presentasi book report

SPEECH TO INFORM SPEAKING IV TO FULFILL THE ASSIGNEMNT OF SPEAKING IV Name of the member: Ahmad Septianto ( Ambarlina ( Dewata Carolia (22231190728) Nurmeida Urwani (2223110395) Pepi Rosmaya ( Sri Mulyaningsih ( Tanti Nurjayanti (

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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  • SPEECH TO INFORMSPEAKING IVTO FULFILL THE ASSIGNEMNT OF SPEAKING IVName of the member:Ahmad Septianto(Ambarlina(Dewata Carolia(22231190728)Nurmeida Urwani(2223110395)Pepi Rosmaya(Sri Mulyaningsih(Tanti Nurjayanti(

  • BRIEF DEFINITION ABOUT SPEECH TO INFORMSpeech to inform is giving a speech to inform students about data, or fact that happened around us.In this part, speech is not only giving an information without taking an understanding from our students. But, it needs understanding of students so they can apply in their daily life and it can be a new knowledge for them.

  • As Atkins said in this speech type, it is necessary that we support our explanation with someSupporting factsLogical and accessible mannerSummarize the important points

  • Just because you use your right hand to eat, to write, and to play sports, you may assume that youre naturally right-handed. But, says Science magazine, half of all people who are naturally left-handed grow up using their right hands. How can you tell if youre a natural lefty? Dr. Abram Blau, author of The Master Hand, gives some tests you can try.First, on a sheet of paper see if you can write backward or upside down with your left hand. If you are left-handed, you can probably do this spontaneously, without practice or training.Second, clasp your hands together in front of you. Whichever thumb you place on top is usually your dominant hand.Third, grab hold of a broomstick. Odds are youll place your dominant hand on the bottom.Finally, draw a circle on a piece of paper with your right hand. If you draw it counterclockwise,youre probably a natural right-hander. But if you draw it clockwise, youre probably a natural lefty.If you test left-handed on three of these tests, there is a good chance you are a secret southpaw.