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Page 1: Prep for Ask August - · Prep for Ask August c July 28th: Watch WV Chapel Video on facing our fears
Page 2: Prep for Ask August - · Prep for Ask August c July 28th: Watch WV Chapel Video on facing our fears

Prep for Ask August c July 28th:

Watch WV Chapel Video on facing our fears. c July 29th:

Pray over what you learned and what you need to give to God as a result of your time with Drew. Reflect on where God is leading you as you lay down your fear and trust Him in your CA ministry. Perhaps take some time to journal and document your thoughts.

c July 30th:

Tip from a fellow CA: “Make a list of everybody you’d like to talk to. When you do -- even just giving it that ‘check mark’ is an encouragement and a feeling of success! It also lets me make sure I'm praying for them and following up at a later time (a year later maybe) to see if their situation or mind has changed.” -Randi Rooks

Make a plan for your first ask, coming up in 2 days! Who will it be?! You can learn from your fellow CAs about how they do it from this recorded team phone call!

c July 31st:

Reflect on YOUR WV story: Why is this mission we’re on together important to you? Refine and practice your WV/sponsorship story to prepare for tomorrow’s first ask! See your CA friends in action.

Week One: Your closest friends and family c August 1:

Make a list of five people whose birthdays you know. Use your individual CA Link found on your profile to find a child with those five birthdays (or your page).

c August 2:

Send a personal email to one of the five people you found a child for. c August 3:

Send a personal email to one of the five people you found a child for. c August 4:

Send a personal email to one of the five people you found a child for. c August 5:

Today is the Olympics Opening Ceremony! Host a watch party and use that time to tell your friends about WV. Several of the athletes representing TeamRefugee Olympic Athletes are from WV sponsored countries (DRC, Ethiopia). Many of them are from South Sudan and Syria – the primary places our Refugee Responder helps. SHARE AWAY on this special night!

Page 3: Prep for Ask August - · Prep for Ask August c July 28th: Watch WV Chapel Video on facing our fears

c August 6: Send a personal email to TWO of the five people you found a child for.

c August 7:

And on the 7th day, He rested. If you’ve made an ask/completed each task each day, CELEBRATE and rest! Otherwise, today is a catch-up day!

Week Two: Your Community c August 8:

Set up your Share Sponsorship web page if you haven’t already! Make a list of 10 people you’ll share it with and get to sharing!

c August 9:

Check your calendar! Who’s coming over this month that you can share with?! Small group at your house? Dinner party with friends? Make sure those photos and letters are in plain view, start a conversation, and make an invitation!

c August 10:

Schedule a coffee date. Plan to not only spend quality time with your friend, but share about sponsorship and make an ask (bring your sponsored child’s photo, letter, picture folders).

c August 11:

Scour your community calendar to find events/local markets where you can set up a table. Then write an email or fill out the form to make your request today! There’s still time for summer markets, but the holiday season is just around the corner – prepare now!

c August 12:

This is a great video to share about sponsorship! Share it with your virtual community today on Facebook. You can even send it to specific people in private messages and do more of a direct ask! (Make sure to include the Share Sponsorship page you set up earlier this week)

c August 13:

Today is a HOMEWORK day. Spend some time on the CA website. Review training videos you may not have watched in a while and brush up on your sponsorship knowledge!

c August 14:

Take your PFs with you to church today: When catching up with a fellow church member, share your sponsorship story and make that ask!

Week Three: Your Church c August 15:

Our team is making an impact in churches around the country, setting up Hope Sundays and Refugee Sundays. Learn about these events to see if there might be an opportunity in your church or one in your area. Listen to your fellow CAs talk about how they connected their

Page 4: Prep for Ask August - · Prep for Ask August c July 28th: Watch WV Chapel Video on facing our fears

churches to the work of WV. Then, consider asking your pastor or pastoral staff about the opportunity to partner – think about it for a couple days.

c August 16:

Set up a coffee date or lunch with a friend from church, maybe someone you want to get to know better, and talk to them about sponsorship! Make an ask.

c August 17:

Check out the small group schedule at church for the fall. Is there a place where you could host a study guide based on Rich Stearns’ The Hole in Our Gospel or a 6-week refugee study? As a CA, you have the resources to be an expert in your church on global poverty issues and Jesus’ call to serve the least of these. How can you share that expertise in your church?

c August 18: Prop those picture folders up at the office and start conversations with your

colleagues. Be sure to have your sponsored child’s photo and letters on hand. c August 19:

It’s WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY! This is a great reason to make a social media post about YOUR efforts as a humanitarian. Tell your story and make a strong ask on social media TODAY.

c August 20: Get your church ready for Christmas with the World Vision Gift Catalog! There’s even a new children’s curriculum coming soon – send the sign up page( to your children’s ministry director.

c August 21:

Today’s the day. Potentially the most important ask of the month… The one where you connect with you pastor (in person, by phone, or by email) and invite them to consider learning more about World Vision and how your church community can be a part of transformational work around the world. Remember – learn from your fellow CAs here!

Week Four (and a half): The home stretch! c August 22:

Today, make a game plan for the last 10 days of Ask August – what things did you not get to earlier in the month? Who have you not talked to yet that you think would be a good match for sponsorship?

c August 23:

Go back to a task you did not complete this month and give it another shot! c August 24:

Today, connect with someone you know who is a child sponsor – maybe someone that you introduced sponsorship to! Check in and see how it’s going, ask about what kind of impact it’s had in their lives, and let it encourage you.

Page 5: Prep for Ask August - · Prep for Ask August c July 28th: Watch WV Chapel Video on facing our fears

c August 25:

Thursday!!! You probably need another coffee break…. Grab a friend, your favorite coffee, and make a divine connection between a new sponsor and a special kiddo.

c August 26:

Let’s head back to the basics. Pick a family member or dear friend. Maybe one you’ve even talked to before about your WV experience/sponsored kiddo. Today’s the day. Start a conversation, send an email, or make a phone call. Maybe even find a child with their birthday or a country that they’re interested in and ask them to sponsor THAT specific kiddo.

c August 27: Ahhhhhh, summer August sun. While laying out at the pool with neighbors or

at the water balloon fight, ask another mom or dad to join you in helping kids get access to clean water as a sponsor. You and I know well how important that sponsorship is to provide clean water in communities.

Want to take it up a notch? Ask your closest mom friends if you could be of service to their family by helping teach their kids more about global poverty/injustice/the need for clean water and have them all over for a water day. Do a water walk demonstration with the kiddos! By involving the children, you can involve their parents and that can lead to a really strong ASK!

c August 28:

Ask people to come over (or let you come over) while you practice your WV talk (3 mins? 8 mins?). We always need practice and it's a great open door for coming back around to family or friends you asked a long time ago that said no or were apprehensive.

c August 29:

Local community connection day… Try someone at the coffee shop, another parent at the playground, someone in your spin class… Look around your unique community – how has God placed you right where you are to make a difference TODAY?

c August 30:

Tuesday… The most AVERAGE day of the week. Let’s make use of this day the Lord has made to uniquely step out do what God has put before us. Today, find YOUR WAY to share and turn this average Tuesday into a day to celebrate how God chooses to work through us!

c August 31:

Today is the last day of Ask August! Be bold and make one more (or more!) ask. Look at what you’ll be doing today, who you’ll be with, and make it happen.

c September 1:
