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I love animals! I have lots of them . This is Gracie my 15 year old goat, my girls rabbits, 3 of my mallard ducks that I just released into our pond, and my pet hog Nellie.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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I love animals! I have lots of them . This is Gracie my 15 year old goat, my girls rabbits, 3 of my mallard ducks that I just released into our pond, and my pet hog Nellie.

I enjoy watching sunrises and sunsets. No matter what kind of day I have it always makes me feel better.

These are my 3 beautiful daughters. They are my world.

This is one of the many sunflowers we grew last summer. We enjoy growing flowers and working in a garden.

This is my favorite time in the year. I love the winter time and especially when it snows. I love playing in the snow with my children. It is so fun to act like a kid again in the snow.