prenatal behavioural and biochemical emotional communication and the origins of music richard...

behavioural and biochemical emotional communication and the origins of music Richard Parncutt Department of Musicology, University of Graz, Austria Presented at Evolution of Emotional Communication (EEC 2007), Hannover, Germany, 27-29 September 2007

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Prenatal behavioural and biochemical emotional

communicationand the origins of music

Richard ParncuttDepartment of Musicology, University of Graz, Austria

Presented at Evolution of Emotional Communication (EEC 2007), Hannover, Germany, 27-29 September 2007

QuestionHow does music induce emotion? (Juslin)


Music is a byproduct of prenatal

auditory, vestibular and proprioceptive function

A theoretical paper

• idea and argument

• reference to diverse disciplines– ethnomusicology, historical musicology– psychology, sociology– physiology, medicine, gynecology, pediatrics– acoustics, psychoacoustics, audiology– zoology, ethology

Literature exampleHopkins & Johnson (Eds.) (2005)

Prenatal development of postnatal functions

Pallas: Pre- and postnatal sensory experience shapes functional architecture in the brain

Lecanuet, Granier-Deferre, DeCasper: Are we expecting too much from prenatal experiences?

Schaal: From amnion to colostrum in milk: Odor bridging in early developmental transitions

Porter, Winberg, Varendi: Prenatal preparation for early postnatal olfactory learning

Robinson, Kleven: Learning to move before birth

de Vries, Hopkins: Fetal movements and postures: What do they mean for postnatal development?

Glover, O‘Connor: Effects of antenatal maternal stress and anxiety: From fetus to child

Ecological approach

Perception depends primarily on interaction with environmental affordances (Gibson)

– does not contradict cognitive approaches

– appropriate if no reflective consciousness

Music and emotion1. Strong emotions assoc. with survival and reproduction (evolutionary psychology; Buss)

– hunger, anger, fear– sexual arousal, love, jealousy

2. Music evokes strong emotions (Sloboda; Gabrielsson)

3. But music is unnecessary for survival & reproduction (Pinker)

– art is by definition non-functional...although music may enhance fitness

– through social relationships

The mystery of music’s origins

Why does music evoke strong emotions

although it has no clear adaptive value?

Association music↔emotion

Musical emotions may be…

...carried by learned sound & movement patterns – nostalgia (episodic memory, “They’re playing our song”)

– youth culture and identity

...based on motherese– universal emotional-gestural vocabulary? (Papousek)

– nature or nurture? (Trehub)

Ontogeny of auditory, vestibular and proprioceptive function

The following emerge near the middle of gestation:

1. Audition – physiological and behavioral evidence (Hepper, Lecanuet...)

2. Vestibular sense– semicircular canals (rotation) – otoliths (linear acceleration)– evidence is only physiological

3. Motor control and proprioception (Smotherman & Robinson)

The prenatal stage as a developmental niche

Adaptive pressure– prenatal survival– postnatal survival

Transnatal (dis-) continuity

Nature, nurture or prenatal development? (Smotherman)

Infant mortality and bonding

Infant mortality > 50% in hunter-gatherer societies

anything that promotes infant survival is selected

Bonding, attachment (Trevarthen)

– mutual sensitivity to physical/emotional state– pre- and postnatal

Prenatal information about maternal state

• biochemical– changing hormone concentrations – quickly pass placenta and brain-blood barrier

• behavioural – patterns of sound and movement– perceptible after 20 weeks

Prenatal behavioral communication

Internal maternal sound and movement patterns – vocalization

– respiration

– circulation

– impacts (footsteps)

– movement

– digestion

All depend on maternal (emotional) state

Prenatal biochemical communication

Hormone concentrations in maternal blood reflect physical and emotional state

adrenaline (epinephrine), adrenocorticotrophic hormone ACTH, aldosterone, corticosteroids, corticotrophin-releasing

hormone CRH, cortisol, dopamine, endorphins, glucocorticoids, insulin, melatonin, mineralicorticoids, noradrenaline (norepinephrine), oestrogen, oxytocin,

prolactin, serotonin, testosterone, thyrosine…

= a complex, redundant signal (like music)

Possible mechanism: hypothalmus-pituitary axis

maternal stress/anxiety

↓increased maternal CRH

increased fetal cortisolreduced uterine blood flow

↓ congenital abnormalities

preterm laborbehavioral problems

(Glover & O‘Connor)

A 3-stage model of music’s origin

stage phylogenesis ontogenesis

prenatal classical


prenatal audition

107 – 108

years ago20 weeks gestation

postnatal operant


walk + big brain


106 – 107 years ago birth

reflective consciousness

cultural explosion

~ 105 years ago 1-3 years

Prenatal conditioning

Emotion is defined as response to change.

Regular everyday temporal sequence of changes:– maternal physiology

• environment (external event)• maternal state

– fetal perception• internal sound and movement patterns• hormone levels

Many repetitions of similar patterns over 4 months– must the fetus be “awake”?

Prenatal associations between sound, movement and emotion

… are presumably strong due to…– prenatal dominance of audition – survival value of prenatal communication

Music and the mother schemaInfant schema = cuteness (Lorenz)

• cognitive representation of infant • perceived by mother / adults

...but bonding is a two-way interaction!

Mother schema = voice, smell, breast, motherese• cognitive representation of mother• perceived by fetus / infant

– first schema in life– primary environmental object – basis of music’s personal and spiritual properties?

EvidenceEarly parent-offspring conflict (Haig)

– placenta hormonally manipulates nutrient supply

Prenatal learning (Hepper, Smotherman)

– exposure, habituation, conditioning – human and non-human data– chemosensory (Schaal; Porter) & auditory (Decasper & Fifer)

– function: perinatal bonding

Infant sensitivity to music (Trehub)

– nature or nurture?

Postnatal operant conditioning

Quasi-random behaviors

in motherese, play and ritual– produce sound/movement patterns– evoke prenatally established associations

These behaviors are reinforced – their frequency of occurrence increases

Transnatal implicit memory

Duration in empirical studies: – 5 weeks (Granier-Deferr; Hepper)

– long enough to influence motherese

Protomusic in motherese, play, ritual– reinforces associations– distorts associations

“Real” music

Protomusic became music 35-100 kya – with reflective consciousness (Noble & Davidson)

– during cultural explosion (Mithen)

Prediction (1)Prenatally hearing animals e.g.

– primates– sheep, goats– guinea pigs– whales, seals, walrus?

...should...– associate prenatal

sound↔movement↔emotion– imitate complex sound & movement

patterns (Merker)

Prediction (2)

Ultrasound images of fetal face

in 3rd trimester (Kurjak)

should in part reflect

maternal emotional state

Conclusion (1)A theory of music as a

byproduct of prenatal auditory-vestibular-proprioceptive function and bonding

is consistent with music’s– universality– emotional power– structures (rhythmic, melodic, harmonic)– specific universal characteristics

• individual, social• personal, spiritual, religious• pain reducing, healing, entrancing

Conclusion (2)

Prenatal byproduct theory is complementary to other theories of music’s origins such as

– extended vocalisation (Sachs, Wallin...)– playful imitation (Cazden, Dissanayake, Tolbert...)– cognitive-motor training (Roederer)– social glue (Cross, Huron...)

• no contradiction • clearer separation of origin and function

Conclusion (3)

Prenatal conditioning may represent

the ultimate origin of music

but may not explain individual differences

in music behaviors and abilities