prayer chart for muslim children & new muslims · pdf fileintroduction the following is a...

P B k f Prayer Book for M li Muslim Children & New Muslims

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Page 1: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

P B k f Prayer Book for M li Muslim

Children & New MuslimsNe Mus s

Page 2: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

(Prayer Book for Muslim Children & New Muslims)(Prayer Book for Muslim Children & New Muslims)

Designed and compiled by the one in need of Allah’s pardonAboo ‘Imraan ‘Abdus-Saboor bin Tomas Maldonado al-Mekseekee

-may Allah forgive him, his family, and all of the Muslims-


First EditionCopyright © 2008

(PDF Conversion: Umm Kutubah Samia al-Garland)

[Permission is granted to all who wish to print this document for public or private use without the consent of the compiler under the [Permission is granted to all who wish to print this document for public or private use without the consent of the compiler under the grounds that such printing be done solely for educational purposes without any desire for monetary profit or gains.]

Page 3: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer


The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer. It is intended for the Muslim who already knows Arabic who will direct

the child or new Muslim to the proper pronunciation and meanings of the prayer. I used the summarized Arabic version of ‘Sifat-us-Salaat-in-Nabee’ by ash-Shaykh Naasir-ud-Deen al-Albaanee

(rahimahullah) as a basis for the correct wording of the supplications as the Shaykh wrote it to benefit those who wanted to learn the manners of prayer in brief. This is only to teach the prayer in one

manner, the student must be made to understand that there are many other supplications that our beloved Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) used to teach his companions. The teacher may

refer the student to the translated version of both the long and summarized version. To this date I do not think that the original four volume version of the Shaykh’s book has been translated into English.

I had originally made this booklet available in Power Point but I decided that others may want to print it out and use it as a teaching manual therefore I added a cover and had it converted into PDF

for a more professional look.

k h ll h f d b f k ’ f d k ll h f dI ask that all who gain find benefit to make Duaa’ for me and ask Allah to forgive me, and to increase me in knowledge, guidance, and sustenance, indeed He is the Noble, the Generous.

Your brother in Islaam, the weak one,Ab ‘I l M k kAboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee

Page 4: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

Opening Supplication of Prayer 1

سبحانك اللهم و بحمدك و تبارك اسمك و تعالى جدك و ال إله غيرك


Glorified+You=You are Glorified

O Allahandwith+Praise +Your=With Your Praise


andBlessed Name+You=Your Name


+Your=Your Majesty

ل ككغ Y“غ Gl ifi d O All h d P i d ;You are Glorified O Allah and Praised“غيرك=ك+غيرإلهالو Your Name is Blessed, Your Majesty is Exalted, and none has the right to be

worshipped but You.” Object Other wo s pped but ou.

andNoworthy of worship

other+You=Other than you

إعداد أبي عمرآن المكسيكي

Page 5: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

The Supplication you say while bowing 2The Supplication you say while bowing

ظ ال ان سبحان ربي العظيم


Perfect/GlorifiedLordMyThe Supreme

“How Perfect is my Lord the Supreme.” (Say three times)

Page 6: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

What to say when coming up from Bowing 3

Allah listens to the one“سمع الله لمن حمدهwho praises Him.” ع

هحمدمناللهسمع حمدهلمنل +=+=

hearsAllahtowhomTo whom +=praisesHimhe who

praises Him = +

Then you say the following when you have stood up:

د ال لك نا “Our Lord and to You is ربنا و لك الحمد نانا لككل ال

Our Lord and to You is all Praise.”



ربنا=Our Lord








لكTo You

الحمدIs the Praise Lord+OurOur Lordandto+YouTo YouIs the Praise

Page 7: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

The Supplication you say while Prostrating 4

سبحان ربي األعلى“How Perfect is my Lord,

the Most High.” (Say three times)

ى يthree times)

ربييربسبحان األعلى=+ ن ىربييربب األPerfect/GlorifiedLordMyMy LordThe Most High

The Supplication you say between the Two Prostrations

”.O my Lord, forgive me, forgive me“رب اغفر لي إغفر لي

غ غ اغفر لياغفرليربMy LordMe Forgive Me Forgive

Page 8: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

The Manner of Tashahhud (Bearing Witness to Allah)

النبي عل السالم الطيبات و الصلوت و لله التحيات5

التحيات لله و الصلوت و الطيبات السالم على النبي وو رحمة الله و برآاته السالم علينا و على عبادالله الصلحين أشهد أن ال إله إال الله

رسوله و عبده محمدا أن أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسولهأشهد

وووللهالتحيات النبيعلىالسالمالطيباتالصلوت

وو برآاتهاللهرحمة

The Compliments

Are for Allah

AndThe prayersAndThe pure

wordsThe peaceuponThe ProphetAnd

الصلحينعلىعليناالسالم اللهعباد وو برآاتهاللهرحمة

The MercyOf AllahAndHis Blessings


The peace





ين ب

Of Allah servantsThe Righteous



رسوله اللهإالإلهالأنأشهد

I bear except

Worthy of nothing thatAnd


I bear



عبده محمدا

Muhammad isHis l

And His

“All compliments, prayers and pure words are due to Allah, peace be upon the Prophet and the mercy and blessings of All h b d th i ht t f All h I b it th t h th i ht t b hi d


except of worship

nothing thatAndwitness

thatMuhammad isSlaveMessenger

Allah, peace be upon us and on the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except for Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.”

Page 9: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

How to Pray upon the Prophet

آل ل ل ك ا آل ل ل ل الل


اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد و بارك على محمد و على آل محمد آما صليت و بارآت على إبراهيم و آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد

وصلاللهم آلمحمدعلى علىباركومحمدعلىO AllahSend prayers

صليتuponuponupon And AndFamilyMuhammad MuhammadBless

بارآتآمامحمدآلعلىومحمد إبراهيمعلىو ي ىو

ر ب يمىو إبرMuhammad Muhammadupon And AnduponFamilyasYou blessed

You sent prayers


آل ك ك مجيد إنكإبراهيمآلو ك حميدإنFamily AndIbraaheemFull of Glory

Worthy of P i

Verily You You Verily


“O Allah send prayers on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad and send blessings on M h d d th f il f M h d t d bl i Ib h d th


y y

Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as you sent prayers and blessings on Ibraaheem and on the family of Ibraaheem; You are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory.”

Page 10: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

Four Things to ask Allah for in the Prayer

ا ال فتنة الق ذا ن ذا ك ذ أ إن الل


اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم و من عذاب القبر و من فتنة المحيا و الممات و من شر فتنة المسيح الدجال

كأعوذإنييإناللهم بكب جهنمعذابمن=+=+O AllahVerilyI/MeVerily II seek refugewithYou

With You

From Of the Hellfire


منوالمحياوالمحيافتنةمنوالقبرعذابمنو وAnd



Of the Grave



يtrial Of Living


يOf Dying


المسيح الدجالالدجالالمسيحفتنةشر +=

EviltrialChristFalseFalse Christ

“O Allah I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the Hellfire and from the p i hm t f th G d f m th t i l f li i g d d i g d f m th il

EviltrialChristFalseFalse Christ

punishment of the Grave, and from the trials of living and dying and from the evil trial of the False Christ.”

Page 11: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

The Supplication you make before finishing the Prayer 8

اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلما آثيرا و ال يغفر الذنوب إال أنت فاغفر لي مغفرة ممن عندك و ارحمني إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم ي

إنييإناللهم يظلمت=+ نفسينفس آثيراظلما=+O AllahVerilyI/MeVerily II wrongedSelf/soulmyMy selfwrongMany

ال غف إالالذن فأن للاغف ةفاغف غف وAnd


الذنوبيغفرforgiveThe sins






فاغفر ليSo Forgive Me



“O Allah indeed I have wronged myself greatly and none can forgive sins except You so forgive

fromNear You

AndHave mercy upon meYouVerily You

Are the Oft-Forgiving

The Most Merciful

g y g y g p gme out of Your forgiveness and have mercy upon me, Truly You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Most


Page 12: Prayer Chart for Muslim Children & New Muslims · PDF fileIntroduction The following is a short prayer book for Muslim Children and New Muslims to learn the supplications of the Prayer

End of Publication with the Assistance of Allah

Most High

Daar-ul-Kutub Publications Copyright © 2008

Daar-ul-Kutub Publications: Encouraging the Muslim Community to learn the language of the Quraan