prayer that produces supernatural results –part...

Prayer That Produces Supernatural Results – Part 2

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Post on 01-Jan-2020




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Prayer That Produces Supernatural Results – Part 2

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We carry divinity in the flesh. Scripture gives us the pattern for true prayer and science is confirming that it truly is supernatural.

If it seems like “God isn’t answering your prayer,” or you have the same patterns with health challenges, relationship challenges or lack…your heart or subconscious has some wrong programming.

Your prayer life will explode with results if you change your heart and mind. It is really receiving what a Loving Father has already provided for us. Our mind changes with our words and pictures we hold. When you feel as if it has already happened, you literally rewire your subconscious (heart) and it starts to bring it into reality. You tap into the effortless grace that is always available, and always flowing.

Genesis 28:12 And Jacob had a dream about a ladder that rested on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven, and God’s angels were going up and down the ladder. 13 And there at the top the LORD was standing and saying, “I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you now lie.

Genesis 32:30 So Jacob named the place Peniel, saying, “Indeed, I have seen God face to face

Both scripture and science tell us “All things are possible to Him who believes.” and are available at all times. God is not saying “yes and no” to healing, abundance, love…it really is connecting with His love, limitlessness, joy, abundance…which is flowing at all times.

Dr. Joe Dispenza (Interview on Inspire Nation) “When living by the senses, we think we have to create our future by willpower. That is matter trying to change matter – cause and effect – it takes a lot of time for our dreams to come true.

When operating in the quantum field and the frequency of your heart/mind matches the frequency of any potential, it collapses space and time and brings the event to you.

Whatever you truly experience in your imagination and emotionally feel, will slow down in frequency and collapse into matter. Don’t concern yourself with how this will get done.”

Desire (Picture in your mind)

What would it look like -


Elevated emotion - greater than fear, worry, depression, anger, guilt, shame…

What would it feel like –

Grateful your prayer is already answeredTo trust in a power much greater than yourselfTo feel free and unlimitedTo live in love and total abundance of the FatherTo be healthy, whole and vibrantTo do the miraculousTo flow in the grace of God and have effortless favor and success

Start by breathing in and out imagining it coming from your heart area – this slows down your analytical mind and allows us to reprogram our subconscious mind

Feel His love, light, unlimited abundance, warmth flowing down from your head through every atom of your body. See and feel that love and light expanding out from your heart to your home, town, state, country…

What are you thankful/grateful for right now? Family, relationships? Gratitude is the fastest way to rewire your nervous system and free you from worry, anxiety and lower emotions.

See what you desire your life to look like and feel the gratitude as if your prayer has already been answered. You can feel joy, free, unlimited, bold, valued…

Whatever you plant in your heart will return. Cast your care to Him. Trust Him. He will bring it to pass in a way that is perfect for you.