prayer guide - spring 2016


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Post on 27-Jul-2016




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Join with our church this year as we focus on prayer. Our quarterly prayer guides are available free and provide daily suggestions for your personal prayers.


FRIDAY Thank God for laughter! Be amazed at how God made us as the only creatures who can laugh. Rejoice and find something that makes you laugh today.

SATURDAY Pray for a healthy and strong body.

SUNDAY Pray for Pastor Rob. Pray for God to grant him strength and wisdom.

MONDAY Pray for your marriage or romantic relationship. Pray that God would always be central to your relationship.

TUESDAY Pray for all the Syrian refugees coming to Canada that they would find peace and acceptance in this country. Pray that BRBC would continue to care and support these refugees through our sponsorship role.

WEDNESDAY Pray in thanksgiving for your many blessings which come from your Father in heaven.

THURSDAY Pray for your family. Pray for unity and peace where there may be suffering and disaccord. Pray for joy to find its way into your hearts and to have a lasting affect on your family’s relationships.

FRIDAY Pray for Bob, Claudia and Owen who lead us in worship. Thank God for their talents and their willingness to serve Him with their music and leadership!

SATURDAY Prayerfully consider the power of prayer. Ask God to help you with your prayer life.

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SUNDAY Pray for today’s worship service. Pray that people in the congregation would experience the presence of God.

MONDAY Pray for the university and college students who are starting their exam periods. Pray for them that they would study and execute to the best of their ability. Pray that they would be fair to themselves and to their peers and resist any urge to cheat on their finals.

TUESDAY Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to teach you new things about God and about yourself. Pray for honesty and willingness to change who you are in light of who God is and what He has done.

WEDNESDAY Ask God to reveal a need to you. Pray that when he does, you would have the ability and the strength to meet that need.

THURSDAY Pray that in everything you do today you might put God first and bring glory to Him with the words you say and the things you do.

FRIDAY Pray in thanksgiving to God for the friends that He has placed in your life.

SATURDAY Pray that God would help you to grow in the fruits of His Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

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SUNDAY Pray for a healthy and strong mind.

MONDAY Pray for Helen, our church secretary. Pray that she would find the work at BRBC rewarding. Pray that as she is the first point of contact at the church that she would be the first to extend the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

TUESDAY Pray in thanksgiving for God’s grace! Thank Him for His goodness and His never-ending love!

WEDNESDAY Thank God for the ways in which He has made us all unique. Pray that differences between us would not be a dividing line, but instead an opportunity for us to learn from one another and grow in our own characters and in open-mindedness.

THURSDAY Pray that you would truly love your neighbor. Pray for the gift of mercy and that love and compassion might become your first response when those around you are suffering.

FRIDAY Pray for the Earth. Pray that humankind would strive to be good stewards of this planet. Pray that we would care for people and animals that are living in unhealthy places. Pray that a solution might be found for this problem.

SATURDAY Pray for the busyness in your life. Pray that you can find a healthy balance between the demands on your life and the peace and fulfillment that can only come from God.

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SUNDAY Pray for those in the world who are sick with preventable diseases. Pray that people in countries that are less wealthy than Canada would be able to eradicate these diseases and stop unnecessary deaths.

MONDAY Pray for the families in our church with young kids. Pray that parents would be given the right words to say to their child(ren) so that they might believe in Jesus. Pray that God would open their young hearts and minds to His truth.

TUESDAY Pray for the Sellitto family. Thank God for who they are and for all the wonderful work that they do for Him at BRBC.

WEDNESDAY Pray for your spouse or significant other. Pray for God to show you how you can fully love that person in an intimate way.

THURSDAY Pray for a Christ-like spirit. Pray that as you remember that you are loved that you may also remember that you are called to be love to those around you.

FRIDAY Pray for all the volunteers who serve at BRBC. Pray that they would continue to find purpose and fulfillment in doing the Lord’s work.

SATURDAY Take time today to prayerfully meditate; to listen, rather than speak.

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SUNDAY Pray for BRBC and discernment for where God is leading us.

MONDAY Pray for refugees around the world. Pray for those being resettled in new countries, that they feel loved and welcomed.

TUESDAY Pray that everyone worldwide may have the right of free speech. Give thanks to God for this great country that we live in that does not suppress any of our freedoms!

WEDNESDAY Pray for our Government, that they have wisdom and discernment as they make decisions for our country.

THURSDAY Talk to God about what is on your heart at this moment.

FRIDAY Pray for God to reveal His Word to you through the Holy Scriptures. Pray for faith that leads you to trust that the Bible is true and relevant for your life.

SATURDAY Pray for indigenous people, that they find healing for past wounds.

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SUNDAY Pray for mothers, mothers-to-be, and those desiring to be a mother. Also, remember those who may be missing their mother this day.

MONDAY Pray for the sick and frightened, that they feel God’s comfort.

TUESDAY Pray for children and youth everywhere, that they know God’s love and desire to follow Him.

WEDNESDAY Pray for peace for our world.

THURSDAY Pray for Ottawa’s Tulip Festival, for visitors to our city and for fun and safety.

FRIDAY Pray for those fighting an addiction, that they turn to God for strength and guidance.

SATURDAY Pray for the lay leadership at BRBC, for wisdom and discernment of God’s direction.

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SUNDAY Pray that you might have assurance in the Holy Spirit’s presence in you. Pray that He would be apparent in your daily life.

MONDAY Ask God to help you be a loyal and faithful servant.

TUESDAY Pray for the preparations for Shine On Summer Camp. Pray for the children and the leaders who will get to enjoy the camp this summer.

WEDNESDAY Pray for our City’s first responders (police/fire/paramedic), for safety and patience as they do a sometimes dangerous job.

THURSDAY Pray for teachers, that they be skilled in their job and guided by God’s wisdom and love.

FRIDAY Pray for the lonely and hurting in our world.

SATURDAY Pray for safety on the roads and during activities on this first long weekend of summer.

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SUNDAY Pray for Matthew House and the Furniture Bank that they have the resources that they need to best minister to their clients.

MONDAY Pray for the Royal Family, for strength and wisdom as the head of the Commonwealth.

TUESDAY Pray for the unemployed, that doors be opened for them.

WEDNESDAY Pray for families, for love, respect, unity and that they know Jesus.

THURSDAY Pray for terrorists around the world, that God’s love is revealed to them and they choose to follow Him.

FRIDAY Pray for our missionaries in foreign lands, that they be a light of God’s love to those they minister to.

SATURDAY Talk to God about your adoration and thanksgiving for Him.

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SUNDAY Pray that BRBC can be a blessing to our community and others through our actions and our missions.

MONDAY Pray for our neighbours in the United States as they work towards choosing their next President.

TUESDAY Pray for those in the medical profession, that God guide them as they help the sick and injured.

WEDNESDAY Pray for all the persecuted Christians around the world. Pray that they would feel God's presence in them.

THURSDAY Pray for all the leaders in the world. Pray that God would reveal to them how to make the right decisions.

FRIDAY Pray for religious leaders around the world as they seek God to be good leaders for believers.

SATURDAY Pray for our governments: municipal, provincial and federal. Pray for leaders and their families as they work to keep peace in our country and help us feel safe.

SUNDAY Pray for the Church, the Body of Christ. Pray that we might work in harmony to make this world better in the name of Christ Jesus.

MONDAY Pray for yourself. Pray that you might feel God's peace in you, His hand guiding you and His heart loving you.

TUESDAY Give thanks to God for all that He is providing in your life.

WEDNESDAY Give thanks that you are free in this country to proclaim the Good News of our Lord.

THURSDAY Pray for our church leaders that they might always be seeking God and serving according to His will.

FRIDAY Pray for our lead Pastor and his family. Give thanks to God for He has called them to serve at BRBC.

SATURDAY Give thanks for our BRBC family and pray for each other.

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SUNDAY Pray for our church ministries and the volunteers that make a difference in our lives.

MONDAY Pray for Canadian youth. Pray that each of them would find their place in the world and seek God's guidance.

TUESDAY Pray for the Shine On Summer Camp leaders that will be taking care of our precious children. Pray that they might inspire and guide them well.

WEDNESDAY Pray for peace and healing for the sick and those who are troubled.

THURSDAY Pray for all the people who are working in missions for God around the world.

FRIDAY Pray for your neighbours. Pray that when you talk to them that they would feel uplifted and supported.

SATURDAY Pray for tolerance and acceptance in the world.

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SUNDAY Pray for all the refugees that seek peace and safety far from their home and families.

MONDAY Give thanks to Jesus for His sacrifice for you.

TUESDAY Give thanks for the ability to open our eyes and get up in the morning. That we can speak, laugh, think, walk, smell, and hear our loved ones say "I love you”.

WEDNESDAY Pray for the homeless and others who find themselves lost.

THURSDAY Pray for your family members and give thanks that you have family to share your life with.

FRIDAY Pray for people who are victims of violence. Pray for their abusers, that their hearts might be softened and that they might change their ways.

SATURDAY Pray that all violent radicals, persecutors and terrorists might realize that their own experiences of suffering do not justify the crimes that they commit against others. Pray that they would repent for the harm they have caused and seek forgiveness of their sins.

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SUNDAY Give thanks for the sun and the moon, the stars and the blue sky, the rain and the snow.

MONDAY Give thanks for the loving congregation that we have at BRBC.

TUESDAY Give thanks for your life and all you have learned from it.

WEDNESDAY Give thanks because today is a gift from God.

THURSDAY Pray in thanksgiving for the friendships that God has given you. Pray for your friends and find a way to show one of them that you care.

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