pray for the world pray for peace pray for unity pray for everyone

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  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    Internet Archive Messages

    From Our Lord Jesus Christ & Our Blessed MotherTo Locutionist Little Mary

    The Blessed Mother first came to Little Mary in a dream in August of 1994 and has

    received over 3000 messages from Jesus and Mary. She wrote the first message onJanuary 11, 1995 and writes the messages in notebooks and shares them with her spiritual


    January 11, 1995, Wednesday ~ Be Silent and Hear My Words.

    My daughter, I have protected you. You were a virgin but then chose to become a

    mother. Look to the highest and crown Him with many crowns. Jesus reigns and is aboveall the earth. Cast away all your doubts and remain with us. This earth is so full of sorrow

    and doubt. Look to the skies because God can fulfill your every need. He had promised to

    keep you, hold you and protect you for He is your true Father and I your true Mother.

    Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice. Be silent and hear my words for I amwith you. Look at my heart as I am in yours.

    January 12, 1995, Thursday ~ From the Lord Jesus: Look inside the Flower. Look insidethe flower. There was once this tiny seed. Now your petals will open and you will

    blossom and grow in me. Keep your yes open and beware of dark times. Blessed is the

    fruit of the womb, Jesus. Stay close to me and you will see the glory and power ofeternity.

    "From the very beginning my spiritual advisor was chosen by the Blessed Mother. Myjob as a messenger is to write and relay the messages. I have to ask God everyday for the

    strength and grace needed to do this. This is not always easy, it is not like writing a letter,

    and every word I write is embedded in my heart. Some messages are very strong and you

    feel Jesus' and Blessed Mother's pain."

    In 2004 Fatima Priest, Fr. Robert J. Fox's wrote a book called "Messages from the Heartof Our Mother" that contains messages from Jesus and the Mother of God, given to Little

    Mary. Our Blessed Mother and Jesus gave these messages with a note of urgency,

    stressing they are for the world. The Blessed Mother uses a certain style directed to all foras a good Mother, she desires to have her messages touch each and every one of her

    children. Mother Mary speaks in simple words and phrases so that her teachings can be

    understood by anyone. It is to be

    noted the messages are not designed to lead souls to Mary, or replace Jesus with Mary,but it is always our loving Mother Mary leading souls to Jesus, to the Church, to the

    Sacraments through sincere prayer.

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    Single Messages Concerning Prayer Petitions ~ "Pray for"

    "Pray for those souls who are furthest away from Jesus.

    Pray, pray for the conversion of your country. Pray for the world"

    Internet Archive Messages From Our Lord & Blessed Mother through Little Mary

    MESSAGE #2262 from the Blessed MotherJanuary 9, 2002Prayfor peace. Prayfor unity. Prayfor allyour brothers and sisters. Prayer will softenthe hearts of those who have allowed ...distant from God. I have been asking each ofyou to pray more, so please, please respond.Prayfor all souls, living and deceased. Praywith me and bind your Rosaries around thisworld. Prayer is

    MESSAGE #2445 from the Blessed MotherFebruary 18, 2003prayfor unbelievers. Pray that more will havea change of heart before its too late. Pray thatmore will repent and obey GodsCommandments. Prayfor all your brothersand sisters, especially those who are sleeping.Prayfor Priests and all Religious so they trulylive their vocation. Pray that Priests will gathertheir flock and

    MESSAGE #2493 from the Blessed MotherJune 20, 2003Prayfor all Cardinals, Bishops and Priests.Prayfor all religious so they accept my ...servants for our Lord. You must prayfor yourflock and teach them the ... will have to answerto God. Prayfor the Church so more use their... souls. ..pray with me today. PrayforPriests, prayfor all religious. Pray and makethis message

    MESSAGE #2494 from the Blessed MotherJune 23, 2003Rosaries around this world. Bind yourRosaries around those souls who are furthestaway from God. Prayfor all souls living anddeceased, for ... not forget those who have no-one to prayfor them. Many souls needprayer, so please pray ... do. Unite with oneanother in prayer and prayfor the conversionof all sinners. Prayfor peace in the world.Pray and love

    MESSAGE #2847 from the Blessed MotherJanuary 4, 2006

    I am asking all of my children to pray, praymore. Each time you pray the Rosary, prayfor your Most Holy Pope. Prayfor Cardinals,Bishops and Priests. Prayfor all religious, formany are not taking their vocation seriously.Many are not praying as they should. Manyhave forgotten, their hands are consecratedand are denying my children the Sacraments.

    MESSAGE #2729 from the Blessed MotherJanuary 26, 2005

    Pray every day for all my children throughoutthe world. Today I am asking for more prayer,so prayfor the souls in Purgatory. Prayforthe unborn, for abortion is taking place allaround this world. Without ... many graces aregiven to those families who pray together.Believe and pray, for God truly answers allprayers. God knows what is best for each

    MESSAGE #2723 from the Blessed MotherJanuary 14, 2005Our Lord. Prayfor those who were notprepared to die, for many are suffering in

    Purgatory. Many have no one to prayforthem, so increase your prayers and pray dailyfor them. Today I must remind my children, formany have forgotten to prayfor the souls inPurgatory. Prayer is so important, for manytrials and suffering will take place throughoutthe new

    MESSAGE #2240 from the Blessed MotherNovember 14, 2001God to have mercy on those who are ignoringthe truth. Prayfor Cardinals, Bishops and

    Priests. Prayfor all religious, for many, somany are refusing to make the whole truthknown. Many ... I weep for those souls whoare not obeying God. Weep with me today,and prayfor Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests.Weep with me, for so many are not takingthese messages

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    Single Messages Concerning Prayer Petitions ~ "Pray for"

    MESSAGE #2742 from the Blessed MotherFebruary 28, 2005Gather in those groups that I have formed andpray, prayfor the conversion of the world.Many hearts are cold and filled ... new day.Consecrate your families to My Immaculate

    Heart and pray, prayfor those children whohave strayed away from true teaching. Thosesouls who have no one to prayfor them willsuffer the most. Many will die in their sins.

    MESSAGE #2621 from the Blessed MotherApril 29, 2004Prayfor those souls who are furthest awayfrom Jesus. Pray, prayfor the conversion ofyour country. Prayfor the world, for so manyare choosing darkness. Repentance is needed

    in this world, for many continue to live in sin.So many are not obeying GodsCommandments. A great chastisement willcome sooner if man does not wake

    MESSAGE #2828 from the Blessed MotherOctober 31, 2005Today, I am asking once again to pray, prayfor all souls living and deceased. I am askingthat you prayfor Cardinals, Bishops andPriests and all religious. I am asking for moreprayer for my Priests so they stay strong,strong for Jesus. Please pray from yourhearts, for then your prayers truly reachHeaven. All the Angels and Saints in Heavenwill join

    MESSAGE #2738 from the Blessed MotherFebruary 17, 2005Prayfor your enemies. Prayfor those whotruly want to destroy this world. Prayfor yourleaders, for if they do not join hands and worktogether, many more terrorists will roam theearth. Please, please understand, whereverthere is lack of prayer, evil will spread. Thismessage must be made known, for prayer istruly needed all around this world.

    MESSAGE #2501 from the Blessed MotherJuly 11, 2003Prayfor those who are destroying life, for thisis the greatest sin against God. Life is preciousin ... life. All must do their part to save souls. Isay to all my children, join hands now andprayfor an end to abortion. Prayfor thosewho are living in darkness and who are takingpart in destroying lives. Pray that more will turn

    MESSAGE #2608 from the Blessed MotherApril 2, 2004Prayfor your priests, for they are truly Gods... sons. Do not criticize those priests who aresleeping, instead, prayfor them. Pray andlove, love one another. Prayfor my belovedPope, for he truly suffers and endures ...because he speaks the truth, so every daypray, prayfor your Pope. Prayfor all religiousso they stay strong, strong for Jesus

    MESSAGE #2580 from the Blessed MotherJanuary 23, 2004Pray each new day. Prayfor peace. Prayforyour Priests, for Satan is truly attacking many.Prayfor family unity, for there is much turmoilin many homes. Prayfor this world so morewake up before its too late. Prayfor thosewho are choosing darkness, for without arepentive heart, many will see the fire of hell.Many will truly suffer when God

    MESSAGE #2947 from the Blessed MotherDecember 19, 2006Pray, prayfor all souls living and deceased.Prayfor those souls who have been forgotten,for they truly, truly need prayer. Many suffer inPurgatory because no one is prayingforthem. So many are in need of prayer. Now,please let go of the busyness of the world andmake more time to pray. Keep your focus onJesus and truly desire to pray, pray, pray

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    Single Messages Concerning Prayer Petitions ~ "Pray for"

    MESSAGE #2093 from the Blessed MotherJanuary 19, 2001Prayfor one another and pray each day foryour Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests.Prayfor seminarians so they do not losehope. Prayfor those who are standing up for

    the truth. Pray and obey God if you truly wantto be more pleasing to Him. Become apostlesof unity and pray, pray, pray. Be faithful todaily Mass, confession, sacrifices and fasting,

    MESSAGE #2314 from the Blessed MotherMay 8, 2002Do not give up prayingfor an end to abortion.Pray more and pray the Rosary wherever livesare being destroyed. Join hands and witnessto ... and your love for Jesus will make him

    flee. Your prayers are powerful if you pray,pray from your heart. Prayfor the conversionof all sinners and for peace in the world. Prayevery day, for Satan is strong

    MESSAGE #2694 from the Blessed MotherNovember 4, 2004Continue to pray, for all is not peaceful in thisworld. There is much hate and unforgivenessin many ... souls will be led closer to my Son,Jesus. Today, I ask that all my children prayfor the world and for the conversion of yourcountry. I ask that you pray, prayfor allpolitical leaders so they turn to God forguidance. Prayers are truly needed to help

    MESSAGE #2443 from the Blessed MotherFebruary 12, 2003I must warn my children today, so that youpray, pray more. Set time aside and prayforyour leaders, so more ... tomorrow. Come toMass, and prayfor peace and unity. Bind your... pray, pray from your hearts. Prayforunbelievers so they come to know our dearLord, Jesus. Prayfor all faiths, for they are allyour brothers and sisters. Prayfor peace andharmony or

    MESSAGE #2542 from the Blessed MotherOctober 21, 2003The time will come, so please continue togather and pray. Prayfor those who arerefusing to come to know Jesus. Prayforthose who have allowed themselves tobecome dependent on their wealth ... remainprayerful. Look to God and pray, praythroughout the day. Prayfor those who arespeaking the truth. Prayfor my chosen sons.Their job is not easy and it will

    MESSAGE #2309 from the Blessed MotherApril 23, 2002Today, I am asking each of you to pray more.Prayfor Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Prayfor your Pope, for many oppose him. ... tryingto convey to the world. Prayfor all thesinfulness that is occurring ... fast. Pray to theHoly Spirit. Pray, for again I say to you, your... My daughter, please join me now and prayfor the conversion of sinners. Pray with me

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2093 from the Blessed Mother January 19, 2001

    My daughter, Tell my children that the purpose of these messages is to make the truth known. One cannot be

    silent when so many are living in sin. God has chosen many messengers in these times to relay Our words.

    So, I say to you, my daughter, continue forward in love and in truth. Continue forward, for you have been

    chosen to relay Our words. Continue forward so more awake, awake from their slumber. Do not becomediscouraged by those who do not understand the purpose of these messages. God will be your strength and

    you shall be protected from the adversary. The truth must be made known or more will suffer when it is their

    time to leave this earth. Many souls are in danger and that is why God is asking you to be persecuted for

    living your faith. In time, all will have to decide to either repent or live in total darkness.

    It is time for all Our children to understand why these messages are being given. My mission on this earth is

    to assist those children who are on the wrong path. Those who accept my motherly assistance will be led

    closer, closer to Christ. Those who accept my assistance will come, come to know the truth. These messages

    are for all Our children, for you each have a soul. You each have areas that you must work on. You each need

    to come to know God in a deeper way.

    Until Our children let go of their will, God cannot enter your heart or soul. Pride is preventing many of Our

    children from fully living the truth. Unwillingness to do what God is asking of you is why many are not

    growing in their faith. Yes, lack of discipline and commitment to truly serve Our Lord is why so many are

    giving in, in to the world. Lack of prayer from ones heart is why Our children do not hear God in the silence

    of their heart.

    God is not pleased with those who are lukewarm in their faith. God is not pleased with those who are turning

    others away from those groups that I have formed. God is not pleased with those who refuse to see the

    goodness which is happening in those groups that I have formed. God is not pleased with those who are

    judging others for making the Gospel known.

    If you truly want to please God, then open, open your hearts now. Join hands and recite the Rosary and truly

    meditate on each mystery. Join hands and allow the Holy Spirit to become a flame inside you. Gather and

    pray and encourage holiness. Come to Mass as true believers and believe that Jesus is truly present in the

    Eucharist. Pray for one another and pray each day for your Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Pray for

    seminarians so they do not lose hope. Pray for those who are standing up for the truth. Pray and obey God if

    you truly want to be more pleasing to Him. Become apostles of unity and pray, pray, pray.

    Be faithful to daily Mass, confession, sacrifices and fasting, for in this way you will understand Gods love

    for you. You will understand why God has asked me to assist His children. You will understand how dark this

    world has truly become. You will understand the importance of truly living and relaying the Gospel.

    Today, I weep with you, my daughter, because many do not understand the suffering you must go through.

    Many do not understand that this world is in danger because so many still continue to crucify my Son. Many

    do not understand that each time an abortion is done the earth trembles more.

    Greater chastisements will occur if Our children remain deaf and blind to what is really happening around this

    world. Sin has become widespread and there will be consequence for sin. Each child will need to be prepared

    when this time of Gods great mercy and grace ends. God will not have mercy on those who are living in

    mortal sin. Man will have but little time to repent if they allow arrows of fire to fall from the sky. If man does

    not take heed to the Fatima message soon, many will see the fire of hell. Many souls will perish and they will

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2240 from the Blessed Mother November 14, 2001

    My daughter, How many notebooks will it take until our children truly, truly respond? A response is needed now,

    so please let the world know that I am truly here for all my children. I am truly here to make the Gospel known. I

    am here for all my children so more repent and turn to God. I am here to teach you, so that you go forth and live a

    life that is truly pleasing to God.

    Today, I ask that you let go of your fear, for I am truly here to lead you closer to my Son, Jesus. My daughter, thesemessages must be made known, so please use every opportunity to share all that is embedded in your heart. Please

    continue to write, for this is how these messages become embedded in your heart. Please be willing to use your

    hands and voice for Christ.

    This time cannot be wasted, so please tell my children to pray, pray, pray from their heart. Tell them each prayer

    from their heart, will help those who are sleeping. Each prayer will help many in the end. Each prayer will lesson

    what is coming your way. Yes, each prayer that you say now, during this time of Gods great mercy, will truly light

    the way for those in darkness. So many souls are in danger, so please do not wait for me to remind you; instead

    pray, pray throughout the day. Pray and ask God to have mercy on those who are ignoring the truth.

    Pray for Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Pray for all religious, for many, so many are refusing to make the wholetruth known. Many are unwilling to be persecuted for living their faith. Many are taking the easier road, instead of

    living their vocation. Many are truly offending God, because they are not shepherding their flock. Many are giving

    in to the world because of pride and laziness.

    My dear daughter, today I weep due to the sins of this world. I weep for those who are trying to make changes in

    the Church. I weep for those who are refusing to pray the Rosary, and meditate on each mystery. I weep because,

    due to lack of prayer much more evil will enter, enter this world.

    So many do not realize how powerful the St. Michael prayer is for these times. Many refuse to believe that Satan

    and many of his followers are prowling this earth. Many are refusing to use the protection that God has so

    graciously given them. Many know the truth, but are unwilling to make the Gospel known. Many today are

    ignoring these messages, because they refuse to come to know me in a personal way. Yes, many have chosen the

    easier way, and because of this, so many are falling further away from God. Many say they believe in God, but

    very few pick up their cross. Many believe in God, but very few believe in His love for them. Very few rely on

    Gods Mercy.

    My Immaculate Heart is full of pain, and how I weep for those who are not living their vocation. I weep due to lack

    of prayer in so many homes, around this world. I weep for those souls who are not obeying God. Weep with me

    today, and pray for Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests. Weep with me, for so many are not taking these messages

    seriously. Pray today with me, so more awake before Gods justice prevails. My daughter, pray and atone and do

    not be fearful of the sufferings you endure. Offer all your suffering to our Lord and be grateful that you have been

    chosen to save souls. Be grateful for this time, so you continue to do what God and I are asking of you.

    Tell all my children to pray with me or there will be no mercy. Without more prayer, there will be earthquakes,

    floods, and sickness of all kinds. There will be a terrible war, famine, and much more division in the Church

    without prayer. My message today is to pray, do penance, and make sacrifices now, for the salvation of souls.

    Please, please respond. Respond now. Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2262 from the Blessed Mother January 9, 2002

    My daughter, Pray for peace. Pray for unity. Pray for all your brothers and sisters. Prayer will soften the

    hearts of those who have allowed themselves to become distant from God. I have been asking each of you to

    pray more, so please, please respond. Pray for all souls, living and deceased. Pray with me and bind your

    Rosaries around this world. Prayer is your protection and will truly lessen what is coming your way. Your

    prayers, penance and sacrifice will help those who are furthest away from God. Please, dear children, openyour hearts and pray more. Open your hearts daily and use this time to pray, pray more.

    Today, I also ask that Priests all around this world join hands. I ask that you pray with your flock and make

    time to pray the Rosary. I ask that you teach my children how to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the

    Rosary. Many today, do not even know how to pray the Rosary. Dear chosen sons, words are not enough; you

    must be an example for your flock. You must take charge and teach your flock how to pray. You must take

    part in gathering those sheep who have gone astray. The way to do this is to pray and teach others the

    importance of the Rosary. You would not have to spend long hours counseling those in trouble if you would

    gather your flock and pray, pray the Rosary together. Families would be united and there would be less

    turmoil in the home. Conversion would happen if all my children would pray the Rosary from their heart. Joy

    and peace would reign in your hearts through your response.

    Dear children, my message is simple and that of love, so please do your part, so more souls can be saved.

    Prayer is truly needed in order for there to be peace in this world, so please do not allow Satan to fool you. Do

    not doubt in the power of prayer. Do not doubt in the messages that have been given you. Respond now.

    Now I ask that you pray from your hearts. I ask that you pray in reverence and be on guard, for the enemy is

    sly. I ask that you take refuge in Jesus Most Sacred Heart and believe that God truly hears your prayers.

    Please be true followers of Christ and be an example to all your brothers and sisters. Be an example so more

    will gather and pray and take heed to my messages. True peace must first come from you, so please pray now

    and reform your lives. Be more eager to do Gods Will and pray, pray dear children, from your heart. Let go

    of your desires now and place your trust in my Son, your Savior. Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2309 from the Blessed Mother April 23, 2002

    My daughter, I am with you wherever you go, so be at peace. Be at peace and witness to those who have

    allowed themselves to become distant from God. I ask today that all my children take Jesus with them,

    wherever they go. I ask that you go forth and light the way for others. Time moves quickly and all must

    awake from their slumber.

    Assist me dear children, by truly living these messages. Assist me, for many of my children are in great

    darkness. Many hearts are closed and many souls are in danger. Together we can light the way, if each of you

    do your part. Join hands dear children, and let the world know that I am truly here to assist those who take

    refuge in my Immaculate Heart. I am here to assist all my children and to restore family unity.

    God is showering His Mercy upon families because so many are in turmoil. There is so much sinfulness in the

    family because of lack of prayer and respect, respect towards each other. Lack of love and lack of faith is truly

    tearing families apart. If only my children would pray and love one another, hearts would be united. If more

    families gathered for prayer, Satan would lose power. There would be less division in the Church, if more

    families prayed and faithfully came to Mass.

    I truly weep due to lack of prayer and dysfunction in the family. I weep for those priests who are not

    shepherding their flock. I weep because some priests have stopped believing in the True Presence of Jesus in

    the Holy Eucharist. Many have become so involved in the world and have turned their back on My Son,

    Jesus. All must devote more time to prayer, in order for change to occur.

    Today, I am asking each of you to pray more. Pray for Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Pray for your Pope, for

    many oppose him. Many are not listening to the messages he is trying to convey to the world. Pray for all the

    sinfulness that is occurring in the Church because of disobedience. Pray and fast. Pray to the Holy Spirit.

    Pray, for again I say to you, your weapon is prayer. Trust and obey God and live, live the Beatitudes. Live a

    holy life and take refuge, refuge in Our Hearts. Jesus truly awaits those who turn to Him with an open heart.

    Pray the Rosary and stay close to my Immaculate Heart. Stay close to the heart of My Son, His Most SacredHeart. In doing this, you will be protected and you will see light no matter how dark this world becomes.

    Now, please respond and carry Jesus with you wherever you go. Pray together as a family and make time to

    come to Mass and adore my Son. These are tools to truly help you, so please take heed to all that I am

    teaching you. Please listen and respond, so unity around this world can be restored.

    My daughter, please join me now and pray for the conversion of sinners. Pray with me and assist me, so more

    souls see light instead of darkness. Pray everyday, especially for your Pope, for prayer, prayer is his

    protection. Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2314 from the Blessed Mother May 8, 2002

    My daughter, These messages are for all my children, not just for those who have been chosen to write. All

    must take a stand for life. All must do their part to make the Gospel known. Do not give up praying for an end

    to abortion. Pray more and pray the Rosary wherever lives are being destroyed. Join hands and witness to

    those who are choosing death instead of life. Protect life in love and through prayer.

    Please dear children, move forward with courage and hope and do all that you can to save souls. Reach out to

    those doctors who are using their hands to destroy life. Reach out in love, so more come to know the truth

    before its too late.

    Satan desires to destroy life through hatred and abortion. Satan is viscous, but what you must remember is

    your prayers and your love for Jesus will make him flee. Your prayers are powerful if you pray, pray from

    your heart. Pray for the conversion of all sinners and for peace in the world. Pray every day, for Satan is

    strong and he is trying to destroy love in the world through division, scandals and the media. Satan is sly and

    will tempt those who do not know the truth. Satan will attack those who do not pray or trust in Almighty God.

    Prayer is your protection. Through prayer and true devotion to Jesus, evil can be destroyed. Never cease

    praying. Pray more; unite in love and unity. Pray each new day and carry Jesus in your heart, so that His loveand mercy shine though you.

    Please take this message seriously and pray more or you will see much more destruction and division.

    Without prayer, many more will choose not to walk with my Son, Jesus. Now, please unite in prayer, in

    harmony and in love. Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2443 from the Blessed Mother February 12, 2003

    My daughter, You have been chosen to write and relay my messages to those who will listen, so please, let

    my children know that all is not peaceful. Mankind is in danger because so many are not listening to God.

    Many leaders are living in sin; so therefore, they are choosing darkness. Many today seek control, and are

    refusing God's guidance.

    I must warn my children today, so that you pray, pray more. Set time aside and pray for your leaders, so more

    turn to God before it's too late. Take time from your busy life and kneel before our Lord in the Blessed

    Sacrament. Please, please take time, for prayers are truly needed around this world. Fast and pray, and plead

    for God's mercy upon this darkened world. Much evil can be destroyed if you do what I am asking of you. A

    response is needed today, so please do not wait until tomorrow.

    Come to Mass, and pray for peace and unity. Bind your Rosaries around this world, and pray, pray from your

    hearts. Pray for unbelievers so they come to know our dear Lord, Jesus. Pray for all faiths, for they are all

    your brothers and sisters. Pray for peace and harmony or you will see a devastating war. You will see fire like

    you have never seen before. You will see much bloodshed and destruction, so please, believe the battle will

    be won through unity, prayer, and penance. Each battle will be won if you persevere and pray, pray more.

    Now please, adore my Son in the most Blessed Sacrament. Pray and believe that God will not forsake you.

    Implore God's mercy and truly love, obey, and adore Almighty God. Surrender and trust in God's love, mercy,

    and grace. Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


  • 8/14/2019 Pray for the world Pray for peace Pray for unity Pray for everyone


    MESSAGE #2493 from the Blessed Mother June 20, 2003

    My daughter, Pray for all Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Pray for all religious so they accept my motherly

    love and assistance.

    Many today are not taking time to pray and meditate on the Rosary. If more would pray and meditate on the

    mysteries of the Rosary, evil would not linger. Satan is powerful and he will become even more powerful ifyou do not pray and be an example to your flock. Please, dear Priests, pray the Rosary, for prayer is your

    protection. Through prayer and true devotion to our Lord, evil will be destroyed.

    My Son wants more prayers, so please, please listen to my motherly requests. Listen to what my Son is telling

    you and do what He is telling you to do. Be true followers of Jesus and pick up your cross each new day and

    live, live your vocation. This world is in danger and many will perish if you refuse to pray and teach your

    flock. My Son will truly guide you if you ask Him. My Son will truly direct you if you turn to Him. Do not be

    fooled by the evil one. Spend time, time with Jesus so you are fed. Spend time adoring our Lord and the

    answers will be given to you.

    Dear Priests, I come to you because I am your Heavenly Mother. I truly care for you and want to assist you onthis earth. I want to protect you with my mantle, but you too must do your part. You must pray, pray from

    your hearts, and be true servants for our Lord. You must pray for your flock and teach them the truth. You

    must be faithful to my Son and guide my children. You must not stray away from true teaching. You must be

    obedient to God and your Most Holy Pope. Obedience, prayer and sacrifice are truly needed in order to

    combat evil. Ask, ask the Holy Spirit to guide and enlighten you. Ask and do all that you can for the salvation

    of souls.

    Fire will descend upon this earth if man continues to turn away from God. Many, many will suffer if souls

    continue to be destroyed. Listen to my messengers and prepare, prepare now. Be attentive, for God is truly

    warning His children now. Blessed will be those who are listening to God, for they will have nothing to fear.

    Woe to those who are not shepherding their flock, for they will have to answer to God. Pray for the Church somore use their hands and voice for Christ.

    There is no longer time to follow your desires, you must each imitate Christ and be an example to all

    mankind. You must pray and do penance and be willing to serve Christ at all hours. God is sending many

    punishments and epidemics so more will pray and turn to Him before its too late. Will you please see the

    signs before you and pray together and live, live the Gospel. Wake up from your slumber and take heed, take

    heed now to my motherly call.

    Listen, dear chosen sons, to what I tell you. Listen and respond, for the time is drawing near. Just as you need

    my assistance, I too need yours. I need Priests who will go forth and speak the truth. I need Priests who will

    pray and fast and be willing to teach their flock. With tears in my heart, I am asking each of you to pray and

    do your part for the salvation of souls.

    My daughter, pray with me today. Pray for Priests, pray for all religious. Pray and make this message known.


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    MESSAGE #2494 from the Blessed Mother June 23, 2003

    My daughter, God is truly asking His children to pray, pray more. So when you gather, bind your Rosaries

    around this world. Bind your Rosaries around those souls who are furthest away from God. Pray for all souls

    living and deceased, for there are many souls in Purgatory who await your prayers. Prayers will truly help

    them move closer, closer to Heaven. Please, dear children, do not forget those souls who are in Purgatory. Do

    not forget those who have no-one to pray for them.

    Many souls need prayer, so please pray throughout the day. This time is being allowed for more prayer. So,

    today I ask each of you to set time aside to pray throughout the day. Each of you have time, so please pray

    with your family and gather in those groups that I have formed.

    God will truly bless those who pray, pray from their hearts. God will bless those groups that you, too, are now

    forming all around this world. God will not abandon those who pray and who give their life to Him. God will

    bless you and strengthen you for the road ahead. God will use you in a powerful way if you allow Him to.

    God will work through you if you are open to truly serving Him.

    So please invite God to be with you everyday and include Him in everything you do. Unite with one anotherin prayer and pray for the conversion of all sinners. Pray for peace in the world. Pray and love, love one

    another. Now, please join hands and pray together and believe that God is truly, truly with you. Pray and obey

    God and be merciful, loving children. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2542 from the Blessed Mother October 21, 2003

    My daughter, How I weep for those souls who continue to reject Gods mercy and grace. I weep for those

    who are choosing darkness, for darker days await them. Many will suffer if they do not repent and amend

    their ways. Many will suffer because they will not know who to turn to when God shakes this earth.

    The time will come, so please continue to gather and pray. Pray for those who are refusing to come to knowJesus. Pray for those who have allowed themselves to become dependent on their wealth. Pray from your

    hearts and welcome each child who comes, comes to this Church. Welcome each person and be kind and

    loving to those around you. Your love and prayers will help those who are suffering in any way. Your love

    and prayers will help them convert before its too late.

    There is much work that needs to be accomplished, so please put on your armor and be true soldiers for

    Christ. Be true to God and allow Him to use you in these times. Be patient and loving and put on your armor

    of love. Keep your focus on Jesus and do not allow the world to pull you away from Him. Do not allow the

    enemy to advance. Be on guard and remain prayerful. Look to God and pray, pray throughout the day.

    Pray for those who are speaking the truth. Pray for my chosen sons. Their job is not easy and it will becomeharder in days to come. Many will suffer for living their Catholic Faith. It is time now to join hands and pray,

    so please work together and light the way for others. Do all that you can now, so more come to know our

    Dear Lord Jesus. I am truly with you each time you pray, so be not afraid. Be not afraid to live, live your

    Catholic Faith.

    God will strengthen you each new day if you trust and turn to Him, so begin today and abandon yourself to

    His Will. Begin today so you are ready and prepared for each new battle. Go now with peace in your hearts

    and be a loving people. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2580 from the Blessed Mother January 23, 2004

    My daughter, Darker days will come if my children continue to choose darkness. Much more evil will enter

    this world if man refuses to repent and live a life that is pleasing to God. This world is truly in trouble

    because so many hearts have become cold. Cold hearts is what will bring destruction to this world. Violence

    and many more wars will arise if man does not repent and turn to God.

    It is time now to get down on your knees and pray, pray more. It is pertinent that you join hands and pray the

    Rosary properly. If you meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary, your prayers will truly come from your heart.

    I say to each of you, do not rush through your prayers. Meditate on each mystery of the Rosary so that your

    focus is on God. Do not just mumble words, think about what you are saying.

    The Rosary will have a powerful effect on those who recite it faithfully. The Rosary has helped save many

    souls and it has had victory over many wars. There are many promises through praying the Rosary if you

    recite it properly. The Rosary is the weapon against Satan, so please do not ignore my heavenly pleas. Gather

    your family and pray it daily and you shall have peace. Gather in your Church and pray the Rosary from your


    Make better use of this time and pray, pray more. Pray each new day. Pray for peace. Pray for your Priests, for

    Satan is truly attacking many. Pray for family unity, for there is much turmoil in many homes. Pray for this

    world so more wake up before its too late. Pray for those who are choosing darkness, for without a repentive

    heart, many will see the fire of hell. Many will truly suffer when God shakes this earth.

    Now, please listen to my motherly requests and respond, respond now. Respond now, for time is short and

    many today need your prayers. Today is a day to fast and to pray, so please do your part so more repent and

    turn to God. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2608 from the Blessed Mother April 2, 2004

    My daughter, This is the time to go forth and save souls, so please continue to write and share all that is

    imbedded in your heart. Souls will be saved if my children go forth in love and share the Gospel. Souls will

    be saved through prayer and loyalty to God.

    I say to my children, go forth and share your love of knowing Jesus. Go forth now, for this time will not lastforever. Many souls are still in danger, so please rescue those who are entangled by the serpents tail. Your

    example and words of love will truly help those in darkness. So many today are living in sin and they need to

    hear the truth. They need to know that God exists and that He truly loves all His children. Your prayers and

    sacrifices are truly needed for the salvation of souls.

    The Church needs your love and prayers, so continue to join hands and pray, pray the Rosary together. Pray

    for your priests, for they are truly Gods chosen sons. Do not criticize those priests who are sleeping, instead,

    pray for them. Pray and love, love one another. Pray for my beloved Pope, for he truly suffers and endures

    much pain. His life is in danger because many terrorists roam this earth. His life has been filled with many

    crosses and thorns because he speaks the truth, so every day pray, pray for your Pope. Pray for all religious so

    they stay strong, strong for Jesus.

    This world is in need of much reparation, so please pray and do your part so more convert before its too late.

    Now, please listen to my motherly requests and respond by truly being prayerful. Every day pray, pray the

    Rosary, for this will truly help many in the end.

    Now, please take my hand and walk with me during this Lenten season and allow me to assist you so that

    change occurs in your hearts. This is the time to truly respond, so please accept my love and assistance.

    Accept each message with gratitude, for they are truly Gods gift to each of you.

    Go now in peace and be faithful servants for our Lord. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2621 from the Blessed Mother April 29, 2004

    My daughter, Pray for those souls who are furthest away from Jesus. Pray, pray for the conversion of your

    country. Pray for the world, for so many are choosing darkness. Repentance is needed in this world, for many

    continue to live in sin. So many are not obeying Gods Commandments. A great chastisement will come

    sooner if man does not wake up.

    I continually plead with my children to turn away from sin, but many refuse to listen. Many are refusing to

    change their lifestyle. Many, many are living in mortal sin. So many hearts are full of hatred, jealousy and

    pride. So much killing and bloodshed because so many do not have peace in their hearts. Suicide is on the rise

    because so many do not know Jesus. Satan is attacking many because of their refusal to wear the protection

    God and I have given them.

    I cannot keep repeating myself, so please reflect on the beginning messages. Bless your homes often with

    holy water and say, say the Saint Michael prayer. Wear a crucifix, a scapular and blessed medals. Armor

    yourselves each new day. Come to Mass and cleanse your soul regularly. Do penance every day and truly be

    sorry for your sins. Spend time with Jesus and ask, ask for assistance. Take Jesus with you wherever you go

    and invite all the Holy Angels and Saints to be in your home. Do what I am asking of you, for this will trulykeep evil away.

    Those who wear a scapular and who live their consecration are truly consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

    Those who pray the Rosary from their heart will truly feel my presence. Their prayers will be answered in the

    way that is best for their soul. They will truly be protected by my mantle if they live a holy life. Please let go

    of pride and pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary. Pray every day so you stay close, close to

    Jesus Most Sacred Heart. Please pray and allow my messages to penetrate your hearts.

    Today I plead with you, stop sinning and pray, pray more. Reconcile before its too late and amend your ways

    now. Stop crucifying my Son. Repent and be converted. Trust in Gods love for you and allow Him to

    transform your heart. Allow God to guide you on the path that will lead you to Heaven. Ask the Holy Spirit toenlighten you so you stay strong, strong for our Lord.

    Now, please pray with me and do not give up on my motherly requests. Pray with me and you will truly bring

    joy to My Immaculate Heart. Pray as a family and pray your Rosary every day. Pray and armor yourselves and

    stay close, close to Our Hearts. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2694 from the Blessed Mother November 4, 2004

    My daughter, Continue to pray, for all is not peaceful in this world. There is much hate and unforgiveness in

    many hearts today. Many hearts are cold because they do not know Jesus.

    Pray today for unbelievers so their hearts open to Gods love and mercy. Pray together as a family and bind

    your Rosaries around this darkened world. Prayer is what will make a difference in this world. Prayer andpenance will truly help restore unity. Through prayer, penance and sacrifice, souls will be led closer to my

    Son, Jesus.

    Today, I ask that all my children pray for the world and for the conversion of your country. I ask that you

    pray, pray for all political leaders so they turn to God for guidance. Prayers are truly needed to help change

    the world. Prayer is truly needed, so please, please dear children, join hands and pray in those groups that I

    have formed. Join hands and live my messages that are being given around this world.

    Now, please stay close to My Immaculate Heart so that I can continue to teach and protect you. Console my

    Heart and pray, pray with me. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2723 from the Blessed Mother January 14, 2005

    My daughter, Keep your door open for those who want to come for prayer. Jesus will warm their hearts and

    they will receive much peace. Healings will continue to happen, so use your hands and voice for Christ.

    Gods love will not end for His children, so continue to pray and use those gifts God has blessed you with. No

    one can take away those gifts God has bestowed upon you. No one can take away your joy of knowing Jesus.

    I say to my children, believe in Gods mercy and love and extend it to others. Believe in Gods healing power.

    Believe that physical and spiritual healing will take place when you gather and pray, pray with one another.

    My daughter, each time you pray, include those souls who are in Purgatory. These souls long for your prayers,

    so do not forget what I have shown you. Always pray with love, faith and trust, trust in your heart. Your

    petitions will be heard, so pray, pray daily for those souls who are furthest away from Our Lord. Pray for

    those who were not prepared to die, for many are suffering in Purgatory. Many have no one to pray for them,

    so increase your prayers and pray daily for them.

    Today I must remind my children, for many have forgotten to pray for the souls in Purgatory. Prayer is so

    important, for many trials and suffering will take place throughout the new year. God will be your strength, soplease trust and remain faithful to prayer. Through prayer, you will be drawn closer to Almighty God. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2729 from the Blessed Mother January 26, 2005

    My daughter, Each time you say yes to God, souls are saved, so continue forth as Our messenger and use

    your hands and voice for Christ. You were chosen the day you were conceived, so be thankful, for this was all

    part of Gods plan.

    Each soul is precious in Gods eyes, so tell the world to be thankful for life. Tell the world abortion is wrongand that it destroys lives. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world and it truly adds wounds to Jesus Most

    Precious Body. The earth will continue to tremble if man continues to deny the truth. Please make the Gospel

    known and obey each Commandment.

    My daughter, I ask that you offer all your suffering and pain for those who are furthest away from Jesus. Pray

    and fast for those souls who are destroying life, for they are listening to Satans lies. Pray every day, for many

    souls are on the wrong path. Pray every day, for time is short and many souls are in danger of losing their

    soul. Pray every day for all my children throughout the world. Today I am asking for more prayer, so pray for

    the souls in Purgatory. Pray for the unborn, for abortion is taking place all around this world.

    Without more prayer, abortion will increase among the youth. This will cause much destruction to society andto the family. The whole world is in need of prayer, for many, many youth are living in mortal sin. Many cult

    groups are forming because the youth are not being taught in the proper way. So many children are not being

    cared for so they are choosing to live in sin. Through family prayer, these children can be rescued. Through

    family prayer, conversion can happen.

    I plead with parents today to pray together as a family. Pray with your family and love, love one another. Pray

    each new day and do not be afraid to serve God. Pray each new day and believe that many graces are given to

    those families who pray together. Believe and pray, for God truly answers all prayers. God knows what is best

    for each child, so please respond more joyfully and pray, pray from your hearts. A response is needed, so do

    not neglect family prayer.

    My daughter, on this special day, God is asking for more prayer, so believe that you have been chosen to

    suffer as you make the Gospel known. One day, you will be with us in Heaven and that, my daughter, will be

    your most special day. God and I are truly with you, so continue to do Gods Most Holy Will. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2738 from the Blessed Mother February 17, 2005

    My daughter, There is no longer time to be silent. All must repent and wake up from their slumber. All must

    pray more, for much evil is roaming this earth.

    Without more prayer, this world will suffer, suffer tremendously. Without more prayer, there will be a nuclear

    war. Without more prayer, fire will consume cities and disease will spread. Yes, much is taking place behindclosed doors. Only prayer and penance can stop what is coming your way.

    I say to my children, wake up, wake up now. Get down on your knees and pray more. Pray for your enemies.

    Pray for those who truly want to destroy this world. Pray for your leaders, for if they do not join hands and

    work together, many more terrorists will roam the earth. Please, please understand, wherever there is lack of

    prayer, evil will spread. This message must be made known, for prayer is truly needed all around this world.

    I am asking for more prayer, so please teach others how to pray the Rosary. The Rosary is my gift to you and

    it will shelter you through all storms. The Rosary is your weapon and if prayed correctly, it can lessen what is

    coming your way. Your prayers and loyalty to God can remove darkness. Are you willing to do your part?

    Are you listening and obeying God? Time will tell, but I say to you, time is short.

    God is your Creator, so please do not remove God from your lives. Join hands and pray and form prayer

    groups all around this darkened world. Discipline yourselves now and get down on your knees and pray.


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    MESSAGE #2742 from the Blessed Mother February 28, 2005

    My daughter, Offer your prayers and suffering for peace in this world. Without peace, there can be no unity.

    Without unity, greater wars will arise.

    Prayers are truly needed, for the enemy loves war and destruction. The enemy loves darkness, so please

    understand, your prayers and sacrifices are truly needed all around this world. The enemy loves bloodshed, soplease be true servants for Our Lord. Get down on your knees and pray more. Pray each new day and bind

    your Rosaries around this world. Gather in those groups that I have formed and pray, pray for the conversion

    of the world. Many hearts are cold and filled with hate because they are not praying or listening to God.

    It will take much prayer, so please dear children, take this message seriously. Join hands, pray together as a

    family and pray together every day. Take time after Mass to pray the Rosary. Make time in your homes and

    pray with your children each new day. Consecrate your families to My Immaculate Heart and pray, pray for

    those children who have strayed away from true teaching. Those souls who have no one to pray for them will

    suffer the most. Many will die in their sins. Many will suffer, so please include them in your prayers.

    Now, please keep your hearts open and live, live all that I am teaching you. Live all that I am telling you, forprayer is the only way to peace. Through prayer, you draw closer to God and God draws closer, closer to each

    of you. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2828 from the Blessed Mother October 31, 2005

    I have been warning my children for some time so that more would turn to God and ask for His mercy. I have

    been teaching my children the truth so more in turn would go forth and live the Gospel.

    Today, I am asking once again to pray, pray for all souls living and deceased. I am asking that you pray for

    Cardinals, Bishops and Priests and all religious. I am asking for more prayer for my Priests so they staystrong, strong for Jesus. Please pray from your hearts, for then your prayers truly reach Heaven. All the

    Angels and Saints in Heaven will join with you if you pray, pray from your heart. Much prayer is needed, so

    continue to join hands and pray together as a family.

    Now, please follow my Sons footsteps and pray, pray more. Pray throughout the day and pray in those groups

    that I have formed. Honor Jesus Most Sacred Heart and you will come to know Gods love and the true

    power of prayer. Prayer will make your armor shine. Prayer is your protection. Amen.

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    MESSAGE #2847 from the Blessed Mother January 4, 2006

    My daughter, The world today continues to add wounds to Jesus Most Sacred Heart. So many are refusing

    to obey God. Many are making up their own rules so they can continue to live in mortal sin.

    Each child must obey all of Gods Commandments. Each child must repent and turn to God for guidance.

    Those who are disobeying God will suffer when they see their soul. They will see just how many wounds theyhave added to Jesus Most Precious Body. Woe to those who are choosing to live in darkness. Woe to those

    who are leading others away by their sinful behavior. God will not have mercy on those who refuse to repent

    and amend their ways.

    Pray, pray my daughter, that more will repent before its too late. Pray in reparation for all your brothers and

    sisters. Pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary, for this will truly help those who are on the wrong

    path. Pray together in those groups I have formed, for conversion is truly needed around the world. Prayer,

    penance and sacrifice are truly, truly needed for the sins of the world.

    I am asking all of my children to pray, pray more. Each time you pray the Rosary, pray for your Most Holy

    Pope. Pray for Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Pray for all religious, for many are not taking their vocationseriously. Many are not praying as they should. Many have forgotten, their hands are consecrated and are

    denying my children the Sacraments. Priests need much prayer so that they stay strong for Jesus.

    Today we must join hands and pray. Today I am asking each of you to kneel by a Crucifix and pray. Prayer is

    needed, so please, please dear children, join hands and pray, pray each new day. Amen.

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