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16th MAY 2020 | 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM

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By: Santosh Sir

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+Opposite to something

Reach at a place

Marry with somebody

Comprise of something

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Look into• Enquire into• Investigate 1.The officer (looks into/enquires into /investigates) the case. 2.The police are ( looking into/enquiring into /investigating) the case.

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Look like• Take after• Resemble

• 1. She (looks like/takes after/resembles) her father.

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Consist of• place is comprised of things• Comprise•• 1. Noida centre consists……/ comprises……./ is comprised ……… hundred

students.• 2. This box comprised……. ten pieces of Barfi.• 3. Ten pieces of barfi consist……….this box.

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+1.He entered …..... his bedroom.... his drawing room.

2. Ram married .......... Sita.

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+3. Sita was married....... Ram.

4. The Officer is investigating ....... the matter.

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5. Let us discuss ......'The Female Education’ in India.a) Onb) aboutc) Ofd) no preposition

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6. He resembles......... his mother.a) Withb) toc) Liked) no preposition

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7. He reached … ......the top of the mountain.a) Onb) atc) Overd) no preposition

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8. You are advised to learn this lesson word..... word.a) Forb) byc) to d) with

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.• start • commence• begin

• Q1.The examination will begin …….. Monday.

(a) from (b) in(c) at (d) on

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• Q2.The tribes lived …………customs different from anything the English had ever seen.

(a) on (b) by(c) off (d) with

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• Q7.She scoffed …………….. the idea of revolution.

(a) for(b) at(c) on(d) about

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Fill in the blanks

• ( break into, break out, carry out, accuse, bring up )• 1. The news of his arrival ……… in the area.• 2. The thief ………..the house.• 3. He ………..her of stealing his watch.• 4. That lady is ……………..her son well.• 5. Extensive tests have been ………on the patients.

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+Ï 1. He was laughing …Ï At/on


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+Ï She mocked……my plan.Ï At/on/No prep


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.Ï Fortune is smiling…….him.Ï At/on/over


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Question No: 1

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL1. Put the piano there,…….the wall.

a. behindb. abovec. againstd. on

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Question No: 2

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL2. Please write…….pen ……both sides of the

paper?a. In, inb. In, onc. With, ond. With, over

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Question No: 3

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL3. Mohan was mocking………..the strategy of

reading?a. Atb. onc. ofd. No prep

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Question No: 4

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL4. Fate smiled……… brother.

a. Atb. onc. ofd. No prep

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Question No: 5

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL5. She is living………..JNU campus.

a. Atb. onc. ind. inside

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Question No: 6

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL6. She lives………..Vedic customs in her village.

a. withb. onc. byd. inside

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Question No: 7

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL7. Most of the political persons live ………..wits.

a. Atb. onc. byd. in

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Question No: 8

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL8. She scoffed ……… abortive effort.

a. atb. onc. overd. upon

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Question No: 9

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL9. She lives………..teaching.

a. Atb. onc. byd. with

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Question No: 10

1ABCD2 EFGH 3IJKL10. He wrote very neatly ……… ink.

a. byb. withc. ind. from

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1. 1. I reached there ………8 PM.

2. He came to me…….. dusk.

3. She became mother ……….32.

Ans. at, at, at

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1. 1. She called me……the evening.2. 2. He came here ……..July.3. 3. I was there………1989.

4. Ans. in, in, in

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He came to me …………4th July.She arrived ……….Monday.I came to Delhi …………Sunday evening.I was busy……….shopping …….the eve of New year.

On, on, on, with--on

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Used only in Perfect /Perfect continuous Tenses..

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She has been working here ……..five years.He has not seen a movie …………many years.

For, for

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Used only in Perfect /Perfect continuous Tenses..

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1. He has been ill …………Sunday.

2. She has been living here ……………her childhood.

3. ………….when have you been doing it?

Since, since, since

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1. I was there between 8 ………..10.2. to/and 3. The alarm started ringing ……..time.4. On/at

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FILL IN THE BLANKS1. We arrived ....... the morning.2. He came ........ night.3. She came back ...... 12th Jan.4. He arrived ..... the morning of 5th Oct.

In, at, on, on

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Text 5. Babar attacked India ........ 1526.6. She sent for the doctor ...... dawn.7. She got married ...... seventeen.8. Our examination will start .... Monday.9. We reached school ....... 9.30 AM.

in, at, at, on, at

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10. We should reach the examination hall ........time.11. I learnt how to drive ........ four weeks.12. Will you be here .......the weekend?13. She will be here ....... a week’s time.

In, in, on, in

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14. ........ Saturday night I went to bed....11 o’ clock.

15. The Senior citizens generally reach the station ......... a good time.16. The planes take off generally ....... time.

On--at, in, on

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17. My office time is ....... Nine ..... Five.18. He worked there ......... 1981 and 1991.19. Gandhi jee was born .......... 1869.20. What is the time .........your watch?21. The examination begins ....... Wednesday.

ANS.--From----to, between, in, by, on

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22. There are usually lots of parties ..... New year’s eve.23. He has been unwell ....... Saturday.24. He has been learning music ..... two years.25. It has been raining heavily ......... Sunday last.

On, since, for, since

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31. Does the old lady object ______ my smoking cigarettes?

(a) on (b) to(c) of (d) for

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18. Let us discuss ______ the process of photosynthesis.• (a) on• (b) about• (c) of • (d) no preposition is needed

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20. I challenged him ....... a game of chess.a) to b) forc) Against d) about

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321. It is our duty to get ……….. the truth.

(a) to (b) over(c) into (d) at

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322. Fate smiled ……….. him in all his ventures.

(a) above (b) below(c) on (d) at

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31. He felt at home here in my house.

(a) happy(b) comfortable(c) welcome(d) friendly(e) upset

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32. Sachin in not cut out for this kind of work.

(a) trained(b) acquainted(c) suitable(d) considered(e) known

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33. Have you given up the idea of accepting the new

assignment?(a) postponed(b) adopted(c) amended(d) abandoned(e) rejected

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34. We shall be formidable if we stand by one another.

(a) support(b) champion the cause of(c) understand(d) vindicate the rights of (e) fight

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36. The captain played with determination because the honour

of the team was at stake.(a) very low (b) in danger(c) at the top(d) appropriate

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7. I challenged him ....... a game of chess.a) to b) forc) Against d) about

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