preliminary evaluation


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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Preliminary evaluation


Page 2: Preliminary evaluation

What have we learned during the making of our preliminary task?• Technically I have learnt how to attach a camera to a tripod. I have learnt how to create a soundtrack to

add to videos, it has also made me think about what works and what doesn’t with different types of genres. Additionally I have learnt how to do basic things on premier pro like cutting clips and increasing speed for different effects.

• I think we managed time quite well. We got the majority of our shots filmed within the first week, leaving us plenty of time in case we had to go back and shoot some more footage to add into parts of the short film where continuity was not accurate. We also left around a week and a half for editing the film and creating soundtracks. As we had a member of our group missing on the last week she did quite a bit of the editing the week before which really gave us plenty of time to perfect and finish the film.

• The dynamics of our group worked well I thought. We all had different strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to help each other in certain aspects and improve the film in others.

• Our storyboard could have had more time spent on it, which would have helped us with knowing exactly what needed filming that day and what sequence it was going to happen in.

• The only majorly obvious continuity issue we had in our movie was a couple of seconds where we couldn’t get the cutting of the two clips to run smoothly into each other.

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Areas of success

• Overall I think the finished version of our short film was quite successful for a first attempt. Obviously we’d all used a camera before but we learned a lot of new things to do with shots and editing. We wanted to take on board these skills and complete the film to the best of our ability.

• We managed time really well I think, it was completed in time and we also finished so we had around three lessons to perfect and alter mistakes we hadn’t previously noticed.

• We took note of the camera angles we had learnt about in both our theory and practical lessons and tried to incorporate them into our film. We used some low angled shots which were quite interesting to watch and some close ups which showed the differences in behaviour between the two characters.

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Areas for development

I think for our main task we should plan our vision for the film better. I think we should make a map of our ideas and create a detailed story board with all the camera angles we want to use. Also I think we should write down if we want any bits to be sped up or slowed down, or if we want to alter the saturation, filter or sharpness of any sections. This time round we will not need to use any of our time for practicing shots or have any delays with working the camera. So we can get straight into planning and filming. This will remove any activities that could waste time.

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Meeting the brief

In terms of the 180 degree rule I think we achieved it quite well. When watching our film you can tell the characters are looking at each other and it becomes clear that they are having a conversation.

We also used shot/reverse shot to show the reactions of the person when the intense conversation takes place.

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Feedback from others

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Evaluation of my contribution to our groups work:• I filmed a lot of the footage for our preliminary task. I tried to experiment with different

angles and distances to create different effects. I also helped with the editing of the film, I clipped the last few videos and added them to the work amber had done previously. I also helped to create the soundtrack for our film. Additionally I created the title for our movie. I used black and white to create an edgy, sharp effect.

• I was present every lesson that we were completing our task and was willing to put in any extra time that was necessary to make our film the best it could be.

• I have become more confident using a camera which I think will be useful in preparation for our main task. Also I feel a bit more prepared in terms of becoming more familiar with different devices that are available for us on premier pro. So we can edit our main task professionally and effectively.

• I think our group worked well together. we mainly took lead in different sections of creating the film. However I think for the main task we should have clearer roles in terms of what our own priorities should be so we all have something to do all the time.