pre-1500 background

Fall of Rome and the Middle Ages Background

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Post on 01-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Pre-1500 Background

Fall of Rome and the Middle Ages


Page 2: Pre-1500 Background

The Roman Empire was perhaps the most powerful Empire in the history of the world. It controlled almost all of Europe, Britain and Parts of Africa and Asia

Rome ruled its empire with an iron fist (brutal), and had the most advanced and well trained army in the world.

As Rome conquered more territory, it spread Christianity.

However, Rome got too big and was forced to fight too many wars in too many places. By 500 AD, the Roman Empire is gone.


Page 3: Pre-1500 Background

When Rome falls, most of Europe is Christian but has no leadership.

Church becomes extremely powerful (educated, organized, only institution left, people gather around the church and become dependent on it)

Disorder for years with wars, invasion and sons splitting Kingdoms

Order restored with Feudalism

The Middle Ages (Dark Ages)

Page 4: Pre-1500 Background

Lord granted Vassels (pieces of Land and the peasants who lived there) to Warrior Knights in exchange for loyalty, military protection

A Knight was an Armored warrior, who dominated the battlefield (like tanks on horseback), very expensive to have armor, horses and weapons, very hard to equip and train a Knight (that’s why Knights were so important)

Knights had very specific code of behavior called chivalry

A peasant worked the land (farmer) and belonged to the Vassel


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Page 6: Pre-1500 Background

Primogeniture – land passed from father to oldest son, kept land intact, never split up

Knights and Primogeniture made things very stable, feudalism lasted almost 1000 years

Logic and Reason took a backseat to faith and superstition

Trail by Ordeal or Trail by Combat for serious crimes

Advances in Farming with the invention of the 3 field system, and new technology


Page 7: Pre-1500 Background

Europe weakened by constant warfare (100 years war between England and France)

Longbow allowed soldiers to kill knights at long ranges

Gunpowder allowed the creation of Cannons that could destroy Castles

Powerful Kings and Countries developed because Kings could build Armies without Knights

Church grew weaker through infighting, tried to keep control through the Inquisition

Ancient knowledge that was suppressed by the church was discovered in Spain in former Muslim land

The Decline of the Middle ages