· preguntas para la reflexión personal: mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante...

St. Francis de Sales Church, 535 Riverside Drive, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 Holy Redeemer Church, 501 East Chestnut St., Delmar, Maryland 21875 Parish School, 500 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, Maryland 21801; phone 410-749-9907 Parish Office, 514 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 Phone: 410-742-6443 Website: www.visitstfrancis.org Email: [email protected] FAX: 410-742-9410 Sacramental Life of Our Community To receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick, please make arrangements through the parish office. Persons interested in celebrating the sacrament of baptism, confirmation, marriage or holy orders are invited to contact the parish office for information on preparation programs. The sacrament of reconciliation is available at St. Francis de Sales Church each Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and at Holy Redeemer Church each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. or by appointment. Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 7:00 a.m. chapel Tuesday 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.-chapel Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Church and 5:30 p.m. chapel Thursday 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.-chapel Friday 7:00 a.m.-chapel Saturday 8:30 a.m.-church Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 9:15 a.m. until 5:15 p.m.-chapel Weekend Mass Schedule St. Francis de Sales Church: Saturday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. bilingual Spanish Holy Redeemer Church: Saturday 4:00 p.m. and the 2 nd and 4 th weeks 7:30 p.m. Korean. Sunday 9:30 a.m. The information and activities listed in this parish bulletin are provided to enable you to become more actively involved in our community’s worship, education, outreach and social events. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome! Lahat ay Pastoral Staff Rev. Christopher LaBarge, Pastor Rev. Daniel Staniskis, Associate Mr. Bruce Abresch, Deacon Dr. William Folger, Deacon Mr. Don Geaga, Deacon Office Staff Mrs. Susan Flanagan, Business Manager Mrs. Angie Kiley, Administrative Assistant Mr. Ed Weirick, Plant Manager Liturgical Staff Mrs. Michele Harris, Pastoral Minister Educational Staff Mrs. Patricia Burbage, Director of Family Ministry Mrs. Liza Alvarado, Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Debra Traum, School Principal Diocesan Ministries Catholic Charities 410-651-9608 Joseph House Ministries 410-749-4239 Seton Center 410-651-9608

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Page 1:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás


St. Francis de Sales Church, 535 Riverside Drive, Salisbury, Maryland 21801

Holy Redeemer Church, 501 East Chestnut St., Delmar, Maryland 21875

Parish School, 500 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, Maryland 21801; phone 410-749-9907

Parish Office, 514 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 Phone: 410-742-6443 Website: www.visitstfrancis.org

Email: [email protected] FAX: 410-742-9410

Sacramental Life of Our Community To receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick, please make arrangements through the parish office. Persons

interested in celebrating the sacrament of baptism, confirmation, marriage or holy orders are invited to contact the parish

office for information on preparation programs. The sacrament of reconciliation is available at St. Francis de Sales

Church each Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and at Holy Redeemer Church each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. or by appointment.

Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 7:00 a.m. chapel Tuesday 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.-chapel

Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Church and 5:30 p.m. chapel Thursday 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.-chapel

Friday 7:00 a.m.-chapel Saturday 8:30 a.m.-church

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 9:15 a.m. until 5:15 p.m.-chapel

Weekend Mass Schedule St. Francis de Sales Church: Saturday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. bilingual Spanish

Holy Redeemer Church: Saturday 4:00 p.m. and the 2nd and 4th weeks 7:30 p.m. Korean. Sunday 9:30 a.m.

The information and activities listed in this parish bulletin are provided to enable you to become more actively involved in our community’s

worship, education, outreach and social events.

���������!�� � ¡Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome! !"#$%&'(##!"#$%&'(##!"#$%&'(##!"#$%&'(##Lahat ay

Pastoral Staff

Rev. Christopher LaBarge, Pastor

Rev. Daniel Staniskis, Associate

Mr. Bruce Abresch, Deacon

Dr. William Folger, Deacon

Mr. Don Geaga, Deacon

Office Staff

Mrs. Susan Flanagan, Business Manager

Mrs. Angie Kiley, Administrative Assistant

Mr. Ed Weirick, Plant Manager

Liturgical Staff

Mrs. Michele Harris, Pastoral Minister

Educational Staff

Mrs. Patricia Burbage, Director of Family Ministry

Mrs. Liza Alvarado, Director of Youth Ministry

Mrs. Debra Traum, School Principal

Diocesan Ministries

Catholic Charities 410-651-9608

Joseph House Ministries 410-749-4239

Seton Center 410-651-9608

Page 2:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Saint Francis de Sales Parish June 10, 2018


Be Prepared Take time to reflect on God’s Word in preparation

for our liturgical celebration of the Eleventh Sunday in

Ordinary Time:

First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Gospel: 4:26-34

Daily scriptures may be read or listened to at


Father’s Day Blessing As we celebrate Father’s Day on June 17th, we will

honor all fathers with a special blessing at the end of each


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) will

dismiss at the 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses most weeks

of the year. CLW will continue through the summer

months and into the new academic year.

St. Francis de Sales, one parish with two churches, is a Roman Catholic community in the greater Salisbury, Maryland area.

Altar Flowers The flowers on the altar of Holy Redeemer Church

next weekend are in loving memory of Bob Sample from his

wife, Jacquelyn. The altar flowers at St. Francis de Sales

Church next weekend are in loving memory of Bob Lewis

from his wife, Marge.

Confirmation This weekend Bishop Francis Malooly celebrated

the Sacrament of Confirmation with the young people of our

parish. Please pray for our youth as they grow in the Grace

of the Holy Spirit.

Youth and Quilts This weekend at our 5:30 p.m. Mass the youth who

are going on this year’s Appalachia Service Project were

commissioned and blessed for their service and journey.

The ladies who have been working equally hard in

preparation by making quilts were also on hand with their

beautiful works of art to be blessed for the families who will

be the recipients of these gifts of love. Please pray for our

young people and their adult chaperones who will be

helping to provide livable housing for families in


School Graduation This Sunday at 2:00 p.m. our parish school

will celebrate a graduation Mass in St. Francis de

Sales Church. The parish community is invited to


Summer Mass Schedule The Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Masses will be celebrated

in the chapel beginning June 20th.

A people of prayer...

Parish Sacrificial Giving

Actual YTD May 27 to June 3 $894,717.00 June 3rd Collection $15,241.00 Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget $893,000.00 June 3rd Online Giving $ 2,800.00 Amount Deficit of Budget +$ 1,717.00 Weekly Sunday Goal $19,000.00 Amount of Difference for June 3 -$ 959.00

Your contributions to help with special needs Building and Maintenance $ 4,405.00

We are always grateful to all for your offerings each week. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. June 10th Joseph House Ministries June 17th Father’s Day

Prayers for Recently Deceased Please pray for those who have died and those who have lost a loved one. Last week in our prayer

intentions we prayed for Margaret Harrington,

Clare Ripple and Veronica Pena Cruz, Aunt of

Maria de Jesus Callejas. .

Page 3:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


United in Christ, we seek to spread God’s Word through prayer and action ...

¿Cuál es el pecado imperdonable? Dios perdonará a cualquier pecador que se arrepienta -

¿correcto? Sin importar lo que hayamos hecho, si

verdaderamente estamos arrepentidos y deseamos ser

restaurados en la gracia de Dios, el Sacramento de la

Confesión nos asegurará nuestro lugar en el cielo - ¿correcto?

Si es así, entonces ¿cuál es el pecado imperdonable que

nombra la lectura del Evangelio de este domingo? ¿Estamos

en peligro de ir al infierno porque hay un pecado que no se

perdona? Miremos el contexto en el cual Jesús está

describiendo el pecado imperdonable. Está hablando de

Satanás, el hombre fuerte que roba (posee) almas. Fíjate qué

fácil es arrebatar las propiedades del hombre fuerte:

¡simplemente obligamos (atamos) al hombre fuerte! ("Nadie

puede entrar a la casa del hombre fuerte a despojarlo de sus

propiedades a menos que lo ate primero. Entonces puede

despojar la casa.") Jesús pronto comenzaría a enviar a sus

discípulos a comenzar el saqueo, es decir, a rescatar almas en

el nombre y el poder de Cristo. Los pecados de los rescatados

serán perdonados. Jesús dijo: “Quien blasfeme contra el

Espíritu Santo nunca será perdonado, sino que será culpable de

un pecado eterno.” Los demonios blasfeman al Espíritu Santo

al ser plenamente conscientes de la verdad y sin

embargo deliberadamente mentirnos acerca de la bondad del

Espíritu Santo, llevándonos, si pueden, lejos de Dios. ¡Esto es

imperdonable! ¿Qué sucede con los seres humanos que creen

las mentiras demoníacas? El Catecismo de la Iglesia

Católica (párrafo 1864) dice que

quien deliberadamente rechazara arrepentirse de un pecado

rechazará el perdón: "Esa dureza de corazón puede conducir a

la impenitencia final y a la pérdida eterna." La mayoría de las

personas, creo, que permiten que las mentiras demoníacas

influyan en ellos, simplemente no se dan cuenta que la verdad

es mejor. Como nos dice la primera lectura de este domingo,

Adán y Eva pecaron porque Satanás los engañó. Cada pecador

ha sido engañado. Tú y yo pecamos cuando creemos una

mentira y el Espíritu Santo, el Espíritu de la Verdad, está con

nosotros para ayudarnos a sobreponernos a cada mentira. La

verdad nos libera.

Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando

hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años,

¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado

estás peleando todavía hoy? Pide al Espíritu Santo que te de

una nueva comprensión sobre ello.

Preguntas para Compartir la Fe en Comunidad:

Nombra los pecados que ves comúnmente en nuestro mundo

de hoy. ¿Qué verdades sobre Dios no alcanzan a comprender

las personas en cada clase de pecado? Si se abrieran a estas

verdades, ¿cómo cambiarían sus mentes y sus

comportamientos? ¿Cómo podemos evangelizarnos sobre la

verdad?© 2017 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources,


Pastor’s Ponderings Refleciones del Parroco Father/Padre Chris LaBarge

What is the unforgiveable sin? God will forgive any repentant sinner -- right? No

matter what we have done, if we are truly remorseful and

desire to be restored to God’s grace, the Sacrament of

Confession will secure our place in heaven -- right? If so,

then what is the unforgiveable sin named in this Sunday's

Gospel reading? Are we in danger of going to hell because

there's an unforgivable sin? Let’s look at the context in

which Jesus is describing the unforgiveable sin. He's

talking about Satan, the strong man who steals (possesses)

souls. Note how easy it is to plunder the strong man's

property: We simply bind (tie) the strong man! (“No one

can enter a strong man's house to plunder his property

unless he first ties him up. Then he can plunder the house.”)

Jesus will soon be sending out his disciples to start

plundering, i.e., rescuing souls in the name and power of

Christ. The sins of the rescued will be forgiven. Jesus said,

“Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never

have forgiveness but is guilty of an everlasting sin.”

Demons blaspheme the Holy Spirit by being fully aware of

the truth while deliberately lying to us about the goodness

of the Holy Spirit, leading us, if they can, away from God.

This is unforgiveable! What about humans who believe

their sins are unforgiveable? The Catechism of the

Catholic Church (paragraph 1864) says that anyone

who deliberately refuses to repent of sin rejects

forgiveness: “Such hardness of heart can lead to final

impenitence and eternal loss.” Most people, I believe, who

think they are “unforgiveable” simply don't realize that the

truth is better. As this Sunday's first reading tells us, Adam

and Eve sinned because Satan deceived them. Every sinner

has been deceived. You and I sin when we believe a

deception, and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is with

us to help us overcome every lie. The truth sets us free.

Questions for Personal Reflection: Looking back over

your spiritual growth through the years, when did you

overcome deceptions about God? What sin are you

struggling with today? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a

new understanding about it.

Questions for Community Faith Sharing: Name sins that you see commonly embraced in our world

today. What truths about God do people fail to understand

in each type of sin? If they were to open themselves up to

these truths, how would it would change their minds and

their behaviors? How can we evangelize them about the

truth?© 2017 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources, www.catholicdr.com.

Page 4:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Saint Francis de Sales Parish June 10, 2018


Thoughts from the Principal Debra Traum, Principal

Today we celebrate our amazing eighth

grade class as they graduate and leave St.

Francis de Sales with a prestigious diploma

from the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington. Our alumni

consistently transition with great success into local high

school programs. These young people never forget the

childhood memories created as part of their elementary and

middle school education.

Sara Faith Alessandrini

Adriena Dolce Costante

Audrey Katherine Gianelle

Taylor Elizabeth Gray

Jean Franckenjy Mathurin

Lukas Alexander Overton-O’Hara

Aiden Thomas Reilly

Hannah Rose Siegmund

Sarah Jane Siegmund

Anita Grace Stevenson

Timothy Francis Synowiec

Yenesis Alondra Torres Vivas

Jack Henderson Tucker

Michael Cort Wehberg

William Douglas Wilhite

Nora Elizabeth Wilson

Congratulations to all and continued success in your


Serving in Love...

...with the highest respect for all life and the diversity of God’s people and creation.

Serving in Love...

Households of Faith

Reflection from Michele Harris

Have you ever received a gift that you never used?

Maybe it sat around the house for a little while with the

wrappings still surrounding it and little tabs of tape stuck to it.

Once the thank you note was written, expressing your

appreciation, was it ignored as it collected dust? When it didn’t

find a place in your life was it relegated to closet or in a box

under your bed or to the attic storage? Once it was out of sight,

was it also removed from your memory, forgotten? Some gifts

are like that, not really appreciated because we don’t see a

need or we can’t imagine their purpose in our lives.

This weekend our young people have received some

wonderful gifts! As they were confirmed and celebrated with

their family and friends, I am sure they were given gifts of

jewelry, books, gift cards or money to mark the special

occasion. Great as those gifts are, they don’t last forever. The

gift that was given, unseen yet powerful, was the one given by

the Bishop as he anointed each with chrism and said, “Be

sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Wow, what an

awesome gift! The gift of the Holy Spirit, given first by Christ

and now conferred upon our young people who have prepared

and who have requested to receive this amazing gift. Being

witnesses of the sacrament is a reminder to all of us who have

been confirmed to cherish the gift, never lose sight, keep it

dusted off and use it each and every day because it is needed as

we grow in faith through wisdom, understanding, counsel,

fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. It is a gift

that the world needs us to fully embrace in order that we can

make a difference in the lives around us.

Movie with Pope Francis

A Man of His Word This documentary will be playing at the Movies at

Midway in Rehoboth Beach beginning June 1st. It can also

be rented on iTunes.

Page 5:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We embrace all who respond to God’s call to be part of a Catholic sacramental community gathered around the Eucharist and challenged to live the Gospel.

Connect to friends, the community, and God. Contact Liza Alvarado, Director of Youth Ministries

[email protected] Understanding Youth Ministry and Confirmation

Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments of the

Catholic Church and one of the three sacraments of initiation, the

other two being Baptism and Holy Communion. It enables the

faithful to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, strengthening

them in their Christian life. This year we are blessed to confirm

students that have prepared to receive this sacrament through

classes and acts of service. Pray for God to work boldly in their

lives as they are empowered by the gifts of the Holy Spirit!

How is Youth Ministry different from Confirmation?

Youth Ministry is not a sacrament nor a requirement to be

checked off at the end of the Confirmation process. It is, though,

an ongoing opportunity for young people to explore and journey

with God throughout middle and high school years. It helps

young people connect with friends, the community and God

through various events: retreats, pilgrimages, conferences, and

activities. Youth Grades 7-12 are welcome to bring friends and get involved. The Confirmation process is not required for one to

attend the Youth Ministry programs. We hope you will join us at

our next Ice Cream Social on Saturday, June 16th at 6:30 p.m. If

you are completing 6th grade and entering 7th grade next year,

come out to any of our summer events and get a jump start with

your involvement in youth ministries. We’d love to see you. Remember to bring a friend! Be sure to fill out a Release Form

found online. We also hope to see students that have been or will

be involved in Confirmation classes continue their journey of

faith with the support of youth ministries. Staying connected with

the Church should never end but become a way of life.

Upcoming Dates: Youth Music Practice

Tuesday, June 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the SFdS church. We are

preparing for a service on Saturday, June 16th. E-mail Liza if you

would like to participate.

Youth Ice Cream Social

Saturday, June 16th Mass at 5:30 p.m. and Social from 6:30

p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. Come out and support our

youth playing music at Mass and then celebrate the end of the

school year! Bring a friend and an ice cream topping to share!

Caring for One Another...

The Gospel for All Ages Pat Burbage, Family Ministry

“Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me.” Mark 3:20-35. Families are places of beginnings. Within our family, we first learn what it means to be part of a community. Our hope is that we will share a closeness and experience mutual understanding and support. We learn how to love one another,

how to ask for and receive forgiveness, and hopefully, how to apply all these lessons to the world outside our homes. As you think about your families, think about what makes your family special. Talk to your children about how your family has reacted to challenges. Have there been opportunities to learn about love, forgiveness and understanding? In this story today, Jesus wants us to understand that by doing God’s will, we are part of a bigger family. Choosing to follow Jesus, being his disciple, means we must treat one another with kindness and mercy. Conclude by asking God to bless your family and to help you do God’s will by seeing all his people with the same kind of love and compassion. Who will the Holy Spirit call? I am watching carefully for the hearts that the Spirit will touch to come forth to serve our children in their growth of faith and knowledge of God’s love. Our programs have been blessed with a wonderful array of catechists with an infinite list of gifts and talents. In the coming year we will need to fill the spots of long serving catechists and aides who have been called to other ventures. As you are reading this, give some thought to listening carefully for the call of the Holy Spirit. Everyone grows when we open our hearts to serve…and we ourselves are enriched by the Holy Spirit working in us! FAMILY BIBLE BOOT CAMP is an opportunity for families to gather for a light meal with prayer, crafts and music as we dive into Old Testament stories. Our dates for this event are Thursdays, July 12th & 26th and August 9th & 23rd from 5:30 p.m. until 7:15 p.m. in the St. Francis de Sales Church Hall.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM can be found in the church vestibule or online at www.visitstfrancis.org. Make arrangements to pay online or bring your payment along with the form to the parish office. Our publishers offer an incentive of no shipping fees if we order our materials prior to the date listed. Please make an effort to take advantage of the early registration discount by registering now. There is a $15.00 discount per child if registrations are submitted prior to June 17th.

Congratulations to those who received the

Sacrament of Confirmation.

Page 6:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Saint Francis de Sales Parish June 10, 2018


We are a worshipping community committed to religious formation and social concern for all.


Tempus fugit! With his second one-year

term as Grand Knight of our Council now almost –

and very successfully – completed, Charles Meenehan will pass the gavel to his successor in that office later

this month, when our newly elected officers are announced.

Beginning on July 1st those elected will serve for the fraternal

year 2018-2019, in the tradition of all who have served before

ever since 1952 when our Council received its Charter from the

Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus. A slate of candidates for office is presently being reviewed, and will be

voted upon later this month. Once installed, the incoming Grand

Knight, with his new chair officers and key Council members,

will formulate a program of activities to keep the membership

gainfully active and busy for the duration of the new term, as the

Council continues its work in solidarity with our priests and parish, for the benefit of all. The incoming administration will

inherit a Council that is healthily committed. Its task? To keep it


The Knights of Columbus, St. Francis de Sales Council

#3489. We meet at 7:30 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each

month in the Columbus Club at 1501 Emerson Avenue in

Salisbury. If you are interested in learning more about us, or in

joining our fraternal society, please talk to a Knight, or call (410)

543-4953 and leave a message. Thank you!

Sponsor of the Week

Our sponsor of the week is

First Shore Federal.

Thank you for your support!

Growing in Faith...

Our Parish Celebrations Mark your calendar and save the date for these

celebrations in our community:

June 18 - 22 Vacation Bible School

June 30 Carriage House Thrift Store

Yard Sale

August 21 Summer Penance Service

September 16 Catechetical Sunday

September 20 - 22 10th Annual Riverside Carnival

October 4 Blessing of the Animals

October 7 Respect Life Sunday

October 13 Youth Bonfire

October 16 LYRA Concert

October 27 HSA Fall Festival

October 28 Priesthood Sunday

November 2 Mass of Remembrance

November 3 Diocesan Convocation

November 10 ASP/Boy Scout Yard Sale

November 30 Blue Christmas Youth Dinner

December 2 Holiday Tea

December 9 Santa Social

Summer Hours

At your convenience,

in your time. Call to arrange a time to visit.

Parish Office 410-742-6443

Maria 410-543-4161

Baby Bottle Campaign The Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center (ESPC) is in the

midst of its baby bottle campaign. All money raised will

benefit the ministry of the ESPC, located in Salisbury and

serving the communities of the lower Eastern Shore, where

women are counseled and nurtured emotionally and spiritually

during their pregnancy. Baby bottles will be collected next


Please pray for Priests This coming week we will celebrate the anniversary of

the deaths of four priests who served the Diocese of

Wilmington: James O’Reilly (died in 1968); Henry Miller

(died in 1972); Patrick Brady (died in 2010) and Phil McGann

(died in 2015). None of these priests were assigned to St.

Francis de Sales.

Faithful Citizens The Maryland Catholic Conference has questioned the

candidates who will be on the ballots for the primary elections

and compiled their responses for you to consider before you go

to the polls. You may find the information at:

www.mdcathcon.org/elections. Your vote speaks for your

faith! Please take time to be informed and participate in our

country’s election process.

Catholic Campus Ministry


Campus Masses will return in the fall.

Pray how you can support us!

Summer Theology on Tap

Lonely Planet Guide to Heaven, by Jamie Sturgill

June 10th at 6:30 p.m. at Evo Brewery.

Any students in town are welcome!

Page 7:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Saint Francis de Sales Parish June 10, 2018


Crisis in Nicaragua This past April the President of Nicaragua issued an Executive Order that increased the

amount of money each person had to pay to their Social Security. This was the straw that

broke the camel’s back. Students began to protest and call for the resignation of Mr. Ortega.

The police responded with force and during the past 6 weeks over 60 people have died. The

Catholic Bishops (there are 10 of them) were asked to intervene as facilitators of dialogue

between the various groups.

Rolando Alvarez, bishop of Matagalpa and a member of Nicaragua’s Episcopal

Conference, said “we hope there would be a series of electoral reforms, structural changes to

the electoral authority – free, just and transparent elections, international observation without

conditions. Effectively, the democratization of the country.”

Many Nicaraguans are skeptical that the talks can bring any resolution to popular

frustrations that have been building up over years. As Ortega and his vice president and wife,

Rosario Murillo, arrived at a seminary in the capital, Managua, for the talks, critics chanted

“¡Asesino!” or “Murderer!” One student leader yelled: “We’re not here to hold a dialogue.

We are here to negotiate your departure.” In the streets, they are chanting “¡Daniel y Somoza,

son la misma cosa!,” (“Daniel and Somoza are the same thing!”)

Their frustration is justifiable. Ortega has sought to remain in power indefinitely, but

lately planned to hand the reins to his wife. But it seems now even the best authoritarian plans

can quickly unravel. Notably, the military has signaled its displeasure with the deadly

crackdown by Ortega’s police and regime militants, calling for an end to the violence – a

strong indication that they might not tolerate further wanton violence directed at civilians.

Most of the private sector, which was not consulted on the Social Security reform, has also

distanced itself from Ortega, as has the Catholic Church. In fact, the government has become

so unpopular that it has had to transport supporters into Managua to stage pro-regime counter


Father Antonio of our sister parish has been interviewed regularly by the press in

Nicaragua because he has a good reputation of working with the poor and with the powerful.

He has forwarded a letter from the laity to the Bishops calling for them to strive to be neutral

in the intervention.

Father Antonio has asked all of us to keep the people of our sister parish and all of

Nicaragua in our prayers.

Page 8:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Saint Francis de Sales Parish June 10, 2018


Crisis en Nicaragua

El pasado mes de abril, el presidente de Nicaragua emitió una orden ejecutiva que aumentó la cantidad de dinero que cada persona tenía que pagar a su seguro social. Esta fue la paja que rompió la espalda del camello. Los estudiantes empezaron a protestar y a pedir la dimisión del Sr. Ortega. La policía respondió con fuerza y durante las últimas 6 semanas más de 60 personas han muerto. Se pidió a los obispos católicos (hay 10 de ellos) que intervinieran como facilitadores del diálogo entre los distintos grupos.

Rolando Álvarez, obispo de Matagalpa y miembro de la Conferencia Episcopal de Nicaragua, dijo: “Esperamos que haya una serie de reformas electorales, cambios estructurales en la autoridad electoral – elecciones libres, justas y transparentes, observación internacional sin condiciones. Efectivamente, la democratización del país.”

Muchos nicaragüenses se muestran escépticos de que las conversaciones puedan aportar cualquier resolución a las frustraciones populares que se han ido acumulando durante años. Como Ortega y su vicepresidente y esposa, Rosario Murillo, llegaron a un seminario en la capital, Managua, para las conversaciones, los críticos corearon “¡asesino!” o “asesino!” Un líder estudiantil gritó: “no estamos aquí para mantener un diálogo. Estamos aquí para negociar su partida. En las calles, cantan”¡ Daniel y Somoza, son la misma cosa!”.

Su frustración es justificable. Ortega Ha trató de permanecer en el poder indefinidamente, pero últimamente planeaba dar las riendas a su esposa. Pero parece que ahora incluso los mejores planes autoritarios pueden desentrañar rápidamente. En particular, el ejército ha señalado su descontento con la mortífera ofensiva de la policía de Ortega y los militantes del régimen, pidiendo el fin de la violencia – una fuerte indicación de que no pueden tolerar más violencia desenfrenada dirigida a los civiles. La mayor parte del sector privado, que no fue consultado sobre la reforma de la seguridad social, también se ha distanciado de Ortega, al igual que la iglesia católica. De hecho, el gobierno se ha vuelto tan impopular que ha tenido que transportar a los simpatizantes a Managua para que efectúen manifestaciones contrarias a favor del régimen.

El Padre Antonio de nuestra parroquia hermana ha sido entrevistado regularmente por la prensa en Nicaragua porque tiene una buena reputación de trabajar con los pobres y con los poderosos. Ha enviado una carta de los laicos a los obispos que piden que se esfuercen por ser neutrales en la intervención.

El Padre Antonio nos ha pedido a todos que mantengamos a la gente de nuestra parroquia hermana y de toda Nicaragua en nuestras oraciones.

Page 9:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás

Saint Francis de Sales Parish June 10, 2018


Special Prayer Intentions These are the people for whom we will be praying at our Masses this week beginning June 11th:




Candle SFdS

Candle HR

Monday June 11 7:00 a.m. Vocations

Tuesday June 12 7:00 a.m. Special Intention

11:00 a.m. Vocations

Wednesday June 13 8:30 a.m. Augusta Ness

5:30 p.m. Margaret Weihbrecht

Thursday June 14 7:00 a.m. Vocations

11:00 a.m. Vocations

Friday June 15 7:00 a.m. Glaucia Miranda

Saturday June 16 8:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena

4:00 p.m. Father’s Day Novena

5:30 p.m. Father’s Day Novena

Sunday June 17 8:00 a.m. Father’s Day Novena

9:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena

10:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena

12:00 p.m. Father’s Day Novena

5:00 p.m. Father’s Day Novena

Calendar Items

Sunday, June 10 9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

2:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Baptism Class in Spanish

SFdS School Graduation

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Mercy House

SFdS Church Hall

Mercy House

SFdS Church

SFdS Church Hall

Monday, June 11 5:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

Carnival Meeting

Handbell Choir

SFdS Church Hall

SFdS Church

Tuesday, June 12 9:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

1:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

Thrift Shop Carriage House open until 12:00 p.m.

Marian Prayer

End of Year Guild Luncheon

Building and Maintenance

Youth Music Practice

Baptism Class in English

Boy Scout Troop

Carriage House

SFdS Chapel

Off Campus

Parish Center Conf. Room

SFdS Church

Mercy House

Scout House

Wednesday, June 13 9:15 a.m.

3:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.


Interfaith and Environment Meeting

Baptism Class in Spanish

RCIA Inquiry

SFdS Chapel

Mercy House

Mercy House

Mercy House

Thursday, June 14 9:00 a.m.

6:30 p.m.

Thrift Shop Carriage House open until 12:00 p.m.

Hispanic Evangelization

Carriage House

SFdS Church Hall

Friday, June 15 7:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Holy Hour in Spanish

Korean Prayer Group

SFdS Chapel

Mercy House

Saturday, June 16 9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

1:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

Stitches of Faith

Thrift Shop Carriage House open until 12:00 p.m.

Tea Committee Meeting

Youth Ice Cream Social

Mercy House

Carriage House

Rectory Dining Room

SFdS Church Hall

Sunday, June 17 10:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Baptism Class in Spanish


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

SFdS Church Hall

Mercy House

Mercy House

SFdS Church Hall

Page 10:  · Preguntas para la Reflexión Personal: Mirando hacia atrás tu crecimiento espiritual durante estos años, ¿cuándo venciste las mentiras sobre Dios? ¿Con qué pecado estás


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