pres dubai islamic bank

Organiza tions Culture and Climate Report Maroof Abdu l Karim Mubeen Waqas M. Younus Naveed Ramzan M.Sumair

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Organizations Culture

and Climate ReportMaroof Abdul Karim


Waqas M. Younus

Naveed Ramzan


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Executive SummaryExecutive Summary

The report is prepared on M/s. Dubai Islamic BankThe report is prepared on M/s. Dubai Islamic Bank(Pakistan). DIBPL is a Public Limited company. Its(Pakistan). DIBPL is a Public Limited company. Its

total worth is Rs. 5.1 billion which will graduallytotal worth is Rs. 5.1 billion which will gradually

increase to Rs. 6 billion. DIBPL is 100% owned byincrease to Rs. 6 billion. DIBPL is 100% owned by

Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC (Public Joint StockDubai Islamic Bank PJSC (Public Joint StockCompany) and its nominated shareholders. TheCompany) and its nominated shareholders. The

parent company is a listed company in Dubai.parent company is a listed company in Dubai.

The contents of this report indicate theThe contents of this report indicate the Organizational Organizational 

Climate & CultureClimate & Culture that refers to a system of sharedthat refers to a system of shared

meaning held by members so as to distinguish themeaning held by members so as to distinguish the

organization from other organization.organization from other organization.

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The firm is providing number of trainingThe firm is providing number of training

programs and workshops to their employees inprograms and workshops to their employees in

order to enhance the abilities, knowledge andorder to enhance the abilities, knowledge andskills. There is a open door policy i.e.skills. There is a open door policy i.e.

managers doors are always open for managers doors are always open for 

subordinates, lowest employees turnover,subordinates, lowest employees turnover,

effective communication throughout theeffective communication throughout theorganization and employees are more satisfiedorganization and employees are more satisfied

and loyal towards the organization.and loyal towards the organization.

Executive SummaryExecutive Summary

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The purpose of the survey was to observe the prevailing Climate &The purpose of the survey was to observe the prevailing Climate &Culture in Dubai Islamic Bank (Pakistan).Culture in Dubai Islamic Bank (Pakistan).

R esearch DesignR esearch Design

The report determining Climate & Culture at Dubai Islamic BankThe report determining Climate & Culture at Dubai Islamic Bank(Pakistan) is a term assignment in our course of OB. It is a(Pakistan) is a term assignment in our course of OB. It is acomprehensive report highlighting the interpersonal relationshipcomprehensive report highlighting the interpersonal relationshipbetween management & employees and between employees &between management & employees and between employees &organization and the factors working environment, customer organization and the factors working environment, customer satisfaction, training & development and employee satisfaction.satisfaction, training & development and employee satisfaction.

S ample S izeS ample S ize

The sample size is 60 employees. Employees are selected fromThe sample size is 60 employees. Employees are selected fromthe different departments of Head Office so to represent the entirethe different departments of Head Office so to represent the entirepopulation as correct as possible.population as correct as possible.

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R esearch InstrumentsR esearch Instruments

 A comprehensive questionnaire consisting of 25 questions was A comprehensive questionnaire consisting of 25 questions wascompiled.  All consisted of Opencompiled.  All consisted of Open--ended questions withended questions with f ivef ive

choices. Besides questionnaires, the following personal interviewchoices. Besides questionnaires, the following personal interviewwas also conducted:was also conducted:

Major. Hamid Ali Khan HamiMajor. Hamid Ali Khan Hami ± ± Country Head of Country Head of AdministrationAdministration

Mr. Ahmer AbdiMr. Ahmer Abdi -- Head Central Operations DepartmentHead Central Operations Department

Mr. Khurram M. Yousuf Mr. Khurram M. Yousuf -- Manager Accounts & FinanceManager Accounts & Finance Mr. Dilair Ahmed KhanMr. Dilair Ahmed Khan ± ± Head of Treasury OperationsHead of Treasury Operations Mr. Danish Sharif KhanMr. Danish Sharif Khan ± ± Regional Initiation HeadRegional Initiation Head ± ± SouthSouth

( Consumer Banking )( Consumer Banking )


Since the time is a key factor in today¶s world, therefore getting theSince the time is a key factor in today¶s world, therefore getting thequestionnaires filled and interviews by taking shorter time of DIBquestionnaires filled and interviews by taking shorter time of DIBpersonnel.personnel.

Generally employees are not willing to share any negative aspectGenerally employees are not willing to share any negative aspectof their organization in front of management so 100% accuracy of of their organization in front of management so 100% accuracy of data is not is not assured.

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R esearch FindingsR esearch Findings

We found DIB an organization well liked andWe found DIB an organization well liked andvalued by its employees. Career Growth,valued by its employees. Career Growth,

Learning, Family  Atmosphere, and FreedomLearning, Family  Atmosphere, and Freedomfor new ideas which reflected with a highfor new ideas which reflected with a highsatisfaction level among the employees insatisfaction level among the employees interms of Management issues while a moderateterms of Management issues while a moderate

result found in terms of rewards, incentives,result found in terms of rewards, incentives,promotions, appraisals, recognition and HRpromotions, appraisals, recognition and HR

policies .policies .

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Mr Khaled  Al KamdaManaging Director & Chief Executive


Mr Saad Zaman

Mr  Abdul Monem  Al Bastaki

Mr Fahad Bin Fahad  Al Muhairy

Mr Mohammad  Al  AmeiriMr  Azhar Dogar 

Mr Junaid  Ahmed

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C hief Executive Officer C hief Executive Officer 

. Mr Mohammad  Ahmed Mannan. Mr Mohammad  Ahmed Mannan

C orporate S ecretary C orporate S ecretary  Uzman Naveed Chaudhary (Internal)Uzman Naveed Chaudhary (Internal)

Mandviwalla (External)Mandviwalla (External)

Legal Advisor Legal Advisor 

Nain Tara Rafi (Internal)Nain Tara Rafi (Internal)

Mandviwalla (External)Mandviwalla (External)

S enior Advisor S enior Advisor  Uzman Naveed ChaudharyUzman Naveed Chaudhary

Mandviwalla (External)Mandviwalla (External)

 Audit C ommittee Audit C ommittee

Irfan Johar Irfan Johar 

R ating Agency R ating Agency  Corporate Marketing Services (CMC)Corporate Marketing Services (CMC)

 Auditors Auditors

Ford Rhodes Siddarth Haider Ford Rhodes Siddarth Haider 

Chartered  AccountantsChartered  Accountants ± ± KarachiKarachi

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ThirtyThirty yearsyears ago,ago, DubaiDubai IslamicIslamic BankBank ('DIB')('DIB')createdcreated historyhistory byby becomingbecoming thethe world'sworld's firstfirstIslamicIslamic BankBank

DIBDIB isis oneone of  of thethe fewfew PakistaniPakistani organizationsorganizationsstartedstarted itsits operationsoperations inin MarchMarch 20062006,, runrun totallytotally

byby professionalprofessional managementmanagement andand highlyhighlymotivatedmotivated fieldfield forceforce..

DIBDIB isis committedcommitted toto notnot onlyonly fullyfully complycomply withwiththethe principlesprinciples of of Shari¶aShari¶a inin allall itsits financialfinancialdealingsdealings

Over Over 2424 branchesbranches throughoutthroughout thethe countrycountry(Including(Including HeadHead Office)Office)..

Another Another pillar pillar of of DIBsDIBs strengthstrength isis itsits veryvery closecloseandand longlong--termterm (over (over 3030 years)years) relationshiprelationship withwith

itsits customerscustomers whowho ventureventure intointo thethe worldworld of  of IslamicIslamic bankingbanking inin suchsuch aa befittingbefitting wayway


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DIB received the Best Islamic Bank in the Middle East  Award (2006)

by both Euromoney's Islamic Finance Weekly and Gulf Wealth

Forum.DIB has also been awarded the Bank of the year (UAE) at the 2006

Banker  Awards.


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Dubai Islamic Bank PakistanDubai Islamic Bank Pakistan

Limited ('DIBPL') will be theLimited ('DIBPL') will be the

leading provider of world classleading provider of world classbankingbanking ± ± the Islamic way bythe Islamic way by

being the first choice of our being the first choice of our 

customers and our employees.customers and our employees.

Vision StatementsVision Statements

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Mission StatementMission Statement

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Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility

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Designation HierarchyDesignation Hierarchy









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Name of DepartmentName of Department

Name of Department Count Percentage

MISC 5 8.33%

Administration 7 11.67%

Phone Banking 3 5%

I T 6 10%

Accounts & Finance 5 8.33%

Treasury 3 5%

Country Operation Division 3 5%

Credit Initial Unit 4 6.67%Sales 7 11.67%

Collection 6 10%

Consumer Asset Operations 4 6.67%

Card Production 4 6.67%

Audit 3 5%

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Survey QuestionnaireSurvey Questionnaire

DIB is a career oriented organization.

Strongly agreeStrongly agree AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

21.67%21.67% 61.67%61.67% 16.7%16.7% 0%0% 0%0%





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The organization adeptly responded to competitors and changing

business environment.

Strongly agreeStrongly agree AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

18.33%18.33% 50%50% 31.67%31.67% 0%0% 0%0%





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This organization is customer oriented.


AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

21.67%21.67% 53.33%53.33% 25%25% 0%0% 0%0%





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This organization gives respect to me and my thoughts.


AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

4141--67%67% 41.67%41.67% 16.67%16.67% 0%0% 0%0%





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I feel free to offer comments, suggestions and enjoy freedom of 



AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

23.33%23.33% 43.33%43.33% 30%30% 3.34%3.34% 0%0%




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I get useful feed back on my performance that focuses on helping

instead of blaming.


AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

26.67%26.67% 46.67%46.67% 23.33%23.33% 3.33%3.33% 0%0%


23% 27%

3% 0%

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The DIB provides safe working environment.


AgreeAgree NeutralNeutral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

33.33%33.33% 50%50% 15%15% 1.67%1.67% 0%0%




2% 0%

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We have as much business as we want.

Strongly agreeStrongly agree AgreeAgree NuetralNuetral DisagreeDisagree Strongly disagreeStrongly disagree

15%15% 46.67%46.67% 35%35% 3.33%3.33% 0%0%




3 0

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Employees SatisfactionEmployees Satisfaction

Q.) How satisfied are you with the following motivationalQ.) How satisfied are you with the following motivational

factors of your organization?factors of your organization?




SatisfactorySatisfactory NeutralNeutralDisDis

SatisfactorySatisfactoryVery DisVery Dis



SatisfactorySatisfactory NeutralNeutralDisDis

SatisfactorySatisfactoryVery DisVery Dis


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Employees SatisfactionEmployees Satisfaction




SatisfactorySatisfactory NeutralNeutralDisDis

SatisfactorySatisfactoryVery DisVery Dis



SatisfactorySatisfactory NeutralNeutralDisDis

SatisfactorySatisfactoryVery DisVery Dis


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Con clusion Con clusion 

DIB is an organization that meets all the external andDIB is an organization that meets all the external andinternal environmental challenges. To satisfy externalinternal environmental challenges. To satisfy externalcustomer they are in believe to satisfy first internalcustomer they are in believe to satisfy first internalcustomer i.e. employees. If employees are happy itcustomer i.e. employees. If employees are happy itwould enable for the firm to achieve its goals.would enable for the firm to achieve its goals.

For the climate & culture, we conclude that DIB tries itsFor the climate & culture, we conclude that DIB tries itsbest by providing job security, friendly atmosphere,best by providing job security, friendly atmosphere,safe working conditions, training programs andsafe working conditions, training programs and

workshops in order to enhance the abilities, knowledgeworkshops in order to enhance the abilities, knowledgeand skills, open door policy i.e. managers doors areand skills, open door policy i.e. managers doors arealways open for subordinates, lowest employeesalways open for subordinates, lowest employeesturnover, effective communication among theturnover, effective communication among thedepartments, encouragement of new ideas, effectivedepartments, encouragement of new ideas, effectiveguidance on mistakesguidance on mistakes

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Re comm e nda tion sRe comm e nda tion s


As it was explained in the last question As it was explained in the last question

that the employees at DIB want thethat the employees at DIB want thecompany to pay more attention on thecompany to pay more attention on themotivational factors especially onmotivational factors especially onrewards and incentives because it helpsrewards and incentives because it helps

the firm in achieving success in deliveringthe firm in achieving success in deliveringthe remarkable services to their the remarkable services to their customers.customers.

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Re comm e nda tion sRe comm e nda tion s

H R Policies:H R Policies:

DIB is an equal opportunity organization which treatsDIB is an equal opportunity organization which treatstheir employees equally, but during interview we awaretheir employees equally, but during interview we aware

of fact that management is trying to cut their costof fact that management is trying to cut their costbecause of the recession in the economy they havebecause of the recession in the economy they havedecided to fire some employees which are notdecided to fire some employees which are notperforming according to their requirement. Here the HRperforming according to their requirement. Here the HRdepartment should give serious attention to identify thedepartment should give serious attention to identify thewhy employees¶ perception is conflicting with the HRwhy employees¶ perception is conflicting with the HR

policies, they have to review their policies with the helppolicies, they have to review their policies with the helpof opinion of the senior management and try to changeof opinion of the senior management and try to changethe perception and to remove that grey area whichthe perception and to remove that grey area whichcauses such perceptions.causes such perceptions.

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Refere n ce sRefere n ce s

 Admin Officer. Admin Officer.

Mr. Khalid PatelMr. Khalid Patel

 Accounts M anager. Accounts M anager.

Mr. Khurram Muhammed Yousuf Mr. Khurram Muhammed Yousuf 

C ountry Admin H ead.C ountry Admin H ead.

Mr. Hamid  Ali Khan HamiMr. Hamid  Ali Khan Hami

I.T M anager.I.T M anager.

Mr. Sohail  AhmedMr. Sohail  Ahmed

S ecretary ( H ead of Internal Audit) .S ecretary ( H ead of Internal Audit) .

Mr. Shafeeq  AhmedMr. Shafeeq  Ahmed