Ar$dha "o$ld %e Ta$r$s* Accordig to

    the !irst +ethod the directio he !aces "o$ld %e the Ar$dha* I! he stads !acig the orth4east,

    Ar$dha "o$ld %e 1isces* E/e i! the astrologer has his des- !acig the so$th4east ad a chair

    o##osite !or the @$eret the Ar$dha %eig the sa+e orth"est sig Sagittari$s each ti+e, it

    "o$ld still "or- !or all @$erets @$ite correctl*

    Istead o! a gold coi ;the gold re#resetig the S$, the, h$% o! o$r solar sste+=, a gold

    o%:ect s$ch as a rig, c$!!li-, chai, %agle, #edat "o$ld %e @$ite i order i #reset ti+es*Goig %ac- to 9hart &, the Laga %eig 7irgo, the S$ is i the &>th "ith Rah$* Ar$dha,

    as the @$eret "as acig orth4"est, ha##es to %e Sagittari$s* The S$ is as#ectig Ar$dha %$t

    he is ot i a ii+ical or de%ilitated sig* O the other had he is as#ected % 2$#iter triall

    idicatig the girl?s !ather is ali/e*

    The Moo is de%ilitated ad does ot as#ect the Ascedat or the Ar$dha* !ort$atel

    the girl lost her +other so+e ears %ac-* The 5th is s$!!icietl a!!licted, e/e i! the 7e$s4

    Merc$r co+%iatio as#ects the Moo*

    The Laga has t"o +ale!ics i it* The Laga ad the 3th lords are ad/ersel #laced i

    res#ect o! each other* The Moo is i a A#o-li+a ;the rd, Jth, 'th or &6th=, %$t does ot a##l

    %ee!iciall to 2$#iter or Merc$r* This idicates it is $li-el the +arriage "ill ta-e #lace ad

    e/e i! it sho$ld, !or arg$+et?s sa-e, the co$#le +a @$arrel edlessl*

    I act$al #ractice, it is !o$d that e/e i! there is this co+%iatio, the as#ect o! 2$#iter

    ca egate the e/il e!!ects*

    Sta$6a 7:2 hate#er has ,ee$ )eta"e) ear"er sh(&) ,e 'are/&. '($s")ere)2 A$) "/

    the. are /(&$) /a#(&ra,e1 the pers($ 8" ,e ,esse) 8"th a *(() /(rt&$e1 'h")re$ a$)

    +arr"a*e2 Other8"se the res&ts 8" ,e &$/a#(&ra,e2

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    The a$thor s$ggests that i st$dig the 1rasa 9hart, d$e cosideratio sho$ld %e gi/e

    to hits s$ggested i earlier cha#ters* The a$thor has #ro%a%l i /ie" 9ha#ter II "herei certai

    o+es %earig o Ti+e, S#ace, etc*, ha/e %ee dealt "ith* I! the o+es are also good, the

    +arriage ta-es #lace ad oe "ill e:o ha##iess ad "ealth*

    Sta$6a 72 Fr(+ the 7st part (/ the s(5a K&3e$)&1 (,sta'es1 et'21 a,(&t the

    +e$ses a$) +arr"a*e sh(&) ,e as'erta"$e)2 Fr(+ the :$) part sh(&) ,e *ea$e) the

    p(ss",""t. (/ +arr"a*e1 et'2


    7araha Mihira has gi/e details a%o$t the +eses i "o+e i his Brihat 2ata-a, 9ha#ter5 %egiig "ith the /erses ?0$:ed$ het$ #rathi +aasa +aartha/a+***? I the !irst #art o! the

    slo-a, ho" +arriage cere+oies are o%str$cted ad i the 6d #art, certai sigs that %rig a%o$t

    ha## +arriages are gi/e* I 7i/aha M$h$rtha, i! Mars as#ected % the Moo occ$#ies the rd,

    Jth, &>th ad &&th, +arriage "ill ha/e to %e #ost#oed or sto##ed %eca$se o! the +othl

    +eses ;+estr$al !lo"= o! the %ride* I! he occ$#ies e/e sigs !ro+ the ascedat as the 6d,

    5th, Jth, (th, &>th ad &6th, +arriage "ill ot ta-e #lace !or the sa+e reaso* I! the Moo

    as#ected % 2$#iter occ$#ies the 6d, 5th, )th, 3th, 'th ad &6th ;a$#achaa rasis= +arriage "ill

    ta-e #lace "itho$t a +isha#* I the sa+e +aer, i! he occ$#ies odd sigs !ro+ Laga as the

    rd, )th, 3th, 'th ad &&th the also there "ill %e o serio$s o%str$ctio* I! the Moo as#ected %

    Mars trasits the 6d, )th ad Jth Bha/as, the +othl +eses "ill ta-e #lace*

    Whe the Moo as#ected % 2$#iter occ$#ies other Bha/as, se.$al $io %et"ee

    h$s%ad ad "i!e ta-es #lace* I a @$estio %earig o the %irth o! childre ;to %e detailed later=

    the +othl #eriod ca %e !i.ed % otig the oga4s#h$ta o! the Moo ad Mars* 9oce#tio

    ca %e calc$lated o the %asis o! the Yoga F athoathasthaC 9hadra S#h$ta ca %e arri/ed at

    !ro+ #re+grahasthitai* #aithe -a+ai gi/es the ti+e o! deli/er* Th$s "e see that this staza is

    rich i +eaig ad has to %e care!$ll a##lied i the cote.t* It is said that this staza idicates

    e/e certai re+edial +eas$res to %e #er!or+ed to %rig a%o$t ha## cos$++atio o! +arriage

    as the "orshi# o! Sita, Ra+a, 0risha, R$-+ii, etc*

    Sta$6a 7?2 Marr"a*e 8" $(t ta5e pa'e "/ the a//"'te) M(($ (''&p"es a$ e#e$ s"*$

    /r(+ the Pras$a La*$a (r Ar&)ha a$) the 9&er. "s p&t "$ the per"() (/ the 8a$"$* M(($2

    The M(($ "$ the th as( "$)"'ates s(+e (,sta'e /(r the +arr"a*e2

    NOTES The a%o/e co+%iatios are as gi/e i 1rasa Sagraha*

    Sta$6a 72 I/ the 9&er"st happe$s t( t(&'h h"s ar+1 'hest (r hea)1 +arr"a*e 8" ta5e

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    pa'e2 I/ he h(8e#er t(&'hes h"s /eet1 5$ees a$) 5$ee-'aps1 the +arr"a*e 8" ,e )ea.e)2 I/

    he t(&'hes h"s e/t ar+1 h"s ,a'51 h"s h"$) 8a"st1 the +arr"a*e 8" $(t ta5e pa'e2 I/ the

    (r)s (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) the @th (r the (r) (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) Ve$&s "$ter'ha$*e

    h(&ses1 (r (''&p. /r"e$). pa'es1 (r are e;ate)1 (r aspe't ea'h (ther1 +arr"a*e 8" ta5e



    Here Ar$dha ad the lord o! the 3th !ro+ Ar$dha ca also %e ta-e ito acco$t !or

    #$r#oses o! #redictios* It +a %e oted that the #arts o! the %od to %e to$ched !or !a/o$ra%le

    res$lts are s#eciall the erotic areas geerall $sed % o$g co$#les* Those, ot $sed, are


    Sta$6a 7@2 I/ +ae/"'s aspe'te) ,. +ae/"'s are )e,""tate) (r pa'e) "$ "$"+"'a s"*$s

    "$ the th1 +arr"a*e 8" $(t ta5e pa'e /(r s(+e reas($ (r the (ther2 I/ the +ae/"'s are "$the th1 +arr"a*e )(es $(t ta5e pa'e ,e'a&se (/ )"sease t( the '(&pe2 The sa+e )"sp(s"t"($

    +a. as( ,e the 'a&se (/ ,rea5)(8$ (/ +arr"a*e $e*(t"at"($s )&e t( 9&arres a+($*st

    reat"#es2 I/ at the "+e (/ 9&er.1 a$"+as1 ,"r)s (r serpe$ts are /(&$) "$ the a't (/

    '(ha,"tat"($1 the$ the *"r=s 'hara'ter 8" ,e 9&est"($a,e2


    This staza ea%les $s to atici#ate o the %asis o! the @$er ti+e "hether or ot

    +arriage egotiatios "ill %e !r$it!$l*

    ;a= or the !ail$re o! egotiatios d$e to so+e reaso or the other +ale!ic #laets

    as#ected % +ale!ics sho$ld %e i the (th, de%ilitated or i ii+ical sigs, ;%= Brea-do" o!

    egotiatios "ill %e d$e to the illess o! the co$#le i! the +ale!ics re!erred to i ;a= are i the Jth,

    s$%:ect to the sa+e a!!lictios as +etioed s$#ra, ;c= The dis#ositios +etioed i ;%= +a

    also idicate the !ail$re o! egotiatios d$e to @$arrels o! relati/es, ;d= The girl?s character "ill

    %e @$estioa%le F the a$thor act$all $ses the "ord :aarii ;ad$lteress= F i! at the ti+e o!

    @$er, ai+als, %irds or ser#ets are !o$d to %e i co#$latio*

    Here is a 1rasa 9hart ;9hart 6= "hich is sel!4e.#laator*

    E.a+#le &44&'( at J4> #*+* ;I*S*T*= at Bagalore*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    The ascedat risig at ghatis 66, &(, &5, &>, J, 6 ad 6J a!ter s$rise res#ecti/el o

    S$da to Sat$rda gi/es the #ositio o! Ya+a S$-ra* Ya+a S$-ra is said to rise at the ti+es

    gi/e a%o/e o di!!eret "ee-das*

    The Yoga S#h$ta re!erred to i this staza is a #oit arri/ed at % addig the logit$des o!

    Ya+a S$-ra, the lord o! the ascedat ad 7e$s*

    Deter+iatio o! Ya+a S$-ra E.a+#le To deter+ie Ya+a S$-ra o 434&'(6 at

    Bagalore at &6 Hrs* I*S*T* Wee-da F Sat$rda S$rise F )*)) a*+* L*M*T*

    Ya+a S$-ra rises at 6J gh* a!ter s$rise o Sat$rda, i*e*, at &>h* 65+* a!ter s$rise*

    S$rise &>h* 65+* 4 &Jh* &'+* Laga at &Jh* &'+* L*M*T* &' )&? Scor#io There!ore Ya+a

    S$-ra &' )&? Scor#io Laga at &6h* I*S*T* & 53? 7irgo Logit$de o! 7e$s &3 >6? Ta$r$s*

    Yoga S#h$ta 66' )&? & 53? 3 >6? 5> 5>? or &> 5>? Ta$r$s*A##lig this staza to the e.a+#le, Scor#io sho$ld ot %e the Jth, (th or &6th !ro+

    Ar$dha !or the +arriage to ta-e #lace* Here it is the &6th !ro+ Ar$dha i Sagittari$s*

    The &>th lord !ro+ Ya+a S$-ra ;Scor#io= "ho is the S$ sho$ld also ot occ$# a o!

    the d$sthaas !ro+ it* Here the S$ is i the (th !ro+ Ya+a S$-ra, agai a !actor agaist the

    +arriage ta-ig #lace*

    Rah$, 0et$ or G$li-a i Yoga S#h$ta do ot gi/e ha##iess i +arriage* The Nodes do

    ot a!!lict it %$t the +a:orit o! !actors are agaist the +arriage %eig ha##*

    Sta$6a :2 Re+arr"a*e ta5es pa'e &$)er the /((8"$* a5sha$as0 The appeara$'e

    (/ a pers($ 8"th t8( 8(+e$ at the t"+e (/ Pras$a1 s&))e$ appeara$'e (/ h&s,a$) a$) 8"/e

    a)#a$'e) "$ a*e1 s"*ht (/ a$ (; a$) a '(8 at the t"+e1 the '(+pet"($ (/ the Cha5ra P&3a

    $(t ,. ($e ,&t ,. t8( pers($s1 s(&$)s /r(+ a )"sta$'e a$) appeara$'e (/ a a$"+as

    8h"'h "$)&*e "$ pr(+"s'&(&s &$"($2

    Sta$6a :72 Marr"a*e /&$'t"($ *ets (,str&'te) ,. the +($th. per"() (/ the ,r")e1 "/

    re) /(8ers1 (r ,(() (r s'rat'h"$* (/ the ,(). 8"th the /"$*ers are see$ at the t"+e (/

    Pras$a2 The 'r"es (/ eepha$ts a$) ,&//a(es1 s"*ht (/ re) /(8ers a$) pa'"$* the *()-p"e'e

    e"ther "$ the 'e$tre !pa)+a% (r "$ the "$es "$ the 'ha5ra "$)"'ate )"ss(&t"($ (/ +arr"a*e2

    Sta$6a ::2 Separat"($ (/ t8( pers($s h"thert( 'aspe) ha$) "$ ha$)1 see"$* e"ther a

    )ea) ,(). (r a +a$ )."$*1 a$) hear"$* 8(r)s (/ )"sp&te (r 9&arre "$)"'ates ,rea5)(8$ (/

    +arr"a*e2 Be(8 are *"#e$ s(+e a5sha$as "$)"'at"#e (/ happ. &$"($s2


    Stazas 6>, 6& ad 66 e+%od the la-shaas or idicati/e sigs or o+es "hich idicate

    that +arriages do ot ta-e #lace* The stazas are clear ad eed o e.#laatio*

    Sta$6a :

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    )resse) "$ &$8ashe) '(thes a$) h()"$* a 8aste) '(th "$ h"s ha$)s "s see$ (r a$. "#"$*

    ,e"$* e$*a*e) "$ se;&a &$"($ "s see$1 +arr"a*e 8" ta5e pa'e "++e)"ate.2 See"$* a +a$

    )"**"$* the *r(&$) (r sa8"$* 8(()1 "$)"'ates that the 8(+a$ "$ 9&est"($ "s a ,a) ($e2

    Sta$6a :>2 I/ "t "s see$ at the t"+e (/ Pras$a that the )ress (/ a$. pers($ "s /a"$*

    a8a. /r(+ h"s ,().1 the$ "t 'a$ ,e "$/erre) that the *"r "s $(t 'haste2 The sa+e 'a$ as( ,e

    sa") "/ the pett.-'(at (/ the *"r /as a8a. /r(+ her ,().2

    Sta$6a :?2 Marr"a*e 8" ta5e pa'e s(($ "/ a$. (/ the /((8"$* (+e$s are (,ser#e)

    at the t"+e (/ Pras$a0 !a% Mer'ha$ts appear 8"sh"$* t( se +eta"' #esses e;'ept ,rass

    5ette !,% a +"rr(r +a)e (/ ,rass (r th&+,a /(8er1 (r art"'es +a)e (/ s"#er J these are

    see$ at the t"+e !'% a pers($ 8"th sa're) threa) t&r$s &p $eat. a/ter ("-,ath a$) !)% a$.

    pers($ t(&'hes h"s 8"th h"s (8$ ha$)s2

    Sta$6a :2 Ear. +arr"a*e "s "$)"'ate) "/ at the t"+e (/ 9&er. t8( th"$*s "$tert8"$e)(r '(se. ,ra'5ete) are see$ a +arr"e) '(&pe '(+es at the t"+e (r "s see$ at a )"sta$'e a

    pers($ ha#"$* 8((e$ str"$*s r(&$) h"s ha$)s a$) e*s "s see$ a s($*ster t&r$s &p e"ther

    s"$*"$* (r (ther8"se (r a$. s8eet-s+e"$* ("$t+e$t as sa$)a8(() "s see$ at the t"+e2


    Stazas 6> to 6J deal$si/el "ith i+ittas or idicati/e sigs or o+es, o the %asis

    o! "hich oe ca #redict "hether a #ro#osed +arriage ta-es #lace or "hether it "ill %rea- do"*

    The listig o! these i+ittas is sigi!icat* What -ee o%ser/ers "ere o$r aciet sages %eco+es

    e/idet "he "e re!lect that i at$re othig is le!t to chace or accidet ad that schroicit

    is the %asis o! e/ets to ha##e* or e.a+#le seeig a co$#le clas#ig their hads idicates

    s$ccess* B$t the ?o+e? as s$ch +a ot i!l$ece the e/et* B$t a e/et ad a related o+e ca

    %e schroo$s #heo+eo as 9arl 2$g has e.#laied*

    Sta$6a :@2 I/ Ve$&s a$) the (r) (/ the @th h(&se (''&p. pa'ha.as1 the '(&pe 8"

    ,e happ. a/ter +arr"a*e a$) ,e*et 'h")re$2


    The sa+e #rici#le ca %e e.teded to #redict a%o$t iss$es, etc*, th$s I! 2$#iter ad the

    lord o! the )th occ$# #achaas, there "ill %e +$ch #ros#erit a!ter the %irth o! a child* I! Mars

    ad the lord o! the rd occ$# the rd, the Jth or the &&th, there "ill %e ha##iess a!ter the %irth

    o! a %rother* Th$s the 0ara-a ad the /ario$s lords are to %e cosidered* The a%o/e co+%iatios

    are as #er 1rasa Rata*

    Sta$6a :2 I/ the str($* M(($ a$) Ve$&s (''&p. e#e$ s"*$s a$) Na#a+sas a$)

    aspe't La*$a1 a pers($ 8" ,e a,e t( +arr. the *"r "$ #"e8 ear.2


    This co+%iatio is a##lica%le %oth to the %irth ad horar charts*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Sta$6a :2 I/ the as'e$)a$t "s "$ a /e+ae Dre55a$a a$) a$ e#e$ Na#a+sa aspe'te)

    ,. the M(($ a$) Ve$&s1 +arr"a*e 8" ta5e pa'e s(($2

    NOTES This oga ca %e $se!$ll a##lied to a +ale chart*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    (thC or these ho$ses sho$ld %e the $!riedl #laces to the +ale!ics i the 1rasa chart* The res$lt

    is, the h$s%ad ad "i!e "ill die* The li-el #eriods are the Dasas ad Bh$-tis o! the +ale!ic

    #laets re!erred to a%o/e*

    Sta$6a 2 A +ae/"' pa$et "$ )e,""tat"($ "$ the ?th h(&se1 aspe'te) ,. "$"+"'a

    pa$ets1 "$)"'ates that the 8(+a$ "s (/ 9&est"($a,e 'hara'ter (r her 'h")re$ 8" )"e2


    I! the )th is a!!licted % the #resece o! a de%ilitated #laet or the as#ect o! a ii+ical

    #laet, the "i!e is said to %e $chaste or her childre "ill die* The a$thor a##ears to %e

    so+e"hat /ag$e* Which res$lt F the "o+a %eco+ig $chaste or her childre dig F "ill

    hold good K The iter#retatio is le!t to the itelligece o! the astrologer* What "e !eel is, i! the

    )th ho$se is a!!licted as #er the staza, %$t 7e$s is clea ad "ell dis#osed, o re!lectio ca %e

    cast o the character o! the "o+a* Oe sho$ld %e /er care!$l i +atters o! :$dgig the chastitor other"ise o! a "o+a*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    This staza re!ers to ?stree4graha? or !e+ale #laets ad the are the Moo ad 7e$s*

    The sho$ld occ$# !riedl sigs ad as#ect the ascedat "hich sho$ld ha##e to %e a

    +asc$lie sig* Whe this co+%iatio occ$rs, the h$s%ad gets a lo/ig "i!e* Here e/e oe

    !e+ale #laet ;7e$s or the Moo= ca ca$se the oga* S$##ose Sagittari$s is the ascedat ad

    7e$s as#ects it !ro+ Ge+ii, a !riedl sig* The h$s%ad gets a lo/ig "i!e* A##lig this to a

    +ale horosco#e, i! a +ale #laet ;S$, Mars or 2$#iter= is i a !riedl sig ad as#ects the

    Laga "hich +$st %e a e/e sig, the h$s%ad "ill lo/e the "i!e*

    All s$ch co+%iatios sho$ld %e s-il!$ll ad ot literall iter#reted i order to arri/e at

    correct cocl$sios*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Whe the 1rasa chart idicates +arriage, "e ca #redict that the +arriage "ill ta-e

    #lace "he the Moo trasits

    ;a= the sig sigi!ied % his o" D"adasa+sa #ositioC

    ;%= the )th or 'th !ro+ itC or ;c= 9hadra%hilasha sig F this is e.#laied i the e.t

    staza F or the ;d= Na/a+sa Rasi o! the lord o! the 3th*

    or e.a+#le let $s ass$+e that the Laga is Sagittari$s, ad the Moo is 6& Ta$r$s ad

    Merc$r is &) Ge+ii "hich +eas the Moo occ$#ies 9a#ricor D"adasa+sa* Lord o! the 3th

    Merc$r is i A@$ari$s Na/a+sa* I! the 1rasa chart sho"s +arriage, the it ca ta-e #lace ;a=

    "he the Moo trasits 9a#ricorC or ;%= Ta$r$s or Li%raC or ;c= 9hadra%hilasha sigC or ;d=

    A@$ari$s* Here as $s$al the astrologer?s e.#eriece ad it$itio +$st hel# hi+ to #i#oit

    "hich o! these !o$r alterati/es holds good*

    Sta$6a >72 D"#")e the M(($=s ($*"t&)e !"$ +"$&tes% ,. 2 Ca the re+a"$)er !a%2M&t"p. !a% ,.

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Moon 2-10Mercur& 1'-


    Venus 5-20Sun 11-10Rahu 15


    Sun Rahu Mars Lagna

    Chart % RASI





    Lagna 7-0%!u"#t.(R)

    1$-52Ketu 15

    Sat. (R) 1$-00 Mars (R*

    2Ketu !u"#t.(R)

    ;ii= a . 36& . 6&J

    ;iii= 6&J6>> &>*(&) &>s 65?5) degrees*

    ;i/= 9hadra%hilasha Sig 4 A@$ari$s 65*5) degrees*

    Deter+iatio o! 9hadra/ela sig ;i= a . ' 36& . ' J5('

    ;ii= J5('6>> 6*55) 6s JJ*3) degrees 5s J*3) degrees

    E.#$gig +$lti#les o! &6, "e get &>s J*3) degrees 9hadra/ela A@$ari$s J*3)


    Staza 56* A!ter st$dig the 1rasa chart i this +aer ad otig !$ll the a$s#icio$s

    or ia$s#icio$s at$re o! Sa-$as, i! the M$h$rtha !or the "eddig is selected, e/erthig "ill

    ed "ell*

    Th$s eds the 9ha#ter

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    Sa$"hath" Pras$a !Ch")re$%

    Sta$6a 72 I sha )es'r",e "$ th"s 'hapter the 9&er. ,ear"$* ($ the ,"rth (/ 'h")re$2

    A 9&er"es sh(&) ,e p&t at a$ a&sp"'"(&s +(+e$t2


    Sice ti+e #las a i+#ortat #art i sha#ig the co$rse o! actios, the a$thor s$ggests

    that it is ecessar that @$eries are #$t at a$s#icio$s +o+ets*

    Sta$6a :2 A a). '(ha,"t"$* 8"th her h&s,a$) at a$ a&sp"'"(&s +(+e$t 8" ,e

    ,esse) 8"th 'h")re$ s(($2 A *(() a't"($s sh(&) ,e '($)&'te) at a&sp"'"(&s +(+e$ts2

    S"+"ar. a 9&er"es re*ar)"$* +arr"a*e1 8eath1 '(ha,"tat"($1 et'21 sh(&) ,e +a)e at a

    'h(se$ t"+e 8he$ the as'e$)a$t a$) pa$ets are ,e$e/"'"a. )"sp(se)2Sta$6a

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    ;&= The Moo occ$#ies the rd, the Jth, the &>th ad the &&th !ro+ Ar$dha Laga ad the

    6d, the 5th, the )th, the 3th, the (th, the 'th ad the &6th !ro+ the ascedat*

    ;6= Ar$dha Laga is a !e+iie sig ad the 1rasa Laga is a +asc$lie sig*

    ;= Agi%h$ta rises i the ascedat*

    ;5= The tree r$led % the costellatio occ$#ied % 2$#iter is ot ieldig !r$it at the ti+e

    o! @$er*

    The /ario$s Tat"as, s$ch as Agi, etc*, ha/e %ee e.#laied i 9ha#ter &5 o! the !irst #art

    to "hich the reader +a re!er !or details*

    The a%o/e staza is !ro+ Sataa Dee#i-a*

    Sta$6a @2 The '(+,"$at"($s /(r 'h")ess$ess1 a)(pt"($1 )eath (/ 'h")re$1 ,"rth (/

    /e8 'h")re$1 a$) ha#"$* +a$. "ss&es1 et'21 are $(8 )eat 8"th2

    Sta$6a 2 I/ 4&p"ter1 the (r) (/ La*$a a$) the (r)s (/ the ?th a$) the @th are a8ea51 the 9&est"($er 8" ha#e $( 'h")re$2

    Sta$6a 2 I/ +ae/"'s are "$ the ?th a$) the (r) (/ the ?th h(&se "s he++e) "$

    ,et8ee$ +ae/"'s a$) "s )e#(") (/ ,e$e/"' aspe't1 the$ 'h")ess$ess 8" res&t2


    Accordig to aother /ersio the lord o! the )th is to %e de%ilitated ;eecha sa+sthite=

    The 'th !ro+ Ar$dha Laga ad the )th !ro+ the ascedat are the ho$ses o! iss$es*

    Sta$6a 72 I/ +ae/"'s (''&p. the ?th /r(+ the as'e$)a$t1 the M(($ a$) 4&p"ter1 a$)

    the. are $(t aspe'te) ,. ,e$e/"'s1 a$apat.a .(*a res&ts2

    Sta$6a 772 I/ a s"*$ (8$e) ,. Mer'&r. (r Sat&r$ happe$s t( ,e the ?th h(&se a$) "t

    "s aspe'te) ,. (r ass('"ate) 8"th Sat&r$ a$) G&"5a1 ($e 8" ha#e t( *( "$ /(r a)(pt"($2

    Sta$6a 7:2 The $at"#e 8" ha#e $( $at&ra "ss&e ,&t 8" ha#e t( a)(pt ($e "/ a

    str($* ,e$e/"' pa$et (''&p"es the ?th h(&se 8"th(&t the aspe't /r(+ the (r) (/ the ?th


    Sta$6a 7

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    a!!licted, e/e tho$gh the "i!e?s "o+%, etc*, +a %e or+al she lac-s the s$%tle eerg to

    cocei/e* A care!$l st$d o! Bee:a ad 0shetra theor is /er ecessar*

    While there is the geeral dict$+ that 2$#iter as -ara-a o! childre, #laced i the ho$se o!

    childre, destros the ho$se, the a$thor a##ears to e.ted the #rici#le !$rther "he he sas, o

    the a$thorit o! aciet sages, that 2$#iter i the )th idetical "ith 9a#ricor or 1isces +a-es

    oe s$!!er !ro+ sorro" d$e to death o! childre* I! 1isces is to %e the )th, the ascedat +$st %e

    Scor#io* I! 2$#iter is i the )th, his !$ctios as -ara-a ad lord %eco+e idetical* He "ill also

    as#ect the Laga* Yet the res$lt is highl $!a/o$ra%le* Agai "he oe is %or i 1isces ad has

    2$#iter i the )th ;9acer= he "ill ha/e a $+%er o! da$ghters* O the !ace o! it, this oga co$ld

    %e cosidered i+#ro%a%le* B$t the a$thor sas it is the o#iio o! the sages* These co+%iatios

    sho$ld %e %alaced i the light o! other !a/o$ra%le or $!a/o$ra%le !actors i!l$ecig the ho$se

    o! childre*Sta$6a 7>2 I/ the )e,""tate) (r) (/ the ?th (''&p"es the th 8h"'h sh(&) ,e a$

    "$"+"'a s"*$ )e#(") (/ aspe'ts (/ ,e$e/"'s a$) the (r) (/ the th "s "$ the ?th1 there 8" ,e

    (ss (/ 'h")re$2

    Sta$6a 7?2 I/ 4&p"ter "s he++e) "$ ,et8ee$ +ae/"'s a$) the ?th (r) "s 8ea5

    8"th(&t ,e"$* aspe'te) ,. (r ass('"ate) 8"th ,e$e/"'s1 there 8" ,e (ss (/ 'h")re$2


    I the a%o/e stazas, the a!!lictio o! the )th lord ad 2$#iter are cosidered !or loss o!

    childre* I the sa+e "a, i! the )th ho$se is he++ed i %et"ee +ale!ics ad de/oid o! %ee!ic

    as#ects ad the )th lord is also s$%:ect to a!!lictios, there "ill %e loss o! childre*

    Sta$6a 72 A''(r)"$* t( e;perts "$ astr((*. there 8" ,e (ss (/ 'h")re$ "/ the (r)

    (/ the ?th "s )e,""tate)1 (''&p"es a$ "$"+"'a pa'e (r "s '(+,&st (r "s ass('"ate) 8"th the

    (r)s (/ the th1 the th (r the 7:th (r "/ the (r) (/ the ?th (''&p."$* the ?th "s &$aspe'te)

    ,. ,e$e/"'s2

    Sta$6a 7@2 The $at"#e 8" ha#e 'h")re$ "/ the (r) (/ the ?th "s str($*1 "s "$

    ass('"at"($ 8"th (r aspe'te) ,. the (r) (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) the ?th h(&se "s /ree /r(+


    Sta$6a 72 There 8" ,e ,"rth (/ 'h")re$ "/ Mars (''&p"es the ?th h(&se 8h"'h +&st

    ,e Ar"es1 Le(1 S'(rp"( (r P"s'es a$) 8h"'h +&st ha#e the ,e$e/"' aspe't (/ 4&p"ter2


    The ter+ $sed i the origial is #$tra/aa#ti+ "hich ordiaril +eas, a so "ill %e %or*

    B$t I ha/e iter#reted the ter+ li%erall to i+#l childre i geeral*

    Sta$6a 72 I/ the ?th h(&se "s he++e) "$ ,et8ee$ a$) aspe'te) ,. ,e$e/"'s (r

    '($3("$e) 8"th (r aspe'te) ,. the (r) (/ the ?th1 ,"rth (/ 'h")re$ (''&rs2

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Sta$6a :2 I/ the str($* (r) (/ the ?th (''&p"es a$. h(&se (ther tha$ the th1 the

    th (r the 7:th a$) has the aspe't (r '($3&$'t"($ (/ a ,e$e/"' pa$et1 =,"rth (/ 'h")re$= 'a$

    ,e pre)"'te)2

    Sta$6a :72 I/ the str($* (r) (/ the ?th (''&p"es the as'e$)a$t1 the ?th (r the @th a$)

    "s 8"th(&t a$. aspe't (r '($3&$'t"($ (/ +ae/"'s1 there 8" ,e ,"rth (/ "ss&es2

    Sta$6a ::2 I/ str($* 4&p"ter (''&p"es the as'e$)a$t (r the ?th (r the @th h(&se a$) "s

    &$aspe'te) ,. +ae/"'s1 'h")re$ 8" ,e ,(r$2


    Al+ost all the a%o/e stazas e+#hasise the %ee!ic dis#ositio o! the lord o! the )th, the

    )th otise ad 2$#iter to es$re %irth o! childre, 2$#iter ca %e cosidered strog i 1isces,

    9acer ad Sagittari$s* He gets dig%ala i the ascedat* B$t i staza 6&, the 3th ho$se is also

    +etioed alog "ith the ascedat ad the )th ho$se to es$re %irth o! #roge*Sta$6a :

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    le!t ostril, a da$ghter "ill %e %or* I! the ascedat !alls i the S$?s Hora ad the %reath !lo"s

    thro$gh the right ostril, a so "ill %e %or*

    We gi/e the !ollo"ig e.tracts !ro+ aother /ersio o! the MSS*

    Iss$es "ill ot %e %or i! the ascedat is i S$ra ;S$?s= Hora, %reath #asses thro$gh

    the right ostril ad Ar$dha ad Laga are i odd sigs*

    The ascedat is i 9hadra Hora* Breath #asses thro$gh the right side* The Moo,

    Laga ad Ar$dha are i Ta$r$s, Leo, 7irgo ad Scor#io* There "ill %e o iss$es*

    The ascedat is i the S$?s HoraC the Moo, Laga ad Ar$dha occ$# Ta$r$s, Leo,

    7irgo ad Scor#io* Agi%h$ta rises i the ascedat* No iss$es "ill %e %or* Accordig to so+e,

    the #resece o! Agi%h$ta is ecessar !or all the a%o/e ogas to ca$se the res$lts attri%$ted to

    the+* Accordig to so+e others, the #resece o! Agi%h$ta aloe costit$tes a se#arate oga ad

    deies the %irth o! childre* or o$r #art, "e ha/e ot tested these ogas ad hece "e caot/o$chsa!e !or their acc$rac or other"ise B$t the teachigs o! the +asters +erit o$r attetio*

    Sta$6a :2 I/ the (r) (/ the ?th (''&p"es the as'e$)a$t1 the @th (r the ?th h(&se (r

    the (r)s (/ the 7st a$) the @th 3("$ the ?th h(&se (r the (r) (/ the ?th (r 4&p"ter 3("$s the

    as'e$)a$t there 8" ,e ,"rth (/ 'h")re$2 I$ a 9&est"($ ,ear"$* ($ 'h")re$ 4&p"ter sh(&)

    as( ,e '($s")ere) as (r) (/ 'h")re$2

    Sta$6a th ad the &&th= !ro+ Ar$dha deies %irth o! childre,

    "hich +eas the Ar$dha r$les the "i!e ad the ascedat has go/erace o the h$s%ad*

    Madha/a, the cele%rated a$thor o! the great "or- Madha/eea does ot acce#t this /ie"*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    The a$thor gi/es !r$it!$l or !ertile #eriods !or i+#regatio* The +estr$al !lo" occ$rs

    "he the Moo recei/ig the as#ect o! Mars occ$#ies a a$#achaa Rasi ;the 6d, the 5th, the

    )th, the 3th, the (th, the 'th ad the &6th= !ro+ the #ositio o! the radical Moo i the "i!e?s

    horosco#e* Whe the se. cogress ta-es #lace a!ter this, coce#tio res$lts* I! o the cotrar the

    +estr$al !lo" ta-es #lace "he the Moo as#ected % Mars is i a $#achaa #lace ;the rd,

    the Jth, the &>th or the &&th= !ro+ the radical Moo o! the "i!e the se.$al $io "ill ot res$lt i

    coce#tio* Se.$al $io i! doe o a da "he the Moo as#ected % 2$#iter occ$#ies the rd,

    the Jth, the &>th or the &&th !ro+ the radical Moo o! the h$s%ad, or i the costellatio o!

    Moola ad asteris+s declared to %e good !or the !irst !eedig o! the child "ill res$lt i

    coce#tio* or i+#regatig the "i!e, the (th l$ar da, /ishti, ri-tha ad athira -araas,

    sraddha ;a$al cere+o= das, etc*, sho$ld %e a/oided*

    Sta$6a ?

    Let Ya+a-ata-a %e &J &)?*

    Laga Ya+a-ata-a 63' )? or 9a#ricor ' )? ;Rasi= ad 1isces ;Na/a+sa=* The

    stroger o! 9a#ricor ad 1isces is the Yogas#h$ta ad sho$ld %e cosidered !or as"erig

    @$estios o childre*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    also called rdh/odaa or Sirodaa sigs* The are Ge+ii, Leo, 7irgo, Li%ra, Scor#io ad

    A@$ari$s* These sigs, e.ce#t Ge+ii, are #o"er!$l d$rig da*

    I!, !or e.a+#le, the Yogas#h$ta ha##es to %e Leo ad %ee!ics s$ch as 2$#iter, 7e$s or

    "ell4associated Merc$r :oi or as#ect it, the "e +a cocl$de the %irth o! a child "ill occ$r at

    a ot too late date*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    As #er this staza, !actors !a/o$rig o %irth o! childre, are ;a= 2$#iter, the lord o! the

    )th ad Ya+a-ata-a sho$ld %e a!!licted*

    ;%= The sho$ld occ$# the Jth, the (th ad the &6th ho$ses*

    ;c= The sho$ld %e i e/e sigs ad e/e Na/a+sas*

    ;d= The )th ho$se sho$ld also %e a!!licted*

    ;e= The @$er sho$ld ha/e %ee #$t a!ter the (th da o! the dar- hal! o! the l$ar +oth*

    I! all the !i/e !actors o%tai, there "ill %e o %irth o! childre* I! ol t"o or three are

    #reset, the oe ca ha/e iss$es % #er!or+ig re+edial +eas$res s$ch as gi!ts, "orshi#, etc*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    the Na#a+sa La*$a1 a$) the M(($ "s "$ the Ras" a$) Na#a+sa (''&p"e) ,. the (r) (/

    La*$a1 the 8(+a$ 8" '($'e"#e a$) *"#e ,"rth t( a 'h")2


    I +et a 1aic-er, "ell4/ersed i 1rasa Marga d$rig oe o! + /isits to 0erala*

    Accordig to hi+, staza 5 is to %e $derstood th$s

    2$#iter?s Na/a+sa +$st %e i the sig occ$#ied % the lord o! the )th* The S$?s

    Na/a+sa +$st %e i the sig occ$#ied % the lord o! the )th !ro+ the Na/a+sa4Rasi o! Laga*

    The Moo?s Na/a+sa +$st %e i the sig occ$#ied % the lord o! the ascedat* Se.$al $io

    ta-ig #lace $der this #laetar set4$# res$lts i #regac ad %irth o! a child*

    O! co$rse I ha/e + o" reser/atios a%o$t his iter#retatio*

    E.a+#le 9hart *



    Chart % RASI




    Moon Mercur& Venus Merc. Lagna

    The )th lord, Merc$r is i Li%ra Rasi ad Sagittari$s Na/a+sa*

    2$#iter i trasit sho$ld %e i oe o! these sigs*

    Na/a+sa Laga %eig 7irgo, its r$ler is Merc$r "ho is i Li%ra Rasi ad Sagittari$s

    Na/a+sa* The S$ sho$ld occ$# Li%ra or Sagittari$s i trasit*

    The lord o! Laga 7e$s is i 7irgo Rasi ad Ta$r$s Na/a+sa* The trasit Moo sho$ld

    %e i Ta$r$s or 7irgo*

    Whe se.$al $io ta-es #lace $der s$ch a #laetar set4$# i gochara ;trasit=, the

    "o+a cocei/es s$ccess!$ll*

    Bet"ee the Rasi ad the Na/a+sa Rasi, the stroger oe is to %e cosidered*

    The co+%iatios, gi/e i this staza, are accordig to o$r a$thor, a secret cl$e gi/e %

    his o" G$r$*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Sta$6a >>2 As'erta"$ the )a. ($ 8h"'h the M(($ tra$s"ts the D8a)asa+sa Ras" (/

    the s&+ (/ the ($*"t&)es (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) the M(($ the +($th 8he$ the S&$ tra$s"ts

    the s"*$ s"*$"/"e) ,. the s&+ (/ the ($*"t&)es (/ the S&$ a$) the M(($ the .ear1 8he$

    4&p"ter tra$s"ts the s"*$ (,ta"$e) ,. a))"$* the ($*"t&)es (/ the as'e$)a$t1 the M(($ a$)

    4&p"ter a$) the e;a't Ras" ,. a))"$* the ($*"t&)es (/ the as'e$)a$t1 the S&$1 the M(($

    a$) G&"5a2 I/ se;&a &$"($ ta5es pa'e &$)er the a,(#e set-&p1 pre*$a$'. res&ts "$ the

    ,"rth (/ a 'h")2


    This staza ea%les oe to !i. $# a ti+e !or the se.$al $io to res$lt i coce#tio ad

    later o i the %irth o! a iss$e*

    The a%o/e staza is re#reseted % the !ollo"ig !or+$la

    Year Laga Moo 2$#iter 4 aMoth S$ Moo********* %

    Da ;Laga Moo=********* c

    D"adasa+sa Rasi o! c gi/es the da*

    Ti+e Laga S$ Moo G$li-a d*

    The ear 2$#iter trasits a, the +oth "he the S$ trasits %, the da "he the Moo

    trasits the D"adasa+sa Rasi o! c ad the ti+e "he d rises o Laga is the a##ro#riate ti+e !or

    se.$al $io*

    Whee/er Rasi is +etioed it a$to+aticall !ollo"s that the Na/a+sa Rasi is also

    i+#lied* Th$s i! the S$ 5 the Moo is i A@$ari$s Rasi ad Li%ra Na/a+sa, the stroger o! the

    t"o +$st %e cosidered*

    Here is a +ethod o! deter+iig the !ertile #eriod !or se.$al cogress* 9hildless co$#les

    "ishig !or childre ca ti+e their $ios i accordace "ith the !or+$la gi/e here*

    Sta$6a >?2 The pa$ets that 3("$ (r aspe't the (r) (/ the ?th h(&se !(r the s"*$ a$)

    Na#a+sa (''&p"e) ,. the (r) (/ the ?th% "$)"'ate the 'aste (/ the 8(+a$ thr(&*h 8h(+ a

    'h") "s t( ,e ,(r$2 I/ the (r) (/ the ?th "s aspe'te) ,. 4&p"ter a$) Ve$&s1 the 9&er"st 8"

    ha#e "ss&es thr(&*h h"s (8$ 8"/e2


    The strogest o! ;a= the #laets that :oi the lord o! the )th, ;%= the #laets that as#ect the

    lord o! the )th, or ;c= the sig ad Na/a+sa occ$#ied % the lord o! the )th "ill gi/e the cl$e to

    #redict the caste o! the "o+a "ho %egets the child* 2$#iter ad 7e$s as#ectig the )th or lord

    o! the )th is eo$gh to s$ggest that the iss$e "ill %e thro$gh the "edded "i!e*

    Most o! the classical "riters agree o legiti+ate iss$e, i*e*, thro$gh oe?s "edded "i!e i!

    2$#iter is i/ol/ed*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Accordig to 7araha+ihira i his Brihat 2ata-a, the S$ ad Mars r$le the -igl caste

    ;0shatrias or "arrior races= ad roalt, the Moo ad Merc$r idicate 7aisas ;tradig

    co++$it=* 2$#iter ad 7e$s idicate Brah+is, Sat$r 9hadalas or o$tcastes ad 0et$ ad

    Rah$, the de+oiacal or the /er heterodo., !oreigers, o4Hid$s, etc* De#edig $#o the

    #laet i/ol/ed, the caste o! the "o+a "ho "ill %ear oe?s iss$e ca %e +ade o$t*

    Sta$6a >2 I/ the (*asph&ta /(r+e) ,. a))"$* the ($*"t&)es (/ the as'e$)a$t a$)

    a+a-5a$ta5a happe$s t( ,e "$ a '(++($ s"*$1 $( 'h") 8" ,e ,(r$2 I/ the (*asph&ta "s

    a//"'te) ,. +ae/"'s1 the 8"/e 8" ,e ,arre$2 I/ the Sph&ta "s "$ V"r*( a$) aspe'te) ,.

    Mer'&r. a$) Sat&r$1 he 8" ha#e t8( a)(pte) 'h")re$2


    Staza 5J gi/es three co+%iatios !or childlessess, %arreess ad ado#tio* The ca

    %e listed seriall as !ollo"s;a= 9all the #oit arri/ed at % addig the logit$des o! the ascedat ad Ya+a-ata-a

    as .*

    ;%= I! . !alls i a co++o sig, o child is %or*

    ;c= I! . is a!!licted % the as#ect o! or associatio "ith +ale!ics, the "i!e "ill %e %arre

    ;d= I! . ha##es to !all i 7irgo ad is as#ected % Merc$r ad Sat$r, t"o childre "ill

    %e ado#ted*

    M disc$ssios "ith so+e #adits e.#erieced i the techi@$es o! 1rasa Marga ha/e

    re/ealed that accordig to the+ the co+%iatio ca de the %irth o! a child !ro+ the !irst "i!e,

    "hich i+#lies ;accordig to the the #re/ailig c$sto+= that the ati/e "o$ld +arr a secod

    "i!e !or %egettig a child* What i! the secod +arriage also !ailed to gi/e a child K The #adits

    sa that i! . occ$#ies Sagittari$s ;istead o! 7irgo=, the !irst "i!e gets a child a!ter the secod

    +arriage* I! . is i 1isces, he +arries a third "i!e !ro+ "ho+ he gets a iss$e* I! it is sit$ated i

    a co++o sig ad recei/es the as#ect o! %ee!ics or %ee!ics co:oi it, all the three "i/es "ill

    %eget iss$es*

    I the light o! the +oder social set4$#, the details !$rished here co$ld %e o! ol

    acade+ic iterest*

    Sta$6a >@2 I/ the (*asph&ta "s '($3("$e) 8"th Mars a$) Sat&r$ a$) aspe'te) ,. the

    S&$ a$) Mer'&r.1 a)(pte) 'h")re$ 9&arre2 I/ 4&p"ter a$) Ve$&s ass('"ate (r aspe't the

    :$)1 the a)(pte) 'h") 8" ,e '(r)"a t(8ar)s "ts pare$ts2


    I! . re!erred to i the #re/io$s staza has the associatio o! Merc$r ad Sat$r ad the

    as#ect o! the S$, the t"o ado#ted childre "ill ot get o "ell* I! istead o! the S$, 2$#iter ad

    7e$s as#ect, the child ado#ted !or the secod ti+e "ill #ros#er ad "ill ot %e @$arrelso+e* I

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    other "ords, the ado#tio "ill %e a s$ccess*

    Whe Merc$r is i co:$ctio "ith ., the S$ caot as#ect it as Merc$r ca e/er %e

    sit$ated %eod 3 !ro+ the S$* It is ot clear "hether a #artial as#ect is hited at*

    With staza 53 the s$%:ect o! childre eds*

    Sta$6a >2 The 9&est"($ re*ar)"$* the /&t&re (/ the 'h") "$ the 8(+, "s 5$(8$ as

    *ar,ha pras$a "t "s t( ,e a$s8ere) th&s2

    Sta$6a > The Gar,ha Pras$a La*$a !pr(*e$. J as'e$)a$t% "s the (*asph&ta

    /(r+e) ,. a))"$* the as'e$)a$t a$) a+a5a$ta5a2 Deta"s a,(&t the +(ther ha#e t( ,e

    rea) /r(+ th"s as'e$)a$t a$) the M(($2 The @th h(&se /r(+ th"s p("$t a$) the S&$

    represe$t the /ather2 The $at&re (/ the pr(*e$.1 et'21 sh(&) ,e as'erta"$e) /r(+ 4&p"ter2


    . re!erred to i the otes $der staza 5J ad the Moo ea%le $s to get details a%o$t the+otherC the 3th !ro+ . ad the S$ idicate details a%o$t the !ather* 2$#iter?s #ositio "ill re/eal

    "hether or ot the #regac leads to %irth o! a iss$e*

    Sta$6a ?2 The as'e$)a$t1 the M(($1 the @th h(&se1 the S&$ a$) 4&p"ter 8ea5 a$)

    aspe'te) ,. +ae/"'s 'a&se the )eath (/ the pare$ts2 I/ 4&p"ter a($e "s str($*1 the 'h")

    a($e 8" s&r#"#e2


    I the @$er chart the ascedat, the Moo, the S$, the 3th ho$se ad 2$#iter sho$ld all

    %e redered "ea- ;ir/eera= ad as#ected % +ale!ics ;as$%hair /ilo-ate=* The a%o/e gi/e

    !actors ca %eco+e "ea- i! :oied % +ale!ics* I! +ale!ics as#ect or co:oi, the the !actors

    %eco+e "ea- ad the #arets ad the child i the "o+% "ill all die* I! 2$#iter is redered strog,

    the child s$r/i/es %$t the !ather ad +other +a die*

    Sta$6a ?72 I/ the as'e$)a$t1 the (r) (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) the M(($ are 8ea5 ,e"$*

    a//"'te) ,. +ae/"' pa$ets1 the pre*$a$t 8(+a$ 8" )"e2 I/ 4&p"ter "s 8ea51 the 'h") as(

    8" )"e2 I/ the @th h(&se1 the (r) (/ the @th1 a$) the S&$ are a a//"'te)1 the /ather 8" )"e2

    Here a*a"$ "/ 4&p"ter "s str($*1 the /ather 8" )"e1 ($. a/ter the sa/e )e"#er. (/ the 'h")2

    Sta$6a ?:2 The S&$ "$ ass('"at"($ 8"th Mars "$)"'ates "$ess t( /ather2 The M(($

    8"th Sat&r$ )e$(tes "$ess t( +(ther2 I/ the M(($ "s aspe'te) ,. s(+e +ae/"'s a$)

    ass('"ate) 8"th s(+e +ae/"'s a+($*st the three #"621 Mars1 Sat&r$ a$) Rah&1 the$ the

    8(+a$ 8" )"e "$ her pre*$a$'.2 I/ the S&$ "s a//"'te) ,. the three +ae/"'s a$) "s )e#(")

    (/ ,e$e/"' "$/&e$'e1 the /ather (/ the 'h") 8" )"e ,e/(re "ts ,"rth2 The 'h") 8" )"e "/

    4&p"ter "s a//"'te)2


    The death o! the +other ad the !ather ad the child i the "o+% ad "hether the !ather

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    aloe dies ad i! so %e!ore or a!ter the %irth o! the child, ca all %e #redicted % a care!$l

    cosideratio o! the co+%iatios listed i this staza* Whe the "ord ?a!!licted? is $sed, it

    i+#lies that the #laet cocered is either as#ected % or co:oied "ith a +ale!ic or +ale!ics

    ad is ot s$%:ect to a %ee!ic i!l$eces* The three #o"er!$l +ale!ics are Mars, Sat$r ad

    Rah$* The itesit o! the a!!lictio de#eds $#o the $+%er o! +ale!ics i/ol/ed* I! all the

    +ale!ics ca$se the a!!lictio ad i! a %ee!ics a!!ect the a!!lictio, the the #redictio is to %e

    accordigl +odi!ied*

    Sta$6a ?

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    i this !ashioa%le age o! the so4called 8scieti!ic te+#er8* It caot %e deied that there are

    so+e #ersos %or "ith strog #assios "hich +ostl !id e.#ressio i i!lictig i:$ries o

    others* Whe s$ch #ersos ?c$rse?, it is li-el that the c$rse +a har+ the /icti+ i the sha#e o!

    his ot %egettig a iss$es* Whe childre "ho ha/e %ee %ro$ght $# "ith a!!ectio ad

    cosideratio let do" their aged #arets "ho are i eed o! care, attetio ad a!!ectio !ro+

    the+, it is at$ral that the #arets +a !eel %itter ad $ha##* This !eelig +a e.#ress itsel! as

    a #aretal c$rse, e/e "he the #arets +a ot ha/e iteded it* It is Rah$?s a!!lictio o! all the

    !actors coected "ith the )th ho$se that gi/es a cl$e to the at$re o! the c$rse*

    Accordig to the a%o/e !i/e stazas

    Ser#et4god?s c$rse Rah$ i the )th, or "ith the )th lord, "itho$t %eeh?c as#ects*

    9$rse o! the +aes Sat$r "ith G$li-a i the &st, )th or 'th, "itho$t %ee!icial as#ect*

    9$rse o! the ee+ies Lord o! the )th "ith Mars or lord o! the Jth "itho$t %ee!icas#ects*

    9$rse o! the de/as ;gods= Lord o! the )th i the )th de/oid o! %ee!ic as#ect %$t s$%:ect

    to +ale!ic as#ect*

    Mother?s c$rse Male!ics i the 5th, Sat$r i associatio "ith the )th lord ad +ale!ics

    i the &6th*

    ather?s c$rse Male!ics i the 'th, the lord o! the )th "ith Sat$r ad G$li-a i the &st,

    )th or 'th*

    Whether or ot "e attach a i+#ortace to %lessigs ad c$rses, it is clear that "he the

    ho$se o! childre is a!!licted $der the co+%iatios gi/e a%o/e, oe +$st %e care!$l i

    assessig the 8a!!lictios8 %e!ore gi/ig o$t his !idig*

    Agai i the !ollo"ig stazas so+e +ore co+%iatios !or death o! childre d$e to

    c$rses, are listed, ta-e !ro+ 1rasa Sagraha*

    Sta$6a 2 he$ the (r)s (/ the La*$a a$) the ?th a$) 4&p"ter are 8ea5 as as( the

    &+"$ar"es a$) the (r) (/ the th1 'h")re$ 8" )"e )&e t( the '&rse (/ the De#as2

    Sta$6a 72 he$ the a,(#e-+e$t"($e) (*a "s prese$t a$) 4&p"ter (r Ve$&s "s

    '($3("$e) ,. e#" pa$ets1 Brah+"$s +a. ,e the 'a&se (/ the '&rse2

    I/ the S&$ a$) the M(($ are a//"'te) ,. +ae/"'s (r the. are )e,""tate) (r (''&p.

    "$"+"'a s"*$s1 the$ the s(&r'e (/ the '&rse 8" ,e the +a$es2

    Sta$6a :2 The (r)s (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) the ?th a$) 4&p"ter are re$)ere) /ee,e

    a$) (''&p. the th1 the th (r the 7:th the (r) (/ the 7th "s ass('"ate) 8"th (r aspe'te)

    ,. +ae/"'s the$ h"s (8$ s"$/& )ee)s ha#e +a)e h"+ "ss&eess2


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    (r) (/ the th (''&p. the ?th h(&se the$ the a,h"'hara (/ e$e+"es "s the reas($ /(r


    Sta$6a >2 L(r)s (/ La*$a a$) the ?th a$) 4&p"ter are str($* +ae/"'s (''&p. the

    >th1 (r the (r) (/ the >th (''&p"es the th1 the th (r the 7:th the$ the )(sha "s "$ h"s (8$

    res")e$'e2 I/ the a,(#e /a't(rs1 #"621 (r) (/ La*$a1 (r) (/ the ?th a$) 4&p"ter 3("$ Rah& "$

    the ?th h(&se1 the$ the 8rath (/ the serpe$t *() "s "$#(#e)2

    I/ Mars as( 3("$s the a,(#e1 the$ the a$*er (/ the serpe$t "s )&e t( the $at"#e=s (8$

    s"$/& a't"($s t(8ar)s the serpe$t2

    Sta$6a ?2 I/ the three /a't(rs re/erre) t( a,(#e are str($* a$) the S&$ "s ass('"ate)

    8"th +ae/"'s1 (r the th h(&se "s 8ea5 a$) (ther8"se a//"'te)1 the e#"s "$ the h(r(s'(pe (/

    the $at"#e=s /ather are resp($s",e /(r the a,se$'e (/ 'h")re$ a$) a 'h") 8" ,e ,(r$ a/ter

    the )eath (/ h"s /ather2 I/ "$stea) (/ the th h(&se1 the >th h(&se1 a$) "$stea) (/ the S&$1 theM(($ are a//"'te) as a,(#e1 the e#" "$ the $at"#e=s +(ther=s h(r(s'(pe 'a&ses the a,se$'e

    (/ 'h")re$ the "ss&e 8" ,e ,(r$ a/ter the +(ther=s )eath2

    Sta$6a 2 I/ #a.&,h&ta r"ses "$ the as'e$)a$t1 (ss (/ 'h")re$ "s )&e t( the '&rse (/

    the +a$es "/ a*$",h&ta r"ses1 "t "s )"#"$e 8rath "/ a5asa,h&ta r"ses ,(th p"tr& a$) )e#a

    sapas ha#e t( ,e state)2 I/ pr"th#",h&ta (r 3aa,h&ta r"ses1 'h")re$ 8" s(($ ,e ,(r$2


    The risig o! the %h$tas or ele+ets o! /a$ ;air=, agi ;!ire=, a-asa ;ether=, #rith/i ;earth=

    ad 2ala ;"ater= ha/e %ee e.#laied i earlier stazas*

    Sta$6a @2 Breath passes thr(&*h the e/t $(str" a$) the as'e$)a$t "s "$ the S&$=s

    h(ra ,reath tra#erses thr(&*h the r"*ht $(str" a$) the as'e$)a$t "s "$ the M(($=s h(ra

    Ar&)ha La*$a "s e#e$ a$) the as'e$)a$t "s ()) the (r) (/ the ?th "$ the ,"rth 'hart a$)

    the (r) (/ the ?th /r(+ Ar&)ha "$ Pras$a 'hart are the sa+e (r the t8( (r)s are '(se.

    '($$e'te) (r the tree *(#er$e) ,. the aster"s+ "$ 8h"'h 4&p"ter sta$)s at the t"+e (/ the

    9&er. "s ,ear"$* /r&"ts2 These "$)"'ate *a"$ (/ 'h")re$2


    Here the a$thor $# astrological co+%iatios, %iological #heo+ea ad e/e the

    /egeta%le #heo+ea* Birth o! childre is idicated "he the !ollo"ig circ$+ staces

    ;&= Breathig i le!t ostril ad Laga i the S$?s Hora*

    ;6= Breathig i right ostril ad the Laga i the Moo?s Hora*

    ;= 1rasa Laga odd ad Ar$dha Laga e/e*

    ;5= 9lose coectio ;associatio or +$t$al as#ect, etc*=, %et"ee the lord o! the )th i

    the 1rasa chart ad the lord o! the )th i the %irth horosco#e*

    ;)= The tree idicated % the asteris+ i "hich 2$#iter is #laced is ieldig !r$it*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    ra-l s#ea-ig "e ha/e ot tested these co+%iatios* It is !or readers to e.#eri+et

    "ith the+* De#edig #erha#s $#o the #resece o! oe or +ore o! the a%o/e co+%iatios "e

    +a ha/e to i!er a%o$t the %irth o! iss$es*

    Sta$6a 2 I/ the Na#a+sa arr"#e) at ,. the a))"t"($ (/ the ($*"t&)es (/ the S&$1

    the M(($ a$) 4&p"ter happe$s t( ,e the @th1 the 7st1 the ?th (r the th /r(+ the Na#a+sa

    (/ G&"5a "/ 4&p"ter "s "$ a tr"$e /r(+ the Ras" (r Na#a+sa (,ta"$e) ,. a))"$* the

    ($*"t&)es (/ the (r) (/ the ?th a$) the as'e$)a$t a$) "/ G&"5a (''&p"es a tr"$e /r(+

    4&p"ter1 there 8" ,e ,"rth (/ 'h")re$2


    The staza is ot ol iterestig %$t gi/es co+%iatios "hich ha/e %ee !o$d i o$r

    h$+%le o#iio to %e !airl relia%le* The staza i/ol/es the !ollo"ig cosideratios

    ;&= Add together the logit$des ;i the #rasa chart= o! the S$, the Moo ad 2$#iter*;6= Note do" the Rasi ad Na/a+sa so arri/ed at*

    ;= Note do" the Na/a+sa o! G$li-a*

    ;5= I! these t"o Na/a+sas are i +$t$al tries or sa+asa#ta-a or o##ositio it is a good

    sig !or gettig childre*

    ;)= Ne.t add together the logit$des o! the &st ad )th ho$ses*

    ;J= Note do" the Rasi ad Na/a+sa so arri/ed at*

    ;3= I! 2$#iter is i a trie !ro+ the Rasi ad Na/a+sa s$ggested i ;J=, it is a good a$g$r

    !or gettig childre*

    ;(= I! G$li-a ha##es to %e i a trie !ro+ 2$#iter, it is also a #ositi/e !actor* Let $s ta-e

    a e.a+#le ;9hart )=


    Venus 12+,u#a 12+

    Lagna 12+Chart 5


    Sun 2'+

    !u"#ter 12+

    ;&= The S$ &&J The Moo ) 2$#iter 666

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    There!ore, S$ Moo 2$#iter '& & .

    ;6= Rasi ;o! .= is Ta$r$s ad Na/a+sa ;o! .= 9a#ricor

    ;= The Na/a+sa o! G$li-a is 9a#rico*

    ;5= Both the Na/a+sas are the sa+e* There!ore it is a good a$g$r !or gettig childre*

    ;)= Logit$de o! &st ho$se &6 Logit$de o! )th ho$se 36

    (5 65 Y

    ;J= The Rasi ;o! Y= is Aries ad the Na/a+sa o! ;Y= is Scor#io*

    ;3= 2$#iter is ot i a trie !ro+ the Rasi or Na/a+sa s$ggested i ;J=*

    ;(= G$li-a is ot i a trie !ro+ 2$#iter*

    I! +ore tha oe !actor is !a/o$ra%le the %irth o! childre ca %e #redicted*

    Sta$6a 2 I/ Ar&)ha "s aspe'te) ,. Mars1 the 8(+a$ 'a$ ,e sa") t( ,e pre*$a$t2 I/

    "t has $(t the aspe't (/ Mars1 the$ she 'a$$(t ,e "+pre*$ate) )&e t( e;'ess (/ ,(() "$ hers.ste+2

    Sta$6a @2 I$ the Ashta5a#ar*as (/ the S&$1 the M(($ a$) 4&p"ter !"$ the

    h(r(s'(pes (/ the '(&pe% $(te the s"*$ !"$ the pras$a 'hart% 8h"'h sh(&) ,e a tr"$a pa'e

    /r(+ G&"5a1 8h"'h has the ar*est $&+,er (/ +ar5s (r ,"$)&s2 he$ the S&$1 the M(($

    a$) 4&p"ter tra$s"t s&'h a s"*$1 ,"rth (/ a 'h") ta5es pa'e2


    The traslatio +a a##ear to %e a little co!$sig*

    The staza e/isages the cosideratio o! the %irth charts o! the co$#le ad @$er chart*

    Ta-e the Ashta-a/arga o! 2$#iter, sa i the h$s%ad?s horosco#e* Note the sig "hich sho$ld %e

    a trie to the sig occ$#ied % G$li-a i the 1rasa or horar chart, "hich has the largest $+%er

    o! %id$s* Whe 2$#iter trasits this sig %irth o! a iss$e occ$rs* That is, the ear is sho"*

    Li-e"ise cosider the S$ ;"ith re!erece to his Ashta-a/arga= ad the +oth is idicated* Treat

    the Moo i the sa+e +aer* The #ro%a%le date "ill %e -o"*

    S$##ose i the %irth horosco#e, 2$#iters Ashta-a/arga has the largest $+%er o! %id$s,

    sa i 9acer* Ad i the #rasa chart G$li-a is i 1isces* 9acer ha##es to %e a trie !ro+

    1isces* Whe 2$#iter trasits 9acer, the ear o! %irth is idicated* S$##ose i the S$?s

    Ashta-a/arga, the largest $+%er o! %id$s is i 9acer* Whe the S$ trasits 9acer the e/et

    ca ha##e* Si+ilarl i! i the Moo?s

    Ashta-a/arga, the highest $+%er o! %id$s is i Scor#io, a trial sig to 9acer, the

    %irth o! a iss$e ca coicide "ith the Moo?s trasit o! Scor#io*

    The e.t staza gi/es the s$chaas ;idicati/e !actors= o! #regac*

    Sta$6a @72 T( a 9&er. 8hether (r $(t a 8(+a$ "s pre*$a$t1 the a$s8er +&st ,e "$

    the a//"r+at"#e "$ 'ase Rah& (''&p"es the as'e$)a$t (r Ar&)ha (r Chathra Ras"2

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Sta$6a @:2 I/ 4&p"ter (''&p"es (r aspe'ts the ?th1 the @th (r the th /r(+ the

    as'e$)a$t (r the M(($2

    Sta$6a @% Mars '($3("$s the M(($1 !?% ,e$e/"'s

    (''&p. the th h(&se1 !% the (r) (/ the ?th a$) G&"5a '($3("$1 !@% G&"5a aspe'ts the (r)

    (/ the ?th a$) !% the Na#a+sa (/ G&"5a a$) the M(($ are +&t&a. '($$e'te)2 I/ a$. ($e

    (/ the a,(#e e"*ht '(+,"$at"($s "s prese$t at the t"+e (/ Pras$a1 the 8(+a$ 'a$ ,e sa") t(

    ,e pre*$a$t2

    Sta$6a @2 The s"*$ (''&p"e) ,. the pre*$a$t 8(+a$ 8he$ the 9&est"($ "s p&t

    sh(&) ,e $(te)2 Fr(+ the (r) (/ that s"*$ sh(&) ,e )e)&'e) the taste (/ the 8(+a$ J

    s8eet (r s(&r1 et'2 I/ the (r) "s 8ea51 "t "s t( ,e "$/erre) that the a). s&//ers /r(+ )"seases

    "$)"'ate) ,. the "$/a++at"($ (/ the )(sha s"*$"/"e) ,. the (r)2


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    This staza gi/es a idea o! the diseases the #regat "o+a is li-el to s$!!er !ro+* Ad

    the e.t staza gi/es la-shaas or sigs idicati/e o! a%ortio or disitegratio o! the Gar%ha*

    Sta$6a @2 The s"*$s re#ea"$* a,(rt"($ are0 The 9&est"($er (r s(+e,(). ea#es the

    pras$a sp(t a (/ a s&))e$ (r s(+e,(). '(+es a$) ea#es the pa'e s&))e$. (r the

    astr((*er (,ser#es s(+e ($e re+(#"$* '"st /r(+ h"s ear-p"t (r (pe$"$*s "$ the ,(). (r the

    /"/th ea/ a+($*st the ,ete ea#es *"#e$ t( the astr((*er "s /(&$) t( ,e )(tte) 8"th #er+"$s

    e"ther )ea) (r ha/ a"#e2

    Sta$6a 2 A,(rt"($ 8" res&t &$)er the /((8"$* '(+,"$at"($s0 !a% Mars (r the

    S&$ (''&p"es a 5e$)ra 4&p"ter "s "$ a $($-5e$)ra h(&se2 The th h(&se "s (''&p"e) ,. a

    pa$et !,% The M(($ "$ a 9&a)ra$t1 a pa$et "$ the th a$) 4&p"ter "$ a s"*$ (ther tha$ a

    5e$)ra !'% the M(($ "$ the as'e$)a$t a$) a +ae/"' "$ the 7th Dre55a$a /r(+ La*$a

    Dre55a$a !)% 4&p"ter "$ a 5e$)ra1 Mars "$ the th a$) the M(($ "$ the as'e$)a$t2Sta$6a 72 As s&**este) "$ 4$a$a Pra)eep"5a1 a,(rt"($ 8" ta5e pa'e "/ par"#esha "s

    (,ser#e) at the t"+e (/ the 9&est"($2


    1ari/eshas are haloes ro$d the S$ ad the Moo* Accordig to 7araha Mihira 8the ras

    o! the S$ ad the Moo !or+ed ito a circle % the "id ad re!lected i the s- "ith a !e"

    clo$ds %eco+e haloes "ith colo$rs ad sha#es* The di!!eret h$es o! these haloes ad their

    e!!ects o the earth are listed8*

    Sta$6a :2 A''(r)"$* as the M(($ (''&p"es a$ ()) (r e#e$ s"*$ the (//-spr"$* 8"

    ,e a +ae (r /e+ae2 A)) t(*ether the $&+,ers (/ the 8ee5)a.1 the '($steat"($ a$) the

    as'e$)a$t2 I/ the res&t"$* s"*$ "s ())1 a +ae 'h") 8" ,e ,(r$2 I/ e#e$1 a /e+ae 'h") 8"

    ,e ,(r$2


    Accordig to the 6d hal! o! the staza, add together the $+%er o! Na-shatras ;co$ted

    !ro+ As"ii=, the $+%er o! the "ee-da ;co$ted !ro+ S$da= ad the $+%er o! the

    ascedat ;co$ted !ro+ Aries=* S$##ose the Na-shatra, "ee-da ad ascedat are res#ecti/el

    Mrigasira, Th$rsda ad A@$ari$s* Add the+ together

    Mrigasira )

    Th$rsda )

    A@$ari$s &&


    E.#$gig +$lti#les o! &6, the re+aider is ', i*e*, the 'th sig or Sagittari$s "hich is a

    odd sig ad hece idicati/e o! %irth o! a +ale iss$e* Accordig to so+e, this #art o! the staza

    ca* also %e iter#reted to +ea that i! o$t o! the lord o! the "ee-da, the lord o! the Na-shatra

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    ad the lord o! the sig occ$#ied % the Moo, i! at least t"o lords are +ales, the a +ale iss$e

    "ill %e %or*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2



    The odd li+%s o! his %od are head, chest, sto+ach, /asthi, thighs, legs* The e/e li+%s

    o! his %od are !ace, heart, "aist, se. orgas, -ees ad !eet* The se. o! the dead child ca %e

    -o" !ro+ the at$re o! the li+%s to$ched*

    Sta$6a :2 I/ the Na#a+sas (/ Ar&)ha a$) La*$a happe$ t( ,e e#e$ a$) the. are

    aspe'te) ,. the M(($1 Ve$&s a$) Mer'&r.1 /e+ae t8"$s 8" ,e ,(r$2

    NOTES Sat$r also ca %e icl$ded a+ogst +ale #laets*


  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Mer'&r. a$) (''&p. ()) Na#a+sa1 the t8"$s are /e+aes2


    The a%o/e to$gh staza is @$oted !ro+ 7araha Mihira?s Brihat 2ata-a* Whee/er the

    #laets ad the ascedat are +etioed it is i+#lied that the sho$ld %e #o"er!$l* The

    co+%iatios ca %e listed as !ollo"s

    ;a= The S$, the Moo, the ascedat ad 2$#iter i odd sigs ad i odd Na/a+sas F

    +ale iss$e*

    ;%= A%o/e i e/e sigs ad e/e Na/a+sas F !e+ale*

    ;c= 2$#iter ad the S$ i odd sigs F +ale*

    ;d= The Moo, 7e$s ad Merc$r i e/e sigs F !e+ale*

    ;e= 2$#iter, the S$, 7e$s ad Merc$r i co++o sigs ad i odd or e/e Na/a+sas,

    as#ected % Merc$r F t"is*;!= The a%o/e !o$r i co++o sigs ad odd Na/a+sas as#ected % Merc$r F +ale


    ;g= The a%o/e !o$r i co++o sigs ad e/e Na/a+sas F !e+ale t"is*

    ;h= I! the i!l$ece !or %oth +ale ad !e+ale t"is are %alaced F oe +ale ad aother,


    All these co+%iatios caot %e #reset i the 1rasa ;or coce#tio= chart* I! oe o! the

    ( co+%iatios is #reset, the res$lt ascri%ed sho$ld %e #redicted*

    So !ar as this staza is cocered, + #ersoal e.#eriece is that it "or-s !airl


    I the a%o/e staza so+e /ersios read +itra4cha, istead o! agrascha*

    Sta$6a @2 he$ Sat&r$ (''&p"es a$ ()) s"*$1 e;'ept the as'e$)a$t1 the 'h")

    ,e($*s t( the +ae se;2 4&)*"$* the pa$ets pre#"(&s. +e$t"($e) a$) the"r stre$*th ($e "s

    t( )e'")e the $at&re (/ the se; (/ the 'h") t( ,e ,(r$2

    Sta$6a 2 F(&rtee$ a5sha$as ea'h /(r +ae a$) /e+ae ,"rths ha#e ,ee$ *"#e$2

    Baa$'"$* the a5sha$as the se; (/ the 'h") sh(&) ,e "$/erre)2


    La-shaas are idicati/e sigs or co+%iatios listed i the a%o/e t"o stazas I! the

    la-shaas !or +ale %irth are +ore tha those !or !e+ale %irth, the child to %e %or "ill %e a soC

    i! other"ise, a da$ghter* Here the astrologer?s ca#acit to aalse the co+%iatio decides the


    Sta$6a The ter+s Ar&)ha a$) La*$a are "$ter'ha$*ea,e2 B&t the stre$*th (/ the

    t8( sh(&) ,e &se) 8he$ e;a+"$"$* the e//e'ts2

    Sta$6a 72 I/ the as'e$)a$t /as "$ a$ ()) s"*$ a$) "$ a$ ()) Na#a+sa1 the 'h") "s

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    a +ae2 I/ the as'e$)a$t "s "$ a$ e#e$ s"*$ a$) a$ e#e$ Na#a+sa1 the 'h") "s a /e+ae2

    Sta$6a 772 I/ the Na#a+sa (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) Ar&)ha are e#e$ a$) /e+ae

    pa$ets (''&p. the sa+e1 ,"rth (/ /e+ae t8"$s "s "$)"'ate)2 I/ these Na#a+sa-s"*$s are ())

    '($3("$e) ,. +ae pa$ets1 the$ the ,"rth (/ +ae t8"$s "s "$)"'ate)2


    So+e astrologers o! 0erala o#ie that %oth Na/a+sa ad Rasi ha/e to %e ta-e ito

    cosideratio to ha/e the ecessar e!!ect*

    Sta$6a 7:2 I/ the 9&est"($er /ees 8"th h"s ha$)s th(se "+,s (/ the ,(). 8h"'h are

    ())1 the$ +ae "ss&e 'a$ ,e /(ret()2 I/ he t(&'hes h(8e#er the "+,s 8h"'h are '($s")ere)

    =e#e$=1 the$ /e+ae "ss&e 8" ,e ,(r$2


    Odd li+%s are the ose, +o$th, the head, etc*, "hile e/e li+%s are the ees, ears, hads,etc*

    Sta$6a 7

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    ;i= 9o/ert the logit$de o! the Ascedat ;de/oid o! sigs= ito +i$tes a*

    ;ii= M$lti#l a % %*

    ;iii= Di/ide % % )>*

    % )> . ;@$otiet= ;re+aider=

    ;i/= ;. = Rasi o! the Ascedat s "hich is the #ositio o! the S$ at deli/er*

    ;/= M$lti#l s % &>( +, the Moo?s #ositio,

    ;/i= + logit$de o! Ascedat ;de/oid o! sigs= +$lti#lied % ' gi/es the S$?s



    Let Ascedat %e &J 5)? Li%ra,

    ;i= a &J 5)? . J>? &>>)?

    ;ii= a . >&) %;iii= % )> >&) )> @$otiet J> ;.= re+aider &) ;=*

    ;i/= s J>* sigs 3 J3* sigs J3 sigs ' degrees* That is, e.#$gig +$lti#les o!

    &6, "e get 3 sigs ' degrees or Scor#io ' degrees as the #ositio o! the S$ at deli/er*

    ;/= The Moo?s #ositio + s . &>(

    i*e*, 3s ' . &>( 3)Js '36 &&s &6 1isces &6 as Moo?s #ositio 1isces &6*

    ;/i= + Ascedat logit$de ;de/oid o! sigs=

    4 ;56 &J 5)?= . ' S$?s Na/a+sa )( 5)? . ' 4 5( 5)? or 1isces &( 5)?*

    This "ill %e the Na/a+sa #ositio o! the S$ at deli/er*

    As the deli/er occ$rs i the &>th +oth ad:$st the +oth % ta-ig the trial or tri-oa

    Rasis also*

    As alread s$ggested a%o/e, I ha/e gi/e the +ethod as $derstood % +e* It is !or

    readers to assess its /alidit "he act$all a##lied*

    Sta$6a 72 he$ the M(($ tra$s"ts the D8a)asa+sa Ras" (/ the (r) (/ the

    5a5sh.a1 "$ 8h"'h the ($*"t&)e (/ La*$a /as1 s"*$s (/ )e"#er. 8" ,e*"$2 he$ the M(($

    tra$s"ts the Na#a+sa Ras" (/ the (r) (/ the 5a5sh.a1 the 8(+a$ 8" )e"#er2 The

    as'e$)a$t at the t"+e (/ )e"#er. 8" ,e that s"*$ "$ 8h"'h the (r) (/ the Tr"+sa+sa (/ the

    (r) (/ the 5a5sh.a sta$)s at the t"+e (/ 9&er.2 I/ the (r) (/ the H(ra (/ the a,(#e

    +e$t"($e) (r) (/ 5a5sh.a "s the S&$1 )e"#er. 8" ,e "$ the )a.t"+e "/ the M(($1 )e"#er.

    8" ,e "$ the $"*ht2


    I the ashta-a /arga sche+e, the #laets are s#read o$t i the order o! ;to# to %otto+=

    Sat$r, 2$#iter, Mars, the S$, 7e$s, Merc$r, the Moo ad the Ascedat* There are (

    -a-shas, each %eig o! 5)?*

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    Ta-e the ascedat lord* id o$t the -a-sha i "hich he is #laced* S$##ose the

    ascedat is 9a#ricor 5* This !alls i the -a-sha o! 2$#iter* See "hich D"adasa+sa is

    occ$#ied % 2$#iter* Whe the Moo trasits this D"adasa+sa Rasi, la%o$r #ais +a set i* See

    "here 2$#iter ;the -a-sha lord= is i the Na/a+sa* Whe this Na/a+sa Rasi is trasited % the

    Moo, the deli/er ta-es #lace* See i "hich Tri+sa+sa, 2$#iter ;lord o! the -a-sha= is #laced*

    The sig o! this Tri+sa+sa lord "ill %e the ascedat at the ti+e o! deli/er* Accordig as

    2$#iter ;lord o! the -a-sha= is i the S$?s or Moo?s Hora, the deli/er "ill %e d$rig the da

    or d$rig the ight*

    These stazas o!!er +$ch !ood !or re!lectio ad +$ch sco#e !or research* Let o$r

    +edical +e ad so4called scietists +a-e researches ito this #artic$lar %rach o! -o"ledge

    istead o! airig their igorat /ie"s o astrolog*

    Sta$6a 7@2 Ta5e the str($*er (/ the Dre55a$as (/ the S&$ a$) the M(($2 he$ theM(($ tra$s"ts th"s Dre55a$a Ras"1 )e"#er. ta5es pa'e1 pr(#")e) the S&$ (r the M(($ "s "$

    the 7st Dre55a$a2 I/ the Dre55a$a "s the :$)1 )e"#er. (''&rs 8he$ the M(($ tra$s"ts the

    ?th /r(+ the Dre55a$a Ras"2 he$ the Dre55a$a "s the

  • 8/11/2019 Prasna Marga Part 2


    a)h(+&5ha%1 )e"#er. 8" ta5e pa'e2 The e#e$t 8" ,e 'erta"$ "/ G&"5a ass('"ates (r

    aspe'ts th"s Ras"2

    F"$) the '($steat"($ arr"#e) at ,. a))"$* the ($*"t&)es (/ the S&$ a$) the M(($2

    he$ the M(($ tra$s"ts th"s '($steat"($1 )e"#er. ta5es pa'e2


    E.a+#le Moo 65 &6? 9acer*

    S$ ( 5)? Scor#io* Method &

    Ta-ig the logit$de o! the Moo de/oid o! the sig, "e ha/e 65 &6? 65*6 degrees*

    65*6 . &>( 6J&*J degrees* E.#$gig +$lti#les o! J>, "e get '*J degrees or 9acer *J


    Scor#io ad 1isces are trial to it* O! the three* 9acer ad 1isces are adho+$-ha sigs*

    The Moo?s trasit o! 9acer or 1isces idicates the deli/er o! the %a%, the stroger o! the t"osigs %eig +ore li-el* $rther, i! G$li-a :ois oe o! these sigs, that sig is co!ir+ed*

    Method 6

    S$ Moo 6&( 5)? &&5 &6?

    6 )3? 1oor/a%hadra#ada*

    Whe the Moo trasits 1oor/a%hadra#ada, deli/er ta-es #lace*

    There is a s$ggestio that the s$+ o! the logit$des o! the S$ ad the Moo ;i ter+s o!

    Rasis= sho$ld %e ded$cted !ro+ &6 ad the res$ltig costellatio sho$ld %e cosidered*

    Accordig to so+e, this ste# is ecessar ol "he the Rasi arri/ed at % addig the logit$des

    o! the S$ ad the Moo is a oct$ral oe*

    Sta$6a 72 The s&+ (/ the ($*"t&)es (/ the as'e$)a$t a$) the M(($1 )e#(") (/ the

    s"*$s1 sh(&) ,e +&t"p"e) ,. 7: a$) the res&t"$* Na5shatra /(&$) (&t2 he$ the M(($

    tra$s"ts th"s Na5shatra (r "ts tr"$a ($e1 )e"#er. (''&rs2

    The e/et ca also ha##e "he the Moo trasits the )th !ro+ the D"adasa+sa Rasi o!

    the Moo, at the ti+e o! @$erC or its tries* Both the +ethods sho$ld %e co+#ared ad the

    a##ro#riate oe selected*



    Let the Ascedat %e &6 5>? ad the Moo, &6 &6?*

    Ascedat Moo &6 5>? &6 &6? 5) )6?*

    E.#$gig +$lti#les o! J> 3) )6? Ge+ii &) )6?*

    Ta-ig the res$ltat logit$de de/oid o! the sig "e get &) )6? or &) (J degrees*

    &)*(J . &6 4 &'>*6 "hich co$ted !ro+ the !irst #oit o! Aries gi/es S"ati ;6=*

    The e/et occ$rs "he