prayer for the kids_purim

By Melissa C. Pointer A lesson learned from Purim How to use prayer to protect yourself Saturday, January 26, 13

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By Melissa C. Pointer

A lesson learned from Purim

How to use prayer to protect yourself

Saturday, January 26, 13

Let’s talk about Purim!

Hi guys! Remember me?

I am Dina

It is almost time for Purim

Saturday, January 26, 13

What Purim teaches usDuring the feast of Purim we talk about Queen Esther and how she protected her people. An evil man named Haman tried to hurt all of the children of Israel.

What did Esther do? She asked God for help. How was she able to talk to God? She prayed to God.

Why is it important for us to celebrate this feast? We still have enemies today and as children of God it is important to know what to do to stay safe.

It is also important to know that you may see somethings that may be scary or make you sad just like Queen Esther.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Scary Times

You might have heard things at school or over hear your parents

talk about things. You might notice that your parents are more

worried. These things may make you feel nervous or scared. Being

scared is not a sin. Did you know that there is a way to fight that feeling...its called prayer.

Prayer is important it is away to talk to God and it can protect you!

Saturday, January 26, 13

Important Words

Defining these words will help you

understand this lesson

Saturday, January 26, 13

ProtectEnemyInjureScareDefendDanger����������� ������������������  

Can you help me define these words!

Saturday, January 26, 13


Do you know what the word protect means?

Well the word protect means to keep safe.

For example during a rainstorm a home will protect you from the wind, the rain, and lightning.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Our Enemy

An enemy is someone who will try to hurt you. That person actually enjoys hurting you and will do it as much as possible.

Have you ever seen a bully at school that picks on someone smaller than them. The bully is often enjoying that he is causing that person pain. That bully is not a friend he is enemy.

Satan is our enemy. You cannot see him but he is there. He is the biggest bully around. He tries to cause us harm whenever he can. Don’t believe me ask your parents about Job.

He was a man that was very righteous and Satan did whatever he could to hurt him.

Saturday, January 26, 13


So what can Satan do? Have you ever had a bad thought keep repeating in your head over and over again.

Did you ever want to hit your brother or sister? Satan was involved.

So what is in it for him? He knows that if he gets us to break God’s commandments God will punish us. He also knows that breaking God’s laws keep us from God.

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Saturday, January 26, 13

Satan wants us to break Gods’s laws

Saturday, January 26, 13

Satan can’t make you do anything!!

This does not mean if you hit your sister you can say the devil made you do it!

Satan can’t make you do anything! You will still get in trouble for beating up your brother.

It means that you tell Satan No! by not doing what he wants you to do.

You don’t give in that feeling that says say something mean to your little brother.

You listen to your parents and do what they say.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Satan has not changed!Sometimes Satan can make things scary.

Like he did with Esther. He used Haman to try to hurt and even kill the children of Israel.

Satan has not changed he is still using people to hurt others. You cannot fight against him with fists and you may not be able to run away.

You can fight against him like Esther did.

Saturday, January 26, 13


How did Esther fight?

She prayed

Prayer is a way of talking to God when you are happy or sad.

You can ask God for help and for strength. However it is important to say the right things.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Things you should knowYou would never go up to the president and say whats up!

When you are asking your parents for a treat you know you should not have a bad attitude either.

When you ask God for help you cannot speak to him the way you speak to your friends.

God is much more important and powerful than the president. Your����������� ������������������  parents����������� ������������������  can����������� ������������������  help����������� ������������������  teach����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  what����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  

pray����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  how����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  pray����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  correct����������� ������������������  way!

Saturday, January 26, 13

Don’t ask toys!!

You cannot ask for the newest edition of Legos. You cannot ask for new Air Jordan’s. You cannot ask God for a new iPhone.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Start with the Lord’s prayerSo what can you say to God? Well we can review the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples:

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come

thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread

forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory amen.

Saturday, January 26, 13


I know this does not sound like the way we talk now but remember God is in heaven and we are in earth.

This prayer asks for God to give us our basic necessities, it asks for forgiveness and that we are not lead into traps by Satan

After you say the Lord’s prayer go ahead and ask for something you need. Its okay to ask for help if you are scared or hurt.

Did����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  know����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  should����������� ������������������  bow����������� ������������������  your����������� ������������������  head����������� ������������������  if����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  can����������� ������������������  when����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  pray.����������� ������������������  Do����������� ������������������  you����������� ������������������  know����������� ������������������  why?

Saturday, January 26, 13

Reverence and Humility

It is important to show God reverence

What does reverence mean?

Profound respect and esteem mingled with fear and affection, as for a holy being

Saturday, January 26, 13

Did you know?God is so great that he was able to make people from dust

He is able to calm the sea with his words

When he spoke he caused the dead to rise

It is written that skies and clouds rejoice before him

Saturday, January 26, 13

Did you know that?The same God who created the butterflies , kittens, you and me

He also sent a flood to kill the wicked

He used hornets to chase the wicked

He has said he will not hold them guiltless that break his laws God����������� ������������������  controls����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  might����������� ������������������  whirlwinds

Saturday, January 26, 13

Did you also know?

The devils tremble before God

When God came to Israel when they were in the wilderness that the people was so scared they asked Moses to speak to them instead because they were afraid they would die if God spoke to them

God’s����������� ������������������  voice����������� ������������������  sounds����������� ������������������  like����������� ������������������  many����������� ������������������  waters����������� ������������������  it����������� ������������������  can����������� ������������������  also����������� ������������������  sound����������� ������������������  like����������� ������������������  thunder

Saturday, January 26, 13

Thats why!We show God proper respect and fear

We do this by showing humility when we pray

We show with a bowed head and closed eyes on bended knees

That God is all powerful and we fear him

Sometimes we pray when we stand but we still bow our heads and keep our eyes closed

Saturday, January 26, 13

HoweverSometimes you are not in a place in which you cannot bow down or close your eyes

But you are in a dangerous situation

It is still okay to pray

But if you are able you should kneel and close your eyes if you can

Saturday, January 26, 13

Before we end!After you say the Lord’s prayer go ahead and ask for something you need. Its okay to ask for help if you are scared or hurt.

It is also important to thank God for the good things he has given you: good parents, good food and good home.

know it sounds like a strange way to fight but it helped Esther. After she prayed she was able to defend her people against a man who was planning to destroy them.


Saturday, January 26, 13