preaching like a prophet

The Preaching of Zechariah Preaching Like A Prophet: By: Joshua Adams

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Page 1: Preaching Like A Prophet

The Preaching of Zechariah

Preaching Like A Prophet:

By: Joshua Adams

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""In the last analysis, as Marilyn Ferguson observed, No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by emotional appeal." Pages 60-61, Covey's 7 Habits,

Do you agree with this statement?

The Challenge of Preaching…

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Who is Zechariah?

A young prophet

Grandson of priest Iddo,

and therefore most likely

a priest as well.

Returned with first group

of exiles in 538 BC.

Contemporary of

Haggai.Zechariah as depicted on Michelangelo's ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

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Zechariah’s Prophetic Career

Zechariah means, “Yahweh remembers”

He prophesies about remembered sin of Israel as well as remembered promises made to Israel by Yahweh.

His prophetic career includes: 8 visions (Zech 1:1-6:15), 4 messages (Zech 7:1-8:23), and 2 oracles of anticipation of completion of the temple and the coming of the Messiah. (9:1-14:21)

He focuses on Israel’s immediate and distant future.

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Man among the myrtles—Israel’s poor state.

The four craftsman—Israel avenged.

The measuring of Jerusalem—Israel restored, the Kingdom of God.

Joshua reinstated—Israel redeemed and the coming Messiah.

The lampstand and the olive trees—God’s goodness

The flying scroll—judgment declared.

The woman in a basket—removal of sin from Israel.

The chariots of wrath—Israel avenged.

Brief summary of visions given

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Zechariah’s World vs. Our World


Rebuilding a temple

Content with Babylonian


They were weary of

fasting and “repenting”

This world is not our home…

Our responsibility for building

the House of the Lord…

Have we become content

with the world we live in?

Are we too are content with

being conquered?

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The Preaching of Zechariah

There are six major characteristics we will observe.

All of these principles can be applied to other aspects of ministry and are not exclusive to preaching.

There are other lessons we can learn from Zechariah and I encourage you to continue personal study in this very rich book.

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The Preaching of Zechariah

Seek understanding before

sharing◦ Zechariah seeks clarification from the

angel after each vision.

◦We must, through study, not cease to

see clarification of God’s word for our

lives and the lives of our hearers.

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The Preaching of Zechariah

Importance of symbols and using them effectively◦ Symbols are found through the visions, messages, and oracles of Zechariah.◦ These symbols have deep value for the things which they represent.◦ They also have an intrinsic value as they are important to the language and society in which they are found.◦We can powerfully use symbols in our preaching today.

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The Preaching of Zechariah

Do not overthink or underthink things◦ Seeking understanding can lead to several

conclusions.◦ One is missing an obvious and important message

by complicating scripture unnecessarily.◦ Another is in being content with a simple

explanation or shallow understanding when there is something deeper waiting to be discovered in scripture.◦ We must seek balance in this endeavor.

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“Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.

"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."

"And he has Brain."

"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."

There was a long silence.

"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never

understands anything.”

― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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The Preaching of Zechariah

Study is useless without application◦ Seeking understanding for ourselves is vital to powerful preaching.◦However the study of preachers must expand beyond personal betterment.◦Our goal must be the sharing of the message in a way that provokes change in the hearts, minds, and bodies of others.

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The Preaching of Zechariah

Working together with other ministers is crucial◦ Zechariah works together with Haggai, Joshua, other priests, etc.◦We work with other ministers, elders, deacons, etc.◦Powerful preaching and ministry is and has always been intended to be a team effort.

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The Preaching of Zechariah

We must balance preaching judgment and hope◦ Zechariah’s prophecy is well balanced.◦ He does not neglect challenging Israel to live

according to the ordinances of God lest they fall into the hands of an angry God.◦ But he also tempers that message with one of

hope, love and restoration.◦ To be a powerful preacher we must balance

the content of our messages.

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The Power of the Message

Preaching always comes down to the message.

The real power of preaching comes from the

One who originated the message, the Lord.

We simply need to get out of the way and allow

the power of the Gospel to take hold of people.

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The Preaching of Zechariah

Preaching Like A Prophet:

By: Joshua Adams