precious metal shipping (goldxsilver yaoi)

PreciousMetalShipping (Gold x Silver) So sue me, a yaoi one-shot. Five Years Later The Kanto region was home to many rare treasures. The legendary Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres came from there, and it was the birthplace of Dratini. It was also the birthplace of Silver, a red-haired young man who was wandering one night in Mt. Moon, totally lost. He wasn’t exactly the best at following directions; that was good for someone like Crystal. Every cave was pretty much the same to him. Silver had to admit though, Mt. Moon was rather beautiful. It was sparkling with rare Moon Stones, blue in the moonlight, but deep black in daylight. There weren’t any Zubats around either. They were off hunting elsewhere. Finally, Silver saw a light at the end of the tunnel. He wandered outside, to a field bathed in moonbeams. There was a small shack there, which had a sign advertising supplies could be bought and the hours of service. It was closed

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Post on 03-Feb-2016




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Lemon. Read with caution. Story I wrote a long time ago.


Page 1: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

PreciousMetalShipping (Gold x Silver)So sue me, a yaoi one-shot.

Five Years Later

The Kanto region was home to many rare treasures. The legendary Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres came from there, and it was the birthplace of Dratini. It was also the birthplace of Silver, a red-haired young man who was wandering one night in Mt. Moon, totally lost. He wasn’t exactly the best at following directions; that was good for someone like Crystal. Every cave was pretty much the same to him.

Silver had to admit though, Mt. Moon was rather beautiful. It was sparkling with rare Moon Stones, blue in the moonlight, but deep black in daylight. There weren’t any Zubats around either. They were off hunting elsewhere. Finally, Silver saw a light at the end of the tunnel. He wandered outside, to a field bathed in moonbeams. There was a small shack there, which had a sign advertising supplies could be bought and the hours of service. It was closed and locked up now, but Silver desperately needed a map of the area. He wasn’t anywhere near Cerulean City, despite being outside. He just saw another entrance into the cave.

Holding up a pokeball, Silver was about to send out Sneasle to help him find a good place to break into the shack. But just before he could toss the ball open, a firm hand gripped his shoulder. Taken by surprise, Silver turned quickly around, forcing the hand off.

Page 2: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

There weren’t any words for a while. Silver just stared his silver colored eyes into the red eyes of Lance, the former Champion, but forever Dragon Master.

Finally, Lance moved his head, and looked at his Dragonite. He rubbed the scaly neck of the large yellow dragon. “I thought by now you learned not to steal. You do have friends now.” Lance said casually.

Silver blushed. Lance’s long navy blue cape was blowing in the gentle night breeze, and it teased at his pinkish-reddish spiky hair. Finally Silver broke his gaze and stared intently down at Sneasle’s pokeball.

“I don’t have any way of contacting Gold.” He said finally.

“I wasn’t referring to Gold, but, I’m glad you finally accepted him as one.” Lance said. “Where are you headed?”

“I’m just wandering, like I have been for the past five years. I can’t stay in the same place.” Silver had a guilty tone to his normally velvety voice.

“Then how about you take me up on my offer from five years ago?” Lance asked, his one arm rested on his hip, the other straight down.

“I… I don’t know.” Silver whispered. Lance knelt down suddenly, so he was eye level with the eighteen year old.

“I will keep you safe, until it’s time for you to go off again.” Lance said darkly.

“You are just like everyone else!” Silver suddenly shouted out, backing away. “As soon as you are done

Page 3: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

with me, you get rid of me! No, I won’t go to train and live with you at the Dragon Den!”

Lance let out a sigh. “You’re choice. But I’m going there now.” Lance got on the back of his dragon, and without even saying goodbye, he flew off.

Once he was gone, Silver let a tear roll down his cheek as he thought about Gold for the first time in about a year. He then stared up at the large silvery moon and wondered where Gold was now…


Lance was back in Blackathorn City, and did not have Dragonite stop until he was at the island in the center of the Dragon’s Den. His home. The shrine his whole family protected. His only private place left.

Why was that Silver boy so easily scared of people or getting hurt? He was only hurting himself that way. Crystal and Gold were the closest he had to call friends. Especially Gold.

Lance knew Gold fairly well, with his eyes the color of sunshine, hair the color of coal dust, tanned skin. In other words, a perfect body, in every way. Gold had defeated him at the Pokemon League five years ago. After that, like Champion Red from eight years ago, Gold seemed to have disappeared from the Johto all together. It was around then that Silver had finally opened up to people and his Pokemon. Lance had a hunch that loosing Gold was what caused Silver to become shy.

Page 4: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

Lance gave up on these pointless thoughts. Dragonite looked at his long time trainer, and then gracefully dipped into the warm lake. The Dragon Master untied his cape from his neck and carelessly flung it onto the old wooden railing at the edge of the island. He then pulled off his navy blue top with the gold lining, a special gift from Clair. His bare back and chest were covered in scars and wounds he received from hand-to-hand combat with his dragon Pokemon. Just then, he stiffened up. Someone was watching him.

He turned around, and went over to the back of the shrine, where his senses told him someone was. Sure enough, Silver was sitting there sulking on the old wooden steps. Lance was pleasantly surprised. Silver was fidgeting with his gloved fingers, and then he shoved them into his jacket once he stood up to face Lance.

Silver had a small blush at the sight of Lance topless, with the scars arranged in their own personal star chart.

“You changed your mind.” Lance said.“Only because I know I’ve been neglecting my

Pokemon.” Silver said quickly.“Not to impress anyone?” Lance asked, a small

teasing smile on his face.“Most certainly NOT. Geez, you are weird.” Silver

kicked at a pebble near his boots, done talking. Without asking, he went into the shrine, knowing Lance would not stop him.

The shrine was far from the lap of luxury. A straw mat was the bed, a few tables and chairs. A large painting of a long green dragon with eyes of yellow and

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fangs of red hung on the largest wall. There was a hole in the floor full of ice packs and frozen foods, and a bookshelf full of old books. The only thing that seemed out of place was a laptop on a table.

Silver flopped down on the smooth floor, his red hair covering his face. He was tired. He had his Murkrow fly him from Kanto to Johto and then to here. It was nearly 2 a.m. now, and he just wanted to sleep.

Lance came in, and saw him on the floor. “Wouldn’t you rather that mat?”

“No.” Silver grunted, and went to sleep.


“Hey Silver!” his sunny, smiling face was all Silver could see. It didn’t matter that they were at the Pokemon League, where many people were. When Silver saw him, time seemed to put everyone else in suspended animation, and only he and the nineteen year old before him could move freely.

“What do you want Gold?” Silver asked, an unintended pout forming on his lips.

“Aw, did you miss me Silver? I missed you. I actually wanted you to meet someone.” Gold motioned over, and a young brunette girl with pigtails walked over. Gold put an arm around her.

The first thing Silver noticed about her was she was RED. She wore a white hat with a red ribbon tied in a bow on it, with a red short-sleeved shirt. To counteract the blue, Silver noted, were blue overalls. Her cheeks were

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glowing red, and her eyes were soft brown. She wore very long knee-high socks, and red shoes.

“Meet my new girlfriend.” Gold said proudly.The girl smiled but didn’t say anything. Silver just

made a grunting noise in her direction.“Silver, don’t you think it’s time to confess to Crystal

how you feel?” Gold asked.“No. I stay and work alone.” But as the words came

out of his mouth, Silver regretted them. He did not want to be alone anymore, and here he was, facing his former rival, now friend, showing off a girlfriend and telling him to go get his own, as if he HAD to.

“Aw, come on Silver! You wouldn’t know what happiness was if it slapped you in the face.” Gold said, kissing the girl. Silver had had enough, and punched Gold.

“You’re a schmuck! Just having a trophy girl does not mean you’re happy. Now go away!” Silver hissed, headed for the stairs up to the Elite 4. People were staring, and Silver was not one for stares or crowds.

Gold grabbed his wrist. “Tell Crystal.”“Gold… I don’t like Crystal. I can’t seem to find a

female whom I desire or lust for. I can’t see myself raising a family like you can. There aren’t any girls on this Earth for me.”

“Okay, so what do you want then?” Gold whispered.Silver glared at Gold. “Don’t be so annoying.”“Who is he then?” Gold asked even quieter.“What?!”

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“The guy you like then.” Gold said. He was being serious.

“Dude, I didn’t say I was gay! Now get the fuck away! I don’t want to see your pathetic ass anymore!”

Gold said nothing, but he let go of Silver’s wrist, and walked away with the girl Silver never bothered to learn the name of. A year had gone by after that, and they had not heard from each other ever since.


Silver woke up, sweating and panting. All night, the images replayed in his head of the day he last saw Gold. Why? That boy was nothing to him, just a friend, and that was that.

Silver grabbed his wrist watch, which was on the floor next to him. Pressing it to light it up, it read 7:00 a.m. Shit. Five hours of sleep. That was not good enough. But Silver knew that he couldn’t go back to sleep. If he did, Gold would be there in his head, with that girl again.

He sat up, his back sore from the floor, and saw Lance was asleep on his back, his toned chest rising and falling with each breath. He looked peaceful, and even attractive with all those scars, proving his skills.

Wait. Attractive?Lance started to stir as a ray of sunshine splashed

his face. He sat up and gave a half smile to Silver. “Morning.” He said, and went into a chamber further in the shrine. Silver watched as he came out with a few raw eggs, and put them in a pan. Lance went outside. Silver’s

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stomach growled, and he followed Lance. May as well get use to him. He was going to be here for a while.

Lance had his Charizard help make scrambled eggs, which he gave some to Silver on a brass plate. They ate in silence. When they finished, Lance took the dishes, and turned to go inside. He paused at the door.

“Take off your jacket and shirt.” He ordered.Silver blinked. Why? What for? But Silver did as he

was told. He noticed Lance had not put on any tops either. Maybe part of the training.

Lance came out and whistled to his Dragonite who was in the water. Dragonite came out, creating a dazzling effect with the pool water as it took towards the roof of the cave. Dragonite landed next to its master. “Send out Sneasle. We’re going to begin with hand-to-hand combat for sharpening your skills. And don’t stop just because you get a cut or slash unless you’re bleeding profusely. In an emergency, you won’t have time to stop for little things.”

Silver sent out his Sneasle, and Lance started off with Dragonite. They first stared each other down, and then Dragonite rushed towards his master with Dragon Rush attack. Lance rolled over and dodged, and grabbed his Pokémon’s tail, climbing up its back, giving himself the advantage. He then punched his Dragonite, who then turned over, dumping Lance to the ground, and he landed on his feet and bent knees. Dragonite flew at his trainer again, and they began pushing and punching each other. It was all over though when Lance went still, standing like a statue.

Page 9: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

Lance then turned to Silver. “Now that you know you can go as intense as you like, begin. If you two truly trust each other, you can do this.”

Sneasle used quick attack, and lunged at its trainer. Silver grabbed the Pokemon, who tried to cut at his wrists with its long, sharp claws. Silver forced Sneasle off, flinging it into the water. But Sneasle was not done. It jumped out and used slash, which Silver was unable to dodge in time, and got a large gash on his back. Silver did not stop either, and finally, topped his Pokemon by pinning it down, firmly gripping its claws.

Only then did Silver moan in pain from the gash. Lance bandaged him up. “Your first scar.” Lance noted.

Before Silver knew it, they were doing this almost every day. Some days, Lance was gone before Silver woke up, going to places he was needed. And then, the months rolled by. It had been six months.

Over a stew dinner, Lance sighed and paused in eating. “Silver… I think it’s time you go and faced the world again.”

Silver’s eyes were wide and about to burst into tears. He did not want to face the world, not yet. For him, this was home, a sanctuary, a place he knew he was accepted and wanted. “Why? You done with me? Have I gathered enough scars? I only got two.”

“It’s not that at all. You don’t even need me for that anymore. You and your Pokemon are in great shape now. But you can’t possibly live here forever. Hiding from your problems does not make them go away.” Lance said

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sharply. He was wearing his usual clothes including the cape.

Silver knew what he meant. Go find Gold. At least affirm the friendship.

Lance moved over towards Silver. Silver could sniff the slight smell of sulfur Lance gave off from being around dragons so much. It suited Lance. Somehow he could wear sulfur and get away with it. He got a good view of his teacher’s lips. Like a dragon, they were scaly as well, with raw patches and old wounds healing.

Lance put a hand under Silver’s chin and studied his face carefully. Without warning, their lips pressed together. It felt… rough. Like literally kissing a dragon. But at the same time, very pleasant as well. They went well together, despite their differences. Like the sun and the moon. Like hot and cold. Like gold fusing with silver…

Silver suddenly pushed Lance away roughly. Like gold fusing with silver?! What on Earth was he thinking?! Whatever it was, he was unhappy. This had to stop. Now.

Lance did nothing or said nothing to stop Silver from getting on Murkrow and flying away.

“I knew that would get him out.” He whispered.


Silver had Murkrow fly to New Bark Town. He wasn’t sure why. But it just seemed fitting. He stared at Professor Elm’s lab, where he had stolen his Totodile, whom was now a Feraligator. He sighed and recalled

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Murkrow. His legs felt like lead. He was going to restart his life, and he was going to do it right.

He walked into the lab and nearly turned around.There he was.Gold turned around, his amber, sunny eyes glittering.

He didn’t say anything. Finally, a grin broke out on his face. “Silver? Is that really you?”

Silver couldn’t bring himself to speak. His throat was raw suddenly, the saliva was no help. Finally he nodded.

“Aw, come on Silver, say something. It’s been a year and a half. I was wondering how you were doing.” Gold said, putting down his backpack.

“What are you doing here?” Silver finally asked.“I came home after traveling around. Figured it was

time I say hi to mom and Professor Elm, but he’s away apparently.”

“I suppose I will come back when he is then.” Silver said and turned away, headed for the door again.

“Wait Silver.” Silver turned to face Gold. “Did you ever find your… partner?”

Silver didn’t say anything. “Don’t ask such stupid questions. I told you before. I work alone.”

“I meant lover.” Gold sighed.“No, nor do I plan on.” Silver growled. Gold just

giggled, which caused Silver to go off guard.“Come on, no one in the whole planet will ever make

you happy?”“Our definitions of happy are different. You seek

pleasure, not caring about whom you hurt or dump after sleeping with them, and I…”

Page 12: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

“I’m a virgin.”Silver was taken aback by the simple statement. “But

you… You who could win the heart of any girl…”“I waited for my real special someone. None of them

girls cut it, especially Lyra. She was the worst. You remember her right? The one with the white hat and red shirt.”

Silver shuddered, remembering that day well.“Silver?” Gold took his gloved hands, and gave them

a gentle squeeze.“I can’t be your…” Silver whispered.“Why not?”“We’re… we’re guys!” Silver stuttered, a deep blush

on his face. But somewhere deep inside him, somewhere in his conscious, he wanted this.

“So what if we’re guys?” Gold asked. “My gosh Silver, you really don’t understand anything about love do you?”

Silver didn’t say anything. He had enough of these pointless words, even if they were coming from beautiful Gold. Taking Lance’s example, Silver roughly pressed his lips against Gold, his willpower to resist frozen, his emotions solely focused on the boy before him.

Gold was taken aback, but his lips smiled as he started to kiss Silver back. So the red head did understand. Gold wondered if Silver was fully aware of how long Gold waited for that moment. “Since I first spoke to him in Cherrygrove City.” Gold thought. “Five years ago that happened, and I struggled to contain my wait for him.”

Page 13: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

After they separated for air, Gold now took the helm and wrapped his arms around Silver’s waist. He realized how skinny Silver was. This jacket was fairly large on him. Gold pulled Silver in close and nuzzled his face against Silver’s cheek. “You’re my special someone. I don’t care if you’re a guy. I love you. I always have for five years.”

Silver was now about scarlet in color. “I suppose I should say something mushy and sentimental, but I won’t.” Wrapping his arms around Gold’s neck, they started kissing passionately. Gold let his tongue trace Silver’s bottom lip. After a moment, Silver realized that this was his way of asking to go into his mouth. Silver opened his mouth enough for Gold’s tongue to wiggle in. Once inside, Gold let his tongue explore everywhere. This caused a small moan to build up, and eventually escape, from Silver. After a while, Silver was getting bored of Gold getting the action. He jammed his tongue into Gold’s mouth, which caused the tanned boy’s eyes to open wide. But Gold enjoyed the surprise. So it wouldn’t be all a one-way relationship after all.

They were so out of reality now, they weren’t fully aware that they had fallen to the floor. Gold grunted as he was pinned below Silver and his spine hit the floor hard. They just continued to make out, until Gold pulled away. Silver, who had been enjoying having their tongues touch, enjoyed pulling at Gold’s hair, enjoyed it when Gold would pull away for a moment to grin and breathe warm air at Silver, was taken by surprise as Gold flipped them over.

Page 14: Precious Metal Shipping (GoldxSilver yaoi)

Gold didn’t speak but busied himself with nipping at Silver’s neck, causing lots of groans and moans. Gold stopped and his sunny eyes bore into Silver’s. Then, he took off Silver’s jacket, revealing a tight black t-shirt. Gold felt a heat starting to grow in his groin as he could see Silver’s chest muscles perfectly through the shirt.

He ripped the black shirt off of Silver, and kissed his perfect chest, licking at his flat stomach, which caused Silver to shiver. Neither of them paused or stopped when he started to pull down Silver’s sweatpants.

Gold now took off his clothes, leaving them both down to their boxers. Silver leaned up and gave Gold a deep, rough kiss, but after a few moments, Gold broke it so that he could put Silver the other way, so his back was facing Gold, and an opening to start fingering Silver.

“Things are about to get more intense. Are you ready?” Gold whispered, leaning over him to reach his ear.

“Do you think it hurts a lot?” Silver whispered back.“It will hurt like hell at first, but if you stay relaxed

and calm, you’ll enjoy every minute I’m inside.”Silver snuck a peek at Gold’s groin, which was

already very hard, and very large. He let out a gasp when Gold forced two fingers into his mouth to make them moist.

His metallic silver eyes widened even more when they started to go inside him for the first time.

Gold let his fingers break the barrier, before pulling them out, and thrusting them back in again. Silver gasped, and after a few more times, he was moaning.

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Gold was not satisfied. Silver was not moaning loud enough for him.

He now put three fingers up, creating a louder reaction as hoped. After that, Gold figured Silver was as ready as he was going to be. Gold put the bulk of his weight on his arms and elbows and then thrust himself inside.

Silver let out a loud cry, but not necessarily one of pain. It was full of passion, one never yet tapped within the boy before. Satisfied, Gold pulled out and thrust in faster than before. And then after building up speed, he went in harder. Silver’s dick by now was as hard as a rock, about ready to cum at any moment, like Gold.

“Gold...!” Silver cried out, his short nails now clawing at the floor. Gold could not take it much more. His beautiful red head and his passionate cries were enough to cause him to release his hardness. Almost right after, Silver followed suit, although his cum went over the floor and part of his legs. Gold separated, and licked up the leftovers on Silver. They’d have to clean the floor later.

Gold moved so that he was next to Silver as Silver collapsed into his arms. Although exhausted and spent, Gold kissed Silver’s face.

Silver suddenly had a look on his face Gold never saw before.

“What is it, Silver?” Gold asked, fingering his red hair.

Silver didn’t speak right away. This was awkward. He was no poet, nor the sentimental type.

“I love you.” He said softly.

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Silver was glad now he followed Lance’s advice.