prescolite chandeline dealer pricing list c-3d 1965

BY PFIEsiG '" t't""t- DEALER PRICTS C-30 . IV]ARCH, INDEX BY TYPE CHANDET ERS, WALL BRACKTTS AND PINDANTS Transitlona Crysta ard S lver 2 and 3 Conternporary Crystal and Si ver 3 thr! 6 Per od Crysta 7 and 8 Coitemporary Colored Glass and Brass 9 and 10 Contemporary Peer escent Glass and Nickel 10 PENDANTS L"I.T I c' 1965 '61 c"por.rr Ga Contemporary l\4eta nrRLcroNA- sPO ts . OPAL IlIO DU LES 11 I2 l3 and 14 l4 10 th ru 12 7and8 ? I and l0 3 th ru 6 tAMP RICON]N]ENDAT ONS TERtr/IS AND CONDITIONS l5 15 14 3 2 l4 13 INI]FX BY NUI\{BER 1500 th ru 1521 1775 th ru 1791 1868 thr! 18 70 -880 r- | 188' 1886 18! I thru 1898 1903 th ru 1941 194 t' rr 194.1 1980 rt r lo90

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Page 1: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

BY PFIEsiG'" t't""t-




Transitlona Crysta ard S lver 2 and 3

Conternporary Crystal and Si ver 3 thr! 6

Per od Crysta 7 and 8

Coitemporary Colored Glass and Brass 9 and 10

Contemporary Peer escent Glass and Nickel 10


L"I.T Ic'


'61 c"por.rr GaContemporary l\4eta

nrRLcroNA- sPO ts .




l3 and 14


10 th ru 12


I and l03 th ru 6








1500 th ru 15211775 th ru 17911868 thr! 18 70

-880 r- | 188'188618! I thru 18981903 th ru 1941194 t' rr 194.1

1980 rt r lo90

Page 2: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Collection by PRESC0LITE *#fiii,:,10 L tes, C.ystals. 33/4'dia. Satin shades in Red (standirdl, Burnt 0ranse, I ue o. P nh, l5-25\4 c ear flamestralght tip candelabra base lamps. 20" d a. x 17%" body leneth. Standard overall rurpension ls 34" with 15'lrang sira ght canopy. For spec al canopies and stem lengths see Pace 15.



$170.00 $110.50

5.00 3.25

120.00 73.00

C0MPLETE .. . Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades . . l0Speciiy Red, (siandard), BLrrni 0ranse, Blue ar P nk.

Replacem€nt shade (Red, Burnt 0range, B ue or Pink) . ... %

colVPtETE.,. without Shades 9

2 Lite maiching wall bracket lor un t abole. Saiin shades n Red istandard), Burnt 0ranBe, B ue or Pink.15 25w clear flame siraight t p candelabra base ampr 12yr' h ch x 16 w de. Erlends 7rlr' lrom walL.3%" or 4" 0.8. nouniing.

CoMPLETE. . . Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades . . 3 60.00 39.00Specify Red (siandard), Bu.nt oranee, B ue or P nk.r 870.2

1868-2Fepra.en€ntihae Roa B|nr 0rd-8" B-porP \.... r:

corrrPLETE . . . without Shades .. -. ... -.... .. ... ...... 21r'2

5 00 3.25


6 L ies, sing e tier. 15-25w clear f ame, straightiip candelabra base lamps. 17" dia. x 15 hgh. Siandardoverall suspensiof is 28" with 15' hang.sira ght canopy. For otlrer slem engths and canopies see Page 15.

C0NIPIETE . . . Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades . . 20Speciry sliades ln Burni 0ranse (standard), Red, Blue or P nk 13%" dia.).

Replacemenl shade (Burnl 0ranse Red, Blue or P nkJ . .. . %

215.00 r39.75

5.00 3.25

135.00 120.25



tt' Tl



il ffiffi*



8 lles, sing e tier. 15-25w cleir llame, straiclrt t p candelabra base lamps. 28' dia. x 18" hlgh. Siafdardoverall susFension s 28 w th 15" lrang-stra ght canopy, For other stem lengths and .anop es see Page 15.



C0NIPIETE... Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades .. 24Specily shades in Burnt 0ranCe (standard), Red, B ue or Pink. (3%" d a ).Replacement slrade (8urnt 0range, Red, Blue or Pink) .. .. L',

CoMPLETE . . , wilhout Shades . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , 22

260.00 163.00

5 00 3.25

220.00 143.00

t2 lites, sing e iier. 15 25w c ear flame, stra ght t p candelabra bas€ lamps, 28" d a. x 18" higlr. slandardoveral suspensian is 36" w tlr 15' hang stra ghl canopy. for other stem lenclhs and canop es see Page 15.



450.00 292.50

5 00 3.25

390.00 253,50

C0l\,lPIITE... Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades .. 40Specily shades if Burnt 0range lstandard) Red, B ue or Pink, {3%" dla.).

Replacement shade (Burnt 0ranse, Red, BLue or Pink) . ... %

coMPLtrE,, . without shades ...................... - 35

16 I tes, s ngle t €r, 15.25W clear llanre, straight tlp cande abra base lanps, 40" d a. x 23 h gh. Standardoverall suspension is 36" w th 15' hang straight canopy. For other stem lengths and canop es s€e Page 15.

1S43-1 6


530.00 383.50

5.00 3 25

460.00 299.00

C0MPLETE... Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades .. 55Spec ry shades n Burnt 0ranse (siandard) Red, B ue or Pink. (3%" d a.).

Replacement shade (Burnt 0range, Red, Biue or PlnkJ . .. . y,

CoMPLETE . . . without Shades .. .. .. 50

18 liies, 2 tjers; 6 liles on top, 12 on botiom. i5 25!t c ear f ame, stra ght t p cande abra base Lanrps.2a"dia.\24"hph. Siandzrd overalsusDenscn s50"witlr 15'lranq slraiAhi canopy. For other sienrlengtlrs and canop es see Pace 15.

1s43-6/12 !f"T,llll5,;; )'ll,:1,t,1"t#',iil"li:1,',x'll,llii',',"i rl,l""oo r

Replacem€ni shad€ (Burnt 0rznge, ned, Blue or Pink) ... . %

1542"8/12 coMpLETE . . . without shades ... ... ... ... ....... .... 50

675.00 438.75

5.00 3.25

585.00 380.25

1943,8/r 6


930.00 604.50

5.00 3.25

a10.00 526.50

24 ltes, 2 tiersr 8 liies on top, 16 on bottom, 15-25W c ear llame, straighl tip candelabra base Lamps.40" d a. x 31" high. Siandard overall suspens on is 60" wilh 15' hang slralght canopy. For other stemlensths and canoF es see Page 15.

C0MPLtlt.. . Sjlver and Crystal with Satin Shades . . 75Specify shades n Burnt 0range Gtandard), Red, Blue or Pink. (33/4" dia.).

Replacemeni shade ( 0ranse, Red, Blue or Pink)

c0|!1PLETE.. . without shades 10


fl r




Sins e lte rnatchins wal bracket for units above. 15.25W clear tlame, straisht tip candeLabra base Lamp-t6" hieh x 5y2" wide, extends 7%" irom wall.

C()I|PLETE.. . Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades . . 6 55.00Specii, shades in Burnt 0ranse Gtandard), Red, B ue 0r Pink. (3%" di..).1943-1







Replacemeni shade (Burnt orange, R€d, Blue ot Pln(l .. . . y2

CoMPLETE... without Shades 6

Twln I te nratching wall brackei lor Lrnlts above. 15'25W c ear llame, sirs ghi t p candelabra base lamps.16" hish x 10'$/ide, extends 7314" from wall.

CoMPLITE -.. Silver and Crystal with Satin Shades .. 10 85.00 55.25Specify shades in B!rni 0range (standard), Red, Blue or Piik. (3%" dir.).1943-2


Repiacement shade (Burnt oranse, Red, Blue or Pink) -.. -

C0lvlPIETE. .. without Shad€s 10






Page 3: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Collection by PRESC0LITEapprox. Lisi Dealershipping Price Price

Weiclrt (lbs.) Each Each

1886.8 slites 15.25W clear Ilame type candelabra base lamp,25 dia. x 20" body lensilr. over: I suspensio.r is 49r4".3ti or4"0.8. moriting. r5' hang sirslCht canopy is siandard. Forspecial canopies and stenr iensths see Pase 15

CoMPLETE . . . Silver and Crystal ................ 68 $240.00 $156.00

1886-1 2 l2 ltes 15 25W clear llame type cande abra base lamps, 29" d a. x 21" body lengih. 0verall susp€nsion is 50 '.3L'4"or4 0.8.mountifg. 15" hang stra ght canopy is standard. Forspecial canopies and siem lensihs see Pase 15

C0NIPIETE . . . Silver and Crystal ................ 12 335.00 211.15

1886.24 24 lites, sing e tier, l5 25!! clear flame type candelabra base lamps.51" dia. x 34 body length.0vera isuspension s 44y2".311r" or 4" 0.8. rnounting. l5 hang straiglri canopy is standard.lo pP r. .- p " d-d la l4-crL ,4e Pocd L

C0[]PLETt . . . Siller and Crystal ........ ....... 150 1100.00 715.00

1886'6/12 iiJiliir3.'J3n# i'#i 5';J 31";''olE'frii""i1ll1 i3:ilX?li;,"'lii'"il,f iilY'?"trdv rencth

For spec aL canopies and stern Lenstlrs see Page lb.

c0[,lPttTt... Silver and Crystal ........ ........ 125 995.00 646.75

1886-12124 3?Jliii.3,'i3llrj,i,i'*i3ii,t':l;J'd8',9,:',ii1i!1i3tii'.!1.1;j,?ii!1,,1J,?'i.'3lil'.?51'For specia canop es and stem engths see Page 15.

C0NIPLETE... Silver and Crystal ......... .... ... 250 1900.00 1235.00

1886'6112124 ii i::;li*?Sff"X!',f1"j',i.ilil'fl?Tj,:i,T.:11?i;fi"Jl1;Ll?"i#iii',T;e.vera suspension is 137'

2400.00 1560.00

l.'u,l r886.2u,(f1]lr

2 lte matching wal bracket for !nits above. 15.25!r' c ear llarie iype cande abra base amps.l9' h Ch r I1" I de. Exlends l0' irom wa l. 3ya ' or 4" 0.8. mount ng.

75.00 48.75



6 ites. sinc e tler, 25.60W ciear A lamps recornnrended. 5" dia. x 43/4" lead crystal dilfuser slrades.28" d a x 9f" body efgih. 0vera suspension s 24". 15' hang'stralght .anopy ls standard.For other canopies and sten lengths see Page 15,

C0|\4PLETE... Silver and Crystal ................ 70 185.00 120.25

8lites,sngleter.25.60WcearA anrps re.ornmended.5'da. x4:l/4"lead crysial dlftusershades.32 da.x9rb bady ength 0vera suspension s24". 15'hang.sira ghi canopy sstandard.For olher siem lengths and canop es sce Page 15.

Co[4PLETE . . . Silver and Crystal ................ 75 260.00 169.00

1 903-1 2r2 tes,singeiier.2560WcLearA amps recommended 5 dia.x43/r"leadcrystaLdifiusershades.39"da \ 91/2 b.dy ength.Overal suspensonis36" l5'hangstraghtcanapyisstandard.Fo. other stcm enaihs and canopies see Pase 15,

co[,lPl-tTt . . . Silver and Crystal ........... . .. 90 355.00 230.75

I 903-1 6tC ites,sngleter 25-60WcLearA amps recommended. 5" dia. x 43,/a" lead crystal diffuse. slrades.53yr" dia. x 9yr" body ength.overa lsuspension is 36". 15'hang straight canopy s standard.For other siern lensths and canoF es see Paee 15.

C0I4PLETE... Silver and Crystal .... 535.00 341.15125

1s03'6/12 13, ti.: ,'let#i i.Xl,il"8l#liTli#f3,TiliJ!39 i;"'i:.::il';;Jf;i'JII;',:1,'i['.lT;*o*For othDr stem l3ngtlrs and carap es see Pace 15.

colvlPl-tlt... Silvel and Crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 40 605.00 393.25

1903-8/16 ?11*ir3',',!:,33,','[."Jifl&i1Ti'.iiilr.Tilifi;:''iiq i"l;l',ii.''1Xi:','#Jfiy:;:;ii#"For other stem engihs and canopies see Page 15.

C0MPttTE. . . Silver and Crystal 585.00900.00190



1903"r S ng e lite malching wal bracket. 25 60W cLear A la.nFs recammended,5"da.x4?'4"lead-crrsta d lfuser shade.6" wide, gi" hich extends 7" irom wa I

c0[lPl"tT[ . . . Silver and Crystal ................ 10 32.5050.00



42 25

Tvro lle wa lbracket.25 60W c ear A amps recommended.5" dia. x 43/4 ' lead crysia diffusershades. 1l'wlde,9%"hich,€xiends7"lromwal .

C0lVPl-tT[... Silver ard Crystal ................ 16 65.00

Page 4: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

handeline Signature Collection by PRESC0LITE ShippingWeight (lbs.)

List Dealer

Each Eachc


40.100w clear A lamp recommefded. 5" dia. crysial difluser, 16y2" body l€nglh, 51" max. overall suspension;tor longer cords see page 15.

CoMPI-ETE . . . Silyer and Crystal .................... 7 $ 38.00 $ 24.70



1S03.3 3 lite cord peidant, 40100w clear A lamps recommended. 5" dia. cryslal dilluser, 16y2" body length,10" dia. canopy, 5l" overall suspensionr for l0nser cords see pase 15.

CoMPIETE . . . Silver and Crystal .................... l8 122.00 7s.30

AI S06 25 100W clear A lamp recommended. 20 larse crystals, tV' dl^., 171/2" body lencth, s3" max. overall suspension;

lor longer cords s€e page 15.

C0MPIETI . . . Silver and Crystal .................... I 135.00 87.75

1911 25'100wcl€arA amprecommended.Eiglrt,2"x2'r1'deepodasonalcrystals.s dia., 15"body en8th,5l" max. overall; for long€. cords see page 15.

C0MPIETE . . . Silyer and Crystal .............,...... 5 80.00 52.00

1S1 1.3 3 lite cord pendant, 25 100w clear A lamps recommended. 8" d a., 15" body lensth, 51" max. overall; 10" dia. canopy.ior longer cords see page 15.

C0MPIETE . . . Silver and Crystal 250.00 162.50




1912 25 100W cLear A lamp recommetded. Sixteen 2" x 2" x 1" deep octagonal crystaLs. 8" d a., 19" body Length,54" max. overallj lor longer cords see page 15.

130.00 84.50



1912-3 3 Lile cord peidant, 25-100w clear A lamps recommended. 8" dla.,Ior longer cords see page 15.

C0MPIETE... Silver and Crystal ....................

I.- bod/ lerSlh, 5,1 n or a!e'3 l: l0 ord anop'.

27 365.00 231.25

1915 25 100W clear A lamp recommended 5slve.shi€dsbridgedwithiiileen2"x2"xl'deepoctagoni rrystals.8" d ia. x 13%" body lengih, 56" max. overa l; far longer cords see page 15.

C0MPIETE... Silver and Crystal .................... 10 110.00 71.50


1915.3 3 I te cord pendani, 25.100W clear A Lamps recommended. 8 dla. x 13V2" body Lensth, t0"dia.canopy,55" max. overal i ior lonser cords see pace 15.

C0MPIETE . . . Silver and Cryslal .................... 2S 370.00 240.50

1932 25 r00 clear A lamp recommended. 40 lead crystal prisms, t" x 4" x 5/s' deep54" max, overall suspension; for longer cords see page 15.

C()MPI-ITE . . . Silver and Crystal .................... 8

8" square 18" body lengilr,

215 00 139.75

1932-3 3lltecordpendant,25100wcearAlarnpsrecornnended.8"square, 18" body €ngth, 10'dia.canopy,54" max. overa l: tor lonAer cords see pase 15.

C0MPIITE . . . Silver and Crysial .................... 24 645.00 419.25

25.40W clear A iamp recommended. 24 lead crystal prisms, 1" x 4'' x s/s" deep- 8" square, t5%" body length,5l" max. overalli tor lonqer cords see pase 15.

145.00 s4.25

1s34.3 rl "(ordppndd.t,25-40WcledrAlanpsre(o-1re_ded.8'iq-arp, l5'._bodvLensr', l0 dd ,d"0p,,5L" max. overalli ior longe. cords see page 15.

C0MPI-ITE... Silver and Crystal .................... 18 445.00 283.25?


25-100W clear A lamp recommended. 4 larse crystal dirfus€6. 8" dia., 18y2" body Lefcth, 51" max. overal ;for lofg€r cords see page 15.

C0MPIITT . . . Silyer and Crystal .................... 5 110.00 71.50


335.00 217.75

o3 lite c0rd pendant, 25-100!Y clear A lamps r€comm€nded. 8" di3-, 18%" body lenglh, 10" dia. canopy,51" max. overalli tor long€r cords see page 15.

Page 5: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandetine Signature Cottection by PRESC0LITE *"{fiii,r,Llst Dealer

I S04 Tube pendant six 25.40W c ear A anrps diffuled by 69 largeclear lead cryslals. 2l'dia., 10" body lenglh, 33 overal w th15" hafg straight canopy; ior onger siems see page 15.

C0MPI-ETE . . . Silver and Crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 $365.00 9231.25

1905 Two iiers, seven 25.40W clear A lamps, seventytwo 2y2'ttianAtlatc ear ead crysials l9' dia. 9" body Lenglh, ?4" ove.ali wilh15' hang stralghl cafapyi for longer sterns see page 15

C0|VPIETE . . . Silver and Crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 395.00 256.75

'1926Iube pendant, three 25-40W c ear A amps recommended. thiny atcec ear lead crysta s. 13" dia., 17' body lensth, 54" overal with15" hang.stra ght canopyl ior onger siems see page 15.

co[{PLtTE... Silver and Crystal .......... ........ 12 185.00 120.25

I928 Four 25.40W clear A lamps recommended. Fifty large c ear leadcrystals. t0'dia.,20" body lenctlr,39" overallw tlr 15'hang.straight canopy; Ior onger stems see page 15.

CoNIPLETE . . . Silver and Crystal ........ ......... 18 345.00 224.25

1 S29 Four 25.40w clear A lamps reconrnrended Filty 2% x 5" x 1ys" thick dianond shape

c ear lead crysials, and ten 2y2" triansu ar crystals. 9V2" d a., 17' body lensth,46" overa I w th 15" hang.straight canopy; lor onger slems see page t5

395.00 256.75

1930 100 150W c ear A lamp recommended. Twe ve arge King S ze 2%" x 6"clear lead crysials. 8y2 dia., l8%" hiClr, 39" overal w tlrt5' lrang straighi canopyi ior longer stems see page 15.

CoMPI-ETE... Silver and Crystal ............. . . 18o 215.00 133 75

@ 1931 Two 1 ers, t0 lites, 25 40w clear A lanrps recommended. 39 large (ifg Size

2t4" x 6" clear Lead cryslals. 19V2" dia., 13y2" body ength,45f2" overal w llr 15' hanC.straiCht canopyi for onger slems see page 15.

C0MPI-ITI . . . Silver and Crystal .................. 55 325.00500.00

1331.3 Threetiers,t5 iies, 25.40w c ear A lamps recommended. 74 argeKingsze2ri" x 6" c ear lead crysra s.27t/2" 1a.,2t1/2 body tengtn,47y2" overal wlth 15' hang siralght canoFy for longer stems see page 15.

C0MPI-ITE... Silver and Crystal ..................125 1400.00 910.00

1 S31.4 Fou. tiers, 25 I tes, ?5-40W clear A lamps recommended. 120 a.geKingslze2t" x 6' cLear lead crystals. 35yr" dia., 25v2" body lenslh,57%" overalL w ih 15' hang straiglrt canopyi for Longer stems se€ page 15.

C0MP[[TE . . . Silver and C.ystal .......... . ...... .210 2500.00 1625.00

1 S31.5 Fiveiers, 37 iies, 25'40wcearAlamps recommended. 176 large ( ngSize2\/4" x 6" cleat lead.tystals. 43%" dia., 29%" body length,

61%" overalL w th 15" hang'straight canopyi for onSer stems see page 15.

C0MPLETE . . . Silver and Crystal 3900.00 2535.00

1933 Six ltes. 25.40W clear A lamps recommended. 49 clear ead

crystals. 17' dia., 16" body ength, 29" averall w th15'hang straichi canopyi for Longer slems see page 15.

ColVlPLETE... Silver and Crystal .................. 16 345.00 224.25

100 l50W c ear A lamp recommended. 10 arge King slre 2%" x 6"clear ead c.ystals. 10%" dia., l2" body le.sth, 4l" overallw th 15'hang'st.aiCht canopyi for longer stems see page 15.

CoIVPIETE... Silyer and Crystal .................. 18


215.00 139.75

Page 6: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Collection by PRESC0LITE ShippingWeight ( bs.)

1S08 25 40W clear A iamp recommended.Cei ing iixture wlth 10" swivel lor slop nC ce I ngs.

6%" d ia., 8' hlgh, 7 c ear crysta s.

c0 lPl"ETE... Silver and crystal .......... .. 3 $ 55.00 $ 35.75

I S0S 15.25W cLear llame tip caide abra base amp.

Ce I na or wall fixture in s lver wlth 7 c ear crysial diilusers.63/a" dia.. exiends 2rl4 lram wall or cei ins.

C()MPI.ETE . . . Silver and Crystal ........ 29.2545.00

'1920Two 15.25W c ear ilame t p cande abra base lampsWal iixture with I ociagonal c ear crtsta dillusers.i2" h gh, 714" w de, extends 4" lronr wal

C0llPttTE . . . Silver and Crystal .................. 1 52.0080.00

1521 Two 25W clear A lamps recommended.S 1,"'oo, ,lr o o rd8o-r l"d. ',.ldl orl . " :7313" s0!are. exiends 4%" frorn ceilins ar wall.

C0MPLITE . . . Silver and Crystal .................. 6 52.0080.00

1922 s x 25W c ear A amps recommended.S lver box w th 32 octagona clear crysta diffusersl5" square extends 5" from wa I or cei ing.

C0NIPLETE... Silver and Crystal .......... ........ 17 2r 5.00 139.75

1925 25.40w c ear A lamo recommended. Cei ina f xture wiihhans-straisht cafopy, one arge clear crystal dilfuser.31/s, d a.,93/s hign,43k d|a. ca^apy.

C0[4PtETE. . . Silver and Crystal 49.00 31.85

1927 Four 25-40W clear A amps recommended. Cei ing I xiure with f fly2t/2 x5"xlys deep dianond sliaped clearc6yla s andten2y2" trlangular c ear crystals. 9y2" d a. extends tT from ce l ng.

CoMPLETE... Silver and Crystal ....... 405.0023 263.25








Two 25W clear i ame t p candelabra base lamps recommended.wall bracket l0'h sh 7%'wlde, €dends 33/4" from wall.Slx c ear crysial dlflusers.

CoMPLETE... Silver and Crystal .......... ........ 4

Four 25w clear llame tlp candelabra base amps recommended.Wall bracket 18%" lons,8%" lrigh, extends 5%" from wall.Eight klng s ze 2" x 4" clear crystal diiius€rs.

C0[4PttTt... Silver and Crystal ... 180.00 117.00

Six 25W clear llame tip candeLabra base lamps r€commended.wa I b.acket 25y2" long, 8%" hlCh, extends s%" 1rom waLl.Eleven king size 2" x 4" c €ar crysta s.

C0MPI-ETE... Silver and Crystal .................. 14 225.OO 146.25

Eisht 25W clear fLanre I p crndelabra base amps recommended.wal brackei 343/4'long, 8ya" hish, extends 5ya" jrom wall.Fiiteef king s ze 2" x 4" clear crystai d ffusers.

C0MPLETE . . . Silver and Crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 275.00



Page 7: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandetine Signature Cotlectionby PRESC0LITE .",il#ii.., Each Each

1781Twelve l5 25W clear flame iip candelabra base lamps recorhroended. 94 Large

2" cleer ead cryslals 31" long, t4' wide, exlends 4" cei ing or wa1l.

coMPtETE... Erass and clear crystal 56 $ 595.00 $ 386.75

1182 S x 15.25w c ear llame tip cande abra base ampsrecommended 38 large2 cear ead crystals. 14"long, 12"wde extefds4'lromwaIorceIng.

C0MPLETI... Brass and Clear Crystal ............. 11 285.00 185.25

1784 Two 15'25W clear i ame t p cannelabra base lamps recommended. l0 Large

2" clear lead crysia s. 14" long, 7" wide, ertends 4y,'Irom cei ing or wal .

O0MPLETE... Brass and clear crystal .. ..13 I80.00 117.00

1783 Four 25 40W ned um base clea. A lamps recommended. 144 AB aurora borea ls crysta s

on a c ear channe . 24" ong,5"wide extends 4" from wal orcei lng.

C0MPLETt... Brass and Aurora Borealis crystals' ... I 215.00 139.75

1785Two 25 40W c ear A lamps reconrnrended. Wall basket with t7L AB aurora borea is crystals.15'wide 8 hlgh, extends 8" wal .

110.00 71.50



1'15.00 14.25

210.00 136.50

nound cel ing baskeis w th AB aurora borea is crystals.

12" d a. extends 4" belo!v cei ing.Three 15 25w llane t p cande abra base lamps recommended

C0MPIETI... Erass and Aurora Eorealis Crystals* ..

24" dra., exlends 6 be ow cei ng.

Six 25-40W clear A lamps recommended.

CoMPtET[... Brassand Aurora Borealis Crystals* ... 20

1 787.18


Four 25'40W clear A larnps recorinended 18" dia., 6" body Length, 30' overa I suspensionri tlr 15' hans straight canopy for other stem lenglhs and canop es see page 15.

C0MPIETI... Brass and Clear Crystal ..... .28

six254oWclearA anrps recommended.25" dia. T" body lenglh, 30" overall suspeisi0nwith 15' hang straiglri canopy; ior other stem engihs and canoples see page 15.

CoMPLETE... Brass and Clear Crystal .... . 43

285.00 185.25

375.00 243.15

t 7s0-12

1 791.20


t2" dia , clra n Fendant. Four 25 40w c ear A arnps recommended.36 overal susFens on

nandard (5'ol clrain lurnislred at sanre pr ce wlen specil ed).

C()l!,tPtETt... 12" Brass and Clear CrystalSphere .... 29 285.00 185.75

2O'da. tube pendani. Eaht€en 25.40w clear A lamps recommended.51 o!€ra lsuspensions standard. Stems up to 5'availab e at sanre pr cei ior other stem lengihs see page 15.

C()MPLETE. . . 20' Brass and Clear Crystal Sphere . . . . 92 1150.00 747.50

28"dia.,lubependant.Thirty25'40WclearA 2mps recommended.65" ove.3l suspensonis standard. stens up to 5'avai able at sarne pricer io. ather stem lengths see page 15

C0lllPIETE . . . 28" Brass and Clear Crystal Sphere 170 1950.00

36" dia., tube pendant. Forty 25 40W clear A lamFs recommended. 85" overall suspensionis standard. Stems up to 5' availab e at same price; forothersiem enCths see pace 15.

C0lllPIETE . . . 36" Brass and ClBar CrystalSphere



"Aurora borea is, a p€rmanent irid€scent f nislr

250 3400.00 2210.00

Page 8: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

OPAL ANd ROST SERIES -Chandeline Signature Cottection by PRESG0LITE ,,"{fiii,l,

1 776"3 I jiil;ll, 1ll"i jiJ lli,T",:i,:'Jl:f :i: i:;:,i1liiJ:-'*""rav2" d a., \71/2" bady lenglh, 36" overall suspension

C0MPLETE...3 lites, opal and Rose'.............. 17

I 776-5 i,lil"i;il,1lX,:ixl lllTiii:,.:';':,ii,?i';.'."1i;:ecommended20" dia.. lT" body lensth, 35y2" ov€ra I suspens on.

C0MPIETE...5 lites, opal and Rosd .............. 22

'1776-8 8 r rP 15 25!\ rPdr rrdr" I o ' '-oe dord b"e d "o r" orrended0p. dr-\, rlear ana ro5d hdnd .l t^tal bid ria.22u" dta..2a" badv lengln, 38y2 ' overall suspension.

C0MPIETE...8 lites, opal and Rose' .............. 3l

1778-12 l ire. r..25w rpd,'r.mer! .ndedoraorp drD "'orae-ded"'-'- opd. d m., cl" ros€ hdld -l r\.tar' b".'" I

33'dta.,24v2' 6ody lenct6, 43" overa I suspension

c0MPLETE...12 lites, 0pal and Ros{i 108

1176'2 i,,iiff;"1?"T#,i,lX'J,,1 ltr.l : :::::ii?:1ii::,:ln[:LTl'""'brass lr m, 11" hish, 10%" wide, ertends 7%" irom wa L

C0MPLITI...2 lites, 0pal and Rose' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

$115.00 $ 74.75

170.00 110.50

295.00 1S 1.75

490.00 318.50





1775-6 6 iiles, l5 25w clear i ame tip cafdelabra base larnpe recommended.Clear arms, cLear hand.cut crysta s, brass trim. 23Y2 dia.20'body efgth, 37Y2'overalL suspens on.

C0MPttTt...6 lites, Clear Crystals .............. 35

o215.00 133.75

1 775-8 : !:::;';::[""i i::::Ti#,i:ff ff 'J,1i;" i",T.i:.0 oooy englh 18 o!" o ..P"n\ 4"

270.00 175.50

r 775.1 0 :ilj):1# :;:,"l:i:THLji:":,x'Ji,',;:",i"..T: :"-'*""2l body lp-Et',39 - ov.%l' .u\Fc_.io_.

C0lVPl-ETE...10 lites, Clear Crystals .. 375.00 243.15

r 775-r 5 :sE:::1;: :lx,.'""il]:iT:;l jil"1j:'i'i;:",::,T: :"*'"'2dr-- bod, ,e-sr-,4r'o{prdll s- p"n.on

C0lvPl.ETt... 15 lites, Clear Crystals 595.00104 386.75

1775-2 2 ,re nar' r ns s on e. r5 25vr Lredrr dre t o (dnderabrd basp dlo!'e(or n erd"d C e.. . mq , "d hdno ur . ry.ldls, bra.s 'ritr12" high, r2ys" wide, extends 8%'rrom wa L

C0MPI-ETE-..2 lites, Clear Crystals .............. 6 45.5070.00

IA{? e,

tiSTANDARD CRYSTALS. . . Swedish pear-shaped m type).

ALSO AVAILABLE. . . Flat pendeloques (B type) available on special order forthe 1775 series.

N0TE, All chandeliers on this page are available ln other combinations of tiersand sizes up to 91" d ia. and 130" high, and 200 lichts.

'oPALandROSfSEniES:Armsareofopal crystals are co!ored ros6 and b ue, and clear.

"CLEAR CFYSTAL SERIES: Arms and crystals are oi water whlte, clear "A' crystal.

Page 9: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Cottection by PRESC0LITE *"{fiii,l,

\858/2/s SJilri !l !L?l3lt%lii'ii..ii8i,'iJflli;'if;X1Y.!liT,il"'t:T:"';T,?:'H? "."",,,lor oiher stem lengths and canopies see page 15.

C0MPIETE . . . specify glass in clear cracled cryslrl,Pearlescent', Blue'smoke or Afiber .. -............... -. 3t $355.00 $230.75

1858/2/12 lilr'n1ii:'.T 1t j"f":i";,r

l,"iff [";!S:;iJ"','.%"'''-1if i",1i",T,l1l]g'*111.",,,,ior oilrer stem lenaihs and canopies see page 15.

C0!lPttTt. . . sreciry slass in cl€ar cracled crydal,Pearlescenl', Blue*moke or Amber . . .. ... . .. .. . . .. ... 50 480.00 312.00

189812115 Jil,f:;1"i:'f,: itj"d,l:irt liiSi '*",]!ii, ift"."Y"il"-'1,ii11",.",T,'.1[}!i,li';"""",lor oilrer stem leigths and caioples see page 15.

C0lVPttTE. . . speciry slass in clear cracked crystal,Pea.lescent', Blu€.smok€ or Amber ... .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 80 610.00 396.50

1898.12 12 liies, s ngle iier. '25 40W clear showcase lamps T10. 8%" dia. glass. 48" dia., 15" body length,62' overa I suspension w llr l5' hang-siralghi canopy is standard; for other stem engths and canopiesse€ page 15. For shallow ceilins appllcations the minimum overa I suspensior is 21yr".

C0IVIPLtTE. . . speciry slass in ctear crack€d cryslal,Peartescent', Blue'smoke or Amher . .. ... . .. . . -. .. . . .. 50 395.00 256 75


I 1898-6 6 I tes s ngle tier. '25-40W clear showcase larnps T10. 8y4'dla. I ass. 33" dia., 16" body lengih,47" overall suspension w th 15' hang-straight canopy ls standardj for other stem lengths and canopiesseepaget5 Forshal owcelingappl cations the minimum overal suspension is 20y2".

C0MPI"ETI . . . speciry slass in clear cracked cryslar,Peanescent*. Blue-smoke or Anber ......... .......... 26 260.00 169.00T

A18S8-1 Cord Pendant 25 40W clear A lamp recommended. 8y4" dia. g ass,

6T overa I suspens on rn:ximum. Perforated Erass dilfuser.

C0MPLETt . . . speciry slass in clear cracled crystal,Blue.smoke or Amber .. ..... . .. . .. . 6 55.00 35.75


1898 S ngie tewall bracket 25.40W .lear A lamp recommended. 8%" dla. glass,i3y2"hah extends 10y?" lrorn wal . Pedoraied Brass d ffuser.

C0IVPIETE... specity slass in clear cracked crydal,Blue-snoke orAmber ........,. t 42.2565.00

1898K Kerosene Lanp rinished in Po islred Brass. 8% dia. s ass, t5vr" high.

C0MPLETE... specity out€r elass inBlueimoke or Amb€r ....... .... ................... 7 3S.S5 25.97

1897K Kerosene amp I n shed ln Pollsh€d Brass. 6" dia. g ass, l5Y2'h gh.

C()lVPtETt . . . speciry outer slass inBlue-srnoke, Anber or Green ......................... - 7I

l34.95 22.12

'1897-5 Ite a oplr"', 2'dow(ledrAl"np'Fomr"nd"d.o dd Ela ( 2 -dd.r. ooo, "-Clh . T ove a arth l5',l . C-l ranopvr lor oL-Fr. pn "_81'_ dnd ro-op e,see page 15. Tr mrned in Pollsh€d Brass.

C0MPtETE . . . speoty slais in cleir c.acted crvstal.peartesceit., Btu€,smok;, Amher or creen ... .....-.. 2a 295.00 191.75

1897-SqLLe.n.nael er. 25-40W, ".rA "nD' "!o-mp-ded b-dc.si3 . r'l dia.,l/ boo, le_p - 1/ ovord,. w I l\" -anC-.lrd,Chr . dnopt; lo al-er rle_ lpng(h' d d rdnooiessee Fage 15. Trimmed in Po islred Brass.

C0!lP[Eft. . . speciiy slass in clear cracked cryslal,Pearlescent*, Elue-smole, Amber or Green .,..,..,.,,,. 42 395.00 256.75

1097 Sins e i1e wall bracket. t25.40W clear A lamp recommended. 6" dia. slass.t21/2" niln, extenls 9y4" l rom wa L Trimmed n Pol shed Brass.

C0MPLtTE . . . speciiy slass in cl€ar cracred crystal,P€arlescent', Blue.slnoke, Anber 0r Greex . ..... ...... 7 55 00 35.75

.1s-25W irosted A lamps recomnended for use w th Pearlesceni s ass

The 1897 and 1898 ser es ol chande iers can be supp ied on speclal order n larger diameters, in mu tiple tiersand with addltiona arms. Submlt skeiclres with dimenslons to Prescoliie lor quoiaiions and dellvery time.

Page 10: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Collection by PRESC0LITE ,,"{f,;ji,:, il:} lTri'

r8e5-r5 li"iiil:,i-iill,ll;iii,*ii"llxiih:'iiilX'ii:;T flii,li',i::;i'"iiriJ:,'i::;lT:-Overa I suspension s 44". 15' hanc straiClrt canopv. Fo. specia canoples and siem l€ngths see page L5

C0MPI-ET[... Specily glass in Blue'smoke,

Clear Cracked Crystal or Amber . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 38 $460.00 $2S9.00

1 8e5-24 ll,lt*;i"l iitll,lliJ ::;,l.1ii :'ff"::l*,",'lii::'":1i?il [l?i;li'l ii:'; il'x''x:;i,x lll:,xi"overalL suspenslon is 44". L5' hang_stra ght canopv For special canop es and stem engths see page l5

C0MPLETE . . . specify glass in Blue-smoke,

Clear cracked Crystal 0r Amher ................ 55 750.00 487.50

1895.5 5lite matchina wal bncket. 15.25W clear llame type cande abra base Larnps.

Glass ln blue smoke, clear cracked crysta or amber.Br3ss tr m 3% ' or 4" o.B. moLrfting. 24" hlgh x 17" wide, exlends 11" irom wa I

C0MPLtTE . . . Specify glass in Elue-smoke,

Clear Cracked Crystal 0r Amber . .. . .. 16 135.00 87.75

1895.3 3 !ite makhlng wa lbracket. 15.25w c ear flame type candelabra base lamps.

G ass in blue smoke, cracked crystal or amber.Brass trim, 3,t' or 4" 0.8. mount ng 20y2" high x 17y2" wide extends 11" irom walL


rffi4l[C0lVPtETt . . . Specily glass

Cracked Crystal or Amberin Blue-smoke,

s5.0013 61.75

The 1895 series ol chandeLerswilh add iilonal arns. Submit

.an be supp led on spec alskelches w th d mens ons

diameters. n nultpe tiers andquotal ons and de iverY tine.

1891 Sing e lile wall bracket t50W I.osted type A lamp maximum 100W recommended.12' d a. whlte salif slclred pearlescent g ass with bracket iinished ln salin nickel.23" hish, ertends 14y2" iron wal . For 3V4" or 4 o!tiet box mounllng

COMPTETE 16lz 105.00 68.25

18S3.6 6 I te ceiling fixiure. 75W lrosted type A Larnp max num, 60W recommended.

7y2" d a. wlrite satin ei.hed pear escent slass and sat n nicke linsh.28" d a.. extends l0" below cei lne surlace. For 3ya" or 4' outlet box mounting.

COMPTETE .. 45 315.00 204.15

'1894.12 2L,"'"LnsI ure 75'^ ,o,rFdL'p"A drp.rr,.rLn 606,o otrre,dpd.hpo ppor'e((o. glasr rna r'r- - ." I'nr\h

51 dla. ertends lo" below ceiling surrace. For 3y4 or 4" oltlet box mountinB

COMPTETE 525.0065 341.25

1515 Sinsle ile pefdant. 75w lrosied iype A arnp maxinrum,60!! recommended. Spun metal cones(polislred brassinslde, matle whlte outside!7%" dia. white saiif eiclred pearLesceni sphere. 12"dia.,overal suspensonis 33", l5' hang'siralght cafopy is standard. For spec al canopies and siem lengihs see page 15.

15 125.00 81.25C()IMPITTE

15w flameic ear w/turned tip candelabra base

25wflarne/clear w/turned tip cande abra base

Sylvanla No. 15CA9C or Zarnpa No. LB15K

Sylvania No.25CAgC or Zampa No. LB225KC

i ) 15w flarne/clear w/straight tip candelabra base G.E. No. 15810

Er 25w flame/clear w/straight tip cande abra base G.E. No.25810

G. E. No. 25T10

G. t. No 40T10

25w showcase/frosted medium base G.E. No. 25T10 lF

40w showcase/frosted rnedlum base G. E. No. 40T10 lF

- l5w l2v low vo', C I \0. {83

- furn shed wilh a l\ilAGNA-LITES

I I 25w showcase/clear medi!m base

40w showcase/clear med um base



Page 11: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Collectionhy PRESC0LITE .#f,;ii,:,

L 1506 Card pendani, l00WcleariypeA amp. Polished lead crysta inner glass. VioLelsmoke outer Class,7" dia. x 9' lrialr. Staidard overal susDension s 50" maximum. For longer cord see page 15.

$ 35.00 $ 22.75

1 507 Cord pendanl 100W c ear lrpe A lamp. PoLlshed le.d crystal nnerglass V o et smoke ouier Class.9" d a. x 9" high. standard overall suspension is 50'maximum, For onger cord see page 15.

l3 35.00 22.15

1508 Cord pendant 100.150vr' c ear iype A amp, Po lshed lead crystal lnfer glass. Smoke or anrber o!ter gLass,

t4"dia x 13" lrielr. Siafdard overa Isuspension s56'maximun.For onser cord see Faee 15.

55.00 35 75

1 520 Cord pendant, 100W clear A amp. CLear ead crystal, 7" dia. x 11" lr gh.

standard overa suspension s 5t" rnaximum. For longer cords see page 15.

c0tltPLtTE .. ... ........... 12 37.50 24.38


1521 Cord pendant, 75 100W c ear A amp White satin opa ifner gLass, cLear lead crystal outer g 3ss.75ls ' dla. x 121'4" hich. Standard overal suspension ls 50' maximunr. For longer cords see pase 15.

00MPL[TE ..... 8 43.75 28.44

1511 Cord pendant, 150Wnaxmum, 100W recommended c ear A lamp, medi'rm base.

Haddblovrn crysla with chromed mesh d iiuser.7" dia. x r3" higlr.Siandard overa suspeision s 56' maxinrum. For onger cord see page 15.

c0tvPttTE 25.00 16.25

151 1-3Three cord pendant, 3 150w rnaxirnum 100w clear A lamps recomnrended.Handb own crysta w tlr clrromed mesh d lfusers. 14' dia. satln chrome canopy, wh te cords.Glass s 7" d a. r 13" hiCh. Standard overal suspension is 53" max mum For onger cords see page 15.



151 1-5 F ve cord p€ndant, 5-150!! max rnurn, l00W clear A amps recommended.Handbowncrysial wth chromed mesh dilfLrsers 20" dia. sat n chrome canopy, white cords.G ass s 7" dia. x 13" hlgh. Standard overa I suspension is 50 max murn For longer cords see paee 15.

C0MP|-ETE ........... 58 90.00 58.50

1512 Cord pendant 75.100W c ear A lamp. Po ished lead crystal.43/s" dia x 9" high. standard overall suspens on is 50'maximum. For o.lger cords see page 15,

00MPLETE ........ 8 18.75 12.19

1 512.3Three cord pendant 75 t00w clear A anrps. Po ished ead crysta .

7" dla. brusrred n ckel canoFy, white cords. G ass s 476" dia. x 9' hish.

Standard ove.a lsuspens on is 5D" nrax mum. For longer cords see page 15.

00MPLETE .................................... 20 58.35 31.92

a'Five cord pendanl 75-100W cLear A lamps. Po islred ead cryslal.97,t" dla. brushed nickel canopy wh le cards. Glass is 43/s'd a. x 9" hi8h.Siandard ove.all suspension is 48" maximum. For longer cords see paee 15.

C()MPLITE 65.00


N0TE: Feiiules and olher spreader canopies available,,. see !ag€ 14. 11

Page 12: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Collection by PRESC0LITEApprox. List oealerShipplng Price Price

weisht {lbs-) Each Each

1500 Cord pefdani, sinsle medium bas€ sock€t ror 100W frosted "A" lamp. white Satin opal glass uplight withmetal shade and 10 ring Delrin Louver. 16%" dla. x 10%" hish. Standard overall s!spefsion is 54" mayimumifor lonser cord lengths see page 15.

C0MP[[TE... Erushed tlickel tstd.), lorBrushed Brass 0r Brushed Copper add B or CP t0 Cat. No. 7 $ 35.00 $ 22.75

o1502 Cord pendant, singl€ socket for l00W lrosled "4" lamp. Metal shade wlth Delrin Louver ln uplisht and

10 rifs Delri. Lo!ver in downlisht. 18" dia. x 10/4" high. Slandard ovelallsuspension is 54" maximum;lor oncer cord lencths see pase 15.

C0MPIETE... Brushed Nickel (std.), iorBrushed Brass 0r Brushed Copper add B or CP t0 Cat. ll0. 7 35.00 22.75

1503 Cord pefdant for three 60W medium base frosied "A" lamps. Metal shade wiih Delrin Louver in uplisht andl0 rins De rin Louver in downlisht. 17" dia. x 7" hi8h. Standard ovec I suspensjon is 50" max mum;ior ionser cord lengths see pags r5.

C0MPl.tTE... Brushed t{ickel {std.), iorBrusled Brass or Brushed Copper add B or CP to Cat. ll0. 7 35.00 22.75

1504 cord pendant for thre€ 60W m€dlum base irosied "A" amps.Meta shade with while satin 0pal glassintopforup ightinS; 10 r ng 0elrin Louver in downlight, 17y4" d a. x 8v2" hish. Standard overall suspension is5l" naximumi J0r longer cord engths see page 15.

C0MPI-ETE... Brushed Nickel (std.), lorBrushed Brass 0r Brushed Copper add B 0r CP to Cat. N0. 7 221535.00

1505 cord pendant forihree 60W nredium bas€ frosted "A" amps. Mdalshade wiih two 10 rinC De rin Louvers(uplisht and downliglrt). r8" dla. x 6%" high. Standard ov€ra I suspension is 50'maximum;lor longer cord lengths see page 15.

C0lMPl-ETt... Brushed Nickel (std.), forBrushed Brass or Brushed Copper add B 0r CP t0 Cat. N0. 7 35.00 22.75

1510 Cordpendant 150Wmaxmum, l00W recommended, frosted A'amp,mediumbase.8!/a"dia.xll'lrgliStandard overal suspens on ls 54" nrax mum. For longer cord see page 15Furnished with Wlriie, N,lauve and Red rainbow nterior, producing a ternal ng rlbbons ot colored liCht belween Fans.

C0MPLETE... txterior in Satin Nickel (standard),

or Polished Brrssi Rainbow interior. 5 45.00 29.25

1514 Cord pendant, 150W maxlmum, 100w recommended, irosted 'A" lamp. Ivlatte wh te, meta shade 2" dia. cutouiswith 3 d mensional concentrlc pattern of vlnyl in muliicolors (choice of Blue/G.eens or F ame/Redt.Shade is 7y4" dla. x l9y2" hish. Siandard overal suspension is62"maxmumj lor longer cords see page 15.

35.00 22.75

l5t6 Cord pendani, 200W maximum 150W recommend€d, frosted "A" amp. Colored Plexlg as strips sandwiched inmetal shade. P exig as avai able in Fuchsia, Amber, Blue or creen. l,ietal shade !vith charcaaL exterior:ndWhii€ ifierior ls standardi lMatle Whiie canopy. 93/4" d ia, x 24" h gh. Standard overa I suspension is 65' maximumiior longer cord see pase 15.

35 00 22.15

1517 Cord pendant, 150W maximum, 100W recommended, frosted "A" Lamp. Colored Plexlglas sirips sandwiched inmet.l shade. P exiglas avai able in Fuchs:a, Amber, Blue or Green. Nletal shade with Charcoal exterior andWhile is siandard; Nlaiie wh te canopy. 8y4" d a. x 19v2" hlgh. Siandard overail suspens on ls62" maximumi lor loneer cord see page 15.

28.00 18.20

1518 Cord pendani, 100W maximum, 75W recommended, rrosted 'A" lamp. Co ored P exiglas dr ps sandwiched inmeial shade. P exis as available in Fuclrsla, Amber, Blue or Green. l,1eta shad€ with Charcoa exieriorandwhit€ interior is standardr [4atie White canopy. 6%" dia. x 15" high. standard overall suspensiof s58"marimL]njlor lofger cord see page 1s. 3 and 5 lite pendants listed be ow.

25.00 1G.25

r518-3 Three llte cord pendant, 3-100W maximum, 3-75W recomnended. Co ored PLexiglas str ps sandwiched inmetal shades. PlexigLas avai able in Fuchs a, Amber, Blue or Green. Metal shade with Charcoal exterlor andWhite interior is standard. 14" dia. r,4atte While canopy. shade is 6y4" dia. x 15" h sh.siandard overall suspension is 55" maximumr ror oncer cord see page 15.

C0MPLITE . . . Specify Plexiglas (Fuchsia, Amber,Blue or Green).. 6 65.00 42.25



N0TE: Ferules and olher spreader canopies ara'lable.., s€e page 14.

oFive ite cord pendant, 5-100W maximum, 5'75w recommended. colored Plexiglas strips sandwlched inmetal shade. Plexiglas available in F!chsia, Amber, I ue or creen. ireta shade with Charcoal exieriorandWhile interior is standard. 20" dia. lMatte white canopy- Shade is 6%" dla. x 15" hish.Standard overall sLrspension is 52" rnaximumr lor longer cords see page 15.

C0MPI-tTt . . Specify Plexiglas (fuchsia, Amber, Blue 0r Green). .11 120.00 78-00

Page 13: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

ffiffit\srAl.Arr0\s h r\srA|AfloNS w TNSTA A 0T\'llil INSTALLAT|0NS ll 'lJ],,--() mn tu order... S s,esoe ?",,T ltp ;q--a

41990.9 'oo ir.. :<-,--l /1988-3 20, lli .(arcer iranslormers #1988-l (one iite) iransrorrner in recessed

#1990-l one Lte trans availab e). order fix Transrormer ln rec€ssed housinc) order flxturesforner. Can be packed tures and iransiormers housins Can be packed and transrormers sepa'w|r J(ure...see cat. separaiey...s€e ex- witlr fixiure . . . see cat raie v seeexamplesnos. below. amples below, nos below below

roffi$s1983, one 1990-3


rwo 1986, one 1990-3

rwo 1987, one I990'9 1981-21 /2 at 3 te transformer and hous ns 1988 3)

1981 P nup with sw tches, pol'ished brass with wh te canoDv.17 \\ de x 4Y2" hlgh, extends










a@rwo 1986, one 1988-3

PORTABLE WALL PINUPSw th l2 loot cord, Flug andencased transiormer.



//tI. Fixture less transformer

.. . listed below.. FrxtLres with transformers

... listed at right.. Prices for fixtures and accessories

. -.lsted at bottom of page.

1982 Fixture less transIormer with 45ls" sq!arecanapy lor mount ng onan 0 B. o. recessedlranslormer lrous nc Ex-tends 6lt' from cei lnsor wa Matte nlckelbal and nratie black

1983 F xture less transio.mer vr tlr 3Ll' running thread Ior mountns thru ce linc or $/al

suriace (ess ca no py ).Extends 53a". lUatten ckel ba and matie

1984 Pendant riKlureess transiormer witlr

4t's" square canopy lormounlinC on 0 B otrecessed t ra nslo rme rlrousing; 36",laiie nicke ba I andnratte b i.l epoxy tr m.

I 98 5 Pendaft rlxtu reess iransiormer, w th3t2" runnlng thread formounting thru cei rng orwal suriace ( ess canopy). Extefds 35%".Malte n cke ba I andnrattc black epoxy trim.

1986 !!a I bracket lesstransformer vi tlr ,1ti" x6 canopy for mo!nilngon 0. 8. or recessedtranslormer lrousifgr 5"deep. PoLlshed brass,

1987 Twin wa I bracket less t.anslofner, with 4Y2" x 6'canopy lormount ng on 0.8 or recessed trans'former housing; I1'flide x 33Adeep. Polished brass, while canopy.





1980 PinLrp with swtch, po

shed brass with white canopy.4%" w de x 6 hlgh, extends 5"

A$rwo 1984, one 1990'3

AArwo 1985, one 1990-3

't984,2 A$Two 1984, one 1988-3

LOw VOltage MAGNA-LITES r/t" dia.batt retained by a magnet in,ny posiiion

and lamped wlth 15 watt, 12 volt #1383 spot amp. ALL UNITS FURNISHED WITH LAIIIPS.

RE|ll0Tt TRANSFoRIVERS Transformer is located in RECESSTD TRAi'JStoRMER H0USll'{G ASSE|llBtY M0unts in wall

a remote area. 0r ceiling behind lixtures with canopies.4" square x 33A" deep.


rwo 1982, one 1990-3 rwo 1982, one 1988-3












1900 single lite portable .... ............. 5

1981 twin lite portable ..... 1

49.95 32.47

89.95 58.47

27.S5 18.l734.95 22.7239.95 25.97

25.95 I6.8732.95 21.42

30.95 20.1237.95 24.6742.95 27.5528.95 18.8235.S5 23.37

1986 (less transformer)1986'l (w/1 lite remote transformer) .... -

1986.2 (l't/1 lite recessed transformer) .. ..1 987 (tess transformer)

lg87-l {w/2 lite remote transformerl .. .

1981-2 lw t2 Iite recessed translormel)19881 (recessed h0using w/1 lite transformer)

1988'3 (recessed housing w/2 or 3 litetranslormer)

1990.1 {12v,2oVA one lite transforner)1990.3 {l2v,60vA 2 0r 3 lite translormer)

19s0.9 {12v, I80VA 4 t0 I lite transformer) ..

37.95 24.6744.95 29.2249.95 32.47

14.95 48.1284.95 55.2289.95 58.47

13.00 8.45

16.00 10.40

8.00 5.20

1t.00 i.] 5

16.00 t0.40

1982 (less translormer)19821 (w/1 lite remote transformed1982-2 (w/1 lite recessed translormet)

1983 (less transformer)19831 (w/1 lite remote transformer)

1984 (less transformer)1984.1 {w/1 lite remote transformer)1984-2 (w/1 lite recessed translormer)

lg85 (less transformerl1985-1 (w/1 lite remote transforner)



Page 14: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

Chandeline Signature Coltection by PRESC0LITE ',#fiiL:,


Each Each

1977 t5ov". R 40 or olR r8. aorurlob e rlood or spo' dr'h po Io inc 4_eFlal iola bra.) ^r'hBus-Falvallp\,.1. l1'\- (.1 _Bd ltpo.y n':"d.r'inoer ano a opJl'nmpo alvo_dl\ td'

6" d ia., 115/s" hieh cy ind€r, 36" overal suspension ls standardr io. other stem lengths see page 15.

c0[lPLtTE. . . Satin Elack Epory & lvatte Nickelwith lvette Black Lowet ............ 5y2 $ 39.95 $ 25.s7 o

1881.R sngelitewal brackei, 4o\4lrosted type A lamps max mum. 43/a sqlare Whlte sal n opal glasstrlmmedw th a canopy in Po isrred Brass. 7v2" w de, 153/4" hiClr, extends 6%" Jrom waLl.For 31/4 or 4" 0.8. nro!niing. G ass on r ght side only.

29.00 18.85

lOOi i 4ltewal brac[et. 4 4oW l.osted iype A amps maximurn.49'l" square white sat n ol]al ,]lass Pol shedBrassIOO't'.t (anopyforlLl or4 0uttet bo, mount fg 10t4" w de x 151!" h gh, extends 6lt ' from waL .

65.00 42.25

1880-1Sing e lte wa l biacket 40W irosted type A amp. 41a'square, Wh te satin opa7'h th exlends 6t4" irom wa L Po shed Chrome f nish.

C0MPttTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4y2

C0MPLETE with convenience outlet ................. 4%25.0026.00E 16.25


1880-22lilewal bracket,2 40W irosted lype A lamps 414" square, White sal n opa gassT" lrigh x 11" long Extends 6l!" irom wal .Po shedchromelnsh.

00MP[ETE ..... ................... 8

C0MPLETE with convenience outlet ..... ...... .... I40.00 26.004l.00 26.65

1880,33 Ltf wa bracket.3 40\4 irosted type A larnps.43/4 square, White salin opal gLass.7" hlgh x 171? ong. txlends 6y4"lrorn waL . Pol shedChromeinsh.

c0tltPtETE .................................... 1lc0UPLETE with convenience outlet ........... -.... 11


49.00 31.8550.00 32.50

1880.44liie wal bracket.4'40W irosted type A amps.43/a" squa.e Wh te saiin opal glass.l h Eh \ 233/1 ong. Extends 61/4 ' irom wa L Po lshed Chrone linish.

cotltP[ETE....................................15 65.00

00MPLETE with convenience outlet ..... 15 66.00fil.-l+Jrl 42.25

42.90 o1885.1

single l le wal bracket 60W trosted lype A lamp. 4' x 774 white satin oFal glass.7"hgh extends 43ls" lrom wa L Po shed Chrome I nislr.

O0MPIETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41/t

Co[,lPttTt with convenience oullel ................ 41225.00 16.2526 00 16.s0

1885-22liiewal bracket. 60W irosted type A lamps. 4 x 77s ' White satin opal glassl niqn x 161/2 ong, extends 41b" wa I Po ished Chrome i n sh.

c0MpttTE ........ .......................... 8

c0 IPLETE with convenience outlet ................ 8

40.00 26.00

41.00 26.65

1 885.33 liie wal brackel. 60W f rosted type A lamps. 4' x 77,/s" Wh te sat n opa g ass.7" h gh x 25" long, extends 43t lrom wa L Pol shed clrrome 1 n sh.

c0tllPLETE ..... . . . . . ....l100MPLETE with c0nvenience 0utlet .......... ...... 1'l

.J[]'_j49.00 31.85

50.00 32.50

1885-44Ltewal bracket. 60W irosted type A lamps. 4" x 7%" Wh te sat n opa glass.7" h gh x 34" ong, exlends 4r,6 from wa L Po ished Chrome f n sh.

cotllPtETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... .. ..15CoMPIETE with convenience outlet .............. -. 15

, l-ti li ll


42.2542 90



'B-i"" c5"' '-v.-_)-;,'-6(_--i.1 405

i, i il,\tl_l'

FERRULE 0NLY. . . llz dia.xIy2 high.

KIT consisting of 3 ferru es and a mattewhite canopy for irse with 3 cord pendants .

KIT consistirg of S lerruies and a mattewhite canopy for !se with 5 cord pendants .










Page 15: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

List D€aler

tach Each

SPECIAT C0RD LTNGTHS . Specify the deslred OVtRALL LENGTH of the comp ete fixtule.standard C0rds: N4aximurn overall length is listed with each fixture.sh0rter Than Standard Cords are easiy cut in the fie d.

tonger Than Standard Cords availabler for each additional foot add ............

SPECIAL TUBE LENGTHS . Specify the deslred 0VERALL LENGTH of the complete fixtLre.Shorter TLrbe Lengths... add to each fixture price ..... .. . 3.00

Longer Tube Lengths,

For Polished Brass or Silver stems !p to 12...add ........... 26.00

For Matte White sterns !p to 12... add ........... 15.65

SPECIAL CAt{0PlES for t!be pendant. 15' hangstraight canopies standardi ball aligners avai able on special oider.

$ .75

LAMPING RECOMMENDATIONSThe magnif cent effects of Chandeline f xt!res are, in most cases, dependent upon the use of the proper lamp, therefore it is

rnportant to fo ow the recornmendations glven The correct amp lor each f xture may be obtained through your Prescol te dealer.We recornrnend the use of any oi the many available types oi dirnmer controls to adjust lightlng rntensity and thereby capture theentire range of lightine effects possible w th Chandeline.

)r l5wflame/clearw/turiedtipcandeabrabase SylvaniaNo. l5CAgC or Zampa No. LBl5K

\] 25wflame/clearw/t!rnedtlpcandelabrabase Sylvania No. 25CAgC or Zampa No. LB225KCV

At 15wflarne/clearw/straighttpcandelabrabase G.t.No. 15B10

2svr' f ame/clear w/sirarght tip cande abra base G.E. No. 25810



25w showcase/ clear medi!m base G. E. No. 25T10

40w showcase/clear rnedi!rn base G.E. N0.40T10


!25w showcas€/frosted medium base G.E. No. 25T10 lF

40!v showcase/frosted medi!m base G.E. No. 40T10 lF

a- ' ) I5lr, 2v lox vo roee.pot C.L. No. 138'l

! frrnrshed wrth a [/]AGNA-LITES

GENERAL TERMSDELIVERY . The Presc. rte Chandeli.e col ection cons stsbasica ly ol imporled custom, hancl craliecl componentswh ch are assemb ed. Most !nits ar€ availab € from stockiwhen not 6vai ab e from stock, de ivery will take between30 90 days. Special f xiures w I take as lo.e as 120 daysirom rece pt oJ order.

ASSEMBLY & PACKING . All chancleliers of 12 or less armswill be complelely wired and assemble.l, ercept lor the pipestem and canopy. Ail larger flxtures are s!pp ied with comp ete y w red sub assemblies and 2re ready for iinal assemb v on the ob s ie. LAMPS ARE NOT INCLUDED rN PR CEsEXCEPT ON LOW VOLTAGE MAGNALITES. PLEASE NOTERECOMMENDED LAMP SCHEDULE.

CUSTOM OR SPECIAL FIXTURES:a. M.ny varailons may bd custom crafted to yo!r indi

vid!al requirements The 1895, 1897 and 1898 series lendthemselves part c!larly to var ations in .!mbers and lengthsof :rns, andlor diameters, and/or tiers, or special f nishesfor d fferent appllcat ons. Subfrit your sketches w th d men.sions and desired sp€cifications to Prescol te, or yo!r Pres.colite representativ€, for quotations and delivery daia.

b. Del very !p to 120 days after receipt oi order and release.c. Accepted orders hay not be changed and are not can.

cellable except upo. payment for work perJormed.d. Special or custom fixt!res are not rei!rnable under

SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS . We wil honor special carrier requests whefev€r practicable; however, we reserve the rightto make the final s€lection. Certain tixtures cannot be routedvia Parcel Post or Raiway ENpress due to the da.ger ofbr€akage. Parcel Post shipments will not be insured unlessspecifically requested. Title passes to consiCnee upon delivery to the carrier.

AND CONDITIONSWARRANTY . The silver plated and brass iinishes are superband are Drotected with the best oi protective coatinas, Wecannol be responslble for units which are abused when bei.e instal ed or assembled in the fielcl or for un ts which areexposed in areas with !nus!aL atmospheric conditions.

aPrescolte ManufacturnC Corp aLarantees to the purchaser that o!. !nits shall be iree from defecis n materi2land workmanshrp for on€ year from the date of invoice.Should any delects appear w thin that time under cond tlonsof norma !se Prescolite Manuiacturine Corp. wil replace'l_o.F p"'ls rolad dFJF lr.F rrll oJ Ll- . ee OL' o-pdn\", I or ba laole or dr\ 'dbor hc Be. or . - ah , nconnection with the correci on of €rrors nor shall we beresponsrble for any expense ncurr€d by th€ p!rchaser inthe instal atlon or removal of defective parts.

OThe Company cannot be held responsible for dillerenceoet,e- puo r<a-d w" sn . d. ' onpo--cl Io d.Lual .SrppinCBerRrl., aL- ro th" ro'n d, raidlc. r1 ll e 'pec'. de .ifvof metals and slassware provlded.

a Possession of thls price cata og does not in tself constitute an oifer to sell,

a Prov nclal bra.kets and chandeliers are compleielyassemb ed except for the crystals. Crystals are indlviduallywrapped w th lnstructions for attachment.

REIURNED MERCHANDISE . Due to the special nature ofihe mported hand crafted fixtures in the Chandeline col ection we cannot permit 6ny of these to be reiur.edunless proven to be defective and authorlzed by the factory.


$ .49




Page 16: Prescolite Chandeline Dealer Pricing List C-3D 1965

REPRESENTATIVESALABAMA, BIRMINGHAM . Woodyard, J0hnson & Associat€s, 2115 First Avenue, South. Phone: 324-2427

ARIZONA, PHOENIX . J0hn Allen ware and Associates, 1400 North 32nd Si., Suite "H". Phone: BRidge 5_1844

ARKANSaS, LITTLE ROCK . Charles B. Younc,310 Cotton Exchange Bulldlng. Phone: FRanklin 4'9311CALIFORNIA, FRESNO . A. L. Perdue & Assoclates (SterLjng Lynch), 735 Easi Hom€ Avenue. Plrone: 264-1068CALTFORNIA, LOS ANGELES . Los Angel€s oflice, 2411 South Brcadway- Pho.,e:747 7401

CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO . A. L. Perdue & Associates, 2160 Royale Ro3d, Sacramento lnn Plaza. Phone: WAbash 5_3773

CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO . John AlLef Ware and Associates, 301\{est G sireet. Phone, BElmont 2-8578CANADA-EASTERN . ONTARIO,TORONTO . Revere El€cirical Disiributors, Ltd.,227Vidoria Street. Phone: EMpire 2-2361

caNADA-WESTERN ' BRITISH COLU MBla, VANCOUVER . L S. Edwards, 1206 Hamilton Street. Phone,685-7368

COLORADO, DENVER . Donald Concdoi,8150 Sunset Drive, Lakewood, Colorado. Phore: BElmont 3'2007CONNECTICUT, MERIDEN . rMacRae LightinC Sales Co. (Daniel J. Patton), 50 Kim Lane. Phore, BEvenv 5'9060FLORIDA, CLEARWATER . 0. Ray Wood & Associates (lera d lames (lerry) Woitat, 3071 Grandview Ave. Plronei 446_6505

FLORIDA, JAcKsoNvlLLE . 0. Ray Wood & Associat€s, 1003 Canotta Road East. Phone: RAymond 5-0461FLoRIDA, MIAMI . 0. Ray wood & Associates (Fred lMarkl:nd), 9790 Bahama Drive. Phoie: cEdar 5.4497GEORGIA, ATLANTA . Charles L. Woodyard & Associates, 16l simpson Sirset, N.W. Phone: lAckson 5_0511

HAwAll, HONOLULU.AIfTed E. Lifzer Assoc ai€s, l507Kapolan Boulevard. Phone:91-2291lLLlNOtS, CHICAGO . Chicaso orlice, 126 west Klnzie Sireet. Phane:644-6177lLLlNOlS, PEORIA . Harold G. Younc, 220 E. Maywood, Morton, llllnois. Phone: 264'1181tNotANA, tNOtANAPOL|S . C yde Warble, 1637 Geni Avenue. Phone: MElrose 2 1465

IOWA, CEOAR RAPIDS . ['littruer Ass0ciates lnc. (Arne oja) 1407 Nlenorial Dr]ve, S.E. Phone: ElVlplre 4_5317

LOIJISIANA, NEw ORLEANS . E. J. Hacan,2837 Banks Streel. Phone:822-4231MASSACHUSETTS, SOUTH BOSTON . r.lacRae Lightins Sales Company 933 E. 2nd St. Phone: ANdrew 8 9483

MlcHlGAN, DETROIT . L. H. Beck El€dr c Sales Company, 21751 Coolidce Hwy., oak Park, lvliclrigan. Phone, 548-3635MINNESOTA, ST. PAIJL . Charles L. Schwab, 2640 TerritoriaL Road, Phone: 646.2634MISSOURI, KANSAS CITY . rhorsell LichtinC & Equlpment Ca., 1195 E. 77ih Street. Phon€: DElnrar 3_8526

MISSOURI, ST. LOUIS . J. A. Noser, 405 Carrswold Drve, clayton, rM ssouri. Phone, PArkview 6-0037NEBRASKA, oMAHA . lvliitauer Assaciaies lnc., 1112% Farnanr Streei. Phone: 341'5540NEw HAMPSHTRE, MANCHESTER . tMacRae Liclrt ngsales Ca, (Joseph A. Charcn) 453 ProctorRd, Phone: NAtional 44827NEWJERSEY, LINDEN . BrazilL Brothers, 11-13 Mc(inley Street. Fhone: WAbash 5'0800NEW YORK, NEW YORK . Brarill Broihers. Phone: oxford 5-2494NEw YORK, SYRACUSE . !p-State Ljshting Fixlure sales, nc.,940 Soutlr Salina Street. Phone: GRaniie 6.4093NoRTH cARoLlNA, cHARLoTTE . W. H. Lassiter Sales co., lnc., P.0. Box 15473. Phone: 523-2736OHIO, CINCINNATI . Gary Roof & Associzies (ChLrcl C:rier), 3556 Schwartze. Phone: 621 0117, Res: 481-6949OHIO, CLEVELAND . Cam Norlon Company, 1303 P.ospect Ave., 44115, Plrone: 771{044OHIO, DAYTON . Gary Roof afd Assoclates, 1145 Third Naiional Bui dins. Plrone: BALdw n 4.9813oKLAHoMA, OKLAHOMA CITY . Floyd W lsof Company, 519 North West Ninth sireet. Phoner 2 2417

OREGON, PORTLAND . Donald s. Glezson & Associates (Clyde Dodd) 628 Nonh Russeti street. Phone. CApitol 7_65s7

PENNSYLVANIA, HARRISBURG . Paul F. Kyack, lnc. (Haro d Guse), 718 Lisburn Rd., Camp Hill, Pa. Phone: 737_3045

PENNsYLvANTA, PHTLADELPHTA . Prul F. Kyack, lnc., 47 Easi Germantown Pik€, Box 220, P ymouih Meeting.Pa.Pnanet 242-2rr2PENNSYLVANIA, PITTSBURGH . Gamb e & Albrecht Company, 839 West North Avenue. Phone: FAi(ax 2.0494PUERTo Rlco . K€nclaire Electrical Agencies, lnc. (Aft stuchb!ry), 170 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. Phone: BArclav 7-4225

TENN., KNOXVILLE . Faciory Sales Asency (Bill Roberts),4205 Gaines Road. Phone:687'9177TENN., MEMPHIS . Factory Sa es ACency (Georg€ Paiierson), 376 Perkins Ext., Rm. 105, L.urelwood BLds. Phoie: NlUtual 3.2795

TENN., NASHVILLE . lactory Sales Acency (Howard Fisher), 509 3rd Ave. Souih. Phone: 242-5666TEXAS, DALLAS r Spi€s & Associaies, La Foy Bldg., S!iie r04, 4655 N. Central Expressway. Phofe: LA 1 5311

TEXAS. HOUSTON . Robert Kirby Co. 1nc.,3723 Westheimer. Phone: N10 7-751rUTAH, SALT LAKE CITY . L R. Christ€nsen & Associates, 2s2 wesi t3th, Souih. Phone: 486.003rwAsHrNGToN, D. c. . Albert A. Fox, 901 Quackenbos street, N.w. Phone: sTerling 3-3480 Afier Hours: RA 6-7385WASH., SEATTLE . Dona d S. GLeason & Assoc., (0. S. Gleason, Ray Adam) Wilsonian Apt. Hotel, olf ce: 115, 47th & Univ. !!ay. LA. 5-5151wASH., SPOKANE . Donald S. Gleasor & Assoc. (Donald F. Gleason), West 32 Thidy{hird Ave. Phone: Rlverside 7-4151WISCONSIN, MILwaIJKEE . lMarion N4urphy, P.0. Box 157,lv€nomonee Falls, wjsconsin. Phone: sUfset 1-4204EXPORT REPRESENTATIVE . K€nclair (Ari strichbury), r70 Broadway, New York, New York 10038. Phone: BAJclay 7-4225

sHowRooMsARKANSAS, EL DORADO . Prescolile Drive & lndustrial Road. Phone: UN 2 4283CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES . 2411 South Broadway. Pho^e: 747-74ArCALIFORNIA, SAN LEANDRO . 1251 Doolttle Driv€. Plr0ne:562.35!0OHIO, cLEYELAND . 1303 Prosped Avenue. Phone: 771-1044PENNSYLVANIA, WARMINSTER . 539lacksonville Road. Phone: 672'3200


PRESCOLITE MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONGeneral offices, Factory, 1251 Doolittle Drive . san Leandro, Calif. ' Phone 562-3500 (area code 415)Pennsylvania Factory:539 Jacksonville Road .'Warminster, Pennsylvania . Phone672-3200(areacode2l5)Arkansas Factory, Prescolite Dr. and lndustrial Rd. . El Dorado, Arkansas . Phone 862'4283 {area code 501)

c3D35M3Cs Printed in u.s.a.