preparation, characterization and mechanistic study...

PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY OF ALUMINA SUPPORTED POLYMOLYBDATE BASED CATALYSTS FOR CATALYTIC OXIDATIVE DESULFURIZATION OF DIESEL FUEL WAN NAZWANIE BINTI WAN ABDULLAH A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) Faculty of Science UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia APRIL 2016

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Page 1: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported






A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)

Faculty of Science

UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia

APRIL 2016

Page 2: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


Here’s a token of love and gratitude.

Specially dedicated to my beloved family (Wan Abdullah, Che Residah, Abe, Kza,

Kha, Kyah, Kna, Kda, Kmah, Adeq, my brothers and sister in law, my niece and

nephews) for the continuous supports, encouragements and prayers.

For my dearest husband, Ammar Karim; My source of strength and comfort

Thanks for always being there for me.

May Allah bless all of you.


Page 3: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah the Almighty. First and foremost, I am greatly

indebted to my supervisor, Associate Prof. Dr. Rusmidah Ali and my co-supervisor, Prof. Dr.

Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar for their support, guidance and patience. Their invaluable help

of constructive suggestions and ideas throughout the experimental and thesis have

contributed to the completion of this research.

I thank to my fellow friends; especially, Green Chemistry Group members; (Wan

NurAini, Akmar, Susila, Salmiah, Fadziana, Sahida, Asmat, Afiqah, Renu, Hakimi and

Zamani) for the stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together

and for all the memories we had in the last four years. A million thanks also go to all

lecturers and laboratory staffs of Faculty Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and

Institute IbnuSina for their technical cooperation, knowledge, encouragement and guidance

throughout this research.I would especially like to thankalso to my entire fellow friends

(Syaza, Khalida, Umi, Aker, Mira and Evin ) for the friendship and advices, regarding both

life and chemistry. I am grateful to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Ministry of Science,

Technology and Innovation Malaysia for financial support for this research as well as

Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for MyPhD Scholarship given to me

Last but not least, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my husband,

AmmarKarim, for standing beside me always and encourage me. Love you so much! My

deepest gratitude goes to my beloved parents and my parents in law for their endless prayers,

unconditional love, encouragement and sacrifices in my life and studies. And also to my

brothers and sisters, thank you for being supportive in my life. Thank you all for always

being there and being my pillar stone. To those who indirectly contributed in this research,

your kindness means a lot to me. Without them, I will not be what I am today.

Page 4: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported



Existing technique of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is no longer applicable in

achieving Euro IV standard diesel, as for it high operational cost, low efficiency and

high operating temperature in the hydrogen gas atmosphere. Due to these drawbacks,

the utilization of the oxidative desulfurization catalyst was introduced as an

alternative or a complementary to the HDS process. In this study, the performance of

the alumina supported polymolybdate based catalyst on the oxidative desulfurization

(ODS) of the commercial diesel was investigated using tert-butyl hydroperoxide

(TBHP) as an oxidizing agent and N,N-dimethylformamide as an extraction solvent.

The commercial diesel with total of sulfur of 440 ppmw was employed to evaluate

the elimination potential of the sulfur compounds. M/Al2O3 (M=Mo) and

M1/M2/Al2O3 (M1 = Fe, Co, Cu, Ca, Ba, Sr, M2 = Mo) were prepared by the wet

impregnation method and tested in this reaction. Further investigation on the doped

molybdenum revealed that Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3, calcined at 500ºC was the best

catalyst in this study. Utilization of the catalyst was able to reduce the sulfur levels in

the commercial diesel of 440 ppmw to Euro IV diesel of less than 18 ppmw, with

96% of total sulfur removal after the second extraction. X-ray diffraction analysis

(XRD) results showed that the best catalyst is highly amorphous, while micrograph

of the field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) illustrated an

inhomogeneous distribution of various particle sizes. The energy dispersive X-ray

analysis (EDX) results have confirmed the presence of Mo, P and Fe in all of the

prepared catalysts. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis for the surface

of Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst calcined at 500ºC showed the binding energy for Mo

3d5/2 231.7 eV and Mo 3d3/2 235.2 eV were corresponded to the formation of Mo6+


Temperature programme desorption of ammonia (TPD) analyses showed that the

catalysts contribute a strong Lewis acid character. The phosphorus-31 nuclear

magnetic resonance (31

P NMR) analyses indicated the presence of mainly

monomeric phosphates in catalyst calcined at 400ºC and 500ºC, whereas mixtures of

monomeric and polyphosphates and AlPO4 are present in catalyst calcined at 600ºC.

Statistical response surface methodology (RSM) by Box-Behnken design suggested

that 0.10 g of Fe/MoO3-PO4 (10:90)/Al2O3 with Fe loading of 10 wt.% and

calcination temperature of 530°C have achieved maximum sulfur elimination of

84.8%. Mechanistic study by Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) showed an

agreement with Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism with the adsorption of TBHP on

the catalyst surface. The reaction mechanisms of peroxy oxygen was identified and

proposed as the reaction between peroxide and dibenzothiophene to form

dibenzothiophene sulfoxide. Further oxidation process with the presence of

polymolybdate alumina supported catalyst has led to the formation of sulfone. The

results obtained have proven that Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 can be used as the

potential catalyst for the removal of sulfur in the Malaysian diesel towards achieving

the „green diesel‟ production.

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Teknik penyahsulfuran secara hidro (HDS) yang sedia ada tidak lagi sesuai

untuk mencapai diesel piawai Euro IV, disebabkan kos operasi yang tinggi, kecekapan

yang rendah dan suhu pengoperasian yang tinggi dalam atmosfera gas hydrogen.

Disebabkan kelemahan ini, penggunaan mangkin penyahsulfuran oksidatif telah

diperkenalkan sebagai alternative atau pelengkap kepada proses HDS. Dalam kajian ini,

prestasi mangkin polimolibdat berpenyokong alumina ke atas penyahsulfuran oksidatif

diesel komersial telah dikaji menggunakan tert-butil hidroperoksida (TBHP) sebagai

agen pengoksidaan dan N,N-dimetilformamid sebagai pelarut pengekstrakan. Diesel

komersial dengan jumlah sulfur sebanyak 440 ppmw telah digunakan untuk menilai

keupayaan penyingkiran sebatian sulfur. M/Al2O3 (M=Mo) dan M1/M2/Al2O3 (M1 = Fe,

Co, Cu, Ca, Ba, Sr, M2 = Mo) telah disediakan dengan kaedah pengisitepuan basah dan

diuji dalam tindak balas ini. Kajian lanjut ke atas molibdenum yang telah didop

menunjukkan Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 yang dikalsin pada suhu 500ºC adalah mangkin

terbaik dalam kajian ini. Penggunaan mangkin telah dapat mengurangkan kandungan

sulfur di dalam diesel komersial 440 ppmw kepada diesel Euro IV yang kurang daripada

18 ppmw, dengan 96% penyingkiran jumlah sulfur selepas pengekstrakan kedua.

Keputusan analisis pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) menunjukkan mangkin terbaik

berkeadaan sangat amorfus manakala mikrograf daripada mikroskopi imbasan elektron

pancaran medan (FESEM) menggambarkan taburan tidak seragam pelbagai saiz zarah.

Keputusan analisis tenaga serakan sinar-X (EDX) telah mengesahkan kehadiran Mo, P

dan Fe di dalam semua mangkin yang disediakan. Analisis spektroskopi foto elekton

sinar-X (XPS) untuk permukaan mangkin Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 yang dikalsin pada suhu

500ºC menunjukkan tenaga pengikatan bagi Mo 3d5/2 231.7 eV dan Mo 3d3/2 235.2 eV

adalah Mo6+. Analisis penyahjerap pengaturcaraan suhu ammonia (TPD) pula

menunjukkan bahawa mangkin menyumbangkan ciri asid Lewis yang kuat. Analisis

resonans magnet nuclear fosforus-31 (31P NMR) menunjukkan kehadiran spesies fosfat

monomerik pada mangkin yang dikalsin pada suhu 400ºC dan 500ºC, manakala

campuran monomerik dan polifosfat dan AlPO4 didapati pada mangkin yang dikalsin

pada suhu 600ºC. Metodologi statistic gerak balas permukaan (RSM) oleh reka bentuk

Box-Behnken mencadangkan, bahawa 0.10 g mangkin Fe/MoO3-PO4 (10:90)/Al2O3

dengan 10 wt.% muatan Fe dan suhu pengkalsinan 530°C dapat mencapai penyingkiran

maksimum sulfur sebanyak 84.8%. Kajian mekanisme menggunakan spektrokopi infra-

merah transformasi Fourier (FTIR) menunjukkan persetujuan dengan mekanisme

Langmuir-Hinshelwood, dengan penyerapan TBHP di atas permukaan mangkin.

Mekanisme tindak balas oksigen peroksi telah dikenalpasti dan dicadangkan sebagai

tindak balas antara peroksida dan dibenzotiofena untuk membentuk dibenzotiofena

sulfoksida. Proses pengoksidaan selanjutnya dengan kehadiran mangkin polimolibdat

berpenyokong alumina telah mengarah kepada pembentukan sulfon. Keputusan

diperoleh membuktikan bahawa Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 boleh digunakan sebagai

mangkin yang berpotensi untuk penyingkiran sulfur di dalam diesel Malaysia ke arah

mencapai penghasilan „diesel hijau‟.

Page 6: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported















1.1 Background of Study

1.2 Standards

1.3 Current Technologies Used in Treatment of Diesel.

1.4 Oxidative Desulfurization

1.5 Catalyst

1.6 Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

1.7 Statement of the Problem

1.8 Objectives of Research

1.9 Scope of Research

1.10 Significance ofStudy













2.1 Catalytic Systems

2.1.1 Oxidative Desulfurization Catalyst




Page 7: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


2.2 The Oxidants for Oxidative Desulfurization (ODS)

2.2.1 ODS with Oil-Soluble Peroxides

2.2.2 ODS with Added Peroxide

2.2.3 ODS with Oxygen

2.3 Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization


2.3.1Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidative

Desulfurization in MoOx/Al2O3 system.

2.4 Response Surface Methodology in Oxidative










3.1 Apparatus

3.2 Materials

3.3 Catalyst Preparation

3.3.1 Incipient Wetness Impregnation Method

3.4 Preparation of Simulated Diesel

3.5 Cat-ODS of Commercial Diesel Utilizing Supported


3.6 Catalytic activity measurement

3.6.1Effect of Molybdenum Loading Precursor

3.6.2Effect of Dopants in MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst

3.6.3 Effect of Dopants Ratio in Fe/MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3 catalyst

3.6.4 Effect of Calcination Temperatures of The


3.6.5 Effect of Catalyst Dosage

3.6.6 Reproducibility Test

3.6.7 Effect of Oxidants

3.6.8 Effect of Co-Oxidants

3.6.9 Effect of Reaction Time

3.7 Sulfur measurement in oxidative desulfurization





















Page 8: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


3.7.1 Gas Chromatography-Flame Photometric

Detector (GC-FPD)

3.8 Characterization of Catalyst

3.8.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

3.8.2 Field Emission Scanning Electron

Microscopy- Energy Dispersive X-Ray


3.8.3 31

Phosphorus NuclearMagnetic Resonance

Spectroscopy (31


3.8.4 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy


3.8.5 Nitrogen Adsorption Analysis (NA)

3.8.6 Temperature Programmed Desorption (NH3 -


3.8.7 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

3.8.8 Thermogravimetry Analysis-Differential

Thermal Analysis (TGA-DTA)

3.9 Mechanistic Study using Fourier Transform Infrared

Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Gas-Chromatography-Flame

Photometric Detector (GC-FPD)

3.10 Optimization on catalytic oxidative desulfurization by

Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

3.10.1 Box-Behnken Design (BBD)

3.10.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) F-distribution Test Coefficient of Multiple

Determination (R2) Lack-of-fit (LOF) Test

3.11 Verification of Commercial and Treated Petronas





















4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Effect of oxidation and extraction




Page 9: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


4.1.2 Effect of oxidants onMoO3-PO4/Al2O3

for catalytic oxidation system.

4.1.3 Effect of co-oxidants onMoO3-PO4/Al2O3

for catalytic oxidation system.

4.1.4 Effect of Reaction Time

4.2 Screening of Catalysts

4.2.1 Effect of Transition Metal and Alkaline Earth

Metal Dopants

4.2.2 Effect of Dopant Ratio

4.2.3 Effect of Co-Dopant

4.2.4 Effect of Calcination Temperature












5.1 Introduction

5.2 Characterization of the Polymolybdate Based Catalysts

5.2.1 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

5.2.2 Nitrogen Adsorption (NA)

5.2.3 Field Emission Scanning Electron

Microscopy (FESEM) and Energy Dispersive

X-Ray (EDX).

5.2.4 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

5.2.5 NH3-Temperature Programmed Desorption


5.2.6 Thermogravity Analysis –Differential

Thermal Analysis (TGA-DTA)

5.3 Optimization of Polymolybdate Based Catalyst

5.3.1 Effect of calcination temperature on


5.3.2 Effect of Molybdenum Loading

5.3.3 Effect of the Catalyst/Oil ratio on the

Desulfurization Rate














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5.4 Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

5.4.1 Response Surface Methodology over MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3 Catalysts

5.4.2 Optimization response and verification test

5.5 Mechanism Proposal for MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst in

ODS reaction

5.5.1 Role of the Biphasic System

5.5.2 Analysis of oxidation product (using GC-


5.5.3 Cat-ODS Reaction Mechanism of DBT by

TBHP- /MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst











6.1 Introduction

6.2 Catalyst Characterization

6.2.1 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

6.2.2 31

Phosphorus Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Spectroscopy (31


6.2.3 Nitrogen Absorption Analysis (NA)

6.2.4 Field Emission Scanning Electron

Microscopy Energy Dispersive X-Ray


6.2.5 XPS of Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 Catalyst

6.2.6 NH3-TPD of Fe/MoO3/Al2O3 Catalyst Based

on Different Calcination Temperatures

6.2.7 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy


6.2.8 TGA Analysis of Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3


6.3 Optimization on the Catalytic OxidativeDesulfuriza-

tion Reaction













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6.3.1 Catalyst Calcination Temperature

6.3.2 Effect of Fe Loading

6.3.3 Effect of the Catalyst/Oil Ratio on the

Desulfurization Rate

6.3.4 Repeatability Testing

6.3.5 Reproducibility Testing

6.3.6 The Series Oxidative Desulfurization


6.4 Response Surface Methodology over Fe/MoO3PO4/-

Al2O3 Catalysts

6.5 Mechanism Proposal for Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst

in ODS reaction

6.5.1 Analysis of oxidation product

6.5.2 Interaction between oxidant-catalyst towards

DBT pollutant (using FTIR)

6.5.3 Cat-ODS Reaction Mechanism of DBT by

TBHP- Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst.













7.1 Conclusion

7.2 Recommendations






Appendices A-H 159-167

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1.1 Changes of sulfur specifications of motor diesel fuels in

Europe and U.S. over time.


1.2 Sulfur content in different types of diesel


3.1 Precursors of catalyst


3.2 Loading amount of metal salt and ion (in gram) on the

surface of the catalyst during preparation of catalyst.


3.3 Independent variables and their levels (low, centre and high

values) in the experimental design of Cat-ODS processes

using i) MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 and Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst.


3.4 Experimental matrices for % sulfur removal : Box-Behnken





Effect of catalytic oxidative desulfurization method

Effect of Reaction Time



5.1 Peaks assignment in the XRD patterns of MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3calcined at 700ºC and 900ºC.


5.2 NA for MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 Catalyst at Different Calcination

Temperatures and Loading


5.3 EDX analysis for comparison between the elemental

composition in the fresh MoO3-PO4/Al2O3catalysts


5.4 XPS results for different type of elements obtained over

MoO3-PO4/Al2O3catalyst calcined at a) 500 ºC and b) 700ºC


5.5 Acidic properties of MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalysts 82

5.6 Box-Behnken design matrix.


Page 13: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


5.7 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for conversion.


5.8 Values of the process parameter for maximum sulfur



6.1 Peaks assignment in the XRD patterns of Fe/MoO3-

PO4/(10:90)Al2O3calcined at 700ºC and 900ºC.


6.2 Physical properties of Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 with

different number of loadings and calcinations temperatures


6.3 EDX analysis for comparison between the elemental

composition in the fresh and used Fe/MoO3-



6.4 XPS results for different type of elements obtained over

Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3catalyst calcined at a) 400 ºC b)

500 ºC c) 600ºC


6.5 Acidic properties of Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalysts


6.6 FTIR peak assignment of Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3and

MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst.


6.7 Catalytic oxidative desulfurization treatment.


6.8 The properties of Petronas standard and treated commercial

diesel analyzed by Unit PerkhidmatanMakmal (UNIPEM),

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia & Kejuruteraan Sumber Asli,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor.


6.9 Box-Behnken design matrix.


6.10 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for conversion


6.11 Values of the process parameter for maximum sulfur



Page 14: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported




1.1 Sulfur compounds in crude oils


1.2 Roadmap of International Diesel Fuel Quality Standard. 4

1.3 Simplified reaction scheme of sulfone compounds

removal after the ODS process.


2.1 Possible mechanism for the main reactions of thiophene

with SO42−

/ZrO2 as the catalyst. air


2.2 Catalytic cycle of sulfur compounds oxidation. Q+ is



2.3 Catalytic oxidation cycle proposed for deep



2.4 Simplified reaction scheme of oxidation of sulfur

compounds with oxygen to SO2 inthe ODS process in the

catalyst presence


2.5 Mechanism of DBT oxidation reaction on the catalysts


2.6 The proposed mechanism for oxidation of DBT using

Mo/Al2O3 with H2O2 /acetonitrile


2.7 The proposed mechanism for oxidation of organosulfur



2.8 Proposed peroxidic oxidation mechanism of DBT by t-

BuOOH on MoO3 catalyst


2.9 The coordination of hydroperoxide to Mo–O on MoO3

catalyst and peroxidic oxidation mechanism of DBT with



3.1 Experimental set up for catalytic oxidative desulfurization

of commercial diesel fuel.


Page 15: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


4.1 Effect of different oxidants on oxidative desulfurization

of commercial diesel in presence of MoO3-PO4/Al2O3.

Reaction conditions: O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min,

diesel/solvent ratio = 1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent =

DMF, extraction T = 29°C, mixing time = 30 min.


4.2 Effect of co-oxidants (isobutylaldhyde) concentration on

commercial diesel in presence of MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3.Reaction conditions: O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time

= 30 min, diesel/solvent ratio = 1.0 extraction stage = 1

solvent = DMF, extraction T = 29°C, mixing time = 30



4.3 Effect of transition metal dopants on oxidative

desulfurization of commercial diesel.Reaction conditions:

O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min, diesel/solvent ratio =

1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent = DMF, extraction T =

29°C, mixing time = 30 min.


4.4 Effect of alkaline earth metal dopants on oxidative

desulfurization of commercial diesel.Reaction conditions:

O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min, diesel/solvent ratio =

1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent = DMF, extraction T =

29°C, mixing time = 30 min.


4.5 Effect of transition metal loading on oxidative

desulfurization of commercial diesel.Reaction conditions:

O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min, diesel/solvent ratio =

1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent = DMF, extraction T =

29°C, mixing time = 30 min.


4.6 Effect of alkaline earth metal loading on oxidative

desulfurization of commercial diesel.Reaction conditions:

O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min, diesel/solvent ratio =

1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent = DMF, extraction T =

29°C, mixing time = 30 min.


4.7 Effect of Ca loading of Fe/Ca/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst

on oxidative desulfurization of commercial diesel.

Reaction conditions: O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min,

diesel/solvent ratio = 1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent =

DMF, extraction T = 29°C, mixing time = 30 min.


4.8 Effect of calcinations temperature on oxidative

desulfurization of commercial diesel. Reaction

conditions: O/S = 3, T = 45°C, time = 30 min,

Page 16: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


diesel/solvent ratio = 1.0 extraction stage = 1 solvent =

DMF, extraction T = 29°C, mixing time = 30 min.

extraction T = 29°C, mixing time = 30 min, no. of

extraction stage = 1)


5.1 The XRD diffractogram of MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst at

the calcination temperatures of a) 500ºC,b) 700ºC and c)

900ºC for 5 hours


5.2 The XRD diffractogram of MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst with

different molybdenum loading a) 15% b) 17% and c) 19%


5.3 Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm of a) MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3-500ºC b) MoO3-PO4/Al2O3-700ºC


5.4 FESEM micrographs of a) 15%MoO3-PO4/Al2O3(500

ºC), (b) MoO3-PO4/Al2O3(700°C) (c) MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3(900°C) ,(d) 17%MoO3-PO4/Al2O3, and (e)

19%MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 with scale bar 1µm, magnification:

25 k


5.5 XPS wide scanned for MoO3 –PO4/Al2O3 (500ºC) catalyst


5.6 XPS results for for different type of elements obtained

from MoO3–PO4/Al2O3 (500ºC) and b) MoO3 –

PO4/Al2O3(700ºC) catalyst


5.7 NH3-TPD curves ofMoO3-PO4/Al2O3 with different

molybdenum precursor loading (a) 15%MoO3-

0.68%PO4/Al2O3 , (b) 17%MoO3-1.5%PO4/Al2O3 and (c)

19%MoO3-1.85%PO4/Al2O3 600ºC


5.8 TGA analysis of 15%MoO3-0.68%PO4/Al2O3 catalysts


5.9 Effect of calcination temperature on MoO3-PO4/Al2O3

catalyst in the ODS reaction of commercial diesel. Mo

precursor loading: 1g, catalyst/ oil ratio: 12 g/L-1


Catalytic oxidation= O: S molar ratio=3:1, solvent=

DMF, commercial diesel/solvent ratio=1, oxidation T=

45ºC, oxidation time= 30 min.


5.10 Effect of molybdenum precursor loading of MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3 catalyst on the ODS reaction in commercial

diesel. Calcination temperature: 500 ºC, catalyst/ oil ratio:

12 g/L-1

.Catalytic oxidation= O: S molar ratio=3:1,

solvent= DMF, commercial diesel/solvent ratio=1,

oxidation T= 45ºC, oxidation time= 30 min.


5.11 Effect of loading of alumina supported MoO3-PO4/Al2O3

catalyst calcined at 500ºC on ODS reaction of

Page 17: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


commercial diesel. Mo precursor loading: 1g. Catalytic

oxidation= O: S molar ratio=3:1, solvent= DMF,

commercial diesel/solvent ratio=1, oxidation T= 45ºC,

oxidation time= 30 min.


5.12 Comparison between experiment and predicted Y


5.13 3-D surface plots of sulfur removal as a function of (a)

calcination temperature and Molybdenum precursor

loading), (b) calcinations temperature and catalyst

loading and (c) catalyst loading and molybdenum

precursor loadig


5.14 General catalytic oxidative desulfurization pathway.


5.15 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis for standard of n-

octane, DBT and DBT sulfone


5.16 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis of oxidative

desulfuriztion (without catalyst).


5.17 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis of oxidative

desulfurization in the presence of MoO3-



5.18 A proposed cyclic mechanism for the oxidation of

dibenzothiophene by TBHP in the presence of MoO3-



6.1 The XRD diffractogram of Fe/MoO3-PO4/(10:90)Al2O3

catalyst at the calcination temperatures of a) 400ºC, b)

500ºC, c) 600ºC, d) 700ºC and e) 900ºC for 5 hours.


6.2 31

P MAS NMR of Fe/MoO3-PO4/(10:90)Al2O3 catalyst

calcined at a) 400ºC, b) 500ºC c) 600ºC


6.3 Pore size distributions of Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst

measured with N2 adsorption. a) Fe/MoO3-

PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 calcined at 400oC, b) Fe/MoO3-

PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 calcined at 500oC, c) Fe/MoO3-

PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 calcined at 600oC, d) Fe/MoO3-

PO4(20:80)/Al2O3 calcined at 500oC and e) used

Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 calcined at 500oC


6.4 Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm of a) Fe/MoO3-

PO4(10:90)/Al2O3-400ºC,b) Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3-

500ºC and c) Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3-600ºC


6.5 Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of (a)Fe/MoO3-

PO4(5:95)/Al2O3 (b) Fe/MoO3PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 (c) Fe/-

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MoO3-PO4 (20:80)/Al2O3and d) used Fe/MoO3-PO4

(10:90)/Al2O3calcined at500°C


6.6 FESEM micrographs of Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3

calcined at (a) 400°C (b) 500°C (c) 600°C with scale bar

1µm, magnification: 50 k


6.7 FESEM micrographs of (a) Fe/MoO3-PO4(5:95)/Al2O3 (b)


PO4(20:80)/Al2O3 calcined at 500°C with scale bar: 1µm,

magnification: 10000x.


6.8 EDX-mapping image of a) fresh Fe/MoO3-PO4

(10:90)/Al2O3 with calcination temperature of 500⁰C.


6.9 XPS wide scanned for Fe/MoO3-PO4 (10:90)/Al2O3



6.10 XPS results for Mo3d,Al 2p, O 1s elements obtained from

Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3catalyst calcined at a) 400 ºC

b) 500 ºC c) 600ºC


6.11 NH3-TPD curves ofFe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 with

different calcination temperatures of (a) 400º C ,(b) 500ºC

and (c) 600ºC


6.12 NH3-TPD curves ofFe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 with different

dopant to based ratios of (a) 10:90 and (b) 20:80.


6.13 FTIR spectra of a) Fe/MoO3-PO4 (10:90)/Al2O3and b)

MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst at calcination temperatures of

500 ºC.


6.14 Thermogram of Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3 catalyst after

aging in anoven for 24 h at 80–90 °C


6.15 Effect of calcination temperature on Fe-MoO3-PO4/Al2O3

catalyst in the ODS reaction of commercial diesel.

Catalytic oxidation= O: S molar ratio=3:1, solvent=

DMF, commercial diesel/solvent ratio=1, oxidation T=

45ºC, oxidation time= 30 min.


6.16 Effect of Fe loading on Fe-MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst in

the ODS reaction of commercial diesel. Catalytic

oxidation= O: S molar ratio=3:1, solvent= DMF,

commercial diesel/solvent ratio=1, oxidation T= 45ºC,

oxidation time= 30 min.


6.17 Effect of catalyst loading on Fe-MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst

in the ODS reaction of commercial diesel. Catalytic

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oxidation= O: S molar ratio=3:1, solvent= DMF,

commercial diesel/solvent ratio=1, oxidation T= 45ºC,

oxidation time= 30 min.


6.18 Repeatability testing over Fe/MoO3-PO4(10:90)/Al2O3

catalyst calcined at 500ºC. Catalytic oxidation= O:S

molar ratio=3:1, solvent= DMF, commercial

diesel/solvent ratio=1, oxidation T= 45ºC, oxidation

time= 30 min.


6.19 Reproducibility testing over Fe/MoO3-PO4 (10:90)/Al2O3

catalyst calcined at 500oC for 5 hours.


6.20 Comparison between experiment and predicted Y. 134

6.21 3-D surface plots of sulfur removal as a function of (a)

calcination temperature and catalyst loading), (b)

calcinations temperature and Fe loading and (c) catalyst

loading andFe loading.


6.22 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis for Th oxidation

desulfurization by TBHP after 5 min, 15 min, 30 min and

45 min using Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst


6.23 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis for DBT oxidation

desulfurization by TBHP after 5 min, 15 min, 30 min and

45 min using Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst


6.24 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis for 4,6 DBT

oxidation desulfurization by TBHP after 5 min, 15 min,

30 min and 45 min using Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst


6.25 Chromatogram of GC-FPD analysis for DBT and 4,6

DBT oxidation desulfurization by TBHP after 5 min, 15

min, 30 min and 45 min using Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3



6.26 FTIR spectra of concentrated model DBT, TBHP,n-

octane and catalyst surface of Fe/MoO3-PO4

(10:90)/Al2O3after interaction with TBHP and DBT.


6.27 IR spectra of a) model DBT, b) TBHP, c) Fresh

Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3 catalyst , Fe/MoO3-PO4/Al2O3

catalyst after d) 0 min, e) 5 min f) 30 min and g) 45 min



6.28 A proposed cyclic mechanism for the oxidation of

dibenzothiophene by TBHP in the presence of Fe/MoO3-

PO4/Al2O3 catalyst


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4,6-DMDBT - 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene

ADS - Adsorptive Desulfurization

Al2O3 - Alumina

ANOVA - Analysis of Variance

ASTM - American Society of Testing Materials

BBD - Box-Behnken Design

BDS - Biodesulfurization

BET - Brunnauer, Emmet and Teller

BT - Benzothiophene

Cat-ODS - Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization

CCD - Central Composite Design

CHP - CumeneHydroperoxide

DBT - Dibenzothiophene

DMF - N, N-dimethylformamide

DMSO - N, N-dimethylsulfoxide

EDS - Extractive Desulfurization

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

EtOH - Ethanol

FESEM-EDX - Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope- Energy

Dispersive X-Ray

FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

GAA - Glacial Acetic Acid

GC-FPD - Gas Chromatography- Flame Photometric Detector

GCMS - Gas Chromatography –Mass Spectroscopy

H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide

HC - Hydrocarbon

HDS - Hydodesulfurization

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HPMO Phosphomolybdic acid

IL - Ionic Liquid

IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

IWI - Incipient Wetness Impregnation

LOF - Lack-of-fit

NA - Nitrogen Gas Adsorption

NMP 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone

ODS - Oxidative Desulfurization

OSC - Organic Sulfur Compound

PAA - Peracetic Acid

PDF - Powder Diffraction File

31P NMR -

31Phosphorus Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy

RSM - Response Surface Methodology

SG - Sol-Gel

TBHP - Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide

TGA-DTA - Thermogravimetry Analysis-Differential Thermal


Th - Thiophene

TPD - Temperature Programme Desorption

UAOD - Ultrasound-Assisted Oxidation Desulfurization



- Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel

United State Environmental Protection Agency

XPS - X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

XRD - X-Ray Diffraction

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A Conceptual and operational research framework


B Calculation of dose of precursor based on dopant ratio

in catalyst preparation


C Calculation of the preparation of Peracetic Acid (PAA) 161

D Calculation of 70 wt.% TBHP volume needed for

oxidation of commercial diesel (10 mL/ 440 ppmw S)

with TBHP : S molar ratio = 3


E Calculation for the amount of model sulfur compound

for model/simulated diesel preparation


F GC-FPD chromatograms of organosulfur compounds

in commercial diesel before and after Cat-ODS

treatment (Reaction conditions: oxidant = TBHP, O/S

ratio = 3, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 45°C, t = 30 min, solvent

= DMF, solvent ratio = 1.0, extraction T = 29°C, t = 30

min, GC column = HP-1)


G Publications and Presentations 165

H Awards 167

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1.1 Background of Study

Diesel is extensively used as a fuel both in high way transportation vehicles

(e.g. cars, buses and trucks) and non-highway transportation systems (e.g.

locomotives, marine vessels, farm equipments, etc.). Diesel engines are 25–40%

more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines. Nevertheless, they suffer from associated

particulate, NOx and SOx emissions that are harmful to human health and the major

cause of acid rain. Sulfur, a natural part of the crude oil from which diesel fuel is

derived, is one of the key causes of particulates or soot in diesel. In a petroleum

refinery, the desulfurization of petroleum feedstock is important because high levels

of organics sulfur in the feed can contaminate the noble metal catalyst during

catalytic reforming stage. Besides, the removal of sulfur from feeds can improve the

color and stability of products such as gasoline from catalytic cracking unit known as

a sweetening process.

Diesel fuel contains more than 60 types of organic sulfur compounds that can

be divided into four main groups which are sulfides, mercaptans, disulfides and

thiophene (Srivastava 2012). The organic sulfur contains one or more sulfur atoms

covalently bonded to the remainder of the molecular structure as thiols, thioethers

and sulfides or form as sulfur-bearing heterocycle compounds. The aromatic sulfur

containing heterocycle called thiophenes are particular common in diesel fuel.

Benzothiophenes (BT) and dibenzothiphenes (DBT) are types of condense thiophene

derivative which are considered challenging substrates. Thiophene itself is easier to

Page 24: PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MECHANISTIC STUDY … preparation, characterization and mechanistic study of alumina supported


hydrogenolyse whereas 4,6dibenzothiophene is the most difficult substrates. Sulfur

in crude oils is mainly present in the form of organosulfur compounds. Examples of

some sulfur compounds in crude oils are presented in Figure 1.1.


Methyl mercaptan


Phenyl mercaptan Cyclohexylthiol


Dimethyl sulfides


Thiophene Benzothiophene







Figure 1.1 Sulfur compounds in crude oils (Ogunlaja 2013)

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1.2 Standards

The specifications and quality changes of transportation fuels represent the

most challenging problems for the refiners in the new millennium. New diesel fuel

specification, particularly for the industrialized nations, such as Europe, U.S., and

Japan, requires drastic reduction in the sulfur contents (Table 1.1). Other countries

are following the footsteps of the industrialized nations to increase the fuel quality to

meet the stringent specifications.

Table 1.1 Changes of sulfur specifications of motor diesel fuels in Europe and

U.S. over time ( Ismagilov et al., 2011)

Country/Property Europe 2000 Europe 2009 U.S. 1993 U.S. 2009

Sulfur, ppmw 350 10 500 15

Cetane number 51 51 40 40

ASTM D86 95V% point, ◦C 360 338

Aromatics, V% 35 35

Poly aromatics, W% 11 11

Low-sulfur containing crude oils are referred to as sweet oils, while the high-

sulfur containing crude oils are referred to as sour crudes and are less desirable due

to high cost involved in treating (desulfurizing) the oils. Various crude oils around

the world have different sulfur contents (ppmw).In many countries around the world,

environmental regulations have been introduced to reduce the sulfur content of diesel

fuel and other transportation fuels to ultralow levels (10–15 ppmw) (Zongxuan et al.,

2011). The United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommended

that the sulfur content in diesel should be reduced to 15 ppm by year 2006

(Srivastava 2012). Currently, the maximum allowable sulfur content in diesel in USA

and Europe is 10 ppmw. Figure 1.2 shows the roadmap of sulfur limit by certain

countries around the world in 2014 and it show the requirement sulfur content in

diesel for Malaysia are still high as compared to the other countries.

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Source: International Fuel Quality Center, April 2014

Figure 1.2: Roadmap of International Diesel Fuel Quality Standard

The environmental regulation of Malaysia for sulfur concentration in diesel

fuels is reduced from more than 2000 ppmw to <500 ppmw in 2009 with Euro 2M

standard and will be lowered further to 50 ppmw with Euro 4M standard by the year

2020 .Table 1.2 shows the sulfur content in different types of diesel. Refineries in

Malaysia are facing major challenges to meet the fuel sulfur specification along with

the required reduction of aromatics contents. Therefore, oxidative desulfurization

(ODS) technique was introduced as an interesting alternative technology to meet the

challenges of introducing Euro 4M with sulfur content less than 50 ppmw.

Table 1.2 Sulfur content in different types of diesel

Types of Diesel Sulfur Content (ppmw)

Euro II (Low Sulfur Diesel) 500

Euro IV (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) 50

Euro V (Green Diesel) 10

Euro VI (Very Low Sulfur Diesel) < 5

Source: The Malaysian Insider, July 2015.

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1.3 Current Technologies Used in Treatment of Diesel

Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is the conventional process for reducing of

organosulfur in gasoline, diesel and other intermediate distillates. This process is

highly efficient in removing thiols, sulfides, disulfides, and some thiophene

derivatives, but it was less effective for dibenzothiophene derivatives with steric

hindrance on the sulfur atom (refractory organosulfur compounds), such as 4,6-

dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT). These compounds aresterically hindered

in dehydrogenation and also their C-S bond energy is almost equal with the C-H

bond energy, which make them hard to desulfurize by hydrotreatment (Attar and

Corcoran, 1978). Besides, the current hydrodesulfurization technology requires the

use of a higher reaction temperature, a higher reaction pressure, a larger reactor

volume or more active catalyst or some combination of these. All of these require

high operating expenses. Equation 1.1 shows the general reaction of the


R-S-R‟ + 2H2R-H +R‟-H + H2S (1.1)

Since HDS method unable to remove refractory organosulfur compounds, a

new alternatives for desulfurization process was introduced which combines the

selective adsorption of the sulfur compounds (SARS unit) and the

hydrodesulfurization (HDS) This method utilizing a transition metal compound

supported in silica gel successfully remove refractory organosulfur compounds at

ambient condition (Ma et al., 2002).

Besides, another approached for deep desulfurization is biodesulfurization

which can specifically remove sulfur from refractory hydrocarbons under mild

conditions and it can be potentially used in industrial desulfurization. Microbial

desulfurization is an environmentally friendly method that can remove sulfur without

lowering the calorific value of the fuel. Some microorganisms can consume the

sulfur in thiophenic compounds such as DBT and reduce the sulfur content in fuel.

Desulfurization by microorganism is potentially advantageous as it is carried out in

mild conditions, thus it is considered as an energy-saving process. Secondly,


Heat, Pressure

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biocatalysts are involved in biological activities, thus the desulfurization would be

highly selective (Soleimani et al., 2007). However, biological removal of sulfur has

several limitations that prevent it from being applied today. The metabolism of sulfur

compounds is typically slow compared to chemical reactions.

Photocatalytic oxidative desulfurization is another method to enhance the

ODS process in fuel. Photocatalytic oxidation of the oil desulfurization is combined

with photochemical reaction and liquid-liquid extraction. Under normal temperature

and pressure, oil and extractant are added at the same time to begin the

photocatalyticoxidation, and the oxidant can be oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and

titanium dioxide. Photocatalytic oxidation desulfurization can achieve applications in

the decomposition of organic compounds with high-pressure mercury lamp of visible

light or ultra-violet. Although the photocatalytic desulfurization method has several

advantages such as simple process, low cost for oxidation reaction, but it has some

limitation such as a slow response and the light required for a long time ( Zhang et

al., 2009).

Desulfurization by ionic liquid is based on extraction theories and it is mild

process. The purpose of research on ionic liquid is to economize desulfurization

energy requirement and to decrease CO2 production that is associated with other

desulfurization processes such as HDS. Ionic liquids are an alternative to replace

organic solvents because they have no measurable vapor pressure below their

decomposition temperature and can be designed to have different properties

depending on their structure. Midazolium based ionic liquids, such as [BMIM][PF6],

[EMIM][BF4], [BMIM][MeSO4], [BMIM][AlCl4], [BMIM][OcSO4], have

demonstrated a high selective partitioning for heterocyclic sulfur-containing

molecules such as DBT, single β and di-β methylated DBTs.

However this approach has some limitation such as the recovery and

recycling of ionic liquid during desulfurization is difficult. Organic solvent extraction

techniques can be used to recover ionic liquid however loss of solvent during

extraction is undesirable. Some chlorometallate ionic liquid shows good selectivity

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for sulfur removal however they are sensitive to air and moisture and may cause

alkene polymerization in fuel (Soleimani et al., 2007).

1.4 Oxidative Desulfurization

Several new processes as alternatives to current hydrodesulfurization (HDS)

technology have been proposed such as selective sulfur adsorption, selective sulfur

oxidation, biodesulfurization and oxidative desulfurization (ODS) combined with

extraction is considered to be one of the promising process, because it has some

potential advantages over HDS. First, the refractory- substituted dibenzothiophenes

(DBTs) are easily oxidized at relatively mild conditions so expensive hydrogen gas is

not required. Therefore, the capital cost of ODS is significantly less than HDS since

this process is more suitable for small and medium size refineries, especially those

that are isolated and not located close to hydrogen pipeline. The oxidation of sulfur

containing compounds leads to the formation of the corresponding sulfoxides and

sulfones, which are highly polar and can be removed by extraction with polar

solvents such as acetonitrile, methanol and N,N-dimethylformamide. Oxidative

desulfurization (ODS) has been considered as a new technology for the deep

desulfurization of transport fuels, which is not a replacement process to HDS but is a

complementary process to HDS, because the refractory compounds in HDS,

including alkyl dibenzothiophene (DBT) compounds [e.g., 4,6-dimethyl DBT (4,6-

DMDBT)], show the highest oxidation rate in ODS and can achieve a sulfur content

of<10 ppm (ULSD) (Ceden˜o-Caero and Alvarez-Amparan 2014).

Generally, oxidative desulfurization involves two main steps which first

oxidation of sulfur containing compounds to sulfoxides and sulfones by a selective

oxidant. The oxidant can be supplied by either peroxy organic acids, hydroperoxides,

ozone or peroxy acids .The second step is proceed by removal of sulfoxides and

sulfonesfrom diesel by extraction, absorption, adsorption or distillation (Chica et al.,

2006). This reaction is shown in Figure 1.3.

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Figure 1.3: Simplified reaction scheme of sulfone compounds removal after

the ODS process ( Ismagilov et al., 2011)

1.5 Catalyst

The use of catalysts is vital in the oxidative desulfurization reaction. From

previous studies on both oxidants and catalyst, some catalysts show significant

activity for the oxidation of DBT, benzothiophene (BT) and other sulfur- containing

organic compounds. It was reported in previous study that the use of organic acids,

and polyoxometallic acids and their salts in aqueous solution, as catalyst in the

oxidation by H2O2. However, it is known that homogeneous catalyst are difficult to

separate from reaction products, and this limit their recycling (García-Gutiérrez et

al., 2006). Thus preparation of new supported catalyst constitute the most desirable

improvement of the oxidative desulfurization process.

Catalysts that are usually employed for oxidative desulfurization reaction are

transition metal in high oxidation state with Lewis acidity such as Mo(IV), Ti(IV),

(V) and W(IV) which were prepared by impregnation method. Most of the studies

have been concentrated on heterogeneous MoO3/Al2O3. Recently, Bakar et al., (2012)

reported that MoO3/Al2O3 was an active catalyst for the oxidation of

dibenzothiophenic compounds. It was also reported that the activity of catalysts for

the oxidation of thiophene, DBT and 4,6-DMDBT diminished in the order :

Mo>Mn>Sn>Fe~Co> Zn. Moreover, the criteria of low oxidation potentials and high

Lewis acidity in its highest oxidation state accelerated Mo catalyst to oxidize

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organosulfur compounds more than other catalyst. Likewise, the increase in the

sulfur elimination can be enhanced by using catalysts containing phosphorus

(phosphate) (García-Gutiérrez et al., 2006).

Alumina is often used as support catalyst due to its favorable ability to

stabilize a small cluster size. In previous studied, it was reported that, the activity of

the catalyst were depended on the type of supports used which was in the following

order of Al2O3>SiO2> TiO2>SiO2-Al2O3 (Mori et al., 1998). The loading of transition

metal oxide may enhance the efficiency of catalyst, it may enhances the dispersion

and distribution of molybdenum on support (Bakar et al., 2012) The used of

transition metal as dopant will not only reduced the price of the catalyst but will also

improve the thermal stability of alumina supported catalyst and promoting the

dipersion of metal support.

1.6 Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Response surface methodology (RSM) is a set of techniques used to develop

models from experimental or simulation data and can be used to obtain an optimal

response (Dube et al., 2013). Although RSM is typically referred to as the process of

identifying and fitting an appropriate response surface model from experimental data,

it can be applied to numerical modeling studies, where each run can be regarded as

an experiment (White 1987.; Li et al., 2011). Compared to other RSM designs, Box-

Behnken design (BBD) is the most frequently employed and offers some advantages;

requiring few experimental points and high efficiency (Box et al., 1960).

1.7 Statement of the Problem

Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is the conventional method for lowering sulfur

levels in diesel oil, but this technology requires severe conditions and is

expensive.Common available oxidative desulfurization (ODS) methods are now

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facing problem for reducing sulfur content in diesel fuel to concentration nearly to 50

ppmw. Currently, the main obstacles for industrial application of ODS are their low

oxidation activity and their low selectivity for sulfides, the difficulties in separation

and recovery of the catalysts after the reaction, the low utilization efficiency of

oxidant and the introduction of other components to the oxidation system.

It appears that catalysts have been used in most investigations to enhance the

effectiveness of oxidant in ODS process. However, most research done was limited

only to monometallic oxide catalyst and focused on model diesel. Thus, in this

research focused will be made on performance of new supported bimetallic oxide

and trimetallic catalysts in commercial diesel. Besides, the development of alumina

supported catalysts containing molybdenum and their evaluation in the OD process

of diesel fuel has been widely investigated in oxidative desulfurization process.

However, molybdenum containing phosphorus had not been widely used for its

ability as a based catalyst for the oxidative desulfurization. Therefore, in the present

study, catalyst prepared from phosphomolybdic acid was selected as based catalyst in

Cat-ODS reaction.

Recently, a promising alternative oxidative desulfurization using transition

metal catalyst has been developed. The chosen catalyst should be of high efficiency

for oxidative desulfurization reaction and able to give high percentage of sulfur

removal. Molybdenum phosphate was used as base catalyst doped with transition and

alkaline earth metal such as cobalt, copper, ferum, calcium, barium, and strontium.

Furthermore, with conventional catalyst system, the percentage of sulfur removal is

not as high as desired when it was applied to large scale of commercial diesel.

Therefore, a new catalysts system must be studied to see what material can convert

sulfur into sulfones in maximum percentage so that it can be applied to the world

standard diesel which sulfur content should be below 50 ppmw. This method is an

economical method since the catalyst can be recycled, and it is also environmental

friendly since it does not emit any toxic gas into air while reaction takes place.

Therefore, CAT -ODS approach are expected to produce diesel comply to Euro IV

standard, diesel with affordable price and diesel of cost effective and operational


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1.8 Objectives of Research

The objectives of this study are:

1. To synthesize an active, selective and stable potential polymolybdate

based catalysts with alumina as the support and modifies with

transition metal and alkaline earth metal as dopant via impregnation


2. To test and optimized the prepared catalysts in oxidative

desulfurization process on commercial diesel.

3. To characterize the potential catalyst with various analytical


4. To study on the optimization of the catalytic oxidative desulfurization

technique by Response Surface Methodology (RSM).

5. To postulate the mechanism study on the desulfurization.

1.9 Scope of Research

In the removal of sulfur compound, a series of alumina supported

polymolybdate based catalysts will be developed to be tested in the catalytic

oxidative desulfurization reaction.The catalysts will be doped with different dopants

of transition metal such as cobalt, iron, copper, iron and alkaline earth metal such as

calcium, barium and strontium at various dopant ratios and calcinations temperature.

The undoped molybdena catalysts are also prepared in order to compare the

performance with the bimetallic and trimetallic catalysts. The Cat-ODS process was

further optimized with various oxidants namely hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), tert-

butylhydroperoxide (TBHP) and peracetic acid (PAA).The prepared catalysts were

applied in oxidative desulfurization process using commercial diesel containing 440

ppmw sulfur, obtained from Petronas, Malaysia.Lastly, the potential catalysts were

tested on its reproducibility activity. The characterization of the potential catalysts

was conducted by various techniques in order to understand the physical properties

of the catalysts such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for bulk structure, field emission

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scanning electron microscope (FESEM) for morphology study, energy dispersive X-

ray (EDX) analysis for elemental composition study, nitrogen adsorption (NA) for

pore texture and surface area of the catalyst .Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)

was used to study the mass loss of the catalyst during temperature change and

31Phosphorusnuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (

31P NMR) was used to assign

structures of phosphorus containing compounds. Temperature programmed

desorption (TPD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterization were

tested on the most potential catalyst in this study due to the expensive analysis cost

compared to the other characterization analyses. An optimization on the catalytic

oxidative desulfurization by using response surface methodology (RSM) was studied to

obtain the best experimental condition and parameter. A mechanistic study was divided

into two parts which were a study on the catalyst surface and the oil model itself.

Thiophene (Thio), dibenzothiophene (DBT) and 4,6 dibenzothiophene (4,6 DBT)

were used as the model compound to study the ODS mechanism of commercial

diesel using TBHP. The gas chromatography –flame photometric detector (GC-

FPD)was used to identify the oxidation products and Fourier transform infrared

spectroscopy (FTIR) was used for mechanistic surface study of the catalyst. The flow

chart for the research framework is given in Appendix A.

1.10 Significance of Study

The major problem of Malaysia diesel fuel is the presence of organosulfur

compounds that will result in low quality of Malaysian diesel. It is important to

remove the impurities in order to meet the new specifications for sulfur in diesel and

increase the price of diesel fuel. Besides that, the presence of sulfur in diesel is one

of the key causes of particulates and soot in diesel. Soot is the main culprit of diesel

engine‟s harmful black exhaust fumes and is among the major source of air pollution.

Several studies have shown that the amount of SOX emission and particulate matter

emissions are directly proportional to the amount of sulfur contained in fuel. If the

proposed oxidative desulfurization system with new formulation catalyst can convert

sulfur into sulfones in maximum percentage, thus it will help to reduce the

environmental pollution caused by sulfur in diesel.

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The transition metal and alkaline earth metal catalyst are easily prepared,

environmental friendly and reusable. All the ingredients in the synthesis of the

catalyst are easily available, cheap and stable. The catalyst is safe to handle because

it can be used at low reaction temperature. It requires minimum modification to the

already existing system and offers cost effective operating system.

Different supported catalysts have been used in the oxidation by hydrogen

peroxide on the organosulfur compounds such as sulfides and dibenzothiophene

(DBT), to sulfone. These catalysts have shown good catalytic activities in the case of

model systems but there are just a few reports of the processing of commercial diesel

using either hydrogen peroxide or tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Therefore, with a new

catalytic system proposed using stable polymolybdate based catalyst, it is possible to

achieve sulfur concentration in commercial diesel less than 15 ppmw (ultra low

sulfur diesel). Cat ODS technique able to produce low price diesel and became green

and sustainable technologies because the catalyst and solvent can be recycle.

The problem of deep desulfurization of hydrocarbon fuels can be solved by

application of catalytic oxidative desulfurization. The advantages of catalytic ODS

processes are summarized as follows:

1) It does not require expensive hydrogen for production of ULSD;

2) It operated under mild conditions-low pressure and temperature;

3) The refractory sulfur species (e.g., 4,6-DMDBT) are desulfurized preferentially in

the ODS processes.

This method is very environmental friendly and utilizes a green chemistry concept.

The novelty of this research study are as follows:

(1) A development of polymolybdate based catalysts with the use of alumina beads

as a support and addition of transition metal and alkaline earth metal as a dopant to

increase the performances of the catalysts in the catalytic oxidative desulfurization.

(2) Development of a simple and cost effective method (Cat-ODS) for the treatment

of commercial diesel.

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(3) To deduce mechanistic study on the catalytic oxidative desulfurization techniques

for the removal of sulfur in the model diesel sample by using and GC-FPD and FTIR


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