presbytery of the james vine

V OL . 13, NO . 2 ~ J ULY , 2011 P UBLISHED BY : P RESBYTERY OF THE J AMES ~3218 C HAMBERLAYNE A VE ., R ICHMOND , VA 23227 Nonprofit Organization US Postage P A I D Permit # 911 Richmond, VA 23232 The The ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Branching through Presbytery of the James HOW YOU CAN HELP 1. A 9.0 earthquake and tsunami dev- astated Japan. Thousands were stranded on roof tops, surrounded by water left by the tsunami that washed over the low-lying farmland of the hard- est hit area, sweeping away homes, cars, railroads and businesses. 2. Flooding and other disasters are nothing new to the crawfishermen, casino workers, hotel housekeepers, barge skippers, watermen and other working-class individuals who make their living from the Mississippi and the Gulf. But so many problems coming so closely together are taking a toll. 3. As always, the Presbyterian Wom- en came through with an impres- sive effort by collecting 637 Hygiene Kits, 90 School Kits and 196 Baby Kits. Collected at the Annual Meeting in Char- lottesville, the Presbytery Staff packed the boxes and transported the boxes to Church World Service in New Windsor, Maryland. 4. NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, esti- mated that there were 173 tornadoes in one day, setting a new record. The death toll topped 300. President Obama said, “We can’t control when or where a terri- ble storm may strike, but we can control how we respond to it, every American has been hurt by the situation.” Donate to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Donate on Presbytery of the James website: Account NO. DR 000015. This is a general fund that will be used as needed. For Japan specify Account No. DR000117. PAGE 2 REVIEW OF THE SEVENTY-EIGHTH STATED MEETING PAGE 3 BOB BLUFORD NAMED VIRGINIAN OF THE YEAR PAGE 4 CAMP HANOVER STAFF TRAINING CANOE TRIP PAGE 8 ELEVATORS BOOST ATTENDANCE FOR ELDERLY

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Page 1: Presbytery of the James Vine

V O L . 1 3 , N O . 2 ~ J U L Y , 2 0 1 1 P U B L I S H E D B Y : P R E S B Y T E R Y O F T H E J A M E S ~ 3 2 1 8 C H A M B E R L A Y N E A V E. , R I C H M O N D , V A 2 3 2 2 7

Nonprofit Organization US Postage

P A I D Permit # 911

Richmond, VA 23232



Branching through Presbytery of the James


1. A 9.0 earthquake and tsunami dev-astated Japan. Thousands were

stranded on roof tops, surrounded by water left by the tsunami that washed over the low-lying farmland of the hard-est hit area, sweeping away homes, cars, railroads and businesses.

2. Flooding and other disasters are nothing new to the crawfishermen,

casino workers, hotel housekeepers, barge skippers, watermen and other working-class individuals who make their living from the Mississippi and the Gulf. But so many problems coming so closely together are taking a toll.

3. As always, the Presbyterian Wom-en came through with an impres-

sive effort by collecting 637 Hygiene Kits, 90 School Kits and 196 Baby Kits. Collected at the Annual Meeting in Char-lottesville, the Presbytery Staff packed the boxes and transported the boxes to Church World Service in New Windsor, Maryland.

4. NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, esti-

mated that there were 173 tornadoes in one day, setting a new record. The death toll topped 300. President Obama said, “We can’t control when or where a terri-ble storm may strike, but we can control how we respond to it, every American has been hurt by the situation.”

Donate to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Donate on Presbytery of the James website: Account NO. DR 000015. This is a general fund that will be used as needed. For Japan specify Account No. DR000117.









Page 2: Presbytery of the James Vine

Published by Presbytery of the James, 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA 23227. Editorial Rights Reserved. Articles without by-lines are written by the editor. The Vine is a publication mailed free to members of Presbytery of the James congregations. Submissions, corrections, letters or requests for additional copies should be sent to: Clifton Edwards, Editor; Presbytery of the James; 3218 Chamberlayne Avenue., Richmond, VA 23227 or email: [email protected]


2 — J u l y , 2 0 1 1 - - V i n e

Dr. James A. Tebbe, President, Friends of Forman Christian College and Rector Designate, Forman Christian College has an-nounced the appointment of Dr. Robert Johnson as Executive Di-rector for Friends of Forman College for the United States.

Dr. Johnson, along with his wife and two children, lived at Forman Christian Col-lege in 2008, where he served as Dean of the Chapel and Associate Professor for Reli-gious Studies. He also taught historical theology at Gujranwala Seminary. During his tenure as Dean of the Chapel, he instituted a large Christian Life program for Chris-tian students, who are a small minority in Pakistan. The program included a well-attended Chapel as well as weekly prayer Bible Studies, prayer groups and leadership committees. This program is still going strong and student’s lives continue to be trans-formed.

Dr. Johnson’s recent position was as Interim Pastor at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in Richmond. He began his work with Forman Christian College on June 1, 2011.

A Message from Dr. Robert Johnson

On the night Bin Laden was killed, I watched the Pakistani newspaper sites, and the Facebook postings of my many Pakistani friends begin to fill with worry about what would happen next. In a country that has borne earthquakes, floods and typhoons in the past decade, the greatest fear still is of someone in a oversized coat standing near you in the bazaar, or at jumah prayers with a gut full of resentment and cultivated anger.

I don’t want to minimize what will happen in Pakistan, or in the world, over the next couple of years. We know there are intensely angry people who will try to make OBL’s death the reason for indiscriminate violence. Unfortunately, some of that vio-lence will be in Pakistan, directed at targets the haters believe stand against their cramped and skewed view of the world. What hope can there be for a place like For-man Christian College in a place like that? Should we fear, and make a strategic re-treat in order to be safe?

In truth, the nearly 150 years of Forman Christian College’s existence has been in the midst of conflict and ferment. That is precisely why FCC is in the right place, and why now is the right time for us not to flag in our dedication to educating new leaders for Pakistan and the world.

We stayed when the original Forman Christian College closed when illness rav-aged the small faculty. We stayed when the subcontinent roiled with anti-colonial sentiment in the early 1900s. We stayed when the death trains rolled into Lahore, blood streaming out of the carriages, in 1947. We stayed in 1965 when jets screamed over the campus, and artillery fire could be heard as India and Pakistan battled nearby. We were forced to give up the campus in 1972, but after 30 years of prayer, persua-sion and negotiation, we came back again to remain true to our calling today.

I cannot deny that there are unique dangers in today’s Pakistan. However, our commitment to our mission as a college, and to the people of Pakistan has never been dependent on what was safe or comfortable. Our pledge, in both our missionary call-ing, and in our abiding belief in the power of education is to be where the need is, and that is where we are. Your support, in prayer, advocacy and money helps us to stay right with that need. There may be no more important place in the world to be. To-gether, we can stave off the heading for the exits that so many seem to favor and stay, as we always have, at the corner of Zahoor Elahi Road and Canal Boulevard.

Johnson appointed Executive

Director, Forman College

Dr. Robert Johnson

The Presbytery of the James held its 78th Stated Meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at Brandermill Church,

Midlothian, VA. The meeting was a pleasant, relaxed, and productive one. The facility was extremely accommodating for free flowing movement of the Com-missioners and sufficient spaces for all the activities of the day.

Moderator Janet James led the meeting which saw a number of actions taken.

We welcomed the following ministers into the presbytery: Rev. William May, Honorably Retired, from Grace Presbytery Rev. Vicky Bethel, Stated Supply Pastor for Education, Westminster Church,

Charlottesville, VA from Mackinac Presbytery Rev. Steve Starzer, Pastor, Fairfield Church from Susquehanna Valley Presbytery

We participated in the Commissioning of Rev. Vicky Bethel as a Certified Christian Educator.

We approved Michael Clang, Brandermill Church, as a candidate for ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

We approved for ordination the following: Bob Shenk, Boston Presbytery to become Staff Chaplain, Bon Secours Health System; Stephen Hitchcock, POJ, to become Chaplain, Manager and Volunteer Coordinator of the Haven, Charlottesville, VA; and Jeremy Cannada, Charlotte Presbytery, to become pastor, Amelia Church.

Worship included the Lord’s Supper. We heard the Rev. Shannon Kiser preach. Shannon is a member of National Capital Presbytery and is working with our New Church Development Purpose Group. Her sermon was inspiring about our call to go into the world to share the love and compassion of Christ with others.

An Order of the Day at 11:15 was the consideration of the Belhar Confession to be included in our Book of Confessions. Dr. Dawn DeVries presented arguments supporting the inclusion of the Confession and Dr. James Goodloe presented ar-guments in opposition to including the Confession. A good debate alternating between persons speaking for and against the Confession was had. Five minutes of prayerful discernment led by Rev. Carla Pratt Keyes and Rev. John Daniel pre-pared the body to vote by written ballot. The vote was 128 in favor of including the Confession and 122 in opposition to include the Confession. (Note: Because the number of presbyteries already casting their votes for Belhar were so many against including it in the Book of Confessions, the minimum of 2/3 of Presbyter-ies approving its inclusion was not reached and the Confession will not be added.) I would add that this vote again illustrates the importance of votes by Commis-sioners at Presbytery meetings. On another important amendment this year, our presbytery was tied in that debate, 153 in favor and 153 against thereby meaning the motion was defeated. Attending Presbytery meetings and voting does make a difference!

During the lunch hour, four interest groups were held on various topics: Young Adult Opportunities for Mission Service in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Military/Veterans Family Retreat Planning Session for an event at Camp Hanover. Disaster Response Team presentation. Amendment 10-A conversations and update In addition, the following actions were taken by the presbytery:

Approval of the June, 2011, Presbytery minutes. Elected Elder Roger Clark to the Leadership Connections Team and Rev. Nancy Sum-

merlin as Moderator of the Leadership Connections Team. Received for a first reading the Funding Task Group’s Report and recommendations.

These recommendations will be acted on at the October, 2011, Presbytery meeting and, if approved, enacted in 2012.

Approved the 2009-2011 Form of Government of the Book of Order as the Transition-al Manual for the Presbytery of the James. (All Sessions are encouraged to take the same action for their Transition Manual).

Elected the Camp Hanover Executive Search Committee consisting of Rev. Joel Mor-gan, Elder Lisa Tully, Elder Bruce Harvey, Rev. Dan Hale, Rev. Patrick Dennis, Rev. Gay Lee Einstein. The Search Committee will elect their own Moderator and leadership.

Approved the validation of the following positions: Staff Chaplain, Bon Secours Health Systems, Richmond; Chaplain, Manager and Volunteer Coordinator, the Haven, Charlottesville, VA; and Executive Director of Friends of Forman Chris-tian College, Richmond, VA.

Approved changes in terms of call for 2011 for ministers; approved 2010 Member At

Large reports; approved 2010 Validated Minister’s Reports; approved 2010 Certi-fied Educator’s Report.

Granted Member at Large Status to Rev. Patrice Bittner (Jan 19, 2011); Rev. Fred Rose (November 22, 2010); Rev. Steve Cobb (January 1, 2011).

Granted Honorably Retired status to Rev. Etta C. Rossman, July 31, 2010. Approved a 2012 Minimum Compensation Criteria policy which is 2.5% higher than

2011. Respectfully submitted,

H. Carson Rhyne, Jr., Stated Clerk

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V i n e — J u l y , 2 0 1 1 — 3

Local Young Adults selected for India, Kenya Mission Two local young adults, Nicole

Childress and Amelia Volger have been selected by the General Assembly Mis-sion Council to serve in mission on be-half of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). They will serve with the International Young Adult Volunteer program.

Nicole Childress will serve in India and Amelia Vogler will serve in Kenya.

The International Young Adult Vol-unteer Program offers opportunities in Christian service and learning for young adults (21-30 years of age) in six sites around the world.

The job descriptions for the volun-teers depend both on the needs of the partner and the skills of the Young Adult Volunteer. In each placement, the volun-teer works with a church or organization, develops Christian community, and meets regularly for prayer and Bible study with other Young Adult Volun-teers.

Nicole and Amelia recently attended the Placement Event on the campus of

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary where the volunteers had the opportunity to discern their placement in the midst of a community that included other volunteers, international site coor-dinators and the Young Adult Volunteer Program staff.

Funding for their time serving inter-nationally is shared by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Young Adult Vol-unteer, supporting congregation(s) and presbyteries, as well as family and friends.

The appointment as a Young Adult Volunteer is considered a full-time posi-tion, and volunteers are not allowed to secure other employment while they are serving overseas. They receive a small stipend to cover basic living expenses in the country where they will live and work. With the approval of the General Assembly Mission Council, mission workers are asked to help raise funds to help defray the costs of supporting them and their work where they are assigned.

Amelia Volger Second Presbyterian Church


By Zachary Reid Richmond-Times Dispatch

To the amazing life of the Rev.

Robert Bluford, Jr., add (at least) one more accomplishment.

The one-time pilot, preacher, histo-rian, preservationist and medical vision-ary was named Virginian of the Year by the Virginia Press Association at the group’s annual conference. He was hon-ored for the humble, often selfless man-ner in which he has pursued nearly eve-rything in his life.

“I’d really rather the focus not be on me,” he said, “but if this increases awareness of the various causes I’ve supported, it’s all right.”

In years past, the retired Presbyteri-an minister’s passions have included the Fan Free Clinic, which he helped found in 1968, and Civil War site preservation.

Now at 92, he’s still a cause-oriented activist, with better treatment of Virginia’s Native Americans and a Civil War memorial among his top pursuits.

“We need to make amends for the rather shabby treatment we’ve given to Native Americans in Virginia,” he said.

His Civil War dream, he said, is planting a tree for every American killed during the war along a 100-plus mile stretch of U.S. 15.

Bluford’s never-ending pursuit of

something good is what prompted a for-mer Hampden-Sydney College classmate to nominate him for the award.

“It’d be impossible for me to tell you over the telephone everything,” said Sumpter Priddy, who suggested the nom-ination. “I can’t think of a more giving, or more forgiving man than Bob.”

Bluford was a B-24 pilot in World War II—and again, briefly, last year, on a flight from Charlottesville to Rich-mond.

Bluford has worked tirelessly and continues to work for the preservation of the historic Polegreen Church site in Hanover County, and commemorate the struggle for civil and religious freedom.

By Sandi Shaner Salem Presbyterian Church, Studley, is the first winner of the Louise McComb Award for congregations that are crea-tively meeting vital Christian Education needs of older adults in the church com-munity. This award is presented by Un-ion Presbyterian Seminary. Salem is a small church located in rural Hanover County, built in 1829, and composed largely of older adults. In July of 2009, pastor Sandi Shaner and Music Director Karen Westbrook decided to promote a program for those who are available in the mornings and to include other small churches in the area who are also lacking in programs. It be-gan with a vision to gather and sing hymns and have some light-hearted fun, but the monthly “Sing-A-Long” has turned into a ministry of Christian out-reach, education, and fellowship. The first Thursday of each month at 10 am, 30-45 people arrive representing up to 16 different churches of all denom-inations. After a big welcome and pray-er, many beloved hymns are sung and new ones learned. Each month features a

“Hymn of the Month.” The attendees learn about the origin of the hymn, the life of the composer and/or poet and their faith journey, and are made more aware of the scriptures through singing the hymn. All seem to love this approach and look forward to learning each month. Guest musicians are periodically featured and members of a neighboring church’s hand bell choir come approxi-mately twice a year, bringing chimes to teach “ringing.” There is a special time in each gathering when special days (birthdays, anniversaries, and other cele-brations and milestones) are recognized and there is a “roll call” of churches to recognize the churches represented. If time allows, some “fun songs of yester-year” close the session. After prayer and blessing, a time of fellowship with light refreshments gives all a time to get better acquainted. There is the praising of God, learn-ing of scripture and hymn history, Chris-tian fellowship, the sharing of religious beliefs and traditions along with reach-ing out to others, bringing them into the joy of being with other Christians.

Salem receives $1000 McComb Award (left to right) Mary Lambert, Karen Westbook (director of music), Norita Guild, Judy Bowles.

Rev. Bob Bluford in costume.

Nicole Childress First Presbyterian Church


Page 4: Presbytery of the James Vine

4 — V i n e — J u l y , 2 0 1 1

Roughly corresponding in time to the Great Awakening in the east, there was an extraordinary outpouring of prophecy among the tribes of western

Montana, Idaho and eastern Washing-ton. Occurring prior to the arrival of white people, these prophecies began to alert there tribes to the Christian gospel, soon to arrive on their door-step. One prophecy told of a Savior born long ago, whose birth they should cel-ebrate annually. Another revealed “a talisman of ter-rific strength”—the cross. A third re-vealed a book—”leaves bound togeth-er”—that “white-skinned one” would bring, to tell of God. Based on 25 years of research in original historical documents, Douglas McMurry has created a running narra-tive to rappers, business executives, tribal chiefs and missionaries that will keep your attention, destroy all your stereotypes, and introduce you to an era of American history that few re-member today.

McMurry publishes Forgotten Awakening

By Molly Ashby

Presbyterian Women have pro-vided Peggy Reinhold, our “Stamp Lady” and retired mission worker to Congo, with many stamps to be sold to stamp dealers. She provides funds for the printing press in Congo where Christian Education materials are printed. She purchases Bibles and hym-nals for pastors and lay leaders. She also provides scholarships for pastors who wish to attend seminary in Con-go as well as funds for further educa-tion in Belgium. Stamps needed are commemora-tives (large oblong stamps), defini-tive. There are series of stamps that are valuable: Flags of Na-t ions, Games, Olympics , Star Wars , Wonders of America , Marvel Comics, etc. CLIP carefully around each stamp leaving 1/2 to 1/2 inch of sin-gle thickness of envelope. This is called a “frame”. Take stamps to any PW meeting or to your local church.

‘Stamps for Missions’ exceeds $8,500

Report of Stamps for Missions 2010

On hand Jan 1, 2010 ................................... $ 297.34 Received from stamp sales ....................... 8,210.28.00 Purchase of Bibles ........................................... 3,000.00 Bible Studies ........................................................2,100.00 Scholarships ........................................................... 416.00 Transportation Costs ........................................... 316.00 Rabbitt & Palm Projects ........................................ 811.50 Repairs in Upreco housing ................................... 25.00 Medications .............................................................. 60.00 Linn’s Stamp News .................................................. 45.95 Shipping costs ....................................................... 298.46 Staples (store) ........................................................... 35.11 Total ................................................................. $ 8,507.62

News release By Bob Pryor

On June 10 and 11, 2011, two groups of Camp Hanover summer staff par-ticipated in a training canoe trip on the South and North Anna Rivers. Water levels were low and necessitated some walking in the river and dragging boats across sunken logs. Though the groups took plenty of water and were encour-aged to drink at regular intervals, the newness of the situation for many of the staff members, the physical exertion, and the heat all led to six members of one of the groups becoming dehydrated. Through the fine efforts of the Car-oline and Hanover Rescue Squads, these staff members were evacuated from the river and taken to Regional Memorial and VCU hospitals where they were rehydrated. By Friday evening the Regional Memorial patients were released and returned to camp. As of Saturday at noon, the VCU patients were released and had returned to camp. We celebrate with their families and friends their safe return to camp and give thanks for all of you who lifted them up in prayer since the incident.

Camp Hanover has been taking canoe trips like these for more than fifty years. Safety for all participants is always paramount as we seek to provide experiences which nurture the individual as well as building a Christian com-munity. This is the first time such an incident like this has happened. As a camp accredited by the American Camp Association, Camp Hanover has policies and procedures in place which dictate how out-of-camp trips are prepared for and implemented. These procedures were followed. However, as is our protocol, when any situation occurs that requires medical atten-tion, all relevant policies and procedures will be reviewed and changed if deemed necessary. In particular, the camp staff will review the policies which deal with unusually hot and dry weather conditions.

We encourage parents and families preparing for outdoor activities this summer to plan for safe fun in the sun, with plenty of hydration.

Hanover will open its 55th summer of building a Christian community on June 20, 2011, when the first of approximately 900 residential campers will arrive. Sessions last from two days to two weeks in length. Camp Hanover is non-profit, and is owned and operated by Presbytery of The James.

Canoe Training


Page 5: Presbytery of the James Vine


members of the CCC thank all of you for your on-going interest, sacrifice and participation.

Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC) in Charlottesville was found-ed in 1939 as an outreach to the Uni-versity of Virginia. In the 1950’s, the Synod bought the white house next to the church and, not long after, sold it for about $1 to the church for its use. Situated on Rugby Road, two blocks from Jefferson’s Rotunda, both the church and the house, now known as Common Grounds, are in a key loca-tion to serve the University Commu-nity. The white house was known as the Prism Coffeehouse for decades, but the musical venue left the build-ing in 2006. After a two-year pro-cess, the church renovated the first floor to make it warm and inviting to students, moving the campus minis-try events to the white house from the basement of the church office building in August 2008. With the new visibility, came increased at-tendance on Tuesday nights, and Presbyterian Student Fellowship con-tinues to flourish. University Mission is now concluding its third academic year there. Non-profits (currently Building Goodness Foundation and AA regional office) still occupy the space upstairs at reduced rents.

The Associate Pastor at Westmin-ster Church has long also served as the PCUSA campus minister at UVA, with the church’s University Mission Committee coordinating all aspects of the ministry. The heart of the congregation’s outreach is Pres-byterian Student Fellowship and its Tuesday meetings for dinner, fellow-ship and prayer, and the Sunday lunches. Average attendance for each is 15-20 students. Church members provide the meals for both—and that means about 30 lunches and 30 sup-pers per academic year! A fall retreat to Massanetta Springs was a nice get-away for a small group of students and Laura Sugg the campus minister. Students also volunteer with the two-week hosting of PACEM, the home-less shelter for about 40-50 men; and they help with IMPACT the inter-faith congregationally-based commu-nity.

By Rev. Bob Azzarito Campus Minister

The Campus Christian Commu-nity is an ecumenical ministry on the campus of the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA and is supported by the Presbyterian, United Methodist, and Lutheran and Episcopal denominations. This has been both an exciting and challeng-ing year for us. We entered 2011 with a $12K budget deficit due mostly to the fi-nancial stress being felt by many. But with the help of many of our area churches, our alumni and many friends, we were able to make up about 7K of that deficit within the first few months. Our students also pitched in by having fund raisers and keeping expenses down whenever possible. We’ve also been making a much bigger effort to let our area churches know more about our ministry and the impact this program has on stu-dents. Students have been volunteer-ing in church youth programs, pack-ing lunches for community meals, providing mission moments in ser-vices and presentations at Sunday School classes. Our student ministry team has also created a “church” newsletter and sent it out to stay in touch with congregations. We took a group of students back to Honduras in December and they had a very rewarding trip. They participated in repairing/building schools in several villages surround-ing El Progreso. They also volun-teered in the Nutrition Center for malnourished babies. IHNFA, the state run orphanage, as well as “Our Little Roses,” an all girls home for abandoned girls. We’ve implemented a new pro-gram this year, called “coffeeology” on Sunday nights. Students gather at 7 pm, drink coffee and discuss big questions about life and theology. It’s been a big hit. Campus ministry is tasked with the job of making leaders for tomorrow’s church and world and one aspect of this effort is providing a safe place for students to think and examine these important matters of life and faith. We continue to have regular Table Talk programs on Thursdays with about 50 students with dinner provided by one of our churches. We are privileged to have so many supportive churches and caring people who are interested in developing the next generation of leaders. Students, board and staff

By Rev. Laura Sugg Associate Pastor, Westminster, Charlottesville

V i n e — J u l y , 2 0 1 1 — 5

Embracing Middle Eastern immigrants By Cary Estes

Presbyterians Today

What began as a Bible study at-tended by a small number of Middle Eastern immigrants has grown over the past 15 years into the thriving Christian Arabic Church. Membership in the congregation is near 100, but regular attendance for the Arabic-language Sunday services held at Third Presbyterian Church is closer to 150. Many visi-tors and new arrivals are pulled in by the church’s welcoming outreach ef-forts. “This church has be-come a community for the new immigrants,” said Am-gad Beblawi, former asso-ciate for Middle Eastern congregation support in the United Stated for the Pres-byterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly Mission Council. Pastor Fakhri Yacoub sees Chris-tian Arabic Church as being both a spiritual ministry and a service pro-vider for new immigrants. Many of the immigrants—mostly from Egypt but some others are from throughout the Middle East, forced

out because of religious persecution. They often arrive hurriedly in the United States, unprepared for life in the new country. Yacoub and other church mem-bers meet the immigrants at the air-port. The congregation helps them find housing, complete with furniture and basic kitchen and household

items. They are given a week’s worth of groceries and aid in obtaining any necessary medications. Most of all, the members of the Christian Arabic Church throw open their arms and assure the immigrants that they are not alone in this strange, new world.

Rev. Fakhri Yacoub, baptizing new member.

Dedication for Louisa’s new faciliites By Brian Cain,

The Central Virginian

Members of Louisa Presbyterian Church gathered on Sunday, June 5, to dedicate their new fellowship hall. Rev. Todd McCoy told the con-gregation that the completion of the hall isn’t the completion of the church’s work. “It is merely a tool.” McCoy said membership had dwindled to 28 when the church formed the building committee for the fellowship hall six years ago. “But they knew Christ wasn’t finished with this church,” said McCoy.

Since the formation of the build-ing committee, the membership has doubled. According to McCoy, the build-ing project, which cost over $400,000, received a boost when one of the church’s members left a con-siderable donation in her will. Since its completion, the fellow-ship hall has been put to good use for Calvin’s Closet, by Moms Club of Louisa, Cub Scouts and the congre-gation. “ It is what we do here that makes the building special . . . .” McCoy said. “It is special because we gather in the name of the Lord.”

Louisa Presbyterian Church showing new fellowship hall.

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8 — V i n e — J u l y , 2 0 1 1

“Having lived through the earthquake in Port-au-Prince and safely travelling to the US Embassy, we felt so helpless and unable to do anything meaningful for the Haitians we had traveled to work with on our mission trip. At the same time our church was organ-izing a team to go to Clean Water U. with an opportunity to travel back to Haiti and help in a meaningful way, by providing clean wa-ter to those who are in such need, is a gift from God to those of us who want to do something that truly helps the people in Haiti.” said Corell Moore

“Medical mission trips have provided me opportunities to share the friend-ship, joy and faithfulness of the people of Bluefields, Nicaragua in an environ-ment so different from my own. Living Waters for the World program provides the chance to help them experience the health benefits of clean water.” said Steve Sigel

In frequent travels to Haiti we see children lugging heavy water bottles for miles. For many this water is not even clean. So many precious Haitian chil-dren spend much of their lives getting water, the basic building block of health. We feel so privileged to be able to help bring clean water to communities in Haiti. After the outbreak of cholera, the need and desire for water purification systems is even greater.

Water is a fundamental human need, and yet over one billion people lack reliable access to this precious resource. More than three million people die each year from water-related illness, and most of them are children, with immune systems that cannot handle contaminated water.

This photograph of a woman in Nicaragua walking for water for her family is on my screen-saver. It reminds me of the distance (3.7 miles) and tremendous amount of time each day that women and children must walk to get water for their families. And it isn’t even CLEAN!

Ten members of First Presbyterian Church (FPC) attended Clean Water U in the spring of 2010 (through Living Waters for the World Mis-sion teams), have collectively installed over 340 systems in 24 countries throughout the world since the early 1990’s.

Our FPC Clean Water Ministry team has chosen two partner communities, —one in Bluefields, Nicaragua with Central Moravian Church, where we have had ongoing relationships and a Medical Mission for over ten years and the second partner is Haiti Micah in Mirebalais, Haiti. This is a school serving 850 students.

In July, we will be traveling to Bluefields to teach our partners how to in-stall their own water filtration system and to teach the community leaders about health, hygiene and spiritual education. Having a strong partnership is the key reason for the success of this ministry. It empowers local communi-ties and their leaders to ultimately have a sustainable system that they will own and operate over many, many years.

FPC has also recently teamed with a partner in Mirebalais, Haiti just north of Port au Prince. Plans are being made to install a water filtra-tion system with solar power in the fall. In Haiti, there is an unreliable

source of electricity and solar power is required. Two mem-bers of our team were trained this spring at Solar Under the Sun to learn how to install solar and evaluate other sites.

God has blessed this min-istry with teams, partners in mission, training and funding. In fact, much of this year was spent raising awareness and funds to support these instal-lations. The cost for one standard filtration system, like we will use in Nicaragua, is about $3,500 to $5,000. In Haiti, solar power is also a component and its cost adds another $8,000 or $9,000 to the total. Our first FPC “Walk for Water” in March raised almost $9,000 to support an instal-lation—and it was a great opportunity to bring people of all ages in the congre-gation together for a wonderful cause.

Part of our time as a mission team is to learn to grow as individuals in our spiritual life. This is our link to a larger purpose. It opens the door for the Ho-ly Spirit to be present and a part of our gathering. Working with extremely poor communities in Nicaragua and Haiti teaches me about life and wakes me up to the active work of Jesus Christ in all parts of the world.

By Cindy Mabry First Presbyterian Church, Richmond

Thoughts from mission workers.

Presbyterian Church of Congo By Ruth Charles Brown

Ginter Park Presbyterian Church

While staying at Methodist-Pres-byterian Hostel (an inn for interna-tional, interdenominational mission-aries, private and public development workers, and for parents in the child adoption process), waiting for a “visa in lieu of passport” for travel to Ka-nanga during the two months needed to process a permanent visa, I was able to visit programs of the Kinsha-sa Presbyterian Church during Holy Week. My first visit was to learn about the Presbyterian Women’s pro-gram of the Presbyterian Community (Church) of Kinshasa was on Good Friday, and I found the church we visited to be a powerful example of God’s decree to “be kind to widows and orphans.” The members of the Presbyterian Women of Lemba Presbyter ian Church of Centre Synod, who themselves are strug-gling to feed their families in the sweltering inner city, where soil is poor and scarce and where public water and electricity are almost nonexistent. Every September these

Presbyterian Women provide all the children entering school with all their school supplies and funds for books. Every Wednesday, throughout the school year, these church women bring grain from their homes to pro-vide lunch for the children in the or-phanage who are not attending school. The women of Lemba Presbyteri-an Church provide outreach, with food and garden plants, and prayer, and prayer support to 60 widows. They sell small jars of moringa leaf pow-der for $5 and $10, and hand-crafts for support.

Ruth Charles Brown

Filtration System

Page 9: Presbytery of the James Vine

Vine—July, 2011—9

Cindy Barton, Freedom House Grant Administrator

What does the face of hunger

and homelessness look like to you? Is it the man or woman living under the bridge? The panhandler on the street corner? Well those are not the typical faces we see at Freedom House. The face of hunger is the grandfather utilizing the Soup Kitch-en at the end of the month to help feed the grandson he has custody of. It is the ex-offender who is doing his best to work, but can only find work at the temp agency. If not for the Soup Kitchen he could not afford to eat. It is the man who lost his job, then his housing, and now lives at the Community Shelter to help him re-build his life. It is the woman who succumbed to drugs, sought help at the Community Shelter to overcome her addiction and is now permanent-ly housed.

Founded in 1983 by a group of volunteer churches, Freedom House began by serving an Evening Meal to over 150 people each night – now called the Conrad Center Soup Kitchen. As other gaps in service were identified in the homeless ser-vices system, Freedom House re-sponded by opening two transitional housing facilities for single adults; The Community Shelter (1987) and Sean’s Place (1993). For the last 28 years we have provided a strong and responsive continuum of programs for people in crisis that engages indi-viduals and families in services, sus-tains them through our feeding and shelter programs, and supports them through their return to independence. The continuum of care we provide helps us form an effective partner-ship built on trust and respect with those we serve.

The Conrad Center program pro-vides a daily breakfast, bagged lunch and dinner to the homeless and work-

ing poor—over 48,000 meals per year. Meaningful long-term allevia-tion of hunger is rooted in the allevia-tion of poverty. The Conrad Center's feeding and services programming not only provides hunger relief but also addresses the root causes of hunger—costly health issues, lack of mainstream benefits, and low wages and unemployment—by provid-ing meals within a one-stop support-ive services center. Central Intake, the single port of entry to shelter, is co-located in our Center. All meals clients have access to Central Intake for housing supports and crisis case management. Social Services, Veter-an's Affairs and the Daily Planet Health Care programs all provide ser-vices at our Center. Last year we re-ferred 664 individuals and families to housing, health screenings and main-stream benefits, all of which positive-ly impacts individuals and families with the greatest needs.

Freedom House was started by volunteers and continues to thrive because of our volunteers, hundreds of which are members of Presbytery of the James churches. The Conrad Center is the only daily breakfast and dinner program of its' kind in the ar-ea. This feat is only achieved through our collaborations with an army of over 800 members of community and faith based organizations that pur-chase, prepare and serve over 48,000 meals a year. Volunteer groups also donate household supplies on a regu-lar basis and help with fund raising and special programming for clients.

Freedom House strongly believes in the effectiveness of employing those that have overcome homeless-ness. Two of the Case Managers, 3 overnight staff and 4 of the 5 staff members at our Soup Kitchen are all past graduates of the Community Shelter. These staff members serve as role models and mentors for others,

giving them hope that they too can overcome their barriers to independ-ence. Over the last 12 years that we have focused on making this a best practice within the organization, we

Freedom House—shelter, food and power to change have witnessed countless incidences where the interaction between these staff members and those in crisis have been the catalyst for positive change in the lives of those we serve.

It was on Palm Sunday, April 17, 2011 that Bethlehem Presbyterian Church made history—they broke ground for a new sanctuary! “Celebrating our heritage and proclaiming our faith,” Bethlehem turned the sod with six “golden shovels” that symbolized their dream, their vision, their future, their history, their tradition, and their faith. More than thirty members participated in the “turning of the sod,” each representing various groups within the congrega-tion. More than 150 members and friends attended the outdoor ceremony and worship service, along with special guests from Hanover County, neighboring congregations, supporting agencies, and local representatives. Their contractor, Mr. David Norman of Norman Company, Inc. was in attendance, as were rep-resentatives from their architectural firm, Huff Morris Architects, Inc. of Rich-mond. Preaching that day was their pastor, the Rev. Rebekah J. Johns, and pre-siding at the ceremony was our General Presbytery/Stated Clerk, the Rev. H. Carson Rhyne, Jr.

Bethlehem is one of our many historic congregations within the Presbytery of the James. Once part of the Samuel Davies Churches (Bethlehem, Salem, Beulah) for more than one hundred and thirty eight years, Bethlehem became “independent” in 1973 and for thirty-eight years has remained vital and rele-vant in the Old Church community of Hanover County. Elder Willie H. Hunley (now deceased), along with his wife, Betty Hunley (a Presbyterian Women’s elder-leader), generously gifted the congregation in the mid-1980s with a chal-lenge to match their contribution and build “new” facilities at Bethlehem.

Now that that goal is reached, Bethlehem is moving forward to the next step. The site work has begun on the 8200 square foot addition, and all the hard work of the planning phase is now being brought to life—a fully handicap-accessible sanctuary seating 225, plus a full basement. So much has been ac-complished in the last few years, a feasibility study, congregational meetings and surveys, fund-raising, planning, etc., in preparation for this moment, and while there is still so much to be done, Bethlehem has a steady hand and a strong heart to complete the task for occupancy in the Spring 2012—just in time for their 175th Anniversary celebration that fall. Indeed, Bethlehem con-tinues in “celebrating our heritage and proclaiming our faith,” believing that God has brought them to this historic moment to bring glory to God.

 “This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118.23

Bethlehem breaks ground

for new sanctuary

Former residents become workers at Freedom House.

Page 10: Presbytery of the James Vine

1 0 — V i n e — J u l y , 2 0 1 1

The increase in the number of churches in the Manchester area, around the turn of the century was in response

to the growth in the busi-ness and residential sec-tors. The first meeting of the Presbyterians in Manchester occurred when Parson Turner estab-lished a Sunday School at the old Masonic Hall on 5th Street in 1812. In 1870 a meeting, sparked by Miss Margaret Allen, was held to organize the First Presbyterian Church of Manchester. The first el-ders were William Buell and Henry Fitzgerald and the Deacons were O. H. and W. T. Lithgow. In July, 1889 construction began on the First Presby-

terian Church of Manchester at 10th and Porter Streets. The name was changed to Porter Street Presbyterian Church in 1910 when Manchester con-solidated with Richmond. In 1966 the congregation left for a new church, Southminister Presbyterian Church in Chesterfield County and the Porter Street Church was torn down. The church manse, built in 1895 still stands today at 1008 Porter Street. Pictured at left is the Order of Worship from April 12, 1936. After 29 years as pastor of South-minster Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Richard H. Lindsey Jr. has retired and is “enjoying a lot of unscheduled time.” His retirement plans will need to evolve, said Dick, who stepped down March 31, 2011. “I really am enjoying the break from the church schedule. I really never had a real sabbatical, so I feel like this time is it.”

From Manchester to Chesterfield A little church history

On Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at 1 pm, at Building 2601, the last chapel being used at the Army at Fort Pickett, was dedicated in honor of Chaplain/First Lieu-tenant Thomas McNeill Bulla who died from combat wounds in World War I.

Engraved on the marker insert below: “Thomas McNeill Bulla was born in North Carolina on 4 Jan. 1881. Ordained a Presbyterian minister, he was called here to the First Presbyteri-an Church of Emporia in 1911. In April 1917, he became chaplain of the 116th Infantry Regi-ment. 29th Infantry Division, and in June 1918 sailed to France. There he joined the troops in the trenches, often venturing into no-man’s-land to rescue wounded soldiers. On 15 Oct. 1918, during the Battle of the Meuse, he was himself wounded. He died two days later, the only chaplain of a Virginia regiment to lose his life in the war.”

Chapel named to honor Bulla

“Wise, clear, profound, and eloquent, William F. May’s new book should be read by anyone who cares about America. He puts on display our runaway fears and desires. He traces the ways those anxieties and appe-tites have distorted our interna-tional policy, and our domestic policy, and our economic life. It is a prophetic indictment of our culture, but it is no mere jeremi-ad. It is a hopeful call for a course correction for a turning (or a returning) to the tradition of covenant. The concluding chapters eloquently contrast and point the way to a better com-mon life in America.”

—Allen Verhey, Professor of Theological Ethics

Duke Divinity School

Testing the National Covenant

On Sunday afternoon, April 17, 2011, a new grill at the Norfleet pa-vilion was dedicated. The gift of the grill was made possible by gifts from family and friends as a living memo-rial for Joan Bell Norfleet. Approxi-mately 40 members of the Bell and Norfleet families and their friends were part of the beautiful afternoon of remembering Joan and her love for Camp Hanover. This generous gift provides those who use Norfleet pavilion with a convenient and effective means for cooking meals. It will be a constant reminder of Joan’s lifelong associa-tion with Camp Hanover, first as a camper, then a staff member and lat-er as an advocate for the ministry. Her two children, Sarah Norfleet Baird and William Norfleet hosted the event.

Norfleet and Bell family and friends gather in Norfleet Pavilion for dedication of new

outdoor kitchen.

Kirk Hall—South Plains Presbyterian Church The first new building in the Long Range Planning Committee’s focus was dedicated on June 6, 2011. The new facility contains a large fellowship room with kitchen, classrooms, a choir room, pastor’s study and office space. The spacious facility, to be know as the Kirk Hall, will be used for church dinners and other events and will allow room for the entire church family to gather. This congregation has a mission for the future.

Page 11: Presbytery of the James Vine

Vine—July, 2011—11

Dear Presbytery of the James Community,

Thank you so much for supporting my mission trip to Uganda. It was such an incredible experience. It is really hard for me to describe with words what happened, but I will try my best.

In the mornings we hung out with kids, who lived and slept on the streets, for about an hour before reading and inter-preting a message from the Bi-ble for them. After that we give them 2 chapatti (or tortillas) and a banana for lunch, and for many of them it was the only meal they received that day. In addition to food, we gave them one thing per day: toothbrush, notes of encourage-ment, t-shirts, shoes and Bibles. They cheered every single day and were so excited. When they got the Bibles they just kept coming up to us and saying “Auntie, Auntie! Let me read to you!,” or “Auntie, take a photo of me with my Bible!” They were so precious and ex-tremely grateful. So thank you for helping us collect those items and the money we spent toward food for them.

After we left the field with the homeless kids, we went to visit the boys in the orphanage. When we arrived they swarmed the car and were just so happy to greet us with “You are most welcome.” It usually took at least fifteen minutes to say hello because they all just wanted to talk to us so badly. When we were finally able to settle down we split up into small groups and had Bible study for about an hour. They were so attentive and thoroughly enjoyed that time. We got so close to those boys and really got a chance to see their hearts. The attitudes, love, and perspective of life, God, and friendship/brotherhood makes it difficult to be back in America because of the sharp contrast, but I am starting to see God’s love again here. God is everywhere, and the life and freedom he offers isn’t just in Uganda, it is in His words and obeying His commands. It wasn’t until I started talking to or hanging out with the lonely, depressed, and homeless here in America that I realized I can’t limit God to Africa; I can only limit myself.

I learned some very valuable lessons and my life has been changed. “My” things are no longer mine. They belong to whoever needs the them most (that could be me, but most likely not for very long). I learned about the present and urgent needs that they have and cannot wait to help them out more as the resources become more available (most likely after I graduate but who knows how God will pro-vide until then!) I have not only fallen in love with about Ugandan smiles and hearts, but my purpose in life, love of God, and passion has grown down to my core. Not only have I changed, but I know those boys have been encour-aged and loved through emotional, physical and spiritual means. God is go good and I cannot thank you enough for helping me go on this enlightening trip.

Michelle Gordon

An open letter to the POJ Community

William H. Millsaps

Millsaps wins prestigious Red Smith Award Bill Millsaps, Moderator of the Permanent Judicial Committee and for-mer sports editor at the Times-Dispatch has received American sports writing’s highest honor, the Red Smith Award, given annually by the Associated Press Sports Editors for “major contributions to sports journalism.” Millsaps brought his straightfor-ward prose and behind-the-scenes re-porting to a variety of sporting events,

from high school games to the Olympics, World Series and Super Bowl. Over the past three years, he has mined those experiences to write features for BOOMER Magazine on covering the Masters gold tournament and the Rich-mond Braves. He also has interviewed such figures as golfers Curtis Strange and football coach Frank Beamer. The Red Smith award, established in 1981, has been given to such luminaries

as Jim Murray, Shirley Povich, Dave Kindred, Dave Anderson, Jerome Holtzman, Dick Schaap and Mitch Albom. Misssaps Received the 2011 award June 24 at APSE’s conven-tion in Boston. Millsaps retired in 2005 after serving as Managing Editor and Executive Editor of the Times-Dispatch.

By Gordon Lindsey

By the waters of Massanetta Springs, adults from both POJ and Shen-andoah churches gathered on May 5 to explore the appeal of the Psalms to Christians. The day retreat was an out-growth of the work of the POJ purpose group, Older Adult Ministries.

This purpose group has been spon-soring an annual retreat for POJ older adults at Camp Hanover for many years. They have proved popular. Speakers have addressed a variety of topics—from health to spirituality--that concern older adults.

The purpose group found, however, most attendees came from Richmond area churches. “We began asking how we might better serve older adults in the western fringe of the presbytery,” says Gordon Lindsey, purpose group mem-ber. “We had the idea of sponsoring a similar retreat in cooperation with Shenandoah Presbytery a t Mas-sanet ta Springs.”

The purpose group approached Shenandoah and found a strong response to the idea. So a pilot retreat was planned. It drew 105 registrants, one-third from POJ churches and two-thirds from Shenandoah churches. The day was beautiful at Massanetta. Bright sun shone on blooming trees and flowers.

The keynote speaker was the POJ’s Jane Govan, pastor of Cove Presbyterian Church. She titled her presentation: “Songs of the Faithful Heart: The Psalms Speak to All God’s People.”

She noted for example that the Psalms are the most quoted book of the Old Testament in the New Testament. “Quoting the Psalms among the Jews was much like our q u o t i n g o u r hymn books. All one had to do was re-cite the first line, and the rest of the whole psalm would come to mind,” she said.

She incorporated both commentary on specific psalms into her talk and di-verse exercises to help attendees con-nect with the psalms. They included a slide show on creation, sharing exercis-es, questions for personal reflection, and an opportunity to draw the theme of Psalm 1 with crayons.

Pat Valentine from South Plains Presbyterian and her friend Jonne Clem-mer expressed the psalms in music. “It was a great way to ponder the Psalms,” said one attendee afterwards.

“We are hoping that this pilot re-treat can become an annual ministry shared by the two presbyteries,” says Lindsey. “Such joint projects are anoth-er expression of our Presbytery’s pr i -or i ty on connect ionisms.” The

purpose group will hold its next POJ retreat at Camp Hanover on Octo-ber 13.

POJ/Shenandoah joint retreat

Rev. Jane Govan

Group gathers for a walk around the Massanetta grounds.

Page 12: Presbytery of the James Vine

By Janet James Gayton-Kirk Presbyterian Church

The group from Gayton Kirk that went to Costa Rica learned a lot that-week. We experienced God as an artist. We saw shades of green we had never seen before. Red is RED and yellow is YELLOW in the rain forest.

We also learned of God's expan-sive abilities: a frog is not always green and hopping around. Some of the frogs we saw were red with what looked like blue jeans on their legs.

And we learned about the God who wants to relate to us and who wants us to relate to others. During our visit to Arbolitos, Costa Rica, Sharon Adams, Mac Pence and I saw first hand the hardship of those who have limited access to education.

I realized that it is very difficult for human beings to reach our full potential if we are not provided with opportunities to explore the environ-

Three from Gayton-Kirk traveled to Costa Rica

ment with our whole selves: minds, hearts and souls. The community of caring people in Arbolitos now has more opportunities to learn about God's world and explore their respon-sibilities as stewards of God's crea-tion.

Thank you, Gayton Kirk, for being a Siga Ministry partner.

Through our contributions we have helped the floating library sup-ply schools with books, assisted in building a library for the community and have reassured our brothers and sisters in the faith that they are not forgotten.

And, we have done this in the name of Jesus our Lord.

(l to r) Janet James, pastor, Gayton Kirk, Mac Pence and Sharon Adams in Costa Rica.

On March 16, 2011, Caitilin Richardson-Hoy was sworn in as Lieutenant Junior Grade in the U.S. Navy to begin her service as a Chap-lain on August of this year. “I am honored and eager to begin serving our military men and women, to aid them as they labor in defense of our freedoms under intense physical and emotional challenges”, said Rev. Richardson-Hoy.

Sworn in as U.S. Navy Chaplain

New portico at Brett Reed


SOUTH PLAINS Elearnor Dickerman, June Mueller ASHLAND

Installation of elevators credited for lift in attendance Ashland

Ashland Presbyterian Church has a second floor fellowship hall with kitch-en where we have many events during during the year. Breakfasts, Lunches and a few years back we had a play that ran two nights to full houses. Out congregation is aging, and the ele-vator was installed and running before the play was performed. A great many people who had not been seen in the hall were there thanks to the new elevator. We stationed our few youngsters to demonstrate how to operate it.

Brett Reed

Brett Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church has recently completed a remod-eling of the entire church at a coat of $250,000. This remodeling included the installation of an elevator and a new

portico on the back of the church. Above the portico a room was gained for meet-ings and as a small prayer chapel.


It was a great day of blessing and celebration as members of Rivermont Presbyterian Church came together to dedicate the new elevator installed in February. They all joined hands in prayer with thanks and joy as the Pastor Caitilin Hoy, said a blessing, dedicating the ele-vator to the praise, honor and glory of God. Rivermont is a caring, wholeheart-ed, committed and growing congregation dedicated to carrying out the great mis-sion of the church. The elevator was made possible by Ralph Lewis Hayslett, who was a dear friend and fromer mem-ber of the church, who graciously left us a generous financial gift which allowed

for the installation of the elevator. Rivermont expresses it’s apprecia-tion for all the work that went into get this monumental task.

South Plains

Included in the new Kirk Hall is a new elevator. The elevator is equipped with a phone in case of an emergency. If there is no answer locally, it automati-cally initiates a call to Schindler Eleva-tor for safety and service. It is recom-mended that children under 10 not be allowed to operate it without an adult.

1 2 — V i n e — J u l y , 2 0 1 1

BREET REED Dorothy Walker Krewatch