presentation worldcall-hh & sm 2013

Obstacles in Implementing CALL in Iranian EFL classes Hora (Fatemeh) Hedayati [email protected] S. Susan Marandi [email protected] Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

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Obstacles in Implementing CALL in Iranian EFL classes

Hora (Fatemeh) [email protected]

S. Susan [email protected]

Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

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IntroductionPositive effects of technology use on

EFL learningWorldwide growth of technology use

in language classesAn increase in the number of

Iranians who use the internet for educational purposes

Relatively slow uptake in the Iranian context of language teaching

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Obstacles in the Literature (1990s)Lack of teaching experience with

CALLLack of onsite support for

teachersLack of help supervising students Lack of ICT specialist teachers Lack of computer availabilityLack of time Lack of financial support

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Obstacles in the Literature (1990s Cont.)Robertson et al (1996)

Resistance to organizational change

Resistance to outside intervention

Time management problemsLack of support from the

administrationTeacher perceptionsPersonal and psychological


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Obstacles in the Literature (2000)Lack of digital literacy among

teachers (Burke, 2000; Brinkerhoff et al., 2000)

A sense of intimidation among users of technology who are not intrinsically motivated (Egbert and Thomas, 2001)

Curricular and administrative restrictions (Egbert et al., 2002)

Insufficient resources (Egbert et al., 2002)

Lack of training (Kessler, 2006)

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Obstacles in the Literature (2012)DelliCarpini (2012):

Lack of knowledge in integrating instructional technology

Management issues Inadequate timeLack of awareness of types of digital

technologies Time and effort required to

implement a technology component not worth the outcome

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Obstacles in IranMarandi (2010):Unpredictable blocking of internet sitesInadequate facilitiesInsufficient IT supportStudents’ unequal access to technology Students’ anxiety in working with

computersRigid syllabi at schools and institutesLack of communities of practice

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Obstacles in Iran (Cont.)

Bordbar (2010):

Lack of time

Lack of support

Lack of facilities

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Obstacles in Iran (Cont.)

Daneshdoust & Keshmirihagh (2012)

Students’ needs

Teacher preparation

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Research Question

What are some of the obstacles toward implementing CALL in Iran as perceived by Iranian EFL teachers?

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Participant Selection12 Iranian ELT teachers •9 females and 3 males

Purposive sampling • their experience•educational degrees • the grades they were teaching

Four categories

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•Three EFL teachers who used technology in their classes and/or ran online EFL classes.

•Two EFL teacher educators with long experience in teaching EFL classes.

•Two EFL teachers who did not use technology in or for their classes.

• Four high-achievers of a CALL teacher education course

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Participants’ Details

Name Gender Degree Age Teaching experience(in years)

Attended CALL professional development course

Experience implementing technology in the class

Mina Female Ph.D. candidate 28 2 √ √Shermin Female Ph.D. candidate 27 7 √ √Mojgan Female Ph.D. 44 16 √Ahmad Male Ph.D. 45 20 √Neda Female M.A. 35 15Yashar Male M.A. -- 15 Yasaman Female M.A. 34 10Ali Male Ph.D. candidate 29 6Shakiba Female M.A. 33 6 √ √Zahra Female M.A. 39 5 √Nazgol Female M.A. 40 16 √Shiva Female M.A. 48 11 √

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Data CollectionOne-to-one interview

A 10-question semi-structured interview

30 to 55 minutes

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Purpose of Interview QuestionsTo explore the EFL teachers’

understanding of CALLTo locate the obstacles in

incorporating CALL in Iranian EFL classrooms

To gain insight into what teachers consider essential to be included in CALL education courses

To find out the challenges and rewards of running an online CALL professional development course

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Data AnalysisVerbatim transcriptionThe first researcher did the

content analysis twice • two month interval• 90% consistency

Second rater • 20% of the transcripts• 80% consistency

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Obstacles in Implementing CALLTeacher Constraints

Facility Constraints

Learner Constraints

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Main Barriers in Implementing CALL

Main Barriers


Teacher Constraints

Lack of CALL preparation (lack of formal training→ lack of digital literacy, lack of comfort with technology, lack of knowledge about the advantages of technology)

Teachers’ inhibiting attitudes (teacher’s resistance toward an increased workload and/or change, difficulty in class management)

Lack of support from stakeholdersFacility Constraints

Non-availability of technologyLimited access to technology Lack of suitable internet connections

Learner Constraints

Level of proficiencyLevel of autonomyAge Too much dependence on the book contentInsufficient digital literacyLack of easy access to technology outside class

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Teacher ConstraintsLack of preparation in CALL

Teachers’ inhibiting attitudes

Lack of support from stakeholders

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Lack of Preparation

Mina: Many of our teachers are not prepared.

They don’t know that much about it [CALL], how to use it for instructional purposes.

Even many of the courses that are held for enhancing teachers’ understanding of

technology solely depend on the introduction of technology, not how to use technology for instructional purposes. So they do not have that much knowledge to

critically integrate technology.

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Lack of Preparation


Maybe they are not really into technology because they don’t know how to use it. So maybe if they just get into the routine of

how to use technology they will get used to doing it.

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Lack of Digital Literacy


Teachers may not know how to use technological tools. Maybe in our case

there are a lot of good teachers but since we are in this situation, we don’t

know how much, at least a lot of people still don’t know much how to use mp3s,

mp4s, IWB, ….

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Lack of Digital Literacy


I wouldn’t say that I’m well-equipped with technology knowledge. It’s the bare

rudimentary things that I would have to know and I have to talk about and deal with in the class.

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Lack of Comfort with TechnologyAhmad:

Maybe some people have phobia.

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Lack of Comfort with TechnologyShermin:

They have phobia and do not like technology. They are not

familiar with technology as well as their students; therefore,

they avoid utilizing it.

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Lack of Knowledge about the Advantages of TechnologyMina:

Maybe …they don’t see a profit out of it, [so] they don’t use it…

They don’t feel relative advantage in technology because

they don’t know about it. … if your teacher does not get that

relative advantage, he or she will not attend to it. Because he or she believes that in a similar

situation, she can get more out of the book in comparison, for

example, to the internet.

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Lack of Knowledge about the Advantages of TechnologyNazgol:

Perhaps they’re [teachers are] not aware of how useful, you know, it could

be and maybe like me until a few months ago [referring to her CALL

course], they don’t know, like, about the researches that have been done … but if it were proved to me, if I knew about these studies, if I studied more about it, I would, you know, definitely or most likely be more eager to use it

in class.

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Teachers’ Resistance toward an Increased Workload/ Change Zahra:

Some teachers are lazy. I know some people, you know they say, oh come on, why should we use CALL, because we’ve been doing this, God knows, for 30 years

now? We are satisfied with this sort of blackboard and chalk system; why should

we use computers?

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Teachers’ Resistance toward an Increased Workload/ Change Nazgol:

By not using technology, you feel the need less to keep yourself up-to-date and use

new materials, because the book is always there. It’s not changing. The book is

always going to be the same.

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Management Difficulty


Sometimes it is difficult to manage such classes; sometimes you have to work at home, sometimes you have

to control many things, to check everything. I think working with

technology needs more energy and time than the real class.

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Lack of Support from StakeholdersAli:

Supervisors might not let the teachers use


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Lack of Support from StakeholdersNazgol:

We’re not even encouraged by our students to change it that much; I mean they’re usually just waiting to see what we want them to do. So maybe if I were…I mean if a

teacher were challenged more by their students. Even if they were asking more for that type of stuff, then I would feel it’s necessary.

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Facility ConstraintsNo access to technology

Limited access to technology

Unsuitable internet connections

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Non-Availability of TechnologyShermin:

The first problem a teacher faces in using technology is the fact that it

requires facilities.

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Non-Availability of TechnologyAli:

I do not use technology directly in my classrooms due to the lack of facilities. Most of the classes lack technological instruments like computers and the


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Limited Access to TechnologyNazgol:

Actually it’s [the university computer lab] not that available for classes… first of all it was very

hard to arrange it [using the computer lab] because they said …it’s supposed to be free for all students to use and if we let you use it for

your class, that would be depriving other students of it for an hour and half. Not

reasonable at all. And another thing is that, you know, maybe, like, a few of them [computers] were not working. I was sitting, I don’t know,

like 3 or 4 students at each computer and trying to explain.

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Unsuitable Internet Connection


The internet connections are usually poor, the dialup

connection is not really useful.

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Learner ConstraintsAgeLevel of proficiencyStudents’ attitudesLack of familiarity with

technologyLack of easy access to

technology outside class

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Maybe the younger ones [students] were more interested in using


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Level of Proficiency


Maybe the level of proficiency of the students allows such technology to be used more successfully. The students

are more autonomous.

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Students’ Attitudes


Some students think they will learn something when they have a book in their hands…. And it takes so much time to persuade

them that there’s a method when using


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Lack of Familiarity with TechnologyAli:

Students might not be familiar

with technology.

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Lack of Easy Access to Technology outside ClassZahra:

Teachers have to know students’ limitations, both at the individual level and social level. Some of them might not have easy access to technological devices outside the class. Even if they have, there might be social limitations as to for example how they can have

access to these social networks.

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ConclusionGeneral lack of infrastructure for

CALL despite its necessity• Insufficient teacher preparation in CALL• Insufficient facilities

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