presentatie simon pronk interieur

The company Pronk Huys started in the year 1980 with a little shop, a small fabric and a lot of ambition. This ambition brought us a long way. We are a Dutch company with 32 years of interior experience, located in a characteristic, self designed fabric down the village Spanbroek. We are a small company and deliver unique interiors, characterized by ambiance, craftmanship and custom made wooden products. Over the past years we completely transformed our location from the in- and outside, with our own vision and craftsmanship. Artistic innovation is important to us and therefore we always challenge ourselves to pursue the best results. We are constantly on the move. Now a days we still want to present ourselves as a small company, but with a wide range of contacts and projects. We’re full of inspiration and take the artistic freedom we need. The clients are involved in the whole developping process and can see their design from scratch to product!

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Post on 24-Jul-2015




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The companyPronk Huys started in the year 1980 with a little shop, a small

fabric and a lot of ambition.

This ambition brought us a long way.

We are a Dutch company with 32 years of interior experience, located in a characteristic, self designed fabric down the village

Spanbroek. We are a small company and deliver unique interiors, characterized by ambiance, craftmanship and custom made

wooden products.

Over the past years we completely transformed our location from the in- and outside, with our own vision and craftsmanship.

Artistic innovation is important to us and therefore we always challenge ourselves to pursue the best results.

We are constantly on the move.

Now a days we still want to present ourselves as a small company, but with a wide range of contacts and projects.

We’re full of inspiration and take the artistic freedom we need. The clients are involved in the whole developping process and can

see their design from scratch to product!

The FounderMy name is Simon Pronk and I am the founder and owner of

Pronk Huys.

I am the carpenter and designer of all the unique interiors Pronkhuys delivers. I love to work like van Gogh and see

myself as an artistic designer with an artistic interior vision.

We design and make complete in- and exteriors including

furniture, kitchens, tables, doors and paneling. In any desired wood species, in any color and in any finish. Always in the way you wish, and homemade.

Creating is our passion and we hope to share our vision and passion with you.

What can we create together?

The following sheets will give you a closer visual impression of our company.

With kind regards, Simon

• WWW Simon Pronk Interieur. Nl• Info• 06 51143037 • Call me Your Welcome

Every design is hand- and custommade.