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Personal Best Goals

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Personal Best Goals

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AgendaContextExperiments (incl. 2 quizzes ;) )Goal theories in practice

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What’s a ‘goal’?‘An internal representation of desired states.’

(Austin & Vancouver, 1988)

Outcomes, events, processesRange = [Biological set points, complex cognitive depiction]

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1990 2002 20062001 20152012year


Locke – Goal-setting (GS) theory

Elliot - Achievement goal orientation

Martin - Personal best (PB) goal

A Timeline

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Goal theories prior to PB goals

Pintrich (2000, 2002) - motivation driven goal-setting & Self-regulated learning (SRL)

Schunk (2002) - Goal-setting and self-efficacy

Situated in Organizational psychology. Task performance focused; Emphasize specific & difficult goals.

Situated in PsychologyCompetence focused, Emphasize task-based & self-based goals

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Testing PB Goals in Education

1. Specific

2. Challenging

3. Self-referenced

4. Self-improvement based

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Testing PB Goals in Education (cont’d)

PB Goal



Intrinsic motivation

Achievement goal

Flow(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990)

Task-specific goals

situation-specific goals

(Elliot & Sheldon, 1997)

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Testing PB Goals in Education (cont’d) Sample survey questions on ‘Specific goals’

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Testing PB Goals in Education (cont’d)

Adopted from (Martin, 2006), p811.

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Testing PB Goals in Education (cont’d)

Martin, A.J., 2006, p814.

First order factors

Higher-order factor

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Testing PB Goals in Education (cont’d)

Zone 4 Zone 1

Zone 3 Zone 2

Figure 2, Martin, A.J. 2006, p815

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A proposed model & a key message

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So what’s PB Goal? (1st quiz)It ‘articulates a target performance standard that matches or exceeds one’s previous best.’ (Liem et al., 2012)

Situated in Organizational psychology. Task performance focused; Emphasized specific & difficult goals.

Situated in psychologyCompetence focused, Emphasized task-based & self-based goals.

Situated in Education psychology,Performance & self-paced progress focused,Emphasized ‘self’

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Testing PB goal in Academic & Social FunctioningAcademic: 3 hypothesis

PB Goals -> deep learningPB Goals -> academic flowPB Goals -> academic buoyancy

Social: 2 hypothesis

PB Goals -> student cooperationPB Goals -> teacher relationship

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The experiment design

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The results

Table 1. descriptive of survey results (Liem et al., 2012), p226

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The results (cont’d)

Table 3. (Liem et al., 2012), p226

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The results (cont’d)

Figure 2. (Liem et al., 2012), p228

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Academic: 3 hypothesis

PB Goals -> deep learningPB Goals -> academic flowPB Goals -> academic buoyancy

Social: 2 hypothesis

PB Goals -> student cooperationPB Goals -> teacher relationship

So what do the results tell us? (2nd quiz)

Further study – mediator: persistence

Further study – mediators: gender, group activity, assessment

Need to couch students how to set a PB goal!

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Recent research on PB goals

The role of PB & achievement goals in students’ academic motivation and engagement (Martin & Elliot, 2015)

The role of personal best (PB) goal setting in students' academic achievement gains (Martin & Elliot, 2016)

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Elliot’s 3 by 2 achievement goal orientation model

Fig. 1, Elliot, Murayama & Pekrun (2011), p635

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Goal theories in practice

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Locke’s goal-setting theory

Fig 4 (Locke & Latham, 2002), p714

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What would a PB Goal tool look like?

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Liem, G., Ginns, P., Martin, A.J., Stone, B., & Herett, M. (2012). Personal best goals and academic and social functioning: A longitudinal perspective. Learning and Instruction, 22, 222-230. doi:10.1016/ j.learninstruc.2011.11.003

Martin, A.J. (2006). Personal bests (PBs): A proposed multidimensional model and empirical analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 803-825.

Schunk (1990) Goal Setting and Self-Efficacy During Self-Regulated Learning, Educational Psychologist, 25:1, 71-86, DOI: 10.1207/s15326985ep2501_6

Elliot, A.J., Murayama K., & Pekrun R. (2011) A 3 X 2 Achievement Goal Model, Journal of Educational Psychology, 103 (3), 632–648

Pintrich, P.R. (2000) An Achievement Goal Theory Perspective on Issues in Motivation Terminology, Theory, and Research, Contemporary Educational Psychology 25, 92–104. doi:10.1006/ceps.1999.1017

Martin, A.J. & Elliot, A.J. (2016) The role of personal best (PB) and dichotomous achievement goals in students’ academic motivation and engagement: a longitudinal investigation, Educational Psychology, 36:7, 1285-1302, DOI:10.1080/01443410.2015.1093606

Martin, A.J. and Elliot, A.J. (2015) The role of personal best (PB) goal setting in students' academic achievement gains, Learning and Individual Differences 45 (2016) 222–227

Locke, E. & Latham, G. Goal-setting theory. 1994.

Latham, S. G., & Locke, A. E. (2002). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation. A 35-year odyssey. The American Psychologist.