praveen-03123-volatility of share price

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  • 8/7/2019 Praveen-03123-Volatility of Share Price


    M P Birla Institute of Management

    A Research Report




    Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of

    Master of Business Administration


    Bangalore University



    Reg. No: 03XQCM6074

    Under the Guidance and Supervision




    Associate Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan

    #43, Race Course Road, BANGALORE-560001

    June 2005

  • 8/7/2019 Praveen-03123-Volatility of Share Price


    M P Birla Institute of Management


    It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I acknowledge the contribution of

    several individuals towards the successful completion of the project.

    I sincerely thank Dr. Nagesh Malavalli, Principal, M. P. Birla institute of

    Management, Bangalore for granting me permission to take up the project.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. N.S. Vishwanath, Project guide, for

    his invaluable suggestion and encouragement, which are imperative for the completion of

    this project.

    Words cannot express the immense gratitude I have for my parents who have

    been instrumental in shaping my career. I am thankful to all my friends and to all the

    unseen hands that have made this project possible.


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    M P Birla Institute of Management


    I here by declare that this report entitled A RESEARCH ON


    ECONOMIC FACTORS, has been prepared by me in partial fulfillment

    of the award of the degree, Master of Business Administration at

    Bangalore University. This report or a similar report on this topic has not

    been submitted for any other examination and does not form a part of any

    other course undergone by me.

    Place: Bangalore PREVEEN N.P

    Reg. No:03XQCM6074

    Date: 17-06-2005

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    M P Birla Institute of Management


    Macroeconomic Indicators and Stock Prices - Indian Evidence

    This paper attempts to study the relationship of stock returns with

    macroeconomic variables in Indian context. The data consists of 36 months

    from feb2002 to feb2005 comprising of three macro indicators. We have

    considered 3 macro variables for the study: Exchange Rate, inflation rate, FII.


    It is widely believed that stock market is related to macroeconomic fundamentals

    of an economy, as companies that are listed for trading in stock exchanges are the

    ones who contribute significantly to the economy's growth. The notion that

    macroeconomic factors can drive the movement of stock prices is now widely

    accepted. However, it was only in the past decade or so that attempts have been

    made to capture the effect of economic forces in a theoretical framework and

    calibrate these effects empirically. According to standard stock valuation model,

    the determinants of stock price are the expected cash flows from the stock and the

    required rate of return. Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) showed that economic

    variables have a systematic influence on stock return as a result of their effect on

    future dividends and discount rate and they provided the foundation for the belief

    in the existence of a long-term equilibrium relationship between stock price and

    related macroeconomic variables. A central issue in macroeconomics is the

    question of how financial markets are connected to the real side of the economy.

    The issue has gained momentum due to increasing cross border movement of

    funds as fund managers try to move to markets where possibility of higher returns

    vis--vis risk is high. The ongoing integration of international capital markets and

    the repeated occurrence of large financial crises have raised the concern about the

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    topic beyond academic circles.

    The co-integration of macroeconomic variables and stock market has been an

    extensive area of research in financial econometrics. In financial economics, there

    have been a number of studies concerning developed markets like US, Japan, UK

    and European markets This study also investigates the short run causal

    relationship between the stock market and other macroeconomic variables in India

    for the period Feb. 2002 to Feb. 2005.


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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Problem Statement:

    Volatile markets are characterized by wide price fluctuations and heavy trading

    within a short span of time. Volatility is a traditional worry of investors, and is

    associated with fast-growing stocks, high P/Es, smaller companies, Information

    Technology (IT) firms. Volatility of stock market is usually caused by company

    news, economic factors like changes in forex rates, inflation rates, interest rates


    Share prices fluctuations affect the investors wealth creation. In this context, the

    study of the impact of economic events on the movement of share prices in stock

    market is undertaken.

    Objectives of the study:

    1. To study how share prices fluctuate w.r.t economic factors

    2. To enable the investors in exploring the investment opportunities using the

    economic indicators


    Null hypothesis (H0):

    Economic factors do not affect the movement of share prices.

    Alternate hypothesis (H1):

    Economic factorsaffect the movement of share prices.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Theoretical Framework

    Volatility: Definition and Measurement

    In pure financial terms, volatility is defined as, ' the degree to which the priceof a

    security, commodity, or market rises or falls within a short-term period. As is

    evident from the definition, volatility relates to the variability in the price of a

    security. In the context of the stock market, volatility of the market refers to the

    volatility ofthe indices of the securities within the market. In India, forinstance,

    the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) SENSEX (a 30 scrip weighted index of

    market capitalization) would be one of the relevant indices to look into for

    examining stock market volatility. When examining the issue of stock market

    volatility, it is relevant to measure percentage volatility of stock return. This

    reflects the percentage change in the value of the amount invested in the stock

    market. It reflects the change in the investor' s wealth. Theorists use various

    measures ofvolatility like standard deviation, variance, co-efficient of variation, to

    measure volatility of stock market return.

    Stock market volatility is often classified as historical (actual) volatility or implied

    volatility. The most common measure of historical or actual stock market volatility

    is the standard deviation. In simple terms, standard deviation measures the

    deviation ofthe returns ofequity fromits mean return. It is a relative measure i.e.standard deviation ofstock returns in one period can be compared with standard

    deviation of another period to understand which period has been more volatile.

    Generally, rolling standard deviation is used to measure actual stock market

    volatility. The other measurement of volatility is the conditional volatility

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    measured by a GARCH (1, 1) model. The, GARCH measure of volatility,

    developed by Bollerslev (1989), is widely used to measure conditional volatility

    i.e., volatility that is conditional upon variables other than the variable being

    measured. It measures the impact ofthe variance

    (or standard deviation) lag of a variable and the variance (standard deviation) ofitsresiduals in predicting the current value of the variable.

    The less known, but important measure of volatility is ' implied volatility' . Thismeasure is the result of an important fact about derivatives: The price of thederivative along with the price of the underlying security produces twoobservations of the security' s price. Arbitrageurs have used this fact to profit bydetermining whether a security is improperly priced relative to its derivative

    (Mullins, 2000).

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Review of Literature

    In an early study, Geske and Roll (1983) found the linkage between

    macroeconomic variables and stock prices in US but found a negative relationship

    between stock prices and inflation. Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) found that

    economic variables like industrial production index, change in risk premium and

    inflation have a systematic influence on stock return and showed the existence of a

    long run equilibrium relationship. However, they also found that oil prices and

    consumption did not have significant effect on stock prices. In another study,

    Mukherjee and Naka (1995) found that Jam\pese stock prices are linked to money

    supply, inflation, real economic activity, long-term government bond rate,

    exchange rate and interest rate. In another study, Naka, Mukherjee and Tufte

    (1999) found that in Indian market, industrial production is the largest determinant

    of stock prices while inflation is the largest negative determinant. Lee (1992)

    showed a positive Ii relationship between stock returns and the real economy in

    US. Gjerde and Saettem , (1999) showed that the stock returns respond negatively

    to the change in the interest rate in Norway and found a positive relationship of

    stock returns with oil prices and real economic activity. Asian markets have been

    studied by Fung and Lie (1990), Leigh (1997), Granger, Huang and Yang (1998),

    Kwon and Shin (1999), Maysami and Koh(2000). In a study by Nath and Samanta,

    (2003a), it was found that the stock market and the exchange rate were not

    generally co integrated in India and some amount of causal effect could be noticed

    only late in 1990s. In another study, Nath and Samanta (2003b) examined the

    changing pattern in extent of integration between foreign exchange and capital

    markets in India using daily data and found that in V AR-framework empirical

    results do not point much impressive causal relationship between returns except in

    some specific years. However, they found using Geweke' s feedback measures

    strong bi-directional as well as contemporaneous causal relationship between these

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    M P Birla Institute of Management


    From the existing literature, the linkage between macroeconomic variables and

    stock prices have been established for major markets like US, Japan while for

    other markets the same cannot be said for certainty.

    Paper 1: The Stock Market and the Economy

    This paper discusses that the stock market and the economy are deeply

    Intertwined so that when something happens in one it affects the other.

    Paper Summary:

    This paper relates that stock market declines have a wide-ranging effect on many

    sectors of the economy; therefore, the health of the stock market is seen as an

    indicator of the general economic health. The author points out that drops in the

    stock market often translate into decreased net worth for both households and

    businesses, thereby, decreasing consumer spending and confidence, which

    damages the economy. The paper concludes that one of a number of solutions

    proposed to help stimulate the US economy includes tax rate cuts.

    From the Paper:

    "Certainly, the stock market is only one of the factors that can impact the

    economy. Savage notes that almost all Americans are familiar with the textbook

    example that World War II played an important part in stimulating America' s

    economy. Importantly, given Americas recent actions in Iraq, war can have a

    significant economic impact as well. Economist Robert Genetski notes that there

    are several important caveats on war' s impact on the economy. He notes that

    markets often soar in anticipation of a quick victory, but that if the "battle was to

    be prolonged; any market rally would be quashed. This prediction bodes poorly

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    for the economy given recent news of continuing American deaths in the ongoing

    crisis in Iraq

    Paper 2: The Impact of the Stock Market on the Economy -

    This paper looks at the effect; the stock market has on the U.S. economy. It looks

    at the effects of a declining stock market and a rising stock market. Also discussed

    are to what extent the economy effects the stock market and how much the two are

    intertwined. The paper also includes opinions and analyses from different experts

    in economics, which help explain the relationship between the stock market andthe economy.

    From the Paper:

    Recent declines in the stock market have had a detrimental impact the economy

    both in the United States and abroad. The stock market and the economy are

    deeply intertwined. As such, stock market declines have a wide-ranging effect

    on many sectors of the economy. Importantly, the health of the stock market isseen as an indicator of the general economic health. Thus, any decline in the

    stock market is often seen as a negative prediction for the economy. Drops in

    the stock market often translate into decreased net worth for both households

    and businesses, and thereby decrease consumer spending and confidence,

    resulting damage to the economy."

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Paper 3: An analysis of free market economies as opposed to controlled



    This paper discusses the concept of free market economies. The paper contends

    that most economists argue that free market economies are superior to controlled

    economies because free markets are more efficient; they encourage individual

    responsibility for decisions; the profit motive provides the strongest incentive to

    individuals and firms to allocate resources for their most productive use and to

    produce goods and services that the public wants, using the most efficient means

    of production. The paper explains that controlled economies, contrastingly, suffer

    from inefficiency as centralized decisions about production and prices create

    artificial distortions in the economy and the lack of profit motive creates lethargy.

    From the paper

    "A "free market economy" is one in which most businesses are privately owned

    and where individual producers and consumers determine the kinds of goods and

    services produced as well as the prices of such products through a voluntary

    exchange of goods and services. Competition is a key factor in market economies

    as it keeps the prices of products in check, forces the competitors to enhance the

    efficiency of their production process, and drives the inefficient producers out of

    the market. Another important feature of a free market economy is that income is

    distributed largely through the operation of markets.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Research Methodology:

    Secondary Data:Data collected was of BSE-SENSEX for the period From Feb 2002 to Feb.

    2005 . The data would be collected from websites like,,, Business newspaper, and journals.


    Tool to be used is correlation analysis using coefficient of determination

    and T-test for hypothesis testing .

    The Reason for choosing BSE-SENSEX comprising of 30 scrips from a

    specified and non-specified list, is because the index has established a place

    amongst investors, chartists, technical analysts of the market, the newspapers and

    all other concerned with the securities market. Moreover, it has been widely

    accepted as a fair reflector of the trend of prices on the Mumbai stock market

    The following economic indicators and events will be taken intoconsideration for the period from 1st March 2002 to 28th Feb 2005.

    1) FII: Any significant flow in FIIs to the equity market in these 36 months

    would be considered for the study.

    2) Inflation rates any significant changes (highest and lowest interest rates) for

    every three months during period.

    3) Foreign exchange rates for US $/ Re would be considered as majority of

    Foreign exchange transaction takes place in US $. Any significant changes

    (highest and lowest interest rates) for every three months during period.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Scope of the study:

    Since there are problems associated with volatile stock markets, the study

    can help the investors to take informed decisions regarding buying or selling of


    Limitation of the study:

    1. The study is restricted to BSE 30.

    2. Only three years1st

    March 2002 to 28th

    Feb 2005 data will be taken

    for the study.

    3. Only Economic factors will be considered.

    4. Due to time & resource constraints only four economic factors like

    Government policies, Interest rates, Inflation rate and foreign

    Exchange rates will be considered.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Operational Definitions:

    1) Wealth management:

    Wealth management can be defined as a professional service, which is thecombination of financial/investment advice, accounting/tax services, and

    legal/estate planning for a fee. In general, wealth management is more than just

    investment advice as it can encompass all parts of a person' s financial life.

    The main function of wealth management includes maximizing the

    Return on Investment (ROI) involved in various investments with minimum risks

    to the investor.

    2) High P/E:

    P/E can be defined as a valuation ratio of a company' s current share price

    compared to its per-share earnings.

    Calculated as:

    P/E shows how much investors are willing to pay per rupee of earnings.

    In general, a high P/E means high projected earnings in the future.

    However, the P/E ratio actually doesn' t tell us a whole lot by itself. It' s usually

    only useful to compare the P/E ratios of companies in the same industry, or to the

    market in general, or against the company' s own historical P/E.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    3) Owners wealth:

    Owners wealth can be defined as the product of number of shares held by an

    investor to the market price of the share.An investment in the equity of any company is likely to be most profitable if the

    economy is strong and prosperous. So, the expectation of the growth of the

    economy is favorable for the stock market. The growth of the national economy

    can be used to forecast the growth of an industry or company and thus to

    determine those areas offering good opportunities. This process will also help to

    point out industries and companies that should be avoided because they appear to

    offer less attractive opportunities. As a principle, a strong and stable economy with

    real growth is favorable for investment.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Graph showing the SENSEX movement:

    Sensex movement





























    The above graph shows the movement of SENSEX from February 2002 to

    February 2005.As shown in the graph SENSEX has moved from 3562.31 in

    February 2002 to 6713.86 in February 2005.

    Criteria for Selection and Review of SENSEX Constituents

    The scrip selection and review policy for BSE Indices is based on the objective of;

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    M P Birla Institute of Management




    QualificationCriteria:The general guidelines for selection of constituent scrips in SENSEX are as


    A. Quantitative Criteria:

    1. Final Rank: The scrip should figure in the top 100 companies listed by Final

    Rank. The final rank is arrived at by assigning 75% weight age to the rank on

    the basis of six-month average full market capitalization and 25% weight age

    to the liquidity rank based on six-month average daily turnover & six-month

    average impact cost.

    2. Trading Frequency: The scrip should have been traded on each and every

    trading day for the last six months. Exceptions can be made for extreme

    reasons like scrip suspension etc.

    3. Market Capitalization Weightage: The weight of each scrip in SENSEXbased on six-month average Free-Float market capitalization should be at least

    0.5% of the Index.

    4. Industry Representation: Scrip selection would take into account a balanced

    representation of the listed companies in the universe of BSE. The index

    companies should be leaders in their industry group.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    B. Qualitative Criteria:

    Track Record:

    In the opinion of the Committee, the company should have an acceptable trackrecord

    Index Review Frequency:

    The Index Committee meets every quarter to review all BSE indices. However,

    every review meeting need not necessarily result in a change in the index

    constituents. In case of a revision in the Index constituents, the announcement of

    the incoming and outgoing scrips is made six weeks in advance of the actual

    implementation of the revision of the Index.

    While selecting scrip from SENSEX, only those scrips were taken for study,

    which was there in SENSEX on Feb 2005, and also from the day they are included

    in SENSEX from March 2002. (All the co-efficient have been calculated)

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    FII Inflows to India: Their Effect on Stock Market Liquidity and VolatilityStock markets in India were opened to foreign capital flows in 1992, with its

    ramifications (both positive and negative). This paper examines two

    consequences-liquidity (positive) and volatility (negative) in the past decade on

    the Indian stock market(s). It finds that Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)

    flows have enhanced liquidity of the Indian stock market. Stock market liquidity is

    definitely higher post-liberalization. There is not much evidence to support the

    hypothesis that FII inflows have led to volatility in the returns in the Indian stock

    market(s). The paper uses Engel-Granger test of co-integration to examine the

    impact of FII inflows on the Indian stock markets.

    Stock market liberalization is a decision by a country' s government to allow

    foreigners to purchase shares in that country' s stock market (Henry 2000). One of

    the immediate effects of episodes of capital inflows on the stock market is the

    boom that it causes in the stock price indices. In fact, in the nineties, the stock

    market boom in several emerging economies has coincided by the increase of

    capital inflows to these countries (Levine, 1997). The stock-market boom,

    typically, does not last for the entire period of capital inflows. They usually start

    with the initial surge in the capital inflows and end before the episode of capital

    inflows completely subsides. This has been true in the emerging markets of Asia,

    Latin America and Africa. However, whether this boom is good for the economy

    is an issue that has not yet been completely settled in the studies so far. A stock

    market boom has a ' wealth effect' on the investors in the stock market and this can

    lead to a rise in aggregate demand (through consumption). On the other hand, a

    consistent stock market boom can dampen the level and rate of savings in the

    country as agents move from a low-return deposit market to a high-return stock

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    market. Such shift in investor preference can be damaging in cases where the stock

    market boom is led by capital inflows. Sudden stops or reversals in these flows

    can leave the economy devoid of funds to sustain growth and development. This

    has found to be true in Mexico and Argentina (Levine, 1997).

    Given this fact, the consequences of such inflows on the stock market become an

    important aspect of any study of capital inflows to a country. These papers briefly

    examine the consequences and study two of these consequences viz., liquidity and

    volatility in some depth in the case of India. This paper is divided into two

    sections. Section 1 evaluates the impact of capital inflows on stock market

    liquidity and Section 2 examines the impact on stock market volatility.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Analysis of the Influence of Financial Institutional Investors on share prices

    of different companies:

    1) Effect of Changes in FIIs on BSE SENSEX Values:Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.979998

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the BSE SENSEX Values, we get a correlation of 0.979998.


    = 0.9604, Now r2*

    100 = 96.04 %.

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that change in FIIs affects the

    BSE SENSEX Values positively.96.04% of the time the predicted value is


    Effect of Changes in FIIs on various companies listed below;

    2) ACC Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.762369

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the ACCs Share price, we get a correlation of 0.762369.


    = 0.5812, Now r2*

    100 = 58.12%.

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in FIIs affects

    the ACCs Share price predicted are true by 58.12times. There is error of

    around 40%.

    3) Bajaj Auto Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.725664306

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Bajaj Autos share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.5266, Now r2*

    100 = 52.66%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in FIIs affects

    the Bajaj Autos share price considerably.

    4) Bharti Tele Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.868579From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Bharti Tele Share price, we get a correlation of 0.868579.


    = 0.75443, Now r2*

    100 = 75.443%.

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in FIIs affects the

    Bharti Tele share price positively.

    5). BHEL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.992611

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the BHEL Share price, we get a correlation of 0.992611.


    = 0.9853, Now r2*

    100 = 98.53%.

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that FIIs and B HEL share price

    are almost perfectly co- related

    6) CIPLA Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.070323732

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Cipla Share price, we get a correlation of -0.070323732.



    = 0.00495, Now r2


    100 = 0.495%.Therefore the two factors are almost negatively correlated.

    7) Dr. Reddy Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.973186

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Dr Reddys Share price, we get a correlation of 0.973186.


    = 0.9471, Now r2*

    100 = 94.71% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that change in FIIs affects theDr Reddys share price i, e..Positively correlated.

    8) Grasim Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.713656

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Grasim Share price, we get a correlation of 0.713656.


    = 0.5093, Now r2*

    100 = 50.93%.

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that the change in FIIs affects

    the Grasims share price not very much.

    9) GACL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.999976

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Hindalcos Share price, we get a correlation of 0.999976.


    = 0.999952, Now r2*

    100 = 99.9952%.

    Both have a perfect correlation.

    10) HLL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.997634

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the HLLs Share price, we get a cor relation of 0.997634.


    = 0.99523, Now r2*

    100 = 99.523%.

    Both have a perfect correlation

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    11) HPCL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.72273

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the HPCL Share price, we get a correlation of -0.72273.r

    2= 0.52234, Now r2

    *100 = 52.234%.

    Predicted value is correct only up to 52.234%

    12) Infosys Technologies Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.253972

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the Infosys Technologies Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.0645, Now r2*

    100 = 6.45%.

    Negligible correlation

    13) ITC Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.976829

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the ITCs Share price, we get a correlation of 0.976829.


    = 0.9542, Now r2*

    100 = 95.42%.

    Error prediction is only up to 3%

    14) Ranbaxy Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.979213

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the cc Share price, we get a correlation of 0.979213.


    = 0.95886, Now r2*

    100 = 95.886%.

    Error prediction is only up to 5%

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    15) REL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.795997

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the REL Share price, we get a correlation of 0.795997.r

    2= 0.6336, Now r2

    *100 = 63.36%.

    Correlated up to a certain extent

    16) RIL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.990304

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the RIL Share price, we get a correlation of 0.990304.


    = 0.9807, Now r2*

    100 = 98.07%.

    Positively correlated.

    18) SBI Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.999297

    From the above table,

    While comparing the changes in the FIIs with the changes in the SBI Share

    price, we get a correlation of 0.999297.


    = 0.9986, Now r2

    *100 = 99.86%.

    Perfect correlation

    19) TATA Motors Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.348353

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the TATA Motors Share price, we get a correlation of 0.348353.


    = 0.12135, Now r2

    * 100 = 12.135%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Only 12% of the time the predicted value is correct

    20) TISCO Share price:Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.245828

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the TISCO Share price, we get a correlation of 0.245828.


    = 0.060431, Now r2

    * 100 = 6.0431% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in FIIs affects the

    TISCO share price by 6.0431%. To illustrate, if FIIs invest more in the

    BSE, then the TISCO Share price would decrease by 6.0431%.

    21) ZEE TeleFilm Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.914935

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the FIIs with the

    changes in the ZEE TeleFilm Share price, we get a correlation of 0.914935.


    = 0.8371, Now r2

    * 100 = 83.71% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that change in FIIs affects the

    ZEE TeleFilm share price positively.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management


    This was written for Business India, and was carried in its July 19, 2004 issue

    with the same title.

    As someone once said with a dash of humor, `Inflation is when you pay fifteen

    dollars for the ten dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had

    hair.' But the dent inflation makes in your investments is far from humorous. In

    fact over the long-term the `damage' is significant enough to make the most

    unflappable investor sit up and take notice. First, let' s understand inflation a little

    better. Simply speaking, an inflationary situation is where there is `too much

    money chasing too few goods' . As products/services are scarce in relation to the

    money available in the hands of buyers, prices of the products/services rise to

    adjust for the larger quantum of money chasing them.

    Let' s understand this with the help of an example. Let' s assume Rs 500 fetches you

    1 gram of gold. Suppose there is a shortfall in the global supply of gold. The

    obvious implication is that gold prices will rise to adjust for the sustained demandat lower supply. This may sound complicated but it' s a thumb rule of demand-

    supply - high demand combined with limited supply leads to higher prices. Let' s

    say gold prices rise by 10%. The revised rate of 1 gram of gold will be Rs 550.

    However, in real terms (i.e. in terms of the commodity in question) the value of

    the rupee would have declined from 1 gram of gold for Rs 500 to only 0.91 gram

    of gold for Rs 500. So the value of the rupee has eroded. In other words, the same

    quantum has money now fetches you fewer goods. Now you know why that

    haircut does not cost the same as it did even 2 years ago!

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Another important implication linked to inflation is higher interest rates. When

    prices in the system are in an upward spiral due to persistent demand, the central

    bank of the country aims to reduce demand in the economy by raising the cost of


    This could be as good a time as any what with the Wholesale Price Index (WPI)

    breaching the 6% level. In his exclusive interview with Personalfn, Mr. Rakesh

    Mohan (Deputy Governor - Reserve Bank of India) put things in perspective by

    stating that inflation was fuelled more by higher prices of commodities like steel

    and petroleum at the global level than by consumer goods like food products at the

    domestic level. So it may appear that the inflationary situation we see today is

    more of a comment on the price spiral at the global level than the domestic level.

    Nonetheless, the fact of the matter is whether you like/understand it or not, the

    danger posed by inflation is real and present and as an investor you have to take

    steps to safeguard your interests. You not only need to be careful about future

    investments, you also need to review existing investments. In other words, you

    need to bring a fresh perspective to your investments.

    Risk-averse investors who traditionally shun risk and embrace the safety of

    assured returns probably feel they are immune to inflation and its effects.

    However, nothing could be further from the truth. If there is one class of investor

    category who are completely exposed to the ` menace' of inflation it' s the risk-

    averse, bond/fixed deposit investor. As a matter of fact, the security and comfort

    associated with assured return schemes comes at a price - inflation! Inflation eats

    into the returns offered by assured return schemes like fixed deposits and small

    savings schemes, thereby leaving investors with dismal real returns.

    So how does the risk-averse investor counter this menace? There are 2 options at

    his disposal.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Short term deposits and funds

    Typically, in inflationary times you should not lock your money in long-term

    bonds (like the RBI Bond for instance) and in fixed deposits with a longer tenure

    (over 1-Yr). This is because rising inflation is generally followed by rising interest

    rates as explained earlier. Banks/institutions raise their deposit/coupon rates so

    investors who are already invested in these deposits/bonds witness what is known

    as an ` opportunity loss' . However, fresh investors will clock a higher return on

    their deposits/bonds. So when there is even a likelihood of rates on deposits/bonds

    rising, choose short-term deposits. These investments will give you the required

    liquidity you need while ensuring that you do not lose out in case interest rates

    were to rise.

    By the same logic, shun long-term debt funds. Inflation is a damper on the price of

    longer maturity bonds. These bonds are the worst hit when the debt market is in

    the grip of inflation frenzy. Under inflationary conditions, bond prices fall and this

    pulls down the net asset values (NAVs) of bond /gsec funds. So existing investors

    see erosion in their debt fund NAVs. Again the way to counter this threat is to

    stick to short-term bond funds, which are relatively immune from the peril of


    Capital indexed bonds

    These bonds compensate you for the rise in inflation (or the decline in the

    purchasing power of the currency). As yet they do not have a presence in the

    domestic debt market. The good news is that the Reserve Bank of India (in

    consultation with Government of India) proposes to introduce Capital Indexed

    Bonds in the country.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Key features of the proposed Capital Indexed Bonds:

    Offer inflation-linked returns on both the coupon rate (interest rate offered

    by the instrument) and principal repayments as well. This would be

    achieved by adjusting the principal amount in tune with changing inflation


    Interest payments would be computed at a fixed rate on the adjusted

    principal amount. For e.g. say the bond is issued at Rs 100 on June 1, 2004

    with a fixed coupon of 3.00%. Six months henceforth when the first interest

    payment is due, the principal amount will be recalculated based on the

    existing inflation levels. The same CIB worth Rs 100 bond could now be

    worth Rs 110 on account of the rising prices, the coupon rate will be

    applied to this revised sum and interest payments made accordingly.

    This is pretty much what the risk-averse investor has on his plate in inflationary

    times. On the other hand, the risk-taking investor has one more option to counter

    inflation - equities.


    It' s no secret that no asset class evokes as much excitement as stocks/equities.

    However, in our view this excitement is often misplaced. Stocks stimulate

    unbridled enthusiasm and fervor for the wrong reasons. Investors take to stocks

    because of their ability to clock exponential growth over a shorter time frame. For

    the serious, risk-taking investor stocks have a higher appeal - their ability to

    effectively counter inflation and give superior real returns over the long-term vis-

    -vis any other asset class. This is a fact attested to by several studies.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Busting inflation

    (Growth indicates avg. growth rate over a 15-Yr time frame. Graph sourced

    from HDFC Mutual Fund)

    The yawning void between inflation and investment in equities is evident from the

    above graph. Equally evident is the narrow gap between inflation and peer asset

    classes - fixed deposits and gold.

    However, stocks carry significant risk, especially if one is attempting to build

    his/her own portfolio of stocks. For those who wish to minimize this risk,

    diversified equity funds are an option.

    In addition to the asset classes we have outlined, there are some other

    unconventional, but effective, investment avenues to outpace inflation.


    The key factors that determine the price of a commodity like gold for example

    (mine output for one) are different from factors that impact the value of other

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    investments like shares and bonds. Investing in commodities therefore helps in

    diversifying the risk element in your portfolio. We do not suggest that they will

    most certainly do well, but in inflationary times, investors do find them holding up

    well against the sharply eroding currency value. Moreover, gold can now bedeposited with institutions like the State Bank of India. While this will earn you a

    very marginal interest, it will nevertheless take care of storage costs etc. Investing

    in a commodity takes care of the risk arising due to erosion in value of the

    currency (since most currencies are priced in terms of US Dollars).


    Property is again a preferred investment avenue as in such times prices tend to rise

    upwards in line with the increase in cost of construction. The only deterrent here is

    that the minimum amount you need to invest here is substantial and beyond the

    reach of most investors. An alternative can be real estate mutual funds, which are

    quite popular in international markets. If SEBI and AMFI have their way, this

    could become a reality in the Indian context.

    So while inflation is a concern there is no need for you to be a sitting duck every

    time it rears its head. Fortunately for you, even an under-developed financial

    market like India offers you enough interesting and rewarding opportunities to

    make inflation seem like just another day at the office.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Effect of Inflation:

    high-low Monthly inflaton














































    2002 2003 2004 2005





    1)Effect of Changes in Inflation rate on BSE SENSEX Values:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.0626117

    From the above table,

    While comparing the changes in the inflation rate with the changes in the

    BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of 0.0626117.


    = 0.00392, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.392% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.392%

    effect on the BSE SENSEX values, which is quite minute.

    2) ACC Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.00021

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the ACCs Share price, we get a correlation of -




    = 0.000000044, Now r2


    100 = 0.0000044%.Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only

    0.0000044% effect on the ACCs Share price , which is quite minute.

    3) Bajaj Auto Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.08365

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Bajaj Autos Share price get a correlation of



    = 0.00699, Now r2 * 100 = 0.699% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.699%

    effect on the Bajaj Autos Share price , which is quite minute.

    4) Bharti Tele Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.381008

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Bharti Teles Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.1452, Now r2* 100 = 14.52% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in inflation rate

    affects the Bharti Teles Share price value by 14.52%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    5) BHEL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.089626

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the BHEL Share price, we get a correlation of0.089626.


    = 0.008033, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.8033% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.8033%

    effect on the BHEL Share price, which is quite minute.

    6) Cipla Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.055085

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Cipla Share price, we get a correlation of 0.055085.


    = 0.003034, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.3034% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.3034%

    effect on the Cipla Share price, which is quite minute.

    7)Dr Reddy Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.01984

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Dr Reddys Share p rice, we get a correlation of



    = 0.000394, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.0394% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.0394%

    effect on the Dr Reddys Share price , which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    8) GACL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.05093

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the GACL Share price, we get a correlation of -0.05093.


    = 0.0026, Now r2

    * 100 = 2.6% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the GACL Share price value by 2.6%.

    9) Grasim Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.28345

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Grasim Share price, we get a correlation of 0.28345.


    = 0.08034, Now r2

    * 100 = 8.034% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the Grasim Share price value by 8.034%.

    Negligible correlation.

    10)HDFC Bank Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.120155

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the HDFC Banks Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.0144, Now r2

    * 100 = 1.44% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 1.44%

    effect on the HDFC Banks Share price , which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    11) Hero Honda Motors Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.06263

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Hero Honda Motors Share price, we get acorrelation of -0.06263.


    = 0.00392, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.392% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.392%

    effect on the Hero Honda Motors Share price, which is quite minute.

    12) Hindalco Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.203978

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Hindalcos S hare price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.0416, Now r2

    * 100 = 4.16%.

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that the changes in inflation rate

    affects the Hindalcos Share price value by 4.16%.

    Negligible correlation.

    13) HLL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.064153

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the HLLs Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.00412, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.412% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.412%

    effect on the HLLs Share price , which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    14) HPCL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.167722

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation ratewith the changes in the HPCL Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.02813, Now r2

    * 100 = 2.813% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the HPCL Share price value by 2.813%.

    15) ICICI Bank Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.118833

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the ICICI Banks Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.01412, Now r2

    * 100 = 1.412% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in inflation rate

    affects the ICICI Banks Share price value by 1.412%.

    16) Infosys Technologies Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.067

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Infosys Technologies Share price, we get a

    correlation of -0.067.


    = 0.00449, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.449% .

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.449%

    effect on the Infosys Technologies Share price, which is quite minute.

    17) ITC Share price:Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.11398

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the ITCs Share price, we get a correlation of -0.11398.


    = 0.01299, Now r2

    * 100 = 1.299% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in inflation rate

    affects the ICICI Banks Share price value by 1.412%. To illustrate, if

    inflation increases, then the ICICI Banks Share price would decrease by


    18) L&T Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.189582

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the L&T Share price, we get a correlation of 0.189582.

    r2 = 0.03594, Now r2 * 100 = 3.594% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the L&T Share price value by 3.594%. To illustrate, if inflation

    increases, then the L&T Share price would increase by 3.594%.

    19) Maruti Udyog Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.048375

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the MarutiUdyog Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.00234, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.234% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.234%

    effect on the MarutiUdyog Share price, which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    20)Ranbaxy Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.013216

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation ratewith the changes in the Ranbaxy share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.000175, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.0175% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.0175%

    effect on the Ranbaxy share price, which is quite minute

    21) RELShare price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.09502

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the REL Share price, we get a correlation of -0.09502.


    = 0.00903, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.903% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.903%

    effect on the REL Share price, which is quite minute.

    22) RIL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.076568

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the RIL Share price, we get a correlation of 0.076568.


    = 0.005863, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.5863% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.5863%

    effect on the RIL Share price, which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    23) Satyam Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.054975

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Satyam Share price, we get a correlation of0.054975.


    = 0.003022, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.3022% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.3022%

    effect on the Satyam Share price, which is quite minute.

    24) SBI Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.175731

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the SBI Share price, we get a correlation of 0.175731.


    = 0.03088, Now r2

    * 100 = 3.088% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the SBI Share price value by 3.088%.

    Negligible correlation.

    25) TATA Motors Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.0215

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the TATA Motors Share price, we get a correlation of -



    = 0.0004622, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.04622% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only

    0.04622% effect on the TATA Motors Share price, which is quite minute.

    26) TATA Power Share price:

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.218562

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the TATA Power Share price, we get a correlation of


    2= 0.04777, Now r

    2* 100 = 4.777% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the TATA Power Share price value by 4.777%.

    27) TISCO Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.03945

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the TISCO Share price, we get a correlation of -



    = 0.001556, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.1556% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.1556%

    effect on the TISCO Share price, which is quite minute.

    28) Wipro ltd Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.178484

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the Wipro Ltd Share price, we get a correlation of



    = 0.03185, Now r2

    * 100 = 3.185% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in inflation rate

    affects the Wipro Ltd Share price value by 3.185%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    29) ONGC share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.043729

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the ONGC Share price, we get a correlation of0.043729.


    = 0.0019122, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.19122% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only

    0.19122% effect on the ONGC Share price, which is quite minute.

    30) ZEE TeleFilm Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.0694

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the inflation rate

    with the changes in the ZEE TeleFilm Share price, we get a correlation of -



    = 0.004816, Now r2

    * 100 = 0.4816% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in inflation rate have only 0.4816%

    effect on the ZEE TeleFilm Share price, which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Analysis of the influence of Re-$ exchange rate on share price:

    The volume of international transactions has grown enormously over the past 50

    years .Exports of goods and services by the U.S. now total more than 10% of the

    GDP.Currencies must be bought and sold because the U.S.dollar is not acceptable

    means of payment in many other countries. The trading of currencies takes place

    in foreign exchange market whose primary function is to facilitate international

    trade and investment

    Graph showing movement of Re-$ Exchange rate:

    rupee high-low in last 36 months














    2003 2004 2005



    /$ high


    The above graph shows the movement of Re-$ from March 2002 to

    February 2005. Re has strengthened from 49.06 in March 2002 to 43.4 in February


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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Re-$ Exchange Rate:

    1) Effect of Changes in Re-$ Exchange Rate on BSE SENSEX Values:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.001581From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.0000025, Now r2 * 100 = 0.00025 % .

    Therefore we can interpret that the change in Re-$ exchange rate have only

    0.00025 % effect on the BSE SENSEX values, which is quite minute.

    2) ACCShare price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.319779

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.10226, Now r2 * 100 = 10.226 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that the changes in Re-$

    exchange rate affects the ACC share price value negligibly.

    3) Bajaj Auto Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.42681

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes Bajaj Autos Share price , we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.1822, Now r2 * 100 = 18.22 % .

    Negligible correlation.

    4) Bharti Tele Share Price:

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.13832

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of -

    0.13832.r2 = 0.01913, Now r2 * 100 = 1.913 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the Bharti Teles share price value by 1.913%.

    Negligible correlation.

    5)BHEL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.26874From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BHEL Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 =0.0722, Now r2 * 100 =7.22 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the BHEL share price value by 7.22 %. To illustrate, if the Re

    strengthens against the dollar, then the BHEL share price would increase by


    6) Cipla Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.025112

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.000631, Now r2 * 100 = 0.0631% .

    Therefore we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange rate has only

    0.0631% effects on the Cipla Share price, which is quite minute.

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    7) Dr. Reddy Share price:Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.126081

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.0159, Now r2 * 100 = 1.59% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$

    exchange rate affects the Dr Reddys share price value by 1.59%.

    8) Grasim Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.103485

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the Grasim Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.1071, Now r2 * 100 = 10.71 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the Grasims share price value by 10.71 %.

    9)HDFC Ltd Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.20533

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the HDFC Ltd Share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.0422, Now r2 * 100 = 4.22 % .

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the HDFC Ltd Share price value by 4.22 %. To illustrate, if the

    Re strengthens against the dollar, then the HDFC Ltd Share price would

    decrease by 4.22 %.

    10) Hero Honda Motor Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.13852

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchangerate with the changes in the Hero Honda Motors share price, we get a

    correlation of -0.13852.

    r2 = 0.0199, Now r2 * 100 = 1.99 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the Hero Honda Motors share price value by 1.99.

    11) Hindalco Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.02895

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the Hindalcos share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.00084, Now r2 * 100 = 0.084 % .

    Therefore we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange rate has only

    0.084 % effect on the Hindalcos share price, which is quite minute.

    12) HLL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.017593

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the HLLs Share price, we get a correlation of




    = 0.00031, Now r


    * 100 = 0.031 % .Therefore we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange rate has only

    0.031 % effect on the HLLs Share price , which is quite minute.

    13) HPCL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.247765

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the HPCL Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.06139 Now r2 * 100 = 6.139 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the HPCL Share price value by 6.139 % .To illustrate, if the Re

    strengthens against the dollar, then the HPCL Share price would increase

    by 6.139 %

    14) ICICI Bank Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.0712

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the ICICI Bank Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.0051, Now r2 * 100 = 0.51 % .

    Therefore we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange rates have only

    0.51 % effect on the ICICI Bank Share price, which is quite minute.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    15)Infosys Technologies Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.26218

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchangerate with the changes in the Infosys Technologies share price, we get a

    correlation of -0.26218.

    r2 = 0.06874, Now r2 * 100 = 6.874% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the Infosys Technologies share price value by 6.874%.To

    illustrate, if the Re strengthens against the dollar, then the Infosys

    Technologies share price would decrease by 6.874%

    16) ITC Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.031124

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the ITCs Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.00097, Now r2 * 100 = 0.097% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange rate have only

    0.097% effect on the ITCs Share price, which is quite minute.

    17) L&T Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.375067

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the L&T Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 =0.14068, Now r2 * 100 = 14.068% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in Re-$

    exchange rate affects the L&T Share price value by 14.068%. To illustrate,

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    if the Re strengthens against the dollar, then the L&T Share price would

    increase by 14.068%

    18)Maruti Udyog Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.029608

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the MarutiUdyog Share price, we get a correlation

    of 0.029608.

    r2 = 0.00088, Now r2 * 100 = 0.088% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange rate have only

    0.088% effect on the MarutiUdyog Share price, which is quite minute.

    19) ONGC Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.511726

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the ONGC Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.26186, Now r2 * 100 = 26.186 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the ONGC Share price value by 26.186 %.

    20) Ranbaxy Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.06164From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the Ranbaxy Share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.0038, Now r2 * 100 = 0.38% .

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Therefore we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange rate have only

    0.38% effect on the Ranbaxy Share price, which is quite minute.

    21) REL Share price:Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.36477

    From the above table, while comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the REL Share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.1331, Now r2 * 100 = 13.31 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the REL Share price value by 13.31 %.

    22) RIL Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.186572

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the RIL Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.0235, Now r2 * 100 = 2.35% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the RIL Share price value by 2.35%.

    23) Satyam Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.18013

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the Satyam Share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.03245, Now r2 * 100 = 3.245% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the Satyams Share price value by 3.245%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    24) SBI Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.01073

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchangerate with the changes in the SBI Share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.000115, Now r2 * 100 = 0.0115 % .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange rate have only

    0.0115% effect on the SBI Share price, which is quite minute.

    25) TATA Motors Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.112718

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the TATA Motors Share price, we get a correlation

    of 0.112718.

    r2 =0.01271, Now r2 * 100 = 1.271% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the TATA Motors Share price value by 1.271%.

    26) TATA Power Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.535483

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the BSE SENSEX values, we get a correlation of



    = 0.28674, Now r2

    * 100 = 28.674% .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret those changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the TATA Power Share price value by 28.674%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    27) TISCO Share Price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.296115From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the TISCO Share price, we get a correlation of


    r2 = 0.08768, Now r2 * 100 = 8.768 % .

    Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the TISCO Share price value by 8.768 %. To illustrate, if the Re

    strengthens against the dollar, then the TISCO Share price would increaseby 8.768 %.

    28) Wipro Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.07215

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the Wipro Share price, we get a correlation of -


    r2 = 0.00521, Now r2 * 100 = 0.521% .

    Therefore we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange rate have only

    0.521% effect on the Wipro share price, which is quite minute.

    29) ZEE TeleFilm Share price:

    Correlation coefficient (r) = -0.3436

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    From the above table, While comparing the changes in the Re-$ exchange

    rate with the changes in the ZEE TeleFilm Share price, we get a correlation

    of -0.3436.



    = 0.1181, Now r


    * 100 = 11.81% .Therefore from the above, we can interpret that changes in Re-$ exchange

    rate affects the ZEE TeleFilm Share price value by 11.81%. To illustrate, if

    the Re strengthens against the dollar, then the ZEE TeleFilm Share price

    would decrease by 11.81%.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Hypothesis Testing

    1) Financial Institutional Investors

    Predictors: (Constant), % change

    T-Test Co- efficients


    StandardizedCoefficients t


    Model B Std.error Beta

    1 (Constant) 7.099 1.218 5.829 .108

    % change 4.449E-02 .009 .980 4.924 .128

    a Dependent Variable: % change

    Result: t- is significant in case of FII. They affect the share prices positively.

    2) Inflation

    Predictors: (Constant), % change

    T-Test Co- efficients


    StandardizedCoefficients t


    Model B Std.error Beta

    1 (Constant) -9.910E-02 .744 -.133 .895

    % change 3.843E-02 .131 .063 .294 .771

    a Dependent Variable: % change

    Model R R squareAdjusted Rsquare

    Standard errorof estimate

    1 .980 .960 .921 2.09910336

    Model R R squareAdjusted Rsquare

    Standard errorof estimate

    1 .063 .004 -.041 3.62882

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    3) Exchangerate

    Predictors: (Constant), % change

    T-Test Co- efficients




    Coefficients t


    Model B Std.error Beta

    1 (Constant) -0343 .213 -1.608 .122

    % change 2.735E-03 .369 .002 .007 .994

    Results: In the above two cases they are insignificant and have negligible

    influence on share prices

    Model R R squareAdjusted Rsquare

    Standard errorof estimate

    1 .002 .000 -.045 1.03620

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    M P Birla Institute of Management


    1) Effect of changes of Rupee-$ exchange rate on BSE SENSEX value is very

    minute. So we can say that Rupee-$ Exchange rate hardly effects SENSEX.

    It is interesting that few scrips of SENSEX like ACC, BAJAJ, GRASIM,

    INFOSYS, L&T, ONGC, REL, TATA Power, and ZEE Tele Films are affected

    positively or negatively more than 10% of Correlation of Determination (R2).

    Affect on other Scrips is Negligible. Even Hypothesis calculated in this purposeexplains that rupee -$ exchange rates dont affect BSE SENSEX

    2) Effect of changes of Inflation rate on BSE SENSEX value is very minute. So

    we can say that Inflation rate hardly affects SENSEX.

    It is interesting that only scrip of SENSEX that is BHARATI TELE is

    affected more than 10% of Correlation of Determination (R2). Affect on other

    Scrips is Negligible.

    3) Effect of changes of FII Flow in share market and its influence on BSE

    SENSEX value is very affective. Its affects on almost all scrips of SENSEX are

    very high.

    4)The internal domestic economy is stable and consistent.

    5) Incase of foreign exchange markets, they are relatively consistent and do not

    make much impact on Indian stock market.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    6) Since the rupee is relatively cheaper there is no organic link between India

    stock market and stock market elsewhere.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Based on the analysis and interpretations we can conclude that:

    The present study examines the causal relationship between Net FII investments,

    inflation and foreign exchange and the Indian stock market represented by marketcapitalization of BSE. During the past three years there have been several ups and

    downs in the Indian stock market and Foreign portfolio investment patterns,

    consequent upon several changes affecting the Indian economy, like the

    technology slowdown, Ketan Parekh scam, September 11 attack on WTC, to name

    a few. There have been attempts to find the determinants and impacts of FII

    investment in India. By using monthly data from Feb 2002 to Feb 2005, we tried

    to capture the cause effect nature of FII, inflation and foreign exchange and Stock

    market. There is evidence of causality from BSE market capitalization and NSE

    market capitalization to net FII investment. The study infers that when market

    capitalization (the product of total trading volumes and prices of shares) is high,

    FIIs are more attracted for investing' (they buy heavily). The reverse happens (FIIs

    sell heavily) when market capitalization is low. While there is causation from

    current month, two month and three month lag market capitalization of both BSE

    and NSE, no causation was found from the one month lag values to net FII

    investment. We have also found significant impact of net investment on marketcapitalization or Indian stock exchanges. When FII s are net buyers, prices and

    trading volume both go up thereby increasing the market capitalization. On the

    other hand heavy selling by FIIs brings down the market capitalization by reduced

    trading volume and/or share prices. However, it is found that the current month' s

    FII investment pattern has a significant impact on the current month' s NSE and

    BSE market capitalization but past investment by FIIs does not have any

    significant impact. The study found causation from FII net inflow to market

    capitalization of BSE as well as from BSE to FII net inflows as was found by

    Chakrabarti (2001) and Kumar(200l) using different methodology.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management

    Based on the Findings we can recommend that

    1) It is recommend that since the FII have a considerable positive affect on share

    prices the government should encourage their investment which in turn boosts the


    2) Rupee-$ Exchange rate and Inflation Rate dont affect share prices. So this

    factors need not to be considers while making any investment in shares.

    3) FII affects the share market the most. So close examination of the FII

    investments should be tracked while making investments.

    4) If FII starts selling shares it is better to exit and vice versa, more investment

    into the market can be entertained.

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    M P Birla Institute of Management


    1) ICFAI journal of Applied Finance


    a) Macroeconomic Indicators and Stock Prices - Indian Evidence-Golaka C Nath and Dr. Y V Reddy

    b) FII Inflows to India: Their Effect on Stock Market Liquidity and


    - Manisha Joshi and Chiranjit Mukhopadhyay

    c) Stock market reaction of announcement of policy changes.

    -Munmum Mohanthy

    d) Causal Relationship between Foreign Institutional Investment and Indian

    Stock Market

    - SubarnaDey and BishnupriyaMishra

    e) Key determinants of stock prices in India.

    -Subir Sen and Rajkumar Ray

    f) Security analysis and portfolio management (Module I to X)

    - IGNOU


    National dailies

    Business Lines

  • 8/7/2019 Praveen-03123-Volatility of Share Price


    Business Standard

    Economic Time