presentation by achievers consult. hr soft skills for effective management programme coverage:...

HR Soft Skills for Effective Management Presentation by Achievers Consult

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  • Presentation by Achievers Consult
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Programme coverage: Welcome address Introduction Course objectives Course Outline Potential Benefits to participants Understanding of basic Management process 2
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management INTRODUCTION In almost all jobs, there is the need to have soft skills in addition to technical skills in order to be a successful person. In this connection, one of the key focus areas of GRIDCos induction programme is to introduce course participants to people skills management also known as soft skills to ensure your effectiveness on the job. 3
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Course Objectives: Understand the essential building blocks for effective people management. Understand basic management process. To equip personnel with requisite Supervisory/Leadership skills that impacts team management and team performance 4
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Expected Benefits to Participants: Change staff attitude to work. Equip newly engaged staff with basic skills for effective people management. Enhance participants service delivery capabilities. 5
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Session One: - Meaning Of Management - Key Management Process: Planning Organising Staffing Leading Controlling ( To be treated in Session Two) 6
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Meaning Of Management: Management can broadly be defined as getting things done through people. or It is a social and continuous process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling 7
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Meaning Of Management: 8
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : - Planning Planning is a process which entails analyzing and forecasting the resources required to achieve business goals and objectives Typical business Plan: Strategic Plan Operational Plan Implementation Plan 9
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : Benefits of Planning Provides a sense of direction for the organization and the individual employees. It sets the standard for effective evaluation 10
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : - Organizing Organizing helps to put the factors of production together In other words it helps in structuring the organization, functions to be performed, duties and responsibilities to be assigned to personnel employed. Organizing entails: Prioritizing Organizing resources depending on changing environment Implementation of systems, structures, and processes 11
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : - Staffing Staffing involves identifying, recruiting, and retaining potential talents for effective service delivery. Thus for GRIDCo to be a high performing organization will require have the right skill-mix, organizational culture and work-life balance. 12
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : - Leading Leading entails directing and motivating all employees and resolving conflicts to achieve results. Basic Skills required for leading people: Personal Integrity Vision Communication Delegation Managing Differences Problem Solving Time Management Team Work Motivation 13
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Personal Integrity Integrity is the corner stone of people skills Integrity means basic honesty and truthfulness when dealing with others - Vision To be an effective leader, you need to have a vision. Realisation of your vision and mission are dependent on adherence to the right cultural values. 14
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Communication Meaning It can be defined as the flow of information from one level to another within an organisational or social setting with a view of creating understanding. - What is Good Communication about? Is about taking responsibility for interaction, listening, empathising and responding appropriately. 15
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Types of Communication Oral Communication (e.g. Interviewing, Telephone Conversation). Visual Communication (e.g. Closed Circuit TV, TV Programs) Written Communication (e.g. Memos, Reports, Emails, Bulletins) - The Three Vs required for effective communication Visual Body Language 58% Verbal Content, Words (7%) Vocal Tone, Pitch (35%) 16
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Interpersonal Communication Skills Interpersonal Communication skills refer to how you relate to individuals that you come into contact work. However, there are some key communication stumbling blocks to be aware of. 17
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Key Communication Blocks: Message Barriers This occurs when there is lack of clarity and confusion in what is being communicated. Receiving Barriers This occurs at the receiver s end, and typically as a result of ineffective listening. Decoding Barriers Here the message is not because misperceptions or missing information. It involves a lot of non-verbal communication or body language. 18
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Skills for Good Communication Recognise the Need. Be as open as possible. Respond to issues promptly. Probing skills. Language skills. Listening skills. 19
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Probing Skills for effective Communication Open End. A question that invites a wide range of responses about another persons views, ideas or opinions (e.g. What is your opinion on--?) Pause An international, purposeful period of silence (e.g. Tell me more) Reflective A statement that describes and reflect a feeling or emotions (without implying agreement or disagreement e.g. Are you upset, You seem reluctant to talk). 20
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Probing Skills for effective Communication Summary A brief statement of the content of what was said, in your owns (e.g. Youre saying that ..) Fact Finding (Closed) A question that limits the response by requesting specific facts or a yes or no answer. (e.g. Who is in charge of..?) 21
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Language Skills for effective Communication Use simple, clear and concise words for a specific occasion bearing in mind your audience 22
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Listening Skills for effective Communication Look directly at the person. Ask questions. Let the other person talk. Dont interrupt when the other person is talking. Summarise, use their words and ideas. Respond thoughtfully and honestly. Watch body language 23
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Five Step Format for effective Communication 1. Arouse interest and test receptivity. 2. Raise receptivity and get others views. 3. Explain your views. 4. Vent emotions and resolve disagreements. 5. Work out an action plan. 24
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Five Step Format for effective Communication 1. Arouse interest and test receptivity. - Appropriate sociability - Provide a clear purpose and potential benefit - Question to test receptivity 2. Raise receptivity and get others views. - Probe : question and listen to surface views - Encourage others to talk - summarise others comments - Withhold your views. 25
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Five Step Format for effective Communication 3. Explain your views. - Respond to others views - State areas of agreement and disagreement - Provide additional facts, opinion - Space ideas, be concise 4. Vent emotions and resolve disagreements. - if needed, vent interfering em0tions - Explore others position then explain own - Generate solutions and mutually select the best 5. Work out an action plan. - Work out goals and plans - Make benefits clear - Establish milestones for follow up - Check understanding and commitment 26
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Delegation Delegation is a management practice whereby those in areas of responsibility give up or transfer performance of certain duties or tasks to others in an organisation to make decisions which has the same force and effect as those passed by the former. 27
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Delegation Reasons for Delegation To reduce work pressure. Emergency Situation Effective Participation Skill Transfer 28
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Delegation Impact of Delegation May result in dictatorship. Sometimes causes delay Sometimes break in coordination May reduce the power or authority of those who delegate 29
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Managing Difference (i.e. Conflict Management) Respecting and managing the differences between people can be one of the most important skills, you can develop. Indeed, it can be a huge advantage if you learn to celebrate and enjoy differences, and make them work to your advantage. 30
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Managing Difference (i.e. Conflict Management) Potential Benefits of Conflict Management Conflict often causes significant positive change It spawns creative and novel approaches to problem solving Can improve organisational performance Techniques for Conflict Management Active Listening Skills Empathic at Work Assertiveness 31
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Managing Difference (i.e. Conflict Management) Rules governing Conflict Resolution Make sure that good relationships are the first priority Keep people and problem separate Pay attention to the interests that are being presented Listen first; talk second Set out the Facts Explore options together 32
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Problem Solving / Decision Making Individuals at all levels of any company make decisions. Decision making can be described as choosing between alternatives. 33
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Logical Steps in Problem Solving: 34 1 Problem Identification 2 Identification of decision criteria (i.e. possible causes) 3 Allocation of weights to criteria (i.e. allocation of weights to criteria) 4 Development of alternatives 5 Analysis of alternatives 6 Selection of alternatives 7 Implementation of alternatives 8 Evaluation of decision effectiveness
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Time Management Managing your time shoes how to prioritize your tasks what to concentrate on and for how long ; also what to set aside from planning stage to controlling stage. - Definition Conscious control of the amount of time spent on work activities, in order to maximize personal efficiency 35
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Time Management Contd Benefits of Time Management Makes you more focused, organised and result oriented. It helps to maximise personal productivity 36
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Time Management Contd How to manage your time effectively: Prioritise and block your tasks (prepare to do list). Identify Tasks to Delegate Maintain Good Work Desk Use appropriate Technology where necessary. Manage Interruptions 37
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Teamwork Teamwork is very essential in modern organisation. In the event you are managing a team you need to develop basic skills to enhance performance and achieve results quickly. As part of your skill development, it is also important to know your team working strengths and weaknesses. 38
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - 4 Stages of Team Development A psychologist by name Bruce Tuckman came by the following phrase for team development in the year 1965. Forming This is the first stage where individual team members are coming together to know themselves and understand the tasks ahead. Normally, you need to take a lead role at this point. Storming This is the second stage where your authority is challenged, role expectations need clarification. Individuals differences need to be managed. As a leader you need to be assertive. 39
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Stages of Team Development contd. Norming At this stage proper reporting relationship is established, team members get to socialize and eager to provide constructive criticism. Here, you need to take a back role. This is a good time organise social events. Performing When the team gets to performing stage, they tend to deliver. The work culture is very strong. Here you need to delegate and move on. 40
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Building an Effective Team Encourage collaboration Evaluate team performance Use reward schemes Ensure mutual respect Brainstorm first Do backstage work 41
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Building an Effective Team Contd. Share Strategic Change Initiative Push decision-making down Ask for input Share Successes Establish Frequent Contacts Use different types of media Empowerment 42
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Summary on Team Work As a team leader, you need to promote more learning among your team by applying your motivational skills (i.e. using intrinsic and extrinsic factors) 43
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Motivation Meaning It is the use of internal/external factors to achieve results through people Or It deals with how to boast the morale of individuals assigned to a task in order to get positive results as quickly as possible. 44
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - How to Motivate people to do well: Improve technical system (i.e. technology, equipment etc) Develop Abilities (i.e. training, mentoring /coaching etc) Understanding individual emotional intelligence) Understand the environmental factors: - Promotion prospects - Financial Incentives - Recognition Schemes - Working Conditions - Job satisfaction (i.e. job enrichment, job rotation, job enlargement) 45
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - Summary on Motivation: As an individual you need to develop intrinsic factors by exploring and managing yourself while waiting for your boss to support you. NB: - Define your sense of purpose -What made that happen - Chart your career path 46
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Leading: - The Dimensional Model for Behaviour Management: 47 Make Things Happen Low Concern for PeopleHigh Concern for People Let Things Happen (Challenge & Involve) (Tell & Do) (Avoid & Abdicate) (Pacify & Socialise) Q1Q4 Q2 Q3
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management 48 Q1 Behaviours Q2 Behaviours - Argumentative - Cautious - Blameless - Non-Committal - Never Wrong - Hard to - read - Know-it all - Reserved - Egoistic -Withdrawn Q3 Behaviours Q4 Behaviours - Good Natured - Businesslike - Talkative - Candid - Too- Agreeable - Collaborative - Easy -Going - Challenging - Story Teller - Ask Tough Qus. - Not Focused - Focused Leading: -The Dimensional Model for Behaviour Management:
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Session Two: Key Management Process Contd Key Management Process - Controlling Course Evaluation Close of Programme 49
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : - Controlling Definition: It is a continuous process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being achieved as planned and correcting any significant deviation thereof. Types of control: examples - budgetary control - administrative control - technical control - internal control - risk management control 50
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Key Management Process : - Controlling What is Balanced Scorecard? 51
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management What is Balanced Scorecard? Introduction: Owing the challenges with our traditional performance management systems, the Balanced Scorecard is being used as an effective tool to manage institutional and individual performance in a more focused manner. 52
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management What is Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Is an integrated management system (not only a measurement system) that enables organisations to clarify their vision and strategies into action and ensures a balanced set of measures between corporate financial measures and non-financial measures. (Developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1992 at Harvard University) 53
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management BSC as a framework in translating strategy into action (source: by Kaplan and Norton: 54
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Features of BSC Financial Perspective: Serves as the focus on long term goals to provide the highest possible returns for the organisation. It examines return on investment and economic value added for example:- Cost to Income Ratio Return on Equity Return on Assets Customer Perspective: Looks at specific deliverables that need to be achieved to ensure the organisations customer objectives are met i.e. Customer Profiling (segmentation) Passion for service Providing solutions for customers Customer satisfaction, retention, market share, acquisition, and profitability. 55
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Features of BSC Internal Perspective: Looks at internal processes that are most critical for achieving the organizations goals and objectives. It focuses on: What we do and how we do it to achieve optimum results. For example: Quality response time, cost, new product introduction, simplification of systems. Learning & Growth Perspective: Looks at employee strategic skills that need to be developed and access to strategic information in order to ensure employee satisfaction, creativity, changed mind-set, and enhanced performance. 56
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Benefits of BSC Assists Executives to keep a finger on the pulse of the organisation, test strategic assumptions, and respond rapidly to strategic challenges. Provides the tools for translating overall business objectives into measurable targets across the organisation. Identifies key measures that drive your companys performance. Ensures strategic alignment and links it to individual performance management. 57
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Benefits of BSC Improves performance culture in your organisation. Assists executives to re-focus their time and attention on strategic issues during management meetings in order to bring about change and quick results. Stimulates managers/staff members to add value to the Organisation. Helps to clarify and communicate corporate/ business unit strategies within an organisation 58
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Logical Steps for strategic Mapping: Step 1: Define Vision, Strategy and Cultural Values. Step 2: Alignment of vision, strategy, & mindset by translating them into specific terms and develop strategic themes. Step 3: Assessment of the Organisations capabilities and the key performance drivers Step 4: Set cause and effect relationships between key drivers and key performance outcomes. (e.g. (a) How to set standards and Measures to achieve results or goals, (b) What are the barriers, (c) How would employees need to behave.) 59
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Logical Steps for strategic Mapping: Step 5: Resource Deployment. Step 6: Alignment of Systems and Structures. Step 7: Monitoring Progress and Continually Raising the Bar 60
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management ObjectivesMeasuresTargetRemarks/Rating Financial Perspective 1.Management of Funds 2. Cost Control Level of budget target met Revenue Level level of staff /operating cost From(2014) To.(2015) Customer Perspective 1. Meet Gridcos mandates 2. Be the preferred Service Provider 3. Institutional image Level of Public Satisfaction Level of service complaints Customer surveys From(2014) To.(2015) Internal Perspective 1.Improve Business Processes 2. Structural Reform Policy 2. Safety 3.Adherence to Rules/Regulations Turn around time in service delivery Effectiveness of business processes / Policies Organisational safety Level of Disciplinary cases From(2014) To.(2015) Learning Perspective 1. An Employer of Choice 2. Focus on Critical Staff Retention 3. Upgrade Staff Competencies Level of Employee Satisfaction % of Key Staff Retained Strategic Skilling as a percentage of Payroll 95% 100% 5% of Annual Staff Salary SAMPLE BALANCED SCORECARD 61
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management CORPORATE SCORECARD DEPARTMENTAL SCORECARD INDIVIDUAL SCORECARD Alignment of BSC/Performance process 62
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Conclusion Using the balanced scorecard as performance management system makes an organisation focused by prioritising its needs, ensuring key drivers of strategy are identified, aligned and measured. 63
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Thank you 64
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  • HR Soft skills for Effective Management Contributions and suggestions! 65