prc: guangxi beibu gulf cities development project€¦ · prepared by shanghai yiji construction...

Resettlement Monitoring Report This resettlement monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Project Number: 43023-013 August 2015 PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project Prepared by: Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company Submitted by: Guangxi Foreign Loan Projects Management Office

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Page 1: PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project€¦ · Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC: GUANGXI BEIBU GULF CITIES DEVELOPMENT

Resettlement Monitoring Report

This resettlement monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Project Number: 43023-013 August 2015

PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project

Prepared by: Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company

Submitted by: Guangxi Foreign Loan Projects Management Office

Page 2: PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project€¦ · Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC: GUANGXI BEIBU GULF CITIES DEVELOPMENT


Resettlement, Monitoring and Evaluation Report

2015 No.4 Report

Aug. 2015



Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC:



Page 3: PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project€¦ · Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC: GUANGXI BEIBU GULF CITIES DEVELOPMENT


Report Director: Wu Zongfa, Report Co-compiler: Wu Zongfa, Zhan Zexiong, Ma ZhenPeng, Li Yong, Xue Yuxiang E-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project€¦ · Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC: GUANGXI BEIBU GULF CITIES DEVELOPMENT




ADB - Asian Development BankAFs - Affected Families AHs - Affected Households APs - Affected Persons

BPMO - Beihai Poject Management Office BUCIDCL - Beihai Urban Construction Investment and Development Co.,Ltd. EA - Executing Agency FCDTCL - Fangchenggang City Dongwan Transportation Co.,Ltd. GDG - Gangkou District Government GZAR - Guangxi Zhuang Automomous Region HDAO - Hosue Demolishment Administration Office HHs - Households IA - Implementing Agency LA - Land Acquisition LAR - Land Acquisition and Resettlement LRB - Land Resources Bureau M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MLG - Minimum Living Guarantee OP - Operational Procedures PLG - Project Leading Group PMO - Project Management Office PRC - People’Rrepublic of China RO - Resettlement Office ROW - Right Of Way RP - Resettlement Plan VCs - Village Commettees WF - Women’s Federation US$ - United Stated Dollar CNY - CNY1 =1/6.80US$


Mu - Chinese area measure for land. 1 mu=1/15ha ( 1 ha = 15mu ) ㎞ - Kilometer

㎡ - Square Meter % - Percentage - -

Page 5: PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project€¦ · Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC: GUANGXI BEIBU GULF CITIES DEVELOPMENT



1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ - 2 - 

1.2 RESETTLEMENT POLICY AND FRAMEWORK .................................................................................... 6 

1.3 PROGRESS OF RESETTLEMENT IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................... 6 

1.4 EXTERNAL MONITORING AND EVALUATION ON RESETTLEMENT .................................................... 8 

A.  Work Plan and Arrangement .................................................................................................. 8 

B.  Work Procedures .................................................................................................................... 8 

C.  Methods ................................................................................................................................... 9 

1.5 LAR INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................................................... 9 

1.6 LAND ACQUISITION PROGRESS ..................................................................................................... 10 

D.  Land Acquisition Procedures ................................................................................................ 10 

E.  Land Acquisition Progress .................................................................................................... 11 

1.7 HOUSE DEMOLITION PROGRESS .................................................................................................... 12 


1.9 COMPENSATION PAYMENT AND UTILIZATION ............................................................................... 14 

1.10 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ................................................................................................. 14 

1.11 GENDER AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................. 14 

1.12 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .............................................................................................. 14 

F.  Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 14 

G.  Suggestions ........................................................................................................................... 15 

2. BEIHAI INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION ......................... 17 

2.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 17 

2.2 LAR PROGRESS ............................................................................................................................ 17 

2.3 PROJECT IMPACTS ......................................................................................................................... 18 

2.4 RELOCATION PROGRESS ................................................................................................................ 18 

H.  Progress of land acquisition ................................................................................................. 18 

I.  Relocation Progress .............................................................................................................. 21 

J.  Policy for Land Acquisition .................................................................................................. 23 

K.  Policy for House Demolition ................................................................................................. 24 

2.6 INCOME AND LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION ..................................................................................... 24 

L.  Social Economic Profile of the Affected Area ....................................................................... 24 

M.  Land Acquisition ................................................................................................................... 26 

2.7 HOUSING RELOCATION ................................................................................................................. 28 

N.  Related Policies .................................................................................................................... 28 

2.8 RESTORATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 30 

2.9 BUDGET AND COST ESTIMATES FOR RESETTLEMENT .................................................................... 30 

2.10 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ........................................................... 31 

2.11 COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS ........................................................................................................ 32 

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2.12 ORGANIZING AND ADMINISTRATING ........................................................................................... 32 

2.13 ASSISTANCE TO VULNERABLE GROUPS ...................................................................................... 32 

2.14 RE-EMPLOYMENT IN ZHULIN SALT FARM ................................................................................... 33 

2.15 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .............................................................................................. 33 

O.  Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 33 

P.  Suggestions ........................................................................................................................... 34 

2.16 INTERVIEW RECORDS .................................................................................................................. 34 


3.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 39 

3.2 CURRENT STATUS FOR RESETTLEMENT ........................................................................................ 39 

3.3 PROJECT IMPACTS ......................................................................................................................... 40 

3.4 RESETTLEMENT PROGRESS ........................................................................................................... 40 

Q.  Progress of Land Aacquisition .............................................................................................. 40 

R.  Progress of Relocation Construction .................................................................................... 47 

3.5 RELOCATION POLICY .................................................................................................................... 50 

S.  Policy for Land Acquisition .................................................................................................. 50 

T.  House Relocation Policy ....................................................................................................... 52 

3.6 INCOME AND LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION PROGRAM .................................................................... 52 

U.  Social Economic Status of Affected Area .............................................................................. 52 

V.  Sampling Design ................................................................................................................... 53 

W.  Sample Household Survey ..................................................................................................... 53 

3.7 HOUSE RELOCATION ..................................................................................................................... 56 

3.8 RESTORATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 57 

3.9 BUDGET AND FUND OF RESETTLEMENT ........................................................................................ 57 

3.10 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ........................................................... 59 

3.11 COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS ........................................................................................................ 59 

3.12 VULNERABLE GROUPS ................................................................................................................ 59 

3.13 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................... 60 

3.14 CONLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................................. 60 

X.  Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 60 

Y.  Suggestions ........................................................................................................................... 60 

3.15 INTERVIEW RECORD .................................................................................................................... 60 


4.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 62 

4.2 THE OVERALL SITUATION ABOUT RELOCATION ........................................................................... 62 

4.3 IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................. 63 

4.4 PROGRESS OF LAND ACQUISITION ................................................................................................ 63 

Z.  Progress of Land Acquisition: .............................................................................................. 63 

AA.  Progress of House Demolition .............................................................................................. 63 

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4.5 RELOCATION POLICY .................................................................................................................... 68 

BB.  Land Acquisition Policy ........................................................................................................ 68 

CC.  House Relocation Policy ....................................................................................................... 70 

4.6 INCOME AND LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION ..................................................................................... 71 

DD.  Social Economic Status of Affected Area .............................................................................. 71 

EE.  Design of Sampling Survey ................................................................................................... 71 

FF.  Survey to Sampling Households ............................................................................................ 72 

4.7 HOUSE RELOCATION ..................................................................................................................... 81 

4.8 RESTORATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 81 

4.9 BUDGET AND COST ESTIMATES FOR RESETTLEMENT .................................................................... 81 

4.10 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ........................................................... 83 

4.11 COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS ........................................................................................................ 83 

4.12 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................... 83 

4.13 ASSISTANCE TO VULNERABLE GROUPS ...................................................................................... 83 

4.14 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .............................................................................................. 84 

GG.  Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 84 

HH.  Suggestions ........................................................................................................................... 84 

4.15 INTERVIEW RECORDS .................................................................................................................. 84 

5 GENDER AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS .......................................... 88 

5.1 GENDER ACTION PLAN MONITORING ........................................................................................... 88 

5.2 SOCIAL ACTION PLAN MONITORING ............................................................................................. 88 

5.3 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................................ 88 

II.  Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 88 

JJ.  Suggestions ........................................................................................................................... 88 

Page 8: PRC: Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project€¦ · Prepared by Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company for the PRC: GUANGXI BEIBU GULF CITIES DEVELOPMENT

Replies to the Migration and Resettlement Memo in the

ABD Inspection between 9th to 12th May 2015

1), Land ownership disputes in Jiangshan subproject in Fangchenggang.

Reply: Wanggoutian and Laoshanjie used to belong to the same village. In the Court decision,

Laoshanjie village owns the land. Wanggoutian is appealing. The decision of the intermediate

people's court is to be expected.

2), The preparation and distribution of residential homesteads in the Jiangshan subproject in

Fangchenggang and the Zhulin subproject in Beihai:

Reply: Fangchenggang municipal government has not yet settled the residential homestead for the

Jiangshan subject in Fangchenggang. The distribution of residential homestead in Zhulin

subproject is in progress.

3), Migration and compensation for 555 tombs in Zhulin subproject in Beihai:

Reply: Only one to be migrated.

4), Progress of resettlement in Xincheng subproject in Qinzhou and Maoling subproject in


Reply: The project is under construction in Maoling Fangchanggang. In Qinzhou progress is

being made in land acquisition, however, resettlement of houses are slow.

5), Major complaints and treatment measures

Reply: Of the three subproject, major complaint are low compensation standard; unsettlement of

residential homestead; small residential homestead; dispute land ownership; high expectation of

compensation. Measures: more PR work, law resort.

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- 2 -


1.1 Project Description

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) financed Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development

Project (loan number: 2821-PRC, hereinafter referred to as the "project") consists of municipal

infrastructure construction projects in the southwestern cities of Fangchenggang, Qinzhou City,

Beihai City; consulting services and a training and capacity building sub-project package. This

project as a total invests of US$ 406.8 million, including the ADB loans, US$ 0.2 billion. Three

city sub-project implementation units are shown in table 1-1. The three project component

locations and main impacts are shown in Table 1-2.

Table 1-1 Cities and Components

City Project Components Implementing Agency (IA)

Beihai Beihai Zhulin urban road and related infrastructure

Beihai City Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd.

Beihai Yinpan road and related infrastructure

Investment and Development Co. Ltd. for Road and Port Construction of Beihai

Qinzhou No.1 Road (northern section) Guangxi Qinzhou Coastal Industry Investment Co. Ltd.

No.2 Road (northern section - phase II) Guangxi Qinzhou Coastal Industry Investment Co. Ltd.

No. 3 Road (northern section - phase II) Guangxi Qinzhou Coastal Industry Investment Co. Ltd.

No.1 Street Guangxi Qinzhou Coastal Industry Investment Co. Ltd.

No.3 Street (phase II) Guangxi Qinzhou Coastal Industry Investment Co. Ltd.

Jingu outer ring-road (phase II) Guangxi Qinzhou Coastal Industry Investment Co. Ltd.


Fangcheng–Jiangshan road and related infrastructure

Fangchenggang Dongwan Transportation Co. Ltd.

Fangchenggang Maoling Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewerage Network.

Fangchenggang City Fangcheng District Urban Construction Investment Co. Ltd.

Total land acquisition involves 4769.28 Mu, affecting 18 communities (Villages), 2 enterprises,

1353 households, 6048 people and 101 households nonresidentially affected. The total

resettlement expenditure estimated is CNY 459,439,800. See Table 1-3.

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Table 1-1 Project Component Locations and Main Impacts

No. Project City Components Project Outputs Location Major Resettlement Impacts

1 Beihai Beihai Zhulin urban road

(a) 8.42 km of urban road, (b) 16.83 km of storm water drainage ditch, (c) street lighting and signage and (d) landscaping ;


The project component will mainly involve land acquisition and structure demolishment in Dakan Village, Dongcun Village, Hailu Village of Fucheng Township, state-owned Sanhekou Farm and Zhulin Salt Farm. A total of 499.5 mu of rural collective land will be acquired permanently, including 271.44 mu (54.34%) farmland. In addition, 241.23 mu of state-owned land will also be acquired. The permanent land acquisition will affect 137 households or 689 persons, including 584 farmers and 105 workers in Zhulin Salt Farm and Sanhekou Farm. A total of 5,828.49 ㎡ of residential houses will be demolished, affecting 59 households with 252 persons, among whom there are 229 belonging to vulnerable group.

2 Beihai Dongqu Urban Road reconstruction

(a) 3.55 km of Beihai Ave. (b) 3.85km Nanzhu Ave. (c) Overpass bridge over Xinan Ave. and YachaLing. (d) 1.744 km Henan Ave. (e) BeiBuwan East ~ Beihai Ave.


The project component will mainly involve 72.15 Mu rotation farmland, inc. 28.8 mu sapling, 35.85 mu vegetable; 7.5 mu ponds. 417 ㎡ agri-production houses and 148 persons are affected.

3 Qinzhou No.1 Road (northern section)

Road length: 2.33 km Road width: 60 m Storm water drainage pipeline: 5.58 km Sewerage pipeline: 2.84 km Public utility conduit: 2.33 km


The project component will involve 451.63 mu land acquisition and 11278.6 ㎡

structure demolition affecting 462 households with 1,628 persons including collective land acquisition affecting 409 households, 1420 persons. 53 households 208 persons will be affected for residential demolition.

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No. Project City Components Project Outputs Location Major Resettlement Impacts


No.3 Road (northern section - phase II)

It is a 1.3-km north-south road which starts from city belt in Gangkou district to the first phase of this subproject.

Qinzhou This land acquisitioninvolved 292.59 mu collective land and 74 households. Home demolition of this subject will involve 17,631 ㎡ residential homestead and 35 households


No. 2 Road (northern section - phase II), No. 1 St. No. 3 St.(2 phase)

Total length: 8.57 km Rate: II Road width: 50 ~60 m Estimated speed: 40-60km/h Construction includes road, bridges and culverts, drainage works, transportation facility, lighting facility, landscaping

Qinzhou This land acquisitioninvolved 1282.76 mu collective land and 250 households. Home demolition will involve 47083.42 ㎡ residential homestead and 104 households.

6 FangchenggangFangcheng–Jiangshan road

(a) 16.1 km of urban road rehabilitation and construction, (b) landscaping (c) storm water drainage ditch 32.26 km, and (d) traffic signage


The project will involve land acquisition of 1872.968 Mu including 1443.968 mu collective land, 429 mu state-owned land, affecting 2339 persons in 418 households. Temporarily acquired land covers 40 mu, affecting 44 households with 242 people. 15,949 ㎡ residential houses will be demolished, affecting 77 households with 448 persons. This project will also affect 4,543 ㎡ of 460 rooms in non-residential houses, and affect 192 tombs and one gas station.


Fangchenggang Maoling wastewater treatment plant

(a) wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 30,000 t/day, (b) 24km of sewerage pipeline network, (c) pumping station, (d) sludge treatment facility, (e) office and other plant ancillaries; ( f ) power supply system and automatic control system


The project will acquire 56.441 Mu collective land, affecting 25 households with 177 people. 176.61 ㎡ of residential houses will be demolished.

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Table 1-3 Population Affected by Sub-projects

City Project Component Communities and Villages


Permanent Land


State-owned land

Temporary Land


Family Affecte




Affected Households by House


Resident affected

by House demolitio



Area of House demolit


Enterprise Affecte


Enterprise Land


Estimated Resettlemen

t Costs

No. Mu Mu Mu No. No. No. ㎡ No. ㎡ CNY

Beihai Beihai Zhulin urban road

5 499.50 241.23 0.0 137 689 59 252 5828.5 2 0 72,269,400

Beihai Henan Road 2 72.15 0 0.0 40 119 9 29 417.0 0 0 1,203,900

Qinzhou No.1 Road (northern section)

1 451.63 0 0.0 409 1420 53 208 11278.6 0 0 57,017,900

No.3 Road (northern section - phase II)

2 292.59 0 0.0 74 320 35 153 17631.9 0 0 46,050,900

The rest 4 roads 2 1282.77 0 0.0 250 1084 90 393 45676.8 14 1407 161,188,300 Fangchenggang

Fangcheng-Jiangshan Road

5 1443.97 429 40.0 418 2339 77 448 15948.7 85 4543 118,864,900

Fangchenggang Maoling wastewater treatment plant

1 56.44 0 150.0 25 77 2 8 176.6 0 0 2,844,500

Sum. 18 4099.05 670.23 190.0 1353 6048 325 1491 96958.1 101 5950 459,439,800

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1.2 Resettlement Policy and Framework

The project land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) is implemented on PRC’s and local

governments’ relevant laws, regulations and policies, and requirements of Asian Development Bank

(ADB) involuntary resettlement. The laws and regulations include: (i) State Council Document 28:

State Council Decision to Deepen Reform and Strictly Enforce Land Administration (2004); (ii)

Implementation Stipulations of Land Administration Law of PRC (1998); (iii) Land Administration

Law of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GZAR); (iv) GZAR Guidelines for Implementation of

the Urban House Demolition Management Regulation of the PRC; and (v) local relevant laws and


The LAR purpose is to improve APs’ living standard which is at least not lower due to land

acquisition. The principle of the compensation and entitlements established for the Project are as

follows: (i) compensation and entitlements provided must be adequate to allow APs to at least

maintain their pre-project living standard, with the prospect of improvement; (ii) compensation and

entitlements provided are based on market value or replacement value and must be adequate; (iii) the

area and duration of temporary land occupation should be reduced to the minimum; (iv) lands

occupied and structures or attachments built after the deadline regulated by local government will not

be compensated; (v) adequate compensation should be provided to the APs timely; (vi) all the APs

should be adequately informed about compensation rates and standards, livelihood and income

restoration plans and project progress; and (vii) close monitoring and timely actions should be carried

out to identify and resolve any problems.

1.3 Progress of Resettlement Implementation

By 31, Jul., 2015, draft for the 4 roads in Qinzhou has been completed. The rest updated

resettlement plan has been approved and being implemented. Land acquisition had been competed

56.7%, ie. 2646.991mu. House demolition and relocation are in progress. A summary of resettlement

progress of each project component is listed in Table 1-4.

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Table 0-2 Project Resettlement Progress

Project City

Project Component

Progress Resettlement Progress

Plan Actual Plan Actual


Beihai Zhulin urban road

To commence at Dec. 2013

Under Construction

Land acquisition procedures since Sept. 2013. Resettle at Dec. 2013.

758.3 mu land acquisition is completed. 56 households chose monetary compensation to build their own residence. 13 households chose to resettle centralizedly. 1 households are to assign the compensation contract.

Beihai Henan Road

Jan. 2016

Jul. 2015 To be started.

Beihai Avenue Jan. 2016

Nanzhu Avenue

Jan. 2016


No. 1 Road (northern section)

Commenced at Dec. 2013

Construction is in progress.

Finished land acquisitionin 2011.

Land acquisitioncompleted. 53 households are under transition.

No.3 Street May. 2015

4 roads Jun. 2015 Fangchenggang

Fangchenggang Fangcheng–Jiangshan road

Commenced at Dec. 2013

Construction is in progress.

Compensation contract signed in Dec. 2013.

Land acquisition done. 1244.478mu land is acquired, involving 2233 households. 7 households of 2240 ㎡ . Relocation plan is settled. Residential construction is to begin.

Fangchenggang Maoling wastewater treatment plant

By 20th. Apr. 2015, land is leveled. Construction is in progress.

Land acquisition started from May 2014 and completed before Sept. 2014.

13 households have signed the compensation contract, 12 more to sign.

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1.4 External Monitoring and Evaluation on Resettlement

Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Companyis an individual external

resettlement monitor for the Project. By 31 Jul. 2015, four external resettlement monitoring and

evaluation (M&E) were completed.

A. Work Plan and Arrangement

The resettlement monitoring and evaluation is conducted semi-annually during resettlement

implementation and annually after the completion of resettlement (twice in total). The tasks of

external resettlement monitoring and evaluation included:

1) Follow-up investigation of the production and livelihood of villages and villagers affected by

land acquisition and house demolition for a better understanding of the progress of land

acquisition and the restoration of production and livelihood of APs;

2) Follow-up investigation of enterprises/undertaking units affected by land acquisition and

house demolition for a better understanding of LAR impacts on those units and the restoration

of production and operation;

3) Understanding of the progress of land acquisition, house demolition, compensation and

relocation, and conducting external resettlement monitoring and evaluation against RPs;

4) Collection of APs’ opinions: interview affected villagers, staff of affected enterprises and

resettlement implementation units, as well as APs having complaints, for a better

understanding of APs’ opinions; informing project resettlement and land acquisition offices

about the opinions and suggestions of APs and affected enterprises; providing suggestions to

help improving resettlement with smoother and more effective land acquisition and house


5) Investigation in the temporary land acquisition

6) Investigation in the distribution and usage of the compensation

7) Investigation in the restoration of the life of people affected

8) Investigation in the construction of the resettlements

9) Investigation in the help to the vulnerable group

10) Investigation in the consultant and participation of the public

11) Investigation in complain handling

12) Investigation in the implementation of mitigation measures

B. Work Procedures

The work procedures of external resettlement monitoring and evaluation are as follow:

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(1) prepare the work outline and work plan (program)

(2) design sampling method

(3) interview and follow-up investigation

(4) analyse information and data

(5) prepare monitoring and evaluation report

C. Methods

(i) Sampling. Sampling scheme and questionnaires were designed. The monitor conducted detailed investigation to AHs and different affected groups with utilization of random sampling method and the questionnaires prepared in advance. The content of investigation included family members’ basic information, the structure of family income and expenditure, compensation progress, satisfaction on LAR, and so on.

(ii) Meeting. Interviews to LAR implementation agencies, relevant units, street offices, affected village committees and AHs were conducted for a better understanding of the progress of LAR and house demolition.

(iii) Consulting documents. Consulting and verifying documents and materials (files, agreements and statistical statements) in relation to LAR and demolition.

(iv) Interviewing key informants, such as director of land acquisition and house demolition office, related official of undertaking unit, village head, and head of affected family, women, and senior citizens.

1.5 LAR Institutional Arrangements

For a successful project implementation, a project management office at the provincial level was established under the instruction of Guangxi Provincial Government. Guangxi project management office (GXPMO) provides overall guidance and coordination for project implementation. Each project city government has established local municipal project management office, being responsible for the guidance and coordination to the components. The LAR institutional arrangement for the Project is shown in Figure 1-1 below.

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Figure 0-1 LAR Institutional Arrangements

1.6 Land Acquisition Progress D. Land Acquisition Procedures

The land acquisition procedures under the Project are as follow:

(i) issue pre-announcement of land acquisition;

(ii) conduct investigations to lands and ground attachments to be acquired;

(iii) prepare announcement of land acquisition scheme and submit it to government for approval, and post land acquisition scheme in affected villages;

(iv) conduct social-economic investigations;

(v) Implement compensation and relocation scheme for land acquisition and pay the compensations, as well as implement compensation and relocation scheme for house demolition;

(vi) Clear ground attachments and hand over the lands to project construction contractors.

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E. Land Acquisition Progress

By 31 Jul. 2015, the actual/completed land acquisition was 2646.991mu, which was 56.7% of those anticipated in the RPs, as listed in Table 1-5.

Table 0-3 Land Acquisition Progress by Project Components

Project City

Project Component Permanent Land Acquisition(mu)

Planned Actual Percentage(%)

Beihai Beihai Zhulin urban road 740.73 758.299 102.4%

Beihai Henan Road 72.15 0 0.0%

Qinzhou No.1 Road (northern section) 451.632 451.632 100.0%

No.3 Road (northern section - phase II) 292.5939 209.4478 71.6%

4 roads 1282.77 143.97 11.2%


Fangcheng-Jiangshan Road 1872.968 1274.478 68.0%

Fangchenggang Maoling wastewater treatment plant

56.441 28.22 50.0%

Sum. 4769.2849 2866.047 60.1%

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1.7 House Demolition Progress

As of 31 Jul. 2015, the actual/completed house demolition was a total of 19347.1 ㎡, which was 41.37% of the quantities of demolition in the RPs, as listed in Table 1-6.

Table 0-4 House Demolition Progress by Project Components

Project City

Project Component

Planned Actual Percentage


Area AHs Area AHs

(㎡) (no.) (㎡) (no.)

Beihai Beihai Zhulin urban road

5828.49 59 5828.49 43 72.9%

56 households chose monetary compensation to build their own residence. 13 households chose to resettle centralizedly. One household is to assign the compensation contract.

Beihai Henan Road

417 9 0 0 0.0%

Qinzhou No.1 Road (northern section)

11278.6 53 11278.6 53 100%

Between Beiduan No. 1 road and No. 2 road, Dalanping Qinzhougang; with No.1 Street at the north and No. 3 Street at the south.

No. 3 Road (northern section - phase II)

17631.88 35 0 0 0%

4 roads 45676.77 90 0 0 0% Fangchenggang

Fangcheng-Jiangshan Road

15948.7 77 2240 7 9.1%

Maoling wastewater treatment plant

176.61 2 0 0 0.0%

Sum. 96958.05 325 19347.1 103 31.69%

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1.8 Relocation for Affected Enterprises and nonresidential resettlement

There are a total of 2 enterprises and 99 nonresidential households affected by the project. As of 31 Jul. 2015, land acquisition and house demolition are in progress. Components are listed in Table 1-7.

Table 0-5 Resettlement Compensation Progress of Project Components

Project Project Plan Actual Percentage Monitoring Result

city Component households

Land area


Land area


Land area

㎡ ㎡

Beihai Beihai Zhulin road

State-owned Zhulin Salt Farm

Beihai Tourism Group reconstruct the Zhulin Salt Farm, as the new administration.Land acquisition completed with 81.3million CNY compensation.

state-owned Sanhekou Farm

Land acquisition completed.

Qinzhou 4 Roads

14 1406.65


Fangcheng-Jiangshan Road

85 4543

Maoling Wastewater treatment plant

Janitor's Room

cash compensation

Target demolished.

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1.9 Compensation Payment and Utilization

As of 31 Jul. 2015, a total of CNY 197.270,200 of resettlement cash compensation had been paid under the Project. Payment amount under each project component is listed in Table 1-8.

Table 0-6 Payment of Resettlement Compensation by Project Components

City Planned Actual percentage


Beihai 73,473,000 81,300,000 110.70%

Qinzhou 264,257,000 58,548,000 22.2% Fangchenggang 121,709,000 57,422,000 47.2% Total 459,440,000 197,270,200 42.9%

1.10 Monitoring and Evaluation Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Companyis now carrying out External

Resettlement Monitoring and Evaluation for the project. The Monitoring and Evaluation team

investigated sample households for their life data. Two methods are applied to the investigation,

namely, (1)Interviews to LAR affected village committees and (2)Interviews to LAR affected

households with sample families.

1.11 Gender and Social Dimensions Comprehensive implementation of gender and social dimensions are in progress as planned.

Social benefits are achieved without major social risks.

1.12 Conclusions and Suggestions F. Conclusions

Progress of land acquisition and house demolition are made in Beihai Zhulin urban road,

Qinzhou No.1 Road (northern section), Fangcheng-Jiangshan Road, Maoling Wastewater

Treatment Plant.

(1) In land acquisitionand house demolition, progress are made in Zhulin Road, No. 1 in Qinzhou,

Fangcheng-jiangshan Road and Maoling Wastewater treatment plant, progress in Zhulin Road

is encouraging with only one household to sign the contract. Great progress is alson made in

Maoling Wastewater treatment plant subproject; land involved has been leveled, with about

10 households to sign the contract.

(2) Progress is made in compensation to the affected enterprises. Land acquisition of Zhulin Salt

Farm and Sanhe Farm has completed. Land compensation is paid.

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(3) Project Management Offices of all levels pay due attention to Land Acquisition and

Resettlement. The fund for Resettlement Compensation can meet the needs of land

acquisition and house demolition.

(4) Land acquisition for Zhulin Road and Fangcheng-Jiangshan Road has been completed.

However, slow house demolition delays the construction.

(5) Village leaders and the affected co-investigated on the land and houses involved, and signed

the results. According to our interview, the affected are responsible for the investigation


(6) House demolition is in progress. Relocation sites are settled. Preliminary work is being done.

However, the progress is relatively slow.

(7) People working for land acquisition and house relocation under the Project were experienced

(8) Importance was attached to public participation. Appeal channels are established.

(9) In general, insufficient fund for land acquisitionand resettlement is now slowing the speed.

G. Suggestions

(1) Quicken the speed of land acquisitionand resettlement in Qinzhou subproject. Raise more

fund for the land acquisitionand resettlement. Unit involved in Qinzhou shall pay due

attention to the 53 transitional households, for they are in the transitional state for a long time.

(2) In Beihai subproject, quicken the steps to solve the land ownership dispute and the signing of

the contract with the remaining household left.

(3) In Fangcheng-jiangshan road subproject, quicken the steps of house demolition, set the

resettlement. More explanation shall be made clear to the migrants. Settle land disputes.

(4) In Maoling Wastewater treatment plant subproject, quicken the negotiation with affecting

persons to sign the contract.

(5) Quicken the construction of resettlement and shorten the transitional time, which deserve due

attention from units involed in Beihai, Fangchenggang and Qinzhou.

(6) A normative archives management system for resettlement files should be established and

sound written and image records should be kept to enrich the documents and files of LAR and

house demolition under the Project.

(7) In addition to cash compensation, other resettlement compensation measures, such as

allocation of commercial lands, allocation of Residential Plot Land, provision of skill

trainings to APs, and increase of employment opportunities, need to be further strengthened.

(8) Pay attention to practical problems of poor population in relocation and provide practical help

through policy supports.

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(9) Professional trainings to staff working on land acquisition and house demolition should be

strengthened; the contents of trainings can include site visit, introducing experience and

discussing theories.

(10) Safety management during LAR should be paid particular attention to avoid safety accidents,

and an efficient safety system for LAR should be established.

(11) For AHs who have more than 30% of their lands acquired, particular attention should be paid

to them and guidance should be provided to them for helping them utilize the cash

compensation for land acquisition and allowance for relocation in production and

development, so as to improve their income level.

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2. Beihai Infrastructure Construction

2.1 Project Background Beihai Zhulin Urban Road project component: 8.4 km of urban road and Related Infrastructure

which includes 16.8 km of storm water drainage ditch, street lighting and signage and landscaping.

Due to the change of Beihai Yingpan Road subproject and the difficulty in land acquisition,

house demolition and migrants resettlement, Beihai municipal government appeal to the ADB to

cancel the construction of Yingpan Road and its relavant facility, therefore offer a substitue subproject

of Beihai Dongqu urban road reconstruction. This alternative subproject includes 3 road

reconstruction, 1) Beihai Avenue, 2) Nanzhu Avenue, 3) Henan Avenue. The subproject involving

Haicheng District of Beihai covers road reconstruction, water drainage ditch, street lighting traffic

facility and landscaping.

The basic situation of updated Beihai subproject is listed in Table 2-1.

Name Scale Length Width Type

m m

Zhulin Road 8400

Beihai Ave. Nanzhu road~ Yingbin road 3550 80 Main road

Nanzhu Ave. Xinan road – Yachaling overpass 3850 80 Main road

Henan Road Beibuwan East – Beihai Ave. 1744 40 Secondary road

2.2 LAR Progress Physical investigation on Beihai Zhulin Urban Road began since Dec. 2013, and is still in

progress. Investigations on lands and houses within the LAR area were conducted by Beihai City

Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd, Beihai Bureau of Land and Resources and

Fucheng Town of Beihai. The town governments, village committees and the affected households

later signed on the investigation results on which land acquisition and house demolition were to be


With due consideration of the opinion of the affected households, In accordance with the

Notification for Announcement of Standard Annual Output for Land Acquisition in Beihai, Approval

Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition Demolition Attachments in Beihai, Implementation

Measures for Construction Project in Land Acquisition Demolition in Beihai, Beihai City Urban

Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd and Fucheng Towngovernment have done much

negotiation about land acquisition and house demolition. So far 758.30 mu land from 377 households

has been acquired, a 102.37% of the expected. Land acquisition for the state-owned Sanhe Farm and

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the Zhulin Salt Farm is completed. 56 households chose monetary compensation to build their own

residence. 13 households chose to resettle centralizedly. One household is to assign the compensation

contract. Therefore, the construction work is slowed down by the land acquisition and house


The management mechanism of land acquisition and house demolition: Beihai City Urban

Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd is to raise the funds for land acquisition and house

demolition for the project; to set up a department of land acquisition and house demolition, and to

coordinate in issues related to land acquisition and house demolition during construction. The land and

house acquisition office in Yinhai District takes the full responsibility of land acquisition and


Fucheng Town government is responsible for the land acquisition and relocation of the town.

Yinpan road component is canceled.

2.3 Project Impacts Beihai Zhulin urban road of the project component will mainly involve land acquisition and

structure demolishment in Dakan Village, Dongcun Village, Hailu Village of Fucheng Township,

Yinhai District, and Beihai City and in state-owned Sanhekou Farm and Zhulin Salt Farm. A total of

740.73 mu land will be acquired. 241.23 mu of state-owned land will be acquired permanently,

affecting 105 persons. 499.5 mu of rural collective land will be acquired permanently, affecting 689

persons in 137 households. A total of 5,828.49 ㎡ of residential houses will be demolished, relocating

59 households with 252 persons who are caused by permanent land acquisition of collective-owned

land. Zhulin Salt Farm is located in Zhulin Cluster2, Fucheng Township, Yinhai District of Beihai

City, within the Project area of Beihai Zhulin Urban Road and Related Infrastructure Project. The

farm is 28 km away from the central town of Beihai City. It was established on 15 November 1968

and put into operation in 1971. In April 2009, the municipal government transferred the state

ownership of Zhulin Salt Farm to Beihai Tourism Group. In August 2009, the variation and

registration of the state ownership of the farm has been completed. Currently, the salt farm is still

working with a declining output.

2.4 Relocation Progress H.Progress of land acquisition

As of 31 Jul. 2015, the actual/completed land acquisition was 758.30 mu, including

132.289mu farmland, 248.69mu forest, 134.25 mu of construction land, 236.62 mu of state-owned

land, as listed in Table 2-1. Land acquisition affected 1508 persons from 377 households, completing

187% of those anticipated in the RPs, as listed in Table 2-2.

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Table 2-2 Progress of land acquisition(as of 31 Jul. 2015) Planned Actual Percentage

Project Component

District Town Village Farmland

Wood land

Construction land

State-owned land

Total Farm land

Wood land

Construction land

State-owned land


Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu % Beihai Zhulin urban road

Yinhai Fucheng Dakan 137.4

5 34 63.04 0 234.49 78 62 98.25 0 238.25 101.60

Dongcun 165.4

911.34 52.12 0 228.95 46 154.35 36 0 236.35 103.23

Hailu 21.87 12 2.19 0 36.06 8.289 32.34 0 0 40.63 112.67

State-owned Sanhekou Farm

0 0 0 51.88 51.88 0 0 0 0 0 0

State-owned Zhulin Salt Farm

189.35 189.35 0 0 0 189.35 189.35 100

Dispute land 0 0 0 9.91 9.91

Research institute

0 0 0 1.90 1.90

Subtotal 324.8

1 57.34 117.35 241.23 740.73


248.6 134.2 243.07 758.30 102.37


Vegetable field

Fish pond

Stated-owned land


Henan Road Malan,

Gaonong 28.8 35.85 7.5 0 72.15 0 0 0 0 0

Beihai Ave. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nanzhu Ave. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal 28.8 35.85 7.5 0 72.15 0 0 0 0 0 Total 812.88 758.30 93.3

Note: Data about Henan Road refers to the land acquisition completed so far.

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Table 2-3 Households affected by land acquisition (as of 31 Jan. 2015) Planned Actual Percentage Project Component

Town Village Total Farmland

Farmland Acquired

Households affected

People affected

Farmland Acquired

Households affected

People affected

Mu Mu Household person Mu Household person % Beihai Zhulin urban road

Fucheng Township

Dakan Village 13500 137.45 67 320 130.50 136 544 202.99%

Dongcun Village 13900 165.49 52 204 165.5 211 844 405.77%

Hailu Village 6000 21.87 18 60 21.87 30 120 166.67%

State-owned Sanhekou Farm 85 0 0 0

State-owned Zhulin Salt Farm 20 0 0 0

Sub total 33400 324.81 137 689 317.87 377 1508 275.18%

Henan Road

Malan village 0 28.8 9 29 0 0 0

Gaonong village 0 43.35 40 119 0 0 0 Subtotal 43.35 40 119 0 0 0

Total 33400 368.16 177 808 317.87 377 1508 187%

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I. Relocation Progress As of 31 Jul. 2015, 56 households chose monetary compensation to build their own residence.

13 households chose to resettle centralizedly. 1 household is to assign the compensation contract. 74

households affected are preparing for residential construction. Residential sites are all located in their

original village.

In Dakan Village, 43 households need to be demolished, two among which chose to resettle in

Xiasanjia and the rest 41 households chose to take the cash compensation to build their own residence.

20 households is building their residence now. another 21 households are waiting for a cultrally proper

date for construction. The residential construction is planned to completed prior to Dec., 2015.

Land levelling in Xiasanjia has completed.

31 households in Dongcun Village need to be demolished, among which 19 households chose

cash compensation, 11 households chose centralized resettlement, 1 household is to assign the contract.

Cash has been paid to the households who signed the contracts.

Relocation progress is listed in Table2-3. Two relocation sites have been designed.

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Table2-4 Relocation progress(As of 31 Jan. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage

Project Component

Town Village Project Component

Village Sub total

Village Sub total

Relocation Site HHs Relocated

Area HHs

HHs Person ㎡ HHs Person ㎡ HHs % %

Beihai Zhulin urban road

Yinhai District

Fucheng Township

Dakan Village

33 150 3326.77 43 195 3326.77

2 HHs chose Xiasanjia in Dakancun Village. 41 households chose cash compensation to build their own residence.

20 100 130.30

Dongcun Village

26 102 2501.72 31 121 2501.72

11 HHs chose to build their residence in Dongcun Village. 16 households chose cash compensation, 1 HHs is to sign the contract.

16 100 119.23

Sub Total 59 252 5828.49 74 316 5828.49 36 100.00


Henan Road 9 29 417

Sub Total 68 281

6245.49 74 316 5828.49




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2.5 LAR Policy J. Policy for Land Acquisition

In accordance with the Standard Annual Output for Land Acquisition publicized by the

Notification for Announcement of Standard Annual Output for Land Acquisition in Beihai City

[2013]2), the compensation standards for collective land acquisition and construction land are

consistent with the Standard Annual Output for Land Acquisition. The standard annual outputs for

Fucheng Township is CNY 1,714 per Mu, compensation multiplier is 21. Regional Compensation

Rate is CNY 35,994 per mu.

House demolition compensation accords with the Beihai municipal government’s

Implementation Measures for Construction Project in Land Acquisition Demolition in Beihai, which

also meets the compensation standard in the resettlement plan approved by ADB. The standard for

land acquisition is listed in Table 2-5. The compensation standard for temporary Land acquisition is

listed in Table 2-6.

Talbe 2-5 Standard for Land Acquisition (CNY/mu) Planned Actural Zhulin Urban

RoadHenan Ave. Zhulin Urban

Road Henan Road

Comprehensive land price

(CNY/mu) 35,994 35994

Contract land (CNY/mu) 35994 Collective land (CNY/mu) 0

Qiaomiao (CNY/mu) 35,000 Terminalia (big) (CNY/mu) 25,000

Terminalia (small)

(CNY/mu) 6,000

Camellia (CNY/mu) 25,000 Sapling (CNY/mu) 10,000 Maple (CNY/mu) 25,000 Kapok (CNY/mu) 25,000 Bixa (CNY/mu) 25,000

Pachira 10,000 Podocarpus 10,000

Note: Compensation coefficient for basic farmland is 1.3.

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Table 2-6 Compensation Standard for Temporary Land Acquisition

Planned Actual

Zhulin urban

road Henan RoadZhulin urban

road Henan Road

CNY/mu CNY/mu

Paddy field 1714 1714

Dry land 1714 1714 Vegetable

field 1714 1714

Orchardland 1714 1714

Fish pond 1714 1714

Grassland 1714 1714

Woodland 1714 1714

K. Policy for House Demolition Table 2-6 Compensation Rates of House Demolition Planned Actual


urban roadHenan Road

Zhulin urban road

Henan Road

Brick-concrete CNY/㎡ 720 720 1225

Brick-wood CNY/㎡ 500 500 540 Bungalow CNY/㎡ 465 Cottage CNY/㎡ 395

Relocation Allowance CNY/㎡ 8 800

Temporary Transit Allowance CNY/㎡/HHs 8 500

Workdays Loss Allowance CNY/㎡/HHs 300

2.6 Income and Livelihood Restoration L. Social Economic Profile of the Affected Area

Yinhai District is located in the central south and outskirt of Beihai City. It is well known by the

famous tourists’ spot of Beihai Silver Beach and embraces the vast Beibu Gulf to become “Yinhai”. It

is located between north latitude 21°25′ ~ 21°41′and east longitude 109°04′ ~ 109°19′, connected with

Tieshan Port District in the east, adjacent to Haicheng District in the west, closed to Beibu Gulf in the

south and bordered with Hepu County in the north. It occupies a total area of 420 k ㎡ and has

jurisdiction over 4 townships of Fucheng, Pingyang, Qiaogang, and Yintan, 40 village committees

(VCs) and 7 resident committees (RCs) with a total population of 148,000.

1 Fucheng Township

Fucheng Township covers an area of 293.8 km, administering 22 village (resident) committees,

237 natural villages, with a total population of 79,844 persons, including 63,000 agricultural

population, and more than 16,000 urban residents. Fucheng Township has convenient transportation.

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The Beihai airport is about 7 km away from the township government seat. The township has

104,604.9 mu of farmland and 60,000 mu of forest land. It is rich in production of paddy rice,

sugarcane, cassava, peanuts, pineapple, watermelon, longan, lychee, and other tropical crops,

particularly in the largest production of sugar cane, with an annual output of over 400,000 tons, and is

the main sugar cane raw material base of Yinhai District, and known as "Sugarcane Township". In

addition, the length of coastal line is 26.4 km. There are 86,000 mu of shallow beach to be developed

and utilized, which is the natural places of seafood farming for pearl, Tai Ho, shrimp, blue crab, the

trouble, etc.

2 Sanhekou Farm

Sanhekou Farm is part of Guangxi Beibu Gulf General Farm, which was established in 1951. It

is a large enterprise groups set up by regional government. It is directly under the regional government

administration; it runs the operation and production by scale, industrial management and group

management. The General Farm has 112 direct state-owned enterprises, including Sanhekou Farm.

The total asset of the General Farm is more than several hundred million CNY. The Sanhekou Farm

has a total of 89 mu farmland area, and the large proportion of land is sugar cane plantation.

The Farm is mainly involved in sugar cane plantation, employee families also use part of the

land for bananas or vegetables plantation. These workers are also engaged in domestic breeding of

pigs and goats and other sideline to increase income. The sugar cane production base of the Farm has

reached over 20,000 mu; annual production of raw sugarcane is more than 110,000 tons, the annual

income of the employees reached to about CNY 10,000. The land is owned by the farm and the

employees work together and get monthly payment from the farm. Due to the low productivity in

other crop farm in general, the farm, in 2007, began to speed up the pace of the farm industrial

structure, clarified the main production direction as the cane sugar industry. By developing sugarcane

production, in 2010, the farm started to achieve profitability with an increase production and an

increasing payment for the workers. In 2012, farm workers average income reached CNY 11,848.

With the support and the guidance from the municipal government, the net income of the

affected farmers rose to 15,000CNY per mu in planting Greenhouse vegetable. Recently Beihai

municipal government put great emphasis on specialized agriculture and promote the modern

agriculture, helping the farmers to be richer.

3 Zhulin Salt Farm

Zhulin Salt Farm is located in Zhulin Cluster2, Fucheng Township, Yinhai District of Beihai

City, within the Project area of Beihai Zhulin Urban Road and Related Infrastructure Project. The

farm is 28 km away from the central town of Beihai City. It was established on 15 November 1968

and put into operation in 1971. It is the largest salt-producing state-owned enterprise (SOE) under the

administration of Yinpan District of Beihai City and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GZAR).

In April 2009, the municipal government transferred the state ownership of Zhulin Salt Farm to Beihai

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Tourism Group. In August 2009, the variation and registration of the state ownership of the farm has

been completed.

The total area of the salt farm is 11,045 hectare, of which 664 hectare are salt field, 200 hectare

shrimp pond, 125 hectare water pond, and 124.51 hectare other types of land use, including 16.49

hectare residential land use. As of the end of 2009, the salt farm has produced 1.1 million tons of raw

salt with an accumulated value of CNY 234.18 million. However, in recent years, the annual

production of the salt farm has decreased from 50,000 tons at the beginning of operation to 29,100

tons in 2009. In 2013 the annual production dropped to 10,000 tons due to the weather.

M. Land Acquisition On 1st April 2014, Beihai government publisized the Land Acquisition. Beihai Zhulin Urban

Road Project acquired 33.2901 ha collective land, affecting Dakan Village, Dongcun Village and

Hailu Village, Fucheng Township, Yinhai District of Beihai City. Also, Beihai Zhulin Urban Road

Project acquired 16.8354 ha state-owned land operated and used by Beihai Municipal Government,

Zhulin Salt Farm, Sanhekou Farm, Dakan Villagge and Dongcun Village of Fucheng Township.

In total, 50.1255 ha land will be acquired for transportation purpose. Position: the south of

Beitie Road, the north of Haijing Avenue, the east of XicunGang, and the west of Bailongwan. Land

acquisition status is listed in Table 2-8

Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition is CNY 495,000 per ha.

The allocation of the agriculture population will mainly be cash compensation and social

security resettlement.

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Table 2-8 Land Acquisition


Affected Unit Dry




Village Road

Irrigation canals

Agri. Faciliti



Hydraulic construction


Mining land

Road River Body

Sand Land


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

1 Dakan Village 9.1636 2.2672 0.0702 0.2657 0.5137 3.2305 0.122 15.6329

2 Dongcun Village

6.7557 0.7559 0.064 0.8967 1.9965 4.267 0.4471 0.07 15.2529

3 Hailu Village 1.4581 0.8002 0.0545 0.091 2.4038

4 Zhulin Salt

Farm 12.273 0.0473 12.3203

5 Sanhekou

Farm0.0583 2.736 2.7943


Sanhekou Farm and

Sanjiacun in Dakan Village

0.6605 0.6605


Dongcun Village and Zhulin Salt


0.3031 0.3031

8 Beihai Municipal

government 0.0915 0.6655 0 0.757


2 6.5593 0.1342 0.2657 1.4649 5.227 0.213 4.5701


0.1388 0.6655 0.07 50.1248

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2.7 Housing Relocation N. Related Policies

Relocation is based on the Implementation on Land Acqusition and House Demolition

inBeihaiissued by Beihai Municipal Government(27th 2014). After much consideration, a special

programme is made in relocation compensation and resettlement.

1. Scope of relocation:

Zhulin Road project will influence villages (including Shangsanjia Village,Xiasanjia Village,

Dongcun Village, Toucun Village, Tiantou Village), 4 village groups, 74 households and 2

relocation sites. 22.2 mu is needed for relocation including 7.90 mu in Sanjiacun Village

relocation and 12.3 mu relocation in Dongcun Village and Toucun Village.

2. Object of relocation compensation and resettlement:

Households, residential, crops and attatchment on the land acquired in the Zhulin Road project.

3. Compensation standard on house, crops and attachments:

Refer to the "Beihai Municipal People's government approval for the adjustment of Beihai City

area of land acquisition demolition attachments compensation standards" (68th, 2008) and the

approval on the request of the Zhulin Road project. A 20% raise will be approved to the

approval (68th, 2008)

4. The area and the nature of the resettlement:

According to the general plan approved by the City Planning Bureau, relocation resettlement

falls into three specifications of 60 ㎡,80 ㎡ and 100 ㎡.

5. Relocation:

1) The affected local households with a valid certificate or approved material can choose

one of the following ways to arrange their resettlement.

Method A: To apply on the basis of the household population.

Methed B: To apply on the basis of the land area affected.

2) The affected non-local households with a valid certificate or approved material can apply

to arrange their resettlement in the resettlement sites.

3) The affected non-local households who own a house without a valid certificate or

approved material can apply to arrange their resettlement in the resettlement sites on the

basis of the land area affected after the approval of the village community, regional


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4) the members of the collective economic organizations in the village with only one house in

the village can apply for a residential homestead with reference at a standard of 20 ㎡ per


Article 17 [2009] is the basis of the standard.

5) The affected households who do no want to apply to resettlement can apply for cash

compensation at a price of 1225 CNY/㎡.

6) The affected households who choose to build in the resettlement can apply to perchase

ahomestead at a residential land cost price of 1055 CNY/㎡ with a maximum of the the

marginalized part of the affected area.

6. Steps for house demolition and resettlement:

1) Investigation and registration: Working groups will be sent to investigate and register

within the scope of land to be acquired on the population, households, ownership,

constructure of the households affected.

2) Audition: Working personels will be sent to into households affected. A signed report will

be then presented to the land acquisition headquaters

3) Reviewing: The qualification of the affected households will be reviewed by personnels.

4) Publisizing: Materials will be posted in affected villages on the allocation of residential

homestead, compensation standard, households affected, family population, land area etc.

The area and compensation standard will be confirmed after the expiration of publicity

without objection.

5) Signing the contract: The leading group will organize negotiations with the affected

households and sign the contract on house relocation and resettlement.

6) Land clearance: District government administration will organize cleaning, demolition of

the land acquired.

7. Arrangement for the transition and the residential homestead:

1) The arrangement of the transition:

a) Independently: To those affected households who want to transit independently, the PIC

will provide financial aid for temporary transitional resettlement fees at a 500CNY per

households per month, from the date the affected households move out of the original

residence till five month since they are offered the reconstruction sites for residential

homestead. The aid will be paid at a minimum of 12 months, ie. If the time is within 12

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month, the aid will be paid at 12 month. If the time is more than 12 month, the aid will

be paid at the real months. The moving subsidy standard is 800 CNY per household.

b) Temporary transition housing: For those affected households who can not solve the

transitional housing, the PIC will arrange temporary transitional housing and a moving

subsidy at 800CNY per household. Temporary transitional resettlement fee will not be

paid to these people.

2) The arrangement of the residential homestead: The arrangement of residential homestead is to

be arranged at a “first sign, first choose” policy.

8. Rewarding:

1) 6000CNY per households will be paid to the affected qualified households who sign the

resettlement contract before 15th, Sept., 2014 and complete moving.

2) 6000CNY per households will be paid to the affected unqualified households who sign the

resettlement contract before 15th, Sept., 2014 and complete moving.

3) No reward will be paid to the affected households who sign the resettlement contract after

15th, Sept., 2014.

9. Moving back to resettlement: Resettlement will be build in accordance to the general layout

scheme. The affected will build financially support their construction to the unified design.

The PIC will unify commissioned planning design and infrastructure and be responsible for

the land acquisition compensation, water supply, power, road, sewage and land leveling.

2.8 Restoration of Infrastructure So far, infrastructure in the ROW is still functioning properly. Resettlement infrastructure has

still not been built.

2.9 Budget and Cost Estimates for Resettlement Funds for land acquisition and resettlement are raised by Beihai City Urban Construction

Investment Development Co. Ltd. The LAR costs can meet the needs of land acquisition and house

demolition for the Project. As of 31 Jul. 2015, Beihai Zhulin urban road project has paid CNY

81,300,000 in total for land acquisition and relocation, which is 110.65% of the budget. Executive

agency has paid the villagers affected the land acquisition. As of 31th, Jul. 2015, IA has paid out

CNY50,730,000, with CNY3057 left. The compensation paid by Beihai Zhulin urban road project is

listed in Table 2-9.

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Table 2-9 Compensation Paid (CNY) planned Actual Percentage

Zhulin urban road

Henan road

Sub Total Zhulin urban road

Henan road

Sub Total

1. Land Compensation 36,549,417 0 36,549,417 81300000 0 81300000 2. House

Compoensation 3,807,931 0 3,807,931 0 0

3. special compensation for restoration and reconstruction

1,231,790 0 1,231,790 0 0

4. Other Cost 1,589,263 0 1,589,263 0 0

5. Land-Related Taxes 22,852,629 0 22,852,629 0 0 6. Price Contingencies

6,238,371 0 6,238,371 0 0

Total 72,269,401 1203930 72,269,401 81300000 0 81300000 110.65

2.10 Public Participation and Information Disclosure On 1st April, 2013 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People’s Government released the

approval on the Land Acquisition for the Construction of Beihai Zhulin Urban Road and issued the

Announcement of Land Acquisition.

In June, 2013, Beihai municipal government publized the Announcement of Land acquisition.

The announcement clarified the name of the project, usage of land, scope and area; affected units and

their land type and area to be recovered; compensation standard to agricultural population affected for

land acquisition or recover; registration for LA compensation and security for eldly farmers affected.

During LAR quantity investigation and land acquisition, the IAs paid great attention to public

participation and held meetings to publicize the land acquisition and house demolition policies under

the project.

In April 2014, the external monitor expert team paid a visit to project sites and affected villages

for updated resettlement progress and for affected households’ attitudes and opinions to land

acquisition and relocation through interviewing village grassroots cadres.

In October, 2014, several seminars were held to negotiate the construction of the resettlement.

Opinions of the affected were collected and carefully considerated, thus the resettlement program was

well accepted by most of the affected residents.

Great attention has been paid to public participation in the progress of land acquisition and

house demolition. Before land acquisition, the signing of the resettlement and compensation

agreement, land acquisition and house demolition cadres would every two days visit the affected

households and listen to their views, including women’s. Most of suggestions raised by women are a):

the new resettlements shall be built close to their original residential and their kids’ shool; b): the

compensation standard shall be higher. Some of the reasonable request are meet in land acquisition

and resettlement.

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2.11 Complaints and Appeals Problems in the land acquisition and resettlement are listed in Table 2-10.

Table 2-10 Problems in the Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Tiem Problem Solution Result

Dec., 2013

Relocation allowance and

compensation for young crops

are low.

Report for higher compensation has been presented to the Beihai municipal government by Yinhai District government and Beihai City Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd.


April.2014 Not enough time for

resettlement. To prolong the time. Settled.

April.2014 Low Land Compensation Settled.

May 2014 The affected are not satisfied

with the placement of the relocation.

Modify the relocation resettlement plan Settled.

Oct. 2014 7 households in Dongcun has

not signed the agreement.Quicken the progress.

One HHs to sign the contract.

Oct. 2014 The construction of residential

land is not complete. Quicken the progress. Almost settled.

Dec. 2014 Land ownership dispute. Negotiation. Negotiating.

2.12 Organizing and Administrating To ensure a smooth land acquisition and house demolition in the municipal infrastructure

construction, Beihai governments at all levels first put great emphasis on organization establishing and

ability strengthening for the project preparation. Related organizations were set up for the land

acquisition and relocation in Beihai infrastructure project. Duties of different organizations were

clarified. Organizations related to land acquisition and resettlement for the project are listed as follow:

(1) Beihai Municipal Bureau of Finance

(2) Beihai City Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd

(3) Beihai Land Resources Bureau

(4) Yinhai District Land Acquisition and House Demolishment Office

2.13 Assistance to Vulnerable Groups Vulnerable group in the Project area, including households or persons under “five guarantees”,

under minimum living guarantee (MLG), families or persons disabled, women-headed households. In

the Project area, 54 households or 229 persons belong to the vulnerable group clarified above.

Monitor and Evaluation Result: Assistance was given to villagers in vulnerable group.

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2.14 Re-employment in Zhulin Salt Farm (1)Re-employment Plan: All of the employees totaling at 811 persons who are currently

registered in Zhulin Salt Farm will be properly arranged for the re-employment by Zhulin Salt Farm,

Beihai Tourism Group and relevant government organizations. They will be re-employed in the same

sector with improved production capacity and working environment or re-employed in other industries

to be developed in the newly developed area of Zhulin Cluster. For the 604 retired employees who are

not registered in the Zhulin Salt Farm, they will continue to receive the social insurance fund,

including medical insurance through the insurance institutions. The employees of the salt farm and

local residents of the Zhulin Cluster could also find short-term and long-term jobs generated by the

integrated development and construction of the Zhulin Cluster Area. All the people will be ensured

that they will not be financially worse off after the implementation of the enterprise restructuring.

Therefore, the restructuring of the Zhulin Salt Farm will not have any significant negative impacts on

the employees if properly managed. No job, income and living conditions will be affected. After the

enterprise restructuring, the working and living conditions are expected to be improved greatly.

There might have some temporary psychological stress on the personnel who switch to other

new jobs during the transfer period and adjust to the new working environment. Since no

unemployment will be involved, the impacts are therefore expected to be minor. The Human

Resources Department of the enterprise will be responsible for the transfer, allocation and training of

the employees. They will assist the employees to experience smoothly the transitional period and

settlement through training and personal counseling. 183 mu land of the Zhulin Salt Farm has been

acquired and the land compensation, a total of 6.405 million CNY has been duely paid.

(2)Monitoring of Re-emplyment: Zhulin Salt Farm has not started its restructuring.

Currently there are 770 formal workers, who receive regular payment. For the 680 retired employees,

they can now receive CNY 72 of pension per person per month.

2.15 Conclusions and Suggestions O. Conclusions ( 1)Beihai City Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd has attached great

importance to land acquisition and resettlement. The fund can meet the needs of land

acquisition and house demolition for the Project.

(2)Beihai City Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd has a land acquisition and

resettlement office, with specially-assigned staff responsible for the land acquisition and


(3)The Project Management Office of Fucheng Township in Beihai has paid close attention to

the land acquisition and relocation. They established special organization for the project.

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(4)Land Acquisition has completed.

(5)The resettlement plan has also completed. Cartilage has been mapped out. Many of the

affected villagers chose to build their own residential by themselves. Progress in

Resettlement construction is relatively slow.

(6)Land in affected villages shall not be readjusted, which is in line with the local conditions as

well as with the willingness of most villagers affected.

P.Suggestions (1)Quicken steps to sign the contract with the only one household left.

(2)Project management office in Fucheng Township, Beihai, shall quicken the construction of

resettlement, minimize transitional time.

2.16 Interview Records Time: 2015-Aug.-07 Interviewee: Wu Rongfu (F) Content: I am working here. 80 ㎡ of my house is involved. Many brothers will share the

compensation, which is too small. The cartilage is too small. We can’t afford to build a house with many stories. We are Han nationality. Four people in my family, two are kids. We have one mu farming land. The compensation arrived. We are supporting this project, it is the construction of the nation.

Time: 2015-Aug.-07 Interviewee: Ye Zhenping Content: We got the compensation and are ready to build our new house. We support the

construction of the nation. Time: 2015-Aug.-07 Interviewee: Wang Guosheng Content: 13 HHs will be relocated. Today the municipal administration related are also

here to arrange the cartilage for the affected. The compensation standard is still the same as usual. There are still one grave to move and one household to sign the contract. They think the standard is too low.

The following are the previous interew records.

Time: 2015-Jan-13

Interviewee: Sun Jingzhao Director of Land Acquisition and Relocation Office of Yinhai District


Land acquisition is completed. 750 mu land has been acquired, among which are

farmland and non-farmland. The compensation standard is 35994CNY/mu. And there

is a Compensation coefficient for basic farmland, which is 1.3. The land dispute

between the Sanhe Farm and the village is still under negotiation. 3 households chose

Xiasanjia in Dakancun Village. 40 households chose cash compensation to build their

own residence.8 households in Dongcun Village chose to build their own residential,

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16 households chose cash compensation and 7 households has not ye signed the

agreement. Many factors will influence the construction of residence in the

countryside, so the completion of the reconstruction of the residence is planned to be

completed in Jun. 2015. Before that time, there still might be changes for their choice.

The programme fashioned this programme. A total sum of 81.3 million CNY has so

far been allocated in the Zhulin Road project, 50.73 million of which has been paid.

The balance is 30.57 million. We will quicked the steps of the construction of the


Time: 2015-Jan-13

Interviewee: Wang Dahong, Chairperson of the People’s Congress in Fucheng Town

Content: Land acquisition is done. More than 700 mu. The compensation went to the Production

Team of the Village. How to allocate the Land compensation will be decided by the

team themselves. The relocation is well planned. But the completed construction is not

that much.

Time: 2015-Jan-13

Interviewee: Yao Shengdai Party Secretary of Dongcun village

Content: Land Compensation has been transferred to the account of the production team. The

allocation of the compensation will be decided by the production teams independently,

still not settled. When the allocation plan is proposed by the production team to the

village. The village will confirm the plan before the money is distributed. Land

acquisition exerted little influence to the local life. For vulnerable group, they will have

subsidies. We have 100 villagers in the vulenerable group. Those who are in the type A

will have a subsidy of 60CNY per month capital, type B 45. Our village has 15

production teams, 7 of which are involved in this land acquisition. Our village includes

7500 mu land, a population of 4558 residents in 1060 households. Most of us are Han.

Some minority weman married into our village. The relocation site is settle. The paper

is done. My estimate is that water, power and road connection and land leveling will be

accomplished before March of 2015. The local people put a lot emphasis on the

climate, date and tradition in constructing their residence. This might slow down the

progress a bit.

Time: 2015-Jan-13

Interviewee: Wu Xianming, villager in Dongcun Village.

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Content: This is the relocation site. My house will be demolished. I got 32,000CNY for my 292

㎡ house and my 0.3 mu land. Source of income? We are fishermen. We fish. I am

quite satisfied about the land compensation.

The following is some interviews prior to this monitoring. Time: 2014-April-14

Interviewee: Wang Guosheng Deputy Chief Engineer of Beihai City Urban Construction Investment

Development Co. Ltd

Content: Land acquisition is in progress. When involved in the ground attachment, work became

difficult and not so smooth. But however slow, it is still in progress. Most of the land

compensation has been paid to the villagers affected. Some villagers are not satisfied

with the relocation site. Negociation is being made.

Time: 2014-April-14 Interviewee: Sun Jingzhao Director of Land Acquisition and Relocation Office of Yinhai District

Content: Land acquisition has mostly been completed. Several households have not signed the

Land Acquisition Contract. Land acquisition in Sanhekou Farm has not been

completed yet. Some households affected are not satisfied with the relocation site. The

scheme is being modified. Estimately, relocation can be completed by the end of this


Time: 2014-April-14 Interviewee: Yao Shengdai Party Secretary of Dongcun village

Content: Document from the above is needed to conduct external monitor and evaluation.

(It is now being applied.)

Time: 2014-April-17 Interviewee: Wang Guosheng Content: Material measuring investigation is in progress. By estimate, land acquisition can be

completed before 30 june, 2014. By 30 August relocation will be completed. The

compensation standard applied today was set in 2008. Villagers found the standard is

too low. Report has been made to the Municipal Government for a higher standard.

We are now waiting for the approval. On 7th May, 2013, Announcement on Lang

Acquisition was publized. In October, 2012, we held land acquisition meetings. Many

meeting. Usually at least one person from each household participated. Women also

participated. They have the say. Till now, CNY 30 million has been paid. In Dec. 2012

we deputed land acquisition and house demolition work of Zhulin Urban Road to Land

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Acquisition and House Demolition Office of Yinhai District. Land measurement has

been completed. 59 households need to be demolished. Three reconstruction house

lands are Shangsanjia, Xiasanjia and Tiantou Village. House relocation is not a

problem. Our company is responsible for the infrastructure for the reconstruction

house land. In each reconstruction house land, the affected choose their own house

layout from 100 ㎡ 80 ㎡ or 60 ㎡ But the affected will build their own house, usually

3 to 5 stories.

Time: 2014-April-17 Interviewee: Yao Shengdai Party Secretary of Dongcun Village

Content: Dongcun village has 7500 mu farmland with a population of 4700. The village is

devided into 15 group, 8 natural villages. Villagers are all of Han nationality. Annual

income is CNY 4380 per person, mainly from agriculture or fising. Some people earn

quite a lot in fishing. About 200 people are working out in cities as migrant workers.

25 households are affected by the project. The allocation for the relocation sites had

been released. But the time assigned for our construction is too short. A lot meetings

were held about land acquisition and relocation. Women came. They are also well-

informed about land acquisition and relocation. This is the first time that land in our

village be acquired in our village. The allocation of the land compensation is still

under discussion. Government does has some special policies for the vulnerable group.

Time: 2014-April-17 Interviewee: Sun Jingzhao Director of Land Acquisition and Relocation Office of Yinhai District

Content: In Dec. 2013 we started measuring, about 10 people involved. Contracts of 238 mu

land have been signed. 182 mu of them came from Zhulin Salt Farm, 39 mu from

Hailu Village, 278 mu from Dongcun Village, 280 mu fromDakan Village. Land

acquisition will be completed in June. By August, house demolition will be completed.

The affected will build their own house.

Time: 2014-April-17 Interviewee: Ye Shengjin Villager from Dongcun Village

Content: There are 4 people in the family. We work on the farm or work in the cities. We have

1.6 mu contracted land for farming. We support the project. Hope to have the road as

soon as possible.

Time: 2014-April-17

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Interviewee: Ye Guoqi Villager from Dongcun Village

Content: I used to be a worker for a state-owned enterprise. Now retired. Surely support the

construction of the road. The earlier the road is built, the better.

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3 Qinzhou Port Xincheng Urban Road Network and Related

Infrastructure Component

3.1 Project Background

The Qinzhou Port Xincheng Urban Road and Related Infrastructures Component is composed

of: No.1 Road (northern section); No.2 Road Northern Section (Phase II); No. 3 Road Northern

Section (Phase II); 1st Street; 3rd Street (Phase II); Jingu Outer Ring Road (Phase II), with a total of 6

urban roads, three vertical, two horizontal and one ring road, and total length of 12.208 km, including

traffic lights, drainage, sewerage pipeline and landscaping. The Dalanping No. 1 road northern section

has is a Class I Urban main road 2,890.323m long, 60m wide. The designed speed is 60 km/h.

An updated resettlement plan for No.1 Road (northern section) has been completed.

3.2 Current Status for Resettlement No. 1 road is to affect a total of 462 households and 1,628 persons. House demolition will affect

53 households and 208 persons, whose land, at the same time, are also acquisition. To maintain the

social relationship of affected persons and the continuity of their living and work habit, their

demolished houses will be compensated according to relevant compensation standards for land

acquisition and house demolition in the project area in Qinzhou city. There are two ways of

compensations: the first one is “monetary compensation” for affected persons to purchase new

apartments in the resettlement community; the second way is to provide them with permanent

Residential Plot Land to build new houses. The new site is arranged by the construction and planning

office of Qinzhou Port Economic and Technological Zone and is located in the new urban area of

Qinzhou Port. Before the resettlement community is completed, Qinzhou municipal government has

built transitional houses for their temporary resettlement. The affected persons are provided with

CNY200/month/person living subsidy and zero rate for electricity and water until they are relocated to

new resettlement houses. Currently, these affected persons are living in the transitional houses.

No.3 Road (northern section - phase II) is a 1.3-km north-south road which starts from city

belt in Gangkou district to the first phase of this subproject. As a major urban road, with a 50m

ROW, an estimated speed of 50km/h, the construction of the road planned to begin in Jun, 2015 and

to finish before the end of 2016. The content of the construction includes road construction, bridges

and culverts, drainage works, transportation facilities, lighting facility and landscaping. Construction

is scheduled to started in Sept. 2015 and complete at the end of 2016.

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The 4-road project includes No. 2 road north(phase II) , No.1 Ave, No.3 Ave., and Jingu city

belt (phase II). With a total length of 8.57km, this secondary urban road will be constructed with a

Row of 40-60 m and an estimated speed of 40-60km/h. According to the schedule, the construction

will begin in Sept. 2015 and finish before the end of 2016. The content includes road construction,

bridges and culverts, drainage works, transportation facilities, lighting facility and landscaping.

3.3 Project Impacts This project involves a 2026.9959 mu of land acquisition, 74587.25 ㎡ of residential and 1406.7

㎡ nonresidential house demolition. A total of 733 households and 2824 persons are affected. Among

them, 733 households and 2824 persons are affected by land acquisition (all being the collective land).

178 households and 754 persons are affected by house demolition.

3.4 Resettlement Progress Q. Progress of Land Aacquisition

As of 31th. Jul. 2015, the project has acquired a total land of 805.0498 mu. Progress of land

acquisition is listed in Table 3-1 to 3-4. 683 households or 2144 persons are affected. 93.2% of the

total is completed. A summary of households affected by land acquisition is listed in Table 3-5.

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Table 3-1 Progress of land acquisition in No. 1 road (northern section)(as of 31th Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage(%)

Town Village Farmland Woodland Construction


State-owned land


Farm land

Woodland Constru

ction land

State-owned land


mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu %

Jingu Jingu Cluster 1

(hamlet 1 & 2) 31.176 0 7.331 0 38.507 31.176 0 7.331 0 38.507 100.00%

Jingu Cluster 2

(hamlet 3 & 4) 16.205 0 13.655 0 29.86 16.205 0 13.655 0 29.86 100.00%

Jingu Cluster 3

(hamlet 5 & 6) 54.898 165.772 2.236 0 222.906 54.898 165.772 2.236 0 222.906 100.00%

Jingu Cluster 5 (hamlet 8)

66.501 20.866 0 0 87.367 66.501 20.866 0 0 87.367 100.00%

Jingu Community

Cluster 1-5 64.012 0 0 0 64.012 64.012 0 0 0 64.012 100.00%

Jingu Community 8.98 0 0 0 8.98 8.98 0 0 0 8.98 100.00%

Sub-Total 241.772 186.638 23.222 0 451.632241.77

2 186.638 23.222 0 451.632 100.00%

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Table 3-2 Progress of land acquisition in No. 3 Road (northern section - phase II)(as of 31th Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage


Village Paddy land

Wood land

Sloping field

Fish Pond



Paddy land

Wood land

Sloping field

Fish Pond


Sub-Total (%)

mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu


Jingu Cluster 1(hamlet 1 & 2)

8.989 44.78 10.854 64.623 0 0 0 0

Jingu Cluster (hamlet 11)

45.4351 55.435 47.7302 9.9817 9.76 168.342 68.8074 7.6926 58.68 135.18

Jingu Community 54.4241 100.215 47.7302 20.8357 9.76 232.97 68.8074 7.6926 58.68 0 0 135.18

Xinlian Cluster (hamlet 1 &2)

26.61 26.61 54.4972 54.4972

Xinlian Cluster (hamlet 8)

2.2426 4.7379 6.9805 3.9541 15.8165 19.7706

Xinlian Cluster (hamlet 9)

3.083 20.116 2.5894 0.25 26.0384 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0


Community5.3256 20.116 7.3273 26.61 0.25 59.629 54.4972 3.9541 15.8165 0 0 74.2678

Total 59.7497 120.331 55.0575 47.4457 10.01 292.594 123.3046 11.6467 74.4965 0 0 209.4478 71.6%

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Table 3-3 Progress of land acquisition in 4 Roads

Planned Actual Percentage


Village Paddy land

Sloping field

Wood land

Fish Pond




Paddy land

Sloping field

Wood land

Fish Pond





mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu Jingu

hamlet 1 72.25 0 313.07 0 0 3 388.32 61.21 61.21

hamlet 2 13.65 0 109.75 1.06 0 5.06 129.52 13.08 13.08

hamlet 3 15.98 0 42.76 0 1.24 0 59.98 1.46 1.46 hamlet 4 23.89 6.23 121.1 0 0 1.31 152.53 0 0 hamlet 5 4.23 1.36 80.44 0 0 4.31 90.34 0 0 hamlet 6 0 0 13 0 0 0 13 0 0 hamlet 7 13.79 1.29 10.16 0 0 0 25.24 40.64 40.64 hamlet 8 50.78 23.32 15.63 4.86 0 17.48 112.07 0 0 hamlet 11 0 0


Community Subtotal

194.57 32.2 705.91 5.92 1.24 31.16 971 116.39 0 0 0 0 0 116.39


Hamlet 3 39.48 0 0 20.46 0 0 59.94 27.58 27.58

Hamlet 4 4.05 0 0 0 0 0 4.05 0 0

Hamlet 7 148.21 0 0 0 0 1.13 149.33 0 0

Hamlet 8 8.51 14.93 66.88 0 0 2.63 92.95 0 0

Hamlet 9 5.5 0 0 0 0 0 5.5 0 0


Community Subtotal

205.75 14.93 66.88 20.46 0 3.76 311.77 27.58 0 0 0 0 0 27.58

Total 400.32 47.13 772.79 26.38 1.24 34.92 1282.77 143.97 0 0 0 0 0 143.9

7 11.2%

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Table 3-4 Summary on Land Acquisition (as of 31th Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Sub-total Percentage(%)

Component Farm land

Wood land

Construction land

Fish Pond



nd Wood land

Construction land

Fish Pond

mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu

No. 1 Road (northern section)



23.222 0 451.63



186.64 23.222 0 451.632 100.0%

No.3 Street (North section

phase II)




Sloping Land

Fish Pond



Paddy Land

Wood Land

Sloping Land

Fish Pond



97 120.33

1 55.057

5 47.44

57 10.01





0 0 0 209.4478 71.6%

4 roads



Sloping Land

Wood Land

Fish Pond





Paddy Land

Sloping Land


Fish Pond



stead Sub-total


247.13 772.79 26.38 1.24 34.92


143.97 0 0 0 0 0 143.97 11.2%

Total 1927.4

449 805.0498 39.7%

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Table 3-5 A summary of Households Affected by Land Acquisition(As of 31th Jul. 2015) Planned Actual percentage

Component Township Village Farm land

Farmland Acquisition

House-holds Population

Farmland Acquisition

House holds Population


mu mu HHs Person mu HHs Person No. 1 Road (northern section) Jingu

Jingu Cluster 1(hamlet 1 & 2)

31.176 134 460 31.176 134 460 100.0% 100.0%

Jingu Cluster 2(hamlet 3 & 4)

16.205 95 305 16.205 95 305 100.0% 100.0%

Jingu Cluster 3(hamlet 5 & 6)

54.898 117 427 54.898 117 117 100.0% 100.0%

Jingu Cluster 5(hamlet 8 )

66.501 63 228 66.501 63 228 100.0% 100.0%

Jingu Community Cluster 1-5

64.012 64.012 100.0%

Jingu Community 8.98 8.98 100.0%

Total 241.772 409 1420 241.772 409 1110 100.0% 100.0% No.3 Street (North section phase II)

Jingu hamlet 1 & 2

8.989 15 66 0 63 240 363.64% 0.0%

Jingu hamlet 11 45.4351 47 202 68.8074 79 256 126.73% 151.4%

Subtotal 54.4241 62 268 68.8074 142 496 185.07% 126.4%

Xinlian hamlet1&2 0 0 54.4972 35 115

Xinlian hamlet8 2.2426 4 18 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0%

Xinlian hamlet9 3.083 8 34 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0%

Subtotal 5.3256 12 52 54.4972 35 115 221.15% 1023.3%

Total 59.7497 74 320 123.3046 177 611 190.94% 206.4%

4 roads Jingu hamlet 1 72.25 37 160 61.21 31 135 84.38% 84.7%

Jingu hamlet 2 13.65 37 162 13.08 35 155 95.68% 95.8%

Jingu hamlet 3 15.98 15 63 1.46 2 6 9.52% 9.1%

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Planned Actual percentage

Component Township Village Farm land

Farmland Acquisition

House-holds Population

Farmland Acquisition

House holds Population


mu mu HHs Person mu HHs Person

Jingu hamlet 4 23.89 18 82 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0%

Jingu hamlet 5 4.23 24 104 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0%

Jingu hamlet 6 0 0 0 0

Jingu hamlet 7 13.79 10 43 40.64 29 127 295.35% 294.7%

Jingu hamlet 8 50.78 48 210 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0%

Jingu hamlet 11 0

Subtotal 194.57 189 824 116.39 97 423 51.3% 59.8%

Xinlian hamlet 3 39.48 0 0 27.58 0 0 69.9%

Xinlian hamlet 4 4.05 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%

Xinlian hamlet 7 148.21 30 131 0 0 0 0 0.0%

Xinlian hamlet 8 8.51 26 106 0 0 0 0 0.0%

Xinlian hamlet 9 5.5 5 23 0 0 0 0 0.0%

Subtotal 205.75 61 260 27.58 0 0 0 13.4%

Total 400.32 250 1084 143.97 97 423 39.0% 36.0%

Sum 701.8417 733 2824 509.0466 683 2144 93.2% 72.5%

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R. Progress of Relocation Construction Land acquisition and house demolition began in August 2011. So far, land acquisition and

house demolition in the construction site of the Dalanping No. 1 road northern sectionhas been

completed. 11278.6 ㎡ of houses were demolished, affecting 53 households in 32 buildings. The

affected persons are now living in the temporary resettlement area with well equipped facilities

making their life easy. Currently, the permanent relocation houses are under construction. These 53

households are now living in the temporary housing resettlement. The progress for relocation is listed

in Table 3-6. Nonresidential houses affected are listed in Table 3-7

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Table 3-6 The Progress for Relocation(as of 31th Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage Note Project Component



Community/ village

Rural Area


Rural Area


Relocation Site HHs Relocated

Area household

HHs person ㎡ HHs person ㎡ HHs % %

No.1 Road (northern section)


Jingu Jingu (1,2,3,5)

53 208 11278.6 53 208 11278.6

To the east of north section (Danliao street) of Dalanping No.1 road and to the west of the No.2 road in Qinzhou port, north to No.1 street and south to No.3 street.

0 0 0

53 HHs are in transitional relocation.

No.3 Road (northern section - phase II)

Jingu hamlet 11 33 143 17044.48

Xinlian hamlet 9

2 10 587.4

Subtotal 35 153 17631.88 4 roads Jingu hamlet 1 10 43 5482

Jingu hamlet 2 18 81 9041 Jingu hamlet 4 1 5 1000 Jingu hamlet 5 16 70 10630 Jingu hamlet 8 27 116 8748.77

Jingu community Subtotal

72 314 34901.77

Xinlian Hamlet 7 5 25 2725 Xinlian Hamlet 8 13 53 8050

Xinlian community subtotal

18 78 10775

Sum. 90 393 45676.77


178 754 74587.2


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Table 3-7 Nonresidential Houses Affected(4 Roads)

Plan Actual

Hamlet Brick-



tile Subtotal


NumbersHHs Person


concrete Brick-tile Subtotal


Numbers HHs Person

㎡ ㎡ ㎡ No. HHs person ㎡ ㎡ ㎡ No. HHs person

Jingu 1 493 20 513 5 5 20 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jingu 2 78 120 198 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jingo 8 175.28 520.4 695.65 12 8 38 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 746.28 660.4 1406.7 19 14 63 0 0 0 0 0 0

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3.5 Relocation Policy S. Policy for Land Acquisition

According to Unified Standard of Annual Output Value Document issued by the People's

Government of Qinzhou in 2010, the compensation standards are 20 times of multiplier for land

compensation, resettlement subsidy and standing crops. All compensation shall be paid to the affected

households. The compensation rate for collective land (calculated based on 20 times of multiplier) is

equivalent to the replacement value and also acceptable to the affected households. Compensation

Rate of Collective Land can be found in Table 3-8 and Table 3-9. Samples of compensation contract

are listed in Table 3-10.

Table 3-8 Compensation Rate of Collective Land Items Planned Actual

No.1 Road

(northern section)

No. 3 Road

(northern section - phase II)

4 roads

No.1 Road

(northern section)

No. 3 Road

(northern section - phase II)

4 roads

Paddy Land CNY / mu 41,400 45,400 45,400 41,400 41,400 41,400

Dry Land CNY / mu 36,200 36,200 36,200 36,200

Vegetable Land

CNY / mu 32,000 32,000

Orchard Land

CNY / mu 32,000 32,000

Fish Pond CNY / mu 35,000 39,000 39,000 35,000

Grassland CNY / mu 32,000 32,000 30,000 30,000

Residential Plot Land

CNY / mu 40,000 39,000 39,000 40,000

Table 3-9 Components in Compensation Standard in Land Acquisition

(No. 3 road & 4 roads)

Paddy Land Dry (sloping)

LandWoodland and

othersBenchmark CNY/mu 35000 30000 25000

Crop CNY/mu 1400 1200 0

Encouragement CNY/mu 5000 5000 5000

Subtotal CNY/mu 41400 36200 30000

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Table 3-10 Land Acquisition (Samping in Jul. 2015)



Total compensation


Village Paddy Land

Dry (sloping) Land

Woodland and others

Paddy Land

Dry (sloping) Land

mu CNY/m

u mu


mu CNY/m

u CNY/mu CNY/mu CNY/mu

Jingu Hamlet 1&2 146.096 35000 426.4299 30000 90.32 25000 1400 1200 5000 24194736.78 20140423

Jingu Hamlet 11 83.5282 35000 82.0401 30000 10.248 25000 1400 1200 5000 6735359.1 20150625

Xinlian Hamlet 8 0 35000 15.8165 30000 3.9541 25000 1400 1200 5000 691180.3 20150623

Xinlian Hamlet 1 &2 54.4972 35000 0 30000 0 25000 1400 1200 5000 2256184.08 20150506

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T. House Relocation Policy House demolition compensations are listed in Table 3-11.

Table 3-11 Compensation Standards for House Demolition Planned Actual

No. 1 road

No.3 road (north section phase II)

4 roads

No. 1 road

No.3 road (north section phase II)

4 roads

Brick-concrete structure CNY/㎡ 1050 815 815 1050

Brick-tile structure CNY/㎡ 700 600 600 700

Sun-dried mud brick structure CNY/㎡ 600 600

Relocation subsidy CNY/㎡ (CNY/person) 20 500 500 20

Temporary Transit Allowance CNY/person/month 200 200 200 200

Working Day Loss Allowance CNY/HHs 300 300

3.6 Income and Livelihood Restoration Program U. Social Economic Status of Affected Area

In 2013, Qinzhou city GDP reached CNY 75 billion, an increase of 9%; above scale industrial

output value of CNY 111.5 billion, an increase of 2%; CNY 56 billion in fixed assets investment, an

increase of 35%; local public finance budget revenue CNY 4.2 billion, an increase of 25%; disposable

income of urban residents CNY 23,760 per capita, an increase of 10%; net income of farmers CNY

8,140 per capita, a growth of 14%. Family and population village affected is the rural household

registration (Hukou), including 46.27% women. Average family population is 4.4 people per

household. Among the total population affected, labor force accounted for 65.83%. Employment

situation is: 6% of the affected are engaged in the third industry, 50% in agricultural and sideline, 44%

in non-agricultural work. Meanwhile, they also use agricultural slack season to serve as migrant

workers. Women also out in temporary work. Some young people go out for seasonal labor. For all

the survey population, except agricultural production, 70% people are engaged in seasonable labor,

which actually is the main income resource. Other occupations, such as going to nearby factories or

enterprises for seasonable labors account for 5%.

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V. Sampling Design 15 sample households were selected randomly in the baseline survey. Sample households were

listed in Table 3-12.

Table 3-12 Sample households

Township/ Community Hamlet Household

Jingu Community of Qinzhou Port 1 4

2 3

3 2 Xinlian Community of Qinzhou Port 6

Total 15

W. Sample Household Survey The per capita income of the sample households ranges between CNY 4000 and CNY 66000 in


Sample households are from two communities with an average population 4.2 persons per

household. Per capita income in 2013 is CNY 18,411,per household income CNY 71, 600(Jingu

Community). Per capita income in 2014 is CNY 18,816,per household income CNY 79, 026(Jingu

Community and Xinlian Community). The average farmland per capita currently is 2.42 mu, The

average farmland acquired per capita is 0.71 mu, which is 29% of the farmland. (Note: Land

acquisition here includes cultivated farmland and non-cultivated farmland.) The income and resources

of sample households are listed in Table 2-13.

In the survey in 2013 to 9 sample households, there are 10TVs, 9 fridges, 9 washing machines, 0

tracors, 9 motorcycles, 0 pumps, 200 head of livestocks, 0 internet, 21 telephones, and 7 cars.

In the survey in 2014, as we found in 15 sample households, there are 15TVs, 15 fridges, 14

washing machines, 1 tracors, 13 motorcycles, 6 pumps, 200 head of livestocks, 9 internet, 47

telephones, and 9 cars.

Family Property of sample households is listed in Table 2-14.

As of 31th Jul. 2015, land acquisition of 15 household in the sample pool has been completed.

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Table 3-13 The Income and Resources of Sample Households (As of 31th Jul. 2015)



Name HHs



Before LA

Land Acquisition


ure Odd Jobs Subtotal

Farm land

Dry land



Farm land

Dry land

Orchard Sub-total


Claim Time

Income per head

CNY CNY CNY mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu CNY

Jingu 3 Lin Hui 5 0 120000 120000 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 24000

Jingu 2 Wu Songkang 5 800 296000 296800 6 0 0 6 5 0 5 59360

Jingu 1 Liu Xinhan 3 800 199000 199800 5 0 0 5 4 0 0 4


Jingu 2 Liu Nairong 3 1600 58000 59600 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 19867

Jingu 1 Liu Quanhan 4 0 70000 70000 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 17500

Jingu 2 Liu Naisheng 4 0 40000 40000 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1


Jingu 1 Liu Dehan 4 1600 79000 80600 5 0 0 5 3 0 0 3 20150

Jingu 3 Liu Zijin 4 0 40000 40000 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 10000

Jingu 1 Liu Cuihan 3 1600 120000 121600 4 0 0 4 3 0 0 3



Su Huangkang 4 8000 12000 20000 3 10.5 1.5 15





Su Fenkang 8 8000 22000 30000 5 20






Liu Julong 5 8000 22000 30000

18 2 20





Liu Jianyou 5 8000 12000 20000







Su Jingkang 5 0 50000 50000







Liu Xiuying 1 0 7000 7000







63 38400 1147000 1185400 36 113.5 3.5 153 21 24 0 45 0 0 18816

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Table 3-12 Family Property of Sample Households (As of 31th Jul. 2015)



Name HHs

Population Floor Space

TV Ice box

Washing machine


Motor Pump Stocks Internet

Phone Auto

mobile Others Note

Person ㎡ Set Set Set Set Set Set Head Spot Set

Jingu 3 Liu Hui 5 1000 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 forklifts 5 Jingu 2 Wu Songkang 5 700 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 forklifts 5 Jingu 1 Liu Xinjian 3 600 2 1 1 1 200 1 2 1 Pig raising 3 Jingu 2 Liu Nairong 3 500 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 Jingu 1 Liu Quanhan 4 500 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 Jingu 2 Liu Naisheng 4 500 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 Jingu 1 Liu Dehan 4 700 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 Jingu 3 Liu Zijin 4 450 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 Jingu 1 Liu Cuihan 3 500 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 truck 3 Xinlian Su Huangkang 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 4 Xinlian Su Fenkang 8 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 1 8 Xinlian Liu Juyou 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 0 5 Xinlian Liu Jianyou 5 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 5 Xinlian Su Jingkang 5 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 1 5 Xinlian Liu Xiuying 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

Subtotal 63 5450 16 15 14 1 13 6 200 10 47 9 63

Per HH 4.2 363.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.4 13.3 0.7 3.1 0.6 4.2

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3.7 House Relocation No.1 Road (northern section) project needs to demolish in the ROW 32 buildings, affecting 53

households, among which 48 households were relocated in the temporary resettlement community.

The affected reaidents are satisfied with the living condition there.

The permanent relocation program is being carried out. In Phase I of the program, 80,000 ㎡ of

farmers’ relocation is under construction, among which 40,000 ㎡(226 apartments on 17 stories of 4

building) have completed the marshaling, rendering of interior and exterior walls and partial water

and electricity installation. The foundation works of the rest have been completed.

House relocation includes cash resettlement, residential plot resettlement and apartment


“Cash” compensation: For those qualified households, compensation will be paid to their

house and their residential plot land. The compensation will be based on full replacement value.

Compensation to house foundation shall be determined on the basis of the assessment of the real estate

market. If the residential plot land is less tham 100 square meters, 60% of the total compensation will

be evaluated and paid on the conditions of regional situation in accordance with the state-owned land

to land evaluation also on the time basis when the relocation accouncement was released. If the

residential plot land exceeds 100 square meters, compensation will be paid to the current standard of

collective land acquisition.

Residential plot land relocation: Each household affected can only be relocated to one piece

residential plot land at the standard of 30 ㎡ with a cap of 100 ㎡. For big families, households can be

split into smaller ones. But the split househols can only be relocated to apartments. All residential plot

land will be planned and constructed unifiedly into 3 and a half stories. The government will be

responsible for the planning, construction, road cement hardening, and water supplysewage and other

public facilities. The construction standard and deliver criteria will refer to those of the low-rent

homes in Qinzhou. The affected will pay tfor the relocation house at the construction cost.

Apartment relocation: Apartments can be devided into residential areas and commercial areas.

Residential areas refer to high-story residential apartments for habitation purpose; commercial

areas refer to the building used for commercial purposes. (1). Apartment can be put to eh market.

(2). The affected households can perchase the apartment at 60 ㎡ per capita for residential apartments

and 10 ㎡ per capita for commercial apartments. The price for the residential apartment is 650 CNY/

㎡, that for the commercial apartment 1000 CNY/ ㎡. (3). Special allowance will be offered to those

affected whose compensation for their current house and its attachments is lower than 30 CNY/ ㎡.

(4).On the relocation day, the government, as the lease for 3 years, will pay the commercial apartment

owners 30 CNY/ ㎡ per month. (5). The resident of the apartment relocation will be awarded CNY

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5000 per person, as an incentive subsidy for the payment of endowment insurance. (6). Residential

and commercial apartment will be unitedly planned, constructed and allocated, in accordance with the

national standard. (7).The government will be responsible for the infrastructure of the relocation sites,

including road cement hardening, lights, public facilities, parking lots, water supply sewage, gabage

disposal and other public facilities. (8). On construction area, apartment relocation can be devided into

three categories, that is, respectively 60, 90 and 120 m² apartments.

Transitional relocation and relocation allowance: (1). To collect the temporary transit allowance

to solve the transitional resettlement on theirselves. (2). To use the temporary transitional apartment.

In calculation of the legal cosnstruciton area, temporary transitional allowance will be paid 8 CNY/ m²

/month. The minimum allowance is 500 CNY/household. Difference will be made up. Temporary

transitional allowance will be 400 CNY/ person/month, when calculated by the population of the

household. If the relocated choose board room as transitional means, allowance will be 300


Employment Relocation: After land acquisition, those who were left with less than 0.3 mu

farmland will be provided with employment opportunities. Rural collective economic organizations

will choose either to relocate in the relocation housing or to relocate in employment land

relocation. In the former one, the organization shall apply in written form to the Land Acquisition

and relocation agencies with the approval form signed by two third of all residents. Government

will then offer the organization, free of charge, a certain area of living apartment at 30 m² / person, or

a certain area of commercial apartment at 10 m² / person. Those who choose the latter will be offer 60

m² per relocated person as employment land relocation.

3.8 Restoration of Infrastructure So far, infrastructure in temporary residential functions properly. The infrastructurein the

relocation sites are under construction.

3.9 Budget and Fund of Resettlement Guangxi Qinzhou Linhai Industry Investment Co., Ltd. is responsible for raising fund for

land acquisition and resettlement. The fund for Resettlement Compensation can meet the needs of

land acquisition and house demolition. As of 31 Jul. 2015, for land acquisition and relocation

CNY 58,548,013 has been paid, which is 22.2% of the total budget. As of 31th Jul. 2015, IA has

paid to the affected the compensation for land acquisition. Fund used for land acquisition and

resettlement is presented in Table 3-14.

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Table 3-14 Fund Used for Land Acquisition and Resettlement (CNY)

Planned Actual Percentage

No.1 Road (northern section)

No. 3 Road (northern section - phase II) 4 roads Sub-Total

No.1 Road (northern section)

No. 3 Road (northern section - phase II) 4 roads Sub-Total

1. Land Compensation 16,269,820 11,859,629 52,646,019 80,775,468 47,000,000 9,102,297 660,000 56,762,297

2. House Compoensation 14,511,972 20,301,028 53,241,983 88,054,983 1,533,947 1,533,947

3. Special compensation for restoration and reconstruction

7,962,130 1,759,980 4,566,372 14,288,482 2,000 2,000

4. Other Cost 1,801,062 1,051,540 3,424,086 6,276,688 19,976 229,793 249,769

5. Land-Related Taxes 10,661,298 7,686,633 36,264,400 54,612,331 0

6. Price Contingencies 5,811,588 3,392,064 11,045,437 20,249,089 0

Total 57,017,870 46,050,874 161,188,297 264,257,041 48,553,923 9,102,297 891,793 58,548,013 22.2%

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3.10 Public Participation and Information Disclosure Great attention has been paid to public participation under the Project during the planning, and

resettlement report preparation and updating. Comments and suggestions on relocation site,

compensation and income restoration program have been provided from the affected Residents

Committee, government organizations, project management office, implementation agency, Design

Institute and other organizations. Updating of the resettlement plan is based on the above. During the

Project implementation phase, PMO, IA and RO will encourage local residents to involve in the land

acquisition and livelihood rehabilitation and income restoration process.

3.11 Complaints and Appeals Table 3-15 Problems in Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Time Items Solutions Completion

Jan. 2013 Long transitional period

Quicken the construction of relocations

Construction of apartment relocation 70% completed; residential plot land 30% completed.

Feb. 2014 No working skills

Training Completed six round training on Machinery, automotive, electrical. Recruit about 180 persons.

Mar. to Jun. 2014 Employment Offer working opportunities

Dongfang Resource, Dayang crops and oil, free trade zone, sanitation section recuited 200 workers.

Aug. 2014 Low compensation

Further negotiation and job training.

3.12 Vulnerable Groups The Resettlement Plan: The needs and interests of vulnerable groups, special attention will be

given to them, particularly the potential difficulties faced by vulnerable people in affected areas in

resettlement planning and implementation. The PMO and IA will supervise implementation to ensure

these vulnerable persons receive adequate compensation, house selection, social security plan, special

fund and MLG. Assistances on training with free charge, employment, and micro-credit will be

provided to them by the QMG, PMO and IA to restore their living conditions and incomes. During

resettlement phase, the women-headed households and disabled and elderly people will be given

priority to choose the house, floor and type of houses, and the QMG and IA will also provide

assistance on the relocation.

Monitoring and evaluation: Attention was paid to the interest of the vulnerable groups. For

example: residential subsidies were offered to the affected households whose house compensation was

lower than CNY 30 m² per person.

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3.13 Organization and Administration The project leading group is established within the Qinzhou Municipal Government with the

Project Management Office as the secretariat communicating with government of Qinzhou Port

District. Qinzhou House Demolishment Administration Office of Qinzhou Land Resources Bureau is

responsible for land acquisition and relocation. Guangxi Qinzhou Linhai Industrial and Investment

Company Ltd. is the PIC. Under the IA, there is a resettlement office, responsible for land acquisition

and resettlement. Project management office of different levels established regulations and staffed

with sufficient experience workers. Qinzhou Project Management Office directed Port District

Government, Resettlement Office from Qinzhou Land Resources Bureau. Implementation agency also

set up a resettlement office for land acquisition and relocation.

3.14 Conlusion and Suggestions X. Conclusion (1)Relocation sites are settled. But the construction of relocation houses is in slow progress.

Household affected by No. 1 road are living too long in transition spots. (2)Compared to the plan, progress in land acquisition and house demolition is quite slow.

Y. Suggestions

(1) Qinzhou Municipal government shall settle the construction fun for land acquisitionand

relocation, which deserve futher atten tion from Qinzhou municipal government. The Project

component in Qinzhou shall not influence the whole ADB project in Guangxi.

(2) The construction of relocation site shall be quickened, so that the affected 53 households can

move in as soon as possible. (Prior to 30, June 2016)

(3) An internal monitoring and evaluation mechanism shall be established as soon as possible.

3.15 Interview Record Time: 2015-aug.-6 Interviewee: Hua Weigang HDAO Content: Now we are engaged in great amount of measuring work. When negotiating with the

affected, we come across great difficulties because they ask for more compensation, much more than the compensation standard. In measuring, we are still faced with border disputes, which is no easy to handle. Resettlement is complicated, for the affected raise requirement on the location and standard in resettlement. We have so far completed 430 set rooms, with 369 more to build. To finish that in 3 years is not an easy job. For the 53 households in transition, they will move to their new residential before 30 Jun. 2016.

Time: 2015-aug.-6 Interviewee: Su Xiangkang Director of Xinlian CommunityContent: We lost more than 30 mu land in No.3 Road land acquisition. The compensation

arrived in March this year. There are 8 affected households. The standard? Paddy 35,000CNY/mu, dry 30,000 cny/mu, woodland 25,000. Villagers are quite supportive

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for the project. In our community we have a population of 600 persons, 7,000 mu land. The whole community is composed of 9 hamlets, average income is 2,000CNY per person. We do not have minorities in the community. We have 30 MLG households. My family? 5 members 10 mu land, yearly income CNy30,000. We got the compensation for the 4 mu land acquisition. We support the program.

Time: 2015-aug.-6 Interviewee: Wu Zichun Director of Jingu CommunityContent: The 53 households in transition are still there. No. they do not have any complaint to

make. The transitional living standard is high, and what’s more, they have allowance. They may move in the next spring. 170 households in our community have signed the contract. The standard is 41,400cny/mu for the dry land 36,200cny/mu, for the woodland 30,000 cny/mu. This includes 5,000cny/mu allowance and 1,400cny/mu for crops. We all got the money.

The following are the interview in the previous visit. Time: 2014-July-15 Interviewee: Zhai Caijia Content: Since April 2014, land acquisition and relocation work has been at a standstill. The

main reason is there is no money. Those 53 households affected can move in the new house before 30 June 2015. But applications shall be made to the municipal government for this priority.

Time: 2014-July-15 Interviewee: Wu Zichun Party secretary of Jingu Community Content: No progress has been made so far, as land acquisition and house demolition is

concerned. Hope to speed up the land acquisition and relocation.

Time: 2014-April -11 Interviewee: Director of Qinzhou House Demolishment Administration Office Content: We began at 2011 for No. 1 road. More than 50 households was affected. We follow

Qinzhou regulations about land acquisition and house demolition. So far, the affected household are in transition. Actually they have 3 options. Cash compensation, residential plot land relocation and apartment relocation. They can pick any one. Now the apartment relocation is almost done. By the end of June 2014, people can move in. Residential plot land is under construction, very possible to be completed by the end of the year. Problem for now? Money.

Time: 2014-April -11 Interviewee: Wu Zichun Party secretary of Jingu CommunityContent: No. 1 road is completed. 53 households are staying in the transitional apartment.

Transitional apartment is fine with all the facilities. People feel ok about that, still they want to move in quicker. Land acquisition? Partly completed. 8 hamlets are affected. Compensation standard of land acquisition? We have Qinzhou Policy. The affected will have every penny. With these money, people buy trucks for transportation business; some may buy fishing tools. Land acquisition announcement was issued in April 2011. We did a lot of PR during the land acquisition and house demolition. Millions meetings were held. People affected came. Women came too. The income here? People fish, do some earthwork, and run some small business. The construction project? Everyone knows it is good.

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4. Fangchenggang City Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road and

Fangchenggang Maoling WWTP

4.1 Project Background (1) Fangchenggang City Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road Component:i) 16.13 km of urban

roads and Related Infrastructure, including 32.3 km drainage pipeline, traffic lights, and landscaping.

(2) Fangchenggang Maoling WWTP Component:A wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of

30,000 t/day, 24km of sewerage pipeline network, pumping station, sludge treatment facility, power

supply system and automatic control system, and office and other plant ancillaries.

4.2 The Overall Situation about Relocation Material measuring survey for Fangchenggang City Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road

Component began from Dec. 2013. It is now still in progress. Participants including HDAO,

Fangcheng Township Government, Jiangshan Township Government have measured all the

households, hamlets and villages in the ROW. The survey results on the land and houses will be

signed by Fangchenggang House Demolishment Administration Office (FHDAO), Township

Government, Village Committees, and the affected households. The survey results pave way for the

land acquisition and relocation.

Willingness and opinions of the affected considered, FHDAO signed Land Acquisition Contract

with related villages and hamlets in accordance with “The Unify Standard of Annual Value of

Production in LA Issued By Fangchenggang Government” , “ The Notice of compensation

adjustment for the permanent collective land acquisition in Fangchenggang City”. Contracts clarified

the boundary, land area, compensation standard, payment, responsibilities etc. Currently, land

acquisition is in progress. Acquisition of 1302.698 mu collective land has been completed. House to

be demolished is being measured. The relocation is being planned.

The management mechanism of land acquisition and house demolition: Fangchenggang City

Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road and Related Infrastructures Project Construction Headquarter

(FPCH) is responsible for raising fund for land acquisition and resettlement and to coordinate in issues

related to land acquisition and house demolition during construction. FHDAO takes overall

responsibilities for the implementation of the land acquisition and relocation.

Fangcheng Township Government and Jiangshan Township Government are responsible for the

land acquisition and relocation within the jurisdiction.

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Fangcheng District Urban Construction & Investment Co., Ltd., as PIC, is responsible for the

construction and raising fund for the project. FLRB is responsible for land acquisition and Maoling

Township Governemtn is responsible for the implementation.

4.3 Impacts of the Project Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road Project Component will mainly involve land acquisition and

structure demolishment inShuiying Village, Liyujiang Village, Dawangjiang Village of Fangcheng

Township, andJiangshan Village and Shanjiao Village of Jiangshan Township, Fangcheng District,

Fangchenggang City. 429 mu state-owned land will be acquired permanently, as well as 1444 mu

collective land, including 640.538 mu farmland, 44.36%. Permanent land acquisition will affect 418

households or 2,339 persons. A total of 15,949 m² of residential houses will be demolished, relocating

77 households or 448 persons.

Fangchenggang City Maoling WWTP Project Component will mainly involve acquisition of

56.441 mu pond, affecting 25 households or 177 persons. Two Janitor's Rooms will be demolished.

4.4 Progress of Land Acquisition Z.Progress of Land Acquisition:

As of 31 Jul. 2015, the project component has completed acquiring 1302.698 mu, including

659.014 mu farmland, 803.43mu non-farmland. Progress of land acquisition is listed in Table 4-1.

Land Acquisition affected 2246 households or 10074 persons, which is 507.0% of the expected. The

reason for this data exposion is wrong estimation in the original M&R plan. Affected households are

listed in Table 4-2.

AA.Progress of House Demolition Progress for residential house demolition is listed in Table 4-3, progress for non-residential

house demolistion is listed in Table 4-4.

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Table 4-1 Progress of Land Acquisition (Prior to 31 Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage

Project Component

District Township Village Farmland Non-


State-owned Land

Total LA FarmlandNon-



Total LA

mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu % Fangcheng-Jiangshan

Urban Road

Fangcheng District

Fangcheng Township

Shuiying Village

20.288 11.662 0 0 31.95 21.233 0 0 12.822 34.055 106.59

Fangcheng Township

Liyujiang Village

172.13 57.458 0 0 229.588 157.24 0 0 45.007 202.247 88.09

Fangcheng Township

Dawangjiang Village

158.12 141.41 0 0 299.53 158.122 0 0 92.91 251.032 83.81

Jiangshan Township

Jiangshan Village

123.93 372.151 0 0 496.081 127.135 20 0 268.543 415.678 83.79

Jiangshan Township

Shanjiao Village

166.07 220.749 0 0 386.819 167.064 10 0 194.402 371.466 96.03

State-owned 0 0 0 429 429 0 0 0

Sub-Total 640.538 803.43 0 429 1872.968 630.794 30 0 613.684 1274.478 68.05

Maoling WWTP

Fishpond Acquired

Sha’ao Village

56.44 0 0 0 56.441 28.22 0 0 0 28.22 50.00%

Total 464.8 381.55 154.86 248.8 1250.041 659.014 16.87 248.8 1272.698 101.81 Note: CL refers to “Construction Land” in this table.

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Table 4-2 Affected Households (Prior to 31 Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage Project Component Township Village

Total Farmland

Farmland Acquired

Land Acquired

Person Affected

Farmland Acquired

Land Acquired

Person Affected

mu mu Household Person mu Household Person %Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road

Fangcheng Township

Shuiying Village

20.288 18 92 21.233 67 301 372.2%

Fangcheng Township

Liyujiang Village

172.13 83 426 157.24 469 2110 565.1%

Fangcheng Township

Dawangjiang Village

158.12 82 428 158.122 400 1800 487.8%

Jiangshan Township

Jiangshan Village

123.93 123 700 127.135 625 2800 508.1%

Jiangshan Township

Shanjiao Village

166.07 112 693 167.064 672 3024 600.0%


429 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%

Sub-Total 1069.538 418 2339 630.794 2233 10035 534.2%

Maoling WWTP

Fishpond Acquired

Sha’ao Village

56.44 25 77 28.22 13 39 52.0%

Total Total 1125.978 443 2416 659.014 2246 10074 507.0%

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Table 4-3 Progress for Residential House Demolition (Prior to 31 Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage

Township Township Village Rural Sub-Total

Rural Sub-Total

Relocation Relocated Land Area


HHs person HHs person ㎡ HHs % % Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road

Fangcheng Fangcheng Shuiying 2 18 468.7 2 9 580 0 123.7

5 100.00

Liyujiang 20 133 5030 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dawangjiang 31 189 5850 3 14 750 0 12.82 9.68

Jiangshan Jiangshan 8 35 1600 0 0 0 0 0 0

Shanjiao 16 73 3000 2 9 910 0 30.33 12.50

Sub-Total 77 448 15949 7 32 2240 0 14.05 9.09

Maoling WWTP 2 8 177 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 79 456 16125.31 7 32 2240 0 0 14.05 8.86

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Table 4-4 Progress for Non-residential House Demolistion (Prior to 31 Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentag


Project Component Village Households Persons Room

s Houses Households Persons


Houses households

HHs Person Room ㎡ HHs Person Room ㎡

Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road

Shuiying 2 18 13 111

Liyujiang 21 137 122 1157

Dawangjiang 33 196 191 1910

Jiangshan 10 43 45 480

Shanjiao 19 87 89 885

Subtotal 85 481 460 4543

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4.5 Relocation Policy BB. Land Acquisition Policy

Collective land acquisition will be compensated at the standard of 25000CNY/mu regardless of

their location, nature.

The compensation of land acquisition and resettlement for state-owned agricultural, forest,

animal husbandry, fishery land, is 70% of that for the collective land. Compensation to crops and

attachment to the ground is the same with the standard to that of collective land.

Employment arrangement: for those villages whose 70% of collective land and in which the

farmland per capital is lower than 0.3 mu, the local government will arrange their employment with

the following assistance:

1) Commercial and business assistance: Those affected households who choose this assistance

will enjoy a standard commercial shop at 15 ㎡ (on the first floor) or 30 ㎡ (on the second


2) Productive and development assistance: local government will offer those affected

households who choose this assistance a reserve land for collective production and

development. If the land is to be used for industrial purpose, the arrangement would be at no

more than 0.15 mu per capical; If the land is to be used for commercial purpose, the

arrangement would be at no more than 0.1 mu per capital.

The village or team will unify management of these commercial shops on shares or will divided

into households management independently. The production teams will unify the development and

construction of the collective production and delelopment land to solve the employment issue.

Incentive mechanism: For those who, within specified time, take the lead in signing the

compensation agreement on land acquisition and crops and who take the lead in signing the house

demolition agreement and move out the acquired house, would enjoy a priority, according to the

chronical sequence of the land delivery and house demolition, on choosing an apartment for transition,

on choosing residential homestead in the resettlement, on choosing the position of their commercial

shops and on the arrangement of employment.

The resettlement population includes the permanent agricultural population living in the range of

the land and construction acquired before the land acquisition announcement (including adults and

minor children). The resettlement population also includes the following family members who do not

have a permanent Hukou (residential registration): 1) soldiers in service whose Hukou was in the

range; 2) campus college students whose Hukou was in the range.

For those who choose resettlement in apartment, one more resettlement population can be added

to the households in the following circumstances: 1) married without child; 2) with a one-child


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When legitimate housing on collective land are acquired or demolished for additional land

acquisition and home demoli\tion reasons, in principle, they will be resettled into their own village or

team. For those households, government will offer the expenditure on the water, power, road

connection and land leveling, and will also issue free certificate for construction planning,

construction land planning and land use certificate. The affected population with less than 0.3 mu

farmland after land acquisition will receive training and enjoy social security.

Compensation standard for land acquisition is listed in Table 4-5. Conpensation standard for

temporary land acquisition is presented in Table 4-6.

Table 4-5 Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition



Maoling WWTP


Jiangshan Urban





Jiangshan Urban


Integrated Land Price

(CNY/mu) 25000 25000 25000 25000

Table 4-6 Conpensation Standard for Temporary Land Acquisition

Planned Actual

Maoling WWTP


Jiangshan Urban


Maoling WWTP


Jiangshan Urban


Paddy Land 746 Vegetable Field


Dry Land 700

Fishpond 4,481.00

Waste Land 0

Wood Land 1,242.00

Crops CNY/mu


Woods CNY/mu


Gardens CNY/mu


Sampling on the land acquisition is listed in table 4-7

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Table 4-7 compensation on land acquisition

Village Team Farm




Subtotal standard compensation households




mu mu mu CNY/mu CNY household

Jianshan Chashan 1 5.894 0.012 5.906 25000 147650 21 20141028

Jianshan Chashan 1 26.788 19.535 46.323 25000 1158075 34 20141028

Jianshan Fenshuiao 2.884 51.085 53.969 25000 1349225 25 20141028

Jianshan Fenshuiao 0.152 0 0.152 25000 3800 2 20141028

35.781 70.632 106.35 2658750 82

CC.House Relocation Policy The compensation to properties in lawful homes includes the relocation of telephone lines, web

lines, cable TV, water pipe, power lines, air-condition, solar heater and etc. and will be paid at the

standard described.

Residence relocation is to be arranged at the skirt of the city in the following ways:

1) Apartment resettlement: each affected households can apply to buy resettlement at 30 ㎡ per

person, at the same time each affected person can also apply to buy a subsidy house smaller

in size than 20 ㎡. This 30 ㎡ can be purchased at a price of 640CNY/㎡, for the part beyond

30 ㎡ or 20 ㎡, the cost would be 800 CNY/㎡. The compensation of the home demolition

would be detained to balance the cost of apartment resettlement till the resettlement

apartment is delivered to the affected households. When the compensation is less than the

apartment resettlement, the affected will pay the insufficient part.

2) Residential homestead resettlement: For those who choose this approach, local government

will arrange 25 ㎡ residential homestead resettlement site for each affected person. For small

households with less than 3 family member, they can still apply for a residential hosestead

resettlement site of 80 ㎡, the affected will pay the cost of the part beyond 25 ㎡ per person.

Residential homestead resettlement can be built in an unified way collectively or by the

affected themselves. Government will be responsible for the water, power and road

connection and land leveling.

3) Cash resettlement: For those affected who choose this approach will be paid 42,000CNY per

person as a resettlement fee to resettle by themselves. Besides, certificates of alternative and

permanent living location, book promis of giving up their apartment resettlement and

residential homestead resettlement shall also be filed.

Temporary relocation: Before the apartment resettlement and self-built residence is put into

use, government will offer one of the two following approaches for the affected. Transitional

residence and cash compensation. For cash compensation, government will offer 4000CNY

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per person to the affected as two years comtemporary transition subsidy, or 6000CNY per

person to the affected as three years comtemporary transition subsidy.

So far, house relocation work is still in preliminary preparation. Policy for house relocation is

listed in Table 4-8.

Table 4-8 Policy for House Relocation








Urban Road






Urban Road

brick-concrete CNY/m2 650 800~850 650 800~850

brick-wood CNY/m2 550 500~550 550 500~550

bunk house CNY/m2 230 220 230 430~500

relocation allowance


10 500 10 500

Janitor's Room CNY/m2 110 Temporary Housing Allowance


Transit Allowance CNY/person 4000~6000

4.6 Income and Livelihood Restoration DD. Social Economic Status of Affected Area

Fangchenggang Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road Component will affect 5 villages, incolcing

9,733mu farmland,12,710 people in 2,775 households. Average farmland is 3.15 per household, 0.77

per person. These 5 villages mainly have Paddy Land, irrigated Land Dry Land, Vegetable Field,

woodland, Orchard and fishpond. The maini crops are Rice, corn, vegetables Etc. Aquaculture is

shrimp and fish; fruit is mainly composed of litchi, peach, plum and citrus. The average per capita

income CNY 4941 per year, of which, 68.51% comes from the transport and migration works

(construction and catering), 14.38% from agricultural and sideline, 5% from fixed income, 1.44%

from government subsidies, 10.67% from other channels. In total household income, men contribute

70%, , women 30%, mainly because most men engaged in transportation and migration works.

EE. Design of Sampling Survey Baseline sample survey involves 65 sampling households. The result of the survey is listed

in Table 4-9.

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Table 4-9 Baseline sample survey on 65 sampling households

Township Village Household

Shuiying Liyujiang Village 20

Jiangshan Shanjiao Village 40

Maoling Sha’ao Village 5

Sub-Total 65

FF. Survey to Sampling Households The per capita income of the sample households ranges between CNY 750 and CNY 18,667 in

2013. In 2014, per capita income of the sample households ranges between CNY 750 and CNY


Sample households come from 3 communities. Average household population in the three

hamlets is 4.52 persons. Per capita income in 2013 is CNY 3,971,per household income CNY

20,332. In 2013, the average farmland per capita currently is 0.95 mu, The average farmland acquired

per capita is 0.41 mu, which is 43.3% of the farmland. (Note: Land acquisition here includes

cultivated farmland and non-cultivated farmland.)

In 2013, average household population in the three hamlets is 4.58 persons. Per capita income is

CNY 3,059,per household income CNY 14,026. The average farmland per capita currently is 0.73

mu, The average farmland acquired per capita is 0.41 mu, which is 43.26% of the farmland. (with new

samples added.)

The income and resources of sample households are listed in Table 4-10.

In 2013 survey to 25 sample households, there are 26TVs, 19 fridges, 19 washing machines, 1

tracors, 22 motorcycles, 21 pumps, 3 head of livestocks, 3 internet, 40 telephones, and 1 car.

In 2014 survey to 65 sample households, there are 66TVs, 59 fridges, 31 washing machines, 1

tracors, 41 motorcycles, 21 pumps, 3 head of livestocks, 3 internet, 80 telephones, and 1 car.

Family Property of sample households is listed in Table 4-11.

As of 31 Jul. 2015, land acquisition of 65 households in the sample pool has been completed.

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Table 4-10 The Income and Resources of Sample Households(Prior to 31 Jul. 2015)



Name Household Population

Income Before Land Acquisition After LandAcquired


Seasonable Labor



Dry Land



Farm land

Dry Land



Conpensation Claim Time

CNY CNY CNY mu mu mu mu CNY CNY

Shuiying Liyujiang

Xu Guoxin 4 1000 3000 4000 3.4 0.50 4.10 0.642 0.466 0.272 1.380 34500 201402-201407

Xu Meiqiang

6 2000 2500 4500 5.000 1.00 0.50 6.50 0.183 0.183 4575 201402-201408

Xu Yefang 4 2500 3000 5500 3.000 0.80 0.30 4.10 1.166 0.15 1.316 32900 201402-201409

Yang Hanxin

4 2000 3500 5500 3.500 0.50 0.30 4.30 0.121 0.029 0.144 0.294 7350 201402-201410

Xu Qiangbnag

6 3000 3500 6500 4.500 1.00 0.50 6.00 0.446 0.446 11150 201402-201411

Xu Ruibang 5 2000 4000 6000 4.500 1.00 0.50 6.00 0.583 0.583 1457.5 201402-201412

Xu Guobang

4 1000 2500 3500 3.000 0.50 0.50 4.00 0.435 0.751 1.186 29650 201402-201413

Ruan Huasheng

6 2000 3000 5000 4.500 1.00 0.50 6.00 0.373 0.373 9325 201402-201414

Xu Shouqiang

4 1000 5000 6000 3.000 0.50 0.50 4.00 0.319 1.652 1.971 49275 201402-201415

Xu Qunbang

6 2000 3500 5500 4.500 1.00 0.50 6.00 0.326 0.326 8150 201402-201416

Wei Yonghui

6 2000 3000 5000 6.000 2.00 0.50 8.50 2.251 1.546 3.797 94925 201402-201417

Xu Zhunfang

6 2500 4000 6500 6.000 2.00 0.50 8.50 0.066 0.066 1650 201402-201418

Cai Yanzhen

4 1500 3500 5000 5.000 1.00 0.30 6.30 0.432 0.303 0.735 18375 201402-201419

Tan Jincai 5 1800 3700 5500 5.500 1.00 0.30 6.80 0.521 0.521 13025 201402-201420

Huang 7 3000 5000 8000 7.000 2.00 0.50 9.50 0.282 0.475 1.530 2.287 57175 201402-

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Name Household Population

Income Before Land Acquisition After LandAcquired


Seasonable Labor



Dry Land



Farm land

Dry Land



Conpensation Claim Time

CNY CNY CNY mu mu mu mu CNY CNY

Mingling 201421

Xu Guirong 4 0 4000 4000 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.034 2.974 3.008 75200 201402-201422

Xu Xianbang

5 2500 4500 7000 5.500 1.00 0.50 7.00 0.283 0.283 7075 201402-201423

Xu Kexing 4 2000 4000 6000 4.500 1.00 0.30 5.80 0.549 0.549 13725 201402-201424

Xu Chunbang

4 2000 4000 6000 5.000 1.00 0.50 6.50 0.909 0.909 22725 201402-201425

Xu Xinbang 4 2000 3500 5500 5.000 1.00 0.50 6.50 0.551 0.551 13775 201402-201426



Yang Shizhong

7 2000 8000 10000 4.400 0.50 0.00 4.90 3.600 0.6 4.200 141050 201407

He Dinghui 5 1500 8500 10000 3.000 0.50 0.00 3.50 2.900 0.2 3.100 97375 201407

Ye Shide 3 6000 6000 1.600 0.50 0.00 2.10 1.400 0.4 1.800 15850 201407

Ye Shiyun 4 6000 6000 2.300 0.50 0.00 2.80 2.100 0.4 2.500 35275 201407

Song Yongbin

2 12000 12000 1.200 0.20 0.00 1.40 2.300 0.2 2.500 16772 201407

Yu Jiaobin 9 20000 20000 2.400 0.40 0.00 2.80 2.300 0.2 2.500 16772 201407

Yang Shibin 7 1600 16400 18000 4.200 0.70 0.00 4.90 3.900 0.5 4.400 49308 201407

Liang Hu 6 10000 10000 3.700 0.50 0.00 4.20 3.100 0.6 3.700 27650 201407

He Dingbiao

5 10000 10000 3.000 0.50 0.00 3.50 2.800 0.3 3.100 39775 201407

Zong Caibin 4 10000 10000 2.400 0.40 0.00 2.80 2.300 0.3 2.600 6720 201407

Yang Shihui 3 240 7760 8000 1.800 0.60 0.00 2.40 1.200 0.4 1.600 107632 201407

Yang Shiqin 5 8000 8000 3.400 0.60 0.00 4.00 2.200 0.5 2.700 74312 201407

Er Rusheng 4 8000 8000 2.600 0.60 0.00 3.20 2.100 0.6 2.700 81788 201407

Er Ruqiang 3 5000 5000 1.800 0.60 0.00 2.40 1.500 0.5 2.000 51324 201407

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Name Household Population

Income Before Land Acquisition After LandAcquired


Seasonable Labor



Dry Land



Farm land

Dry Land



Conpensation Claim Time

CNY CNY CNY mu mu mu mu CNY CNY

Luo Ying 3 5000 5000 1.800 0.60 0.00 2.40 1.600 0.4 2.000 43148 201407

Li Mingsheng

4 5000 5000 2.600 0.60 0.00 3.20 2.100 0.6 2.700 46424 201407

Yang Shizhong

3 5000 5000 1.800 0.60 0.00 2.40 1.600 0.5 2.100 54096 201407

Tang Shangcun

3 5000 5000 1.800 0.60 0.00 2.40 1.500 0.6 2.100 42616 201407

Yang Shixi 5 5000 5000 3.400 0.60 0.00 4.00 2.800 0.4 3.200 112028 201407

Tong Lianying

6 10000 10000 4.000 0.60 0.00 4.60 2.900 0.9 3.800 8540 201407

Xu Caian 3 8000 8000 1.800 0.30 0.00 2.10 1.700 0.3 2.000 30212 201407

Liang Xuanhua

6 10000 10000 3.600 0.60 0.00 4.20 2.900 0.6 3.500 98000 201407

Tang Honghui

4 6000 6000 2.400 0.40 0.00 2.80 2.200 0.4 2.600 84392 201407

Huang Houhui

4 8000 8000 2.400 0.40 0.00 2.80 2.400 0.4 2.800 28868 201407

Pei Xingyou 3 7000 7000 1.900 0.50 0.00 2.40 2.000 0.3 2.500 23550 201407

Teng Ji 5 12000 12000 3.000 0.50 0.00 3.50 2.200 0.3 2.500 38100 201407

Teng Bin 5 12000 12000 3.000 0.50 0.00 3.50 2.200 0.3 2,5 69400 201407

Huang Yuelan

3 7000 7000 1.600 0.50 0.00 2.10 1.700 0.2 1.900 32750 201407

Yang Guicheng

5 8000 8000 3.000 0.50 0.00 3.50 1.800 0.3 2.100 96875 201407

Huang Houming

6 10000 10000 3.600 0.60 0.00 4.20 3.300 0.4 3.700 3475 201407

Chen Mingjin

2 2000 2000 3.000 1.50 0.00 4.50 0.600 1.3 1.900 53200 201407

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Name Household Population

Income Before Land Acquisition After LandAcquired


Seasonable Labor



Dry Land



Farm land

Dry Land



Conpensation Claim Time

CNY CNY CNY mu mu mu mu CNY CNY

Chen Mingxian

4 4000 4000 2.200 1.00 0.00 3.20 0.400 0.2 0.600 16800 201407

Gan Licheng

3 6000 6000 2.000 0.40 0.00 2.40 0.3 0.300 8400 201407

Gan Lizhong

4 10000 10000 2.600 0.60 0.00 3.20 0.6 0.300 8400 201407

Gan Shaoming

4 10000 10000 2.000 1.20 0.00 3.20 1.1 1.100 30800 201407

Li Mingjin 2 5000 5000 1.000 0.60 0.00 1.60 1 1.000 28000 201407

Li Mingxin 5 6000 6000 4.000 5.00 0.00 9.00 3.5 3.500 98000 201407

Yang Shizhang

6 10000 10000 1.200 0.40 0.00 1.60 0.2 0.200 5600 201407

Zheng Zhixiu

4 5000 5000 2.500 0.70 0.00 3.20 0.100 0.5 0.600 16800 201407

Yan Qicai 1 3600 3600 2.000 0.40 0.00 2.40 0.4 0.400 11200 201407

Sub-Total 268 43140 392960 43610

0 190.4 47.6 8.5 246.7



4.92 109.5

64 2357259.5

Maoling Sha’ao

Bao Wu 6 4000 118000 12200

0 5 1 0.5 6.5 2.126 0 0 2.126 63780

Deng Xiaoling

4 3500 48600 52100 3.6 1 0.3 4.9 3.3 0 0 3.3 99000

Bao Shuang 4 3500 58000 61500 3.6 1 0.3 4.9 1.366 0 0 1.366 10980

Bao He 10 8000 172000 18000

0 9 1 1 11 2.983 0 0 2.983 89490

Chen Chengqiang

6 4000 56000 60000 5 0 0.5 5.5 1.575 0 0 1.575 47250

Sub-Total 30 23000 452600 47560

0 26.2 4 2.6 32.8 11.35 0 0 11.35 310500

Total 298 66140 845560 91170

0 216.6 51.6 11.1 279.5 91.115


4.92 120.9

14 2667760

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Name Household Population

Income Before Land Acquisition After LandAcquired


Seasonable Labor



Dry Land



Farm land

Dry Land



Conpensation Claim Time

CNY CNY CNY mu mu mu mu CNY CNY

Average 4.5846 1017.538 13008.615 14026

.15 3.3 0.79 0.17 4.30 1.40 0.42 0.08 1.86 41042

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Table 4-11 Family Property of sample households (As of 31th Jul. 2015)


Hamlet Name Rooms

House Area

TV Fridge

Washing Machine


Motor cycle

Pump Live stock

Inter net

Tele- phone

Auto- mobile



m2 Set set set

piece Set Set Head Spot set piece

Shuiying Liyujiang

Xu Guoxin 3 70 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Xu Meiqiang 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Han

Xu Yefang 1 23 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 Han

Yang Hanxin 2 47 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Xu Qiangbang 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Zhuang

Xu Ruibang 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Zhuang

Xu Guobang 2 47 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Li

Ruan Huansheng

2 47 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Jing

Xu Shouqiang 2 47 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Han

Xu Qunbang 4 93 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Li

Wei Yonghui 2 47 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Xu Zhunfang 3 70 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Li

Cai Yanzhen 3 70 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Tan Jincai 1 23 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Huang Mingling

3 70 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Zhuang

Xu Guirong 1 23 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Zhuang

Xu Xianbang 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Xu Kexing 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Han

Xu Chunbang 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Han

Xu Xinbang 3 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Han Sub-Total 50 1167 20 14 14 1 14 18 3 1 20 1

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Hamlet Name Rooms

House Area

TV Fridge

Washing Machine


Motor cycle

Pump Live stock

Inter net

Tele- phone

Auto- mobile



m2 Set set set

piece Set Set Head Spot set piece

Jianshan Shanjiao

Yang Shizhong

1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

He Dinghui 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Ye Shide 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Ye Shiyun 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Song Yongbin 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Wu Jiaobin 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Yang Shibin 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Liang Hu 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 He Dingbiao 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Zong Caibin 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yang Shihui 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Yang Shiqin 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Er Rusheng 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Er Ruqiang 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Luo Ying 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Li Mingsheng 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Yang Shizhong 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Tang Shangcun 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Yang Shixi 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Tong Lianying 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Xu Caian 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Liang Xuanhua 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Tang Honghui 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Huang Houhui 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Pei Xingyou 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

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Hamlet Name Rooms

House Area

TV Fridge

Washing Machine


Motor cycle

Pump Live stock

Inter net

Tele- phone

Auto- mobile



m2 Set set set

piece Set Set Head Spot set piece

Teng Ji 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Teng Bin 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Huang Yuelan 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Yang Guicheng 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Huang Houming 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Chen Mingjin 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Chen Mingxian 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Gan Licheng 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Gan Lizhong 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Gan Shaoming 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Li Mingjin 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Li Mingxin 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Yang Shizhang 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Zheng Zhixiu 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yan Qicai 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Subtotal 40 40 12 0 19 0 0 0 40 0

Maoling Sha’ao Bao Wu 4 160 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 4 0

Deng Xiaoling 2 180 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 0

Bao Shuang 4 160 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 4 1

Bao He 5 180 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 6 0

Chen Chengqiang

5 100 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 1

Sub-Total 20 780 6 5 5 0 8 3 0 2 20 2

Total 70 1946.

7 66 59 31 1 41 21 3 3 80 3

Average 2.8 77.86

7 1.0153

85 0.9076

9 0.47692








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4.7 House Relocation So far, house relocation work is still in preliminary preparation.

Table 4-12House Sampling Suevey



Sampling Household



Distance to work

New Residential

House Area

Payment to the House

Distance to work



㎡ CNY km Way of Construction

㎡ CNY km

4.8 Restoration of infrastructure

So far, infrastructure in the ROW is still functioning properly. Resettlement infrastructure has

still not been built.

4.9 Budget and Cost Estimates for Resettlement Funds for land acquisition and resettlement are raised by Fangchenggang City Fangcheng-

Jiangshan Urban Road and Related Infrastructures Project Construction Headquarter (FPCH). The

LAR costs can meet the needs of land acquisition and house demolition for the Project. As of 31

Jul. 2015, Fangchenggang City Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road Project Component has paid CNY

56,000,000 in total for land acquisition and relocation, which is 47.1% of the budget. Maoling

WWTP Project Component has paid CNY 14,222,000 in total for land acquisition and relocation,

which is 50% of the budget. As of 31 Jan. 2015, Executive agency has paid the affected

compensation to the land acquisition. Compensation paid to land acquisiton and relocation is

presented in Table 4-13.

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Table 4-13 Compensation Paid to Land Acquisiton and relocation (CNY)

(Prior to 31 Jul. 2015)

Planned Actual Percentage

Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road Maoling WWTP

Sub-Total Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road

Maoling WWTP


1. Land Compensation 41,875,072 1,583,406 43,458,478 56000000 1422200 57422200

2. Temporary Land Occupation

160,000 0 160,000

3. House Compoensation

17,171,675 19,537 17,191,212

4. Special compensation for restoration and reconstruction

3,677,561 581,859 4,259,420

5. Other Cost 2,149,414 267,728 2,417,142

6. Land-Related Taxes 47,542,771 64,263 47,607,034

7. Price Contingencies 6,288,431 327,720 6,616,151

Total 118864924 2844513 121709437 56000000 1422200 57422200 47.18%

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4.10 Public Participation and Information Disclosure Great attention has been paid to public participation and information disclosure during the

planning, and resettlement report preparation and updating. Comments and suggestions on relocation

site, compensation and income restoration program have been provided from the affected Residents

Committee, government organizations, PMOs, IA, Design Institute and other organizations. Updating

of the resettlement plan is based on the above.

4.11 Complaints and Appeals Table 4-14 Problems in the Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Tiem Problem Solution Completion

Dec. 2013 Higher compensiton standard

More communication. Completed

Feb. 2014 the rural subsistence allowances

Under negotiation.

250 households or 1000 persons in 4 production teams in Fangceng

Mar. 2014 the problem of endowment insurance

Under negotiation. 38 households

Mar. to Jun. 2014 12 disputes 8 solved. All settled.

Nov. 2014 Progress of house demolition was slow.

More negotiations.

Nov. 2014 Tomb migrantion of 120 households

21 more to move.

4.12 Organization and Administration Fangchenggang Project Leading Group is established within the Fangchenggang Municipal

Government. PMO and other participants jointly carried out land acquisition and relocation.

Fangchenggang Dongwan Transportation Co. Ltd. is the IA of the Project Component.

Fangchenggang House Demolishment Administration Office (FHDAO) takes overall responsibilities

for the implementation of the land acquisition and relocation.

Land acquisition and resettlement agencies can effectively carry out the work.

Fangcheng District Urban Construction & Investment Co., Ltd., as PIC, is responsible for

construction and raising fund for the project. FLRB is responsible for land acquisition and Maoling

Township Governemtn is responsible for the implementation.

4.13 Assistance to Vulnerable Groups The external monitor and evaluation team found in their survey permanent land acquisition of

this project component will affect 77 persons or 20 househoulds who can be classified into vulnerable

groups. 8 households are affected both in land acquisition and house demolition. Vulnerable groups in

the ROW are listed in the Table 4-15.

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Table 4-15 Vulnerable Groups in the ROW

Shuiying Village

Liyujiang Village

Dawangjiang Village

Jiangshan Village

Shanjiao Village











“Five Guarantees” household

2 4 2 5 1 2 1 3

MLG household

1 7 3 15 2 7 4 17 1 4

Disabled Famliy

1 5 1 5


1 3

Total 3 11 6 25 3 12 5 19 3 10 Conclusion:The vulnerable groups are taken care of. Low income households will get an

allowance of CNY 90 per person per month.

4.14 Conclusions and Suggestions GG. Conclusions

(1)Fangchenggang Project Leading Group pay great attention to Land Acquisition and

Resettlement. Social security policies are fashioned to the standard of ADB and the

principles of migration and resettlement.

(2)House demolition of the Fangcheng-Jiangshan road affected the construction of the road


(3)Land and house acquisition of the Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road project component is

carrid out in good order. Affected households got their compensation and expressed their


(4)90% of land leveling work has been done, however, more than 10 households have not yet

signed the contract.

HH. Suggestions (1)quicken steps to sign the contract with the affected in Maoling WWTP subproject.

(2)quicken the progress of the house demolition for the Fangcheng-Jiangshan road.

(3)Environmental protection shall be taken into consideration in the clerance.

4.15 Interview Records Time: 2015-aug.-05 Interviewee: Qin Fuxiao Content: Land acquisition is quite smooth however, house demolition is relatively slow. 98% of

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house demolition work remains undone, which is the main reason for the slow construction progress. In house demolition, disputes in house demolition need time and patience. Local people have more to expect in compensation.

Time: 2015-aug.-05 Interviewee: Cai Liang, Party secretary in Liyujiang village Content: There are 590 households in our village, with a population of 2300, plus 3500 in the

frontier station. One third of the population is Zhuang Nationality. Average farmland per person is 1.2 mu. In 2014, average income of our village is 3,000. A high percentage of the population goes out for seasonal labor. Land acquisition involved 300mu land, affecting 16 hamlets. We have got the compensation at a standard of cny280,000/mu. Most of the money has been given to the affected persons. The village community kept a bit. There are 8 households will involve in house demolition. It is a happy thing to have the compensation. My family? There are 11 persons in my family. We have 15 mu land in total, 4.4 mu of which are involved in land acquisition at a standard of 280,000CNY/mu. We’ve got the money.

Time: 2015-aug.-05 Interviewee: Huang Houbiao, Party secretary in Shanjiaoxia village Content: The total population of our village is 2180 persons in 473 households. Our village has

17 hamlets. 90% of the population are Zhuang Nationality. Average income here is CNY5,800. 500mu land and 38 households are involved. We have not got the compensation for the homestead has not been settled. 10 households are MLG households. We hope to see a quickened resettlement. It would be better if we get the compensation sooner.

Time: 2015-aug.-05 Interviewee: Song Qishe, Party secretary in Sha’ao villageContent: In our village, there are 2,600 persons in 18 hamlets, most of whom are Zhuang and

Yao Nationality. Our village has 1,650mu land. Average income is 4,000, only 5% of which comes from agriculture, seasonal labor and fishing mainly. 12 households have not signed the contracts. The rest are ok. They gave up fishing for the fishing ponds have been leveled. Hope to see government pay more attention to initial more public well-fare programs like strengthening the road in the village, improve the trenches for drainage. Villagers like to see the improvement of their living environment.

Time: 2015-aug.-05 Interviewee: Dai Sanjun, Party secretary in Maoling TownshipContent: In Feb. 2016 we will finish land acquisition. In Dec. 2015, 12 households will sign the

contracts. Our township will work with the HDAO to settle these issues. The following are the interview records in the previous visit. Time: 2015-Jan.-12 Interviewee: Su Shaohui, Huangzhongping, Xu jiaxing, Yi Jingjia, Lu Zhulin, HuangshinengContent: Land acquisition for Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road project component is now

completed. 98% of the land has been delivered to the construction units. Among the 2%, some thought the standard shall be higher, or some land is in property disputes. These problems are not serious problems. We can handle them quickly. The compensation standard is 25000CNY/mu. The modification of K12 and K13 involves 100 mu more land acquisition. Now the agreements are all signed. The affected has already accepted the compensation.

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More work need to be done as far as home demolition is concerned. Some centralized resettlement plans are offered to the municipal government for approval. Currently, demolition of 7 households are completed. The rest, in progress. There are some difficulties, such as factors of climates and tradition etc. It would take 2 months to arrange the residential homestead site. After spring festival, it will be done. in July, the water, power and road connection and land leveling will be done. To finish the construction and resettlement before Dec. 2015 would be difficult.

Time: 2014-July-18 Interviewee: Chen Huagui, party secretary of Maoling Township

Zhongjing, general manager.Content: Maoling wastewater treatment plant is planned to start construction in May 2015. Land

acquisition is supposed to finish in April. Still some problem in land acquisition. Main issue is that the affected thought the standard is too low. We need to do more negotiation work. We have finished 33mu land acquisition. That is the main part. The minor dispute part would not influence the construction. The compensation to the original shelters has been paid 100,000 (including the crops compensation) to Tao Xiangyun and Man Shengguang before Jun. 2014. It is all paid.

The following interviews are records before this monitoring. Time: 2014-July-18 Interviewee: Lu Zhulin Chief of Fangchenggang City Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road and

Related Infrastructures Project Construction Headquarter (FPCH) Content: Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road project component is now in good progress, with

90% completed. Members in this office pay great attention to this work. Specialists were organized to measure. Meanwhile, problems aroused were thoroughly and timly discussed by highly constant 3-party meetings(IA, EA and villager cadres). House demolition is not commenced. But measuring is partly done. Relocation can be completed in Sept. this year. Experience to share? 1. Cooperation is important. 2. FPCH needs to coordinate a lot between the three parties. 3. Local government shall take AL&HD as an important routine. 4. Money is the key to get everything smooth. 5. Leaders of all levels pay enough attention.

Time: 2014-July-18 Interviewee: Xu Guoxing Party Secretary of Liyujiang VillageContent: We signed the land acquisition contract. Land acquisition is done. Houses to be

demolished are measured. But the compensational relocation is not yet started. 8 households are affected. Two have already pick their residential plot land. We are working on the rest. House demolition can be done before the end of this year. Every penny of the compensation goes directly to the pocket of the affected. The village won’t keep any of them. Compensation standard is CNY 250 thousand per mu; CNY 2,000 – 5,000 for stand crops per mu. We paid a lot attention to the participation of the public. We held more than 10 meetings, women from every household were there too. There are 7 people in my family with 3 mu land. Yearly income is CNY40,000. I’ve got the compensation. I am satisfied with the land acquisition.

Time: 2014-July-18 Interviewee: Cai Liang Director of Liyujiang VillageContent: We have 2,300 people in the village. 19 hamlets. 20% minorities. Average income is

CNY 2300, mainly form farming. There is no factory in the village.

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10 people in my family, with 5 mu land. Yearly income is CNY 20,000. 3 mu land was acquired. I have the money. Quite satisfied about the land acquisition.

Time: 2014-July-17 Interviewee: Shi Luojuan (Female) villager from Liyujiang VillageContent: There are 8 in my family. 3 mu land. 20 thousand yearly income. 0.7 mu land was

acquired. Got the compensation. Satisfied.

Time: 2014-July-17 Interviewee: Liang Rongcai (Female) villager from Liyujiang Village Content: There are 4 in the family. We have 1 mu land. The yearly income is 10 thousand. We

lost 0.3 mu land. Got the money for the land. Satisfied about the land acquisition.

Time: 2014-July-17 Interviewee: Xu Shimei (Female) villager from Liyujiang Village Content: 5 people; 1mu land. CNY20,000 yearly income. I lost 0.3 mu. Have collected the

money. Satisfied about the Land acquisition.

Time: 2014-July-17 Interviewee: Huang Bojin Fangchenggang City Fangcheng District Urban Construction and

Investment Co., Ltd Content: Land acquisition of the Fangchenggang Maoling WWTP component was relatively

slow. Our company is mainly focusing on the construction work. Land acquisition is mainly on the land administration deparment and township government. Our next move is to strengthen the coordination among us. We need to help the other parties to quicken their pace in land acquisition.

Time: 2014-July-17 Interviewee: Hu Huiying Director of Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road and Related Infrastructures

Project Construction Headquarter (FPCH)Content: Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road Project Component has started measuring since

Nov. 2013. Now conctracts on 486 mu land has been signed. The fund raised for Resettlement Compensation can meet the needs of land acquisition and house demolition. Land acquisition is not an easy job. We have a lot to do. Now we are measuring the house affected and preparing the construction of the residential plot land. All in all, land acquisition can be finished before 30, June, 2014.

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5 Gender and Social Dimensions

5.1 Gender Action Plan Monitoring The IA of Beihai Zhulin urban road, Qinzhou subproject, Fangchenggang Fangcheng-Jiangshan

Urban Road Component and Maoling WWTP have started their work. External M&E did some PR

about gender action plan, has set up a monitoring network for gender action. IA value the role of

women in the project. Monitoring network for gender action is presented in Table 5-1.

5.2 Social Action Plan Monitoring The IA of Beihai Zhulin urban road, Qinzhou subproject, Fangcheng-Jiangshan Urban Road

Component and Maoling WWTP have started their construction work. External M&E did some PR

about social action program, has set up a monitoring network for social action. Two IA value the role

of social action in the project. Monitoring network for social action is presented in Table 5-2.

5.3 Conclusions and Suggestions II. Conclusions (1) All IA pay sufficient attention to the social action. Due attention has been paid to training,

resettlement, environment protection and assistance to the proverty etc.

(2) No accident in work nor prevalence of disease.

(3) IA use local construction material to offer opportunities for local enterprices.

(4) IA employed local people to work in construction.

JJ. Suggestions (1) Guangxi Project Management Office shall organize trainings about gender action program

and social action program.

(2) More special PR shall be done to bid winning IAs about gender action program and social

action program.

(3) The outline plan of social action needs more consideration. So that social problems caused by

the project can be stressed and the positive social interests can be strengthened, while

minimizing the negative influence.

(4) Perspectives of safety, disease control and employment of the local shall be taken into serious

consideration to bring about more social benefit.

(5) IAs shall abide by the principle of bring convenience to the local community and pay due

attention to matters specially designed to reduce negative influence.

(6) IAs shall keep an implementation record of social action plan (SAP)

(7) IAs shall try to use local building materials as much as possible.

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Table 5-1 Monitoring of Gender Action Plan Activity Indicators and Targets Organizations Involved Time (year) Monitoring Results 1. Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructures Components in Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang Municipalities

Include female representation and participation during public participation and consultations, in decision-making, and local decision-making bodies and structures

Records of participants (40% female participants) in public meetings on road and municipal infrastructures interventions (sex disaggregated data)

Respective City PMO, PICs, WF, PAO, CAB, EMAO, ZSF, BLSSB, RC, VC, and Implementation Consultant (Reporting indicators should be reflected in ADB's project performance report system)

Dec. 2011 – Dec. 2016

Women’s participation in landacquisition and resettlement was emphasized. Women’s participation is more than 40%.

Promote the creation of job opportunities for women during project construction and operation, and provide appropriate training

Target at least 20% of jobs created in subprojects for women

In Beihai Zhulin urban road and Fangcheng–Jiangshan road project components, women’s involvement is 30%.

Include women leaders and representatives as participating members in seminars, workshops, and meetings conducted to discuss road and municipal infrastructures interventions

Records of seminars, workshops, and meetings (sex disaggregated data) with 30% of women’s participation

Women’s participation is 17.8%.

Collect sex-disaggregated baseline and end-line information monitoring trends

Sex disaggregated baseline and end-line information in road and related infrastructure areas is available;

In Progress.

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Activity Indicators and Targets Organizations Involved Time (year) Monitoring Results HIV/AIDS awareness training is provided to women and men at construction camps, communities, and public places

Training records (to be disaggregated by sex)

Women participated.

Ensure that gender sensitive materials of the traffic safety awareness are made and distributed, and women are included in the traffic safety awareness training programs

Awareness promotion materials to be developed and distributed to the local community people, and awareness training records (sex disaggregated data), with 40% of female recipients

In Beihai Zhulin urban road and Fangcheng–Jiangshan road project components, women’s participation is 40%.

Ensure that female employees of the Zhulin Salt Farm to be re-employed in other industries with proper training provision

Target at 100% female employees re-employed and training records (sex disaggregated data) Variation is not completed.

2. Fangchenggang Maoling WWTP and Sewerage Network

In Progress.

Include female representation and participation during public participation and consultations, in decision-making , and local decision-making bodies and structures

Records of participants in public (40% female participants) meetings on Maoling WWTP and Sewer Network interventions (sex disaggregated data)

Industrial users, RC, VC, and Implementation Consultant (Reporting indicators should be reflected in ADB's project performance report system)

Dec. 2011 – Dec. 2016

Being in preparation.

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Activity Indicators and Targets Organizations Involved Time (year) Monitoring Results Use a gender sensitive approach when analyzing affordability of household wastewater tariffs

Affordability analysis includes disaggregation by sex and incorporation into subproject reporting

Being in preparation.

Promote the creation of job opportunities for women during project construction and operation, and provide appropriate training

Target at least 20% of jobs created in the subproject for women

Female employment rate reached 17.8%.

Collect sex-disaggregated baseline and end-line information monitor trends

Sex disaggregated baseline and end-line information in wastewater disposal, collection and treatment area is available

Being in preparation.

Include women leaders and representatives as participating members in seminars, workshops, and meetings conducted to discuss wastewater collection and treatment plans

Records of seminars, workshops, and meetings (sex disaggregated data) with 30% of women’s participations

Being in preparation.

Ensure gender sensitive materials of the environmental and sanitation awareness are made and distributed. Women are included in environmental and sanitation awareness training programs

Awareness promotion materials to be developed and distributed to the local community people, and awareness training records (sex disaggregated data), with 40% of female recipients

Being in preparation.

3. Capacity Development

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Activity Indicators and Targets Organizations Involved Time (year) Monitoring Results GPMO and city PMOs assign one gender focal point (GFP) to manage and coordinate GAP. The GFP will be trained on safeguard and gender impacts by the Consultant

One GFP from GPMO and city PMOs, respectively, for managing and coordinating GAP’s work;

GPMO, respective city PMOs, PICs, and Implementation Consultant (GPMO and Consultant shall submit monitoring report to ADB annually).

Dec. 2011 – Dec. 2016

In Progress.

GZARG recruits consultants to monitoring the GAP’s implementation

One international and one domestic social development specialist under the consulting service of loan implementation to be responsible for the GAP monitoring to ensure social safeguards and gender mainstreaming are properly done.

Shanghai Yiji Construction Engineering Consulting Company is responsible for the Monitoring and evaluating of social and gender action.

BLSSB = Beihai Labor and Social Security Bureau, BTDG = Beihai Tourism Development Group, CAB = Civil Affairs Bureau, EMAO = Ethnic

Minority Affairs Office, GAD = Gender and Development, GAP = Gender Action Plan, GFP = Gender Focal Point, GPMO = Guangxi Project Management Office, PAO = Poverty Alleviation Office, PIC = Project Implementing Company, PMO = Project Management Office, RC = Resident Committee, VC = Village Committee, WF = Women’s Federation, ZSF = Zhulin Salt Farm.

Source: Asian Development estimates.

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Table 5-2: Social Action Plan Monitoring

Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

1. Local employment for construction work and other services

About 9,850 jobs PICs


Included in project cost.

Number of local people (disaggregated by sex, ethnicity and income level)

835 local people per month. The number of women workers is 30%. Monthly income is between CNY 3,500-6,000. The percentage of minority workers is 20.

Priority to local labor in general

Targets: 60% local labor for unskilled work.


2014-2016 Included in project cost.

Source of construction materials (interview to contractors)

Routine employment enrolls 31% wemen and 20% minorities and the poor.

Use of local construction materials, e.g., rock, gravel, clay, cement

Target of 20% women for unskilled labor, and 20% minority and the poor for unskilled work


2014-2016 Included in project cost.

Women in rountine works accounted for 30%. Minority and the poor accounted for 20%.

2. Control of Transmissible Disease

All construction camps, villages, public places, transport service centers

Overall Coordination: city PMO and PICs

Action Plan must be in place prior to the start of civil works

CNY0.70 million in project budget (Beihai: CNY100,000; Qinzhou: CNY 100,000; and Fangchenggang: CNY 500,000)

No. of posters/brochures

42 PR program. 252 posters.

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Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

Control of HIV/AIDS/STI:

Workers and villagers near the construction campus

2014-2016 No. of posters in minority language or drawing

Have done some PR program. No transmissible disease found.

Advocacy, information & education campaigns at construction camps, communities, public places in local languages and with appropriate signage

Target to prevent or reduce outbreaks of transmissible diseases as compared to past construction projects

Implementation Agencies: Contractors, City CDC, and cross-border vaccination centers,

2012–2016 No. of TV/radio announcements

Have done some PR program. No transmissible disease found.

Inform workers of the availability of HIV/AIDS and STI testing clinics/hospitals

Install vaccination equipments in border and tourists concentrated areas, as required, to keep pace with increased border trade

No. tests Have done some PR program. No transmissible disease found.

Culturally sensitive health education programs for villagers near construction sites

Local residents and the workers.

Contractors 2014-2016 No. of HIV/AIDs/STI/HVC infections

Have done some PR program. No transmissible disease found.

Voluntary free testing

Supporting Agencies: WF, Health Bureaus

No. of community meetings and participants


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Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

and EPBs disaggregated by sex and ethnicity

Monitoring by CDC of respective city


Provide posters in minority language or drawing which help minority group can understand easily

Communicate with the local people in the local accents.

Contractors 2014-2016 Minorities can read Chinese.

Control of typhoid, encephalitis, malaria, tuberculosis & hepatitis:

No disease found.

Screening and testing for transmissible diseases

Migrant workers Contractors 2014-2016 Included in project cost.

No disease found.

Monitoring of biological media for transmissible diseases (rat types and density, mosquito types and density

No disease found.

Advocacy, information & education campaigns for

Migrant workers Contractors 2014-2016 Included in project cost.

No disease found.

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Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

migrant workers, and implement quarantine for malaria;Monitoring of drinking water in construction and resettlement sites

Local residents and migrant workers

Contractors and IA 2014-2016

Ready for civil work.

Same as above health education and awareness programs with special attention to language and outreach for ethnic minorities where necessary.

Ready for civil work.

3. Prevention of Drug and Human Trafficking

Special attention to border port of Dongxi in Fangchenggang and Qingang Duty Free Zone in Qinzhou. Target to reduce the number of trafficking cases

Overall Coordination: city PMOs and PICs

Action Plan should be in place prior to the start of civil works

Agreement with PSBs

Routine work. Regular check on the rails.

Appropriate information on the risk of drug and human trafficking is provided to communities

Special targeting of awareness programs towards women and minorities

PSBs monitoring reports

Routine work. Regular check on the rails.

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Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

Implementation Agencies: PSBs and WF


Reduction in number of reported cases of trafficking

Routine work. Regular check on the rails.

No. of community meetings/awareness session and participants (disaggregated by sex and ethnicity)

Routine work. Regular check on the rails.

Supporting Agencies: village/street committee

Routine work. Regular check on the rails.

4. Traffic Safety Awareness Training Programs

Residents in communities along the roads.

PICs, PSBs and local transport bureaus, and WF

2012-2016 Integrated into project design

No. of warning signboards

89 PR programs.

Awareness promotion materials and education program are provided to the local communities

Community residents alone the road.

IA, contractors 2014-2016 Listed in the contract.

No. of promotion materials distributed

150 pages

No. of education programs

30 PR programs.

Accident statistics 5. Environmental and Sanitation Awareness Training Programs

Residents in communities within the Project beneficiary areas

PICs, local EPBs and WF

2012-2016 Integrated into project design

No. of promotion materials distributed

29 PR programs.

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Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

Awareness promotion materials and education programs are provided to local communities

2014-2016 No. of education programs

29 PR programs.

6. Protection of Communities from Construction Disturbances and Ensure Safe Construction Practices

All construction campus and villages in the project areas

PICs, and contractors

Monitoring should begin within first 3 months of commencement of civil works

Included in project budget (refer to EMP)

No. of pedestrian crossing and over/under passes

0 environmental complaint.

Prohibiting night-time construction and adherence to proposed noise standards

Minorities near the construction campus and villages in the project areas

PICs, and contractors


Number and resolution of complaints (disaggregated by sex of complainant and ethnicity)

0 environmental complaint.

Restoration of damaged local infrastructures

Include clauses in all construction contracts

2014–2015 No. of fines 0 environmental complaint.

Build pedestrian crossing, over/under passes and culverts

Community residents alone the road

PICs, and contractors

2014-2016 Included in project budget

0 environmental complaint.

Water supply, waste water and garbage management

Community residents

0 environmental complaint.

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Proposed Actions Target Group(s) Agencies Involved Timing Funding Needs & Source

Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Results

7. Resettlement

Resettlement affected households, at least 50% females

Refer to RP 2011–2016 and after

Project and local government, and IA

No. of persons affected disaggregated by ethnicity

Full compensation The affected households

Land and Resources Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Land Acquisition Office, PICs


Land acquisition and house demolition fees in the project.

Number and kind of training, and number of participants (disaggregated by sex and ethnicity)

Invested CNY 197,270,200

Special assistance for vulnerable people

Unemployed farmers and five guarantees family

Financial Bureau, Personnel Bureau, Home Affairs Bureau

2012-2016 Proverty alleviation fee and social security

Subsidies for Low income households: CNY 90 person/month

Special assistance for vulnerable people

The affected households

Personnel Bureau, Home Affairs Bureau and local government

2012-2016 Financial input

collect the compensation and get employed in other cities.

Training on non-farming employment skills

Unemployed farmers

Agricultural Bureau

2012-2016 Proverty alleviation fee

In Progress

Training of women on employment skills

In Progress