predicting performance of applications and infrastructures tania lorido 27th may 2011

Predicting performance of applications and infrastructures Tania Lorido 27th May 2011

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Page 1: Predicting performance of applications and infrastructures Tania Lorido 27th May 2011

Predicting performance of applications and

infrastructuresTania Lorido

27th May 2011

Page 2: Predicting performance of applications and infrastructures Tania Lorido 27th May 2011

Problem definition

Objective Predicting utilization of resources (memory, CPU, ...) on

different computing systems in order to determine application behavior. To predict performance if the available resources change To change available resources in elastic infrastructures

Three scenarios Benchmark traces on a simulator (INSEE)

NAS Parallel Benchmarks Real applications on real systems (Data from U. of Florida) Applications running in the cloud (Arsys)

Page 3: Predicting performance of applications and infrastructures Tania Lorido 27th May 2011

First scenario: INSEE

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What is INSEE?

Interconnection Network Simulation and Evaluation Environment

Input: Traces containing messages sent among nodes.

Output: Execution timeAnd many other network-related figures

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ObjectivesGet a dataset running several traces on the


Create different models -> execution time prediction

Learn about ML techniques

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Input tracesNAS Parallel Benchmark suite

Scientific codes implemented in Fortran + MPI

Can run in systems of different sizesTested with 16 or 64 tasks

Run on a real system (Kalimero-like cluster)

Captured the whole list of point-to-point messages sent between every pair of tasks.

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2D mesh 2D torus

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We have…... a set of tasks: 16 or 64

… a set of nodes: 256 (16x16 torus)

How to assign tasks to nodes?

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PartitioningSelecting a set of nodes

Three options: random, band & quadrant

An example:We need 4 nodesTopology: mesh

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MappingAssigning each task to one of the nodes in the


Two options: random & consecutive

Example…… with band partitioning

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Page 13: Predicting performance of applications and infrastructures Tania Lorido 27th May 2011

Background noiseIn a real environment, several applications

compete for the network.

We emulate that with random messages sent among nodes: background noise

Different levels

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Predictive Variables

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Predictive Variables

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ExperimentA model for each trace type (7 types)

Class variable: execution time discretized in 3 binsWidth Height (equal frequency)

Classifiers: KNN, Naive Bayes, J48 tree

10 repeated, 5 cross-validation


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Results (I)

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Results (II)

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Interpretation for resultsQuite good results (80-100% of accuracy)

Background noise doesn’t affect (information gain = 0.00015)

… learning about ML techniques.

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Second scenario: parallel application data from the U. of


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What have they done?Run a couple of real applications on real systems

to obtain datasets

Apply several regression techniques to predict execution time and other parameters related to resource usage.KNN, LR, DT, SVM, …

Propose a new algorithm and compare it with “classical ones”

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ObjectivesRepeat the experiment – same results?

Discretize variables and apply classification techniques.

Multidimensional prediction

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Real applications

Bioinformatics applications:

BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

RAxML: Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood

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… running on real systems

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Datasets are availableBLAST RAxML

6592 data points

Two class variablesExecution time

(seconds)Output size (bytes)

487 data points

Two class variablesExecution time

(seconds)Resident Set Size,

RSS (bytes)

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Predictive variables - RAxML

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Attribute selectionDifferent sets chosen by the authors

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Testing different classifiers…

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First experiment - Regression

10 repeated, 10 cross-validation

Classifier evaluation:

Percentage error

where fi = forecast value, ai = actual value

Mean Percentage Error

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Second experiment – Classification

Output variable discretized in 4 binsWidthHeight (equal frequency)

Predictive variables discretized applying Fayyad IraniMakes groups trying to minimize entropy

Same classifiers, except Linear Regression and SVM

Classifier evaluation criterion: Accuracy

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Interpretation Height-based discretization:

65 – 75% accuracy

Width-based discretization92 – 96% accuracy … BUT…

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Attribute selection Information gain with respect to the class is 0 (or close

to) for some variables

Previous attribute selection is done based on author criterion

So… we apply:

Attribute Evaluator: CfsSubsetEval

Search Method: BestFirst

And the results….

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ConclusionsRegression experiment repeated with the same


Width-based discretization discarded

“Same results” after attribute selection

And next…

Multidimensional prediction: BLAST: Execution time & output size RAxML: Execution time & memory size (RSS)

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Third scenario: prediction of

resource demands in cloud computing

This is future work

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What does Arsys offer? (I)Traditional application and web hosting

An IaaS cloud computing platform

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What does Arsys offer? (II)A tool for the client to create and manage his

own VMs:RAMNumber of coresDisk space

Theoretically, no limits in resource usage

Resources can be changed dynamically Elasticity

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What do they want?

A tool that:Monitors resource utilization by a user’s

VM…… and predicts future utilization to…… proactively modify resource

reservations…… to optimize application performance…… and cost

Initially we will focus on the prediction part

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Variables to predict (an example)Used amount of RAM. MB.

Used amount of SWAP. MB.

Amount of free disk space. MB.

Disk performance. KB/s

Processor load. MHz

Processor use percentage.

Network bandwidth usage. Kb/s

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Approaches1/0 predictions based on threshold

Will a variable reach a certain value?

Interval-based predictions


Time seriesPrediction based on trends

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Predicting performance of applications and

infrastructuresTania Lorido

27th May 2011