prayer list - clover ·...

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 409 CENTER PARKWAY, YORKVILLE, IL 60560-1015 Phone: 630/553-7308 Fax: 630/553-5176 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Announcements: [email protected] Facebook: August 23, 2015 Pastor: Rev. Mark Gregory Ministers: The Congregation Worship: 10:00 A.M. Liturgist Altar Guild Jeff Jerabek Pat Stewart & Ellie Gentile Ushers Head Usher & Sound Room Worship & Serving Ministry Rick Matuna, Steven Redmon Greeters Church Guardians 8/9 Marcella Culbertson & JoAnn Matlock Brian Bazan Ben Moe 8/16 JoAnne Vitek & Mary McCracken Fred Dickson 8/23 Tim & Tracy Andrus & boys Andy Hamblin 8/30 Mary Ellen & Earl Bushnell Jeff Jerabek Worship Assistants Tim Belcher Mrs. Belcher Kevin Broderick Benjamin DeFuss Mary Ellen Dempsay Dan DiGuido Dan Duus Rick Falato Gary Gold Larry Gold Marie Griffith Peggy Humphrey Jeff Jerabek Vivian Kammeyer Michelle Kelly Rebecca Leggett Steve Meade Joanne O’Brien Matt Potempo Elizabeth Purcell Ellie Salisbury Judy Schrand Frank Strasser Margeurite Wickens Andrea Wickens Zumhagon Prayer List Dan DiGuido has been moved to MarionJoy for rehab Dan Hirns’ auction went very well Joys Concerns McKenna Middlestadt, Pam & Hamblin’s granddaughter—having tests done. Family of Peggy (Perkins) Humphrey Virginia Dedoe—Admitted to Rush/Copley Jordyn Lange—daughter of our Administrative Assistant, Susan Lange Skogsberg family asks for prayers for their friend Jim Schultz. Offerings Received - August 16, 2015 $7365.00 $116.24 117 Operating Income Designated Income Attendance Church Directory Life Touch Photography appointments are being made now for August 28 & 29. Please see Ellie Gentile in the Narthex to schedule your sitting time. Newsletter Articles Articles for the newsletter are due on the 15 th of the month for the following month’s publication. Please email to [email protected] or drop your article off in the office. The church office will now be open Monday - Friday from 8:30am until 4:00pm. Announcements Monday Brodie Phillipp Tuesday Audrey Enlow Wednesday Mary Lee Swickert Harold & Mary McCracken—58 years Thursday Rusty Corneils Rachel Hart Friday Carole Cook Pam Campos Diane Lee Luke Schoenfelder Robert & Mary Freeman—49 years This Week’s Birthdays and Anniversaries Once a month, usually the last Sunday, we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with cake during Coffee Fellowship. Please join us! Sunday Worship - Chaplain Dan Sullivan Kid Church Children’s Message -Deanna Bazan Coffee Fellowship Youth Drop In Monday 12 STEP Tuesday Building & Grounds Committee Meeting Wednesday Youth Drop In Peace Jam Friday Life Touch Portraits Saturday Life Touch Portraits 10:00AM 11:30AM 7:00PM 6:30PM 4:00PM 7:00PM 2-8:50PM 10-4:00PM This Week’s Calendar August 23-29 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:00PM 7:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 4:00PM 7:00PM Sunday Worship Kid’s Church Church Picnic Monday: Cougars Game 12 STEP Tuesday PADS Committee Meeting Stephen Ministry Wednesday Youth Drop In PeaceJam Next Week’s Calendar August 30-September 5

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Page 1: Prayer List - Clover · 2015-08-28 · Pastor: Rev. Mark Gregory Ministers: The Congregation Worship: 10:00 A.M. Liturgist


Phone: 630/553-7308 Fax: 630/553-5176

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Announcements: [email protected] Facebook:

August 23, 2015

Pastor: Rev. Mark Gregory Ministers: The Congregation

Worship: 10:00 A.M.

Liturgist Altar Guild

Jeff Jerabek Pat Stewart & Ellie Gentile

Ushers Head Usher & Sound Room

Worship & Serving Ministry Rick Matuna, Steven Redmon

Greeters Church Guardians

8/9 Marcella Culbertson & JoAnn Matlock Brian Bazan Ben Moe

8/16 JoAnne Vitek & Mary McCracken Fred Dickson

8/23 Tim & Tracy Andrus & boys Andy Hamblin

8/30 Mary Ellen & Earl Bushnell Jeff Jerabek

Worship Assistants

Tim Belcher

Mrs. Belcher

Kevin Broderick

Benjamin DeFuss

Mary Ellen Dempsay

Dan DiGuido

Dan Duus

Rick Falato

Gary Gold

Larry Gold

Marie Griffith

Peggy Humphrey

Jeff Jerabek

Vivian Kammeyer

Michelle Kelly

Rebecca Leggett

Steve Meade

Joanne O’Brien

Matt Potempo

Elizabeth Purcell

Ellie Salisbury

Judy Schrand

Frank Strasser

Margeurite Wickens

Andrea Wickens Zumhagon

Prayer List

Dan DiGuido has been moved to MarionJoy for rehab

Dan Hirns’ auction went very well



McKenna Middlestadt, Pam & Hamblin’s granddaughter—having tests done.

Family of Peggy (Perkins) Humphrey

Virginia Dedoe—Admitted to Rush/Copley

Jordyn Lange—daughter of our Administrative Assistant, Susan Lange

Skogsberg family asks for prayers for their friend Jim Schultz.

Offerings Received - August 16, 2015




Operating Income

Designated Income


Church Directory

Life Touch Photography appointments are being made now for August 28 & 29. Please see

Ellie Gentile in the Narthex to schedule your sitting time.

Newsletter Articles

Articles for the newsletter are due on the 15th of the month for the following month’s

publication. Please email to [email protected] or drop your article off in the


The church office will now be open Monday - Friday from 8:30am until 4:00pm.


Monday Brodie Phillipp

Tuesday Audrey Enlow

Wednesday Mary Lee Swickert

Harold & Mary McCracken—58 years

Thursday Rusty Corneils

Rachel Hart

Friday Carole Cook

Pam Campos

Diane Lee

Luke Schoenfelder

Robert & Mary Freeman—49 years

This Week’s Birthdays and Anniversaries

Once a month, usually the last Sunday,

we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with cake

during Coffee Fellowship. Please join us!

Sunday Worship - Chaplain Dan Sullivan

Kid Church

Children’s Message -Deanna Bazan

Coffee Fellowship

Youth Drop In

Monday 12 STEP

Tuesday Building & Grounds Committee Meeting

Wednesday Youth Drop In

Peace Jam

Friday Life Touch Portraits

Saturday Life Touch Portraits









This Week’s Calendar August 23-29









Sunday Worship

Kid’s Church

Church Picnic

Monday: Cougars Game


Tuesday PADS Committee Meeting

Stephen Ministry

Wednesday Youth Drop In


Next Week’s Calendar August 30-September 5

Page 2: Prayer List - Clover · 2015-08-28 · Pastor: Rev. Mark Gregory Ministers: The Congregation Worship: 10:00 A.M. Liturgist


If you are seeking a new church home. . .

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey,

You - and your questions - and your desire to know Christ

- are welcome here.

“That they may all be one . . .” John 17:21

Welcome to YCUCC We welcome all who worship here. In God, we are not

Strangers, but friends.

Please use the card titled:

“Prayer Concerns and Celebrations”

- to share joys and concerns during our time of prayer.


- to share events & ministry happenings during our announcement


Once completed, please hand it to an Usher. Please sign and pass attendance

pads as they are passed to you. Thank You!

As We Prepare Our Hearts for Worship “Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or

later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” ~ C.C. Lewis,

The Silver Chair

“When faced with two equally tough choices, most people choose the third

choice; to not choose.” ~ Jarod Kintz

“Do nothing, and nothing happens. Life is about decisions. You either

make them or they’re made for you, but you can’t avoid them.”

~Mhairi McFarlane, You Had Me At Hello

We Gather Together Prelude: Tina Andersen, Organist

Lighting the Path

Ringing of the Bells

Welcome and Trinitarian Greeting—Lou Ann Hoffman

A Time for Praise and Preparation *Call to Worship:

Leader: Praise the Lord! We gather and give thanks to God.

People: How incredible are the works of our God!

Leader: The Lord is gracious and merciful, faithful and just.

People: Holy and awesome is God’s name!

Leader: Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord.

ALL: May our praise go on forever!

Opening Hymn: The Heart of Worship Supplemental Hymnal #8

*Prayer of Adoration and Praise:

Loving Christ, we come together in this hour of worship to be refreshed and

refueled for the mission you left to us, your followers. Rekindle the joyful

opportunity we have to be Your body, the hands, feet, heart and mind through

whom you reach, touch, feed, lift up, and embrace all people. We choose to follow

you, as did those who have gone before us, and we follow you for the sake of

those who wait to learn from us the ways of discipleship. It is in Your name we

pray. Amen

*The Commissioning, Benediction and Response: “Alleluia”


Postlude: Tina Andersen

* Indicates congregation standing; if this creates a hardship, please remain


† We extend a warm welcome to our guests and hope to see you again.

† Nursery care is available for infants through age 3. Please see an usher.

† All are invited to join us for coffee in the Fellowship Hall following the


Our special guest today is Reverend Daniel Sullivan, MS, MDiv,

Rush-Copley chaplain and director of Spiritual Care. Following the ser-

vice, Rev. Sullivan will share important information about advance di-

rectives: tools available to assist in communicating wishes for the fu-

ture, should you become unable to do so. Please welcome Rev. Sullivan.

The Scripture Lesson Matthew 25:1-13

Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took

their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were

foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they

took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.

As the bridegroom was delayed, all of them became drowsy and slept.

But at midnight there was a shout, “Look! Here is the bridegroom!

Come out to meet him.” Then all those bridesmaids got up and

trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to the wise, “Give us some of

your oil, for our lamps are going out.” But the wise replied, “No!

There will not be enough for you and for us; you had better go to the

dealers and buy some for yourselves.” And while they went to buy it,

the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went with him into

the wedding banquet; and the door was shut. Later the other brides-

maids came also, saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us.” But he replied,

“Truly I tell you, O do not know you.” Keep awake therefore, for you

know neither the day nor the hour.

*The Gloria Patri:

Glory be to the Savior, and to our God, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was

in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, love without end. Amen.

*Passing the Peace:

With a “Holy Hug” or a “Holy Handshake,” we greet those around us as

a sharing of God’s love with the words,

“Welcome, the Peace of Christ be with you.”

A Time with Children—Deanna Bazan

Sharing Joys and Concerns

The Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer— Doug Clevenger

Responding to God’s Gifts and Grace

The Call for the Offering

The Offertory:

*The Presentation - The Doxology:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here

below; Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ and Spirit One.


*Prayer of Dedication of Gifts and Self:

Receive, O God, these gifts which we choose to return to you through this

church. May this congregation discern wisely where and how to use these

gifts in your service. And remind us always how you have chosen to en-

trust us as stewards with creation’s gift, love’s grace, and discipleship’s call.

May our wills tend faithfully to your purposes for us and for all your chil-

dren. In Jesus Christ. Amen.

We Listen for God’s Word

Scripture Background

Scripture Lessons: Matthew 25:1-13

Message: When the Lord comes, Will You be Ready?

Rev. Dan Sullivan, Chaplain

Preparing for a Week of Serving

*The Closing Hymn: “Wonderful Words of Life” #323

Carrying the Light into the World ~
