prepare students for the world

Prepare Students for the World: Teach Global Competence Honor Moorman Associate Director, Professional Development and Curriculum Asia Society | Partnership for Global Learning @honormoorman

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Page 1: Prepare students for the world

Prepare Students for the World:Teach Global Competence

Honor Moorman

Associate Director, Professional Development and CurriculumAsia Society | Partnership for Global Learning

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Leadership and Talent Corporate Conferences Task Forces & Reports Working Groups,

Studies & White Papers

Museum Exhibitions Performances Commissions

Cross-Cultural Dialogue Asian Historical Heritage Current Trends in Asia

Partnership for Global Learning

Chinese Language initiatives

International Studies Schools Network

Global Cities Initiative

Afghanistan/Pakistan Region Strategic Studies

Livability of Asian Cities

Track II Dialogues on Key Issues Food Sustainability Water Security





Asia Society at a Glance

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Working to makeall students

globally competentand ready for

the 21st century.

“On the other side”CC by EmsiProduction via Flickr

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What is your role in education?

• Elementary teacher• Secondary math or science teacher• Secondary language arts or social

studies teacher• Secondary world language teacher• Other: curriculum coordinator,

technology specialist, school leader, etc.

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Where are you in the process of “going global”?

• Thinking about it• Just starting out• Going strong, ready to do even more• Getting there, ready to broaden my

efforts• Already going global, looking to go


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What is globalcompetence? “not quite clear on the concept”

CC by woodleywonderworks on Flickr

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Why is global



“Sometimes the world seems upside down”

CC by jen_maiser via Flickr

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How can wehelp students develop global competence?

“42601677.10”CC by torres21 via


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Why is educating for global competence

so important in today’s world?

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The global is part of our everyday local lives.

“You Paris and Me” CC by Nina Matthews via Flickr

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What are some of the ways you and your students experience globalization?

• Socially through media and telecommunications

• Culturally through movements of people

• Economically through trade

• Environmentally through sharing one planet

• Politically through international relations and systems of regulationEducation for Global Citizenship: A Guide for Schools, Oxfam, 2006, p. 2

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A changing world demands changing skills.

“Fargone” CC by iammikeb via Flickr

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The future is here. It’s multiethnic, multicultural, and multilingual.

~Vivien Stewart

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Becoming Citizens of the World

Four Trends

• Economics

• Science and technology

• Health and security

• Changing demographics

Vivien Stewart, “Becoming Citizens of the World” Educational Leadership 64.7, April 2007, pp. 8-14


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Globalization of the Economy

“Tokyo1950” CC by tokyoform via Flickr

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The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.

~William Gibson

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Global Competence is a 21st Century Imperative

• Economies more globally connected and interdependent

• Society more linguistically and culturally diverse

• Global challenges more complex

• Global competence academic achievement

Global Competence is a 21st Century Imperative, an NEA Policy Brief, 2010

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Why an International Focus?

• Economic competitiveness and jobs

• Global challenges• National security

and diplomacy• A diverse U.S.

societySucceeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement,U.S. Department of Education, International Strategy, November 2012


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“We must focus on integrating international perspectives into our

classrooms. It is through education and exchange that we become better collaborators, competitors and

compassionate neighbors in this global society.”

Secretary Arne Duncan, November 14, 2011

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Global Issues, Local Solutions

“Pinteresting” CC by Dave77459 via Flickr

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The future is here, and it is global.~Mark Gerzon

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Video: Global Citizen Journey

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Economies Religions




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We are all global citizens.

We have the power to create a better world.

~Mark Gerzon

Global citizens: how our vision of the world is outdated, and what we can do about it

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The Five Stages of Becoming a Global Citizen

Worldview based on . . .

• Citizen 1.0 one’s self (egocentric)

• Citizen 2.0 one’s group (ideocentric)

• Citizen 3.0 one’s nation (sociocentric)

• Citizen 4.0 multiple cultures (multicentric)

• Citizen 5.0 the whole Earth (geocentric)

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Four Main Actions Required for Developing Global Citizenship• Witnessing – open our eyes• Learning – opening our minds• Connecting – opening our hearts• Geo-partnering – opening our hands

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A GlobalCitizen issomeone who:

• is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen;

• respects and values diversity;• is willing to act to make the world a

more equitable and sustainable place;

• takes responsibility for their actions.Education for Global Citizenship: A Guide for Schools, Oxfam, 2006, p. 3

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What are global competencies?

“21st century skills applied to the world”

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enGauge: 21st Century Skillsfrom Metiri Group

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21st Century Interdisciplinary Themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills

• Global Awareness• Financial, Economic, Business, and

Entrepreneurial Literacy• Civic Literacy• Health Literacy• Environmental


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National Educational Technology Standards for Students from the International Society for Technology in


Communication and CollaborationStudents developcultural understandingand global awarenessby engaging withlearners of othercultures.

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National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers from the International Society for Technology in


Model Digital-Age Work and LearningTeachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of aninnovative professionalin a global anddigital society.

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National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers from the International Society for Technology in


Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and ResponsibilityTeachers understand local & global societal issues &responsibilities in an evolving digital culture & exhibit legal & ethical behavior in theirprofessional practices.

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What are the key dimensions of global competence?

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“Global competence is the capacity and disposition to

understand and act on issues of global significance.”

Veronica Boix Mansilla and Anthony Jackson, Educating for Global Competence:

Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World, 2011

“Earth at Night” CC by cote via Flickr

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How do we define global competence?

Content Knowledge Matters

Global Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions• Investigate the World• Recognize Perspectives• Communicate Ideas• Take Action

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Four Domains of Global Competence

• Investigate the World: Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment.

• Recognize Perspectives: Students recognize their own and others’ perspectives.

• Communicate Ideas: Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences.

• Take Action: Students translate their ideas into appropriate actions to improve conditions.

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Global Competence Matrix

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Global Competence Matrix

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Global Competence Matrices

• Arts• English Language Arts• Mathematics• Science• Social Studies• World Languages


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Which of the four domains of global competence are you emphasizing the

most in your curriculum?

• Investigating the world• Recognizing perspectives• Communicating ideas• Taking action

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Which of the four domains of global competence would you like

to emphasize more in your curriculum?

• Investigating the world• Recognizing perspectives• Communicating ideas• Taking action

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Global Approaches to Curriculum

• Engaging students by addressing global challenges.

• Globalizing the context for learning.

• Connecting to universal themes.

• Illuminating the global history of knowledge.

• Learning through international collaboration.

p. 80

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Investigatingthe World “not quite clear on the concept”

CC by woodleywonderworks on Flickr

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“Sometimes the world seems upside down”

CC by jen_maiser via Flickr

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Different Ways of Looking at the World

• Maps• World Mapper• Data Visualization• Infographics• Gapminder• Images• Stories

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Maps and Cartograms

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Created by Kai Krause, 2010

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Visual Data and Infographics

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Visual Data Credits

• 100 People: A World Portrait (website with multimedia):

• If the World Were a Village (picture book):

• The World of 100: Our Global Village (cards and posters):

• Virtual Water (poster & app):• Learn Chinese?• Country Codes of the World:• Population 7 Billion | National Geographic (website & app):

• Gapminder:

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Custom Search for Infographics

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Images and Stories

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Fresh Takes on a Flat World:The Stories Photos Tellfrom Adobe Youth Voices and What Kids Can Do, Inc.

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The Blind Menand the Elephant

Images: “6 Blindmen and an Elephant” CC by Dakinewavamon via Flickr

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The Blind Men and the Elephant

Buddhist parable

Poem by John Godfry Saxe

and now

Picture book by Ed Young

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The Danger of a Single Story

“When we reject the single story, when we realize there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.”

~Chimamanda Adichie

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Until the lion tells his side of the story,

the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

~Igbo proverb

“Lions” CC by mpaskevi via Flickr

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Reading the World

Literature Circles or Book Clubs• Thematic Approach• Regional Approach• One Idea Across Cultures• One Country, Different Perspectives

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Critical Literacy Questions

• Textual purpose(s)• Textual structures and features• Construction of characters• Gaps and silences• Power and interest• Whose view: whose reality?• Interrogating the composer• Multiple meanings

Tasmania Department of Education, cited on Multiliteracies: Exploring New Learning


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Image and Story Credits

• Fresh Takes on a Flat World:

• Material World and Hungry Planet:

• The Blind Men and the Elephant:

• Seven Blind Mice:

• Fish is Fish:

• Nacirema:

• The Danger of a Single Story:

• Critical Literacy Questions:

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Communicating Ideas

“42601677.10”CC by torres21 via


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Taking Action

“On the other side”CC by EmsiProduction via Flickr

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• Student choice

• Authentic work

• Global significance

• Exhibition to real-world audiences

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• Student choice: Are there options for students to make choices about content, process, and/or product?

• Authentic work: Are students being asked to do something adults do in the “real world”?

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• Global Significance: Are students being asked to investigate the world, recognize perspectives, communicate ideas, and/or take action?

• Exhibition to audience: Will students have the opportunity to present their learning to an authentic audience?

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Millennium Development Goals

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and

empower women4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other

diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership for


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High Noon: 20 Global Problems,20 Years to Solve Them

Sharing our Planet: issues involving the global commons• Global warming• Biodiversity and ecosystem losses• Fisheries depletion• Deforestation• Water deficits• Maritime safety and pollution

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High Noon: 20 Global Problems,20 Years to Solve Them

Sharing our Humanity: issues requiring a global commitment• Massive step up in the fight against poverty• Peacekeeping, conflict prevention,

combating terrorism• Education for all• Global infectious diseases• Digital divide• Natural disaster prevention and


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High Noon: 20 Global Problems,20 Years to Solve Them

Sharing our Rulebook: issues needing a global regulatory approach• Reinventing taxation for the twenty-first

century• Biotechnology rules• Global financial architecture• Illegal drugs• Trade, investment and competition rules• Intellectual property rights• E-commerce rules• International labour and migration rules

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Example class project inspired by this book - Photojournalism: What Matters,

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• Student choice

• Authentic work

• Global significance

• Exhibition to real-world audiences

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Communicating Ideas & Taking Action with Authentic Real-World Work

• Simulations with a global problem solving focus

• Reporting on global issues via student news networks

• Publishing to a global audience via participation in multimedia contests

• Project-based or challenge-based learning• Service learning, community engagement• Global collaboration projects

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Qualities of Good Simulations

• Is the project driven by relevant essential questions?

• Does it take into account perspectives from beyond the United States? How?

• Does it use primary sources from around the world, as appropriate?

• Does it have real-world outcomes?“Simulations: Real-World Practice,” Asia Society: Education and Learning

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Global Simulations

• Model United Nations• World Affairs Challenge• The ICONS Project• GlobalEd2 Project• International Economics Summit

“Simulations: Real-World Practice,” Asia Society: Education and Learning

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Student News Networks

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Student News Networks

Click the logos above to visit each website!

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Student News Networks

Click the logos above to visit each website!

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Project-Based Learning Resources

Click the logos above to visit each organization’s website!

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Find this and other Project-Based Learning materials at

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Driving Question: How can young people around the world have a constructive impact on

deforestation in Borneo, improving the lives of animals and humans?

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Service LearningConnecting Local & Global• Who else around the world is affected by the

issues, concerns, and trends that affect our community?

• How does this global issue, concern, or trend affect our community?

• What are some of the familiar aspects of all cultures, and how are they addressed similarly or differently in our community and in communities around the world?

“Connect Local and Global,” Asia Society: Education and Learning

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“stop collaborate listen t-shirt” CC by cambodia4kidsorg on Flickr

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Are You Ready for a Connected Learning Year?

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Connect All Schools

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Connect All Schools

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“Skype Jobs” CC by langwitches on Flickr

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Global Collaboration Projects

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What are you going to do next?

• Read Educating for Global Competence

• Use some of the resources provided today

• Explore more on my own• Connect with other global educators

online• Talk with colleagues at my school

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Prepare Students for the World:Teach Global Competence

Honor Moorman

Associate Director, Professional Development and CurriculumAsia Society | Partnership for Global Learning