prep parent information night 2012


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In the pursuit of life-long learning at New Gisborne Primary School we value:· Respect and Integrity in all dealings with others.· Providing the skills and knowledge to become life- long learners· Using initiative and taking responsibility for actions· Effective partnerships between teachers, students and parents and the broader community· Setting high expectations and striving for excellence while recognising, understanding and catering for a diversity of needs across the school

School Values

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Curriculum Areas

• Literacy• Maths• Integrated Studies

– Term 1 – Me, My Family and My School– Term 2 – Feathers, Fur, Skin and Scales– Term 3 – Let’s Look at a Book– Term 4 – Parks and Gardens

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Weekly Specialist Programs

• This year the children will attend weekly Art, Music and Phys Ed lessons. Please refer to notes already sent home for days and times.

• This year the children attend weekly ICT lessons in the Computer lab with their classroom teacher.

• The children will go to the library as part of Prep Rotations.

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One on One Conferencing Small Group Reading (Guided Reading)

Shared Reading (big book)Independent Reading

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One on One Conferencing

This is when the teacher sits with the student and sets up and reviews the student’s reading goals and strategies.

For example; here are some of our strategies that we are encouraging our student’s to use.•Look at the picture.•Look at the first letter and think about the sound it makes.•Point to the words.•Stop at the full stops.

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Small Group Reading(Guided Reading)

Small group reading involves groups of 5 to 6 students who are all reading at about the same level and/or have similar reading goals. It’s most commonly referred to as Guided Reading where all the children have a copy of the same book.

The teacher and students have a discussion at the beginning of the session about the book. This includes discussing the front cover, title, picture and making predictions.After the reading session there is a follow up activity to extend the children's reading.An example would be for the students to un-jumble a sentence from the book, match the sentence with the picture etc.

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Guided Reading.

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Shared Reading (Big Book)

Is when we focus on the concepts of print such as reading from left to right, learning to identify letters, words and sentences and the purpose of punctuation. This is where we model the following reading goals.•Pointing to the words.•Using the first letter sound as a prompt.•Using the punctuation.

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Shared Reading

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Independent ReadingIs where the children are reading familiar texts to gain

word recognition. They are being asked to

independently read and put their reading goals into



At home you can -•Encourage them to look at the first few sounds•Think about what makes sense.•The boy fell off the bike. Child says horse, then look

at first sound.•Encourage them to look at the pictures and link this

with the letter sounds.

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Independent Reading

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• Speaking and listening are integral components in our language program.

• Being asked to speak out loud encourages a child to organise their thoughts and to review their visual memories.

• It can be hard for a young child to write something down without first having had the chance to talk about their thoughts or experiences.

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• The children are taught to be active listeners. • They often have paired discussions about

events and the listener is asked to relay what their partner has told them.

• The children are encouraged to show 5 behaviours for good listening: look, listen, 2 feet on the floor (or legs crossed), hands in lap and mouth closed.

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We take several approaches to writing based onthe following understandings...• We want the children to be willing to use their

developing knowledge of words without ‘fear’ of being incorrect.

• Children will build ideas and confidence if they are given the opportunities to use their strengths – for five and six year olds these strengths are speaking and drawing.

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Writing continued...

• Children will write most confidently about what they know - such as reflecting on personal experiences or making lists.

• Formal Guided Writing sessions assist children to learn the mechanics of writing – recording sounds as letters, learning the concepts of print such as left to right, spaces between words and basic punctuation.

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• ‘Have a go’ writing is very important for early writers. Children need a LOTS of practice learning the written symbols.

• As the children build their skills they will have their attention drawn to words they are using frequently so they can learn common letter patterns and correct spelling of common words.

• Frequently used words are kept in books and on charts for reference.

• When children are ready they are taught formal spelling strategies such as ‘taking a mind photo’, stretching out the word to hear the sounds, checking lists and previous stories.

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Over the course of the average week the children can take part in a range of writing activities such as: Guided writing. Handwriting – formal teaching of letter formation. Reflective or journal writing – eg; ‘On the weekend...’Creative writing – as they develop confidence children are encouraged to make up some of their own stories. These begin verbally, perhaps with picture props the progress to written records.

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The goal of the writing activity needs to be clear – if it is a creative writing session, then half a page or more of wonderfully vibrant ideas are more important than a short correctly spelt sentence. Simple dictation is an important part of early writing experiences – children may have a focus sentence they work on over the week (eg; I can see a..., Look at the ...)Children are given oral then written opportunities to reflect on stories they have heard, identifying the main characters and the setting and the main parts of the story.

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Count to 8


88Recognise models

of 8

Make a collectio

n of 8



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 + 4 10 – 2

7 + 1 9 – 1

2 4 6 8

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over under around

through in front behind

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Prep Rotation

• Rotation takes place on a Wednesday from 11.30am – 1.15pm.

• The Preps rotate around the other three Prep teachers for 35 minute sessions. They spend the session after lunch with their own teacher.

• The Rotations covered this term are Health, Library, ‘You Can Do It’/Fun FRIENDS and Science.

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Library Borrowing

• All Prep grades will go to Library on a Wednesday as part of Prep rotation.

• However we ask that ALL library books be returned to your child’s class library basket on a Monday. This enables staff to return the books prior to their library session.

• Please ensure that your child has a named library bag.

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• We reinforce our ‘You Can Do It’ program, especially ‘Resilience’ throughout our day at school. It is important to teach the children to bounce back from minor set backs and not let the little things upset us.

• We can do this by teaching the children independence, which is as simple as letting them carry, pack and unpack their own bags!

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Class Blog

• What is a blog?• Why do we use blogs?• Blog expectations.• How do I get to the blog from website?• How do I comment on the blog?• What might I find on the blog?• Cybersafety

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Pick Up and Drop Off• Please ensure you are on time each morning

in order for the children to have time to unpack their belongings before the bell goes.

• At times the classroom will be locked before school. If this is the case, children will need to put their bags at the door and go and play.

• If you arrive after 9.00am you must sign your child in at the office. This is a legal requirement.

• If you are picking up your child early you must also sign the book at the office and bring the slip to the classroom teacher.

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Parent Helpers

• Throughout the year Parent helpers will be required in the classroom as well as for excursions.

• Please make sure you sign in every time you help out in the classroom and collect a visitors badge.

• Each classroom uses parent helpers differently.

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Thank you

• We are looking forward to a great year ahead teaching all of your children. We look forward to working with you throughout the year.

• Please come and speak to us if you have any queries.