preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a...

preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities are offering courses in instructional design and more companies are adding instruction designers to their staffs.

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Page 1: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities


the field of instructional design has continued to grow

both as an area of study and as a profession.

Increasing numbers of colleges and universities are offering courses in instructional design and more companies are adding instruction designers to their staffs.

Page 2: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

The Dick and Carey Systems Approach Model for Designing Instruction

Assess Needs to identify Goal(s)

Conduct Instructional


Analyze Learners and


Write Performance Objectives

Revise Instruction

Develop Assessment Instruments

Develop Instructio

nal Strategy

Design and Conduct

Formative Evaluation

of Instruction

Design and Conduct

Summative Evaluation

Develop and Select

Instructional Materials

Page 3: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

The description of the model’s components in each of the chapters includes the following sections:


the major objectives are list for each chapter. They describe what the learner should be able to recall and apply after completing the chapter.


This portion of each chapter provides the reader with a brief statement of the background ,research and development and /or problems that led to the development of the procedures associated with each particular component of the model.

Page 4: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities


This section includes both definitions of critical concepts associated with the components as well as a description of “how to do it.” It indicates how to carry out the procedures associated with each particular component.


In each chapter we provide examples of ways the processes described for each component can be applied. We use a variety of examples in the hope that learners will be able to apply each procedure to the content area in which they are interested.


It summarizes the concepts and procedures discussed in each


Practice and feedback:


Page 5: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Chapter1:Introduction to Instructional Design


Instruction is that it is a systematic process in which every component (teacher, learners, materials, and learning environment) is crucial to successful learning.

Page 6: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Introduction to Instructional Design

A System A System is consisted of two or more interrelated elements. A system is technically a set of interrelated parts, all of which work together toward a defined goal. The parts of the system depend on each other for input and output, and the entire system uses feedback to determine if its desired goal has been reached. the instruction process itself can be viewed as a system. The purpose of the system is to bring about learning.

Page 7: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

The instructional process can be viewed as a system

The purpose of the system is to bring about learning. The components of the system are learners, the instructor, the instructional materials, and the learning environment. These components interact in order to achieve the goal.

Someone with a systems view sees the preparation, implementation, evaluation, and revision of instruction as one integrated.

Page 8: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

The purpose of this book is to describe a systems approach model for design ,development ,implementation, and evaluation of instruction. That is a procedural system. We will describe a series of steps , all of which will receive input from the preceding steps and will provide output for the next steps. All of the components work together in order for the user to produce effective instruction.

Page 9: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

ISD (Instructional Systems Development)

Typically the major phases of ISD are analysis , design , development, implementation, and evaluation .

Note that the term instruction design is used as an umbrella term that includes all of the phases of the ISD process. When we use the term instructional design,we will be referring to the entire ISD process.

Page 10: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

The major phases of ISD

The major phases of ISD are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

1. Analysis: the analysis of needs, assignment, learning goals and characteristic of learners.

2. Design: the design of the Instructional strategy including the strategy of organization, the strategy of delivering instructional content, the strategy of managing instructional resource

3. Development: develop instructional resource according to all kinds of strategies which are fixed in the phases of design.

Page 11: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Introduction to Instructional Design

Incorporated Cognitive Theory and Instructional Design

Absorbing the benefit of behaviorist and cognitivist, Gagne create Incorporated Cognitive Theory. In this view, most behavior is assumed to be very complex and controlled primarily by a person’s internal mental process rather than external stimuli and reinforcement. Instructional is seen as organizing and providing sets of information and activities that guide, support, and augment student’s internal mental process.

Page 12: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Introduction to Instructional Design

Constructivism and Instructional Design The central point of constructivism is that learning is

always a unique product “constructed” as each individual learner combines new information with existing knowledge and experiences.

Individuals have learned when they have constructed new interpretations of the social, cultural, physical, and intellectual environments in which they live. Because learning in constructivist view is so entwined with one’s experiences, primary role of the teacher is creating appropriate learning environments, sometimes called problem scenarios in which students’ learning experiences are authentic representations of real practices in applied settings.

Page 13: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Components of the Systems Approach Model

Page 14: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Assess Needs to Identify Goal (s) Conduct Instructional AnalysisAnalyze Learners and ContextsWrite Performance Objectives Develop Assessment InstrumentsDevelop Instructional Strategy Develop and Select Instructional MaterialsDesign and Conduct the Formative Evaluation of Instruction(Revise Instruction)Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation

The nine basic steps represent the procedures that one employs when the systems approach is used to design instruction. This set of procedures is referred to as a systems approach because it is made up of interacting components, each having its own input and output ,which together produce predetermined products.

Page 15: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities






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The role of the Dick and Carey model in the broader curriculum development process

Page 16: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

The Reason of Using the System Approach

The first is the focus, at the outset, on what learners are able to know or be able to know or be able to do when the instruction is concluded. Without the precise statement, subsequent planning and implementation steps can become unclear and ineffective.

The second is the careful linkage between each component, especially the relationship between the instructional strategy and the desired learning outcomes

The third is that it is an empirical and replicable process. Instruction is designed not for one delivery.

Page 17: Preface the field of instructional design has continued to grow both as an area of study and as a profession. Increasing numbers of colleges and universities

Consider Several Questions when Using the Systems Approach Model What are the basic components of

systematically designed instruction? For which instructional delivery system is

the systems appropriate? Does the use of the systems approach imply

that all instruction will be individualized? Why use the systems approach? Who should use the systems approach?